So apparently voice actions doesn't work for a large portion of the installed user base (as can be seen here:
voice search correctly hears the commands but doesn't do anything except turn them into internet searches.
Rather frustrating (and another dumb fvckup by Google?).
Installing/reinstalling doesn't make a difference.
Language selection doesn't make a difference.
So far there seems to be no solution ... so this $600 paper weight can't even do voice calling.
There's a difference between 'Voice Search' and 'Voice Calling'
...and it does FREE voice calling thanks to Google Voice.
Odd, mine works,i wonder if the people it doesn't work for have contacts checked in the search options
disgustip8ted said:
Odd, mine works,i wonder if the people it doesn't work for have contacts checked in the search options
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LOL that would be hilarious.
Believe it or not, I've had this problem in a very odd way. My nexus one works perfectly with all voice commands, but my dad's would not recognize anything I said. I even tried alternating between the two phones - mine would get it perfectly, and my dad's would not get anything. I think it got fixed with the voice search update.
Initially when I tried it, I thought it sucked since it didn't seem to recognise my actions... would always search instead of call... Then I went to the Voice recogniser settings and changed the language to English (Generic) and from then on, it's been working like a charm!!!
craigacgomez said:
Initially when I tried it, I thought it sucked since it didn't seem to recognise my actions... would always search instead of call... Then I went to the Voice recogniser settings and changed the language to English (Generic) and from then on, it's been working like a charm!!!
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BINGO! Cheers, changed to English (Generic) and works perfectly now!!!
Had to do the same when it first came out as well.
Google's blog says that voice actions are only available to US English speakers, but it seems what they really meant was 'available to anyone but the English'
Yeah, it's rather strange... I tried English US, English UK and English India... and I'm pretty sure I can pull off all three accents well enough... but strangely, none worked. AFAIK, English Generic seems to be the key to getting this to work ATM...
Tried: English Generic, English US, English UK - no difference, doesn't work.
Contacts is enabled in search.
And it definitely recognizes the command correctly since it shows it as an internet search item. It just doesn't search contacts first.
Uninstalled and re-installed multiple times as well.
Using "Send email to XXX" opens emails but puts "To XXX" into the email message body (instead of correctly pulling the XXX contact from contacts and putting that contact into the To field).
I have this exact same issue and it is really getting to me. I have tried to set English US but it doesnt help.
nexusdue said:
Tried: English Generic, English US, English UK - no difference, doesn't work.
Contacts is enabled in search.
And it definitely recognizes the command correctly since it shows it as an internet search item. It just doesn't search contacts first.
Uninstalled and re-installed multiple times as well.
Using "Send email to XXX" opens emails but puts "To XXX" into the email message body (instead of correctly pulling the XXX contact from contacts and putting that contact into the To field).
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Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
nexusdue said:
Tried: English Generic, English US, English UK - no difference, doesn't work.
Contacts is enabled in search.
And it definitely recognizes the command correctly since it shows it as an internet search item. It just doesn't search contacts first.
Uninstalled and re-installed multiple times as well.
Using "Send email to XXX" opens emails but puts "To XXX" into the email message body (instead of correctly pulling the XXX contact from contacts and putting that contact into the To field).
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and you have made contacts searchable?
The latest update has to be installed manually and it does not show up on the Downloads tab. Are you sure you have it updated? Search the market for Voice Actions to double check.
SeEsAw12 said:
and you have made contacts searchable?
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Yup, i also manually installed voice actions and I'm 100% sure i have the newest version.
SeEsAw12 said:
nexusdue said:
Contacts is enabled in search.
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and you have made contacts searchable?
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melwan said:
The latest update has to be installed manually and it does not show up on the Downloads tab. Are you sure you have it updated? Search the market for Voice Actions to double check.
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Yup. 100% certain.
Version shows as 2.0.1 under applications.
So I guess that is it?
No solution - just a [email protected] bug on google's end.
Here's a thought. Are you actually in the US, or are you just setting the phone to a US setting while using it in some other country?
Google's voice services use servers to do the translation and those servers may provide different services to different regions. It may not work if you aren't actually in the US (or using the US servers somehow) even if you have the phone set to US English...?
I tested your theory flarbear and it doesn't seem to be correct.
First I connected to a US VPN and I changed the language of my phone to English US.
-Voice search worked fine. Tested: "Send text to...", "Go to..." website and "listen to..." music
Then I disconnected from the VPN, still with English US as the language.
-Same results as above
Then I changed the language of my phone to Norwegian.
-Same results as above
I've tried the voice actions before, but I tried with and without the VPN connected as I might've been connected the last time. Didn't seem to make any difference now though.
Yup. "Call" and "Send Email to" just don't work.
I was wondering; is there a way to seperate 'OK, Google now' and 'Google now' languages? What I mean: I love 'OK, Google now', the way it responses, very useful app.. BUT: as my native language is Dutch (not supported by 'OK, Google now' -understandable), my main look-up language is Dutch. IF
I keep google language on English, it responses well to 'OK, Google now' commands, but gives lot of garbage on search terms in Dutch. On the other hand, if I turn google voice language to Dutch, I get good responses to Dutch searches, but loose 'OK, Google now' functionality (voice response to give me the weather, call XY, etc)..
