I accidentally completely wiped my Nook in recovery without installing any other rom, because cm 11 had a problem installing. And then I turned it off. It doesn't seem to turn on at all. However, I can connect it to my PC and it reads the OMAP4770. Any way I can bring this tablet back? Or is it gone?
Also, I have tried every reset option I've seen online, like power and/or home button for amounts of time. I believe that since I lost the system files it won't start up.
Why don't you just follow the instructions here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317500 and make yourself a sd recovery and take it from there?
Don't worry you are not lost
It won't boot at all, let alone into recovery. Of course I did try to boot into recovery since that's what I used to wipe it. Did not work.
I completely erased everything in the tablet's memory, including /system. I could be wrong but I think that's why it won't show up with anything when it turns on. No light or logo.
gtasmy said:
It won't boot at all, let alone into recovery. Of course I did try to boot into recovery since that's what I used to wipe it. Did not work.
I completely erased everything in the tablet's memory, including /system. I could be wrong but I thing that's why it won't show up with anything when it turns on. No light or logo.
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It won't turn on unless you have a bootable SD inserted. Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make one per item 1a there
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
It won't turn on unless you have a bootable SD inserted. Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make one per item 1a there
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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I know that. But nothing boots now. I wiped it originally with my bootable sd. It won't load that anymore or anything else...
OK just tried different Bootable with CWM instead of TWRP and it booted up to it.
Thanks for the help people.
Now I'm still having issues with flashing CM 11 on it. Status 7 error.
I think that's because I don't have stock installed right?
Anyone know of a CM 11 zip for HD Plus that won't check for stock first?
gtasmy said:
OK just tried different Bootable with CWM instead of TWRP and it booted up to it.
Thanks for the help people.
Now I'm still having issues with flashing CM 11 on it. Status 7 error.
I think that's because I don't have stock installed right?
Anyone know of a CM 11 zip for HD Plus that won't check for stock first?
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No, that status 7 error is because CM11 needs version 6045 or newer CWM. Go to the dummies thread linked in my signature and follow post 7 there.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
Thanks, upgraded from CWM 6028 to 6046 and it worked perfectly.
Thank you for the help and saving my tablet enough to let me breath new life into it.
leapinlar: Ask the question on the forum. I don't like using PMs.
Recently the update allowing google play store somehow bypassed the anti-update thing on my nook, so now I can use play store on the nook home, but the update removed my root but kept the android system home.. It uses a lot of ram, which i'd rather have free to play games or other resource heavy apps on.
I know I have to get my nook to start unsuccessfully 8 times, but I don't know how I go about doing that, can I get some help?
flipperz said:
leapinlar: Ask the question on the forum. I don't like using PMs.
Recently the update allowing google play store somehow bypassed the anti-update thing on my nook, so now I can use play store on the nook home, but the update removed my root but kept the android system home.. It uses a lot of ram, which i'd rather have free to play games or other resource heavy apps on.
I know I have to get my nook to start unsuccessfully 8 times, but I don't know how I go about doing that, can I get some help?
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If you want to do it the easy way, just interrupt the boot by turning it completely off (hold power button for a few seconds) while booting eight times in a row. It will take you back to some version of stock, usually 2.0.0 or 2.0.4 then upgrade again to 2.1.0 when you register again.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
Another way
leapinlar said:
... just interrupt the boot by turning it completely off (hold power button for a few seconds) while booting eight times in a row. It will take you back to some version of stock, ...
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After my HD+ locked up when I created a "Guest" ("child") profile and I had to do the 8-reboot process, after upgrading to B&N v2.1.0, I experimented with alternate button combinations at power-on. If I held the "n" button when pressing "power", I got a prompt that allowed me to do a factory reset.
Whether that is part of a later B&N recovery module, I can't say.
DeanGibson said:
After my HD+ locked up when I created a "Guest" ("child") profile and I had to do the 8-reboot process, after upgrading to B&N v2.1.0, I experimented with alternate button combinations at power-on. If I held the "n" button when pressing "power", I got a prompt that allowed me to do a factory reset.
Whether that is part of a later B&N recovery module, I can't say.
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That factory reset just wipes data, it does not reinstall the ROM. He probably needs to reinstall the ROM since some of the broken symlinks may still be in /system.
Power + n takes you to stock recovery, which, without other parameters being passed to it, asks if you want to factory reset.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
leapinlar said:
That factory reset just wipes data, it does not reinstall the ROM. He probably needs to reinstall the ROM since some of the broken symlinks may still be in /system.
Power + n takes you to stock recovery, which, without other parameters being passed to it, asks if you want to factory reset.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
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Thanks for the help!
