Error during kernel cross compiling. - Galaxy Ace S5830 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok I am trying to compile a kernel for S5830 but everytime I use make clean && make mrproper command it gives me the error displayed in the screenshot. This is the first time I am compiling a kernel so please forgive my noobness if any. I am using Fedora 20 with ndk version r10b 64bit. Need Help.Thanx
I have installed ncurses-devel but still the same problem.


Mandark52 said:
Ok I am trying to compile a kernel for S5830 but everytime I use make clean && make mrproper command it gives me the error displayed in the screenshot. This is the first time I am compiling a kernel so please forgive my noobness if any. I am using Fedora 20 with ndk version r10b 64bit. Need Help.Thanx
I have installed ncurses-devel but still the same problem.
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I haven't much experience with it, but maybe @Mardon could give you a hand

You have to make 4 small changes:
Search this line:
replace it with:
Search this line:
obj-$(CONFIG_MSM_PARAM) += param/
replace it with:
#obj-$(CONFIG_MSM_PARAM) += param/
Search this line:
# for FSR
source "drivers/fsr/Kconfig"
replace it with:
# for FSR
#source "drivers/fsr/Kconfig"
Search this line:
source "drivers/param/Kconfig"
replace it with:
#source "drivers/param/Kconfig"

Mm7 said:
You have to make 4 small changes:
Search this line:
replace it with:
Search this line:
obj-$(CONFIG_MSM_PARAM) += param/
replace it with:
#obj-$(CONFIG_MSM_PARAM) += param/
Search this line:
# for FSR
source "drivers/fsr/Kconfig"
replace it with:
# for FSR
#source "drivers/fsr/Kconfig"
Search this line:
source "drivers/param/Kconfig"
replace it with:
#source "drivers/param/Kconfig"
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Well I changed the code in drivers/makefile but the code in drivers/Kconfig was the same so no need to replace that one. After that I got this....

Mandark52 said:
Well I changed the code in drivers/makefile but the code in drivers/Kconfig was the same so no need to replace that one. After that I got this....
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replace this
obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
#obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
replace this
source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"
#source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"

Mm7 said:
replace this
obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
#obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
replace this
source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"
#source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"
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everything that you mentioned was as it was i.e. it was not commented in the fs/makefile and kconfig.

You should comment
obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"

Mm7 said:
You should comment
obj-$(CONFIG_RFS_FS) += rfs/
source "fs/rfs/Kconfig"
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Still no luck. I guess you are very close in solving this.

You have to select a config or create one from scratch.
The base configuration for Galaxy Ace (cooper) is cooper_rev03_defconfig, I strongly raccomand you to use it.
So, If you want use it as is:
export ARCH=arm
make cooper_rev03_defconfig
and then you can build the kernel
Instead If you want customize it:
export ARCH=arm
make cooper_rev03_defconfig
make menuconfig
After changing, you can run the build:
If you want to create a new config from scratch:
make menuconfig
and then you can build the kernel:
P.S.: In your screenshot you mispelled "mrpropper" for "mrproper"

Mm7 said:
You have to select a config or create one from scratch.
The base configuration for Galaxy Ace (cooper) is cooper_rev03_defconfig, I strongly raccomand you to use it.
So, If you want use it as is:
export ARCH=arm
make cooper_rev03_defconfig
and then you can build the kernel
Instead If you want customize it:
export ARCH=arm
make cooper_rev03_defconfig
make menuconfig
After changing, you can run the build:
If you want to create a new config from scratch:
make menuconfig
and then you can build the kernel:
P.S.: In your screenshot you mispelled "mrpropper" for "mrproper"
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That worked for me!!!


