im trying to set up a linux_swap partition, but i dont want to use apps2sd, nor do i want to use cache2sd.
can someone point me in the right direction?
kchau said:
im trying to set up a linux_swap partition, but i dont want to use apps2sd, nor do i want to use cache2sd.
can someone point me in the right direction?
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Just create the linux-swap partition and not the ext partition.
will i have to wipe?
and what is the recommended size?
supremeteam256 said:
Just create the linux-swap partition and not the ext partition.
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Click to collapse
Does that work now? I know it depends on how you are doing it, but assuming a build with auto apps2sd, the script just looks at partition number and will screw up if you do that. I think cyanogen has made adjustments in his experimental line.
im running cyanogen 4.0.4. will it work?
kchau said:
im running cyanogen 4.0.4. will it work?
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Click to collapse
if the script does that couldnt you create a 1mb ext2/3/4?
You also need to edit the user.conf file.
linux_swap_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) linux swap
linux_swap_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # swap partition device
The usual setting is mmcblk0p3 but you need to set it to mmcblk0p2 because your linus swap part is going to be 2 instead of 3
This is for swap only with no compcache
#compcache related parameters
compcache_en=0 # enable(1) or disable(0) compcache
cc_disksize=32 # Ram swap disksize - any number between 1 to 95 should work
cc_memlimit=18 # Limite the memory usage when backing swap is used
cc_backingswap_en=0 # enable or disable backing swap
cc_backingswap=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # pointing to the backingswap partition device
cc_swappiness=60 # default 60
#Linux swap parameters
# linux swap can only be enabled if cc_backingswap_en is set to "0"
linux_swap_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) linux swap
linux_swap_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # swap partition device
swappiness=60 # default 60
will compcache improve speed while running background applications?
so do i have to create an ext3 partition to put the userconf in there?
wait, where do i put the user.conf file then?
i read around and i think im supposed to put the user.conf file into /system/sd
i also enabled compcache. let me know if that is not advised.
with a 64mb swap
#compcache related parameters
compcache_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) compcache
cc_disksize=70 # Ram swap disksize - any number between 1 to 95 should work
cc_memlimit=18 # Limite the memory usage when backing swap is used
cc_backingswap_en=0 # enable or disable backing swap
cc_backingswap=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # pointing to the backingswap partition device
cc_swappiness=60 # default 60
#Linux swap parameters
# linux swap can only be enabled if cc_backingswap_en is set to "0"
linux_swap_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) linux swap
linux_swap_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # swap partition device
swappiness=60 # default 60
i have an issue with a boot loop at th eandroid screen now
ok, so, if i dont boot with the sd card inserted, it boots, but then i get to the home screen and it says none of my apps are installed.
so i go to recovery, remove the user.conf file. and same thing
so i restore, and boot with the sd card in. same thing, bootloop.
and now im restoring, but not booting with sd card.
what happened? was i not supposed to enable compcache? or keep the cc_disksize at 32?
so, ive been following this thread
with this a2sd, it doesnt boot:
# Apps2SD using symlinks and bind mounts
# [email protected] (cyanogen)
echo "--- Welcome to Android/CyanogenMod!";
sysctl -p
# execute any postinstall script then kill it
if [ -e /data/ ];
echo "--- Executing";
/system/bin/sh /data/;
rm -f /data/;
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 ];
echo "--- Checking ext filesystems";
# fsck the sdcard filesystem first
e2fsck -y /dev/block/mmcblk0p4;
# set property with exit code in case an error occurs
setprop cm.e2fsck.errors $?;
# mount and set perms
busybox mount -o noatime,nodiratime -t auto /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /system/sd;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /system/sd;
busybox chmod 771 /system/sd;
# clean up any old symlinks, create data directories
for i in dalvik-cache data;
if [ -h /data/$i ];
rm /data/$i;
if [ ! -d /data/$i ];
mkdir /data/$i;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /data/$i;
busybox chmod 771 /data/$i;
# don't allow /data/data on sd because of upgrade issues - move it if possible
if [ -d /system/sd/data ];
busybox cp -a /system/sd/data/* /data/data/;
busybox rm -rf /system/sd/data;
# move apps and dalvik cache from internal memory to sdcard
for i in app app-private dalvik-cache;
if [ ! -d /system/sd/$i ];
mkdir /system/sd/$i;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /system/sd/$i;
busybox chmod 771 /system/sd/$i
if [ -d /data/$i ] && [ ! -h /data/$i ];
busybox cp -a /data/$i/* /system/sd/$i/;
busybox rm -f /data/$i/*;
# symlink app dirs - they must be on the same filesystem
for i in app app-private;
if [ -d /data/$i ] && [ ! -h /data/$i ];
busybox rm -rf /data/$i;
busybox ln -s /system/sd/$i /data/$i;
# bind mount dalvik-cache so we can still boot without the sdcard
busybox mount -o bind /system/sd/dalvik-cache /data/dalvik-cache;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /data/dalvik-cache;
busybox chmod 771 /data/dalvik-cache;
# clean up old whiteouts
for i in local misc property system tombstones data;
