Hi everybody,
today i want to get a movie (5,5 GB .mkv file) into my SGS and when i will travel i will be watch it but i have a problem. my phone write me that it cant copy this file into phone. i have free space... where is a problem ? thx
video file size > 4gigs = will not fit on external sd card formatted with fat32
As to how to get to see it on a linux based phone - you will need a linux person to tell you how to setup your sd card so that you can copy large files to it. It might not work in windows after that...
If it was a windows phone you'd format it in ntfs - but I dont think our phones will be happy with that format of card...
Linux peoples - how would this guy get a mem card to format up to take a > 4 gig file on it?
Can it be done easily? What restrictions would there be?
download a tool called 'paragon partition manager'
excellent tool for creating / formatting partitions to operate on linux systems, as well as windows.
ok thanks, but i have in my phone 2 GB microSD card. i want copy into phone's sdcard. so it mean that i should buy larger microsd card
Fastest and simplest way is to cut your movies into parts under 4Gb. This way you don't need to buy a new card or format a current card.
Could he not use GParted and format the card as ext4?
My girlfriend loves my Nook Color, and wants one too -- exactly the same as mine.
I am running CM7 off of my SD card. It took me awhile to customize my NC to get it just the way I like it.
Rather than go through the whole procedure on her Nook, can I just install CM7 and gapps, and then reboot with a copy of the contents of SD card?
In other words, I don't want to have to download all those gapps again, set up her home screen, etc.
You can do it that way by backing up all your apps to your SD card, copying to your computer, than transferring to the new card and reinstall. Use Titanium Backup or App Monster for the backups.
Or, you can make a clone image of your SD card on your computer and write the image to the new card. Your 2nd SD card will then be an exact duplicate. Log in with a new gmail account to separate them.
Wow, that is complicated. I just copied all the files from my 8gb card to my 16gb card on my computer and everything worked fine when I put the larger card in the Nook.
However, if you want to do all this clone and backup stuff, I guess that's another route.
Download Win32 Disk Imager.
Insert source SD card.
Select the location you want to backup the SD card to.
Click Read.
Once finished, you can swap out the source SD card and put in the new SD card.
With the backup file still selected, click Write.
ExploreMN said:
Wow, that is complicated. I just copied all the files from my 8gb card to my 16gb card on my computer and everything worked fine when I put the larger card in the Nook.
However, if you want to do all this clone and backup stuff, I guess that's another route.
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OK, fine. But you put the new card into the same Nook. What would've happened if you were to put the copied card into another, completely stock Nook? Would it still work?
Ravynmagi said:
Download Win32 Disk Imager.
Insert source SD card.
Select the location you want to backup the SD card to.
Click Read.
Once finished, you can swap out the source SD card and put in the new SD card.
With the backup file still selected, click Write.
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I also believe this is the easiest way to transfer your complete "image" of CM7 from one card to another.
Ravynmagi said:
Download Win32 Disk Imager.
Insert source SD card.
Select the location you want to backup the SD card to.
Click Read.
Once finished, you can swap out the source SD card and put in the new SD card.
With the backup file still selected, click Write.
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Unless I missed some config in the image software, it only copies the first partition. My 16GB SD card only got a 4GB image file and none of the other partition were there.
Did I miss something?
Awats said:
My 16GB SD card only got a 4GB image file and none of the other partition were there.
Did I miss something?
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You haven't missed anything; the software is broken. The current version has bugs that cause wrap-around every 4GB (i.e., 32-bit integer overflow). Until the bugs get fixed, you should not use Win32 Disk Imager to read or write image files larger than 4GB.
jll544 said:
You haven't missed anything; the software is broken. The current version has bugs that cause wrap-around every 4GB (i.e., 32-bit integer overflow). Until the bugs get fixed, you should not use Win32 Disk Imager to read or write image files larger than 4GB.
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And they all called me crazy down at the VFW!
Hey everyone, I am a long time lurker who has appreciated everything that is going on here but I have an issue. I want to clone my CM7 image to a newer sandisk 8gb class 4 card. I have the older version (0.1) of win32 disk imager but I am not sure how to write that image off of the card onto my computer to then write back. If anyone can lead me to these instructions, I would be MUCH appreciated. I cannot seem to find the exact steps and I do not want to mess anything up. You all rock, thanks for your help if you can reply.
