Unlocking BL on custom rom - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is it safe to unlock bootloader if we are on custom rom?I'm on stock .205 by dipesh and want to unlock bootloader.

Yes, it is.


[Q] Does Stock Rom needs Locked bootleader?

Hello. I want To flash 4.3 Stuck Rom For my Xperia TX. Its Unlocked . Should I relock it Or something else ?
please tell me
Unlock is Unlock bootloader or unlocked to work with all sim?
If you have unlocked bootloader just do it next step:
If you want to flash it with Flashtool, you don't need to lock your bootloader.
If you ask for update with Pc Companion or Update Service, furst lock your bootloader and then try.
Best regards.

Custom kernel on a locked bootloader

Can I flash custom kernel on a locked bootloader?
Thepho3nix said:
Can I flash custom kernel on a locked bootloader?
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No, just on an unlocked bootloader
Wait for kenec or wait ever its called to come out

Re-locking bootloader?

Has anyone re-locked their boot-loader and if so is still possible to flash custom ROM's after doing so?
rslatara said:
Has anyone re-locked their boot-loader and if so is still possible to flash custom ROM's after doing so?
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Relocking bootloader means your device required to have everything stock, (recovery, system, oem, all partitions), otherwise relocking will fail.
On stock recovery/after relocking,
you can't install/flash custom stuff. You will have STOCK only...

When you unlock bootloader and stay with stock ROM ....

When you unlock bootloader and stay with stock ROM, if you get update will that relock the bootloader?
Will unlocker bootloader affect any updates to the 9Tpro global stock ROM?
It won't relock and you'll get updates normally.

Question unlock boatloder

can i install eu xiaomi roms without unlockbootloader and if unlocked can lock it again
You can't install eu ROM (custom ROM) without unlocking bootloader. And if you use any other ROM then the initial one meant for your phone don't relock bootloader. Or also you will brick your phone.

