[Q] [ROM]★★[KitKat 4.4.2][CROMi-X 7.0.3] - Asus Transformer TF701

The rom this excellent, but only two small things:
1 - How to remove the warning that the external SD in the upper left corner?
2 - In the automatic brightness never stabilizes, always updated, causing some visual discomfort?

himineu said:
The rom this excellent, but only two small things:
1 - How to remove the warning that the external SD in the upper left corner?
2 - In the automatic brightness never stabilizes, always updated, causing some visual discomfort?
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1. You would need to decompile the systemui and edit the smali code I'll look at it for a future release.
2. Yes Asus broke it and I have no idea how to fix it. Stick with manual mode for now.

Thanks for the quick response.
The rom [4.4.4] [Unofficial] AOKP TF701T had this problem solved the automatic brightness, do not know if this can help.

himineu said:
Thanks for the quick response.
The rom [4.4.4] [Unofficial] AOKP TF701T had this problem solved the automatic brightness, do not know if this can help.
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Unfortunately they are different source but I'll have a look.


[Q] Android Kitkat 4.4 problem Brightness control

I have N7000 and problem with Brightness control on Kitkat.
I tried OmniROM 4.4, CyanogenMod 11.0 Beta 2 and Team Asylum Omni 4.4. Brightness control not working. Backlight is still on maximum.
Apk Lux Auto Brightness also does not work. Only apk Night Mode dim backlight manual. But always do it manually is difficult.
Light sensor is working correctly.
So why can not muted and Brightness also AutoMod not to work???
Sorry for my english.
It's a known problem with kitkat. Just make a point to be updated on the issues in the ROM thread and you will come to know of the bugs and resolution. It's a new rom so there will be much less help.
Today is new fix AutoBrightness. Now is problem recovery:laugh:
I´m sorry...
How to setting Quick panel (next icons)?
I can not be asking the topics ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2526090 ).
It can be set now? Or have to wait?
eisy811 said:
I´m sorry...
How to setting Quick panel (next icons)?
I can not be asking the topics ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2526090 ).
It can be set now? Or have to wait?
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Quick panel settings cannot be applied using this ROM as it is still in beta stage.. This option will only be available when we get CM 11 nightly out

[ROM][4.4.4][Official] NamelessROM [NIGHTLIES]

