Q&A for [PORT] Ubuntu Touch for LG L90 Dual
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Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [PORT] Ubuntu Touch for LG L90 Dual. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
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Lg l90 405n
Hi, thank's for your efforts making Ubuntu touch working on our devices. Just tried to install your port to LG L90 405n (single card) and it perfectly works. Installation went smooth, no three restarts, no troubles at all, only it took some time to install rom, but again, installation did all itself, i had not to do anything.
After 10 minutes testing only one thing that distracts me - not working hardware keys.
keturidu said:
Hi, thank's for your efforts making Ubuntu touch working on our devices. Just tried to install your port to LG L90 405n (single card) and it perfectly works. Installation went smooth, no three restarts, no troubles at all, only it took some time to install rom, but again, installation did all itself, i had not to do anything.
After 10 minutes testing only one thing that distracts me - not working hardware keys.
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Thank you for reporting - I've updated the thread! For 3 restarts, I don't understand why you don't experience it. It first need to restart to Ubuntu's recovery to push files, then restart again to install files, and finally into Ubuntu Touch. For hardware buttons, I think you don't need that. I remembered that Ubuntu Touch isn't designed for using with buttons.
Anyway, hope you enjoy new OS on your phone!
peat_psuwit said:
Thank you for reporting - I've updated the thread! For 3 restarts, I don't understand why you don't experience it. It first need to restart to Ubuntu's recovery to push files, then restart again to install files, and finally into Ubuntu Touch. For hardware buttons, I think you don't need that. I remembered that Ubuntu Touch isn't designed for using with buttons.
Anyway, hope you enjoy new OS on your phone!
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Well, i really do!
After first reboot to fastboot and doing install magic itself, it boots to a responding recovery window (meanwhile in terminal install magic continues, so i just did nothing and it worked ), after that it boots to Ubuntu Touch. Guess, you're right and i just didn't notice 3 restarts.
Buttons are functional (maybe because i came from android and used to use it) - why to scroll to the top of window to go back, when you could just push "back" button?for me it's obligatory when browsing. so, if there is possibility to add "back" button functionality, it would be really nice. of course, i'm not pushing anything, i even don't know if it's possible.
After using for all day i have some reports (actually it's more "what to expect" for other users of Ubuntu Touch):
- 2 times in ~6 hours i lost mobile internet. i don't know what happened, only could guess, that it may be connected to changes between 2G and 3G. reboot cures a problem.
- changing wallpaper first time hanged up system (when trying to choose gallery). after reboot it let me choose a picture from gallery, but then again, choosing picture won't change anything.
- when i came back home, telephone won't connect to WiFi, i had to reboot then it connected automaticaly.
- battery works as expected and i didn't notice changes from cyanogenmod. maybe ubuntu is little more energy drainer. after 5 hours of using (all the time Wifi or 3G on, some surfing, some games playing, most of the time 100% brightness) drained about 35% of battery. I guess, it would be similar on cyanogenmod.
- i tested some camera stuff, but for now i really don't get the magic, how to use it. after clicking something, closing and opening app, i got working both cameras, but as i said, i'll need to test it more, because for now i couldn't tell, how to make use of both (front and rear) cameras.
- sd card works just fine.
some of things i missed in Ubuntu Touch (not related to this port for L90):
- no lithuanian keyboard layout
- no screenshot or screencasting app
- no call recording app
- no skype app
thanks again, peat_psuwit, for your great work!
How to install Ubuntu Touch after geting CWM
Sir i installed
And phablet-tools
Without any problem.
After these commands I got CWM with ubuntu logo.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
adb shell su -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot bs=16 count=1'
adb reboot
sudo ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed --device generic --device-tarball device-w7.tar.xz --bootstrap --wipe
but after sometimes i got an error "Failed to enter Recovery".
What can i do?? Please replay any suggestions.
---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------
After installing ubuntu Touch i Struck in fastboot.
I got Ubuntu Touch (CWM based) Recovery v6.0.4.6 After that i got an error Called
"failed to enter Reboot"
What can i do after that ???
Unknown Flag..
Nevermind, ran the apt get again with -f and its running fine.
latest update - no Ubuntu one login
I have tried again Ubuntu touch on L90 device. Same terrible battery drain (i know it's Ubuntu OS problem), 12 hours - >50 battery percent with practically no using, just enabled wifi.
Also, on previous release i had not problems with updating, now i could not update OS - "network error - please retry" while loging in to Ubuntu One.
Error while installing Ubuntu Touch on LG L90
I installed all the required files for flashing ubuntu touch on LG L90. I connected my mobile and Run these three commands:
1 : adb shell su -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot bs=16 count=1'
2 : adb reboot
3 : sudo ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu --device generic --device-tarball device-w7.tar.xz --bootstrap --wipe
After the #rd command my phone show the cwm and rebooted automatically. Then the terminal said
Failed to enter Recovery
After that i got many partition of my mobile is mounted on my PC.
Then my mobile show the pink screen.
Is there any sollution for that???
kmvignesh said:
After that i got many partition of my mobile is mounted on my PC.
Then my mobile show the pink screen.
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Let's first solve unbootable issue. Either your phone's critical partitions seems to be broken, or you forgot to flash unlocked bootloader. To fix this:
First get bootstack files from http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-l90/development/bootstack-kk-l-l90-t3118632. Choose boot stack for Kitkat. Make sure you choose correct file for your device or you may brick the device again. Extract the files.
Then, use instruction from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2582142. Just make sure you don't download any files from that topic. Instead, use files from extracted bootstack. Also, replace reference to openrecovery file to TWRP file.
When you reboot to recovery, copy compressed bootstack to device, and then use TWRP to flash that. This is optional, but I recommend this because I'm not sure if all the partitions are in good state.
Then, within TWRP, use first install instruction again.
kmvignesh said:
After the #rd command my phone show the cwm and rebooted automatically. Then the terminal said
Failed to enter Recovery
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If you didn't forget to unlock bootloader, then I would need your full output from the Terminal to debug further.
So I was able to get it to boot on my d415 the way the instructions said I had it booted one way and wanted to test to see if the original issue was what I thought so I sent my device back to stock then rerooted et.(I found a work around to flash it a different way that worked and everything worked when I did it that way I had no issues other then front camera). when I finally flashed it using the instructions nothing worked that required my sim, sms failed, it wouldn't call etc. So i pressed restart and now my device is stuck on fastboot, I've tried reflashing it now I'm getting unable to flash errors again, I tried booting to recovery to try and restore android and use my work around but it just locks up and does nothing. any help would be greatly appreciated. any fastboot commands or anything.
one good thing did come out of this though I found an flashing error that comes from using twrp. I've read people having the unable to flash recovery error and the fix is as simple as booting into recovery(because the flash didn't work twrp should still be your recovery) install a rom boot into android and download flashify(for root users) then plug you device into your computer as MTP. unpack the tarball file and go to the partitions folder and copy recovery.img to your sdcard. Then flash it using flashify and reboot to recovery then just use "sudo ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu --device generic --device-tarball device-w7.tar.xz --wipe" while your phones in the ubuntu recovery.
Hi! I can't seem to get past the recovery flash stage of the installation. I have tried disconnecting the usb and retrying many times. The last message my phone displays is flash:recovery
My LG L90 is the D405 version.
Antza2 said:
The last message my phone displays is flash:recovery
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Only last message from the phone isn't enough. Could you please give me whole message from both phone screen and computer screen?
peat_psuwit said:
Only last message from the phone isn't enough. Could you please give me whole message from both phone screen and computer screen?
