The Ultimate kernel for the HTC Desire 500, both one sim and dual sim!
Software version 1.32/1.26 only! It probably won't work on earlier versions, but it might work on later versions (1.34), I haven't tested that.
Use at your own risk!
/system write protection removed
two new frequencies added: 1300 and 1400 mhz
init.d support
sweep2wake and doubletap2wake, both with pocket detection
ntfs read/write support
Governors added: SmartassV2 and Lulzactive
ioschedulers added: sio and fiops Default: sio
Unsecure (
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If you don't want to overclock your device, then simply choose the download link with no overclocking.
Unlocked bootloader
Custom recovery (cwm or twrp)
Fastboot installed
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Installation instructions:
Download the latest boot.img
Boot your phone into fastboot mode
Open up your commandline
cd to the directory containing the boot.img
In the command line type: fastboot flash boot boot5.img
Boot into cwm/twrp
Wipe cache and dalvik-cache
If you don't have it yet (your phone is not rooted), flash SuperSU or superuser
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Version 8: Not overclocked: boot8_no_oc.img, Overclocked: boot8_oc.img
Version 7: Not overclocked: boot7_no_oc.img, Overclocked: boot7_oc.img
Version 6: boot6.img
Version 5: boot5.img
Version 4: boot4.img
SuperSU: SuperSU
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If your phone does not boot after installing an overclocked kernel, then try installing the not overclocked kernel.
Version 8:
Removed the underclocking, it was way too low, and caused wakeup issues
Added 1300 mhz frequency
Updated intelli plug from faux123's github
Updated to 1.34, many thanks to @0lvin
Little fixups on sweep2wake/doubletap2wake
Version 7:
Added overclocking up to 1400 mhz
Underclocking down to 19 mhz
Added sweep2wake and doubletap2wake
Added intelli plug, a replacement for Qualcomm's closed source mpdecision
Enabled perflock again
Version 6:
Add fastcharge
Version 5:
Disabled -O3 optimization
Version 4:
-O3 optimization
ntfs read/write support
Governors added: SmartassV2 and Lulzactive
ioschedulers added: sio and fiops Default: sio
Version 3 and below:
Check the Ultimate Thread
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Kernel source:
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@flar2 for sweep2sleep
@xpirt for helping me with Smartass
@GreatEmerald for helping me with kernels in general
@eexter for testing for 1.26
@0lvin for updating to 1.34
To the devs:
Feel free to include this kernel in your rom/rooting tool. Just give proper credits and put a link to this thread in your rom thread (Required for GPL).
XDA:DevDB Information
The Ultimate Kernel, Kernel for the HTC Desire 500
dummie999, 0lvin
Kernel Special Features: dt2w | s2w | intelli_plug | fastcharge | oc | init.d
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2014-10-14
Last Updated 2014-10-14
Upcoming features
* Intellidemand (implemented - needs tweaking)
* F2FS
How to change sleep/wake options:
The options for sweep2sleep, sweep2wake and doubletap2wake:
sweep2sleep: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, both directions, 2 - enabled, left->right only, 3 - enabled, right->left only
sweep2wake: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, both directions, 2 - enabled, left->right only, 3 - enabled, right->left only
doubletap2wake: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, full screen, 2 - enabled, bottom half screen, 3 - enabled, center down of the screen (hope you get it)
To change the options, put a script in /system/etc/init.d:
echo "0" > /sys/android_touch/sweep2sleep
echo "0" > /sys/android_touch/sweep2wake
echo "0" > /sys/android_touch/doubletap2wake
This setting disables all the sweep/wake options
echo "1" > /sys/android_touch/sweep2sleep
echo "1" > /sys/android_touch/sweep2wake
echo "2" > /sys/android_touch/doubletap2wake
This setting enables sweep2sleep and sweep2wake, and enables doubletap2wake bottom half of the screen
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How to use fastcharge:
If you charge your phone via usb (from your computer) then it will only charge at 500mA even while most usb ports are capable of supplying 1000mA. Enabling fastcharge will allow your phone to charge at 1000mA via usb.
!!! Warning: you must be sure your usb can supply 1000mA !!!
Fastcharge is disabled by default. You can enable it in 2 different ways:
1. Writing a 1 to /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge. You can do this with a text editor, or with a script in init.d (see above)
2. Or you can simply install an app. I tested Fast Charge by Mathew Winters and Fast Charge by Chris Conley, both worked.
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To hard? Use this app by Ufonek: Kernel Settings
A word about governors:
Some governors lower the frequencies to fast. For example, when I play angry birds when using lulzactive, the phone laggs a lot. This is, however, not the fault of the kernel, but the fault of the way the governor is tweaked. It is the price you pay for the better battery life you have. If you want to do something about it, tweak your governor, there are a lot of tutorials about this.
Don't come here complaining the phone laggs, and that I should fix it, I won't, because I can't. Everyone has his own preferences, and if you can't live with this, then I recommend you use the ondemand governor.
Compilation instructions
Instructions for compiling the kernel yourself.
1. A linux computer
2. Basic bash knowledge
3. ~120 MB free space
4. The android-eabi toolchain:
git clone for 4.6
(use darwin-x86 instead of linux-x86 for mac)
And then add it to your $PATH (You need to have the arm-eabi-4.6/bin folder in your path)
1. Download the kernel source
2. Open the cmdline and cd to the directory with all the files (Documentation, arch, block etc.)
3. type: make dummie_z4u_defconfig
4. type: make menuconfig
........A menu will open, and you can change some settings. If you want everything to be the way I built it, then skip this step.
5. type: make
The actual building will begin.
If you run into a python problem, you might want to change, in android_kernel_htc_z4u/scripts/ this:
"#! /usr/bin/env python" into "#! /usr/bin/env python2", credits @svalo
If the building succeeds, then you will find the file zImage in arch/arm/boot.
Next step: turn the zImage into a boot.img
1. Download imgtools, and add it to you $PATH
2. Download my boot.img
3. Open cmdline, cd to the directory containing boot.img and type: unpack boot.img
........You will end up with: ramdisk.cpio.gz, ramdisk and zImage (and the boot.img that was already there)
4. Replace the zImage with the zImage you build earlier (arch/arm/boot)
5. Rebuild the kernel:
repack_ramdisk ramdisk initramfs.cpio.gz
mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk initramfs.cpio.gz --base 0x3b00000 --cmdline 'no_console_suspend=1 console=null' -o new_boot.img
You will now see a file called new_boot.img, containing your own kernel, which you can install the very same way
Good luck:good:
Note that -O3 does not work for the kernel, at all, and never has. You can set it but it won't do anything. The compiler will still use -O2, because all the parts where performance matters are written in assembly or through GCC-specific extensions already. There is nothing that automatic code optimisation would improve. Meanwhile -O3 enables non-safe options that can result in imprecise calculations, which can lead to disasters in things that are as important as the kernel. So you should disable that.
GreatEmerald said:
Note that -O3 does not work for the kernel, at all, and never has. You can set it but it won't do anything. The compiler will still use -O2, because all the parts where performance matters are written in assembly or through GCC-specific extensions already. There is nothing that automatic code optimisation would improve. Meanwhile -O3 enables non-safe options that can result in imprecise calculations, which can lead to disasters in things that are as important as the kernel. So you should disable that.
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Then why do people use it?
dummie999 said:
Then why do people use it?
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Placebo. It makes them think they're gaining something, even though in truth they aren't (but are not certain).
so i need to flash the boot image than flash the kangbang kernel????
joe-khalil said:
so i need to flash the boot image than flash the kangbang kernel????
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No, you don't need to flash the kangbang kernel. This is a replacement of the kangbang kernel, for 1.32
Replacement?? That means if i flash the boot image i'll have the kernel installed?
Dual SIM doesn't have the 1.32 update, so i don't think this kernel would work on the dual sim version.
joe-khalil said:
Replacement?? That means if i flash the boot image i'll have the kernel installed?
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yes, lol
I have installed.. It works fine. Thanks !!!
gayTony said:
Dual SIM doesn't have the 1.32 update, so i don't think this kernel would work on the dual sim version.
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1.32 for Single SIM = 1.26 for Dual SIM (kernel is the same)
dummie999 said:
If you have any requests, post them!
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Overclocking would be nice!
