So I finally got a Treo and of course I want to mod it like every other phone I had. I have a couple of questions so hopefully no one will mind helping me out.
I installed the "official" AT&T WM6 ROM and would like to remove some of the apps or links in programs. Like the Get TeleNav and a couple of other ones. How can I go about doing this?
Also for now I am using AT&T Prepaid until my Sprint/Nextel contract runs out in a couple of months. So after each call or web session I get a notification for my balance and what the transaction cost me. With a Razr I have I can remove that option by doing a seem edit? Is there such a thing or way with the treo, maybe a reg edit?
Would you please provide any links to programs that can help me mod the phone. Maybe something to make different themes or whatever else?
Thanks in advance. I searched around but it is like 2:30 AM here and I can't see any more.
So I am looking into getting a replacement shell for my tilt, but all this talk of TF2D/TF3D/Manilla/etc. has me really confused. There are a million different threads pertaining to some version of one of these things all over the place, and what seems to be an out of date guide on the software wiki. from what I've been reading it seems like each of these things have bugs, but it's not clear what the bugs actually are, or how to fix them.
So what program(s) can I download that will let me replace the today screen with one of these programs, will work with S2U2, will let me use standby, and that I can use in landscape mode?
asrrin29 said:
So I am looking into getting a replacement shell for my tilt, but all this talk of TF2D/TF3D/Manilla/etc. has me really confused. There are a million different threads pertaining to some version of one of these things all over the place, and what seems to be an out of date guide on the software wiki. from what I've been reading it seems like each of these things have bugs, but it's not clear what the bugs actually are, or how to fix them.
So what program(s) can I download that will let me replace the today screen with one of these programs, will work with S2U2, will let me use standby, and that I can use in landscape mode?
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Here is a little page I wrote over at htcwiki, it will get you started
I saw this guide, but I thought there were alot of bugs still to be worked out. If there are workarounds, for instance for the landscape issue, Do you have any info on them?
asrrin29 said:
I saw this guide, but I thought there were alot of bugs still to be worked out. If there are workarounds, for instance for the landscape issue, Do you have any info on them?
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There are no bugs to be worked out, the program runs like it is supposed to.As I stated, in the guide the program was ported from devices that have no landscape mode, so landscape mode is not supported by the program.
You need to open the program you want in portrait mode, and then switch to landscape.
There are several custom roms in which M2D has been partially adapted to landscape, but with more and phones coming out with TF3D , I doubt that M2D will ever be rewritten to be completely landscape compatible.
Alright, I downloaded M2D and installed it, and it doesn't "work" in landscape, but it doesn't break, which was what I was afraid it might do. so I actually really like the program. however, I notice on some of the skin thumbnails I see that people have been able to make the calendar item get replaced by the next appointment for the day. How do you do this?
by the way, thanks for the help, an I really appreciate it!
asrrin29 said:
Alright, I downloaded M2D and installed it, and it doesn't "work" in landscape, but it doesn't break, which was what I was afraid it might do. so I actually really like the program. however, I notice on some of the skin thumbnails I see that people have been able to make the calendar item get replaced by the next appointment for the day. How do you do this?
by the way, thanks for the help, an I really appreciate it!
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By using the Calendar and making and appointment
ah! ok, I feel kind of dumb. I'm on spring break at college so my calendar is clear for the whole week. Thanks for the info!
I don't think these play well together. When I installed PIEPlus I got an error that said "can not get window handle from Browser interface", so I uninstalled it.
I reverted my PIE from IE6 back to the old version, reinstalled PIEPlus and it works.
I'm no expert, so it could have been a different issue, but my PIE+ is working and that makes me a happy girl.
I searched through the forums and never found anything to help me so I hope this helps someone. If everyone, except me, already knew this then there is egg on my face...I hear it's good for your skin anyway.
Possibly found something for you.
Here's something I posted a while back about the different classname that IE6 uses for the window it draws.
My post was to try and get the TouchPro's touch-sensative wheel (aka. Smartscrolling) to work in IE6 but it could be relevent to your question.
I found something that works. It was really bugging me, ever since people started cooking IEMobile6 into their awesome ROMs, that 4-wayNav/SmartScrolling were broken.
