[Q] SP not booting after flashing boot.img - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello guys ,
my xSP not booting after flashing boot.img even the sony logo isnt appearing

moe111 said:
hello guys ,
my xSP not booting after flashing boot.img even the sony logo isnt appearing
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You need to unlock your bootloader
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noahvt said:
You need to unlock your bootloader
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Free mobile app
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it is unlocked broo

If it's a XperianZe Rom, everything is okay. This rom has black boot logo. You should flash Rom first and alter flashing Rom flash boot.img.
Sorry for my english 'cos I'm form wild for You country - Poland


Xperia Block in Start!!! HELP

Hi at all...
i have a biiiiig problem...and i am a stupid!
I have a firmware stock with root permission...
i have installed a rom managar and for a my error i have installed a new bootanimation into this rom manager,.,
Now when i turn on my xperia Z i can see the Sony logo and the device reboot immediatly...
I have to try to start with clockworkmod but the recovery is impossible to start...
Please help meeeeee
Thank you at all
tommybestjr88 said:
Hi at all...
i have a biiiiig problem...and i am a stupid!
I have a firmware stock with root permission...
i have installed a rom managar and for a my error i have installed a new bootanimation into this rom manager,.,
Now when i turn on my xperia Z i can see the Sony logo and the device reboot immediatly...
I have to try to start with clockworkmod but the recovery is impossible to start...
Please help meeeeee
Thank you at all
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From what you said, you got boot loop.
Just use flash tool to flash the stock Rom again.
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abd_alazeez2002 said:
From what you said, you got boot loop.
Just use flash tool to flash the stock Rom again.
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Thank you but where i can see a guide for install from flashtool? and can i use again if i can't turn on the devices?
tommybestjr88 said:
Thank you but where i can see a guide for install from flashtool? and can i use again if i can't turn on the devices?
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tuto is for x10 but it's the same. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10879507
you must use flashtool 0.9.10beta4 for xz : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2162907
everything you need is here on xda, search for more infos.
u can try repair with pcc too, did you try ?

Can't boot into TWRP recovery?? HELP :(

Hey Guys,
I just bought my T-mobile Xperia Z 6606 and I was able to Root and Install TWRP recovery. I know my phone has bootloader locked down too.
I flashed this "[MOD][JB][Camera] Cyber-shotâ„¢ For Xperia Z & ZL "Updated 13-04-2013" from the themes and apps section and after flashing it rebooted but it is stuck at the SONY logo.
I did make a nand back-up prior to flashing but now I cannot enter recovery. All I get is the RED led light. I don't see the Green light.
Should I just try to reflash a different recovery??
Found Thread for Boot Stall condition.
Mod Please Close or Delete Thread. Thank You
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mastermindx85 said:
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The stickys.
...Sent from Zed

[Q] xperia v flash the [T] DooMKernel {JB}(v08) and appears some problems. Help!

please help!!
my Xperia V flashes the [T] DooMKernel {JB}(v08), then it appears some problems. during the booting, the boot animation has serious color lump. the screen always beats and the color of the screen changes more white all the way. I try to flash some firmwares and kennels, but it has no use. How can I do?
please heip me, and give me some advice. Thanks
Relock your bootloader and repair with pccompanion.
It clearly days that the T version of DooMKerneL is for v the T, and you should not flash it on other phones
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
gregbradley said:
Relock your bootloader and repair with pccompanion.
It clearly days that the T version of DooMKerneL is for v the T, and you should not flash it on other phones
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
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Thank you for your replay and advice.
I had relocked my bootloader and repaired with pccompanion. But the problems is not solved
will anyone give me some advice?
Reflash the touch firmware, just Google it or search in the Xperia T thread to see how to do it
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
gregbradley said:
Reflash the touch firmware, just Google it or search in the Xperia T thread to see how to do it
Sent from my C6903 using xda premium
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I don't find something about the similar post. Will you help me to find it and show me here? Thank you
read this
post 11 has the commands to flash touch firmware
gregbradley said:
read this
post 11 has the commands to flash touch firmware
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xperia v has no touch_module_id_0x32.img. It has touch_module_id_0x30.img, touch_module_id_0x31.img, and touch_module_id_0x40.img. And my problem is not the problem of loss of touching. Is the way suitable?

[Q] Stuck on HTC logo:(

Hi Guys,
I recently bought a HTC one from ebay and it was a rooted phone.
I wasn't aware about it and I did a hard reset and now I'm stuck with the HTC logo..
Any idea on how can I get the mobile to work again?
I earlier had Xperia ARC S so if such issue happened then I easily installed ftf file from flashtool..
Can I have ftf file for htc one too?
Pleas help
Load another ROM.
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Can you get into recovery?
budeone said:
Can you get into recovery?
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Yea.. I'm able to visit the recovery section!
Xperi.a said:
Yea.. I'm able to visit the recovery section!
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Ok, I don't have a lot of information but move this on your card
This is just one of many roms out there.
and flash it like any other rom

Help Me!!!!!

Hello there!
Help me....
My x8 is on gingerdx rom v10..i want to update it.. When i update my Cwm.. It stuck in bootloop... I can't use the USB cable... Help me..
Sent from my Xperia Tipo using xda app-developers app
rafi_android said:
Hello there!
Help me....
My x8 is on gingerdx rom v10..i want to update it.. When i update my Cwm.. It stuck in bootloop... I can't use the USB cable... Help me..
Sent from my Xperia Tipo using xda app-developers app
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you must flash your phone with flashtool
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk 2
First what is your actual kernel ?
are you on stock kernel ?
Can you access CWM menu ?
Give us some details about your phone and what do you want to do...
kernel, bootloader status...
Because if it's a softbrick, that phone freezing at Sony Ericsson logo and you can't access into CWM...
Yes you use Sony Update service software or flashtools depending on your phone status and what you want
bileldjerba said:
First what is your actual kernel ?
are you on stock kernel ?
Can you access CWM menu ?
Give us some details about your phone and what do you want to do...
kernel, bootloader status...
Because if it's a softbrick, that phone freezing at Sony Ericsson logo and you can't access into CWM...
Yes you use Sony Update service software or flashtools depending on your phone status and what you want
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I can't access cwm and I can't use the usb cable...
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2nd post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=35338935
Like the person above you asked, we need more details to help you out.
rafi_android said:
Hello there!
Help me....
My x8 is on gingerdx rom v10..i want to update it.. When i update my Cwm.. It stuck in bootloop... I can't use the USB cable... Help me..
Sent from my Xperia Tipo using xda app-developers app
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what kernel do yo use now??
sorry for my bad languages :fingers-crossed:
hasbz van blacker`s said:
what kernel do yo use now??
sorry for my bad languages :fingers-crossed:
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