I'd like to return my Nook HD+ to stock, too. It has a Cyanogen mod that precedes that startup, and I think that's getting in the way of the 'eight reset' mechanism for a total factory reset to stock software.
Is there a bootloader, system, and gapps zip that I could just flash from an external SD card that would do the job? Seems like there was, at one time, but it's getting very difficult to find them. Any ideas for a quick factory reset (not a wipe, but a complete reset to original OS?).
[email protected] said:
I'd like to return my Nook HD+ to stock, too. It has a Cyanogen mod that precedes that startup, and I think that's getting in the way of the 'eight reset' mechanism for a total factory reset to stock software.
Is there a bootloader, system, and gapps zip that I could just flash from an external SD card that would do the job? Seems like there was, at one time, but it's getting very difficult to find them. Any ideas for a quick factory reset (not a wipe, but a complete reset to original OS?).
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Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and flash the plain stock zip from item 6 there and follow that with a factory reset by CWM.
And it was not the cyanoboot that prevents the 8 reset, it is because when you originally installed CM you also replaced the stock recovery on internal memory with CWM. Stock recovery is needed for the 8 reset to work.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
Thanks, that worked. I also tried the rooted version of stock, but it has a problem: "Unfortunately, Home has Stopped". Is there a workaround to this?
[email protected] said:
Thanks, that worked. I also tried the rooted version of stock, but it has a problem: "Unfortunately, Home has Stopped". Is there a workaround to this?
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Don't use that version, I should remove it. If you want to root, do it per the thread with universal root rev 3.
Sent from my SCH-i705 using XDA Premium HD app
Hi there,
I have a device that is also candidate for unrooting to stock. The thing is that I have tried both CWM and TWRP on bootable SD to try and fix the situation tith the apropriate zips but unfortunately none of them can mount sd ot any internal memory for me to reset.
Maybe I should also add that the device is charging without turning on except if there is a proper bootable sd inserted.
I presume a rescue bootable SD of OEM type could bring the device back to life.
I`ll apreciate any help.
ValentinD said:
Hi there,
I have a device that is also candidate for unrooting to stock. The thing is that I have tried both CWM and TWRP on bootable SD to try and fix the situation tith the apropriate zips but unfortunately none of them can mount sd ot any internal memory for me to reset.
Maybe I should also add that the device is charging without turning on except if there is a proper bootable sd inserted.
I presume a rescue bootable SD of OEM type could bring the device back to life.
I`ll apreciate any help.
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When you say a candidate for stock, why? Is there something else wrong with it? I am just trying to see if it is bricked.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
When you say a candidate for stock, why? Is there something else wrong with it? I am just trying to see if it is bricked.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Maybe Bricked is the situation. The device is charging (the green light is present when plugged to the charger or USB ) but the power button can no longer start any visible boot process on the screen.
The story of the device is nearly the following:
I was using the device for a long time rooted with installed CM updating even with over night builds from time to time.
Once I had a problem booting properly after update but easily booted to TWRP and restored the previouse update.
A week ago the same situation occured, after an update procedure I left the device plugged to the wall charger and on the morning it was stuck on the CYANOGEN universal boot logo. No way found to boot to recovery found.
I figured the recovery has gone bad. Started to prepare bootable SD to try and fox the mess somehow, but could not do the corect procedure of preparing a good bootable SD many times. The only time I successfuly booted CWM recovery from SD I tried to install a zip with CWM recovery and as far as I remember at that time the bootable recovery was able to mount another SD wile it was booted on the device and the zip installed with success according to the software. Sadly after a restart the device was as is, stuck on the bootloader logo.
After 2-3 times successfuly booting both CWM and TWRP recoveries from prepared SD card, doing nothing at all that can alter the device, just tried to see how to mount any usable memory, the device stopped visualy booting without an SD.
Thank you for the reply, hope you can add some wisdome to the happy end
ValentinD said:
Maybe Bricked is the situation. The device is charging (the green light is present when plugged to the charger or USB ) but the power button can no longer start any visible boot process on the screen.
The story of the device is nearly the following:
I was using the device for a long time rooted with installed CM updating even with over night builds from time to time.
Once I had a problem booting properly after update but easily booted to TWRP and restored the previouse update.
A week ago the same situation occured, after an update procedure I left the device plugged to the wall charger and on the morning it was stuck on the CYANOGEN universal boot logo. No way found to boot to recovery found.
I figured the recovery has gone bad. Started to prepare bootable SD to try and fox the mess somehow, but could not do the corect procedure of preparing a good bootable SD many times. The only time I successfuly booted CWM recovery from SD I tried to install a zip with CWM recovery and as far as I remember at that time the bootable recovery was able to mount another SD wile it was booted on the device and the zip installed with success according to the software. Sadly after a restart the device was as is, stuck on the bootloader logo.