[Guide] How to compile stock LG2X kernel from scratch

For some weeks I've been trying to set up an environment in which I'm able to compile the stock kernel for my LG2X on my own. Following various tips and hints were unsuccessful and several restarts were required until a kernel which was compiled on my own box was running on my phone. Since I had to patch together all the information because there was no complete guide available/findable, I'd like to list here all the steps from the beginning which I had to perform to boot my own compiled kernel. Maybe this is also useful for others. Note: again, this approach is for compiling STOCK kernel sources which are based on the public sources from LG. (The build process for CM is different and cannot be applied to stock kernels)
I began with a freshly installed Ubuntu 11.10 32bit ( running in a VMware virtual machine. In it I entered a shell and switched to root to be able to perform the required actions:
sudo su -
The next step was to add the package-sources for the cross-compiler toolchain (see next step) and to bring the system up to the latest state.
add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-maintainers/toolchain
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
This takes some time but after it's finished I installed the cross-compiler toolchain to be able to compile applications for the LGs ARM platform
apt-get install gcc-linaro
apt-get install gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi
After this I've been ready to begin with the source-works. I closed the root-shell and opened up a new one (required to make sure that all paths are correctly set and recognized again). Test it by executing
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
When this executed without error I started with downloading the sources for version 20q from into a new directory.
When the file '' had finished downloading I unzipped the complete package by
resulting in three files. A README, one .tar.gz with the ROM sources and finally one .tar.gz with the kernel sources. To unpack the kernel sources I issued
tar xvzf P990_Stardop_IFX_GingerBread_V20Q_KERNEL.tar.gz
and the complete LG 20q kernel sources were finally located in a new 'kernel' subdirectory.
The kernel sources themselves are not yet ready to be compiled. This is because LG most probably has a different/special build environment and our standard environment produces errors and unbootable kernels. Some patching is required to succeed to a running kernel.
Firstly the compilation options for the wireless module have to be tweaked as the default settings break compilation at some unused variables in the source. This is set to be just treated as warnings for the wireless-module by applying following patch:
diff -u -r original/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/Makefile kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/Makefile
--- original/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/Makefile 2012-01-31 04:36:22.000000000 -0800
+++ kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/Makefile 2012-02-14 11:41:59.972467559 -0800
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror \
+ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-array-bounds \
-I$(SRCROOT)/include \
-I$(SRCROOT)/shared \
Also the main Makefile requires tuning to contain the proper compilation options to produce code which correctly runs on the phone (thanks to spica1234 for providing me with the correct options).
diff -u -r original/kernel/Makefile kernel/Makefile
--- original/kernel/Makefile 2012-01-31 04:36:21.000000000 -0800
+++ kernel/Makefile 2012-02-28 13:21:20.038003539 -0800
@@ -323,12 +323,12 @@
CHECKFLAGS := -D__linux__ -Dlinux -D__STDC__ -Dunix -D__unix__ \
-Wbitwise -Wno-return-void $(CF)
+MODFLAGS = -DMODULE -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mtune=cortex-a9 -march=armv7-a -fno-common -fsingle-precision-constant -fno-gcse -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffinite-math-only -fgcse-las -fgcse-sm -fivopts -fbtr-bb-exclusive -fvect-cost-model -fmodulo-sched -fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves
LDFLAGS_MODULE = -T $(srctree)/scripts/
+CFLAGS_KERNEL = -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mtune=cortex-a9 -march=armv7-a -fno-common -fsingle-precision-constant -fno-gcse -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffinite-math-only -fgcse-las -fgcse-sm -fivopts -fbtr-bb-exclusive -fvect-cost-model -fmodulo-sched -fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves
+AFLAGS_KERNEL = -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mtune=cortex-a9 -march=armv7-a -fno-common -fsingle-precision-constant -fno-gcse -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffinite-math-only -fgcse-las -fgcse-sm -fivopts -fbtr-bb-exclusive -fvect-cost-model -fmodulo-sched -fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves
CFLAGS_GCOV = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
# 20100705, [email protected],[LGE_START]
@@ -544,7 +544,8 @@
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-option, -Wno-unused-but-set-variable)
We're not finished yet. We've to create the correct kernel configuration and (again) apply some patches. I'm not so sure about these changes but the kernel refused to boot on my phone without them. It is again provided by spica1234 and contains a number of changes. I did not research which of these changes allowed to boot since most of them are generally useful and I didn't do the work trying them out one-by-one.
make ARCH=arm star_ifx_defconfig
--- .config.orig 2012-02-28 13:22:09.322001449 -0800
+++ .config.spica_working 2012-03-02 08:41:21.757696988 -0800
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# Linux kernel version:
-# Tue Feb 28 13:22:09 2012
+# Tue Feb 28 13:24:15 2012
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
# CONFIG_USER_SCHED is not set
# CONFIG_CGROUP_NS is not set
# CONFIG_CPUSETS is not set
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@
# GCOV-based kernel profiling
-# CONFIG_SLOW_WORK is not set
@@ -146,10 +147,10 @@
# CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS is not set
+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_CFQ is not set
@@ -1676,16 +1677,25 @@
# File systems
-# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XATTR is not set
-# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set
-# CONFIG_EXT4_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
# CONFIG_JBD_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set
# CONFIG_JFS_FS is not set
@@ -1769,7 +1779,22 @@
# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_STATS is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_UPCALL is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_XATTR is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 is not set
+# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_FS is not set
# Partition Types
After these patches, were finally ready to compile the kernel
Now go grab some coffee. This takes a while. When it's finished, the compressed kernel-image is found in
For the experienced kernel-hackers this might be enough. It wasn't for me and I wanted to have it easily installable like other kernels from the forum. So I downloaded a kernel zip package, eg. the one from spica1234 at
Any version will do as long as the kernel is contained in a .zip archive and installable via CWM. In my case I downloaded the kernel zip in a new directory 'build' and unpacked it.
This creates the subdirectories 'data', 'kernel', 'META-INF' and 'system'. Here we now have to replace the kernel and the kernel-modules with our self-compiled versions.
cd ~build/kernel
rm zImage
cp ~kernel/arch/arm/bootzImage ./zImage
cd ../system/lib/modules
rm *.ko
find ~kernel/ -name "*.ko" -exec cp '{}' . \;
cd ../../..
One last step, creating the zip which carries the new kernel:
zip -r -FS data/ kernel/ META-INF/ system/