And don't forget to add a link to your kernel sources, to prevent unfortunate things from happening to this thread
GreatEmerald said:
And don't forget to add a link to your kernel sources, to prevent unfortunate things from happening to this thread
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lol, I knew I had forgotten sth
dummie999 said:
lol, I knew I had forgotten sth
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any news about CM @dummie999
Hi, I tried to apply ext4 lagfix via CF ext4 Manager (CF-Root-ext4-v1.3-Addon.apk) , data was converted successfuly, system was not converted due not enough free space, which is normal as Chainfire said.
Please note that when first using the tool to convert, you will probably notice /system is not converted. If this happens, it is because /system does not have enough free space for the extra space overhead of ext4. You will need to free up some space on /system before the conversion will succeed.
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Running 2.3.4 JVQ stock firmware with CF root.
But after reboot ext4 app have all choices grayed, so I cannot convert system or any other partion to ext4 or back.
It show "No rfs/ext4 partions found" and "unknow ,0.0MB, 0.0MB total"
Any tips appreciated. Thanks in advance
Which kernel are you running? Try changing kernel eg: Semaphore or galaxian. Then do a wipe cache and dalvik cache
Runnig CF-Root-XX_UNK_JVQ-v3.7-CWM3RFS on stock JVQ without other changes.
Thanks for advice
Problem is, that many kernels have logging disabled, I need logcat, ddms for developing
EDIT: Flashed semaphore, there is greenscreen while lock/unlock screen(minor issue),but other things seems fine, thanks!
semaphore has logging enable script
Quote :
"In order to control voodoo sound and BLN you have to download Voodoo Control and BLN control applications respectively from android market.
The max CPU frequency is by default 1Ghz.
You may use applications like Voltage Control or Pimp my CPU to control OC/UV.
In order to load various modules of the kernel copy the respective script from /res/scripts to /system/etc/init.d directory and give the script executable permissions. This is optional. It is needed only if you want to use this functionality. The scripts:
- enable_conservative (load conservative governor module)
- enable_cifs (load cifs module)
- enable_netfilter (load netfilter modules for firewall or WiFi, USB tethering)
- enable_tun (load tun module)
- enable_deadline (load the deadline I/O scheduler module)
- enable_binfmt_misc
- S05_enable_oc replaces enable_ocuv since 1.6.0 (enable overclocking)
Other scripts:
- enable_sm_cold script for SpeedMod cold preset
- enable_sm_warm script for SpeedMod warm preset
- enable_sm_neutral script for SpeedMod neutral preset (please note that this is enabled by default)
To enable logcat run the enable_logger script in res/scritps and reboot your phone."
Here is the link
Hope this helps.
NOTICE: This is COMPATIBLE with ALL Vivid Rooted Stock and Custom ROMs
For frequency control use fauxclock from Google Play
Just a statement regarding kernel source: The Kernel Source is of course covered under GPL version 2. Free software does NOT mean no work or time was spent working on it. I have donated a large sum of my free time to hack this kernel. If you use my modified kernel source in parts or in its entirety, I kindly ask you mention its origins and to send me a github pull request or PM whenever you find bugs or think you can help improve my kernel hack further. This way the entire community will truly benefit from the spirit of open source. Thank you
Hi XDA members and fellow Vivid users:
This is my tenth kernel hack. I want to thank Erasmux, and several others I cannot recall for inspiring me to venture into this unfamiliar territory for me.
What is a Kernel? The Kernel is the Foundation in which everything else builds upon in any software system.
[Car Analogy]: Kernel is like the Engine, Electrical system and the Transmission to a car. The Library, Framework and the Apps [AKA ROM] are the body frame and the rest of the Car.
Please DO NOT use any task killers, they DO NOT improve performance nor battery life. They INTERFERE with your phone's stability (more crashes) and App compatibilities (Forced Close).
CleanCache (via ZCache backend)
ZCACHE is a new technology I introduced to HTC Kernel. ZCACHE is a compressed cache similar to ZRAM but the similarity ends there. ZCache is meant to provide as many "cleancache" pages (non-dirty or untouched "virgin" memory) to apps that request for new memory. CleanCache is very easy to allocate and no additional penalty are required to hand them out, so having more CleanCache pages will improve performance. Under heavy memory pressure, often times the kernel will NOT have enough CleanCache pages, so the kernel has to do EXTRA work to reclaim dirty cache pages and clean them for the new apps that's requesting for them. The described process creates a performance hit for the kernel and the app, so the idea is to use compression to create more CleanCache pages available for use. Of course there's a penalty to pay for using compression, but the trade-off between compression penalty and the penalty for reclaiming dirty cache pages and allocating them after cleaning is smaller for compression, so in the end, CleanCache should add more performance.
ZRAM (aka CompCache aka RAMZSwap)
ZRAM is an updated version formally known as CompCache and RAMZSwap. It was originally designed for 2.6.38.xx kernels, I have backported to our 2.6.35.xx kernel. ZRAM allows real-time compression of memory objects in RAM thus reducing memory pressure for the Linux kernel and can keep more apps in memory longer (more apps in RAM == better performance, less fetching from slower MMC or SDCard). Compression, however, is not Free. Some CPU cycles are required to do the compress/decompression, so there's a slight penalty for it. The original CompCache / RAMZSwap required a user space binary to control its behavior which adds additional penalty to performance, but the new version ZRAM eliminated the need for a separate dedicated daemon, thus reducing the overhead and increased performance from the old CompCache by 20%. Therefore, with the newer implementation of ZRAM interface, the performance penalty is almost negligible.
Joe's RCU (Optimized for Small SMP systems)
Joe Korty has created an RCU for small SMP systems (> 32 cores). His approach is to isolate all the Garbage Collection (GC, a slow time consuming but necessary processing) to a single core, thus allowing other cores to ONLY work on real required processing. This will allow the additional cores to complete their assigned tasks as fast as possible (not bogged down by GC) then immediately go back to a suspended state (saving battery).
Fast No Hz RCU (Optimized for SMP operations)
Fast NoHz is an optimized version of the traditional Tree RCU. Many new kernels are using the Tickless NoHz design. This RCU is tailored and designed to work with the new NoHz kernel system.
SmartAssV2 Governor (Balanced)
This governor has a built-in "profile" similar to SetCPU, so screen off will use lower clock rate thus conserve more battery, but it also has a fast wake up feature so that user interaction will not see the lag when switching from Sleep to Wake state.... (So SetCPU Profiles are sorta redundant when using this governor, you can still use SetCPU to OC to higher than default Clock frequency).
Interactive Governor (Performance)
This governor is designed to put more priority to User Interface (UI aka Apps) tasks, therefore appears more responsive then the traditional OnDemand governor. So if you want the smoothest UI interaction, this governor is for you...
Brain F*ck Scheduler - (BFS)
This scheduler is designed to be simple and speedy tailor specifically for user interface type systems such as desktop/smart phone devices where user interaction is MORE important than serving 1 million web requests (CFS, the default scheduler) at the same time (think of nimble desktop workstations vs large corporate servers).
SLQB - (SLAB allocator with Queue)
This memory allocator is designed for small number of CPUs system (such as desktop or smart phone devices). This allocator is design to be simple and it is optimized for using order-0 pages as much as possible (order-0 pages are the simplest therefore quickest type of memory in a Linux system to allocate). Not all kernels are using SLQB including CM7 main line...
Fair Budget Queue (BFQ I/O scheduler)
This I/O scheduler is an improvement on top of Completely Fair Queue (CFQ). CFQ is fair in terms of time but not in terms of throughput / bandwidth, so BFQ make sure that both time and throughput / bandwidth are balanced across all requests.