After 2-3 times successfully booting both CWM and TWRP recoveries from prepared SD card, doing nothing at all that can alter the device, just tried to see how to mount any usable memory, the device stopped visualy booting without an SD.
Thank you for the reply, hope you can add some wisdom to the happy end
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It sounds like it is bricked. If recovery said it installed successfully and it still will not boot normally, it is usually what that means. By bricking, I mean internal memory has become read only and nothing can successfully be written to it even if it said it was successful. Your probable only option is to use a noemmc version of SD CM. Search the dev forum for that term.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
It sounds like it is bricked. If recovery said it installed successfully and it still will not boot normally, it is usually what that means. By bricking, I mean internal memory has become read only and nothing can successfully be written to it even if it said it was successful. Your probable only option is to use a noemmc version of SD CM. Search the dev forum for that term.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Apart from the the. Is that a BN at a point of too much geting on or it has to deal with the overal life of surge protection meh a chip?
ValentinD said:
Apart from the the. Is that a BN at a point of too much geting on or it has to deal with the overal life of surge protection meh a chip?
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No, it is probably from running CM11. That has a history of bricking devices with the faulty emmc chip due to applying trim automatically.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
Hi there,
I have used the forum in the past to successfully install custom roms on different phones. However, this gave me a false sense of my technical ability (which is low) leading to my current predicament. I bought a nook hd plus a couple of months and followed the post on how to install cwm 10.1. I followed the instructions exactly, but my nook kept looping on the boot screen. I tried again several times, but to no avail. I've now learnt my lesson and just want to restore to its original state, but now I have two problems:
1. I don't know how to do this.
2. My dad has misplaced the sd card I used to install cwm on, and because the tablet has been completely wiped, it won't start at all. I have ordered another sd card, but I'd be really grateful if someone could provide or direct me to an idiot proof guide on how I restore my tablet.
Thank you in advance,
namsoni said:
Hi there,
I have used the forum in the past to successfully install custom roms on different phones. However, this gave me a false sense of my technical ability (which is low) leading to my current predicament. I bought a nook hd plus a couple of months and followed the post on how to install cwm 10.1. I followed the instructions exactly, but my nook kept looping on the boot screen. I tried again several times, but to no avail. I've now learnt my lesson and just want to restore to its original state, but now I have two problems:
1. I don't know how to do this.
2. My dad has misplaced the sd card I used to install cwm on, and because the tablet has been completely wiped, it won't start at all. I have ordered another sd card, but I'd be really grateful if someone could provide or direct me to an idiot proof guide on how I restore my tablet.
Thank you in advance,
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First you need to get your new SD. Then you need to make a CWM SD per the instructions in item 1a in my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature. Then go to item 6 and flash a plain stock zip I have there.
And how did you completely wipe the tablet if you don't have a CWM SD?
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
First you need to get your new SD. Then you need to make a CWM SD per the instructions in item 1a in my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature. Then go to item 6 and flash a plain stock zip I have there.
And how did you completely wipe the tablet if you don't have a CWM SD?
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Thank you.
I probably didn't explain it properly, with regards to wiping it. When I tried to put the custom rom on it, the instructions required me to wipe the stock rom, and now that I don't have the micro-sd card it won't boot. I have no idea if that makes sense or not :s. #noobfail
You did not wipe the ROM. You wiped the data.
Try booting and holding the power key and the n key for a few seconds. Release the power key before it turns itself off. It shoud boot to recovery. If you installed CWM or TWRP to internal memory, it should boot to one of them. If it boots to a screen that says 'do you want to erase?' then you have stock recovery still on.
If you have stock recovery, it should reset itself to pure stock after you interrupt the boot 8 times in a row.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using XDA Premium
I rooted EMMC CM11 on my nook hd+ few days ago, it works ok, and these morning, while i'm charging, it turns into CYANOBOOT screen, I try everything can do, but not get into Android, can't get into CWM recovery mode, even Eight interrupted Boots not working, what can I do with that? Help, please.
zaifaxian said:
I rooted EMMC CM11 on my nook hd+ few days ago, it works ok, and these morning, while i'm charging, it turns into CYANOBOOT screen, I try everything can do, but not get into Android, can't get into CWM recovery mode, even Eight interrupted Boots not working, what can I do with that? Help, please.
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Try getting into CWM by booting holding the power and n keys together for a few seconds, releasing the power button first followed by the n key. That should get you into the new CWM on internal memory. Then you can use that to factory reset to start CM11 fresh.