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My computer:
2015/10/31 18:46:17 Device is |generic|
2015/10/31 18:46:19 Flashing version 338 from ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu channel and server (https): // system-image.ubuntu. com to device generic
can't flash recovery image
(i had to break the url link because of forum restrictions)
My phone:
[750] fastboot_init()
[850] USB init ept @ 0xfff9000
[870] udc_start()
[4990] -- reset --
[4990] -- portchange --
[5110] -- reset --
[5110] -- portchange --
[5290] fastboot: processing comands
[24440] fastboot: getvarartition-type:recovery
[24440] fastboot: getvar:max-download-size
[24470] fastboot: download:00c03800
[24860] fastboot flash:recovery
Antza2 said:
My phone:
[750] fastboot_init()
[850] USB init ept @ 0xfff9000
[870] udc_start()
[4990] -- reset --
[4990] -- portchange --
[5110] -- reset --
[5110] -- portchange --
[5290] fastboot: processing comands
[24440] fastboot: getvarartition-type:recovery
[24440] fastboot: getvar:max-download-size
[24470] fastboot: download:00c03800
[24860] fastboot flash:recovery
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Well, if that's all message, then I don't know what happens. I recommend you to try re-plugging the USB chord and re-run the command again.
peat_psuwit said:
Well, if that's all message, then I don't know what happens. I recommend you to try re-plugging the USB chord and re-run the command again.
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I did this about 20 times. Always the same result.
Would it be possible to create an update.zip on the SD card and flash the recovery by using the fastboot update command?
Edit: I tried flashing TWRP on my phone and i get this:
sudo fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (13644 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.439s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.441s
So apparently i can't flash any type of recovery image now. :/
I assume this is caused by the same problem that is preventing ubuntu from being flashed.
Edit2: It turns out no matter what fastboot command i use, the result is always: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
I can't even access the OEM device info.
Edit3: It seems that my bootloader wasn't unlocked after all. I think the download for D405 in the discussion op is not the correct aboot.bin, since the file in the zip is actually called abootb.bin.
Is there a way to insert the correct aboot.bin while in fastboot? i can't boot back to normal android.
thank you
Thanks a lot for your port. Installation went fairly easily for me. everything seems to be working for me so far.
again thanks.
I tried to flash the new recovery image for Amon- Ra and I have now lost my recovery image. I did see the thread giving instructions on possible fixes and it seemed to work for some, but I am having no luck, because I dont have access to install adb at my location.
On to my problem I am now not able to update any of my apps, and I was not able to un-root to start over. I have tried many different times through the console (terminal emulator) to reflash the proper image, but I have had no luck. So now i feel i screwed myself, because I was not able to get firerats script to work. Can anyone help me with this.
I have a Mytouch 3g I have stock radio and spl 8g cls 6 sd running superbad 1.3
crxforya said:
I tried to flash the new recovery image for Amon- Ra and I have now lost my recovery image. I did see the thread giving instructions on possible fixes and it seemed to work for some, but I am having no luck, because I dont have access to install adb at my location.
On to my problem I am now not able to update any of my apps, and I was not able to un-root to start over. I have tried many different times through the console (terminal emulator) to reflash the proper image, but I have had no luck. So now i feel i screwed myself, because I was not able to get firerats script to work. Can anyone help me with this.
I have a Mytouch 3g I have stock radio and spl 8g cls 6 sd running superbad 1.3
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Sounds like you need to flash a good hardSPL in terminal and then with fastboot-usb, flash recovery.
Hard SPL
Do you know where I can find a good one. And doesnt it require me to have a working recovery in-order to flash the spl???
thanks for your response.
crxforya said:
Do you know where I can find a good one. And doesnt it require me to have a working recovery in-order to flash the spl???
thanks for your response.
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Anything that can be flashed in recovery/console/terminal can be flashed (more safely, according to lbcoder, ezterry, etc) in fastboot-usb. So you want to use the .img file out of this zip and flash it in fastboot to the hboot partition. This spl is a recoded sapphire 2005 hboot, made to look like 2004 -- for DVT board 32As, but less risk of crossing wires with radio, AFAIK. The second one is just a straight-up 2009, which is pretty current. I assume you have a Sapphire MT3G, not a Magic MT3G (Fender/v1.2) because I wouldn't count on these files working for you. If you happen to have DangerSPL installed (although that's not necessary with MT3G) check the rooting/SPL instructions on that forum to make sure these files are right. Good luck!
NOTE: Here's a good Wiki on SAFELY flashing hboot/radio/recovery images that I found in Firerat's sig. As someone who has bricked a G1 by willy-nilly flashing, I implore you to have a look-see:
rynosaur said:
Anything that can be flashed in recovery/console/terminal can be flashed (more safely, according to lbcoder, ezterry, etc) in fastboot-usb. So you want to use the .img file out of this zip and flash it in fastboot to the hboot partition. This spl is a recoded sapphire 2005 hboot, made to look like 2004 -- for DVT board 32As, but less risk of crossing wires with radio, AFAIK. The second one is just a straight-up 2009, which is pretty current. I assume you have a Sapphire MT3G, not a Magic MT3G (Fender/v1.2) because I wouldn't count on these files working for you. If you happen to have DangerSPL installed (although that's not necessary with MT3G) check the rooting/SPL instructions on that forum to make sure these files are right. Good luck!
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BUT, no adb , so chances are no fastboot..........
OP needs to get over the adb issue
Firerat said:
BUT, no adb , so chances are no fastboot..........
OP needs to get over the adb issue
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Hmmm, I remember that way back in the day, JF included native ADB access in first custom RC30 Roms and then he packaged it into his custom recovery, but I don't know if losing a recovery image means losing ADB access and therefore fastboot access whatsoever?
Ill have to check
I have used adb before but Im not at my personal computer so I am not able to utilize the adb shell, and the computer that I am using, I do not have access to install. Is there another option that does not require adb, or is there a reason that I cant flash a sappimg file unroot, and start over???
crxforya said:
I have used adb before but Im not at my personal computer so I am not able to utilize the adb shell, and the computer that I am using, I do not have access to install. Is there another option that does not require adb, or is there a reason that I cant flash a sappimg file unroot, and start over???
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No problem at all doing that, nbh overwrites radio, hboot, recovery. Just make sure you have the rooting files stored locally, i.e. custom rom, custom recovery, custom/hard/eng SPL, new radio, recovery test keys, etc.
crxforya said:
because I dont have access to install adb at my location.
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rynosaur said:
Hmmm, I remember that way back in the day, JF included native ADB access in first custom RC30 Roms and then he packaged it into his custom recovery, but I don't know if losing a recovery image means losing ADB access and therefore fastboot access whatsoever?
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did you read the post?
no adb = no fastboot
your best bet is
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
if it fails, scroll up with track ball, and hit enter again, repeat until it works
crxforya said:
I tried to flash the new recovery image for Amon- Ra and I have now lost my recovery image. I did see the thread giving instructions on possible fixes and it seemed to work for some, but I am having no luck, because I dont have access to install adb at my location.
On to my problem I am now not able to update any of my apps, and I was not able to un-root to start over. I have tried many different times through the console (terminal emulator) to reflash the proper image, but I have had no luck. So now i feel i screwed myself, because I was not able to get firerats script to work. Can anyone help me with this.
I have a Mytouch 3g I have stock radio and spl 8g cls 6 sd running superbad 1.3
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read this it might help it did for me when i try 2 use ROM MANAGER APP n i lost my recovery-->>> http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/index....toasted-not-bricked-phone-thread/page__st__40
No luck
Thanks for your help Firerat, It seems that everytime I hit enter to flash recovery it just gives me another command line. Ive done it about 30 times and doesnt appear that its gonna take. Do you know what I would need to do to unroot, and start over. I looked at the Unlockr website and the process with the NBH file looks like it works until i reboot and it is still 2.1. Any help there I really appreciate it.
ur recovery is corrupted try this
To boot into fastboot you need to hold back and power.
Then plug the original usb cable into your pc then into phone. your phone should say FASTBOOT USB
If not you will have to use USB deview (a few posts above). Then using it unistall anything that says Android or HTC or ADB or Fastboot... You get the idea.
Then unplug and replug the usb cable to your pc.
Windows should say that there is an unrecognised item or something, go into device manager and there should be one with an "!" mark, or a wizard to install the drivers appears.