Kernel Files:
******* Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.x) ******* (Linux 3.0.33)
[ CFS ] (Ultimate Edition) *** S-ON ***
The File ==> Vivid Kernel 007 (1.73 GHz, GPU @ 320MHz, ZRAM) <==
[ CFS ] (Ultimate Edition) *** S-OFF ***
The File ==> Vivid Kernel 007 (1.73 GHz, GPU @ 320MHz, ZRAM) <==
[ Optional: ]
Files to DISABLE Sweep2Wake:
[ For Kernel Devlopers ONLY: ]
The File ==> My Global VDD_TABLE for under volt patch <==
The File ==> KGSL Ring Buffer Power Management Patch for Cordy and Ninja Jump <==
Optional Under voltage: Version 0.1.4+ ONLY
[ to over volt ALL frequencies by 25000 uv (microvolts) ]
echo "+25000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/vdd_table/vdd_levels
[ to under volt ALL frequencies by 25000 uv (microvolts) ]
echo "-25000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/vdd_table/vdd_levels
[ to set a specific frequency (ie 1.18 GHz)
with a specific voltage (ie 1.0875 volts) ]
echo "1188000 1087500" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/vdd_table/vdd_levels
CPU Frequency Voltage Table Example
192000: 812500
310500: 812500
384000: 812500
432000: 812500
486000: 837500
540000: 850000
594000: 862500
648000: 875000
702000: 900000
756000: 925000
810000: 937500
864000: 962500
918000: 962500
972000: 962500
1026000: 975000
1080000: 987500
1134000: 1000000
1188000: 1012500
1242000: 1025000
1296000: 1050000
1350000: 1075000
1404000: 1100000
1458000: 1112500
1512000: 1125000
1566000: 1150000
Optional: Stock Clock Frequencies for Dual CPUs
echo 192000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
echo 1188000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/online
echo 192000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
echo 1188000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
Optional: ZRAM (Compressed RAM swap space )
mkswap /dev/block/zram0
swapon /dev/block/zram0
Low Voltage - Under Volt the processor, therefore uses Less Battery, but NOT ALL CHIPS can handle Under Volt.. If you experience instability, try the Stock Voltage Version.
Stock Voltage - Uses the voltage values from ORIGINAL HTC Kernel Source.
There are NO PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCE between the Under Volted and Stock Voltage versions!
Installation Instructions:
Here's a step by step instruction to install this kernel:
1. download the above file (via phone directly or to a PC)
2. copy the downloaded zip file to /sdcard/download/
3. Open ROM Manager and select "Reboot into Recovery" and select "OK"
4. Once in recovery, select "wipe cache partition", select "Yes", then select "advanced", then select "Wipe Dalvik Cache", then select "Yes" again. Once finished, click the back button to go back to the main recovery menu. On that menu, select "Install Zip From SDCad", then select "Choose zip from SDCard", then go to /sdcard/download and select the downloaded zip file and let it run its script.
5. Once the script is done, select "reboot system now"
Note: After FLASHING, the first reboot may take longer than usual, please be patient... After the first reboot, it may lag during initial load (let everything finish loading). Once everything is loaded and phone is ready for use, reboot the phone a 2nd time and the lag will be gone and everything should be silky smooth...
Ice Cream Sandwich Version 007 is out. More intelligent intellidemand! Completely free yourselves from mpdecision, thermald and now with intellidemand, complete CPU/Thermal Management by the kernel.
Please don't hesitate to talk among yourselves and help each other out... The XDA community is what inspired me to hack kernels for everyone since everyone here is nice and helpful to each other... Keep helping each other.... Famous proverb: It's better to give than to receive...
version 1.x.x -- Haven't thought about it yet...
[ Change Log ]
Standard Disclaimer: Not responsible for bricking your phone, voiding your warranty, or any other pain or suffering you may feel as result of using this kernel!!!
My Github Complying with GPL and XDA rulez
Follow me on
If you find this Kernel useful, feel free to hit the [Thanks] button below
Awesome!! Can't wait to try it!
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA
Thank you so much.. faux123~
Faux your a god.
Anyone install yet and have feedback to report?
Boot Loop
No go for me.
It gave me a reason to update to the new AT&T RUU.
May try again after clean install.
Going to flash stock rooted cwm then maybe this will report back.
ismoore said:
Anyone install yet and have feedback to report?
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Well it's fast in quadrant scores. I got like a 3560 and in that test CPU scores are significantly higher. Antutu benchmark scores with no overclock are the same as stock. All else felt the same. I'm running this kernel with WC's 3.6 Vivid ROM. Still appreciate the contribution faux! I have run your kernels on other phones and they are always the best!
Now why would Window XP forget my android 1.0 drivers for hboot? can't flash anything in hboot now...
Great, thanks for the info. May try this tonight when I get home. Thanks for your efforts faux.
brwnohno said:
Well it's fast in quadrant scores. I got like a 3560 and in that test CPU scores are significantly higher. Antutu benchmark scores with no overclock are the same as stock. All else felt the same. I'm running this kernel with WC's 3.6 Vivid ROM. Still appreciate the contribution faux! I have run your kernels on other phones and they are always the best!
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My wifi isn't working, it just says "turning on...". Other than that, it works great
**** mines bootlooping its get the att and loops what should i dooo? I got the latest cwm, and hboot, stock rooted rom. Is it because I let it try to boot right after I flashed the boot.img and didn't flash cwm strait after?
haloXgod117 said:
My wifi isn't working, it just says "turning on...". Other than that, it works great
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Brand New said:
**** mines bootlooping its get the att and loops what should i dooo? I got the latest cwm, and hboot, stock rooted rom. Is it because I let it try to boot right after I flashed the boot.img and didn't flash cwm strait after?
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You shouldn't be flashing via cwm. I've included a script for pc tethered flashing. Just run flash.bat on pc with USB cable connected to the phone. You may need to run it twice if it failed to load the modules.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
faux123 said:
You shouldn't be flashing via cwm. I've included a script for pc tethered flashing. Just run flash.bat on pc with USB cable connected to the phone. You may need to run it twice if it failed to load the modules.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
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So I could of flashed this on stock ICS? I didn't think you could OC with a non-rooted phone And I was bootlooping on the stock rooted rom not because of the your kernal I believe
iff this will help
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah>cd D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Fol
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>flash.bat
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb kill-server
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb remount
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
error: device not found
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb push Modules/system /syste
error: device not found
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb shell mv /system/bin/mpdec
ision /system/bin/mpdecision_dis
error: device not found
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb shell mv /system/bin/therm
ald /system/bin/thermald_dis
error: device not found
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>adb reboot bootloader
error: device not found
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>fastboot flash boot Kernel-Her
sending 'boot' (4348 KB)... OKAY [ 0.875s]
writing 'boot'... OKAY [ 4.984s]
finished. total time: 5.859s
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>fastboot reboot
finished. total time: 0.188s
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Documents and Settings\Noah\Desktop\New Folder>
can you make a aosp kernal
Nevermind Faux I figured it out! I just need to flash the boot.img that came with the stock rooted rom, then yours! I can't wait to test my battery now, games fly to!! Thanks for your support!!
SetCPU voltage tables are still nonfunctional, just like every other kernel I've tried.
come at me bro said:
can you make a aosp kernal
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It would be easier to do so if we had a booting AOSP build right now, I think.
Having no issues here. Kernel is definitely smoother and faster than stock. Running fine on WC ROM. Hitting about 3350 on quadrant afer 5 consecutive runs. I haven't made and changes with setcpu, I'm assuming 1.5MHz from initial flash.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
Aus_Azn said:
SetCPU voltage tables are still nonfunctional, just like every other kernel I've tried.
It would be easier to do so if we had a booting AOSP build right now, I think.
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thecubed's build boots but just barely and someone is working on a build right now I believe, so one day we might have working rom
Brand New said:
thecubed's build boots but just barely and someone is working on a build right now I believe, so one day we might have working rom
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it boot loops with the proper builds , the one that boots is hacked up to hell
Important notice:
- You flash this image at your own responsibility. I am not responsible for any damage that might be caused by flashing this image (bricked device, lost data, ...)
- Flashing this kernel image will trigger the KNOX counter, so your warranty will be void.
- The image is only for S5 Mini SM-G800F (Exynos)
- The kernel is not tested well. It might be instable, crash your device, drain your battery, or even might damage your smartphone (e.g. if an OTG device drains too much power)
- Backup your data before flashing and check if the original firmware is present (e.g. at SamMobile)
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Side note: Tripping KNOX counter might break some Samsung applications even after a factory reset. This might be due to secure storage(which is fixable), but for now be cautious if you depend on these features! This image will likley damage the Qualcomm variant of the S5 Mini, do not flash if you have a G800H!
Hello! :laugh:
I've been working on a custom kernel for a while for personal use but I thought some of you might like it.