If that does not work, go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread and make a new bootable CWM SD. Use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 of that thread followed by a factory reset with CWM. That lets you start over like it came out of the box.
The 8 failed boot procedure did not work because you had replaced the stock recovery with CWM.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
If that does not work, go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread and make a new bootable CWM SD. Use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 of that thread followed by a factory reset with CWM. That lets you start over like it came out of the box.
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Hi, thank you for your guide, it helped me immensely.
I would ask there, I can't post in development subforums (yet), but would it be possible to get an updated version of the SD CWM Recovery that can install kitkat?
Thanks again.
leapinlar said:
Try getting into CWM by booting holding the power and n keys together for a few seconds, releasing the power button first followed by the n key. That should get you into the new CWM on internal memory. Then you can use that to factory reset to start CM11 fresh.
If that does not work, go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread and make a new bootable CWM SD. Use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 of that thread followed by a factory reset with CWM. That lets you start over like it came out of the box.
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i'm follow your way to make a bootable CWM SD(used this file NookHDplus-bootable-CWM-6028-for-stock-4GB-rev4-(05.15.13)), but my HD+ very hard to boot in sd card, it just keep struck on CYANOBOOT screen,I tried more than 30 times, should I keep trying? Or my HD+ is death already?
zaifaxian said:
i'm follow your way to make a bootable CWM SD(used this file NookHDplus-bootable-CWM-6028-for-stock-4GB-rev4-(05.15.13)), but my HD+ very hard to boot in sd card, it just keep struck on CYANOBOOT screen,I tried more than 30 times, should I keep trying? Or my HD+ is death already?
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Try using a different SD card if you can.
From what I've read, a 4GB Class4 card is the best. My 16GB will boot less than 1 in 20 times, but my 4GB boots 9 out of 10 times. Also, make sure you have marked the microSD partition as Active using a partition tool.
Fwiw, I got a class 4 sandisk 8gb card. Total noob to android. Booted first time and every time since. Only trouble I had was with win32diskimager. Not only did it not work, it hosed my windows 7 install. I used a program called sdimager instead.
barth2 said:
Only trouble I had was with win32diskimager. Not only did it not work, it hosed my windows 7.
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That was because you were not paying attention to what drive win32diskimager automatically chose.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
twiztid_ said:
Try using a different SD card if you can.
From what I've read, a 4GB Class4 card is the best. My 16GB will boot less than 1 in 20 times, but my 4GB boots 9 out of 10 times. Also, make sure you have marked the microSD partition as Active using a partition tool.
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I try another Nook HD+, it totally work on that sd card, it takes a few seconds and then get into the CWM recovery mode, and my HD+, it just can't~
leapinlar said:
That was because you were not paying attention to what drive win32diskimager automatically chose.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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No, I never got to choosing anything. Ran it and nothing appeared to happen. No GUI came up. When I rebooted windows would not start. Had to do system repair.
I thought wtf did win32diskimager do that? Hard to believe. So I downloaded it again from sourceforge, scanned it with avast and malwarebytes, ran it again, same thing happened. OK, better find something else.
zaifaxian said:
I try another Nook HD+, it totally work on that sd card, it takes a few seconds and then get into the CWM recovery mode, and my HD+, it just can't~
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That is the way these newer HD+'s are. They can be very hard to boot to SD. There is a whole thread that discusses that. See here:
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
That is the way these newer HD+'s are. They can be very hard to boot to SD. There is a whole thread that discusses that. See here:
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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i'm gonna give up...
did you fix it?
zaifaxian said:
i'm gonna give up...
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I had the same issue today, just put cm11 on it and it worked fine, during charging it changed to cyanoboot loading image and it just stuck there. I can not boot to CMW.
any luck? did you recover yours?
Also stuck on cyanoboot screen
Hi all, very similar situation - my Nook HD+ is completely bricked too.
Been a happy user of CM11 on Nook HD+ for about 4 months. I used the guide here to install it.
Then one morning it would not boot - only showing "Nook" screen when powered up. I tried to reinstall CM11 but with no luck.
I created a bootable SD card with emmc-cwm-early3.img using dd command (dd if=img file of=/dev/sdc bs=1MB). When inserted, Nook would power up and go to Cyanoboot screen and but it would hang there
I went through 3 different SD cards (all type 4) and they are all same
I One interesting thing - I found sdcard-cwm-early9.img from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2600572. When I create SD card from it, it actually boots up to CWM screen, and it lets me go through various backup/restore options. However, the image only creates about 120MB of free space in SD card and I cannot place any zip files in it.
