[Q] Dutch as a seconden language - LG G Watch R

Is it posible to have Duch as a second language on the watch?
I have Dutch installed as a second language on my phone and it works perfect with Google now. I can say "okay Google" and after that I can speak Dutch.
Has anybody found a solution?

+1 for it. I have the same problem.

Dutch is not yet supported on the watch itself ... but I found out that using Dutch as first language in Google Now, the watch will recognize Dutch! So voice recognition for Google Now and Android Wear are somehow related .

Thanks for the tip! Will try.

English(US) as primary
Dutch as secondary
Settings in google now on phone, works for me.
I can respond to whatsapp messages in dutch and english commands still working

Yep, here same setting!

I used the same setup with English (UK) + Czech as secondary. This worked and there was a setting in Google settings to have Contact names recognized (they apparently need to be uploaded and indexed somewhere on google server). That option is now gone however (not sure what update caused it), and the watch is unusable for dialling Czech names anymore - it just tries to interpret everything in english.
Google needs to get a grip on the settings nonsense - there are multiple places that seem to set the same thing but don't have the exact same option, and if you mess it up in one place it's nearly impossible to find afterwards... this is a perfect example. The watch should just have it's own setting for primary/secondary languages, instead on relying on all the google apps that are in contant flux on the phone...

I thought Android wear did not have multilingual support. I wanted to use English and Spanish but I can only use one language at a time. I set Spanish as primary language in Google settings (phone) and had to change my phone language to Spanish as well.

I have a similar problem now (only got the Watch R yesterday). Language on my phone (LG G3, Android 5.0) is set to English (US); primary language in Google Now is also English (US) with Dutch as the secondary.
Now, voice commands work fine, but when I dictate a text message or an e-mail, Google doesn't recognize that I'm speaking Dutch - it tries to make English out of it. But when I dictate a note in Dutch, it works without problem. (When I disable English and only keep Dutch as a language in Google Now, then I always get "Didn't catch that", no matter what I say ...)
Probably a very annoying bug, I guess?


question: How to set Nuance Voice Suite language manually

Hi guys,
I love that the Milestone has Bluetooth Voice Dialling, I do however have one huge problem with it.
I am German and so are most of my contacts, my phone/pc is set to English on the other side.
When I set the phone to German, Voice Dialling works beautifully, when I set the phone to English, Nuance also automatically switches to English, which brick Voice Dialing German contacts (because I need to pronounce them the way you would pronounce them in English...
QUESTION: Is there any way to set the Voice Dialing language (provided by the integrated Nuance Voice Suite) independently from the main system language?
Along with the just released Google Navigation update to include Germany, this would fiy my second biggest problem with this otherwise great phone!
I hope one of you can help me with this.
Thanx in advance,
I have exactly the same problem. what I would like is other application specific setting or a wdget that can quickly switch between the two.
I currently use morelocale 2 to switch between my german-germany and english-germany setting. that way I at least still have german sites and suggestions but with englisch language for voice search and other things. But I have to allways switch it back to be able to hear the street names in german instead of english and to use voice fuctions and dictation.
would be nice if there was a really easy solution for this.

Danish speak on google navigation? (Hero)

As you may know google recently release Google Navigation (Beta) here in Denmark, but since i run my phone language in english, which i like better, the voice guidance is also in english.
But I would like to have the voice in danish, I tried using MoreLocale2 to change to danish and the voice was then in danish, but so was most of the phone, which i dislike :/
So now that I know it is possible to get danish voice guidance could anyone tell me if/how i can get it and still keep the english phone language?
I've tried to change the language in Settings and Text-to-speech where I can set the language for the spoken text, but this didn't effect the navigation language
Regards Rapo

[SOLVED] Language setting on XT860/workaround for Navigon MN 3.6.2

On the XT860 there are only the language options English, French, Spanish and Portugese. (This is system language I am talking about. For messaging other languages fortunately are available.)
That is not a major problem except when apps like MN do not have an own language setting but use the system language instead. I do not mind the program itself being in English, but the English pronounciation of German street names is really irritating.
So, does anyone have an idea if it is somehow possible to change the system language on an XT860 to German?
Alternatively is there a way to make MN use another language than the system one? I know this last one has been asked many times (for different phones) and apparently nobody has found a solution yet. Maybe someone on here has good idea? Fiddling with the names of the sound files (IE renaming them did not yield any results for me.)
use morelocale 2 from the market
Thanks, that was easier than expected.
At first I thought it wasn't working, but after a reboot all is well.
Phone now has a strange mixture of German for some menus and the default English for most other but I guess you can't have it all.

[Q] Voice Actions in languagues different than english

I may be doing something very wrong, but I cannot make Voice Actions to work in Spanish (I also tried in German, without luck). In English everything works as expected.
If I tell something in Spanish, the phrase is well recognized but the "keywords" are not identified, so it searches in google the whole phrase. For example, if I say "Call someone" in Spanish, it searches for "Call someone" in Google instead of calling the person.
I already tried installing the offline language packages and played with the configurations of system / voice languages (English / Spanish, Spanish / Spanish) without success.
I own a HTC One Developer edition.
I would really appreciate some help with this, thanks in advance.
I would like to know at least if someone has working voice actions in any language other than English.

Make Google Home translate to UK English instead of US

Hi everyone!
I have a bit of a special problem here:
I live in Germany and use German as main language in my Home Mini. Works fine. It also reacts well when I ask stuff in english.
Now, occasionally I want it to translate stuff, especially for my wife, because she's trying to brush up on her english.
Now, if I tell Google Home to translate a phrase to english, it always uses the US accent which is terribly annoying. I haven't found any way to make it reply in UK english. All thebguides I found were for changing the main language, but that doesn't apply.
Can I tell it specifically to translate to UK english somehow, or change a Setting that makes it reply in UK english in general if it is asked to translate something the english? I just don't like the US accent with all it's "a" letters turned into "รค" and so on...