I think I found an improvement. I found this classname using the FDCsoft TaskManager: IEMobile instead of IExplorer
-It scrolls really slowly
-And it still doesn't jump to every single link, but it hits more than just d-pad.
Interesting! I'm using PIE+ on a stock Fuze (WM 6.1) with no problems.
not all that interesting
stock Fuze doesn't have PIE6 on it.
I was using PIEPlus on a stock Fuze just fine as well...then I flashed a custom ROM that includes PIE6
I feel ignored, lol.
A little feedback would be appreciated, not necessary, of course, but in the spirit of conversation.
Did you understand what I meant about the "classname"??
If PIE+ uses a fair amount of registry keys for its program, you might just need to change a few registry values and be good to go.
Most of the applications don't know that there is a different windowclass because we're using stuff grabbed from WM6.5 ROMs. Which is Awesome, but some apps get confused.
scoobasteve, please don't feel ignored. I just didn't understand what you meant. I looked at your other post (ppcgeeks) again this afternoon to try to understand and I still don't entirely, but maybe a little.
For what it's worth, I thought I would change the registry to go back to PIE6 after PIEPlus was successfully working and now it's royally screwed up. I'm not sure what to do with registry keys within PIE+ to get it to look for the right stuff; I'm not that advanced.
I may uninstall/reinstall PIEPlus again to see if all of the correct keys are found again. Maybe I should have posted this in the ROM specific thread, but I know that PIEPlue didn't install correctly on a variety of new ROMs that I flashed last week.
sc00basteve said:
I feel ignored, lol.
A little feedback would be appreciated, not necessary, of course, but in the spirit of conversation.
Did you understand what I meant about the "classname"??
If PIE+ uses a fair amount of registry keys for its program, you might just need to change a few registry values and be good to go.
Most of the applications don't know that there is a different windowclass because we're using stuff grabbed from WM6.5 ROMs. Which is Awesome, but some apps get confused.
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It's OK. Just trying to help
CDnNC said:
scoobasteve, please don't feel ignored. I just didn't understand what you meant. I looked at your other post (ppcgeeks) again this afternoon to try to understand and I still don't entirely, but maybe a little.
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I was just kidding, btw. Some people don't even check the threads more than once or twice a week
I'd be happy to explain. Hopefully simply and not so off that I get chastized by one of the pros. hehe
The way programs create a window is by refering to a template of some kind. In many cases they are found in __.dll files. In WinMo6.5, I'm pretty sure the Search Widget, Weather Widget, and PIE6 all use the same type of window. Some of these Windows can be identified by a name, aka classname. This so that programmers can change different aspects of how the program reacts to our user input.
If you use HTCAlbum or HTCYouTube, those both have their own classnames as well. And as of right now, they are soooooo much easier to fingerscroll: Faster and smoother. The distance the window scrolls when you swipe the screen is one of the things someone can change in the registry. What you are really editing is how the program uses that window (windowclass/classname) when you swipe the screen with your finger.
So, the developers of 6.5 changed the classname that PIE6 uses. This is probably because it is so very different that few programs designed for 6.1 will work well with it. I tried using the PIE addon from Spb PocketPlus v4.1.0 and it got really confused. Pocket plus must have recognized certain elements but choked, big time, cause of the significant differences.
In Conclusion- I would not recommend using any PIE addons with PIE6 for right now. If you installed the old PIE, hopefully it will only be the widgets that won't work. I'm not really sure.
Had a little more time for this reply. Hope it helps a bit more.
Change the registry key here
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Internet Explorer]
"MSHTML"=dword:0 ; 0 for old IE, 1 for IE Mobile 6
Install PIEPlus 2.2 and off you go...
I couldn't live without it eather...
Kind regards,
doesn't anyone actually read?
not a solution...refer to op, that is what I did. That doesn't address the issue of PIE+ not working with PIE6 at all.
I have installed a 6.5 rom that I love so PIE+ will just have to go until it is updated to work with PIE6 or I can figure out a resolution.
Thanks, I understand a lot more about it now.
Freakydile said:
Change the registry key here
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Internet Explorer]
"MSHTML"=dword:0 ; 0 for old IE, 1 for IE Mobile 6
Install PIEPlus 2.2 and off you go...