This can now be flashed with CWM and should boot without problems.
For easier usage, I've attached the three patched files in the attachment so you don't have to patch the stock files by hand. Just extract it in the kernel directory and overwrite the existing files.
I hope I did not make any error in the compilation of this information and that it can be helpful for the interested reader.
Thanks goes especially to spica1234 and the material which he provided me to come through to a successful boot.
Very good explanation. I wish such useful info available b4 an year for me while i published 1st kernel at samdroid for my older device
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
Bloody hell! I never realised it took so much to simply compile!!!! (I build JEE systems at work, but we scripted most of it, stuff that used to take a day and half now takes a few minutes).
Excellent guide Kosi! I'm a linux and kernel n00b and I understand your instructions pretty well.
Ubuntu 11 is not the best choice though I currently use it myself. v11 can cause problems, especially when not compiling kernels but compiling Android ROMs.
Ubuntu 10 is the better choice.
Also there is a VMware Android Developer Environment available for download, providing nearly all the necessary tools for compilation preinstalled and set-up.
You can compile your kernel directly in the virtual machine p.ex. on your Windows 7 PC. That's the way I do it for my kernel. VMware Player is available for free, so you can just run the image.
Also install VMware tools, so you can set up a directory for exchanging files between your Windows Host and the virtual Machine Ubuntu. In this directory I usually paste the compiled kernel for further use under Win7 (making the CWM update ZIPs).
Just note that you should have a dual/quadcore CPU strong enough to host the linux and compile the kernel in an acceptable time (usually it takes me 1-2 minutes for complete kernel compilation under virtual machine ubuntu using -j24 option on make).
Can u guys add a bit in this tutorial, example, at which file / folder need to edit for OCUV, add swap function, enable ext4, etc.. seriously like this thread..
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA
ghadap said:
Can u guys add a bit in this tutorial, example, at which file / folder need to edit for OCUV, add swap function, enable ext4, etc.. seriously like this thread..
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As the topic of this thread is just how to get the stock kernel compiling I won't step into modifying it. Please open a separate thread for that.
Small hints though, OCUV requires deeper code changes, swap and ext4 can just be enabled in the kernel config.
I follow the guide, but ubuntu (11.04 64 bit) doesn't find the pack
apt-get install gcc-linaro
so I can't install the pack
apt-get install gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi
Edit: With Ubuntu 11.10, it works.
Has anyone compiled and booted a kernel successfully with this guide? Can't get mine to boot, so before I look any further I'd thought I'd check if anyone else has gotten a workable kernel out of it.
TrymHansen said:
Has anyone compiled and booted a kernel successfully with this guide? Can't get mine to boot, so before I look any further I'd thought I'd check if anyone else has gotten a workable kernel out of it.
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Which version it shows "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version"
If its 4.6.2?
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
Stefan Gündhör said:
Ubuntu 11 is not the best choice though I currently use it myself. v11 can cause problems, especially when not compiling kernels but compiling Android ROMs.
Ubuntu 10 is the better choice.
Also there is a VMware Android Developer Environment available for download, providing nearly all the necessary tools for compilation preinstalled and set-up.
You can compile your kernel directly in the virtual machine p.ex. on your Windows 7 PC. That's the way I do it for my kernel. VMware Player is available for free, so you can just run the image.
Also install VMware tools, so you can set up a directory for exchanging files between your Windows Host and the virtual Machine Ubuntu. In this directory I usually paste the compiled kernel for further use under Win7 (making the CWM update ZIPs).
Just note that you should have a dual/quadcore CPU strong enough to host the linux and compile the kernel in an acceptable time (usually it takes me 1-2 minutes for complete kernel compilation under virtual machine ubuntu using -j24 option on make).
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Ubuntu 11.xx is still a good choise if you want to build ROMs it is very easy to set it up (it is just one step more then on 10.xx)
i also use ubuntu 11.10 and it is working fine for me with building android ROMs
and of course it can take 1-2 minutes but it also can take up to an hour for a kernel to compile
it all depends on how good your computer is
on my home computer i build a kernel in a matter of seconds (clobber builds)
but when i am at my girlfriend my build (also clobber) on her craptop will take up to 20 minutes
nice guide kosi2801!
spica1234 said:
Which version it shows "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version"
If its 4.6.2?
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Yap. This
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.2-14ubuntu2~ppa1) 4.6.2
to be specific.
Trymhanson, Try to downgrade with 4.5.3. 4.6.2 is causing this unable to boot issue which was not happening earlier with 4.6.1
try this
apt-get install gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi
apt-get install g++-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi
rm /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5 /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
Thanks, that did it. I also had to change the -Ofast flag back to -O2 as -Ofast wasn't recognized by the 4.5.3 version. So now I'm thinking maybe the -Ofast flag was to blame, so I'll try a fresh 4.6.2 install with -O2. Thanks again.
TrymHansen said:
Thanks, that did it. I also had to change the -Ofast flag back to -O2 as -Ofast wasn't recognized by the 4.5.3 version. So now I'm thinking maybe the -Ofast flag was to blame, so I'll try a fresh 4.6.2 install with -O2. Thanks again.
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no may be ofast is not to blame but 4.6.2. Ofast was introduced with 4.6.0 and doesnt work with < 4..6. 4.6.2 doesnt even work with o2. And IMHO kernel compiled with 4.5.3 ismore stable
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
Thisis my recent sr3r2 patch created against original v20Q sourceswith Full OTF V2.0. Anybody interested can use it. It will transform to fully noo oc version of SR3r2
It wont work with CM but only stock v20q
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
For anyone interested, currently I'm building with
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-7ubuntu2) 4.6.1
For my usage patterns the kernel works pretty well, but YMMV.
Thanks spica for the updated patch!
kosi2801 said:
For anyone interested, currently I'm building with
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-7ubuntu2) 4.6.1
For my usage patterns the kernel works pretty well, but YMMV.
Thanks spica for the updated patch!
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Use my recent cflags its most stable and used in sr3r2
As you are using gnueabihf relace mfloat-abi=softfp with mfloat-abi=hard
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
spica1234 said:
Use my recent cflags its most stable and used in sr3r2
As you are using gnueabihf relace mfloat-abi=softfp with mfloat-abi=hard
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Thanks for the tip. I already thought about that some time ago but forgot again. Gained some additional performance points
Can someone upload a compiled stock v20q kernel flashable zip? Thanks!