I thought I would post my findings here for the OP and whoever else may need it. I found a way to backup the SD card image and it should be rewriteable back to a new SD card from what I have read. I used WinImage and under the DISK option, I chose "Creating Virtual Hard Disk Image from physical drive" Then chose the SD card and it will then ask you to choose where you want to save it. It seemed to work for me so I am hoping the burn back to my new SD card works as well. Hope this helps.
I just got myself a Nook Color with version 1.2 update and I am planning to root the device from a microSD Card with CM7 or Honeycomb. But before I start, I have two basic queries:
1. Which rooting will give a better and stable web browsing experience - CM7 (Gingerbread) or Honeycomb
2. Can I store and view my personal files (e.g, movies) from the microSD Card which will boot my Nook Color with CM7/Honeycomb? I am very concerned about this, as the Nook Color v1.2 comes with only 1 GB of free space for personal files storage and so I need to store my movies in mircoSD card. At the same time, I don't want to change the stock software thus violating warranty, so I have to root using a microSD card.
I am very new to this, so will appreciate your response very much. Thanks in advance.
Dazed378 said:
I just got myself a Nook Color with version 1.2 update and I am planning to root the device from a microSD Card with CM7 or Honeycomb. But before I start, I have two basic queries:
1. Which rooting will give a better and stable web browsing experience - CM7 (Gingerbread) or Honeycomb
2. Can I store and view my personal files (e.g, movies) from the microSD Card which will boot my Nook Color with CM7/Honeycomb? I am very concerned about this, as the Nook Color v1.2 comes with only 1 GB of free space for personal files storage and so I need to store my movies in mircoSD card. At the same time, I don't want to change the stock software thus violating warranty, so I have to root using a microSD card.
I am very new to this, so will appreciate your response very much. Thanks in advance.
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1. Without a doubt cm7. Honeycomb will unfortunately be forever buggy.
2. Yes you can use the left over storage on your SD card for files, music, videos, app etc.
And FYI you can root the internal memory and if you need to return for warranty then you can just return to stock and b&n will not know a thing but if you are going to run off the SD card make sure that it is a sandisk.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
The thing to remember if you want to access the 4th partitiion for storage is that you have to do it while the SD is in the NC. Win xp will only see the first partition which has only about 155 megs.
Thanks a ton! I have few more quick questions.
1. What is the most stable CM7 version for rooting 1.2 version Nook Color as of today?
2. Will the rooted nook be able to play AVI video files? What app I need to download for that?
3. I found that PDF page load is very slow in my Nook Color. What app do you suggest for a good reading experience?
Once again, thanks in anticipation.
1. 7.0.3 is the latest stable version of CM7, however, most people keeps up-to-day with nightly builds.
2. it should, if not, install Rock Player Lite, it plays virtually everthing
3. Either Adobe Reader or Alkido would do the job
Not able to copy files to uSD card which boots CM7
Hey thanks for your all your support. I was able to install CM7.0.3 on my 1 GB uSD card and also installed Adobe Reader and Moboplayer. Everything works fine, except when I connect my NC to my PC, and then turn on USB Mass Storage on NC, I can only explore my Nook Color (showing as F: drive) to copy files. I cannot open/explore my SD card, though the PC shows the uSD card as "Removable Disk (E. When I try open this E: drive, I get the message "Please insert a disk in E: drive".
Also, my NC does not seem to identify the SD card. When I go to Settings -> Storage, it shows total space unavailable under SD card. Even when I open Moboplayer, I get the message "There is no SD card, make sure it is usable". I could only play videos copied to my NC internal memory.
I was told that I can use the leftover space of the uSD card to copy personal files, but I have no success on that front yet :-(. Any idea/suggestions how to fix this issue?
More information:
In my NC Storage Settings, it shows:
1. SD card: Total space unavailable, Available space unavailable.
2. Internal storage: Total space 525 MB, Available space 449 MB
3. Additional storage (emmc): Total space 1 GB, Available space 63.51 MB
Wondering what is 2nd one (Internal storage)? Is that the data partition of my SD card? If yes, how can I copy personal files there?