I couldn't live without it eather...
Kind regards,
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it worked for me like a charm. made me happy
thanks a lot.
i had new pie with plus not working. so i changed the above mentioned dword to dword=0, and voila!
using this on Pajerm's RC2, wm 6.5, clock 201mhz, In htc opal????
Dear Chefs,
thank you for all great work you have done so far!
I use the Energy ROM for about two months and I'm stunned about all the great features he provide.
However, there is one thing I can't stand: The lack of appointment- and task snoozing other then 5 minutes. This makes the remind function almost useless.
My German t-mobile branded TP2 (called: MDA Vario V) came with the option to snooze appointments and tasks by a selectable time. So I could choose remind me in one or half Hour for example or one day and many other options, rather than dismiss it over and over again every 5 minutes. This is really bugging me.
I found a fix from crackwhore but it seems to be not compatible with the current windows mobile 6.5 ROMs.
Because it is so important to me and, as I noticed, to many, many others I want to post a reward and invite everybody who want this feature to join me by posting how much you are willing to donate to the person who find a solution and share it with the community
A proper solution would be a fix that works for the latest generation of WM6.5 ROMs and it would be great to have it already cooked into the popular ROMs, including Energy ROM.
So if somebody finds a solution, everybody who joined me is asked to donate the promised amount to the person who provided the solution.
I start off with a offer of 10$
Feel free to join me and make suggestion.
And please be true to your word: Don't offer something you are not willing to donate.
Current Offers (25.10.2009 01:25 UTC):
10 US-$
0 €
Why dont you ditch MS with another commercial application in the market? Couldn't you able to find one? I dont remember it but there was a program like this. Google it I suggest.
You can set the "reminder" time as any minutes/hours/days when you add an appointment. Am I missing something here?
NVM, I solved it! I was able to replace the new Notification.dll that handles the notification bubbles with an old, stock one. See the next post for the solution I made!
Did your stock German ROM have the notification manager, where you'd click the taskbar, and it brings up that full screen? And also, did it have the skinned notifications, like the EnergyROM does? Please just describe exactly how the stock ROM handled the notifications, describe it visually.
I researched this for 5 hours, and I was trying to do this: I wanted to make the Notification Panel remain (Full screen when you click on Taskbar), BUT, I wanted to use the standard Windows Mobile notification popups, because those allow you to snooze better. Well, that's not possible, from what I could tell. It's either all or nothing, you can't mix Microsoft's and HTC's notification system.
So, you have to disable the entire thing, which means you won't have the finger friendly notification system when tapping on the top taskbar. You can find the registry to disable Notification Manager here:
Advanced Notifications Power Snooze Appointments!
I solved it!! It's CABbed up, and available on my website, Wingster.
Get your solution here:
And if you want to donate, then follow the link on the bottom of my Wingster website, or use this link:
Maybe I should have waited longer, for the bounty to increase! Nah, I did this mostly for myself, but it did end up taking 5 hours! I hate registries!
How I Created It
I found the old NotificationLayout.dll, and used that one for handling the notification bubbles! This brings back the old WinMo notification style popups, but it also keeps the finger friendly notification panel! Win-win!
Imagine how fast the world is, I wish you could solve my break off with GF such a fast.
Have Fun, Cheers
the solution that brings the old popups up, has been around since my touch x 6.0 and that is since december last year...
well well well......
Awesome. I had used the crackwhore one and it worked but this is better
ace10134 said:
Advanced Notifications Power Snooze Appointments!
I solved it!! It's CABbed up, and available on my website, Wingster.
Get your solution here:
And if you want to donate, then follow the link on the bottom of my Wingster website, or use this link:
Maybe I should have waited longer, for the bounty to increase! Nah, I did this mostly for myself, but it did end up taking 5 hours! I hate registries!
How I Created It
I found the old NotificationLayout.dll, and used that one for handling the notification bubbles! This brings back the old WinMo notification style popups, but it also keeps the finger friendly notification panel! Win-win!
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Curious before I use this, how is it different than crackwhore's fix?
jank0023 said:
Curious before I use this, how is it different than crackwhore's fix?