What is NamelessROM?
NamelessROM Gerrit Review
What is NamelessROM ?
Simple - NamelessROM is opportunity.
An opportunity to have a voice to the development team of the after-market firmware that you run on your device.
The main goal of NamelessROM is to provide quality development for android devices, phones and tablets alike.
NamelessROM developers are available nearly 24/7 and respond to bug reports and feature requests almost instantly.
This availability will allow you, the end-user, to have direct input into exactly what features and functions are included on the firmware that YOU run.
NamelessROM maintains features and functions of several well-known open-source, AOSP-based ROMs, as well as many features of our own.
See the screenshots in the 3rd post, and visit our website for more detailed information.
NamelessROM = endless possibilities. Unless you have an iPhone, then you're out of luck.
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ANNOUNCEMENT: We are looking for Device Maintainers to expand our support, please visit our IRC channel or PM @Evisceration, or @jumoog for information.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
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Got a bug report? Want to request a feature? Need extended support?
JIRA (recommended)
Google+ Community​
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Installation Instructions
Factory Reset/Wipe Data
Format System
Format Dalvik Cache
Install ROM
Install Gapps
Just download the zip and flash it. You will NOT need to wipe anything.
Optionally you can also you our own OTA Updater​
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Contributions and Credit
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Gapps (Banks CORE Gapps recommended)
Banks Gapps
NamelessROM Source​
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Please note, there is still WIP
List of bugs
Whats not working so far:
Bluetooth is not powerful at a long range seems to be fixed per user reports
FM Radio (does not work, will never work, no attempts will be made to bring it back)
Native Wifi Tethering (works with third party tethering apps)
HD (720p) video recording, just switch to a lower resolution and it should work. (seems to be fixed, would need some verification)
Additions can be found HERE
be careful with the overclocked kernel (max speed 1200mhz)!
Every hardware is different, some devices can handle the overclock, some cant.
I am not responsible for bootloops or whatever!
If you need calender sync and it doesnt work, please take a look here
Some screenshots
Ehrmagerd, moaaar screeansheerts
Features List​
NamelessROM Proprietary Features
NamelessROM Setup Wizard (replaces Google SetupWizard)
DeviceControl App - Allows for device-specific customizations
NamelessROM OTA Update Center
Fully Integrated KitKat White UI Theme
Advanced Device Information in Settings -> About Phone
Interface Features
DarkToggle - TRDS
Animation Control
Custom Battery Icon Settings
Center Clock Setting
Custom Carrier Label
Signal Icon Settings
Network Activity Indicator
Network Speed Indicator
Notification Count in StatusBar
Double-Tap StatusBar to Sleep
Theme Chooser
Recents RAM Bar
Configurable / Hide-able ClearAll Button in Recents
Screen-Off Animations
Notification Drawer Features
BrightnessSlider in Notification Drawer (see screenshots - like Stock ROMs)
Contextual Notification Panel Headers (notification header background image changes based on time of day)
Auto-Close Notification Drawer
Notification Drawer / Notification Transparency Settings
CM QuickToggles and Ribbons
Lockscreen Features
Lockscreen Notifications
Lockscreen See-Through
QuickUnlock for PIN/Password Security Lockscreens
Battery Level Around UnlockRing
Carousel Animation for Lockscreen Widgets
Custom Lockscreen Widgets
Sound Features
Audio Themes - (will be grayed out until SoundPackages are placed in proper directory on SD Card!!!)
Charging Sounds
Dialer Features
Non-Intrusive InCallUI
Flip to Mute / Flip to Reject Incoming Call
Send Incoming Call to NotificationDrawer/StatusBar
Reverse Lookup
Nearby Location Search within Dialer (like GoogleDialer)
Button Features
Music Playback Control (long-press volume buttons to skip music tracks)
Reorient Volume Buttons on rotation
Keyboard Cursor Control with Volume Buttons
Volume Button Wake
Screenshot / Screenrecord PowerMenu options
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Congratulations for new forum.
waiting for audio to be fixed.
as always great job. :good::good::good:
Grateful thanks
Good work with the Rom !
I really appreciate all the work you've done ! :angel:
If you need anything, like always, just ask !
vsg24 said:
Congratulations for new forum.
waiting for audio to be fixed.
as always great job. :good::good::good:
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the last days there was really a HUGE amount of work, all these administrative things and getting the base of the rom itself done.
but theres still a lot to do and no break in sight
hoping to get time for audio soon, its really bugging me.
cstyves said:
Good work with the Rom !
I really appreciate all the work you've done ! :angel:
If you need anything, like always, just ask !
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thank you so much
you know, gfx' are always very welcome hehe
Good I have leaked one of the latest zips on a big Russian forum this morning, only good comments Except of audio, of course
matshch said:
Good I have leaked one of the latest zips on a big Russian forum this morning, only good comments Except of audio, of course
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and i thought i can trust my beta testers
yeah i have nearly no experience in audio, so need to research a lot which is time consuming.
Evisceration said:
and i thought i can trust my beta testers
yeah i have nearly no experience in audio, so need to research a lot which is time consuming.
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Russian is very annoying And you asked to not post link, I haven't posted
Good work. I wanted to request for a few features
1."XPosed Framework".
2. Viper4Android (it works out of box better)
Tried to register in forum but found some difficulty in doing so. Also for gerrit your link should be with http and not https.