if [ -h /system/sd/$i ]; then rm -f /system/sd/$i; fi
# please don't put odex files in the app directory people!
# it causes dexopt to crash when switching builds!
busybox rm -f /system/sd/app/*.odex
# call a script if it's present on the sdcard
# otherwise just enable compcache with no backing swap
if [ -e /system/sd/ ];
echo "--- Executing"
busybox chmod +x /system/sd/
/system/bin/sh /system/sd/;
modprobe ramzswap;
/system/bin/rzscontrol /dev/block/ramzswap0 --init
swapon /dev/block/ramzswap0
setprop 1;
echo "+++ Apps-to-SD successfully enabled";
# replace symlinks with directories so we can boot without sd
for i in app app-private;
if [ -h /data/$i ];
rm -f /data/$i;
mkdir /data/$i;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /data/$i;
busybox chmod 771 /data/$i;
modprobe ramzswap;
/system/bin/rzscontrol /dev/block/ramzswap0 --init
swapon /dev/block/ramzswap0
setprop 0;
setprop cm.filesystem.ready 1;
with this a2sd, no swap shows up when i go adb shell free:
# Apps2SD using symlinks and bind mounts
# [email protected] (cyanogen)
echo "--- Welcome to Android/CyanogenMod!";
sysctl -p
# execute any postinstall script then kill it
if [ -e /data/ ];
echo "--- Executing";
/system/bin/sh /data/;
rm -f /data/;
if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 ];
echo "--- Checking ext filesystems";
# fsck the sdcard filesystem first
e2fsck -y /dev/block/mmcblk0p2;
# set property with exit code in case an error occurs
setprop cm.e2fsck.errors $?;
# mount and set perms
busybox mount -o noatime,nodiratime -t auto /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /system/sd;
busybox chmod 771 /system/sd;
setprop cm.filesystem.ready 1;
and with the default a2sd, no boot.
and this is my user.conf
# General parameters
apps2sd=0 # this is useless here, require a modified a2sd script
media2sd=0 # moves the medias to sd if /system/sd/media exists
#compcache related parameters
compcache_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) compcache
cc_disksize=70 # Ram swap disksize - any number between 1 to 95 should work
cc_memlimit=18 # Limit the memory usage for backing swap (cc .5x known issue-defaults to 15% of total RAM)
cc_backingswap_en=0 # enable(1) or disable(0) backing swap
cc_backingswap=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # pointing to the backingswap partition device
cc_swappiness=60 # default 60
#Linux swap parameters
# linux swap can only be enabled if cc_backingswap_en is set to "0"
linux_swap_en=1 # enable(1) or disable(0) linux swap
linux_swap_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 # swap partition device
swappiness=60 # default 60
partition 1 is my fat32 which is whatever 8 gigs minus 64
partition 2 is 64 megs of linux_swap
You have completely over complicated this. remove the user.conf file from every location you put it in, remove all partitions and leave it with none, boot in recovery and wipe, then reflash cyan 4.0.4. reboot. everything should be normal with no swap and it should ask you if you want to format the sd card. when you get it working normal post back here.
my whole point is not to wipe, and i dont want a2sd.
wiping and doing what you said above will enable a2sd.
what part of my previous post would enable apps2sd?
if you don't want to wipe, then at least do everything else i posted
ok, i removed all the user.conf and repartitioned my sdcard
now what?
reflash cyan 4.0.4 and boot so it will format the card
what is the make, size, and class of your sdcard?
why no apps2sd?