[DEV][PATCH] HALO for CM 10.1

This information is purely for devs wanting to add HALO to their CM 10.1 based ROM so they don't have to deal with the same merge conflicts from ParanoidAndroid that I've taken care of. There's nothing here you can flash, etc.
This isn't specific to the Optimus 4X HD, but I'm just posting it here because it's the only place I know.
Workflow might be something like:
$ repo sync
$ cd frameworks/base
$ git tag cm-head
$ git checkout f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd # Merge "framework: Update German translation" into cm-10.1
$ git apply ../../halo-for-cm-framework-base-d76f23efbc101e14d3423b8dd0645d64f7425555-for-f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd.patch # HALO: new drawables for hdpi and mdpi
$ git commit -m 'Add HALO'
$ git tag halo
$ git checkout cm-head
$ git merge -m 'Merge HALO' halo # There might be trivial merge conflicts here
$ git tag -d cm-head
$ git tag -d halo
There's also changes to the Settings app, but those are trivial.
arararagi said:
This information is purely for devs wanting to add HALO to their CM 10.1 based ROM so they don't have to deal with the same merge conflicts from ParanoidAndroid that I've taken care of. There's nothing here you can flash, etc.
This isn't specific to the Optimus 4X HD, but I'm just posting it here because it's the only place I know.
Workflow might be something like:
$ repo sync
$ cd frameworks/base
$ git tag cm-head
$ git checkout f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd # Merge "framework: Update German translation" into cm-10.1
$ git apply ../../halo-for-cm-framework-base-d76f23efbc101e14d3423b8dd0645d64f7425555-for-f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd.patch # HALO: new drawables for hdpi and mdpi
$ git commit -m 'Add HALO'
$ git tag halo
$ git checkout cm-head
$ git merge -m 'Merge HALO' halo # There might be trivial merge conflicts here
$ git tag -d cm-head
$ git tag -d halo
There's also changes to the Settings app, but those are trivial.
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Great I have also tried to figure out the magic...good work :thumbsup:
best regards SnXo
How hard would it be to implement this into existing CM10 nightlies?
we're waiting for a port or even better a flashable zip!
good work guys!
juanacevedo said:
How hard would it be to implement this into existing CM10 nightlies?
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you can't just implement it into a compiled rom. this is source code only
in MokeeOS its fully functional implemented
thaaaank you, working on a little miui project, this could make it more fun
leris2 said:
we're waiting for a port or even better a flashable zip!
good work guys!
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There's already one:
you easily cherry-pick both merges by choosing the parent carefully and build
arararagi said:
This information is purely for devs wanting to add HALO to their CM 10.1 based ROM so they don't have to deal with the same merge conflicts from ParanoidAndroid that I've taken care of. There's nothing here you can flash, etc.
This isn't specific to the Optimus 4X HD, but I'm just posting it here because it's the only place I know.
Workflow might be something like:
$ repo sync
$ cd frameworks/base
$ git tag cm-head
$ git checkout f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd # Merge "framework: Update German translation" into cm-10.1
$ git apply ../../halo-for-cm-framework-base-d76f23efbc101e14d3423b8dd0645d64f7425555-for-f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd.patch # HALO: new drawables for hdpi and mdpi
$ git commit -m 'Add HALO'
$ git tag halo
$ git checkout cm-head
$ git merge -m 'Merge HALO' halo # There might be trivial merge conflicts here
$ git tag -d cm-head
$ git tag -d halo
There's also changes to the Settings app, but those are trivial.
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Hey! Im just building my CM10.1 from source, but I have not a big idea of patching. Will this give me a working HALO?
Also I would need the HDPI drawables I guess :/
I dont want to test it blindly, as I don't know how to revert patches.
I'm not using an Optimus 4. Im on Sony Xperia Ray and there is no HALO ROM till now :/
Thanks for your help!
This patch includes that commit. To revert, git reset --hard
arararagi said:
This patch includes that commit. To revert, git reset --hard
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Thank you!
Sadly the patch did not work for me :/
target Java: apache-xml (/media/tim/Cyanogenmod/CM10.1/android/system/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/apache-xml_intermediates/classes)
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/layout/halo_bubble.xml:13: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/halo_bg').
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/layout/halo_number.xml:8: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/halo_number').
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/layout/halo_speech.xml:17: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bubble_black_r').
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/layout/halo_speech.xml:31: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bubble_black_l').
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/layout/status_bar_expanded_header.xml:77: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/ic_notify_halo_normal').
make: *** [/media/tim/Cyanogenmod/CM10.1/android/system/out/target/common/obj/APPS/SystemUI_intermediates/src/R.stamp] Fehler 1
make: *** Warte auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse...
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Looks like all drawables are missing :/
And was is actually about updates for HALO?
Sadly paranoid androids Gerrit is not working. How can I track their changes? And how can I cherry pick like from the
Thanks for your help
The drawables are definitely in the patch. Did you get any messages when you applied the patch?
arararagi said:
This information is purely for devs wanting to add HALO to their CM 10.1 based ROM so they don't have to deal with the same merge conflicts from ParanoidAndroid that I've taken care of. There's nothing here you can flash, etc.
This isn't specific to the Optimus 4X HD, but I'm just posting it here because it's the only place I know.
Workflow might be something like:
$ repo sync
$ cd frameworks/base
$ git tag cm-head
$ git checkout f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd # Merge "framework: Update German translation" into cm-10.1
$ git apply ../../halo-for-cm-framework-base-d76f23efbc101e14d3423b8dd0645d64f7425555-for-f90658c55fbf7b21a80b5f75b1760839484278fd.patch # HALO: new drawables for hdpi and mdpi
$ git commit -m 'Add HALO'
$ git tag halo
$ git checkout cm-head
$ git merge -m 'Merge HALO' halo # There might be trivial merge conflicts here
$ git tag -d cm-head
$ git tag -d halo
There's also changes to the Settings app, but those are trivial.
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I have a question
If I want to embed it on another rom as BAKED, is the same procedure? Or there are some differences?
franzyroy said:
I have a question
If I want to embed it on another rom as BAKED, is the same procedure? Or there are some differences?
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You can cherry pick the commits from paranoid androids github. Just during the merge choose the right parent.
Yes this methods should work on all ROMs .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Red Devil said:
You can cherry pick the commits from paranoid androids github. Just during the merge choose the right parent.
Yes this methods should work on all ROMs .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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OK Thanks!
arararagi said:
There's also changes to the Settings app, but those are trivial.
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You say the changes are trivial... but maybe this will be interesting to know them! Because in the Settings app, it's to set your settings, style those of Halo. You don't think?
Red Devil said:
You can cherry pick the commits from paranoid androids github. Just during the merge choose the right parent.
Yes this methods should work on all ROMs .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Where is the cherry pick please?
there are 2 commits.. one of them in frameworks/base and one in settings..
search for them
they are labelled as " HALO(1/2) and HALO(2/2)
Red Devil said:
there are 2 commits.. one of them in frameworks/base and one in settings..
search for them
they are labelled as " HALO(1/2) and HALO(2/2)
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I already saw before but I have no experience how to add these commits ... can you explain me how add them?

