Many of the default Android menus are white text on a black background. Not only do I find these visually unappealing, they are actually counter productive given how poorly dark themes read in sunlight.
Can these be changed to black text on a white background (or light background) instead? Does anyone have a theme they can share to accomplish this? Thank you.
OK, I guess this is not possible. It's a shame because I find Android's list based menus awfully plain and unaesthetic. White text on a black background with little visual really looks like a plain vanilla terminal of yesteryear. While I love Android's openness, customization, and tweaker-friendly platform, it really needs a major overhaul in terms of looks and user friendliness. In short, the GUI needs some polish and consistency.
It would appear that Android has built-in "themes" for apps to use. If none is specified, then the dark or black theme is used. I wonder if there is a way to force apps to use the "light" theme even if specified otherwise. Perhaps a custom ROM could be created to always use the light theme.
i know this thread is old enogh, but i'm searching for a answer to this question too.
Same here, I´m looking for a solution to this problem
For me is near impossible to read white letters on black background, and i have a new ZTE Blade that can´t use because this
If someone have a solution, please !!!
Recently this has been bugging me as well. I wish there was a very simple way to perhaps tweak the framework and systemui so that black on white can become a reality...
This is totally feasible. You would have to do a bunch of XML edits in your framework-res.apk and declare everything correctly.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Changing the theme style in styles.xml should work I guess... if I have little to do I can take a look
Sent from my Hero using XDA App
Okay, I've done it, just gotta see if I've caused any bugs and write a how to
Edit: Bah, it's hard, the whole system and lots of apps are based on how it is now, changing it causes lots of trouble. Don't know if I'll make it :/
Btw, I did it in my cm7 theme. You can see it in my signature
Sent from my Hero using XDA
AWESOME. There are some issues though, such as black text on dark backgrounds in the music app, which I'm guessing would take more than some xml editing to fix. But other than that it's GREAT!
EnMod said:
AWESOME. There are some issues though, such as black text on dark backgrounds in the music app, which I'm guessing would take more than some xml editing to fix. But other than that it's GREAT!
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Thanks I have fixed most of these issues I think, but one of the issues was kind of tricky, cause when I fix them, I create others :/ and I don't have the stock music app installed atm, I will install it and see the issue myeself
Habarug said:
Thanks I have fixed most of these issues I think, but one of the issues was kind of tricky, cause when I fix them, I create others :/ and I don't have the stock music app installed atm, I will install it and see the issue myeself
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I don't see that theme anymore in your signature. Would it be possible for you to share it? I'm still in search of a way to get Android to be a bit lighter (outside of going with MIUI), which I find far more visually appealing.
I can't make roms (yet), so I'm gonna start theming. That being said, what apps/icons do you want themed? I figure we can get a nice little list going here, so anyone else who wants to theme can make use of it as well. Obviously, stock apps will be themed; what we need here is the apps from the market or other sources that you want to match with everything else. Let me know!
I would love a new icon for Go SMS Pro. I like the app a lot more than the stock messenger, but don't like the way it clashes with my other icon images. If I could get a cooler icon, that would be awesome, even if it looks like the stock messaging up but maybe in a dark blue or black color. =)
JohnnyAn said:
I would love a new icon for Go SMS Pro. I like the app a lot more than the stock messenger, but don't like the way it clashes with my other icon images. If I could get a cooler icon, that would be awesome, even if it looks like the stock messaging up but maybe in a dark blue or black color. =)
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If you have a launcher other than stock you can change it to anything you want w/o theming the whole apk. Plus gosms updates weekly and would be quite the pain in the long run if the apk were themed...
Revolting Revolution. Tapatalk.
I already use a widget to display apps (which includes go sms) on my main desktop a certain way, so programs like better cut pro don't work. Unless I can somehow paste the shortcut app from better cut pro, which is essentially a widget, inside another widget, it doesn't work for me.
Thanks anyway.
Currently I'm using dolphin browser but there isn't an option for me to switch the background colour become black and the words become white.
Is ties a way to do that? or maybe anyone can suggest another browser that can FM that.
Thanks a lot
If you have a rooted phone, you can try my thread: Web Browser With Black Background (Invert Colors / Night Mode) Through Proxy Filter
Without root, you can use a custom User CSS for Opera Mobile:
And apparently ICS has an inverted browser option (it's been in CyanogenMod for some time):
I found that UC Browser was the only free one which had a standard built in nightmode function.
I use it browser when i'm in need of night-mode browsing
inverted brwoser
where to find the root folder so i can make a folder data/opt. thanks!
In the advanced options of "display" in cm11 there is an option to invert the colors... white gets black and vice versa. However, this way colored images look totally distorted, of course...
Inverted apps....
What is that?
Why is that?
What for is that?
What is the benefit?
Ths in advance, for the explanation or the link to make me understand this issue..
sas_sas said:
Inverted apps....
What is that?
Why is that?
What for is that?
What is the benefit?
Ths in advance, for the explanation or the link to make me understand this issue..