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FYI, crackwhore's is a better solution it doesn't eliminate the repeat function so what happens you get the alarm one time which was just as big a concern that I've had with some of the ROMs.
jank0023 said:
FYI, crackwhore's is a better solution it doesn't eliminate the repeat function so what happens you get the alarm one time which was just as big a concern that I've had with some of the ROMs.
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shiat..might I add, you can uninstall the cab but the dll has been overwritten so some how I gotta find the original and use crackwhore's or hard reset plus crackwhores.
smaberg said:
the solution that brings the old popups up, has been around since my touch x 6.0 and that is since december last year...
well well well......
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Lol dam. Wasted that effort for nothin? lol. Well we can add mine to the collection of CABs that do the exact same thing as the other
sorry for the delay, but university was keeping me extremely busy this week.
However I'm glad you found a solution. It's so unimaginably convenient to be able to snooze the alarm!
However would it be possible to add some options? There is still room on the display for one option isn't it?
Very handy would be having options like four and twelve hours (half day).
I would rather surrender 10 minutes while already having 5 and 15 minutes.
(or maybe better: surrender 15 minutes while keeping 10)
However the current stage of development is already great and of cause I will stand my word of donating 10 bucks.
I invite everybody who like this fix to also support him since he was fair enough of not "waiting" for the bounty to increase first and he's doing a great job with his website anyway.
Best Regards, Time
PS: You are talking about other - already existing - solutions? I only found crackwhores fix and didn't get it to work. Well now I have a great one-click-solution I won't surrender ... would be just interesting to know.
Did your stock German ROM have the notification manager, where you'd click the taskbar, and it brings up that full screen? And also, did it have the skinned notifications, like the EnergyROM does? Please just describe exactly how the stock ROM handled the notifications, describe it visually.
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By next week I will flash my ROM anyway so I could flash the stock ROM in between and check if that helps. Interested?
TheTimetraveler said:
By next week I will flash my ROM anyway so I could flash the stock ROM in between and check if that helps. Interested?
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Yea, flash the stock German ROM, and see how that operates. It'd be very interesting if they kept the advanced snooze options while keeping the slick notification style too.
I think that editing the DLL's is impossible though, but I guess it'd be worth a try. My initial goal was to keep the skinned notifications but add the snoozing. That'd be the optimal goal, and I will try to see if that can be done!
ace10134 said:
Advanced Notifications Power Snooze Appointments!
I solved it!! It's CABbed up, and available on my website, Wingster.
Get your solution here:
And if you want to donate, then follow the link on the bottom of my Wingster website, or use this link:
Maybe I should have waited longer, for the bounty to increase! Nah, I did this mostly for myself, but it did end up taking 5 hours! I hate registries!
How I Created It
I found the old NotificationLayout.dll, and used that one for handling the notification bubbles! This brings back the old WinMo notification style popups, but it also keeps the finger friendly notification panel! Win-win!
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Sorry ace
it doesnt work for my TP2 with valkyrie.ftp v5.8.23534 wm6.5 15th feb (without footprint\doc)
the cab installs fine but no love when it comes to notifications
spiro said:
Sorry ace
it doesnt work for my TP2 with valkyrie.ftp v5.8.23534 wm6.5 15th feb (without footprint\doc)
the cab installs fine but no love when it comes to notifications
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Yourestarted your phone after installing it, right? Maybe his ROM has some different notification system...I could try to look into it if you can confirm it still didn't take effect after a restart.
ace10134 said:
Yourestarted your phone after installing it, right? Maybe his ROM has some different notification system...I could try to look into it if you can confirm it still didn't take effect after a restart.
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Yes I restarted the phone after installation but it didnt work
I would reeeeeally Appreciate it if you could look into it
You dont even need to make a .cab file, just give me some guidance on how to replace the .dll you mentioned in your post that worked
spiro said:
Yes I restarted the phone after installation but it didnt work
I would reeeeeally Appreciate it if you could look into it
You dont even need to make a .cab file, just give me some guidance on how to replace the .dll you mentioned in your post that worked
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First, download This File, unzip it, and place the DLL in the \Windows directory of your phone.
Now, here's where it may be different, apparently. Using a registry editor (like PHM Registry), try to find the string that is called CustomUIDLL and contains NotificationLayout.dll.