Hi I built a little script to mount my SDcard @ startup of the phone and install some apps.
here it is:
sleep 2
busybox mount > /data/mount.txt
busybox ls /dev/block/vold >> /data/mount.txt
busybox mount -t vfat -o rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,uid=1000,gid=1015,fmask=0702,dmask=0702,allow_utime=0020,shortname=mixed,utf8 /dev/block/vold/179:1 /sdcard >> /data/mount.txt
busybox mount >> /data/mount.txt
sleep 3
echo "APPS installation"
if [ -e /sdcard/Apps-install/install.txt ];
echo "found file" > /sdcard/Apps-install/install.txt
cd /sdcard/Apps-install
ls *.apk > ./apps.txt
for line in $(cat apps.txt); do install -c -D /sdcard/Apps-install/"$line" /data/app >> /sdcard/Apps-install/install.txt; done
echo "ok" >> /sdcard/Apps-install/install.txt
echo "file not found" > /sdcard/Apps-install/install.txt
sleep 2
echo "Finish"
if [ -e /data/ ];
busybox rm -f /data/;
busybox rm -f /sdcard/Apps-install/apps.txt;
echo "Restart"
sleep 1
I'm sure that the code is well executed (as is have data in /data/mount.txt) but the mount of the SD and so every work related to the SD
What is strange is that script work if i execute it after the phone has completely started.
Can someone help please.
A Little up for a little help
I still need help,
thx by advance
Herc. 8)
Ok finally found bye myself.
I changed the device: /dev/block/vold/179:1 for /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
That's all.
Herc. 8)
I'm trying to make a script that will do a modification to the build.prop on boot.
Usually I flash the cm7 nightly and I pull the build.prop, modify it and push it back before the first boot. The idea is to make it easier for flashing roms on the go. Using custom_backup_list.txt seems to be a viable option but it will keep an old build.prop indefinitely.
Some of the properties that I want to change are
ro.config.ringtone=_Mosquito 16bit.mp3
From what I read today CM7 looks for file at two different locations:
As of now I have tried without success doing the following
Make a script at /data/local with the following code
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
setprop windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec 100
setprop ro.sf.lcd_density 201
setprop ro.config.ringtone "_Mosquito 16bit.mp3"
setprop ro.config.alarm_alert Alarm_Beep_02.ogg
I'm not sure if there's something wrong in the above code, or CM7 is not running the scripts on boot.
EDIT: after adb push the file I do
adb shell
chmod 755 /data/local/
I've been trying for several hours now. Still get issue with stuck at X.
This is my updated script. Not sure what is wrong...
Using CM7 nightly36
cavs intersectraven
ss4n1 script
this is my at /data/local
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "Done already"
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=240/ro.sf.lcd_density=202/g' /system/build.prop
sed -i '/ro.config.ringtone/d' /system/build.prop
sed -i '/ro.config.alarm_alert/d' /system/build.prop
echo "ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=1000" >> /system/build.prop
echo "ro.config.ringtone=_Mosquito 16bit.mp3" >> /system/build.prop
echo "ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_02.ogg" >> /system/build.prop
echo "windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=100" >> /system/build.prop
echo > /system/.bproped
exit 0
I know where you're coming from. Takes a while to customize your phone manually after each nightly, so I actually have a custom script similar to what you're doing, which updates build.prop and other config files (hosts, gps.conf, etc). Only mine is run within the, using the recovery shell /sbin/sh.
For your method, you can try this ...
MODIFIED=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "zeus_chingon"`
if [ "$MODIFIED" ];
echo "Done already"
mount -o remount,rw /system
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=240/ro.sf.lcd_density=202/g' /system/build.prop
RINGTONE=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "ro.config.ringtone"`
sed -i 's/$RINGTONE/ro.config.ringtone=_Mosquito_16bit.mp3/g' /system/build.prop
ALARM=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "ro.config.alarm_alert"`
sed -i 's/$ALARM/ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_02.ogg/g' /system/build.prop
echo "ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=1000" >> /system/build.prop
echo "windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=100" >> /system/build.prop
echo "# Modified by zeus_chingon" >> /system/build.prop
mount -o remount,ro /system
My own custom script is HERE. Feel free to modify for your own use.
ch33kybutt said:
I know where you're coming from. Takes a while to customize your phone manually after each nightly, so I actually have a custom script similar to what you're doing, which updates build.prop and other config files (hosts, gps.conf, etc). Only mine is run within the, using the recovery shell /sbin/sh.