Did you say you are using a 1GB uSD? IMO, that's way too small for what you want to do. I would recommend either a 4 or 8GB sandisk card to allow you enough space for files and the OS. Remember that this is also your boot disk and the cm7 files are taking up most of the available space on a 1GB card. Just sayin......
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I have ordered for a 16 GB class 4 SanDisk uSD card. I had a 1 GB uSD card at hand, so wanted to test with that first before I receive the 16 GB card. And as I said, I had no prob at all installing CM7.0.3 on the 1 GB card and if I am not wrong the card still has hunderds of MB memory free. My question is why can't I explore the SD card when I connect my NC to PC thru' the USB cable?
Dazed378 said:
I have ordered for a 16 GB class 4 SanDisk uSD card. I had a 1 GB uSD card at hand, so wanted to test with that first before I receive the 16 GB card. And as I said, I had no prob at all installing CM7.0.3 on the 1 GB card and if I am not wrong the card still has hunderds of MB memory free. My question is why can't I explore the SD card when I connect my NC to PC thru' the USB cable?
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I don't recall the specific partition sizing of SASD but I would suspect there is no space available on the uSD after SASD creates the first 3 partitions... thus no partition 4 to be mounted as /sdcard.
Ok, thanks. As a mentioned in couple of posts back, any idea what is the "Internal Storage" of 525 MB total space that shows up in my storage settings? It is different from the emmc storage, because that shows up as the third storage option with 1 GB total space.
Ok - just found this thread and had to ask:
I'm running a stock 1.3 on the eMMC, and CM7.1 on a 16G micro-SD.
When I boot into the stock ROM, I see that my SD is mounted, but that the stock ROM mounted the /boot partition, rather than the /SD Card partition.
Is there a way to set the stock rom to boot /SD Card, or hide the other three from it?
traumadog said:
Ok - just found this thread and had to ask:
I'm running a stock 1.3 on the eMMC, and CM7.1 on a 16G micro-SD.
When I boot into the stock ROM, I see that my SD is mounted, but that the stock ROM mounted the /boot partition, rather than the /SD Card partition.
Is there a way to set the stock rom to boot /SD Card, or hide the other three from it?
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To my knowledge, no, you cannot make the stock OS see any but the boot partition of the SD card. Both stock and your CM7 card can access eMMC storage, but stock can only see the first partition of your card. If you want a stock and a CM7 installation to share one /sdcard partition, you will have to set up a dual boot on internal storage (mine is linked in my sig).
If you just want to have some SD storage available to your stock install, you might be able to stretch the card's /boot partition and store some files in there, but I don't know if your SD install would remain stable. You could always back up your card as a disk image and try it out.
Taosaur said:
To my knowledge, no, you cannot make the stock OS see any but the boot partition of the SD card. Both stock and your CM7 card can access eMMC storage, but stock can only see the first partition of your card. If you want a stock and a CM7 installation to share one /sdcard partition, you will have to set up a dual boot on internal storage (mine is linked in my sig).
If you just want to have some SD storage available to your stock install, you might be able to stretch the card's /boot partition and store some files in there, but I don't know if your SD install would remain stable. You could always back up your card as a disk image and try it out.
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I would also like to know the answer for how to make the /boot partition larger on various images to allow sufficient room when booted from eMMC. I tried doing this with EASEUS Partition Master but it will not let me resize the boot partition. Any other options to solve the issue? The only other options is to swap cards when you know you are booting off eMMC and that is a pain.
hikersc said:
I would also like to know the answer for how to make the /boot partition larger on various images to allow sufficient room when booted from eMMC. I tried doing this with EASEUS Partition Master but it will not let me resize the boot partition. Any other options to solve the issue? The only other options is to swap cards when you know you are booting off eMMC and that is a pain.
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What are you trying to accomplish?
What is your running system?
Why do you want to expand the boot partition?
votinh said:
What are you trying to accomplish?
What is your running system?
Why do you want to expand the boot partition?
