[Q] XT862 extended battery , help - Motorola Droid 3

I installed a new 3500 mAh extended battery on my XT862 and I get the message:
Invalid battery
Your device battery is invalid and cannot be charged.
Replace the battery with an original Motorola battery
I have to change the settings or the battery is bad?
If are the settings, what settings, please. Thank you.


[Q] HTC Tilt & the Extended Batteries

Hello there!
2 weeks ago I have replaced my Dynapack 1350 mAh battery with a 2800 mAh one for my Tilt 8925. Everything is great just that the phone does not recognize the new battery which means that it shows the same lifetime of the battery as being short as the previous one.
Everytime I'm getting the low battery message I have to shut off the phone, remove and plug the battery back and the battery shows 50-70% battery so I get 1-2 more days to fool around with it.
My question is: is there any tweak/software that can be installed in order to keep monitored the battery according to its actual lifetime? Or should I start making a habbit of unpluggin/plugging the battery?
Thanks in advance!
Any ideas?
Bad phone?

extended battery percentage

Ok so i bought a extended battery i think its the 3000mah version or something like that. well anyways i am on cyanogen 6 stable and with the oem battery it used to show the battery percentage in the status bar and now with this battery it just shows a FULL battery with no percentage. any help is appreciated i tried searching and there was similar threads but not quite the same THANKS BROHAMS!

Battery life check and orginal battery

i use n1 for 9 months but ı never satısfy my battery.and heavy usage or only connectıon wifi my battery go low battery stitution quick i think is thre any program or something else test my battery and get 1600mah battery with orginal backcover?

[Q] Droid 4 Removing Firmware Battery limitation

Hey all, coming from my D2G to the D4 lots of change. Trying to get the battery meter to reflect true readings. (have tried all the battery calibrations apps) Can anyone walk me through on how to change the firmware of the 1765mha to 3800mha of my extended battery. I have rooted my D4 and have build 9.8320-72_VZW-18-2. on Android 4.1.2. Thanks in advance for any help!
I have the same problem with my mugen battery, but I am using CM 11.
Can anybody help?
Try this:
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I think I've found a solution to manage wrong percentage indicator of Mugen extended batteries. I have placed a script in my init.d folder:
busybox mount -o bind /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity
From now the whole system shows voltage data in places where should be battery percentage. I know that in my case battery is dying when it reach 3400 mV (full battery is 4200 mV). The problem is that this is a very big number. My idea is to subtract from the current voltage the voltage when battery run out of power (3400 mV) and then divide it by 8. In that case, battery indicator should start showing correct percentage (example of full battery: 4200 mv-3400 mv = 800; 800/8=100%). What do you guys think about that? Is it even possible? And if so, how to place this math instructions into script?
I have been looking for a solution to this problem for the past year. I have tried every battery calibration application out there. None of them worked. I just learned to deal with it. Basically, when my phone hits 1%, I know I have about 4-6 hours of battery left.

S3 mini Displaying Wrong Battery Percentage After Replacing battery and New Rom.

Hey guys, its my first post on this forum (or on any forum for that matter) so I apologize if this is in the wrong section . But recently I've been having a problem with my S3 mini and hoped I could get some help on here. So a few days ago I got a 4000mAh - 3.7V extended battery for my phone because my old one had broken. The old battery was the stock battery that came with the phone. Before I bought the new battery I also installed the PacmanROM on my android. But since I got the battery the percentage my android displays has been completely wrong. I'm pretty sure that the battery is fully charged after over 16 hours of charging but the percentage the phone displays is only around 65% and no matter how long I charge it the percentage never reaches 100 and it will stay on a certain value that will randomly fluctuate if I restart the device. So is there anyway to make my phone display the correct percentage? Thanks for your help!
In my opinion, extended batteries are more trouble than they're worth. I have dabbled with them but all have failed at some point (even brand new). If you put the battery on a flat surface and it 'wobbles' at all then its duff. I use stock batteries. Sorry if this is not what you want as an answer but just my experience with extended batteries.
Sent from my GT-I8190N running CandyKat
Thanks for the input anyway! I've never tried any other extended batteries so I ignorantly decided to get one hoping it would work well. But anyways I believe that its not the battery that's at fault since the battery seems fine to me (no bumps showing a faulty battery). I have a feeling that its my old battery that's at fault or the system still possibly assuming its a stock battery. Well I'm no expert .
Awfully I can post the link for fix this..
The APP for fix this 'bug' is "Battery Calibration", it delets a battery file, and after restart the cellphone, that file is remade with correct data.
Well I looked into Battery Calibration and have managed to find a fix! I charged my phone to "full" (which my phone only displayed as ~50% at the time) and once the battery percentage stopped increasing I left the phone to charge for a few hours after that. Then when I was sure that the battery is actually full, I installed a battery calibration app and "calibrated" my battery which deleted the batterystats.bin file. I then waited for my phone to completely run out of charge, which I sped up with an app called "battery discharge", then when I let the phone switch off by itself from an empty battery. Once the phone restarted the battery percentage displayed was correct.
Try Battery calibration
isnt battery callibration a complete myth and placebo? deleting batterystats.bin shouldnt help as it just contains data about what consumed battery juice