When it asks you where to find drivers, click the option that says select where the drivers are (advanced), or something. Then point it to the folder were the USB drivers are and let it do its work.
After its finished start cmd and use the command "cd" to go to the tools folder where your sdk is extracted if it was at "C:\android-sdk-windows\tools" you would type in cmd "cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools"
Then put in "fastboot devices" and it should give you your phones serial number, as long as the drivers work and you are in fastboot (phone should say FASTBOOT USB)
If that works we are back on track
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Ok now download the latest Amon_Ra recovery XDA link
Now check the md5 using this tiny standalone app Download.cnet.com link this is self explanatory, as the md5 sum is on the XDA link.
Ok, so now you have checked that its not corrupted, move the .img file to the tools folder. For me it would be "C:\android-sdk-windows\tools" . (The .img file needs to be where the fastboot.exe is, so it finds it.)
Now this is where you get the stuff you type in to cmd.
Fastboot devices
Fastboot erase recovery
Fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img
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same problem
i have the same problem except i have danger spl, i noobed it up and tried to flash recovery with cm 5.0.7...
i tried to flash the recovery a bunch of times, and i treid to get into fastboot, but idk where the drivers are, and idk how to find them.
help plz
crxforya said:
Thanks for your help Firerat, It seems that everytime I hit enter to flash recovery it just gives me another command line. Ive done it about 30 times and doesnt appear that its gonna take. Do you know what I would need to do to unroot, and start over. I looked at the Unlockr website and the process with the NBH file looks like it works until i reboot and it is still 2.1. Any help there I really appreciate it.
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ok, thats interesting
straight after you do that
<track ball> then c
( or in terminal preferences, change the control key )
I'm guessing you see
I/flash_image( 2410): header is the same, not flashing recovery
so, try flashing a different version ( 1.6.2 ) , then 1.7.0
edit: or
erase_image recovery
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img
I need to start over
What does changing the control key do??? I know Im a noob!! Sorry and thanks for your help
Same problem here, on mt3g with latest super bad. I no longer have recovery and cant seem to flash one. And the latest amon-ra says not to flash from terminal if using latest cyanogenmod, yet my computer doesn't recognize my device, so I cant use adb.
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Well im back at the out of memory messg
well after erasing recovery and trying to reflash on the 3rd time it gave me the out of memory error again. Now that script you made Fire do i just
sh firstboot.txt and your script will work???
crxforya said:
well after erasing recovery and trying to reflash on the 3rd time it gave me the out of memory error again. Now that script you made Fire do i just
sh firstboot.txt and your script will work???
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well, I have a spaming script here
spamming the flash in CM5 seems to be working for most
while [ "$test" = "1" ];do
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
test=`echo $?`
echo "we got there in the end....."
get that onto your sdcard
rename the recovery image to recovery.img and put on the sdcard
sh /sdcard/spamflash.txt
that will keep trying to flash until it works
another way is to flash before android starts ( plenty of free memory available )
this is a firstboot.sh script
flash_image recovery /data/recovery.img
if [ "$?" = "0" ];
rm /data/recovery.img
echo "recovery flashed"
echo "recovery flash failed..."
get that onto your sdcard
cp /sdcard/firstboot.txt /data/firstboot.sh
again rename the recovery image to recovery.img, but for this method you need to put it on /data/
It will 'self clean', i.e. if it works it will delete the recovery image, and the bit which runs the firstboot.sh deletes that ( but it will delete that regardless of it working or not )
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deltawye said:
Same problem here, on mt3g with latest super bad. I no longer have recovery and cant seem to flash one. And the latest amon-ra says not to flash from terminal if using latest cyanogenmod, yet my computer doesn't recognize my device, so I cant use adb.
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When my phone does not recognize the USB connection I simply reboot my G1 while the USB is is still connected and that seems work for some odd reason.
I had the same problem. All I did was install rom manager, flash the rom manager recovery nothing. From there flash RA- recovery nothing and then did that back and fourth until it worked I also tried flashing it with one click root hope all help. Also tried the terminal. Hope you fine a way. Good luck!!!!!!!
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
(I'm running CM 6.1)
I recently tried to use Titanium Backup to delete Gmail from my phone so I could install the new version (it kept giving me an error during installation), but when the phone reset to complete the uninstallation it gets stuck at a screen that shows an Android coming out of a box with a progress bar at the bottom. The bar fills up to about a quarter then flashes and restarts again. I can hit some buttons and this text comes up:
ClockworkMod Recovery v.
Finding update package...
Opening update package..
Verifying update package..
Installing update..
(then it restarts)
This is preventing me from booting into recovery, or doing a hard reset, or anything really. It comes up right away when I start my phone up. Has anybody had any experience with this? Please tell me there's a way around this..
This was pretty easy to get around, I wasn't too familiar with adb so it made it pretty difficult.
-Download a new recovery ROM if necessary
-Move the image to your android-sdk/platform-tools folder
-open up a command prompt, navigate to the platform-tools folder and enter the following code
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img /sdcard/
adb flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-hero-v1.6.2.img
adb reboot recovery
-Then when that reboots your phone it should put you back into the recovery ROM and from there you can access your phone as usual.
i had a problem similar to this when trying to upgrade to a froyo rom (it wasn't a boot loop, but the progress bar would get about halfway and then freeze). i started the phone and held 'home' and 'back' and selected 'clear data' and then was able to reinstall. i see a lot around here that people have problems if their battery is too low as well...so if you're under 30% you might try charging and trying again
The problem is that I can't do anything when it boots up because it goes right to this progress bar screen, holding Home+back then Power doesn't do anything, same with any other button combination. Also the battery's at 100%, I charged it overnight to see if that was the problem but it didn't help.
Remove the battery, put it back in, hold down the home button when you start the phone - that should take you into recovery.
It doesn't though, when I say nothing works I mean nothing works. I've booted into recovery many times before but now this screen comes up every time I start it regardless of what button combination I try.
Then your only option would be to RUU and re-root. Have you tried that?
I just tried, but my phone is basically in a vegetative state right now, my computer doesn't recognize it when it's plugged in because of this loading screen thing that keeps repeating. I was thinking about getting a new phone for Christmas, maybe this is a sign
explosivo98 said:
I just tried, but my phone is basically in a vegetative state right now, my computer doesn't recognize it when it's plugged in because of this loading screen thing that keeps repeating. I was thinking about getting a new phone for Christmas, maybe this is a sign
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assuming that the power light comes on when you have it plugged in, you should be able to get it going. boot into fastboot (vol down and power) and then you should be able to either get to recovery, or push adb commands from there to get it working again. I have never had to do this, but I have seen others report victory after using these methods. here are 2 threads about adb
good luck
I should be able to boot into recovery but it still goes to this install process that restarts indefinitely no matter how many ways I try to start it up. I tried Power+Home, Volume down+power, Home+back then power, but this installation screen comes up every time. When I plug it into the computer it's being charged, but it never recognizes it as being connected. So basically I can't flash or do a Nandroid backup (which I would usually do in this situation) because I can't access any of the tools to do it.
vol down and power doesn't get you to fastboot (NOT recovery) ?
explosivo98 said:
I should be able to boot into recovery but it still goes to this install process that restarts indefinitely no matter how many ways I try to start it up. I tried Power+Home, Volume down+power, Home+back then power, but this installation screen comes up every time. When I plug it into the computer it's being charged, but it never recognizes it as being connected. So basically I can't flash or do a Nandroid backup (which I would usually do in this situation) because I can't access any of the tools to do it.
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did you read the second link? it says this:
Check if your phone is detected by ADB
Open up Command Prompt (Go to run, type in cmd, press enter)
Type in
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools === Press Enter
adb devices === You should see your device listed
adb shell === you should see # in the next lineNow you are all set to run adb commands
Note: for a list of commands type in 'adb' in cmd
The device is showing up weird on the list, and none of the commands seem to be working. Here's what it looks like
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Oops, not quite what I was trying to show there. I tried adb reboot recovery but after rebooting the phone still starts in this install process for Clockworkmod. I tried putting the update file on the SD card using adb but that didn't work either.
explosivo98 said:
Oops, not quite what I was trying to show there. I tried adb reboot recovery but after rebooting the phone still starts in this install process for Clockworkmod. I tried putting the update file on the SD card using adb but that didn't work either.