For your method, you can try this ...
MODIFIED=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "zeus_chingon"`
if [ "$MODIFIED" ];
echo "Done already"
mount -o remount,rw /system
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=240/ro.sf.lcd_density=202/g' /system/build.prop
RINGTONE=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "ro.config.ringtone"`
sed -i 's/$RINGTONE/ro.config.ringtone=_Mosquito_16bit.mp3/g' /system/build.prop
ALARM=`cat /system/build.prop|grep "ro.config.alarm_alert"`
sed -i 's/$ALARM/ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_02.ogg/g' /system/build.prop
echo "ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=1000" >> /system/build.prop
echo "windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=100" >> /system/build.prop
echo "# Modified by zeus_chingon" >> /system/build.prop
mount -o remount,ro /system
My own custom script is HERE. Feel free to modify for your own use.
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Thanks for your help, I end up using your zip file with some modification. The problem that I keep encountering is that using the /data/local/ method it get stuck on boot at X.
I saw in your some settings like
what does each one do?
I use LauncherPro if that have anything to do with it.
ro.HOME_APP_ADJ determines oom_adj value and ro.HOME_APP_MEM determines memory threshold, for your chosen launcher app. In short, these settings help to keep the launcher resident in memory and thus reduce homescreen lag.
One thing you have know about the ro.* settings in build.prop, are that they are writeable one-time only, i.e. once any ro.* value has been set, it becomes read-only and you cannot use setprop to change it further.
So it seems that your orginal script add to the first line of build prop by using the
sed -i '1i\Something' /system/build.prop;
to put it in "higher priority" so that it get run first and overlook the second occurence that might occur in the build.prop afterwards?
So if i want to add something to line number n it would be
sed -i 'ni\something' .......
zeus_chingon said:
So it seems that your orginal script add to the first line of build prop by using the
sed -i '1i\Something' /system/build.prop;
to put it in "higher priority" so that it get run first and overlook the second occurence that might occur in the build.prop afterwards?
So if i want to add something to line number n it would be
sed -i 'ni\something' .......
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That's correct.
Hi All,
By default my System folder didn't had the build.prop. i extracted it from the CM7 Rom made some changes and copied it to System folder and rebooted.
Changes ringtone(default) Playa.ogg to Rigel.ogg.
After reboot still Playa.ogg as my default ringtone.
What is figured was my Phone isnt including build.prop file
Any suggestions?
Wildfire Rooted(CM7 Nightly 2.3.5)
So yea I've been working on a proper "app2sd" solution that doesn't involve just switching the MicroSD for the eMMC, but I like the stock rom so far, so I didn't feel like flashing a rom just to get init.d, and I didn't feel like modifying the ramdisk in the kernel either. So I cooked up this script that anyone can run from terminal to get init.d support. It should work for other devices too, as long as they run /system/etc/ on boot.
There's only three requirements for it to work:
#1 You must be rooted
#2 Your device must run /system/etc/
#3 You must have busybox
I tested a few times on my own device (GT-N8013), but haven't had anyone else test it, so don't freak out if it doesn't work. Just let me know what went wrong and I'll figure something out.
Running it is very simple:
#1 Open any terminal app
#2 su
#3 navigate to the folder where you have the script
#4 sh ./
Your device will be rebooted once the process is done, don't freak out. If everything went fine, you'll have a file in /sdcard called init.d.log created by the test init.d script that is made by the enabler.
You can either download the attachment (rename it to if you get the attachment), or create the file with the contents betlow:
# Adds init.d support to any device that automatically runs /system/etc/
# on startup.
# Made by TweakerL, make sure to visit us at or chat with us on freenode #and-host
echo '##################################################'
echo '## ##'
echo '## Script by TweakerL ##'
echo '## Visit us at ##'
echo '## Chat with us at freenode #and-host ##'
echo '## ##'
echo '##################################################'
echo ''
echo 'This script will enable init.d if your device'
echo 'executes /system/etc/'
echo ''
echo 'Your tablet will be rebooted once the process'
echo 'is done.'
echo ''
echo 'If the script successfully enabled init.d you will'
echo 'have a file in /sdcard called init.d.log after'
echo 'the device is done rebooting. Remember to always'
echo 'set the proper permissions in your scripts or they'
echo 'will not work.'
echo ''
read -p "Press ENTER to continue..."
if [ ! -f /system/xbin/busybox -a ! -f /system/bin/busybox ]
echo 'You do not have busybox. Exiting now...'
