Hi ...
Can somebody port CWM recovery for GT-I8200?!
We are so many users that wanna a cwm. but nobody cares about us -_-
Up ...
How hard is it do that? Like are there any guides/tutorials on how one can achieve that?
Sent from my GT-I8200N using XDA Free mobile app
mendi926th said:
How hard is it do that? Like are there any guides/tutorials on how one can achieve that?
Sent from my GT-I8200N using XDA Free mobile app
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Xda-Developers is so focused on the very latest smartphones and is totally neglecting the older ones , this is so unacceptable !
Who need philz touch recover for gt-i8200
Anybody want philz recover then comment here
I need it !
pandeyshreedhar said:
Anybody want philz recover then comment here
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Can you please send it to my email: [email protected]?
download for above link..:good::good::good:
s8 rom for gti8200n/q/l
I have galaxy mini but i think i have a old version of android. I want to instal new android but i dont know how. Plz someone help
ennaouaoui said:
I have galaxy mini but i think i have a old version of android. I want to instal new android but i dont know how. Plz someone help
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First wrong section!! Post questions in Q+A section.
Whitch version do have installed?
I think you are running froyo!!
You need odin to flash gingerbread! Serch on google or on xda there are many how to's out!!
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
ennaouaoui said:
I have galaxy mini but i think i have a old version of android. I want to instal new android but i dont know how. Plz someone help
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Visit www.samfirmware.com to get latest firmware for your device. Download the flashguide also (if available) which'll help you!!
Sent via XDA Premium
Hey guys i was just wondering if i can download the official galaxy s3 ROM and install it on my OB
if someone knows how or if we could do it can you please post the method
Best regards
MRDK-OB said:
Hey guys i was just wondering if i can download the official galaxy s3 ROM and install it on my OB
if someone knows how or if we could do it can you please post the method
Best regards
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You cant! We have a single core, s3 has a quad... read my noob how to please
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
Super noob question xD
It´s almost a impossible thing.
It anyone knew it would have been done and posted in the development section and you would not have to ask this question. Sorry that's impossible, just buy an S3 if you really like its interface, that's much easier.
ejcleunamme said:
It anyone knew it would have been done and posted in the development section and you would not have to ask this question. Sorry that's impossible, just buy an S3 if you really like its interface, that's much easier.
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Well the ui is portable... but you CANT use the whole ROM, as it is. I think there is a theme somewhere in apps and theme section. But that theme is for a specific ROM.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
If you like the UI you can get CM10 and use Tantrum's aroma gapps where you can flash the SG3 launcher
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
ErnuB said:
If you like the UI you can get CM10 and use Tantrum's aroma gapps where you can flash the SG3 launcher
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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No, you guys are all wrong.It is possible.I heard that Harry Potter did it and Gandalf too but I'm not sure for him.
Or it was the God allmighty?
Hi Guys
is there any way to get my galaxy s3 mini GT-i8190 with JB 4.1.2
is there any pre-rooted or roots avaliable for my device ?
if there, please give me links please guys
thanks for every one.
why there is no replay???
Maybe because no one who has the awnser has seen it ? ;_;
USAMA_500 said:
why there is no replay???
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Have you even searched the forum before you asked?
tys0n said:
Have you even searched the forum before you asked?
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yes of course but there is no
if u had one would you like to share it please
Sent from my GT-I8190 using xda app-developers app
USAMA_500 said:
yes of course but there is no
if u had one would you like to share it please
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please try to use the search function
as currently it looks like you didn't which is why no replies were posted to begin with
He probably search root 4.1.2 AMC1 and hes probably new to android rooting and worry if the other thread without AMC1 listed would brick his device
efaustino84 said:
please try to use the search function
as currently it looks like you didn't which is why no replies were posted to begin with
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i swear i searched for 4.1.2 xxamc1 root , but there is no
AssToast said:
He probably search root 4.1.2 AMC1 and hes probably new to android rooting and worry if the other thread without AMC1 listed would brick his device
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yes friend i am new on android , i have found many root but not for AMC1, did they work on AMC1 ???
serophia said:
Sent from my GT-I8190 using xda app-developers app
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thank you very much
but i have seen it before, i am not sure if it work
Are you test it?
USAMA_500 said:
thank you very much
but i have seen it before, i am not sure if it work
Are you test it?
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This or the toolkit works on all fw.
If you feel like you still want ota or kies to work for updates... don't even try it if you can't even find root on your own
There's a lot more to know than just how to root it.
Sent through time and space from my s3mini.
USAMA_500 said:
i swear i searched for 4.1.2 xxamc1 root , but there is no
yes friend i am new on android , i have found many root but not for AMC1, did they work on AMC1 ???
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should have searched for "how to root"
method should still be the same regardless of AMC or AMD or AMB ROM variant
USAMA_500 said:
thank you very much
but i have seen it before, i am not sure if it work
Are you test it?
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It works my version is also amc1
Sent from my GT-I8190 using xda app-developers app
serophia said:
It works my version is also amc1
Sent from my GT-I8190 using xda app-developers app
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thanks i will try it as soon as possible
thank you very much
Please guys,can someone give me tutorial how to due clean install wp8 europe ?
aSpirit81 said:
Please guys,can someone give me tutorial how to due clean install wp8 europe ?
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Go to settings, about, reset
Sent from my arc 10HD using xda app-developers app
i mean flash official rom from pc...
aSpirit81 said:
i mean flash official rom from pc...
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Haven't done it, but http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2515453
have htc 8x in the list ?
Someone can help me to find a ROM with kitkat, I need it urgently?
would be possible to create a ROM for this phone?
As long as Samsung doesn't release source code for this phone, you're out of luck.
Go to novafusion.pl these guys are great
Sent from my GT-I8190 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I found the source code is this?
GXGOW said:
As long as Samsung doesn't release source code for this phone, you're out of luck.
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I found source code in the page at samsung center opensourcerelease
dragoncurt said:
Go to novafusion.pl these guys are great
Sent from my GT-I8190 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Those are only for the I8190/N/L. We're talking about the I8200N here, but there aren't any custom ROMs for this device.
GXGOW said:
Those are only for the I8190/N/L. We're talking about the I8200N here, but there aren't any custom ROMs for this device.
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Actually it`s there for I8200, filename: GT-I8200N_JB_Opensource.zip
Ga look at the Web page below. You might find something.i have not tried it but maybe you can.
If it helped pleas thumb up
sent from my rooted and tweaked/overclocked S3 MINI VE I8200N
nougat rom for gt-i8200N/L.. thanks for developer of this rom
look this: https://youtu.be/SL529tVlVvs
If this rom can sucessfully work then scribe me frns....:angel::angel::angel:
Fearless(SP) said:
nougat rom for gt-i8200N/L.. thanks for developer of this rom
look this: https://youtu.be/SL529tVlVvs
If this rom can sucessfully work then scribe me frns....:angel::angel::angel:
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This is not 7.0.1. Its 4.2.2. So its just a Themed and tweaked rom