The reason for bringing out the last point is that it does seem that my Nook HD+ would boot up from SD card, but not with emmc-cmw-early3.img.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
- Dan
I'm having a very similar problem to yours suite800, only I was running rooted stock when it happened. Same thing though, normal boot freezes at the first Nook screen.
I've tried a number of different bootable SD images on a few different cards and all of them freeze on a screen with only the cyanoboot logo visible, with the exception of sdcard-cwm-early9.img. That image gets me to a cyanoboot menu but I can't do anything from there, if I select "Boot CWM Recovery" it just hangs on the cyanoboot screen with a message "Loading recovery from SD..."
Some background info first:
Nook HD
CM 11
CWM v6.0.4.6
When the problem occured, I was running this:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2600572&page=100 on one of the earlier builds, the 1/9/2014 build.
In an attempt to hopefully fix it, (after doing a backup that nearly burnt out the device), I flashed the 6/3/2014 nightly build, which didn't change anything with the booting.
This problem started happening for seemingly no reason after a freeze. I held the power button until it shut off, and then tried to turn it back on. Instead of the normal boot to cyanogen mod, it takes me directly to CWM. If I leave it on CWM, the device starts getting alarmingly hot and the screen starts flashing rapidly. I haven't seen a way online to get it to boot back into CM. Any help would be appreciated.
PixelLight said:
Some background info first:
Nook HD
CM 11
CWM v6.0.4.6
When the problem occured, I was running this:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2600572&page=100 on one of the earlier builds, the 1/9/2014 build.
In an attempt to hopefully fix it, (after doing a backup that nearly burnt out the device), I flashed the 6/3/2014 nightly build, which didn't change anything with the booting.
This problem started happening for seemingly no reason after a freeze. I held the power button until it shut off, and then tried to turn it back on. Instead of the normal boot to cyanogen mod, it takes me directly to CWM. If I leave it on CWM, the device starts getting alarmingly hot and the screen starts flashing rapidly. I haven't seen a way online to get it to boot back into CM. Any help would be appreciated.
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Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make a bootable CWM per item 6 (it needs to be the older version there instead of 6046). Use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 followed by a factory reset. That should fix your booting issue and you can start over.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make a bootable CWM per item 6 (it needs to be the older version there instead of 6046). Use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 followed by a factory reset. That should fix your booting issue and you can start over.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Would this clear out my data? I've been using my tablet since January... Also, any idea what would cause this to happen seemingly randomly?
PixelLight said:
Would this clear out my data? I've been using my tablet since January... Also, any idea what would cause this to happen seemingly randomly?
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Yes, you lose everything.
And it was not random. You said it froze. When that happened you glitched internal memory which might get fixed by my procedure. But it might not and you have a brick.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
Yes, you lose everything.
And it was not random. You said it froze. When that happened you glitched internal memory which might get fixed by my procedure. But it might not and you have a brick.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Ah well. That's no fun.
Ha! I did it, no reformatting or anything needed. Here's what I did:
-Wiped Dalvik
-Wiped cache partition
Went into mounts and storage,
Formatted /cache
formatted /bootdata
Worked like a charm. Thanks for the help though.
so after about two weeks after moving i found my nook and went to charge it it boots up and is really sluggish but it boots into 10.2.1 cm i believe never updated farther but anyways so i reboot its doing the same so at this point im stumped so i figured i would reboot into recovery and just wipe the system clean i only hit wipe and factory reset like normal nothing else and installed 10.2.1 and then gapps as normal i go to reboot its stuck in a boot loop now i cant get it to boot wont mount external sd card the nook isnt recognized by my pc well atleast doesnt install drivers just says bn nook hd unless i make it take adb drivers in which case it shows me adb devices 0123456789abcdef in recovery i cant connect it wont allow me and i cant sideload i get error but i can still boot into cwm and it says at the bottom no file contents i can flash other recoverys which i have onmy internal sd card but it doesnt boot past cyanoboot screen which it does dim and go past that screen but it just stays blank so im kinda lost sorry for the lack of punctuation.
You are not bricked. You are in a recovery bootloop. Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make a new bootable CWM SD per item 1a. Then use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 followed by a factory reset. That will take you out of your recovery bootloop.
If you respond further, please use punctuation. It is very difficult to read your first post.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
leapinlar said:
You are not bricked. You are in a recovery bootloop. Go to my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature and make a new bootable CWM SD per item 1a. Then use that to flash a plain stock zip from item 6 followed by a factory reset. That will take you out of your recovery bootloop.
If you respond further, please use punctuation. It is very difficult to read your first post.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
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Sorry, i'm going to try asap. thank you!!