Current feature list:
Patched to Linux 3.4.113
Fading LED notification (default disabled)
Added row I/O Scheduler
Added zzmoove CPU Governor(with temperature export)
Added PIE network scheduler(supposed to reduce latency, default disabled)
DriveDroid support
Universal Control Interface[UCI] (use the Synapse app to configure)
Boeffla sound engine (Only configurable via Synapse! default disabled)
Powersuspend with LCD panel hooks
1.5GHZ clock speed on processors with revision 2 and above
Double Tap 2 Wake
Voltage Control
MDNIE Hijack
F2FS Support
Haptic Feedback for soft keys
Compiled with Self built Linaro 5.3 toolchain
This kernel is currently only designed to work with the corresponding TouchWiz ROM and likely won't be able to boot custom ROMs. KitKat/Lollipop TouchWiz is also not supported!
If you have any questions about the included features (how to enable, what they do) you may ask in the Q&A until I update the thread.
About 1.5GHZ clock speed
So, as it turns out, Samsung had already done the work to push the 3470 to 1.5GHZ. The frequency tables were already there and all that needed to be done was to remove a soft limit set on it and voila! 1.5GHZ! The catch is that these tables only applied to the second revision of the SoC and above.
Possible reasons why Samsung set the limit:
The S5 mini comes out with both the older and newer revisions of the 3470 and Samsung wanted to avoid getting in legal trouble for selling a higher clocked phone as the same product
The higher clock speeds legitimately can damage the phone
As I don't have multiple S5 Mini's at hand I can't prove the first point, but the second point is more likely true. If you don't feel comfortable with the higher clock speeds you may lower the maximum to 1.4GHZ via Synapse, but the default clock is always 1.5GHZ due to the way in which the frequency controller works.
Current status : BETA
andip71(Boeffla sound), faux123(Powersuspend), FrozenCow(DriveDroid support), ZaneZam(zzmoove), Linux Foundation(kernel patches), AndreiLux(Voltage patches for INT and MIF bus), Yank(MDNIE hijack), Samsung(F2FS)
On-board BusyBox by meefik
The authors are not responsible for the way in which their features have been implemented in this kernel. Do not post bug reports to them!
Flashing procedure will be the same as with this kernel.
Download current image here:
-Initial Release
-ZZMoove Update to 1.0 Beta 8
- Linux Update to 3.4.108
- Toolchain update
- 1.5ghz unlock for higher revision SoC's
- Ramdisk update
- Double Tap 2 Wake!
- UCI update
- USB OTG now permanently enabled
- Voltage Control (CPU, GPU, bus)
- Fixes for DT2W
- Linux Update to 3.4.109
- Intelliactive Removed
- Linux Update to 3.4.110
- MDNIE Hijack
- Lollipop Variant Now Live
- Second Lollipop release
- Fixed OTG
- System partition can be remounted again
- Removed Frandom (Does not work so well in Lollipop)
- KitKat support terminated
- Fix annoying bootloader warning ("KERNEL IS NOT SEANDROID ENFORCING")
- F2FS Drivers updated and F2FS support improved (/data and /cache)
- Patch to Linux 3.4.111
- UKSM removed due to stability concerns
- SELinux policy support update (Latest SuperSU betas might need this)
- Switch to self built linaro toolchain
- Update to Linux 3.4.112
- F2FS drivers updated
- F2FS drivers update
- NTFS support enabled (eg. for reading USB HDDs)
- Kernel side haptic feedback on soft keys added (see second post)
- patch to 3.4.113
- Switchable OTG
- Updated to MM
- No longer need to install BusyBox manually to use Synapse
XDA:DevDB Information
G800F Custom Kernel, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini
Source Code:
Kernel Special Features: Boeffla Sound, Fading LED, Linux 3.4.113, row I/O Scheduler, zzmoove CPU governor, PIE netsched, DriveDroid support, UCI, USB OTG, DT2W, Voltage Control, MDNIE Hijack, F2FS, Haptic feedback
Version Information
Status: Beta EOL
Current Beta Version: 2.0
Beta Release Date: 2017-03-07
Created 2015-06-08
Last Updated 2017-03-07
OTG switching
Credit to tobigun for the original code (I actually attempted it at some point but failed miserably).
Execute the commands in a terminal:
Turn on OTG
su -c echo OTG > /sys/class/sec/switch/otg_cable_type
Turn off OTG
su -c echo USB > /sys/class/sec/switch/otg_cable_type
(Haven't touched Synapse in forever, cannot make sense of it anymore, so no Synapse switch soz)
Synapse Issues
I had some trouble with colour choosers crashing Synapse under specific conditions. If Synapse keeps crashing when picking colours for MDNIE, please try the custom build available in the downloads section of this project.
There are two ways to recover:
- Use your recovery to delete Synapse's data folder
- Factory Reset your device (Only in extreme cases)
Using PIE netsched:(likely not working with Android at this point in time)
Run following in root terminal or as init.d script
tc qdisc replace dev wlan0 root pie
tc qdisc replace dev p2p0 root pie
tc qdisc replace dev rmnet0 root pie
ZZMoove and profiles:
The zzmoove governor is highly recommended. It can be set to various profiles to mimic the benefits of various other governors. It'll even ensure the device doesn't overheat!
The profile can be set by setting the "profile number" tunable in Synapse to one of the number values mentioned here. Setting it will change a bunch of other tunables. You'll need to restart Synapse after setting it and save the changes for future application.
Notes on DVFS
Samsung's DVFS feature in their TouchWiz ROMs seems to get a bit shouty when anything other than the "interactive" CPU governor is active. It could also be the cause of rare kernel panics relating to CPU frequency tables(frequency controller expects something from the governor, governor doesn't deliver, panic). Since it also seems to cause a couple other unrelated issues, I'd recommended simply disabling it altogether(the easiest way being via Xposed)
Double Tap 2 Wake
This feature allows you to wake the device by double tapping on the screen while it is off. NOTE:Deep sleep is near totally inhibited while this feature is active, this means extra battery may be consumed. On a tweaked ROM you'll get 2-3%/hr on full standby, on non tweaked you'll get about 4-5%/hr, please keep this in mind while using the feature! Android OS suspension should be unaffected. The feature disables itself when a Samsung branded flip cover is closed, including S-View covers(no double tapping on the window). The feature makes use of the light and proximity sensors in order to detect whether the device is in a dark enclosed place (eg. A pocket) and disables itself in these situations as well in order to prevent accidental wakes (though that may still happen...)
MDNIE Hijack Example
Profile based of iPhone 6+ screen:
R: FF 00 00 - G: 12 FC 12 - Bu: 00 00 FF - C: 12 FF FF
M: FF 00 FF - Y: FF FF 00 - W: FF FF FF - Bl: 00 00 00
Feel free to post any other nice looking profiles you find
Init.d in Lollipop
I did not add Init.d support when building the Lollipop variant's ramdisk. Instead, /su/su.d should be used to run boot scripts. The functionality is exactly the same as the old Init.d.
Haptic feedback on soft keys
In order to avoid conflict with ROM side solutions, haptic feedback is disabled by default. It can be enabled via the following command which can be run as a boot script (eg. in /su/su.d). Command must run as root.
echo 1 > /sys/class/misc/abov_touckey/vibrate
NOTE: Above "touchkey" was misspelled in code. It should be fixed in a future update. Sorry for any inconvenience
still not fixed lol
Extra Compatibility Notes:
Awesome, thanks !
Installed it and testing now
After a few days of testing !!! All I can say is, Great Kernel :good:
Good performance, great battery life
No issues so far.:highfive:
Working fine on G800FXXU1AOE3
And works great on G800FXXU1AOG2 too.
Again big Thanks Curtis ! :angel:
kernel is damn good.
Games running very fast for me with the new updated kernel
The 1.5Ghz CPU overclock is .. awesome
For additional gaming performance you can lock the GPU Frequency like this:
Shell command:
cd sys/module/mali/parameters
echo 533 > mali_dvfs_control
thats it, gpu locked to 533 mhz. Thanks to hennymcc for this commands
for example:
GTA San Andreas running now with maximum resolution+visibility graphical settings
Solid 30+ FPS :cyclops:
Sorry for noob question - can someone show me the exact syntax to enter in Terminal (or procedure) to activate OTG ? I don't seem to figure it out .
seaman5705 said:
Sorry for noob question - can someone show me the exact syntax to enter in Terminal (or procedure) to activate OTG ? I don't seem to figure it out .