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download a different recovery like amon ra and try to install that thru adb, then reboot recovery
EDIT: if I read that post of your cmd box correctly it looks like you lost superuser, right? get the apk and push it thru adb, then get the recovery and then try to reboot into recovery.... report back.
il Duce said:
download a different recovery like amon ra and try to install that thru adb, then reboot recovery
EDIT: if I read that post of your cmd box correctly it looks like you lost superuser, right? get the apk and push it thru adb, then get the recovery and then try to reboot into recovery.... report back.
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The installation of recovery files always needs me to boot into my current custom recovery, which I can't do. I have SU permissions, that post wasn't really what I wanted to show. I tried to reboot into recovery but the phone always reboots right back into the install that I'm stuck on.
explosivo98 said:
The installation of recovery files always needs me to boot into my current custom recovery, which I can't do. I have SU permissions, that post wasn't really what I wanted to show. I tried to reboot into recovery but the phone always reboots right back into the install that I'm stuck on.
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you really ought to read the threads I posted. these are not "recovery files" as you call them. It tells you how to do this with commands in fastboot, you do not need to boot into your recovery, it should work in fastboot, here is yet another link to a thread, I leave you to your reading, the answers are there, specifically how to to what you are trying to while in fastboot, not in recovery.
Fastboot doesn't recognize the phone as plugged in, all the adb commands seem to work but when I try anything with fastboot it hangs at <waiting for devices>. I also checked the device list and it showed none.
explosivo98 said:
Fastboot doesn't recognize the phone as plugged in, all the adb commands seem to work but when I try anything with fastboot it hangs at <waiting for devices>. I also checked the device list and it showed none.
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Make sure Fastboot is working
Open up Command Prompt
type the following
cd C:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2\tools === Press Enter
fastboot devices === Press enter, your device should be listed
fastboot shell === You should see a # in the next line
type fastboot and press enter for general commands
Fastboot is definitely working, here's what it looks like (note how it doesn't detect any device)
But adb works fine with the phone:
Oh sweet jesus I finally fixed it. Pushed the new recovery image to it and flashed it, then reboot recovery worked. Thanks for all the help!
explosivo98 said:
Oh sweet jesus I finally fixed it. Pushed the new recovery image to it and flashed it, then reboot recovery worked. Thanks for all the help!
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Nice work! Now please post a detailed step by step of HOW you did it here, and then save this thread as a favorite so you can help the next person in a similar spot! Glad you finally got it.
sent from my hero, which no longer sucks ass
Hi everyone i´m new to this forum. I own a Asus ME176CX and updated to official lollipop 5 from asus.com. The device is rooted and it was a little bit slow so i decided to uninstall via root uninstall some of the Bloat Apps.
The Result is ... I messed it up. I deinstalled too many apps, and it seems that i uninstall some system apps too. When my device is booting it wont stop booting and i´m only able to turn the device off.
I can get into fastboot but my recovery mode says only failed when i try to start it. I´m really new to Android and asking for some advise here. I tried a lot of this workarounds here but nothing worked for me
Thanks in Advance
Waido1981 said:
Hi everyone i´m new to this forum. I own a Asus ME176CX and updated to official lollipop 5 from asus.com. The device is rooted and it was a little bit slow so i decided to uninstall via root uninstall some of the Bloat Apps.
The Result is ... I messed it up. I deinstalled too many apps, and it seems that i uninstall some system apps too. When my device is booting it wont stop booting and i´m only able to turn the device off.
I can get into fastboot but my recovery mode says only failed when i try to start it. I´m really new to Android and asking for some advise here. I tried a lot of this workarounds here but nothing worked for me
Thanks in Advance
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If you want lollipop, take it to warranty. If you don't mind getting stuck on kitkat (after lollipop update you can run windows or linux on this tablet, and maybe use custom rom if anyone will make it using my idea), just say and I will write you steps how to get kitkat back.
Waido1981 said:
Hi everyone i´m new to this forum. I own a Asus ME176CX and updated to official lollipop 5 from asus.com. The device is rooted and it was a little bit slow so i decided to uninstall via root uninstall some of the Bloat Apps.
The Result is ... I messed it up. I deinstalled too many apps, and it seems that i uninstall some system apps too. When my device is booting it wont stop booting and i´m only able to turn the device off.
I can get into fastboot but my recovery mode says only failed when i try to start it. I´m really new to Android and asking for some advise here. I tried a lot of this workarounds here but nothing worked for me
Thanks in Advance
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Did you manage to work it out as I'm in the same boat at the moment - I can get to fastboot and can power on and off but stuck at boot! recovery efforts just show dead android and "Error"!
noggin-the-nog said:
Did you manage to work it out as I'm in the same boat at the moment - I can get to fastboot and can power on and off but stuck at boot! recovery efforts just show dead android and "Error"!
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yeah my girlfriend has the same tablet. I took a backup with girlfriends device with fbrl and get it on my device. Just had to change settings and accounts and everything works well again.
Hi Everyone, I'm new here too.
I have the same problem in this topic.
I can use fastboot mode Only, I can't use adb mode, and the bootloader is locked.
when i was trying to install original firmware with this command:
fastboot update update.zip
I get this messege:
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt
I need solution for this.
I haven't problem to installing any operating system, like Windows, Ubuntu, Tizen, Android x86, or other.
Please, I really need help, more than five months i am looking for a way out from this problem but it's all failed, because the boot loader was locked.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Doesn't anybody have any ideas to help me ?
Maybe I must unlock bootloader to solve my problem.
But how I can do that ?
Waido1981 said:
Hi everyone i´m new to this forum. I own a Asus ME176CX and updated to official lollipop 5 from asus.com. The device is rooted and it was a little bit slow so i decided to uninstall via root uninstall some of the Bloat Apps.
The Result is ... I messed it up. I deinstalled too many apps, and it seems that i uninstall some system apps too. When my device is booting it wont stop booting and i´m only able to turn the device off.
I can get into fastboot but my recovery mode says only failed when i try to start it. I´m really new to Android and asking for some advise here. I tried a lot of this workarounds here but nothing worked for me
Thanks in Advance
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For people with access to bootloader:
1- Download .17 and extract it on desktop
2- go to META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and open it with notepad ++, and delete first 2 lines
3- compress it and rename it to update.zip and place it in adb folder (for me its c:\\adb)
4- shutdown the tablet and press (power and vol-) to go to bootloader.
5- write on adb "adb push update.zip /sdcard/" wait until it finishes (dont leave bootloader)
6- Download Temp Recovery: www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347782876
7- On windows, open temp recovery program, and say "ACCEPT", and press 2 then press T4 and it should boot to the temp recovery on the tablet.
8- then install the update.zip, and then format cache and dalvik, then reboot and it should be fixed.
For people without access to bootloader:
1- Download .17 and extract it on desktop
2- go to META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and open it with notepad ++, and delete first 2 lines
3- compress it and rename it to update.zip and place it in adb folder (for me its c:\\adb)
4- copy droidboot.img from .17 and put in in adb folder
5- go to fastboot and write "fastboot boot droidboot.img" it should boot to bootlaoder *do it at least 10 times because sometimes, the tablet boots to software and not bootloader*
6- if you are in bootloader then, Download Temp Recovery: www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347782876
7- After downloading, On windows, open temp recovery program, and say "ACCEPT", and press 2 then press T4 and it should boot to the temp recovery on the tablet.
8- then install the update.zip, and then format cache and dalvik, then reboot and it should be fixed.
Good Luck! :laugh:
Ruben Craveiro said:
For people without access to bootloader:
1- Download .17 and extract it on desktop
7- After downloading, On windows, open temp recovery program, and say "ACCEPT", and press 2 then press T4 and it should boot to the temp recovery on the tablet.