[GUIDE CM11] How to build your own CyanogenMod 11.0 ROM from sources for the Nexus 4

Make your 'own' KitKat-ROM today!
V1.1 - 20131108 Update 1: Java part added. Error remarks. Local_manifest: branch update.
V1.0 - 20131106 Initial release
Thank you note: Thank you to the whole CM-Team for bringing up-to-date-Android to so many devices.
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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I. Preparation
II. Installation of the required packages
III. Installing Java
IV. The sources
V. Building the ROM
VI. Rebuilding with newest sources
I. Preparation
Things you need for building:
A computer
An internet connection
An open mind
First of all, you need a running up-to-date Ubuntu/Linux system. I am using Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit.
Use the terminal to make the steps. A terminal window can be opened by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Every single command for the terminal is marked with a $ sign. Just paste every command (without the $ sign) to your terminal window and there shouldn't be any problem.
II. Installation of the required packages (Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit)
Install packages:
$ sudo apt-get install bison build-essential curl flex \
g++-multilib gcc-multilib git-core gnupg gperf \
lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev \
libesd0-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev \
libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop \
openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre pngcrush schedtool \
squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev
III. Installing Java
You need a version 6 Java Development Kit for building CM11.0. Usually, the SUN JDK 6 is recommended. But there is another way: you can use the OpenJDK 6. When you installed the required packages as described above, you will just need to configure your Java installation.
Check your Java version:
$ java -version
Verify the symlinks. Javac, Java, Javaws, Javadoc, Javah, Javap and Jar should all point to the right Java location and version:
$ ls -la /etc/alternatives/java* && ls -la /etc/alternatives/jar
If they are pointing to the wrong versions you have to change that to OpenJDK6.
Select the default Java version for your system:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javadoc
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javah
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javap
$ sudo update-alternatives --config jar
That's it.
IV. The sources
Install repo:
Repo is a tool that makes it quite easy to download and maintain the sources of Cyanogenmod.
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ cd ~/bin
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Create the working directory:
$ mkdir ~/cm11
$ cd ~/cm11
Initialize Repo:
$ repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
and enter your credentials.
Download the sources:
$ repo sync
Wait until it's finished - takes some time to download the hefty 12 GB of source code!
Have a break, have a KitKat!
If the process hangs use Ctrl+C to break out of it and resume the download with another
$ repo sync
If you are running into a lot of syncing errors the reason might be that the 'repo sync' command is establishing four threads automatically. This might be too much. So try to change the command to run with one thread only by using
$ repo sync -j1
Initialize the environment
$ . build/
Obtain the proprietary files:
First get two missing repositories for the Nexus 4 by running
$ breakfast mako
Then create a file with the name local_manifest.xml in the local_manifests directory. To see this directory, you have to press Ctrl-H in your file manager.
Use this code
$ gedit ~/cm11/.repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
Update: Branch revision is now cm-11.0
Paste the following lines to the editor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge.git" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0"/>
Save the file.
$ repo sync
again to get the files needed.
Download the necessary prebuilts from cyanogenmod by running
$ cd ~/cm11/vendor/cm
$ . get-prebuilts
$ croot
And you're done!
V. Building the ROM
Now build it:
$ brunch mako
And the building process starts. Now have patience. Building takes around half an hour on fast systems and a lot more on older and slower machines.
Update 20131108: The errors from 20131106 are gone now. If you made the changes revert them, sync the repo and then brunch again. There is no need to edit the source at the moment.
As of writing, you will run into two errors:
First error you will encounter:
build/core/ *** frameworks/support/v4:
Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '19' Choices are: current 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. Stop.
Go to frameworks/support/v4/ and edit line 128 (it's at the end of the file):
Look for
# A helper sub-library that makes direct use of KitKat APIs.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := android-support-v4-kitkat
and change the "19" to "current"
It should look like this
# A helper sub-library that makes direct use of KitKat APIs.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := android-support-v4-kitkat
Save the file.
$ brunch mako
The second error you will see:
build/core/ *** packages/apps/Launcher3:
Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '19' Choices are: current 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. Stop.
Go to packages/apps/Launcher3/ and edit line 35 (it's in the middle of the file):
Look for
LOCAL_PROTOC_FLAGS := --proto_path=$(LOCAL_PATH)/protos/
and change the "19" to "current"
It should look like this
LOCAL_PROTOC_FLAGS := --proto_path=$(LOCAL_PATH)/protos/
Save the file.
$ brunch mako
When everything worked as it should you will find your new ROM-image in ~/cm11/out/target/product/mako