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Sorry, I guess that I could have been more clear in what I am trying to do. I have a rooted nook color 1.1. I burned the image for the dualboot phiremod/Honeycomb that is approximately 3.5 Gb. I burned it to an 8 Gb card and then expanded the 7th (/sdcard) partition to use the space which is available when booted to phiremod. When I boot (with the card installed) to eMMC via J4mm3r's u-boot menu, my rooted 1.1 comes up but sees the /boot partition as the SD card. Since it is the /boot partition, it only has 80 Mb free which is not enough for Titanium Backup, etc. If I could make the /boot partition larger (say 2 Gb) then everything would work as desired.
1. I don't use dual boot option so can't help you
2. I don't use either Phiremod nor Honeycomb so can't help you but
a. I think the NC should still the left-over of the uSD card. if not
b. Try using MiniTool Partition wizard to expand the boot partition and see what happens. Not so sure if it allowed to do so.
hikersc said:
Sorry, I guess that I could have been more clear in what I am trying to do. I have a rooted nook color 1.1. I burned the image for the dualboot phiremod/Honeycomb that is approximately 3.5 Gb. I burned it to an 8 Gb card and then expanded the 7th (/sdcard) partition to use the space which is available when booted to phiremod. When I boot (with the card installed) to eMMC via J4mm3r's u-boot menu, my rooted 1.1 comes up but sees the /boot partition as the SD card. Since it is the /boot partition, it only has 80 Mb free which is not enough for Titanium Backup, etc. If I could make the /boot partition larger (say 2 Gb) then everything would work as desired.
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Mmm, I think you maybe just need to make up your mind, or deal with the limitations--have your cake or eat it, because you can't do both. That said, I see no reason EASEUS wouldn't let you expand the boot partition, unless there's just no unallocated space, in which case you need to shrink your storage partition first. I don't know whether your card would boot properly with an expanded boot and random files in there, but you should be able to move the partitions around just fine.
Still, your better bet is to decide what's going to be your primary OS and stick with it. You can even dual-boot from eMMC and have two full OSes, but as long as you're using the SD as a boot drive, you're going to be trading off its ability to serve as storage for your interal OS.
Edit: sorry, didn't realize how old the thread was...was trying to find my info with the forum search. ^^;
In the original post the user asked if you could use the microSD for both booting/rooting and for storage -- when I tried this, I got a "SD Card must be formatted" error in my rooted Nook. I let it rty to format the card (then let Windows format it) and -then- I was able to store on the SD card.
But when I rebooted my Nook Color, it got stuck Infinite-looping the Nook Color splash screen. =\
I'm about to root it again, and I'd like to use the same SD card I use to root to have some storage space on it. I (had) a 4GB microSD card, but because the slot is in the worst place it could possibly be on the device...I've already managed to get it wedged inside the casing. =\ The drive still works but I'd rather not have to worry abotu swapping cards in and out and in and out; maybe I have fatter fingers than It hink, but that SD card slot is a pain in my arse.
What did I do wrong my first go 'round? I had a 4GB card, so I used the 4GB CWM image for it. Is it...really simple, and I need to format it into two partitions in windows; set 1GB aside for the CWM boot disc and the other 3GB would be available for file storage?
1. use SD formatter
2. if you used a 4GB CWM image, did you manually update it to the latest build? If not, just grab the 1GB image in the quote at the top of this thread: updated CWM. If you're planning to wipe it right after, it doesn't matter how big it is.
Also, regarding the OP and my response, I later found this link I'd saved about pointing stock to the storage partition of a CM7 SASD card: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=13668471&postcount=529
I haven't tried it or seen anyone report back after trying it, but there it is if anyone wants to give it a go.
I currently have a 32 gig card but want to buy a larger 64 gig card. Can I simply copy all contents of my SD card to PC and then paste them back to the new 64 gig card? Will all my apps and their databases installed on SD card still work? Or are apps tied down to the SD card or the device for security. Have 8.1 installed on my Ativ S.
Thank you!
tboy2000 said:
I currently have a 32 gig card but want to buy a larger 64 gig card. Can I simply copy all contents of my SD card to PC and then paste them back to the new 64 gig card? Will all my apps and their databases installed on SD card still work? Or are apps tied down to the SD card or the device for security. Have 8.1 installed on my Ativ S.