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Hi Ruben,
What do you mean from step 1 ? Where can I find the (.17) to i can download it ?
When I perform step 7, it gave me error.
Overall, I had sent my problem to Asus support and their interaction was bad enough to hates them.
My problem has now ten months I have not found a solution, and the company asking me to send the device to America and I'm outside America.
I promise you I will avoid buying Asus devices from today onwards.
Thank you for trying to help us.
Venting said:
Hi Ruben,
What do you mean from step 1 ? Where can I find the (.17) to i can download it ?
When I perform step 7, it gave me error.
Overall, I had sent my problem to Asus support and their interaction was bad enough to hates them.
My problem has now ten months I have not found a solution, and the company asking me to send the device to America and I'm outside America.
I promise you I will avoid buying Asus devices from today onwards.
Thank you for trying to help us.
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Did you manage to boot into the temp TWRP recovery or is that not working either?
lambdadroid said:
Did you manage to boot into the temp TWRP recovery or is that not working either?
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Hello lambdadroid,
No, It's not work.
Venting said:
Hello lambdadroid,
No, It's not work.
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You said you have access to fastboot though? Then you should also be able to boot into the temp recovery (e.g. TWRP)
lambdadroid said:
You said you have access to fastboot though? Then you should also be able to boot into the temp recovery (e.g. TWRP)
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OK ..
I don't flashed the TWRP Recovery, and I can't get into fastboot / droidboot mode.
But when I press on this buttons (Volume up + Volume down + and Power) while booting, the device stopped on the ASUS logo screen, and in this status my PC connected with my Tablet device, and I can use fastboot commands, no thing other.
I can't use the ADB commands.
Also, When I tried flashing the firmware with ASUS Flash Tool, or CMD shell, I got the same message: FAILED (remote failure).
When I was trying to install the original firmware through CMD Shell with this command: "fastboot flash update update.zip"
I got this message:
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt
When I tried with IntelAndroid-FBRL-07-24-2015 to flash TWRP or CWM Recovery, I got the error messages such as:
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
I can't write anything to the device, That's everything.
I think i must unlock the bootloader to solve my problem.
But how do I do that ?
Venting said:
OK ..
I don't flashed the TWRP Recovery, and I can't get into fastboot / droidboot mode.
But when I press on this buttons (Volume up + Volume down + and Power) while booting, the device stopped on the ASUS logo screen, and in this status my PC connected with my Tablet device, and I can use fastboot commands, no thing other.
I can't use the ADB commands.
Also, When I tried flashing the firmware with ASUS Flash Tool, or CMD shell, I got the same message: FAILED (remote failure).
When I was trying to install the original firmware through CMD Shell with this command: "fastboot flash update update.zip"
I got this message:
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt
When I tried with IntelAndroid-FBRL-07-24-2015 to flash TWRP or CWM Recovery, I got the error messages such as:
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
I can't write anything to the device, That's everything.
I think i must unlock the bootloader to solve my problem.
But how do I do that ?
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What you're saying doesn't make much sense. How did you actually mess up your tablet?
Please also tell me the following:
- What happens if you power on the tablet normally?
- What happens if you power on the tablet using Vol+ and the power button?
- What happens if you power on the tablet using Vol- and the power button?
Unlocking the bootloader is not possible on this device and it wouldn't help you anyway if you can't get into fastboot (the droidboot screen). As far as I know the fastboot screen you can enter with Vol+ and Vol- and the power button is pretty much useless, you need the droidboot screen to recover your tablet.
lambdadroid said:
What you're saying doesn't make much sense. How did you actually mess up your tablet?
Please also tell me the following:
- What happens if you power on the tablet normally?
- What happens if you power on the tablet using Vol+ and the power button?
- What happens if you power on the tablet using Vol- and the power button?
Unlocking the bootloader is not possible on this device and it wouldn't help you anyway if you can't get into fastboot (the droidboot screen). As far as I know the fastboot screen you can enter with Vol+ and Vol- and the power button is pretty much useless, you need the droidboot screen to recover your tablet.
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If I press on the power button normally
Or I press on Volume up button, and Power button
Or I press on Volume down button, and Power button
The result is the same, It's a red line is showing on screen bottom, then the device stops working.
You can see this Picture here
Venting said:
If I press on the power button normally
Or I press on Volume up button, and Power button
Or I press on Volume down button, and Power button
The result is the same, It's a red line is showing on screen bottom, then the device stops working.
You can see this Picture here
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How did you actually mess up your tablet?
I don't think you'll have many options to repair your tablet at this point. You could have luck if you have a powered OTG hub, by booting something like Linux and flashing the necessary stuff back to the internal storage, although depending on how much you messed up, that may not make things better. The other option is sending it in to ASUS.
Venting said:
Hi Ruben,
What do you mean from step 1 ? Where can I find the (.17) to i can download it ?
When I perform step 7, it gave me error.
Overall, I had sent my problem to Asus support and their interaction was bad enough to hates them.
My problem has now ten months I have not found a solution, and the company asking me to send the device to America and I'm outside America.
I promise you I will avoid buying Asus devices from today onwards.
Thank you for trying to help us.
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what i mean with .17 is the software (first lollipop release)
you can get it here: http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/EeePAD/ME176C/UL-K013-WW-
and to run the temp recovery make sure you have access to bootloader and have all drivers installed, if your computers says something about adb drivers for bootloader add these drivers so that it works: http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/EeePAD/ME176C/ADB_driver.zip if you still cant acces is because you did not installed properly all the needed drivers. I wish u luck.
---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------
Venting said:
If I press on the power button normally
Or I press on Volume up button, and Power button
Or I press on Volume down button, and Power button
The result is the same, It's a red line is showing on screen bottom, then the device stops working.
You can see this Picture here
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if you cant access bootloader or fastboot the only way to get it back, is to have a otg powered hub, and run uefi, and then boot linux and then reinstall the android partitions. (im very newbie at this so i cant tell u much about it)
---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------
Venting said:
OK ..
I don't flashed the TWRP Recovery, and I can't get into fastboot / droidboot mode.
But when I press on this buttons (Volume up + Volume down + and Power) while booting, the device stopped on the ASUS logo screen, and in this status my PC connected with my Tablet device, and I can use fastboot commands, no thing other.
I can't use the ADB commands.
Also, When I tried flashing the firmware with ASUS Flash Tool, or CMD shell, I got the same message: FAILED (remote failure).
When I was trying to install the original firmware through CMD Shell with this command: "fastboot flash update update.zip"
I got this message:
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt
When I tried with IntelAndroid-FBRL-07-24-2015 to flash TWRP or CWM Recovery, I got the error messages such as:
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
I can't write anything to the device, That's everything.
I think i must unlock the bootloader to solve my problem.
But how do I do that ?
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well you have made some stuff wrong, BUT i think you can get it back, first of all its not supposed for you to actually install twrp or cwm, and you need this file: (droidboot.img) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3h_JptTNZeeRjdXdE1rWlNLYnM/view?usp=sharing
and place it in c:\\adb and then do fastboot boot droidboot.img and then it should boot to the bootloader if it doesnt, then do it again and again until it does.. (you need to do it several times to make it work, at least thats how i got out of bootloop), then in the bootloader you have access to adb commands so temp recovery should be working, if it still doesnt then it means it needs the adb drivers for the bootloader, after u loaded twrp recovery load .17 update(place the update in microsd, or adb push update.zip /sdcard/) and it should work
lambdadroid, Ruben Craveiro
Thank you guys so much for trying help me.
I tried everything except OTG powered hub.
I will try with OTG powered hub, and I hope solves my problem.
Thank you for everything.
Ruben Craveiro said:
For people with access to bootloader:
1- Download .17 and extract it on desktop
2- go to META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and open it with notepad ++, and delete first 2 lines
3- compress it and rename it to update.zip and place it in adb folder (for me its c:\\adb)
4- shutdown the tablet and press (power and vol-) to go to bootloader.
