Cool programming site - Off-topic

I've been studying basic Android coding (not rom cooking) and found the site i-programmer[dot]info which was free and awesome. I've been going through the android Studio lessons. It's not super basic and makes some assumptions that you knwo stuff but really cool.
And man... Java is hard! I thought I understood OOP programming.... I didn't...

interesting course...
Intro to Java. Unit 1 (in English):


Coding/ programming Android

This really should be in the Dev section, but for fear of the thread getting trashed, I put it in Q & A. If this question has been posted, don't flame me...just point me to the link.
Simply, I want to learn to code in Linux. I now know next to nothing. I have learned most of the shell commands and such, but where do I go from here.
What language is Android in (Java, I presume. But isC++ useful)? I can find tutorials and I am intelligent, so I should be able to learn some on my own. Where do I start?
I have found several interactive tutorials:
1. Learning to program in C++
2. Learning to program in Java
Which one to pursue? I don't want to be Cyanogen or anything, but can't stand to be left out of the loop.
Android apps are built in java. Start here for the SDK and plenty of useful info to get you going: is a good place to start.. its modified form of java called dalvik, but java none the less. C is good for terminal apps, and Im pretty sure you can include some c in apps now too
the language is the least thing you should worry about though. Pick up a book on programming for dummies (i mean it, not trying to be mean or anything) or something that teaches you the basics of programming. There are several conventional approaches that we use to program. You can dive head first into Java, or C++, etc, but if you don't yet understand program flow (sequential, looping, or branching) or about data types and structures, objects, etc, you'll still be at a loss. Programming is a very general concept and once you get the hang of it, then you can pick whichever language is the best tool for what you'll be doing (in this case, google's android implementation of java).
Also pick up some HTML and javascript, both combined will make it a lot easier to understand XML once you get to it, and for some of the shell scripting associated with putting out roms, give using any linux distro as your real main OS a try for a few months. It's frustrating at first, but you'll learn so much trying to learn how to use it.
Exactly the answer I was looking for. While thankful to the other posters, I think they understood me as having some knowledge (I tried to dive right into the SDK and it made about as much sense as Hebrew).
I am downloading a book called C++ for dummies and another by O'reily.
Let's see where this leads....I hope it is something that if I am dedicated enough can be learned outside a classroom.
Thanks all....
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
jubeh said:
shouldn't be posting warez, alritewhadeva.
Anyway, I'm also studying several android-related topics right now. I took like two computer science classes in highschool (first was intro to programming in basic and then advanced concepts in c++) and then did scheme programming for my first semester in college for bs-cs and java for my data structures semester, and then I quit school . I also did some self-taught learning in HTML (back when we actually made pages in HTML), javascript, and java applets.
Anyway, I hadn't touched any coding since about 6 years ago and now with android i'm trying to get back into it, but I've pretty much forgotten many things (syntax mostly, concepts stick with you), so right now I picked a book for programming for dummies too. I'm almost 3/4 done in 2 days because I know most of that stuff, but the refresher is nice. I plan on picking up a C++ book next, to get up to date with the current implementation, and because once you understand C++ (it's high level enough and low-level enough), java and other object oriented languages are a breeze to understand. After it I plan on catching up to JAVA 6, and then hopefully dive into android's java. It's a lot of work and requires dedication when you're doing it on your own, but it's also rewarding (both personally, and in that you could always get a job with just C++ that pays well enough for limited knowledge)
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How is it a ware? Ebook...
Removed link anyway.
Thanks for asking this question pinetreehater. I've searched for the answer and not really found what I was looking for. I wanted to ask this myself but, as you stated, I didn't want to get noob-bashed.
I have some programming knowledge. I took some of the older langauges in highschool *mid 80's* (basic (of course), cobol, and assembler). And was quite good at it. IMHO. But I didn't really follow it after that and have basically forgot all of it.
I have a question.
Once I've got the books. How do I practice using them on my pc?


So back when I was a teenager. I played around with vb. Wrote a couple very simple programs. A couple trojans using Winsocket ect ect. So I pretty much have no real direction with programming. I've always been the one of the group who "builds those pooter box thingamajigers". Lol, but hardware and software are VERY different. So I've been scanning the net and found a few good beginners java books. Got meh the pdf's, and I'm going to learn myself some java
So. One of these days. I may be able to contribute around here. With more than just words
[edit] I will be doing this is as a hobby, and maybe side projects. As I am a psych major.
Good Luck Zex....
Thanks man.....
Appreciate it
My auntie was learning java and used a programme called RoboCode. I think that has something to do with java. Try googling it. Basically you programme in java to make robots fight each other. Kinda cool. You should try it when you start a bit of java.
Oh and java apps would be good around here. Maybe Games??
I dunno.
Well good luck!!!
well considering android is based from java. I figured I shall learn the ins and outs of it first. Before, I even try to mess with deving for our phones
native apps on android are in c++ though
Rudegar said:
native apps on android are in c++ though
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What 'chu talikn' about, Willis?
I'm also learning Java as part of my A-level course, and man, loops are a ***** :-/
ndk is c++
ndk == native development kit
I wasn't really talking about apps.
Also. Once I get the basics down. It'll be alot easier for me to understand the android sdk, and become familiar with it's api's.