So, question is; any way to seperate languages; English for 'OK, Google now' and Dutch for the rest of google voice searches?
bmszabo said:
I was wondering; is there a way to seperate 'OK, Google now' and 'Google now' languages? What I mean: I love 'OK, Google now', the way it responses, very useful app.. BUT: as my native language is Dutch (not supported by 'OK, Google now' -understandable), my main look-up language is Dutch. IF
I keep google language on English, it responses well to 'OK, Google now' commands, but gives lot of garbage on search terms in Dutch. On the other hand, if I turn google voice language to Dutch, I get good responses to Dutch searches, but loose 'OK, Google now' functionality (voice response to give me the weather, call XY, etc)..
So, question is; any way to seperate languages; English for 'OK, Google now' and Dutch for the rest of google voice searches?
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when you change the language to dutch in google voice, you no longer are able to set up the "ok google now" phrase under the touchless controls settings?
I can use "Ok, Google now" phrase, but I don't have the handsfree responses; like reading up weather forecast, calling persons, etc.. I like these functions, but would love to see it seperated from google now voice recognition (which one should be in Dutch).
bmszabo said:
I can use "Ok, Google now" phrase, but I don't have the handsfree responses; like reading up weather forecast, calling persons, etc.. I like these functions, but would love to see it seperated from google now voice recognition (which one should be in Dutch).
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Was looking for this as well. Any progress made?
bmszabo said:
I was wondering; is there a way to seperate 'OK, Google now' and 'Google now' languages? What I mean: I love 'OK, Google now', the way it responses, very useful app.. BUT: as my native language is Dutch (not supported by 'OK, Google now' -understandable), my main look-up language is Dutch. IF
I keep google language on English, it responses well to 'OK, Google now' commands, but gives lot of garbage on search terms in Dutch. On the other hand, if I turn google voice language to Dutch, I get good responses to Dutch searches, but loose 'OK, Google now' functionality (voice response to give me the weather, call XY, etc)..
So, question is; any way to seperate languages; English for 'OK, Google now' and Dutch for the rest of google voice searches?
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Actually, you can enable OK Google in other languages, so that she ca respond to you in your language as well... just notice your Google Search version under App info, because after you "hack" it, Google may patch this out (it happened before, but they just found another method to hack it again eventually)
[GUIDE] Enable "OK Google" hotword| any language|off line dict| tested on Gnow 3.2.17
Hi all,
I recently developed a very useful App: Fast Callback Free.
You can found details about it here
My App is already localized in English and Italian (my mother tongue) and I would like to add also other languages (e.g. spanish, portuguese, german, greek, russian, persian, etc.).
I will appreciate very much if you can help me to translate it in your mother tongue: I can add your name to the contributors' list or I can translate your app in Italian.
Please find strings.xml attached (it consists in only 40 strings) and the Google Play's description to be translated below.
To help in translating in your own language:
Thank you.
How many times in a day you refuse an incoming call from your relatives or your friends just to call them back? This is a very common task when you wish to take advantage of a more convenient mobile phone contract or just let your contacts not to pay when they call you.
When you receive a call this App shows an overlay button that let you refuse the call and immediately call your contact back; everything just by tapping one button! You can choose for which contacts the call-back function is available as well as the button's style, size and position in order to let the overlay button fit perfectly with respect to the screen which is shown by your smartphone when you receive a call.
This is the FREE version of the Callback App: it may display Ad at the end of the call started by the call-back function. If you wish, buy the Callback App for avoiding Ads.
I have two questions about voice when in navigation:
1. My phone interface is set to English but I am Italian, so keyboard and TTS is set to Italian, still navigation voice with google map is in English: is tre a way to force a language different than the system one?
2. When phone is paired with my car's bluetooth but I am listening to the radio (as I want to receive calls but not listen to mp3's), voice is silent: is there a way to forse output from loudspeaker?
Got this phone installed the language pack for google keyboard but it sends empty texts. A number of recepients confirmed getting blank smses.
Cricket can't help.
Alcatel CS told me phone doesn't support other languages besides english and spanish. Yes, that's their official answer (the cs rep asked their supervisor). No texting in other languages allowed.
I tried different keyboard/sms apps with language packs, nothing works.
Did hard reset, didn't help either.
Any ideas? Already requested return but really like the phone...
Super late but I know the answer for this one lol. Follow the steps below and you should be fine. Super compact forces SMS to use 7bit characters. The problem is that many foreign languages use 16 bit characters so your sent messages can't use any of the characters you typed.
1. Open Messaging
2. Go to Settings
3. Tap on the Advanced Section
4. If your Alphabet management is set to "Super compact", change it to Auto format
Nuieve said:
Got this phone installed the language pack for google keyboard but it sends empty texts. A number of recepients confirmed getting blank smses.
Cricket can't help.
Alcatel CS told me phone doesn't support other languages besides english and spanish. Yes, that's their official answer (the cs rep asked their supervisor). No texting in other languages allowed.
I tried different keyboard/sms apps with language packs, nothing works.
Did hard reset, didn't help either.
Any ideas? Already requested return but really like the phone...
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