Again Nice work
pkb_always4u said:
Good work. I wanted to request for a few features
1."XPosed Framework".
2. Viper4Android (it works out of box better)
Tried to register in forum but found some difficulty in doing so. Also for gerrit your link should be with http and not https.
Again Nice work
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mhm, im afraid that will not happen :/
we are very open with requests, but there are some things.
as proprietary is likely not to get included, and thats what Viper is, even if it may work better (btw our tuned DSPManager is badass though)
and XPosed, i know a lot of people use it, but the thing is like that.
if we include it, it means we "support it officially" which results in, we have to fix everything which xposed may break and that is very likely to happen, as it modifies the system.
and thats a no go.
Ok got your point! But meant DSP is badass anyway? hehe!
pkb_always4u said:
Ok got your point! But meant DSP is badass anyway? hehe!
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yeah haha.
it has some additional effects (bass boost, stereo widening) and also a brand new interface
though its not much of use until Audio is fully working anyways
Saw the link...looks promising but till sound doesnt work cant compare and say anything.
I flashed this new ROM 3 hours ago and now I am restoring my apps with Titanium step by step with making CWM backups of course.
Until now it looks very good and stable.
1. Can I install SuperSU and if yes what is preferred: install from market or flash the zip?
2. The boot animation could be improved IMHO.
3. I changed the launcher to XPeria Z 2.06b (compatible to Android 4.4)
4. GPS is really not better as in Velox and stock ROMs (5-10 minutes until a fix), IZS and Mackay need 10 seconds. It seems that your ROM does not use A-GPS.
Thank you for your hard work developing a new ROM!
tramp20 said:
I flashed this new ROM 3 hours ago and now I am restoring my apps with Titanium step by step with making CWM backups of course.
Until now it looks very good and stable.
1. Can I install SuperSU and if yes what is preferred: install from market or flash the zip?
2. The boot animation could be improved IMHO.
3. I changed the launcher to XPeria Z 2.06b (compatible to Android 4.4)
4. GPS is really not better as in Velox and stock ROMs (5-10 minutes until a fix), IZS and Mackay need 10 seconds. It seems that your ROM does not use A-GPS.
Thank you for your hard work developing a new ROM!
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you dont need to flash supersu as superuser is already integrated
bootanimation is a default one, its really high resolution and thats why its REALLY slow and laggy, we just need to decide a good bootanimation
launcher is launcher3 by default, but it really lacks a lot (like every previous one, trebuchet too) so im running with Nova (fast and lightweight, regarding ram udage too)
gps is hard for me too test as the second hand p970 i just bought for development is half broken (my first one broke completly so i had to buy a second one) and i dont really use it much.
though i applied gps tweaks but still it seems something isnt sticking how it should (propably kitkats new way of handling sensors, maybe permission changes etc)
5) audio doesnt work so it shouldnt be used as a daily driver until its fixed ( someone donates some time or helps me out? )
Sent from my GT-I9505
I think u should make a boot animation for your brand (Nameless ROM). a light and beautiful one.
also pls don't change launcher. let launcher3 to stay default.
Evisceration said:
you dont need to flash supersu as superuser is already integrated
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Yes, I know it but I like SuperSU much more.
I installed it from the market and it worked at once, so no problem.
First I respect your really hard work with this ROM!
Do you use the same kernel as in your Velox ROM?
Can I use another kernel perhaps from Mackay (very stable)?
I tried your ROM yesterday with installing my usual apps (they are running perfect in IZS and Mackay but not in Velox and now in Nameless) but I had to do this without the back cover of my phone to be able to remove the battery because of the permanent crashes.
These (kernel ?) crashes are not repeatable, sometime the phone reboots but stucks during the boot animation.
As mentioned the Velox ROM on my phone is almost as unstable as the Nameless (I cannot count how often I made a fresh install).
I will try again and again, now with only some of my apps and the default launcher.
Please believe me I will help you
Edit and solution at least on my phone:
the culprit was SuperSU. Without it Nameless is very stable since 1 week
tramp20 said:
Yes, I know it but I like SuperSU much more.
I installed it from the market and it worked at once, so no problem.
First I respect your really hard work with this ROM!
Do you use the same kernel as in your Velox ROM?
Can I use another kernel perhaps from Mackay (very stable)?
I tried your ROM yesterday with installing my usual apps (they are running perfect in IZS and Mackay but not in Velox and now in Nameless) but I had to do this without the back cover of my phone to be able to remove the battery because of the permanent crashes.
These (kernel ?) crashes are not repeatable, sometime the phone reboots but stucks during the boot animation.
As mentioned the Velox ROM on my phone is almost as unstable as the Nameless (I cannot count how often I made a fresh install).
I will try again and again, now with only some of my apps and the default launcher.
Please believe me I will help you
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kernel is default kernel without extra tweaks.
it reboots because it panics inside the system, as its not fully done yet, still a lot needs to be ported, eg audio and hardware composer.
Sent from my GT-I9505
Evisceration said:
bootanimation is a default one, its really high resolution and thats why its REALLY slow and laggy, we just need to decide a good bootanimation
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This one for the OmniROM looks nice and simple:
In the meantime I am trying the yesterday nightly.

