I have my Z1S rooted and deodexed but I can't get it to mount R/W at all. I have tried in root explorer with no luck, tried in ES File Explorer with no luck.
I am on stock KK 4.4.4 with a locked bootloader.
How can I get this to work?
Try FX File Manager with FX Root Addon. If you cant mount R/W that's mean your root isnt work. Try to reroot.....
BlackSoulxxx said:
Try FX File Manager with FX Root Addon. If you cant mount R/W that's mean your root isnt work. Try to reroot.....
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Thanks for that. Pretty sweet file manager app.
Ok I had to root again. Now it works.
I am in need of read/write access to my system folder. I am simply trying to copy some ringtones and add a boot animation.
I have SGS tools and ran the r/w script, which allowed me to VIEW the folder with Droid Explorer, however I am unable to actually copy TO the system folder or its subfolders.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT - I've also tried to push the files to the phone via ADB, but I get an error telling me "Failed: Operation Not Permitted".
EDIT x2 - I've also got Root Explorer installed on the phone and it showed R/W access, but again, I can't get any files pushed to the phone.
Did you allow sgs tools to get a root permission?
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Did you try fixing permissions through cwm recovery?
try root explorer. and double check superuser permissions
goob1284 said:
Did you allow sgs tools to get a root permission?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Did you try fixing permissions through cwm recovery?
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I noticed a section for both "mount /system" and also permissions... Both: DONE.
try root explorer. and double check superuser permissions
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Done & Done...
I've still got no access to R/W in any of the system folders/subs. Any ideas?
I am having the same problem with root explorer..
I have fixed permissions in CWM
It had worked once but now it wont mount r/rw in system folder. Press the icon and it does nothing.
Superuser permission in SGS tools, Root exploer all show active
Any ideas?
Anyone else have any ideas? I'm totally puzzled at this point.
I have sort of fixed the problem..
I go into SGS tools and run the batch file to give r/rw permissions, then I can mount r/rw in system folder, but I loose this each time I reboot and I think when I connect USB..
but it works for the purpose I needed!
I think I've found a work around (or maybe the way it was SUPPOSED to work)...
I rebooted the phone in recovery. Then, selected "mount /system". Then I went to Advanced and "Fix Permissions" (don't know if I had do, just did).
THEN - I was able to FINALLY push the files to the correct folders! I tried it using ADB commands and also with Droid Explorer - Both worked great.
I don't know if the phone was always supposed to be in recovery to do it, but it worked!
Using Root Browser I am unable to delete or rename the install-recovery.sh file. Does anyone know why? Thank you. I also tried ES file explorer.
You need to have R/W privileges. Do you have root?
Mark Once Again said:
You need to have R/W privileges. Do you have root?
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Yes root has been verified. Thanks for any help you can give Mark.
I use root explorer. Just navigate to the file. Make sure the permissions are R/W. If not, just push the Mount button so that it shows R/W instead of R/O. Should be good to go....
Mark Once Again said:
I use root explorer. Just navigate to the file. Make sure the permissions are R/W. If not, just push the Mount button so that it shows R/W instead of R/O. Should be good to go....
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Thanks Bro. Good to go now.
I had the same problem, which is how I found this thread, and was not able to resolve it by remounting /system RW. However it turns out the file had the immutable attribute "i". I was able to remove the attribute and delete the file via:
chgattr -i /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
rm /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
recovery upgrade
how to upgrade the recovery. i have a old recovery. i want upgrade it to touch philz recovery plz help
hi guys
i have a little problem here
i have suereus root , and i install root explore to move some files and give it rw-r-r
now i go to play store and download root explore
its work with me and i can browse the all file but when i want to change properties any file the root explore dosent work and give off !!
thats maybe from the file , but i try to another file and the same problem here !!
i change the root explore to soild explore and the seam problem here !! :crying:
what i can do guys
Professor Dasher said:
hi guys
i have a little problem here
i have suereus root , and i install root explore to move some files and give it rw-r-r
now i go to play store and download root explore
its work with me and i can browse the all file but when i want to change properties any file the root explore dosent work and give off !!
thats maybe from the file , but i try to another file and the same problem here !!
i change the root explore to soild explore and the seam problem here !! :crying:
what i can do guys
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Can u check of u have root access properly use root checker from play store that myte help if it's root issue
123hiten said:
Can u check of u have root access properly use root checker from play store that myte help if it's root issue
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i check now and he says i have the root access
what i can do now ??
In your file explorer, is that your system is mounted as r/w instead of r/o (top left in Root Exolorer, click on" Mount r/w")?
That means Read/Write-Read/Only...
viking37 said:
In your file explorer, is that your system is mounted as r/w instead of r/o (top left in Root Exolorer, click on" Mount r/w)?
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mm the file explore is mounted as r/w but when i press it the file explore give off :crying:
tnx to everyone help me here :good:
i solve the problem by change the language
Sorry for the noob question but how do I gain full access (specifically write access) to system/app? I am rooted with NUTs .681 and every time I try to copy/paste a file into system/app I get permission denied. I am using ES file explorer with root explorer set to "ON".
I have tried a few apps from the playstore but none of them work!
An easy way would be appreciated!
Try this test to check if root working properly
Install Android Terminal Emulator from Play Store
From terminal emulator type "su" without quotes
Check if any superuser app prompt your answer to grant it using root privileges
If you're asked, then your root working properly.
Now type "mount -o remount,rw /system". Is it still permission denied? If so, so your problem is Sony RIC. If it's success, then your /system can be wrote now. Try to copy something to /system now. Check if the permission still denied or granted.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
nalab1 said:
Sorry for the noob question but how do I gain full access (specifically write access) to system/app? I am rooted with NUTs .681 and every time I try to copy/paste a file into system/app I get permission denied. I am using ES file explorer with root explorer set to "ON".
I have tried a few apps from the playstore but none of them work!
An easy way would be appreciated!
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First of all you have full root.
I have xplore as file manager and allows me to modify any directory phone with xplore test application you headed to options> settings> access root> root + mount script and ready
I've tried ES File Explorer, File Explorer (with Root Add-on), and Root Browser and none of them allow me to change permissions. Root Browser brings up the permissions menu, but no matter where the file is located, whether it's System/App or the Internal SD Card or Download or wherever, it continually tells me Operation Failed. I'm simply trying to set 644 permissions for a custom Boot Animation so I can place it in system/media, but I can't even copy it there. Before you ask, I am rooted, with the bootloader unlocked, and running Chroma with the Franco Kernel, and I have run Root Checker to verify I am fully rooted. I have even gone into SuperSU to verify those applications have Super User access, and I have even gone as far as to force user "Root" and "System" for them to see if that would allow it. No joy. What can I do to fix this?
i bet you havent tried root explorer. and when dropping a bootanimation.zip into /system/media/ using root explorer, you dont even have to change permissions.
simms22 said:
i bet you havent tried root explorer. and when dropping a bootanimation.zip into /system/media/ using root explorer, you dont even have to change permissions.
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I just bought it and gave it a try and I think I may have answered my question through your recommendation. None of the other explorers were mounted as R/W. I don't know how to mount them that way either. Just the Root Explorer you said to try, because it made an easy access button for me to press ... Regardless, thank you very much!
simms22 said:
i bet you havent tried root explorer. and when dropping a bootanimation.zip into /system/media/ using root explorer, you dont even have to change permissions.
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Yes why I stick with Root Explorer. It doesn't have every single bell and whistle but it does what needs to get done.
Sent from my Benzo'd Google N6 on VZ