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What is it?- Apps whose background colour has is changed from white to black.
Why is that?what for is that?what is the benefit?- on amoled displays it reduces power consumption as black does not illuminate the display. The apps work same as their normal counterparts only their background colour and font colour is inverted. It also looks cools if you prefer darker themes ;-)
Popular inverted apps are market, email, contacts and a few other apps that come with white background as default.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
I tried to find Dark/Black themes for Z3 Compact which could theme settings, calendar, contacts and a lot of other apps but without success.
I also tried some Xposed module for theming but all of them were not working
I would like something really close to the one made by @Rajeev (dark and blue) like here
Or something like eXistenZ from @niaboc79 like here
Sadly his rom is not working on our Z3 Compact
I am currently using Slimm 3.1 Rom from @Wajk
If someone could help me, i will be really greatful :laugh:
I also tried Substratum theme engine, and Layers manager but the apps doesn't start then FC ?
slutman said:
I also tried Substratum theme engine, and Layers manager but the apps doesn't start then FC ��
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You should flash something about the Layers you can't directly use it AFAIK, also I don't know any other way than Layers on MM to edit the apps as you requested. Even with Layers, it is very risky, it might screw your system up, make sure to have a back-up! When it comes to eXistenZ, it is a highly customized ROM so don't compare it with stock
Substratum works for MM. I've mixed a few of the best free, cheap and quality themes I've tested. Theming quality varies and compatibility can be inconsistent. Takes some time to test. But I've done that so can share. I'll list in order of quality preference. That way you choose the priority theme's overlays when there are duplicates.
Material Glass is a free unique dark theme. Has transparency to wallpaper throughout and for pop ups. Can use all of them. Don't like it's XDA labs though. Also has two bugs if using it's Android System, volume slider hides foreground app and keyboard switcher reboots device.
Swift Black is a cheap quality pack still in active development and updating to substratum. Pretty much all of it's overlays are great except Chrome's window heading clashes. It's Systemui and Android System are standouts priority above Material Glass the latter only because of prior mentioned bugs.
InversionUI is a good free pack. Not as good as Swift Black but if preferring free can be a close replacement. For example it's play store ratings colour clashes white. Google calendar, catlog and news & weather are unique to it. Calendar status bar icons clash black, but using white icons and clock changing in gravitybox is a workaround.
Dark Material free from play store for it's unique facebook and instagram. Substratum itself only seems to black with this one.
These have YouTube which is just it's setting menu aparrently and eBay just it's notification. I think Android System overlays clash black text in Sony's messaging, I just swapped to using Google's Messenger instead.
They're actually the best combo. I tried some others but had no results or crashes. Haven't tested all as these fill everything already. Can't complain with the results!
edit: for posterity's sake using xposed mod Qs X tiles per row can help theme notifications colours. Also xposed mod LPThemer works on MM: under it's Status bar tab, enabling notification text colour can change notification button text colours.
Infy_AsiX said:
Substratum works for MM. I've mixed a few of the best free, cheap and quality themes I've tested. Theming quality varies and compatibility can be inconsistent. Takes some time to test. But I've done that so can share. I'll list in order of quality preference. That way you choose the priority theme's overlays when there are duplicates.
Material Glass is a free unique dark theme. Has transparency to wallpaper throughout and for pop ups. Can use all of them. Don't like it's XDA labs though. Also has two bugs if using it's Android System, volume slider hides foreground app and keyboard switcher reboots device.
Swift Black is a cheap quality pack still in active development and updating to substratum. Pretty much all of it's overlays are great except Chrome's window heading clashes. It's Systemui and Android System are standouts priority above Material Glass the latter only because of prior mentioned bugs.
InversionUI is a good free pack. Not as good as Swift Black but if preferring free can be a close replacement. For example it's play store ratings colour clashes white. Google calendar, catlog and news & weather are unique to it. Calendar status bar icons clash black, but using white icons and clock changing in gravitybox is a workaround.
Dark Material free from play store for it's unique facebook and instagram. Substratum itself only seems to black with this one.
These have YouTube which is just it's setting menu aparrently and eBay just it's notification. I think Android System overlays clash black text in Sony's messaging, I just swapped to using Google's Messenger instead.
They're actually the best combo. I tried some others but had no results or crashes. Haven't tested all as these fill everything already. Can't complain with the results!
edit: for posterity's sake using xposed mod Qs X tiles per row can help theme notifications colours. Also xposed mod LPThemer works on MM: under it's Status bar tab, enabling notification text colour can change notification button text colours.
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Thank you for sharing your knowledge! That is really helpful. I'd like to ask for more info, e.g. you meant those themes↓?
• Swift Black (Play Store says Z3C is not compatible )
• InversionUI
• Dark Material (Play Store says Z3C is not compatible )
Have you tried AospUI Black od AospUI Dark?
-Vinne2- said:
Thank you for sharing your knowledge! That is really helpful. I'd like to ask for more info, e.g. you meant those themes↓?