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To turn on:
su -t echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/sec/switch/otg
And off:
su -t echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/sec/switch/otg
Will ask for root.
EDIT: Enter exact commands in terminal emulator or adb shell
Thanks Curtis , but something is wrong in my case . It doesn't work and I don't understand why . After running the script , I granted the root access
, everything seemed to be ok , but nothing happens when I connect and USB key which is recognized in my S4 phone .
seaman5705 said:
Thanks Curtis , but something is wrong in my case . It doesn't work and I don't understand why . After running the script , I granted the root access
, everything seemed to be ok , but nothing happens when I connect and USB key which is recognized in my S4 phone .
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Does anything else work? OTG also gets reset on boot, maybe it needs to be in an init.d script. I'll admit, I don't have an OTG cable to test, perhaps I should get hold of one, but the code definitely creates the right behavior (exactly the same as the other OTG kernel around here actually). Maybe switchable isn't the right way to go about it and OTG must be enabled permanently. I'll have to look into this, but in the meantime could you perhaps test with the other OTG kernel and see if it works? Also, the stick maybe might not be automatically mounting. Run "mount" in a terminal and see if it pops up. Apologies for the inconvenience.
CurtisMJ said:
Does anything else work? OTG also gets reset on boot, maybe it needs to be in an init.d script. I'll admit, I don't have an OTG cable to test, perhaps I should get hold of one, but the code definitely creates the right behavior (exactly the same as the other OTG kernel around here actually). Maybe switchable isn't the right way to go about it and OTG must be enabled permanently. I'll have to look into this, but in the meantime could you perhaps test with the other OTG kernel and see if it works? Also, the stick maybe might not be automatically mounting. Run "mount" in a terminal and see if it pops up. Apologies for the inconvenience.
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No, it will not mount . I tested and OTG works with henny's kernel . Otherwise you made a great kernel - thanks for your work and your advices !
seaman5705 said:
No, it will not mount . I tested and OTG works with henny's kernel . Otherwise you made a great kernel - thanks for your work and your advices !
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Attached is a build of the kernel with OTG enabled on a permanent basis. If you would not mind, could you test to see if it works? If so it will be done this way in future release, if not I will have to have a good look at any related code...
(P.S, sorry for the wait, my dual-boot was giving me issues)
CurtisMJ said:
Attached is a build of the kernel with OTG enabled on a permanent basis. If you would not mind, could you test to see if it works? If so it will be done this way in future release, if not I will have to have a good look at any related code...
(P.S, sorry for the wait, my dual-boot was giving me issues)
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Yes , OTG works with this kernel . Great !
Note that after flashing, another reboot is needed to have the usb key properly mounting and poping up the file explorer with the key's content on connection .
Thanks !
New Version!
New version of my custom kernel released. Now includes Double Tap 2 Wake.
Is it possible to add voltage control to your kernel ? thanks .
CPU Voltage control is now implemented. Will work on a Synapse interface and the int and mif buses later today.
New Version!
Voltage control, Linux patches and fixes for DT2W waking up the screen while a call is in progress(sorry 'bout that)
Working great - I achieved good undervolting . Thanks
Hope to see a modified kernel for Lollipop too .
Android Open Source Project 6.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
(P7510, P7500, SGH-T859)
(p4wifi, p4, p4tmo)
init.d scripts
Kernel features:
CPU overclock (1.2Ghz - 1.6Ghz)
CPU voltage control
CPU temperature readings
GPU overclock (400Mhz)
L2 cache optimization
Voodoo Sound
USB Charging
Updated WIFI driver
ZRAM backports
- Audio playback: working
- File transfer: working
Not working / buggy / needs testing:
- Pictures: working
- Video recording: (not working)
Dock audio
Keyboard dock (untested)
- Likely the same status as Lollipop
- USB tethering: working with WIFI
- Bluetooth tethering: (not working)
- WIFI tethering: (untested)
Wireless Display / Miracast
- No compatibility with the outdated video blobs
Backup all data
Install TWRP or newer
Wipe cache, dalvik cache, system, data
Install the ROM
Optional step:
- Install gapps pico
- Install Supersu 2.52
Boot the ROM
Enable on screen keyboard by toggling "Show input method"
p4wifi (GT-P7510): WIFI only tablet.
p4 (GT-P7500): Cellular / 3G tablet.
p4tmo (SGH-T859): T-Mobile tablet.
p4wifi and p4 users do NOT install this.
mirror: AndroidFileHost
root: SuperSU
BETA SuperSU v.2.52
Android File Host
August 9, 2016
e602201 defconfig: Fix typo while enabling CONFIGFS_FS
August 6, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1_r59
2c421f2 fuse: O_DIRECT support for files
3bb1d41 fuse: remove the second argument of k[un]map_atomic()
acf44b5 fuse: verify all ioctl retry iov elements
1b17d75 fuse: postpone end_page_writeback() in fuse_writepage_locked()
d88af9d fuse: break infinite loop in fuse_fill_write_pages()
33c337c fuse: support ioctl on directories
37bb785 FUSE: Notifying the kernel of deletion.
f7c8478 fuse: Add support for shortcircuited read/write for files
d5c6ade Revert "fuse: Add support for shortcircuited read/write for files"
04ed83b fuse: Add support for shortcircuited read/write for files
ab0b217 fs: fuse: Ensure update of fuse inode attributes in shortcircuit
b653a54 fuse: Use iocb->ki_pos instead of pos for shortcircuit writes
b79cfba fuse: Use BUG_ON to check pos validity in fuse_aio_write
786913d fs: fuse: Disable shortcircuit when mmap is called on a file
bfc19a7 vfs: add d_canonical_path for stacked filesystem support
fb6bb3e inotify: Fix erroneous update of bit count
8bae312 Initial port of sdcardfs
568217e get rid of kern_path_parent()
7233db3 sdcardfs: Port to 3.4
a5d5845 sdcardfs: Port to 3.1.10
4cede1c sdcardfs: Changed type-cast in packagelist management
3f69353 sdcardfs: Bring up to date with Android M permissions:
dfc2ff3 sdcardfs: Add support for d_canonicalize
1f80a89 sdcardfs: remove effectless config option
dd5eccf sdcardfs: Remove unused code
1b8979a sdcardfs: remove unneeded __init and __exit
1c16f89 sdcardfs: Truncate packages_gid.list on overflow
560043c ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix itnull.cocci warnings
d3e1021 vfs: change d_canonical_path to take two paths
e587970 fuse: Add support for d_canonical_path
434e90b defconfig: Enable sdcardfs
e7b5ee2 BACKPORT: perf tools: Document the perf sysctls
90bd458 FROMLIST: security,perf: Allow further restriction of perf_event_open
1ccaa78 defconfig: restrict access to perf events
8404df3 p4-common: Enable sdcardfs
913957d p4-common: Disable EGL_WORKAROUND_BUG_10194508
5f67070 p4-common: sepolicy: Allow kernel to rw wifi efs file
6bbd9c6 sepolicy: remove BOARD_SEPOLICY_UNION
91f8dc2 sepolicy: Add rule to allow sdcardfs to read package list
8209b59 sepolicy: Fix MTP for sdcardfs
546aae2 bionic: Sort and cache hosts file data for fast lookup
0454407 mountservice: Shut down volumes before restarting framework
9baa27d mountservice: Don't nuke all volumes when decrypting
d21014b Revert "Revert "wifi: Set the mode at native layer""
a052e68 sdcard : Use the fuse shortcircuit option
86faebc sdcard: Allow fuse shortcircuit for all platforms
e06eb06 sdcard: Add support for sdcardfs!
d3a24ca sdcard: Fix sdcardFS check
6ff0e73 sdcard: Pass the umask to sdcardfs correctly
5d57d80 sepolicy: Add policy for sdcardfs and configfs
July 8, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1_r50
Restore previous WIFI driver
June 15, 2016
TRIM is now merged into this ROM. You don't need to install the TRIM kernel from the other thread.