[ROM] Vanir/Commotio TF701

Vanir is now in Beta for the TF701. We could use some feedback on how it is doing. Currently, we forked CM's device tree + kernel. (this will change based upon feedback)
Currently all TF700 builds can be found in the nightly section for both Vanir and Commotio
_______Goo.im_(Use First)________NuclearMistake's Server
Support can be found 24/7 on our GooglePlus Community for all 50+ supported devices
Commotio + Vanir Features:
- I am a founding and current Vanir developer. Commotio is my personal take on Vanir
- Toro, toroplus, maguro, grouper, manta, mako, + 49 current devices
- Based on Vanir 4.4 r2_2 nightlies + my Gapps
Status Bar
- Quick Setting including numerous customizations
- Customize clock display and location, customize signal bar
- % displayed in battery + circle mod
- Transparency
Navigation Bar
- Customizable buttons + colors
- Customizable height + width
- Navi Ring
- Transparency
- Fully customizable targets/rotation/widgets/ and more
- Transparency
General Tweaks
- Ad blocking
- Tablet UI Chooser
- DPI/LCD changer + force tablet settings mode
- Theme Chooser: Including inverted theme
- Galaxy Nexus Parts
- ADB over network
- Bravia Engine 2.0
- Custom Carrier text
- Custom backlight
- Expanded Desktop: with different modes
- Extended Power menu
- A-GPS. - Kang PrimeDirective --> Credit happily1986
- Long press back to kill (in developer options)
- Privacy Guard Manager
Application Tweaks
- Expanded Phone: noise reduction, advanced settings, speaker proximity, blacklists, white lists, enhanced dialer
- Expanded MMS including Quick Emoji
- Camera: Enhanced settings (credit CM)
- Functional Sound Recorder
- Koush's Superuser
- Vanir Keyboard - removed tracking/logging - highly optimized
- Media Scanner options
- Enhanced autobrightness
Performance Manager- Processor governor + speed
- Voltage control
- I/o Scheduler
- Disable boot animation
- Enhance recent menu
- Quiet Hours
- Highly modified DSP Manager unique to Commotio/Vanir (Credit CM)
- Volume wake / rocker music controls
- Rewritten Speaker proximity designed for Commotio/Vanir
- All inclusive ~180 MB --> 60 MB of Bloat removed
- Fully featured LatinIME Keyboard, but only 2.2 MB (normally 16-20 MB), removed tracking/logging
- And soo much more
- Compiled with linaro keychain.
- Optimized with linaro 4.4.2
- GCC 4.8 w/ -O3 -fstrict-aliasing AKA highly optimized compiling for better results (like Linaro)
- Vanir.cfg - Set your CPU frequencies, colors, ZRAM, and much more. Set and once and forget; it stays on your SD card
- DHOtheory: Sets up the kernel/ROM the way I like it, then self destructs on first boot, so you can change it later
- Go-faster Axiom scripts
- Vanirice - makes everything just a bit smooth
- For every 1 user settings there are 5 power saving + performance tweaks tweaks
- Many devices such as Tuna, GS4, M7, G2, and many more offer custom Vanir kernels
- We use the best kernel choosen by our device maintainers for the current provided kernel please see our GitHub.
- TRIAGE theme - (Inspiration DroidTh3ory)
- No Longer Included. See my Gapps post for further details, and my GAPPs
- Added File Manager + Titanium BU (for easy crack flashing)
- Terminal added
Commotio 4.1 Build 20 and prior
Commotio 4.2 Build 21 and later
Files: MD5 found on download page
_______Goo.im_(Use First)________NuclearMistake's Server
M# = Monolith/Milestone build
B# = build number
Dirty = update file, does not wipe. Does not change ROM settings or user data.
Install: Easy as 1, 2, 3
Everything is taken care of for you. No need to wipe cache.
1) Download
2) Flash it
3) Profit
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM] Vanir/Commotio TF701, ROM for the Asus Transformer TF701
DHO, PrimeDirective, NuclearMIstake
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
Based On: VanirAOSP
Version Information
Status: Testing
Beta Release Date: 2014-05-25
Created 2014-05-26
Last Updated 2014-05-25
Many Thanks. Awesome! Its working! But there was a really cool viking dude on the nexus 7. the Viking Dude!? How about that? :silly:
-back button sends me to google now. Dont know if thats a feature or what.
I'm probably a less technical user than many. But here's my $.02.
The navigation bar customizations are huge. Once you get used to having a "last app" button there's no going back.
I got non-stop Google Keyboard errors which I worked around by using voice to install Swiftkey. I don't use Google Keyboard anyway because there's no split layout.
The back button goes to Google Now because of the navigation ring. I disabled that too.
I haven't grasped the mystery of how themes behave. There are often subtle differences from one ROM or device to the next. In this case with SUBZ3ER0 I can see the text on my Gmail widget and in Google Voice where often it's black-on-black. I have no idea if that's because of some deliberate change, but if so that's great. (And if it's not, it's still great.)