It is called cm-11-DATE-UNOFFICIAL-mako-zip. You can flash it via CWM/TWRP as usual.
VI. Rebuilding with newest sources
Whenever you like to update your sources and build a new version you have to run these four simple commands:
$ cd ~/cm11
$ repo sync
$ . build/
$ brunch mako
Compiling takes less time than it took for creating the ROM the first time because it's only building new parts while reusing old parts that haven't changed.
Happy building!
Nice Tutorial, thank you for the work :good:
Now i have to organize a linux-computer... :/
edited to linux, my brain is out of order today...
Thank you for your post. I knew how to compile but I was lazy to compile for myself any rom until now. I planned to wait until someone will post it, but your post just got me excited and I will compile.
Thank you for your instructions and all. Good luck!
This is what I keep getting...
[email protected]:~/cm11$ repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
bash: /home/bruce/bin/repo: Permission denied
B4tnam said:
[email protected]:~/cm11$ repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
bash: /home/bruce/bin/repo: Permission denied
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try chmod a+x /home/bruce/bin/repo
hansichen123 said:
Nice Tutorial, thank you for the work :good:
Now i have to organize a linux-computer... :/
Gesendet von meinem Transformer Pad mit Tapatalk 4
edited to linux, my brain is out of order today...
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If you have a quite new PC running Windows, you could use a virtual machine to install Linux ontop of your Windows installation. Have a look at VirtualBox for example. It's free.
@Raum1807 How's cm11? What features have been implemented so far?
B4tnam said:
[email protected]:~/cm11$ repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
bash: /home/bruce/bin/repo: Permission denied
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Of course, because you didn't hit the thanks button. (joking, but of course, just press it now)
Your problem is with folder permissions. I don't know how you created the folders but somehow you just don't have enough permisions now.
Try to:
chmod a+x /home/bruce/bin/repo
Bah my linux box broke.. @op Can you release the cm11 build you made?
Sent from my AOSP on Mako using Tapatalk
Imperticus said:
@Raum1807 How's cm11? What features have been implemented so far?
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It's work in progress... :fingers-crossed:
It's actually very nice. A bit rough around the corners at the moment... But since KitKat is just a few days old, the progress right now is already fantastic compared to last year's Android 4.2-Release. I am looking forward to the days after the M2 release of CM10.2 when most of the devs will focus on CM11.0. Everything is mostly in English, but the handling is very smooth and my short test didn't reveal anything as not working.
Oh, and a printing feature has been implemented (not tested), new launcher is coming (Launcher 3), etc.
Looks very promising!
Remember guys if you try this that you can't use the ART compiler with De-Odexed GApps, so you will have to use PA GApps instead.
Raum1807 said:
It's work in progress... :fingers-crossed:
It's actually very nice. A bit rough around the corners at the moment... But since KitKat is just a few days old, the progress right now is already fantastic compared to last year's Android 4.2-Release. I am looking forward to the days after the M2 release of CM10.2 when most of the devs will focus on CM11.0. Everything is mostly in English, but the handling is very smooth and my short test didn't reveal anything as not working.
Oh, and a printing feature has been implemented (not tested), new launcher is coming (Launcher 3), etc.
Looks very promising!
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looks great. printing is part of 4.4 not CM
can you check if compass is working?
cobhc said:
Remember guys if you try this that you can't use the ART compiler with De-Odexed GApps, so you will have to use PA GApps instead.
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Right! Thanks. Forgot to post it.
The PA-GAPPS (FULL COMPLETE PACKAGE) from yesterday is what I was using with my test-build.
Look for Download-Link under
Full Complete Package ~201MB
then for
Imperticus said:
looks great. printing is part of 4.4 not CM
can you check if compass is working?
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Maps was working; GPS signal was fast and precise. But I must admit that I haven't tested the compass function while in maps...
Dang!! Now I can't wait to get out of work and try this. I've never compiled my own ROM before, but I'm looking forward to trying it with your instructions. I have full backups of my phone right now in case I blow it up. Will need to fire up Virtual Box, as one commenter pointed out. Good idea
Could this work with other phones? Assuming we use the correct device specific calls
Raum1807 said:
Right! Thanks. Forgot to post it.
The PA-GAPPS (FULL COMPLETE PACKAGE) from yesterday is what I was using with my test-build.
Look for Download-Link under
Full Complete Package ~201MB
then for
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I said that, then the build I tried from Dev-Host still FC's with the PA GApps you linked and the ART compiler :S
cobhc said:
I said that, then the build I tried from Dev-Host still FC's with the PA GApps you linked and the ART compiler :S
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pa gapps are deodexed. you need odex gapps to work with ART. Use this -
cobhc said:
Remember guys if you try this that you can't use the ART compiler with De-Odexed GApps, so you will have to use PA GApps instead.
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PA Odexed GApps?
edit: user above answered my question

[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11 [Thread-Closed]