VB or C# for new dev

I'm a network admin who wants to start developing windows apps. I have a Masters in IT, but no coding experience. I had to take a C class, but didn't understand it. Should I learn VB or C#? I understand C# is superior, but I'm new and don't understand the concepts. I know they both use .net and I'm wondering if VB would be a good way to start or a waste of time? Thanks
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First of all, if you remember *anything* from C, C# will be more familiar.
Second, in terms of an employable skill in the job market, C# is more valuable; not only is it in greater demand in general, it's also closer to both C++ and Java, both of which are in very high demand.
Third, while VB.NET is a perfectly reasonable modern language with plenty of nice features, that modernization + same anachonisms it has held onto has led to it reaching a state that I consider no easier to learn than C#, so between the two of them I'd certainly recommend C#.
I can not say that I have personally done a lot of vb development, but based upon what I have seen of it, I would certainly recommend c#. C# is quite similar to other powerful languages such as c++ and Java, so after developing a solid understanding of c#, getting familiar with these other languages will be a breeze. It provides the best integration with the .net framework, and has simple and easy to understand syntax. I think that c# is more of a replacement for VB than anything anyways, and as such, learning c# is the best way to go:laugh:
If this message helped you, or you appreciate me taking the time, then smash that thanks button like a crazy spider running across your floor
rootfan said:
I can not say that I have personally done a lot of vb development, but based upon what I have seen of it, I would certainly recommend c#. C# is quite similar to other powerful languages such as c++ and Java, so after developing a solid understanding of c#, getting familiar with these other languages will be a breeze. It provides the best integration with the .net framework, and has simple and easy to understand syntax. I think that c# is more of a replacement for VB than anything anyways, and as such, learning c# is the best way to go:laugh:
If this message helped you, or you appreciate me taking the time, then smash that thanks button like a crazy spider running across your floor
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Java and C# only have in common the common object class and similar syntax to some extend.
C# is way more powerful than java and comes close to C++ as far as complexity is concerned.
C# all the way. The way it is built and the constructs of the language itself, makes it easy to learn and enjoyable to code with. And I've use both Java and VB in a little enviroment
Functionally, there's no difference between C# and VB.NET. Anything you can do in C# you can also do in VB.NET. The syntax of VB is much easier, and is overall more easily picked up, but C# is more common, and more useful in the industry.
If you look at code samples a lot, and use C#<>VB.ET converters, you can pick up the syntax of both of them, so even if you found a code sample in VB you'd be able to work out how to code it in C# easily.
I used to hack exclusively in BASIC and VB. Now I work pretty much exclusively in C# (and the very similar powershell) and would encourage anyone else to use it too. It's FAR more useful than anything BASIC.
VB.NET and C# are virtually identical in capability (the both compile to MSIL that is processed by , so in terms of what you can do with them, they are equally useful. The main differences are how easily you can do certain things. With that said, though, C# (as a "C-like" language much like the very widely used C++ and Java languages) is more professionally useful that VB.NET (which is a "BASIC-like" language, a language family that is dying out in the professional world).
C# is almost identical to Java, and Java is very popular now. If you learn C# very well, learning Java is a matter of hours away and then you can easily port apps to android too

Beginner at game/app developing,looking for tips

Hello,I'm a 16 boy that wants to start from point 0 to somewhere,as programming has always been my passion since young but I don't have the basic programming knowledge to get started.I have no actual experience with programming before as I'm a complete newbie,all I know is that there are tons of programming languages but the most popular are PHP,C,C++ and Java which I think is mostly used in mobile game development.I have already downloaded android studio and started watching/reading tutorials on the web.Other than that,any advice I could use?I was wondering if It is hard to develop a simple android game and If I could do It by just using the internet.
TheoTT said:
Hello,I'm a 16 boy that wants to start from point 0 to somewhere,as programming has always been my passion since young but I don't have the basic programming knowledge to get started.I have no actual experience with programming before as I'm a complete newbie,all I know is that there are tons of programming languages but the most popular are PHP,C,C++ and Java which I think is mostly used in mobile game development.I have already downloaded android studio and started watching/reading tutorials on the web.Other than that,any advice I could use?I was wondering if It is hard to develop a simple android game and If I could do It by just using the internet.
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Java for android.
Objective C for ios.
check out the developers site for android(google it).
there are plenty of ebooks for beginners. try apress.

Hello World!

My name is Lenart and I am a CS student, I came here to learn more and share my knowledge maybe. I like to code low level stuff, I have been coding in C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Rust and OCaml ( A little bit) and currently want to learn more about Java.
lenartlola said:
My name is Lenart and I am a CS student, I came here to learn more and share my knowledge maybe. I like to code low level stuff, I have been coding in C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Rust and OCaml ( A little bit) and currently want to learn more about Java.
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Welcome to XDA and enjoy the forums!
Nice introduction, Cheers