# Mount system as rw in order to execute the script
busybox mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
# Check if already exists, and if so
# add the necessary lines, otherwise create it
if [ -f /system/etc/ ]
if cat /system/etc/ | busybox egrep -i "sysinit"
echo sysinit already present in, skipping this step.
busybox cp -f /system/etc/ /sdcard/
echo '' >> /sdcard/
echo '/system/bin/sysinit' >> /sdcard/
busybox cp -f /sdcard/ /system/etc/
echo '#!/system/bin/sh' >> /sdcard/
echo '' >> /sdcard/
echo '/system/bin/sysinit' >> /sdcard/
busybox cp -f /sdcard/ /system/etc/
busybox chmod 755 /system/etc/
# Check if sysinit already exists and if so skip step
# otherwise create it
if [ ! -f /system/bin/sysinit ]
echo '#!/system/bin/sh' >> /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq
echo 'export PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin' >> /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq
echo '' >> /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq
echo '/system/bin/logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d' >> /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq
busybox cp -f /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq /system/bin/sysinit
busybox chmod 755 /system/bin/sysinit
echo sysinit already exists in /system/bin. init.d should already be enabled.
# Cleanup
busybox rm -f /sdcard/
busybox rm -f /sdcard/kuhbgrdxsq
#Check that init.d folder exists and if not create it
# as well as set the right permissions
if [ -d '/system/etc/init.d' ]
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d
mkdir /system/etc/init.d
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d
# Create a test init.d script that echoes a file to
# /sdcard on successful execution
echo '#!/system/bin/sh' > /sdcard/99testinit
echo '' >> /sdcard/99testinit
echo 'echo init.d works > /sdcard/init.d.log' >> /sdcard/99testinit
busybox cp -f /sdcard/99testinit /system/etc/init.d
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/99testinit
busybox rm -f /sdcard/99testinit
# Sync and remount system
busybox mount -o remount,ro -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
# Reboot system to enable init.d
if [ -f /system/bin/reboot ]
echo Your device will reboot in 3 seconds
sleep 3
echo "Your device doesn't appear to have a reboot command,"
echo "please reboot your device now to avoid problems."
TweakerL said:
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it is good!
TweakerL said:
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Thanks for sharing.
Im tested my ainol elf offical rom novo0706, and worked. Thank
Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Elf using Tapatalk 2
Pretty awesome. Will edit once i try this out.
Edit: Everything worked. Tested on GT-N8013
Thanks alot.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
Hi, Can you tell more clearly how to make this work.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using xda app-developers app
Can any one make .zip file to flash thru recovery..thanks
The point was not to have to go into recovery...
Anyway, it's really simple...
Download the attached file
open terminal
then do the following commands
cd /sdcard
sh ./Download/
assuming that your browser saves files to /sdcard/Download
Sorry, I am a computer idiot . I really donot how to do after I had downloaded the text file. Appreciated if you can explain more detail.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using xda app-developers app
So now with init.d support ready, is it going to be possible to run proper a2sd scripts? And which one specifically would you recommend? Excuse me if i'm asking the wrong questions.
andylam16 said:
Sorry, I am a computer idiot . I really donot how to do after I had downloaded the text file. Appreciated if you can explain more detail.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using xda app-developers app
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It has nothing to do with knowing anything about computers, as you don't need a computer to do this... just your device...
Download the file, on your device, if you're using stock browser it will go to /sdcard/Download
Make sure you have busybox, download a busybox installer from the market, install it, and run it, and tell it to install busybox
Download a terminal app from the play store for free, such as android terminal emulator, install it and open it
then type in these exact commands, just like they're in here, in the terminal:
sh /sdcard/Download/
Assuming of course, that your stuff is getting download to /sdcard/Download.
If you can't do this... sell your android device and buy an iCrap one...
drnish83 said:
So now with init.d support ready, is it going to be possible to run proper a2sd scripts? And which one specifically would you recommend? Excuse me if i'm asking the wrong questions.