I recently switched from an Xperia tablet Z and was missing a lot of the customizations. (On the bright side I've been wasting less time constantly flashing different ROMs.) This is very nice.
badwiring said:
I'm probably a less technical user than many. But here's my $.02.
The navigation bar customizations are huge. Once you get used to having a "last app" button there's no going back.
I got non-stop Google Keyboard errors which I worked around by using voice to install Swiftkey. I don't use Google Keyboard anyway because there's no split layout.
The back button goes to Google Now because of the navigation ring. I disabled that too.
I haven't grasped the mystery of how themes behave. There are often subtle differences from one ROM or device to the next. In this case with SUBZ3ER0 I can see the text on my Gmail widget and in Google Voice where often it's black-on-black. I have no idea if that's because of some deliberate change, but if so that's great. (And if it's not, it's still great.)
I recently switched from an Xperia tablet Z and was missing a lot of the customizations. (On the bright side I've been wasting less time constantly flashing different ROMs.) This is very nice.
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Thanks for the feedback, I will try to address theme over the next week. I think we need some overlays for this tab DPI
In the meantime, you can adjust the navi bar size in Settings/Interface
For me, adb over wireless crashes settings. Using rom toolbox pro instead. So far so good otherwise.
DHO said:
In the meantime, you can adjust the navi bar size in Settings/Interface
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Sorry, poor word choice. I meant that the navigation bar customizations are "huge" in the sense that they are very significant, very helpful. There isn't anything abnormal about their size. It took a while for that to click before I realized my miscommunication.
badwiring said:
Sorry, poor word choice. I meant that the navigation bar customizations are "huge" in the sense that they are very significant, very helpful. There isn't anything abnormal about their size. It took a while for that to click before I realized my miscommunication.
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Even better, thanks!
YayYouFixedIt said:
For me, adb over wireless crashes settings. Using rom toolbox pro instead. So far so good otherwise.
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Log pls?
DHO said:
Even better, thanks!
Log pls?
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whoa hello @DHO
YayYouFixedIt said:
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Thanks, Looking @ log now
AngryDinosaur said:
whoa hello @DHO
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I think fixed in next build
DHO said:
I think fixed in next build
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Was it B66? Thought I flashed that already. It works now. Thanks.
Dumb question - does the term "brickmaking" on the download site mean that it's just very experimental and risky or that brickmaking is the expected outcome?
badwiring said:
Dumb question - does the term "brickmaking" on the download site mean that it's just very experimental and risky or that brickmaking is the expected outcome?
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I'll remove that tag today
It means it's experimental with a higher risk than usual. 4.4.3 builds look stable
Hey I'm looking to flash the latest nightly. Can someone confirm dock/keyboard is working?
Any known instabilities?
DHO said:
I'll remove that tag today
It means it's experimental with a higher risk than usual. 4.4.3 builds look stable
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It's been great for several days. I was getting random crashes on various apps on 4.4.2, sometimes a bunch at once, but it hasn't happened in the past few days. I need to stop being lazy and read about how to save log files and what to do with them. There are other variables. I was using ART and using a lower resolution. Either way it would take a whole lot of crashes to negate the huge benefit of the last app nav bar button. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Better than that. I'd rather tear my bread apart and eat it in chunks than lose my last app button.
Or I'm just blind
Sent from my LG D802
Makrilli said:
Or I'm just blind
Sent from my LG D802
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Does this ROM support ART runtime? Also, still no support to exFat file system, right?
It could my imagination but after the last nightly this seemed exceptionally responsive and fast.