Thank you!
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I Suggest 2 Ways .
I think both of them work for you .
1.Copy apps to phone storage and move them to new sd card
2.copy WPSystem in your old sd card to new one (maybe 1% this not work but not a bad try )
ngame said:
I Suggest 2 Ways .
I think both of them work for you .
1.Copy apps to phone storage and move them to new sd card
2.copy WPSystem in your old sd card to new one (maybe 1% this not work but not a bad try )
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Ah but the amount of internal phone storage is less than the size of my current 32 gig sd card so I will not be able to move back to phone all my apps and their data.
tboy2000 said:
Ah but the amount of internal phone storage is less than the size of my current 32 gig sd card so I will not be able to move back to phone all my apps and their data.
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so lets test copy wpsystem folder ?
Back from my hd2 days we used to clone the smaller card to the bigger card. Bigger card will then show in your case 32gb. Then use a partition manager to expand the size of the partition. Used to work with wp7.x not sure of wp8.
Wouldn't see why it wouldn't work since it doesn't need to read any info on the actual partition it just copies whole thing to computer then copies whole thing to new card. Then expand it to your cards size.
Back then if you just copied using file explorer it would give error on start up but wp7 on an hd2 is WAYYY different not sure how much wp8 checks sd cards like that.
@reeg420 probably has the right idea here. It *might* work to just copy the filesystem contents, but if you want to be really sure you should copy at a lower level. Note that this will wipe the new card completely! I make no promises of this working in the case of an encrypted (BitLocker'd) card. Here's one way you could do it, if you have access to a Linux/OS X system:
* Insert the first SD card and figure out what device it maps to (I'm going to assume /dev/sdb for this tutorial).
* If the SD mounted automatically, unmount (eject, or 'umount' command) it.
* In a terminal, figure out where you'll want to place the temp file (this step can be skipped if you can mount both cards at a time, but that's rare). It'll be the size of the first card (32GB). It could be something like /tmp/sdclone or ~/sdclone or /dev/sdc if you're doing a direct copy without a temp file.
* Use the dd command ('man dd' if you want to learn more about it). For example:
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/tmp/sdclone bs=16m
* Once the dd command finishes (assuming it finished without errors), pull out the first sd card and put in the second (assuming you didn't direct-copy).
* Again, unmount the sd card if it auto-mounts. Then dd the temp file back onto the sd card (just switch the paths of the 'of' and 'if' parameters).
* Once the copy finishes successfully (you may want to try re-mounting the card to make sure it worked!) you can delete the temp file.
Of course, this will just give you a 64GB microSD card with a single 32GB partition and 32GB of unusable space. At that point, you can extend the partition into the remaining space. There are various ways to do this - on Linux you might use the 'parted' command or one of its graphical front-ends (gparted/qtparted) - but the easiest is probably to put the card in a Windows machine (or reboot into Windows if you're dual-booting) and use the Disk Management console ('diskmgmt.msc', if you want to use Search or Run).
A card cloned in this way *should* work just fine in your phone, but I haven't tested this.
I have a 32GB card in my note 2
I am getting a 64GB card. So All I need to do is
1. Format new card(FAT32?)
2.copy all files from old card to new card
3. Insert new card
Anything else I need to do?
Lot of my apps are installed on SD card (no special application, but using android built in move to SD card)
That all you need to do. Or at least that is all I have done for every SD upgrade that I have done, and I've had no problems.
I did the same, no issue. enjoy your bigger sd
Fat32 or extfat
fat32 is fine , always what i have done , also it 'd be best if you use this tool , google for it "sd formatter"
You cannot copy big files more than 4GB on Fat32 file system. You should use ExFat if you have such files.
[email protected] said:
You cannot copy big files more than 4GB on Fat32 file system. You should use ExFat if you have such files.
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I have no problem with native exFAT(I assume this is how the card will come formatted),
However, since I have certain APPS which are on SD card, will a standard copy all files and folders to new card approach work, or I am in for some headache?
Okay, I kept is exFAT, and then copied all files from 32GB card to 64GB card. Works like a dream!
Thanks for your help!
Apps on SD card also work fine