Update to android-6.0.1_r46
74f7de9 p4-common: TCP buffer settings
93ca209 p4-common: Wifi is no longer built as a module
2133d24 p4-common: Enable dlmalloc
b6808c6 p4-common: Remove unused flags
4692beb tcp: drop SYN+FIN messages
cf415a5 misc: uidstat: avoid create_stat() race and blockage.
3f791c1 usb: gadget: f_fs: Fix enumeration in fullspeed mode
0469e56 usb: gadget: accessory: Fix section mismatch (again)
30fbe2f USB: remove duplicate out endpoint creation in MTP mode
c607c37 pipe: limit the per-user amount of pages allocated in pipes
8e01cbe power: max17042: Reduce logspam
5565950 Revert "Staging: android: binder: Allow using highmem for binder buffers"
bf9b28a Reduce logger size
9c3a8ec mmc: fix integer assignments to pointer
d7bfd4c mmc: sdio: Workaround for dev with broken CMD53
74032a4 mmc: sdio: Fix to support any block size optimally
3f9da59 mmc: sdio: Use multiple scatter/gather list
ed4849d genirq: Always force thread affinity
b1bb34f genirq: Avoid deadlock in spurious handling
c4cb3ae genirq: Fix can_request_irq() for IRQs without an action
aeaeb4de mmc: Restore MMC_CAP_ERASE
fd6a17d mmc: Add sdio_ctrl_power
8bd4f0d arm: tegra: p4: Allocate static dhd info buffer (section 7)
ec9b234 arm: tegra: p4: Built-in wifi
cfb0ab2 arm: tegra: p4: Set wifi chip id to 0x4330
ce80b1b arm: tegra: Conditionalize builtin wifi
2477c3b Revert "net: wireless: Sync with grouper android-5.1.0_r0.4"
e32e74d arm: tegra: p4: Fix build when not builtin wifi
a0d37af net: wireless: Import CFG80211_REG_NOT_UPDATED from klte kernel
62151e1 defconfig: disable loadable modules
a5cf304 net: Backport wireless stack from Galaxy S5 kernel
88d16a6 net: Fix net/wireless backport for 3.1.10
7dbf92b bcmdhd: G900FXXU1CPD7
abf9e8c bcmdhd: fixup for p4
e3c843a bcmdhd: Restore tegra specific irq wake
aa99d0d defconfig: bcmdhd builtin
716bd9c defconfig: Enable CONFIG_CFG80211_ALLOW_RECONNECT
946d13f mmc: tegra: Don't set MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER by default
9a40b65 mmc: host: sdhci: abort suspend if host suspend fails.
8d5d16f mmc: host: sdhci: Don't set MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER when suspending
6f689f2 mmc: Remove Samsung WIFI hacks
April 28, 2016
Fix headphone detection
April 14, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1_r30
March 26, 2016
project art/
20c3c84 Revert "Optimize double/float immediate loading on arm."
8037a8d Re-enable VFPv3-D16 register definitions
d53de19 Disable clang for art compiler on target
project device/samsung/p4-common/
f19dec3 p4-common: Use dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags to specify backend
0cc66dc p4-common: Remove unused flag
84f022f p4-common: Tweak ksm settings
project frameworks/av/
111a9b9 Revert "mediaplayer: remove use-awesomeplayer developer option"
project frameworks/native/
f1b88cd Configure tablet dalvik heap for 1GB mdpi device
project kernel/samsung/p4/
2b12c4b pipe: iovec: Fix memory corruption when retrying atomic copy as non-atomic
16a60d8 Squash revert Android timerfd support
24bcc61 Android alarm-dev from android-3.4
f519a62 defconfig: enable android-3.4 alarm-dev
4ab42f7 p4_battery: Fix timer slack
7dbdfb5 ARM: 7006/1: Migrate to asm-generic wrapper support
f2b70ff ARM: 7493/1: use generic unaligned.h
33e4372 asm-generic: allow generic unaligned access if the arch supports it
a998f78 Revert "Revert "video: tegra: remove free memory check""
project packages/apps/Settings/
98144ac Revert "developer settings: remove "Use deprecated AwesomePlayer" settings"
project system/core/
6b5492a healthd: increase healthd fast timer to 10mins instead of 1min
March 14, 2016
Fix WIFI driver
March 10, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1_r17
ca6770d Align machine_kexec restart sequence with soft_restart()
b4c0a36 ARM: 7476/1: vfp: only clear vfp state for current cpu in vfp_pm_suspend
f847946 cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs
a74f780 arm: tegra: Restore tegra2 core/cpu voltage relationship
868ba34 Revert "bound cpu cores to same speed"
c4877ab include/linux/poison.h: fix LIST_POISON{1,2} offset
9c3f030 pagemap: do not leak physical addresses to non-privileged userspace
February 7, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1_r10
February 1, 2016
Add init.modem.rc for p4 and p4tmo
January 31, 2016
hwrotation for Galaxy Tab 8.9
January 28, 2016
Update to android-6.0.1r7
Switch to ICS audio wrapper HAL
Update to latest f2fs-stable
Frequently Asked Questions and Other notes:
Can I upgrade / dirty-flash from Lollipop to Marshmallow?
- You cannot. It must be a clean install.
Can I dirty flash over a previous Marshmallow build?
- Yes.
I thought you said Marshmallow wouldn't work.
- The problem with ART is not solved. The Optimizing compiler backend is producing binaries that crash on the Tegra 2. The Optimizing backend is the new default dex2oat compiler in Marshmallow. The Quick compiler is default backend in Lollipop. It is still in the Marshmallow source so this ROM is using the Quick compiler backend.
SELinux enforcing mode
- The default SELinux mode is permissive mode. The will not work with Marshmallow. That script was setting a system property to toggle SELinux early on in boot. Google has removed the use of this system prop so that method won't work anymore.
- For now you can find some app on F-Droid to set the SELinux mode after boot. It's not ideal but it will do until some better solution arises.
- This device does not meet the hardware requirement to support Doze.
- Marshmallow supports RRO (Layers) themes. I will not add CM-12 themes, CM-13 themes, or any other theme engine.
HD video playback issues and Camera issues.
- The video and camera stack are proprietary NVidia software. This means there is no chance of fixing bugs within.
Browser crash when downloading files
- Settings > Apps > Browser > Permissions > Enable Storage permission
Google App force close
- Install GApps Pico.
- Google App now uses the NEON instruction set which the CPU on this device does not support. The pico package does not include the parts of GApps which use the NEON instruction set.
- reference post
Non-NEON Google Apps
Chrome 49.0.x
Via Paypal
XDA:DevDB Information
Android 6.0 Marshmallow, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.1.x
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Alpha
Created 2015-12-08
Last Updated 2016-12-19
Problem reporting steps:
Got an error? Is something not working for you?
I cannot see what your problem is from here. Save and upload the system logs from your device so that I can see what happening on your device.
How to save system logs:
Root the device by installing SuperSU.
Install SysLog.
Reboot the system.
Reproduce the problem.
Open Syslog app and save the Kernel Log and Main Log.
Send me the log files stored in /sdcard/Syslog.
Share the files on Dropbox or another similar site.
Then PM me a link to the files. Please describe exactly what the issue is.
Some comments to start off.
The ICS audio HAL is not working right in Marshmallow and I think I'd rather try another run at getting the rest of the stuff in the open souce HAL working rather than keep trying to find hacks to keep the old blob alive. Recall that only voice calls and dock audio are not working with the open source audio HAL.
- Voice calls are just passing off audio to the Samsung cellular blobs so I don't think it's that much of a stretch to get working. But this will have to wait until cellular stuff is working in the first place.
- I found some patch for Samsung dock audio. It looks like it might apply to this device as well seeing as it seems to have a similar dock implementation. The patch is in the ROM already so that needs testing.
Cellular probably won't work for at least the first few builds. Other devices on M with a similar cellular radio needed a few new patches to get it working on M. I have put in the patches from L but we will have to trial and error what is needed for M based on other devices as a reference.
Thank you!
I know it's early on, but do you have any expectations as to how well it will run compared to previous Android version?
I appreciate all you've done, but mine never ran that great on the newest roms. It is passable and I appreciate it though.
