adb error device offline...can anybody help?? - Motorola Droid 3

Okay so I have Android 4.4.4 and recently ADB started says "error device offline." It stopped working after i flashed the radio using AP Fastboot. That works perfectly but adb returns an error. How can i fix this?? Not sure if flashing the radio would affect adb (I don't see how it would) but that's when I noticed it stopped working


Error using fastboot

I have a Google Nexus One that doesn't start up, i tried booting into bootloader and it works fine. I hadn't rooted my phone, so i did, everything was working fine, then i couldn't boot into recovery, i would get an exclamation point with the green android.
I am trying to flash clockworkrecovery, or Recovery_RA, however everytime I try to use the fastboot command it gives me the following error: ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002c7) and I have to shut down the terminal.
I searched for the error but couldn't find anything, is there anyway to install a recovery image, my phone doesn't boot up so i can't access anything, it just blocks on the splash screen with the Unlock icon, and in the bootloader, it says Unlocked.
I don't know if it helps but i have the HBOOT-0.35.0017
When I Rooted and flashed superboot, the command was working fine.
Any help is appreciated.
I just restarted the whole process from different sources and flashed Oxygen!
Working great!
If a mod can please close the thread

I'm in a boot loop, ADB not working

Hello everyone,
Sorry I'm kind of a noob (obviously since I messed up my phone!). I unlocked my bootloader, installed TWRP, and rooted my phone. Stupidly, I flashed a stock 4.4 rom without doing S-OFF and am in a boot loop now. I was going to flash another ROM but can't get one on my phone. I tried to use TWRP to mount my SD card but, it couldn't mount my SD card. When I tried ADB it says no devices found. I've updated HTC Sync manager and the Android SDK manager but it still hasn't worked! Can you guys give me some help!?
What OS do you have on your computer?when you go to TWRP on your phone and type Adb devices in a command prompt does it no devices found?
sent from my mobile device
SaHiLzZ said:
What OS do you have on your computer?when you go to TWRP on your phone and type Adb devices in a command prompt does it no devices found?
sent from my mobile device
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Ok I feel a bit stupid... so i noticed on the device manager that the phone wasn't "installed properly". Updating automatically didn't work so I did a manual update and seemed to work. I installed Android Revolution HD 31.6 but now I'm stuck on the htc one boot screen.
I'm on Windows 8.1 and it said "device not found" previously
Crisis62485 said:
Ok I feel a bit stupid... so i noticed on the device manager that the phone wasn't "installed properly". Updating automatically didn't work so I did a manual update and seemed to work. I installed Android Revolution HD 31.6 but now I'm stuck on the htc one boot screen.
I'm on Windows 8.1 and it said "device not found" previously
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could you post the output of fastboot getvar all (without IMEI/sn) when in bootloader/fastboot usb mode plz? Also are you using twrp
Can you do a factory reset in twrp and try again?
sent from my mobile device
I reinstalled the ROM and everything is working now! Can't believe I spent 4hrs on this and then once I post a thread I figure it out! Thanks for the help though!

ADB, Device Not Found. NO OS to Enable USB Debugging. HELP

I am in the process of updating the FW on my HTC ONE M7 and trying to install a custom rom. Seeing as i have updated the FW which completely wipes the phone, i have managed to unlock the boot loader and install the latest TWRP recovery image, and now im at the process of trying to push the custom ROM zip file over to the phone via adb.
But adb isnt playing ball and when i type adb push /sdcard/ i get the message error: device not found. I understand that you cannot flash a .zip extension with fastboot, so the only option is to push this custom rom over via adb. I have tried to search for a solution but everything seems to point to enabling USB debugging but i cant do this as there is no working OS on the phone to get into the phone setting, i have tried mounting the SD card inTWRP but it doesnt appear to want to enable this setting either. Does anyone have any suggestions please?
Ah sorted the problem. TWRP has a nice feature called ADB Sideload which worked a treat!
BlockABoots said:
Ah sorted the problem. TWRP has a nice feature called ADB Sideload which worked a treat!
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how did you do that? im having the same problemas i keep getting no device found error when i try to adb sideload
mystery said:
how did you do that? im having the same problemas i keep getting no device found error when i try to adb sideload
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install these drivers and reboot your PC and try again
This driver can work on X527 leeco?
I have the same issue

Bootloader Issues

So I flashed this bootloader here and have had issues with fastboot ever since. Windows 8 tells me that something has malfunctioned. When I go on windows 7 it'll give me the error "remote failed". Any ideas? Everything else seems to work ok. ADB works, I've updated my recovery (via flashify) but I cannot get the bootloader to work. Any ideas? I should also mention that prior to this flash fastboot was working (i had darkboot)
So apparently posting here does the magic trick. Finally, on a fifth system I was able to get fastboot and everything to install/run properly. Good lord. MODS, please close. Thanks.

Waiting on Bootloader after June OTA

Sideloaded June OTA successfully. Now trying to flash custom boot img in bootloader and it says "Waiting on device" in CMD after running flash command and doesnt do anything on the Bootloader screen on phone. I have tried rebooting several times and I have the latest ADB and Fastboot.
Anyone else have this issue or know what to do? Thanks
chasehammer said:
Sideloaded June OTA successfully. Now trying to flash custom boot img in bootloader and it says "Waiting on device" in CMD after running flash command and doesnt do anything on the Bootloader screen on phone. I have tried rebooting several times and I have the latest ADB and Fastboot.
Anyone else have this issue or know what to do? Thanks
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Just the usual.....try different cord and different port.
Tried that, it actually will not allow me to flash or sideload now since the OTA installed.
Flashing does nothing, when I tried to sideload the entire image zip it fails at 0% and says error: no message.
Does your SDK need to be updated now?
Hope it's not it's related. I just got my new phone(4a5g) last week, and already did ota to June. Have not unlocked it yet.