Note : this thread is intended only for dev disscusion , working as i m getting things mixed in my beanstalk thread So, decided to create this thread thanks @DomusX10 and @[NUT] for idea
this is work to make Kitkat working on xperia 2011 devices
Source :
Test Build 1 link :-
Test Build #2
Link :
Add this line in build prop before flashing..
thank you!
current status : stuck at bootanim [on build #1] on build #2 needed to be verified
credits : Mikeioannia , legacy xperia , saki3d ,cyanogenmod , fxp ,szezso , munjeni
how to build guide
[B]How To Make Your Own Cm_11 builds for Anzu , urushi and smultron[/B]
1. mkdir cm
2. repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
3. mkdir -p ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests
4. curl > ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml
5. repo sync -j1
6. curl > ~/cm/
7. chmod a+x
8. ./
9. cd ~/cm/vendor/cm
10. ./get-prebuilts
11. cd ~/cm
12. . build/
13. breakfast <device>
14. brunch <device>
guys build it .. try it.. debug it ..
[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11
I am running now the 4.4 on my n4 it don't have new kernel but it have some new resources that the devs will take and they optimization the performance.. My n4 flying I hope to see my arc s flying to..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
nokiagye said:
I am running now the 4.4 on my n4 it don't have new kernel but it have some new resources that the devs will take and they optimization the performance.. My n4 flying I hope to see my arc s flying to..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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this evening I read about which sony device reiceve kitkat, and I read that xperia V and T will receive 4.3 officially.
Hope of 4.4 on Arc S never die. Obviously with a cooked ROM from xda...:good:
[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11
any experienced user here who knows how to do logcat cause i needed few testers for 4.4
[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11
officiallysonyrebel said:
any experienced user here who knows how to do logcat cause i needed few testers for 4.4
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OK i can test and maybe ask @besttt & @vishal_android freak
which link to download?
officiallysonyrebel said:
any experienced user here who knows how to do logcat cause i needed few testers for 4.4
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stuck with me at kernel logo using provided kernel
[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11
elguneid said:
Me too confused about that ...
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
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[B]How To Make Your Own Cm_11 builds for Anzu , urushi and smultron[/B]
1. mkdir cm
2. repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
3. mkdir -p ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests
4. curl > ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml
5. repo sync -j1
6. curl > ~/cm/
7. chmod a+x
8. ./
9. cd ~/cm/vendor/cm
10. ./get-prebuilts
11. cd ~/cm
12. . build/
13. breakfast <device>
14. brunch <device>
guys build it .. try it.. debug it ..
[Dev][Krt16m][4.4] unofficial_cyanogenmod-11
officiallysonyrebel said:
[B]How To Make Your Own Cm_11 builds for Anzu , urushi and smultron[/B]
1. mkdir cm
2. repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
3. mkdir -p ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests
4. curl > ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml
5. repo sync -j1
6. curl > ~/cm/
7. chmod a+x
8. ./
9. cd ~/cm/vendor/cm
10. ./get-prebuilts
11. cd ~/cm
12. . build/
13. breakfast <device>
14. brunch <device>
guys build it .. try it.. debug it ..
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I have an ARC, no coding experience though...
Before I try this:
No need to get blobs for 4.4?
officiallysonyrebel said:
i saw u on Z forum u have created XZ dual recovery ...
everything is updated on my github..nothing needed but the problem i m not able to surpass boot screen with no adb shell access according to mikeioanniai busybox is broken ... currently trying to fix up things ... plz if u can try it for fixing these thigns then that will be great
best regards
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XZDualRecovery, yes, that's me
PM me your hangouts email, I'll attempt a build ASAP and we will be able to do some live debugging while you code
officiallysonyrebel said:
[B]How To Make Your Own Cm_11 builds for Anzu , urushi and smultron[/B]
[STRIKE]1. mkdir cm[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]2. repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]3. mkdir -p ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]4. curl > ~/cm/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]5. repo sync -j1[COLOR="Red"][B]0[/B][/COLOR][/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]6. curl > ~/cm/[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]7. chmod a+x[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]12. . build/[/STRIKE] [COLOR="Green"][B]needed to do here!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"][B]Open and comment cherries 53164, 51130, 51224, 52888 and 53495: ALREADY MERGED![/B][/COLOR]
[STRIKE]9. cd ~/cm/vendor/cm[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]10. ./get-prebuilts[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]11. cd ~/cm[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]13. breakfast anzu[/STRIKE]
14. brunch anzu [COLOR="Red"][B]RUNNING[/B][/COLOR]
guys build it .. try it.. debug it ..
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Click to collapse
Doing this now, will strike off everything done sofar to show progress
-- EDIT --
Man, CM is so freaking big, even with my 2 (yes, really) 20Mbit connections it's taking for ever
# breakfast anzu
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
Device anzu not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
Found repository: android_device_semc_anzu
Default revision: cm-11.0
Checking branch info
Default revision cm-11.0 not found in android_device_semc_anzu. Bailing.
Branches found:
Use the ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES environment variable to specify a list of fallback branches.
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_anzu'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Any idea how to get this fixed? For some reason, repo breakfast is not picking up your repository as a valid one... I can't find why
The path device/semc/anzu is there... breakfast somehow thinks it's not
---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------
arc_n_krizt said:
How big data source for cm???
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
22Gb sofar... no idea if it will grow even more...
[NUT] said:
# breakfast anzu
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
Device anzu not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
Found repository: android_device_semc_anzu
Default revision: cm-11.0
Checking branch info
Default revision cm-11.0 not found in android_device_semc_anzu. Bailing.
Branches found:
Use the ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES environment variable to specify a list of fallback branches.
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_anzu'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Any idea how to get this fixed? For some reason, repo breakfast is not picking up your repository as a valid one... I can't find why
The path device/semc/anzu is there... breakfast somehow thinks it's not
---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------
22Gb sofar... no idea if it will grow even more...
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Click to collapse
see if these works:
First, check if in cm\device folder there is "semc\anzu\..."
if not, local manifest should be changed
if there is anzu folder in cm\device\ then try one of these:
breakfast cm_anzu
breakfast cm_anzu-eng
or alternatively just type lunch and select anzu from the list
[NUT] said:
# breakfast anzu
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
Device anzu not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
Found repository: android_device_semc_anzu
Default revision: cm-11.0
Checking branch info
Default revision cm-11.0 not found in android_device_semc_anzu. Bailing.
Branches found:
Use the ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES environment variable to specify a list of fallback branches.
build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/semc/anzu/]]: "hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/" does not exist. Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_anzu'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Any idea how to get this fixed? For some reason, repo breakfast is not picking up your repository as a valid one... I can't find why
The path device/semc/anzu is there... breakfast somehow thinks it's not
---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------
22Gb sofar... no idea if it will grow even more...
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Click to collapse
its easy ..
cd ~/cm/hardware/ti/wlan
git fetch refs/changes/24/51224/7 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
only if it show some wired thing then
git commit --allow-empty
source is aroung 30 gb's
yup we can use hangouts [email protected] -- if anybody has problem regarding kk then can contact me at hangouts .. thnx
after it u might get librpc error [maybe] the n go in hardware / gps / delete lib rpc .. i m updating sources to upstream changes..
best regards
officiallysonyrebel said:
its easy ..
cd ~/cm/hardware/ti/wlan
git fetch refs/changes/24/51224/7 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
only if it show some wired thing then
git commit --allow-empty
source is aroung 30 gb's
yup we can use hangouts [email protected] -- if anybody has problem regarding kk then can contact me at hangouts .. thnx
after it u might get librpc error [maybe] the n go in hardware / gps / delete lib rpc .. i m updating sources to upstream changes..
best regards
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Click to collapse
gosssss.... it more 5 days to finish in my country!!! does anyone have the cd form .... it's like a repository in linux right??
arc_n_krizt said:
gosssss.... it more 5 days to finish in my country!!! does anyone have the cd form .... it's like a repository in linux right??
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whats u r bandwidth..?
officiallysonyrebel said:
its easy ..
cd ~/cm/hardware/ti/wlan
git fetch refs/changes/24/51224/7 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
only if it show some wired thing then
git commit --allow-empty
source is aroung 30 gb's
yup we can use hangouts [email protected] -- if anybody has problem regarding kk then can contact me at hangouts .. thnx
after it u might get librpc error [maybe] the n go in hardware / gps / delete lib rpc .. i m updating sources to upstream changes..
best regards
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The git fetch line fixed it indeed :good: I did need to remove the hardware/qcom/gps/librpc folder though, so that was a smart move
officiallysonyrebel said:
whats u r bandwidth..?
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i cant share in this forum... whether there is a link than github??
Now it is much easier to discuss progress with kit kat on xperia 2011 lines! :good::good:
Boy, that split was a hassle
Anyway... ROM compile still running... I'm afraid to stop it, but I forgot to add export USE_CCACHE=1 and to have brunch run with a -j3 switch (which will enable it to use multicore systems)...
It's been running since 7:30 AM (GMT+1) ...
-- EDIT --
If you use the -j switch, take the amount of cores and add 1 to determine the number of threads it can handle. For every 4 cores you can add 1 extra thread. So a dual-core CPU can handle 3, a quad-core can handle 5 but an octo-core can handle 10.
Don't mix up HYPERTHREADING (HT) with actual number of cores, if you have a Pentium series CPU with HT, half the number of cores you might see in your /proc/cpuinfo, HT is doubling your core count but while compiling, it will hinder the processing power of your CPU more then it helps
That clearly does not work on lunch,brunch and breakfast ... too bad!
:victory: FINALY it was done ... or so I thought...
In file included from external/chromium_org/content/common/android/
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:10:26: error: extra tokens at end of #ifndef directive [-Werror]
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:11:26: error: missing whitespace after the macro name [-Werror]
target thumb C++: content_content_common_gyp <= external/chromium_org/content/common/android/
In file included from external/chromium_org/content/common/android/
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:24:20: error: expected initializer before '<' token
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:26:17: error: expected initializer before '<' token
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:29:22: error: expected '{' before '<' token
/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/content/jni/HashSet_jni.h:29:22: error: expected unqualified-id before '<' token
external/chromium_org/content/common/android/ error: expected '}' at end of input
cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [/storage/home/nut/development/xperia/cyanogen/beanstalk/out/target/product/anzu/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/content_content_common_gyp_intermediates/content/common/android/hash_set.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Lets see if I can fix that...
-- EDIT --
I thought it might have been a typo somewhere ... but I'm lost already
Need help

$0.99 for the 1st phone case,additional 9.99$

Hi all!
i've just order phone case just $0.99 by using this code :
Phonecase1dollar on this site:
with this you can custom your phone case with your photo, your text,...
here is proof:
you can also order somethings like: dog tag, hang bag mirros, name stamp,.. and u can custom it just for $0.99.
code: coinourses1s
code: bagcometic1cash
code: tagsfordog
code: glassesclothss
code: handbag1dollars
code: customkeychainfree
code: 1dollarmemos
code: stamp1dollar