Sent from my XT1094 using XDA Free mobile app
thank you very much for betting on this tablet , and download and I'll try ... I'm sure you will be able to tune it as we did with lp...
sflesch said:
I know it's early on, but do you have any expectations as to how well it will run compared to previous Android version?
I appreciate all you've done, but mine never ran that great on the newest roms. It is passable and I appreciate it though.
Sent from my XT1094 using XDA Free mobile app
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The OS appears to perform the same as Lollipop. It's a four year old device. There is nothing that will make it run as well as a modern Android device. You could try setting animation times to zero and set ro.config.low_ram=true.
For Marshmallow I have added L2 cache improvements in the kernel that improves RAM speed benchmarks. That's around 1k score in Antutu.
I understand that. And again I appreciate it. I was just curious what the performance level was. I expected at best it might be similar, but more likely it would, as is typical, use more resources.
I never expected much from my Tab. Finding your ROM was an unexpected surprise. I will try those tweaks. From all of the posts I read, I got the impression that many other tablets ran better than mine. I know fully well that each tablet is different and I don't blame you or the ROM, just my tablet.
Sent from my XT1094 using XDA Free mobile app
decatf said:
The OS appears to perform the same as Lollipop. It's a four year old device. There is nothing that will make it run as well as a modern Android device. You could try setting animation times to zero and set ro.config.low_ram=true.
For Marshmallow I have added L2 cache improvements in the kernel that improves RAM speed benchmarks. That's around 1k score in Antutu.
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Thank you for keeping this Mastodont alive. I will be doing the switch soon enough... I have been following and installing your Lollipop releases for quite a while now and appreciate very much all the time and effort you have put into these projects...
Sent from my p4wifi using XDA Free mobile app
Definitely wasn't expecting this tbh. You're doing a damn great job at keeping this tab alive decatf. Thank you for that.
Mmmh, I just did the following steps (coming from your version of 5.1.1) :
1) Installed TWRP-2710 from previously installed TWRP-2610
2) Rebooted into 2710 Recovery
3) Full Wipe
4) Install Android 6.0 ROM
5) Install OpenGapps (nano)
6) Install SuperSU 2.52
7) Reboot
Now the P4 is stuck at the Samsung boot logo, so it does not boot up.
Any ideas what I did wrong?
Regards, mistersixt.
mistersixt said:
Mmmh, I just did the following steps (coming from your version of 5.1.1) :
1) Installed TWRP-2710 from previously installed TWRP-2610
2) Rebooted into 2710 Recovery
3) Full Wipe
4) Install Android 6.0 ROM
5) Install OpenGapps (nano)
6) Install SuperSU 2.52
7) Reboot
Now the P4 is stuck at the Samsung boot logo, so it does not boot up.
Any ideas what I did wrong?
Regards, mistersixt.
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Me too, ive installed twrp Full wipe, install android 6 rom (P4) and use openGapps (pico), install superSU beta 2.52.
My P4 is stuck at samsung boot logo
Anyone able to install the rom successfully?
Anyways thanks decatf for all u have done for our device!
maybe don't use OpenGapps Pico?
on different devices, had issues with OpenGapps Pico versions;
especially on 5.1 and 6.0, pico may be -too- light?
I've had success with slim gapps zero on different devices;
size is similar to OpenGapps nano.
- maybe try WITHOUT any gapps?
- assuming it works, try Open nano, or slim zero?
i'll try myself and report later if I can
---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------
I haven't read -too- thoroughly,
but in addition to the 'regular' supersu beta (currently 2.52),
chainfire has a separate "WIP" thread where, at least check,
2.61.. for Marshmallow+.. systemless?.. discussion is still in the 2.52 / beta thread
a) link to the WIP thread:
b) that said, maybe for our system , 2.52 may be more appropriate?
can anyone compare?
c) hmm.. more reading.. may want to stick with 2.52 for now,
until 2.62 is ready (currently 2.61, but with planned features/fixes for 2.62)
Same thing, just did another full wipe and installed the p4 ROM only (no gapps, no supersu), and it is still stuck at the Samsung boot logo.
Regards, mistersixt.
spamam1 said:
on different devices, had issues with OpenGapps Pico versions;
especially on 5.1 and 6.0, pico may be -too- light?
I've had success with slim gapps zero on different devices;
size is similar to OpenGapps nano.
- maybe try WITHOUT any gapps?
- assuming it works, try Open nano, or slim zero?
i'll try myself and report later if I can
---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------
I haven't read -too- thoroughly,
but in addition to the 'regular' supersu beta (currently 2.52),
chainfire has a separate "WIP" thread where, at least check,
2.61.. for Marshmallow+.. systemless?.. discussion is still in the 2.52 / beta thread
a) link to the WIP thread:
b) that said, maybe for our system , 2.52 may be more appropriate?
can anyone compare?
c) hmm.. more reading.. may want to stick with 2.52 for now,
until 2.62 is ready (currently 2.61, but with planned features/fixes for 2.62)
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It works on my p4wifi. Somebody with an actual p4 needs to try booting it then reboot directly into TWRP and grab the last_kmsg.
adb pull /proc/last_kmsg
Go to Advanced > File Manager > Go to /proc/ > Tap last_kmsg > Copy File to /sdcard/
P4: wrong updater binary?
on TWRP try to install on P4,
but getting error:
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/Android/'
maybe the binary is from p4wifi?
anyone on P4 having issues?
I checked the MD5, and it matches.
---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------
spamam1 said:
on TWRP try to install on P4,
but getting error:
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/Android/'
maybe the binary is from p4wifi?
anyone on P4 having issues?
I checked the MD5, and it matches.
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hmm. .. donjuan10 on P4 was able to at least flash the files.
what am i doing wrong?
Hope I grabbed the right file:
regards, mistersixt.
decatf said:
It works on my p4wifi. Somebody with an actual p4 needs to try booting it then reboot directly into TWRP and grab the last_kmsg.
adb pull /proc/last_kmsg
Go to Advanced > File Manager > Go to /proc/ > Tap last_kmsg > Copy File to /sdcard/
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spamam1 said:
on TWRP try to install on P4,
but getting error:
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/Android/'
maybe the binary is from p4wifi?
anyone on P4 having issues?
I checked the MD5, and it matches.
---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------
hmm. .. donjuan10 on P4 was able to at least flash the files.
what am i doing wrong?
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more info..
before the error message (in red), a message about mount/symlink:
mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-num/p4 at /system: Device or resource busy
symlink: some symlinks failed
It might just be some kernel cmdline options I missed. The reason it boots on my p4wifi is because I'm testing it on multirom which passes off some cmdline options from the host ROM so the problem was not apparent due to that.
Just install the ROM then the kernel. And the rest of the stuff as usual.
Warning !!! Use this kernel on your own risk !!! I can't be held responsible for any kind of damage or data loss !!!
exFAT and F2FS support
Advanced TCP options
CIFS and NFS support
Insecure ADB
v1 -
v1 -
defconfig: Enable SDCARDFS
sdcardfs: Fix sdcardfs to stop creating cases-sensitive duplicate entries.
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Make WARN_RATELIMIT to pr_debug
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break
ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag
ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data
config: Add full mantis config
defconfig: Enable Wireguard
net: Add Wireguard importer
defconfig: Disable Amazon Metrics
defconfig: Enable Advanced TCP Congestion
defconfig: Enabled IKCONFIG_PROC
defconfig: Enable Network Filesystems
defconfig: Enable CIFS support
fs:Enable NFS support
fs: Enable exFAT Filesystem
fs: Add exFAT support
defconfig: Enable F2FS
v1 -
v1 -
defconfig: Enable SDCARDFS
sdcardfs: Fix sdcardfs to stop creating cases-sensitive duplicate entries.
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Make WARN_RATELIMIT to pr_debug
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break
ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag
ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data
config: Add full mantis config
defconfig: Enable Wireguard
net: Add Wireguard importer
defconfig: Disable Amazon Metrics
defconfig: Enable Advanced TCP Congestion
defconfig: Enabled IKCONFIG_PROC
defconfig: Enable Network Filesystems
defconfig: Enable CIFS support
fs:Enable NFS support
fs: Enable exFAT Filesystem
fs: Add exFAT support
defconfig: Enable F2FS
v2 -
v2 -
Enabled XPAD driver (this will enable support for Microsoft XBOX gamepads)
v3 -
v3 -
Wireguard not working issue is now fixed (please install the after installing the kernel)
v1 -
v1 -
defconfig: Enable SDCARDFS
sdcardfs: Fix sdcardfs to stop creating cases-sensitive duplicate entries.