That string key should be located under HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM, however since the CAB didn't work, Valkyrie must have changed the location of the registry key. See if you can find it. Once you do, change the string value to: "NotificationLayoutOld.dll"
Hopefully that'll get it working!
ace10134 said:
First, download This File, unzip it, and place the DLL in the \Windows directory of your phone.
Now, here's where it may be different, apparently. Using a registry editor (like PHM Registry), try to find the string that is called CustomUIDLL and contains NotificationLayout.dll.
That string key should be located under HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM, however since the CAB didn't work, Valkyrie must have changed the location of the registry key. See if you can find it. Once you do, change the string value to: "NotificationLayoutOld.dll"
Hopefully that'll get it working!
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Thanks man!
Ill try it and post back
spiro said:
Thanks man!
Ill try it and post back
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Under HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM i have one folder named "reminder" and 3 other items named "default", " customUIDLL", and "userdefaultUI"
if i click on customUIDLL the string already reads "NotificationLayoutOld.dll" ( iguess from when I applied the .cab file) so there is nothing to change!
Also here is a screenshot of the contents in the HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM/reminder folder that I mentioned above
should i be editing the autodismissextendedduration file?
BTW I forgot to mention that when i install the cab file instead of "snooze' at the bottom bar I get the "menu' on the right and also another symbol on the left (like a phone with an 'x' next to it" but if i click on any of them the notification goes away and does not come back
So in essence the .cab works (because it points it to something else) but the location it point to, doesnt contain the necessary file to show up when you click on the the "menu' icon or the other icon that comes up SORRY I DIDNT MENTION THAT EARLIER BUT I WASNT AWARE OF IT TILL NOW.....
hey, i've been screwing around pulling .apks from /system/app + /framework...and pretending i'm some hardcore themer or anyway...
firstly sorry for my lack of correct terminology...i only learnt how to use adb properly a few days ago and am very green when it comes to all this stuff.
i've managed to pull some pngs from which correspond to the main part of the sense/rosie interface (ie the buttons at the bottom of the home screen).
All i have been looking at doing is editing the colours of these pngs to add slight customisation..for now.
After editing i pushed back to my hero and hey presto it worked...nice new coloured interface (just the bottom of the homescreen, not everything like i've seen in some themers work and metamorph themes) but alas i came across a MASSIVE issue:
I lost the ability to sign into my google account and sync my contacts!!!!
I tried again and had the same issue...very strange i thought seen as i was only editing images...but i know computer systems can be temperamental...
so does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? possibly how i can fix this issue? it's been bugging me for at least 24 hrs and i'm sure there must be some easy fix. at first i thought it could be something to do with signing the files, but as far as i'm aware as i'm only playing with pngs no signing has to be done...correct me if i'm wrong.
I'm using villain rom 10.3 at the moment...if that makes a difference to whatever answers i'm hoping to get.
I've attached an image oh my status bar so far. i'm hoping to make a corresponding rosie/sense button thingy interface in the near future...
all help is GREATLY appreciated and i'm happy to share any "work" that i've done with don't be shy.
hey bro! i was playing around with the too! was trying to edit the lockscreen to a different style but too encounter the exact same problems as you faced!
apparently this guy, odin13 in his post
"clear sense lockscreen for Cronos 1.7.1"
managed to edit the without any facing any problems like us. im actually using his edited for clear lockscreen right now..
Cheers for the reply, bit of a flummoxing problem. I'll try an find odin and see if he can help!
Please anyone else feel free to help me here :-D
Hi guys,
Sorry for my late response but i just noticed the msg i got...
I'm really sorry but i really can't help you with this problem.
You should better ask it in the Villain forum since i'm no developer or some like that.
The boyz at Villain will definately be able to help you out with this or at least they can tell you what's going wrong.
The 'trick' with lockscreen is something i read once in a post ( can't remember which forum though ) so it's not even something i will take credit for.
Good luck bro and srry again for the late response!
Hey thanks for getting back to me man, greatly appreciated. Those boys at villain did solve it, i think it was a combination of pulsar & ultimately shen who sorted me out.
For stuff like the lockscreen and sense interface you need to create an update signed zip file and flash that way. no more loss of contacts which is great!
Happy days!