[Q&A] [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PI

[Q&A] [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PI
Q&A for [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PIE -PEEK
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ROM] [4.4.4] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 BETA4 [11.10.2014] - HOVER - PIE -PEEK. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Thank you for this ROM, I must say it's fantastic, very smooth and fast. My never-rooted Xperia suddenly died and I got my boyfriend's old phone so I'm playing around with custom settings.
Anyway, here comes a noob question, sorry about that. The thing is - I can't find notification toggles and settings to change/remove quick tiles! I've tried different ROMs and they had notification toggles built in. Now, am I doing something wrong or this feature doesn't exist here?
Premijerka RH said:
Thank you for this ROM, I must say it's fantastic, very smooth and fast. My never-rooted Xperia suddenly died and I got my boyfriend's old phone so I'm playing around with custom settings.
Anyway, here comes a noob question, sorry about that. The thing is - I can't find notification toggles and settings to change/remove quick tiles! I've tried different ROMs and they had notification toggles built in. Now, am I doing something wrong or this feature doesn't exist here?
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For remove title you need to press the button square at the top right in notification pull-down and then you can choose which buttons display by tapping once. You can also shift their position.
I feel so dumb right now, thank you!
How can I make the status bar transparent?
tdp_ said:
How can I make the status bar transparent?
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I'm gonna go ahead and answer my question...
Simply delete the whole line 'ro.config.low_ram = true' in the file 'build.prop' and reboot. I have also installed the Apex launcher where I can set the transparency of the status bar separately but it also work with stock launcher.
I found this solution on youtube but as a new user I'm not allowed to post a link to that.
So far no disadvantages... everything runs fast and smooth.
I found 2 more ways to enable transparent status bar...
1) Instead of deleting the line above you can also set its value to 'false' then reboot.
2) Simply download and install the app 'busybox'. Afterwards you can toggle the 'low ram button" in the advanced settings (in your app drawer). If you enable the low ram mode status bar will stay solid, if it's disabled statusbar will be transparent.
Is there any different kernel to flash with this ROM? like kk kernel?
Thank you
Enviado do meu GT-I9100 através de Tapatalk
Any camera app, e.g. Google Camera, Open Camera crashes whole phone after a few shots. Is there any solution?