5- write on adb "adb push update.zip /sdcard/" wait until it finishes (dont leave bootloader)
6- Download Temp Recovery:
7- On windows, open temp recovery program, and say "ACCEPT", and press 2 then press T4 and it should boot to the temp recovery on the tablet.
8- then install the update.zip, and then format cache and dalvik, then reboot and it should be fixed.
For people without access to bootloader:
1- Download .17 and extract it on desktop
2- go to META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and open it with notepad ++, and delete first 2 lines
3- compress it and rename it to update.zip and place it in adb folder (for me its c:\\adb)
4- copy droidboot.img from .17 and put in in adb folder
5- go to fastboot and write "fastboot boot droidboot.img" it should boot to bootlaoder *do it at least 10 times because sometimes, the tablet boots to software and not bootloader*
6- if you are in bootloader then, Download Temp Recovery
7- After downloading, On windows, open temp recovery program, and say "ACCEPT", and press 2 then press T4 and it should boot to the temp recovery on the tablet.
8- then install the update.zip, and then format cache and dalvik, then reboot and it should be fixed.
Good Luck! :laugh:
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I tried these two methods to recover my unrooted Memo tab. The push method doesn't do anything and the second method says "wating for device"
A little background info on how I got here. The tablet got stuck on the loading screen after the last OTA update. I tried to do the factory reset from the tablet but I get the following messsage, "E: Can't open /dev/block/by-name/misc"
I have also tried to load the zip file using sideload and get the following message.
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed
Not sure what else to try...any help is appreciated.
wifebeeter said:
I tried these two methods to recover my unrooted Memo tab. The push method doesn't do anything and the second method says "wating for device"
A little background info on how I got here. The tablet got stuck on the loading screen after the last OTA update. I tried to do the factory reset from the tablet but I get the following messsage, "E: Can't open /dev/block/by-name/misc"
I have also tried to load the zip file using sideload and get the following message.
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed
Not sure what else to try...any help is appreciated.
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make sure your device is conected to pc and that it has all the drivers needed (adb drivers)...boot into bootloader and load temp recovery and flash latest version
---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------
Venting said:
lambdadroid, Ruben Craveiro
Thank you guys so much for trying help me.
I tried everything except OTG powered hub.
I will try with OTG powered hub, and I hope solves my problem.
Thank you for everything.
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you can access dnx mode(fastboot starting #1#2#3), so you can go into bootloader, heres how: get the file efilinux.efi and droidboot.img and put them in adb folder (you can get the droidboot.img on update.zip and if u look on .33 version theres a zip inside of it that its called ESP, you can find efilinux.efi from there) after doing that go into DnX mode on the tablet, and do these fastboot commands: "fastboot flash osloader efilinux.efi" and do "fastboot boot droidboot.img" and this will certainly make you boot to droidboot/bootloader and from there you can load temp recovery and flash the software, and no need for otg hub
Ruben Craveiro said:
make sure your device is conected to pc and that it has all the drivers needed (adb drivers)...boot into bootloader and load temp recovery and flash latest version
I tried temporary recovery and I get the following messege.
error: closed
<waiting for device>
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"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Confirmed working with:Exodus for ZUK Z1 5.1.1.MOKEE CM Nightly 5.1.1.Cyanogen OS OTAs thanks to @EagleEyedTom
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards and so on. YOU are choosing to make these modifications.
* Bug reports or confirmation of working things are welcome.
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For some reason I can't get my image to decrypt encrypted file systems. I lost all my data to this issue and at the moment I do not know of a fix. If you need to update or modify and encrypted partition you will have to back up EVERYTHING in your data partition and then do a complete wipe. Sorry.
This image has been recompiled with device checking disabled thank you to @TheCrazyLex for making the new .prop for the international variant.
Please note this image was compiled for the chinese variant of the ZUK Z1 it should work with the international version but zip flashing might not work properly due to device IDs. To flash zips with device specific build.props comment out all the device checks
There is a known issue with this where it will fill the log with "E: A render request has failed". I do not believe this stops the recovery from working and I will be looking into the issue. If you notice any bugs please report them below.
Q: Does this work for ZUI devices? A: No, I don't think so. You're welcome to test it and report back but so far I have only tested it with Cyanogen OS
Q: What can I get with this I can't with Cyanogen OS Recovery? A: You can flash unsigned ZIPs such as SuperSU or Xposed (Although I don't recommend doing this as I put my phone into a bootloop installing Xposed)
First off you are going to need ADB and Fastboot, these can be aquired by downloading THIS for your OS, you do not need Android Studio you only need SDK tools. Once installed open Android SDK Manager and download platform-tools. You can untick everything else.
Now here is the tricky part, the part I had issues with. If you have a ZUI device you can install the ShenQi USB driver which is located on a partition of your phone which should mount as a CD when connected via USB, if you're running Cyanogen OS and your phone isn't mounted properly in Device Manager (Windows) then you can use the Google USB Driver ZIP, if it will not let you. Say for example if returns an error claiming the best driver is already installed. Then open the spoiler below if not continue on.
If Windows is giving you an error claiming the best driver is already installed right click Z1 or whatever it is named in Device Manager and click Update Driver.
Then click "Browse my computer for driver software" then click "Have disk" once you have done this browse to the extracted USB driver and open the .inf file it will show you three options select ADB device (Top one). Click yes to any warning and it should be mounted!
Next step is to check your device is mounted for ADB, open CMD and CD to the platform-tools folder in your Android SDK directory. Then type
adb devices
It will start the ADB Deamon and it should show your phone. If not, then it's probably because you haven't enabled ADB in Android, do this by going into Settings>About Phone and spam pressing build number until it says you are a developer. Then go back and in Developer Options enable ADB, you should get an RSA Authentication prompt on your phone. Click yes and type.
adb devices
You will also need to download the TWRP image from the spoiler below.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V2.1 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for Z1 TWRP V2.1 - d5fa8f50144316647b35af4a92a61ab9 - Has all currently reported bugs fixed!
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V2.0 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V2.0 = 6226173f5cb17bc7b4ab67ac55efdbbb - Now uses Chroma Kernel to run, reduces heat output, fixes audio bug issues, fixes battery drain, and fixes brightness inside TWRP. Added new splash screen.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.3 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.3 = eaf29b2653a53d120146d1cedcb1e372p - Added support for both ZUK Z1 variants, international and Chinese.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.2 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.2 = 3b6fa140737b769f838169e997f58975 - Retired due to limited device compatability
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.1 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.1 = 596816b87a45d78bed4063ac62fac137 - Compiling issue, uploaded without thorough test.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.0 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.0 = 62b72d5129591d6759bb1917868594f4 - Outdated, filled with bugs.
If you have all the files downloaded and your phone has appeared in ADB then you are ready to flash!
adb reboot bootloader
You phone should reboot and boot into bootloader mode. Now because the ZUK Z1 isn't recognised as a fastboot device you will have to specify the OEM id. It is 0x2b4c meaning any fastboot command MUST be suffixed with
-i 0x2b4c
Next you need to check if the bootloader is unlocked, if you followed the "Convert Z1 from ZukUI to Cyanogen OS" guide HERE then it should already be unlocked.
To check type:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c oem get-device-info
If it returns:
(bootloader) Device unlocked: true
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Then you are ready to begin the flashing process.
Move the downloaded file to your platform tools folder and type:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery z1.twrp.
If fastboot returns "OKAY" then you can reboot your phone! To get into recovery and begin flashing ZIPs turn off your phone and then turn it back on. When it vibrates press and hold both Volume Up AND Volume Down until it boots into TWRP.
Special thanks to Anas Khan who made these awesome titles!
XDA:DevDB Information
Un-Official Breadcrust's TWRP Recovery for ZUK Z1, ROM for the Lenovo Zuk Z1
Breadcrust, TheCrazyLex
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: ZUK Z1
Based On: TWRP
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.0
Stable Release Date: 2015-11-09
Created 2015-11-11
Last Updated 2016-01-17
Version 2.0: TWRP image is now running with the Chroma Kernel as it's kernel. Reduces heat output and battery consumption of the device, added a new splashscreen too.