• Swift Black (Play Store says Z3C is not compatible )
• InversionUI
• Dark Material (Play Store says Z3C is not compatible )
Have you tried AospUI Black od AospUI Dark?
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This information is a little old so some things don't function anymore. Development for Substratum has moved onto OMS and older legacy support is discontinued. Some app updates have broken overlays too. I'm using two Z3C's, one on LineageOMS 14.1 which uses a new different mixed combination of packs including the old legacy Material Glass. The old MM stock I've just stopped using an overlay when it breaks.
Yes that's Swift Black, they stopped updating legacy awhile ago. Maybe if you can purchase I can provide the original last updated v8.7 APK to use. Yes, that's InversionUI, but I don't use any of it anymore. Dark Material has the package name com.chummy.darkmaterial_layers, I don't use it anymore. I haven't tried that, I just use my old stock MM as a backup so not changing things there unless needed. I just keep my LineageOMS 14.1 updated currently.
If might help so this is how my old remaining MM is set up:
Material Glass v3.2 old 3.2 for how the theme accent is preferred white still before it was changed to grey
- Android System (Use GravityBox to set media tweaks, volume panel timeout to 1 second to help with the overlay bug. Can use Tasker with Secure settings plugin to create a Keyboard switcher to get around the crashing default selector)
Material Glass v3.4 beta One of the last betas from the github
- Tags, Trusted Face, Phone Call Management, Google Play Store, GravityBox, eBay, Translate, Google, GBoard, Package Installer, Kernel Adiutor, Instagram (old version)
Material Glass v3.4 I think these were just apps I installed later so I used the latest and last release
- Messages, Android System WebView
Swift Black
Calendar, Google Text-to-speech, Hangouts, Keep, MX Player, Media Storage, Messenger Lite, News & Weather, Phone Services, Skype, VLC, Viber
I kept a note of when an overlay stopped working in case I needed to reinstall after a clean ROM. I had DocumentsUI and Gmail removed from Material Glass. I had Docs, Drive, Google Play Store, Phone Call Management, Translate and eBay removed from Swift Black. Of course I haven't tested everything and theres apps I don't have too, but that's what works for me and can be used as a guide.
Infy_AsiX said:
This information is a little old so some thi…
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Thank you very much!
slutman said:
I tried to find Dark/Black themes for Z3 Compact which could theme settings, calendar, contacts and a lot of other apps but without success.
I also tried some Xposed module for theming but all of them were not working
I would like something really close to the one made by @Rajeev (dark and blue) like here
Or something like eXistenZ from @niaboc79 like here
Sadly his rom is not working on our Z3 Compact
I am currently using Slimm 3.1 Rom from @Wajk
If someone could help me, i will be really greatful :laugh:
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Don't know if you're still looking, but I made one for eXistenZ MM -!NptDRSgC!QOJHyx08wCMwWfnJpRYKRFgFQd9sRslSw8snfCWa5hg
Make a backup, flash in recovery.
Also, here's dark contacts, install as normal apk.
levone1 said:
Don't know if you're still looking, but I made one for eXistenZ MM -!NptDRSgC!QOJHyx08wCMwWfnJpRYKRFgFQd9sRslSw8snfCWa5hg
Make a backup, flash in recovery.
Also, here's dark contacts, install as normal apk.
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Thanks a lot mate. It looks perfect but sadly I changed my phone not a long time ago ^^'
Thank you anyway ?
levone1 said:
Don't know if you're still looking, but I made one for eXistenZ MM -!NptDRSgC!QOJHyx08wCMwWfnJpRYKRFgFQd9sRslSw8snfCWa5hg
Make a backup, flash in recovery.
Also, here's dark contacts, install as normal apk.
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The .zip is no longer available, do you have another copy, or a mirror?
asdf2345 said:
The .zip is no longer available, do you have another copy, or a mirror?
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Check these posts :!Rxc1Ha7K!sjaA2BODD_d4vvr8Vx8I5EJ4Dygu2cYoohqBhYgEios
Links are still good, but it's been a while, and I really don't remember anything about it. Try it out, (make a backup first)...
levone1 said:
Check these posts :!Rxc1Ha7K!sjaA2BODD_d4vvr8Vx8I5EJ4Dygu2cYoohqBhYgEios
Links are still good, but it's been a while, and I really don't remember anything about it. Try it out, (make a backup first)...
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Pls give new link for this.. I really need it
ilyas UG said:
Pls give new link for this.. I really need it
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Sorry, I haven't had Z3c for over 5 years... I don't think those files exist anymore. You can use Apktool right on the phone to mod your system apps. That's mainly how I did everything.
One of my favorite phones, though. If Sony did more updates, I might still have it.
levone1 said:
Sorry, I haven't had Z3c for over 5 years... I don't think those files exist anymore. You can use Apktool right on the phone to mod your system apps. That's mainly how I did everything.
One of my favorite phones, though. If Sony did more updates, I might still have it.
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Can you teach me, how to change to black color? I am using apktool
I just want to change framework and setting app