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Make WARN_RATELIMIT to pr_debug
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break
ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag
ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data
config: Add full mantis config
defconfig: Enable Wireguard
net: Add Wireguard importer
defconfig: Disable Amazon Metrics
defconfig: Enable Advanced TCP Congestion
defconfig: Enabled IKCONFIG_PROC
defconfig: Enable Network Filesystems
defconfig: Enable CIFS support
fs:Enable NFS support
fs: Enable exFAT Filesystem
fs: Add exFAT support
defconfig: Enable F2FS
Enabled XPAD driver (this will enable support for Microsoft XBOX gamepads)
Wireguard fix (please install the after installing the kernel)
R1 -
R1 -
defconfig: Enable SDCARDFS
sdcardfs: Fix sdcardfs to stop creating cases-sensitive duplicate entries.
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Make WARN_RATELIMIT to pr_debug
ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break
ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag
ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data
config: Add full mantis config
defconfig: Enable Wireguard
net: Add Wireguard importer
defconfig: Disable Amazon Metrics
defconfig: Enable Advanced TCP Congestion
defconfig: Enabled IKCONFIG_PROC
defconfig: Enable Network Filesystems
defconfig: Enable CIFS support
fs:Enable NFS support
fs: Enable exFAT Filesystem
fs: Add exFAT support
defconfig: Enable F2FS
Enabled XPAD driver (this will enable support for Microsoft XBOX gamepads)
Wireguard fix (please install the after installing the kernel)
R3 -
R3 -
2f447f82b defconfig: Enable USB Serial FTDi-SIO
8b84c88e9 defconfig: Enable XPAD driver
ec89c3cc8 defconfig: Enable UVCVIDEO
67ca709a6 defconfig: Enable SDCARDFS
f4f1b3fa0 sdcardfs: Fix sdcardfs to stop creating cases-sensitive duplicate entries.
b1eeb0fef ANDROID: sdcardfs: Make WARN_RATELIMIT to pr_debug
b6a76bbb2 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break
962bd1f78 ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag
705999951 ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data
9f15be5ad defconfig: Enable Wireguard
883a014a9 net: Add Wireguard importer
68b1bb60b defconfig: Disable Amazon Metrics
efd514f93 defconfig: Enable Advanced TCP Congestion
ae7306d2d defconfig: Enabled IKCONFIG_PROC
73017ed8e defconfig: Enable Network Filesystems
149dc468c defconfig: Enable CIFS support
f0d5ceb5a fs:Enable NFS support
485fce697 fs: Enable exFAT Filesystem
a61103c71 fs: Add exFAT support
5a43a9876 defconfig: Enable F2FS
99f0df6ac Initial commit - Amazon FireTV 4K -
R3 -
R3 -
Sync with Amazon's release (latest kernel source available)
R2 -
R2 -
Sync with Amazon's release (latest kernel source available)
Requires a TZ update ,otherwise Dolby Vision will not work.
You can find a TWRP flashable zip attached to this post (
Download and install with TWRP
If you are rooted,flash Magisk after flashing the kernel (installing Magisk is mandatory if you want to avoid issues and use all kernel features or my Magisk modules )
Install the kernel modules with Magisk (optional - only required if you need uvcvideo and advanced TCP)
Install ( this is mandatory if you want to avoid issues and use all kernel features or my Magisk modules )
Download and install with Magisk Manager
Unpack the module
Open with a text editor (on Windows i recommend Notepad ++) replace user, pass and path with your own values
Repack the module and install with Magisk Manager
Source Code -> Github
Good work!
Rortiz2 said:
Good work!
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Thx! Next step would be to switch the internal storage to F2FS. xD
Flashed [] by rbox -> booted fine. Flashed this custom kernel and it is not booting, stuck at first fire tv logo, on black screen. I flash again the ROM and it is fine.
Are the problems with the ROM by rbox?
can you add uvcvideo to this kernel or as a module to the stock kernel? it will be nice to try USB webcams on the stick
Nice job. Any hope/idea to fix this?
cristimnt said:
Flashed [] by rbox -> booted fine. Flashed this custom kernel and it is not booting, stuck at first fire tv logo, on black screen. I flash again the ROM and it is fine.
Are the problems with the ROM by rbox?
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I don't know, i'm not using rbox's rom here.
tsynik said:
can you add uvcvideo to this kernel or as a module to the stock kernel? it will be nice to try USB webcams on the stick
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No promises, but i will look into it and eventually i will send you a test build.
Btw, have you flashed the kernel?
Pretoriano80 said:
No promises, but i will look into it and eventually i will send you a test build.
Btw, have you flashed the kernel?
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I was on magisk patched stock because I use stickmount for USB drives but flashed your kernel and magisk 20.1 after just for test right now and stick boots fine. So in general looks like it works
tsynik said:
I was on magisk patched stock because I use stickmount for USB drives but flashed your kernel and magisk 20.1 after and stick boots fine. So in general looks like it works
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Great, than something is not right on rbox's rom.
Personally i use my own zip to flash OTAs and i tested the kernel for quite some time.
Hmm,i've tried Stickmount months ago but i wasn't satisfied, that's why i started to work on the OTG module.
Best would be to find a way to make the OTG storage to show in Settings, so people could mount/unmount from there.
Can I get your zip?
cristimnt said:
Can I get your zip?
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Download the zip from here - >!RoV3iKRJ!U7U99phnyeqsRh71G8agaPCSM_8tMzRY1APkxeC_RHU <- and flash it with TWRP.
Also extract the boot.img from that zip and in case you need it, install it with TWRP (in twrp you must select "install image - > boot).
Make sure you have the latest amonet TWRP installed because that zip it's basically the stock Amazon OTA, renamed to zip.
Pretoriano80 said:
Hmm,i've tried Stickmount months ago but i wasn't satisfied, that's why i started to work on the OTG module.
Best would be to find a way to make the OTG storage to show in Settings, so people could mount/unmount from there.
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StickMount just do it's work: mount and unmount exFAT, NTFS drives to /sdcard/USB. Fuse performance isn't great but acceptable for any Blurays with high bitrates. According to dd it have about 22-25 MB/s on reads and writes via fuse. You can find little bit improved version on my GDrive in app folder
tsynik said:
StickMount just do it's work: mount and unmount exFAT, NTFS drives to /sdcard/USB. Fuse performance isn't great but acceptable for any Blurays with high bitrates. According to dd it have about 22-25 MB/s on reads and writes via fuse. You can find little bit improved version on my GDrive in app folder
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Yes, but it has a big limitation, at least that was the case when i tested, it can't write files bigger than the available space of the internal storage.
I added UVC to the kernel, but i didn't found an app that works (or my webcams are not supported, idk). Wanna test? I packed the modules into a Magisk module, so it's all systemless
If you are using Telegram, drop me a line there, same nick as XDA.
sam7323 said:
Nice job. Any hope/idea to fix this?
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That's the dream right there.
Its the only downside of this stick for me right now...I have to use my vero 4k+ for live TV which is a pain.
A fix would be unbelievable, I think Amazon have basically washed their hands with the issue now, which is really disappointing.
Pretoriano80 said:
[*]CIFS and NFS support
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Thanks for your work.
Could you give a hint how to properly use this kernel to mount nfs/cifs share to let's say /sdcard/share with access of installed apps to this folder.
I can sort of mount what i need via shell but folder remain accessible only for apps with root. I need it for Kodi as i can't get rid of buffering when i mount share in Kodi itself.
Hey @Pretoriano80!
LOVE your kernel! Thank you very much for gifting us with your hard work.
Wonder if this kernel has init.d support? If not, any plans to implement it?
Mil gracias!
What will the Kernel version be once this is flashed (just so I can verify that it's installed once booted into the Firestick OS.)
Do we have to uninstall stickmount to use this or is it much like a addon feature with your kernel ?
Hi Pretoriano!
Awesome work, mate! LOVE your kernel!
I tried flashing it under, but got bootloop. How can I make this kernel work in the latest OS?
Thanks again!