[ROMs] [AOSP Based][5.1.1] Nexus Experience - Release 9.8.2

Based on AOSP Code from Google
All stable CM12.1 features
Android 5.1.1 merged
Fully user experience of Nexus devices since first boot
Heads Up Enabler/Disabler and Heads Up for all notifications options
Notification ticker option
Lock screen custom shortcuts
FAB for Clear all recents
Clock and Date customizations
Network traffic on Status bar with Auto hide option
More Animation scales
Option to add Sound panel to power menu
Advanced IME options
Option to disable Quick settings on lock screen
Intelliactive governor as default CPU governor
MAKO Hotplug (From Franco Kernel) as default CPU Hotplug
Battery friendly
Release 3.0 and up use WebViewGoogle instead of AOSP WebView and can be updated from Play Store like Stock ROM when an update is available.
See the changelog page to see all features
Know issues
Noise at first 5 seconds on audio recording
Credits: Anderson Aragão
Zhao Wei Liew (aka. zwliew)
Ketut P. Kumajaya (aka. kumajaya)
Paranoid Android
Slim Roms
NX G+ Community
Follow us in our community --->> http://goo.gl/vr6yBT
Is this updated? Gotta try it. +1
Thanks for the rom!
If the only bug is the noise at first 5 seconds on audio recording, it will be great.
I 'm downloading now.
The noise still there ultil it finish??
Tested the rom now. Very stable and smooth.
From my little time with this rom. I can say but a few bugs exist. -
1. Even this rom doesn't recognize the ambient light sensor.
2. Tested the recording. As mentioned 5 seconds of garbled audio. Followed by clean recording.
3. Call recording gives out dirty audio files. (ACR used)
4. Will post if I find any. Hopefully I don't
dattafilthyd said:
Tested the rom now. Very stable and smooth.
From my little time with this rom. I can say but a few bugs Q. -
1. Even this rom doesn't recognize the ambient light sensor.
2. Tested the recording. As mentioned 5 seconds of garbled audio. Followed by clean recording.
3. Call recording gives out dirty audio files. (ACR used)
4. Will post if I find any. Hopefully I don't
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Try use the Sony Audio Recorder
I don't have a way to test it now but please test with the Sony one
It solved a bug closer to this once with other ROM...
---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 PM ----------
Use the .wav format but test all of them
Is the sensor working during calls
Any issues in HM2014818 variant? gonna flash soon.
Will this rom work with Redmi 2 Prime. Please reply, i really would love to use this. I want lollipop.
dpnobody said:
Will this rom work with Redmi 2 Prime. Please reply, i really would love to use this. I want lollipop.
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Yes, I have Redmi 2 Prime and works great!
dpnobody said:
Will this rom work with Redmi 2 Prime. Please reply, i really would love to use this. I want lollipop.
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Yes, I am using it on my Redmi 2 Prime. Very smooth experience!
Works on all redmi 2variants
dattafilthyd said:
Tested the rom now. Very stable and smooth.
From my little time with this rom. I can say but a few bugs exist. -
1. Even this rom doesn't recognize the ambient light sensor.
2. Tested the recording. As mentioned 5 seconds of garbled audio. Followed by clean recording.
3. Call recording gives out dirty audio files. (ACR used)
4. Will post if I find any. Hopefully I don't
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Which Redmi2 variant are you using? I just want to check if these issues are present on Redmi2/2A/Prime variants, or are specific to just one.
Dowloaded, flashed... and removed.
Seriously, either I am doing something wrong or the ambient light sensor issue is just too significant for me.
How can you close a call with the screen dead? Is there a way to disable the ambient light sensor?
Otherwise, calls would remain open until I manually remove the battery.
Other than that, no other unmentioned bug found
[email protected] said:
Dowloaded, flashed... and removed.
Seriously, either I am doing something wrong or the ambient light sensor issue is just too significant for me.
How can you close a call with the screen dead? Is there a way to disable the ambient light sensor?
Otherwise, calls would remain open until I manually remove the battery.
Other than that, no other unmentioned bug found
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You have to use xposed framework and download 'disable proximity sensor' module.
gonzule said:
Which Redmi2 variant are you using? I just want to check if these issues are present on Redmi2/2A/Prime variants, or are specific to just one.
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Redmi 2 prime [HM2014811]
This rom is awesome !
Far way better/faster/lighter than miui...
[email protected] said:
Dowloaded, flashed... and removed.
Seriously, either I am doing something wrong or the ambient light sensor issue is just too significant for me.
How can you close a call with the screen dead? Is there a way to disable the ambient light sensor?
Otherwise, calls would remain open until I manually remove the battery.
Other than that, no other unmentioned bug found
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In settings / interface / you can turn on option - power button ends call, I'm using it. Good solution by now.
fforward72 said:
Yes, I have Redmi 2 Prime and works great!
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means there is not need of changing boot.img or kernel..????
Tell me How's the Battery Backup in this Rom. I am currently using Resurrection Remix which doesn't has good battery backup. Also the device heats too much.
Is this Better than that?
I am using Redmi 2 prime anyway.