Version 1.3: Fixed zips not flashing on the international variant due to mismatched .prop files.
Version 1.2: Fixed version 1.1's compilation error causing it not to flash to recovery partition properly, could only be used tethered to PC.
Version 1.1: Fixed E: A render request has failed which was caused by a miss-written UI XML
Version 1.0: First working version of TWRP for Z1
Please be aware if you are running the official Cyanogen OS image OTAs will not apply automatically, you will need to install the incremental ZIPs posted by Titokhan in the "How to root ZUK Z1" thread in the Help and Troubleshooting forum. They will be on your device if you have downloaded the system update but I am yet to find this directory. If anyone finds the download location please post below and test if they will apply.
I am very aware you can't install OTA updates due to the device ID mismatching. I just posted a solution in the Android Development thread HERE credit to Radii for helping me out while working on this with him. Drop us a thanks for our hard work? Means a lot to use you know Each one counts!
Mad props for this!
Gesendet von meinem Redmi Note 2 mit Tapatalk
Hi Breadcrust, thanks for your wonderful work.
One doubt regarding Android 6.0 update, i saw a post on Internet about ZUK Z1 getting Marshmallow update and many users confirming it.
here is the link to this post explaining about updating procedure...http://apkmod4dl.com/howt-to/lenovo-zuk-z1.html
Can you confirm that it is working ? is Android 6.0 available for ZUK that soon ?
My ZUK is on my way, i am super excited to try new update with your recovery... Pls confirm it. Thanks in advance.
plikmuny said:
Hi Breadcrust, thanks for your wonderful work.
One doubt regarding Android 6.0 update, i saw a post on Internet about ZUK Z1 getting Marshmallow update and many users confirming it.
here is the link to this post explaining about updating procedure...http://apkmod4dl.com/howt-to/lenovo-zuk-z1.html
Can you confirm that it is working ? is Android 6.0 available for ZUK that soon ?
My ZUK is on my way, i am super excited to try new update with your recovery... Pls confirm it. Thanks in advance.
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I'll be honest that post looks like a load of bollocks. The Android 6.0 source hasn't been released yet. Wait for Cyanogen 13 don't jump the gun and brick your phone.
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
This recovery is useless
Cannot flash ZIP with CyanogenMod:
Error appears.
LethalOne said:
This recovery is useless
Cannot flash ZIP with CyanogenMod:
Error appears.
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Worked for everyone else mate. You can't flash incremental OTAs over ZUI ROMs
It would also help if you told me the error instead of just saying it doesn't work. Especially considering other people have no issues.
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Ah. Thanks for info.
But me and many people need TWRP that will flash CyanogenMod ZIPs. Because it will make flashing ROMs faster. I have way to flash CM to chinsese ZUI Z1 but if you made TWRP that flashes the CM ZIPs it will all be faster.
LethalOne said:
Ah. Thanks for info.
But me and many people need TWRP that will flash CyanogenMod ZIPs. Because it will make flashing ROMs faster. I have way to flash CM to chinsese ZUI Z1 but if you made TWRP that flashes the CM ZIPs it will all be faster.
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It will flash any ZIP just like any other TWRP it has not been modified in any way. If it will not flash I think there is an error with the ZIP or its user error
LethalOne said:
Ah. Thanks for info.
But me and many people need TWRP that will flash CyanogenMod ZIPs. Because it will make flashing ROMs faster. I have way to flash CM to chinsese ZUI Z1 but if you made TWRP that flashes the CM ZIPs it will all be faster.
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Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Android 6.0 source code is released 2 days back already. source: cnx/software.com
i think it takes more time for CM 13 Rom for ZUK Z1...
I found that out off my Dad when I got home, looks dodgy though.
It is dodgy and might be just a themed CM. We have to wait for the kernel source to come up first and then we can think about porting an AOSP. We must wait for an official CM though.
Thanks a lot for your work!!
.\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot -i 0x2b4c oem device-info
(bootloader) Device tampered: false
(bootloader) Device unlocked: true
(bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false
(bootloader) Display panel:
OKAY [ 0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
.\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery temp\z1.twrp.
target reported max download size of 1610612736 bytes
sending 'recovery' (8686 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.268s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: Invalid data)
finished. total time: 0.385s
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.\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot -i 0x2b4c boot temp\z1.twrp.
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 0.309s]
FAILED (remote: bootimage: incomplete or not signed)
finished. total time: 0.313s
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Both failed... in bootloader mode (penguin logo). Any idea?
Maybe it's because I've updated to ZUI 1.0.062. with OTA...
mk1129 said:
Thanks a lot for your work!!
Both failed... in bootloader mode (penguin logo). Any idea?
Maybe it's because I've updated to ZUI 1.0.062. with OTA...
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Most likely an issue to do with ZUI I was working through some installation issues with someone the other night and when we got it working it was through booting the image instead of flashing due to the broken boot loader switch in CM. So I'd bet its the OS stopping you.
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Breadcrust said:
There is a known issue with this where it will fill the log with "E: A render request has failed". I do not believe this stops the recovery from working and I will be looking into the issue. If you notice any bugs please report them below.
Q: Does this work for ZUI devices? A: No, I don't think so. You're welcome to test it and report back but so far I have only tested it with Cyanogen OS
Q: What can I get with this I can't with Cyanogen OS Recovery? A: You can flash unsigned ZIPs such as SuperSU or Xposed (Although I don't recommend doing this as I put my phone into a bootloop installing Xposed)
What will I need?
First off you are going to need ADB and Fastboot, these can be aquired by downloading THIS for your OS, you do not need Android Studio you only need SDK tools. Once installed open Android SDK Manager and download platform-tools. You can untick everything else.
Now here is the tricky part, the part I had issues with. If you have a ZUI device you can install the ShenQi USB driver which is located on a partition of your phone which should mount as a CD when connected via USB, if you're running Cyanogen OS and your phone isn't mounted properly in Device Manager (Windows) then you can use the Google USB Driver ZIP, if it will not let you. Say for example if returns an error claiming the best driver is already installed. Then open the spoiler below if not continue on.
If Windows is giving you an error claiming the best driver is already installed right click Z1 or whatever it is named in Device Manager and click Update Driver.
Then click "Browse my computer for driver software" then click "Have disk" once you have done this browse to the extracted USB driver and open the .inf file it will show you three options select ADB device (Top one). Click yes to any warning and it should be mounted!
Next step is to check your device is mounted for ADB, open CMD and CD to the platform-tools folder in your Android SDK directory. Then type
adb devices
It will start the ADB Deamon and it should show your phone. If not, then it's probably because you haven't enabled ADB in Android, do this by going into Settings>About Phone and spam pressing build number until it says you are a developer. Then go back and in Developer Options enable ADB, you should get an RSA Authentication prompt on your phone. Click yes and type.
adb devices
You will also need to download the TWRP image from the spoiler below.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.2 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.2 = 3b6fa140737b769f838169e997f58975
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.1 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.1 = 596816b87a45d78bed4063ac62fac137 - Compiling issue, uploaded without thorough test.
Android File Host for Z1 TWRP V1.0 - DOWNLOAD LINK
Android File Host MD5 for V1.0 = 62b72d5129591d6759bb1917868594f4 - Outdated, filled with bugs.
If you have all the files downloaded and your phone has appeared in ADB then you are ready to flash!
adb reboot bootloader
You phone should reboot and boot into bootloader mode. Now because the ZUK Z1 isn't recognised as a fastboot device you will have to specify the OEM id. It is 0x2b4c meaning any fastboot command MUST be suffixed with
-i 0x2b4c
Next you need to check if the bootloader is unlocked, if you followed the "Convert Z1 from ZukUI to Cyanogen OS" guide HERE then it should already be unlocked.
To check type:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c oem get-device-info
If it returns:
Then you are ready to begin the flashing process.