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I'm working on my own app2sd script that should beat anything ever made. Here's what it does:
It uses a second partition in the MicroSD card for gaining extra storage, this partition has to be formatted to ext4
#1 It mounts the external ext4 partition to a new location
#2 It detects the location for /sdcard/Android; /data/data; /data/app no matter what device you have (suppose the directories aren't the same for a certain device)
#3 It has the option to mount /sdcard/Android to a folder in the external partition
#4 It has the option to mount /data/data to a folder in the external partition
#5 It has the option to mount /data/app to a folder in the external partition
#6 It has the option to automatically copy everything from any of those folders to the appropriate folder in the external partition
#7 It has the option to automatically wipe from the internal storage anything that it moves
#8 If you have all options enabled, apps will be automatically installed to the external partition and never take any space in the internal storage, while everything else (Download/recovery/backup/pictures/videos/etc...) all remain in the internal partition.
Wow... cant wait for this script
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for explaining. Interesting indeed! Will definitely wait for it eagerly!
Here's a preview of the super app2sd script I'm working on. Much of it is already implemented, should have it all in a couple of days
I have tried your script and it has successful at first.. then i flashing my note again with stock rom and i try using ur script again but now there is nothing chance.. do you know why?? what must i do now??
You know, this is the damnedest thing, but your instructions call for Busybox installation, and I can't install Busybox on my N8013. And tips you can share?
NessLookAlike said:
You know, this is the damnedest thing, but your instructions call for Busybox installation, and I can't install Busybox on my N8013. And tips you can share?
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Busy box installs on mine.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
NessLookAlike said:
You know, this is the damnedest thing, but your instructions call for Busybox installation, and I can't install Busybox on my N8013. And tips you can share?
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Only reason you wouldn't be able to install busybox is if you're not rooted.
Mr tweaker, i have done the process of init.d but there is nothing changed.. where is my false?
Sent from my GT-N8000 using XDA Premium HD app
Welly_11 said:
Mr tweaker, i have done the process of init.d but there is nothing changed.. where is my false?
Sent from my GT-N8000 using XDA Premium HD app
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Look for these files and let me know if they're there:
If anybody needs help, look for me on irc - #and-host in freenode
Dear bros and members here,
I want some script for using dexopt-wrapper to some location
Example: if there is file in (/sdcard/app)
then the script should prompt two request:
the first is the apk file name
and the other is the odex file name and should execute
dexopt-wrapper /sdcard/app/name.of.the.apk /sdcard/app/name.of.the.odex
Please, I want this in shell script
Here you are:
# In the name of Allah
mkdir $tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
BCP="`cat /init.rc | grep BOOTCLASSPATH`"
echo $BCP>$tmp/fbcp.txt
sed -e 's/export BOOTCLASSPATH //g' $tmp/fbcp.txt>$tmp/bcp.txt
BCP="`cat $tmp/bcp.txt`"
rm $tmp/fbcp.txt
rm $tmp/bcp.txt
echo "Please enter the name of app to odex:"
echo "Example: Browser"
echo "--->"
read APP
if [ ! -f /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk ]; then
echo "Requested app not found."
echo "Please check the app name again."
dexopt-wrapper /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk /sdcard/app/${APP}.odex ${BCP}
zip -d /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk classes.dex
echo "Done!"
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
Ahmad.H said:
Here you are:
# In the name of Allah
mkdir $tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
BCP="`cat /init.rc | grep BOOTCLASSPATH`"
echo $BCP>$tmp/fbcp.txt
sed -e 's/export BOOTCLASSPATH //g' $tmp/fbcp.txt>$tmp/bcp.txt
BCP="`cat $tmp/bcp.txt`"
rm $tmp/fbcp.txt
rm $tmp/bcp.txt
echo "Please enter the name of app to odex:"
echo "Example: Browser"
echo "--->"
read APP
if [ ! -f /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk ]; then
echo "Requested app not found."
echo "Please check the app name again."
dexopt-wrapper /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk /sdcard/app/${APP}.odex ${BCP}
zip -d /sdcard/app/${APP}.apk classes.dex
echo "Done!"
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks a lot bro!
There's a syntax error.
I type in the terminal and output is looked like this
/sdcard/ 4: Syntax error: Bad fd number
anyway, I fix it to
line 4: mkdir $tmp > /dev/null 2&>1
but it still doesn't work..
Many errors in shell script.. Please test it and correct something.. Please bro..
I really like your script if it would be executable because it has classes.dex delete function..