Move the downloaded file to your platform tools folder and type:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery z1.twrp.
If fastboot returns "OKAY" then you can reboot your phone! To get into recovery and begin flashing ZIPs turn off your phone and then turn it back on. When it vibrates press and hold both Volume Up AND Volume Down until it boots into TWRP.
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Not working for me. Mine struck at infinite when I type get bootlock info..... I have to reboot my phone.
Mine came with CM 12.1. When I skip this step and go straight away to flash custom recovery, it says flashing failed, device locked!!!
But I have already enabled OEM bootloader unlock option and I am sure that bootloader already unlocked and enabled for tweaking. What should I do now?
I have all the drivers installed and I reinstalled twice just incase... But no help.
Anyone guide me on how to successfully flash custom recovery and root my device?
Thanks in advance
plikmuny said:
Not working for me. Mine struck at infinite when I type get bootlock info..... I have to reboot my phone.
Mine came with CM 12.1. When I skip this step and go straight away to flash custom recovery, it says flashing failed, device locked!!!
But I have already enabled OEM bootloader unlock option and I am sure that bootloader already unlocked and enabled for tweaking. What should I do now?
I have all the drivers installed and I reinstalled twice just incase... But no help.
Anyone guide me on how to successfully flash custom recovery and root my device?
Thanks in advance
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Any fastboot errors are caused by the device as fastboot will never stop you flashing an image even if it's not supposed to be flashed like flashing recovery to system. Open a thread and appeal there I unfortunately can't help on that front. People do seem to be having issues with the international device I am starting to think it's different in someway for the Chinese one. Maybe the USB id is different.
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Breadcrust said:
Any fastboot errors are caused by the device as fastboot will never stop you flashing an image even if it's not supposed to be flashed like flashing recovery to system. Open a thread and appeal there I unfortunately can't help on that front. People do seem to be having issues with the international device I am starting to think it's different in someway for the Chinese one. Maybe the USB id is different.
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for your Kind reply. How do i find out what my Device ID is ? I mean, how did you come to know that the device ID of Chinese ZUK Z1 is 0x2b4c ?
Sorry for being noob.
plikmuny said:
Thanks for your Kind reply. How do i find out what my Device ID is ? I mean, how did you come to know that the device ID of Chinese ZUK Z1 is 0x2b4c ?
Sorry for being noob.
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Paul O'Brien at MoDaCo found it
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Breadcrust said:
Paul O'Brien at MoDaCo found it
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
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Can you tell me what it shows when you type adb devices ?
i am curious... that might help me with my Problem.
Thanks in advance.
plikmuny said:
Can you tell me what it shows when you type adb devices ?
i am curious... that might help me with my Problem.
Thanks in advance.
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D:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
c783ecb7 device
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System Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cAcgP55upO6UuX-gecPIXA_xnO0IXvUO/view?usp=sharing
Flash System Image:
- Download the appropriate system image for the Razer Phone from here, then unzip it to a safe directory.
- Connect your Razer Phone to your computer over USB.
- Start the Phone in Download Mode with one of the following methods:
- Using the adb tool: With the Phone powered on, execute: adb reboot bootloader
- Enter Download Mode: Plug in a USB cable to connect your Razer Phone to your computer, Power Off the Phone, then turn it on and immediately press and hold the Volume Down button until “Download Mode” appears on screen.
- If necessary, unlock the Phone’s bootloader. See Unlocking the Bootloader and Unlocking the Bootloader Critical Partitions for instructions.
- Open a terminal on your computer and navigate to the unzipped system image directory.
- Execute the flash_all script. This script installs the necessary bootloader, baseband firmware(s), and operating system for your Razer Phone.
- Once the script finishes, your Phone will reboot.
- You should now lock the bootloader for security.
Is this the global version?
Also, is there a list regarding the detail of each img file, and that whether they're considered safe to be flashed/updated?
LSS4181 said:
Is this the global version?
Also, is there a list regarding the detail of each img file, and that whether they're considered safe to be flashed/updated?
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Yes very much so global
#1 - I can't read his info screenshot :silly: & #2 it's the same build number
I haven't flashed it personally but I would go out on a limb and say it's safe to flash
JDBarlow said:
Yes very much so global
#1 - I can't read his info screenshot :silly: & #2 it's the same build number
I haven't flashed it personally but I would go out on a limb and say it's safe to flash
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I mean the detail of each img file. Since I'm now on a GSI I've only flashed the updated vendor.img so far (in my case, from MR1 to MR2). I'm not sure about other non-system parts (something like bluetooth, dsp, which are probably firmware blobs), and whether these are safe to be flashed/updated (however, some of those blobs do have diffs in the OTA).
LSS4181 said:
I mean the detail of each img file. Since I'm now on a GSI I've only flashed the updated vendor.img so far (in my case, from MR1 to MR2). I'm not sure about other non-system parts (something like bluetooth, dsp, which are probably firmware blobs), and whether these are safe to be flashed/updated (however, some of those blobs do have diffs in the OTA).
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I see what you're saying
SMS working fine on the GSI you're running? I believe I read somewhere that someone was able to get latest Havoc to work
JDBarlow said:
I see what you're saying
SMS working fine on the GSI you're running? I believe I read somewhere that someone was able to get latest Havoc to work
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I'm on Havoc 3.2.
Actually it was thanks to Reznor7's advice (first install it as a normal app, then move the installed folder to system) that I was able to get most of the things working (SMS, VoLTE).
LSS4181 said:
I'm on Havoc 3.2.
Actually it was thanks to Reznor7's advice (first install it as a normal app, then move the installed folder to system) that I was able to get most of the things working (SMS, VoLTE).
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I can confirm this image does work ?
Something odd happened after flashing Havoc 3.3 I pulled my SIM card and reinsert it in the phone and my SIM card stopped working. I had to replace it ?
JDBarlow said:
I can confirm this image does work ?
Something odd happened after flashing Havoc 3.3 I pulled my SIM card and reinsert it in the phone and my SIM card stopped working. I had to replace it ?
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Where did you get Havoc 3.3? Even ExpressLuke hasn't any Havoc 3.3 GSI build for ARM64/AB from what I could see (the SourceForge page still lists the 3.2 one as the latest).
LSS4181 said:
Where did you get Havoc 3.3? Even ExpressLuke hasn't any Havoc 3.3 GSI build for ARM64/AB from what I could see (the SourceForge page still lists the 3.2 one as the latest).
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If anyone can get havoc 3.3 to work on Verizon without the sim card issue please let me know. No gsi rom will work on Verizon. Its frustrating. Thanks.
Finally got the MR3 update extracted
I worked all night extracting/converting the stock img and got beat by minutes posting Lol... anyway I also have the stock ota for global variant of MR3 if anyone needs it. You can easily patch the boot img with magisk and fastboot flash boot_a with the patched boot img and you have root again on MR3 Update. Works flawless
i Take a copy Thank You
Flashed some stuffs from MR3: modem (both), bluetooth (both), dsp (both), vendor (both), boot (inactive B slot only), system (inactive B slot only). These seem to work.
However, when flashing system and vendor I saw it mentioned something about "invalid sparse file format at header magic", but the flashed stuffs (at least vendor) looks fine.
Also, not sure if it's because of my Linux distro's (Manjaro/Arch) fastboot version or some other reasons (the cables are fine), I could only properly issue a fastboot command right after the phone restarted to bootloader. After that, the commands would stuck at Sending. Ctrl-C won't work at this point. I could only get out by unplugging the cable, and after that the phone won't be detected until I restart the bootloader again (if I issue a fastboot command here, it'll show <waiting for device>, but when the phone restarted, the command would begin and succeed).
Havoc 3.3 GSI works fine here (the SELinux fix may still be needed for it to boot). However, for some reasons (either due to recent Magisk canary update, or something else), I lost access to VoLTE and that after updating to the new GSI version, all my app's permissions were lost and I need to reassign them (maybe it's time I back things up and start over again, as the permission reset issue can indeed happen when dirty-flashing newer GSI versions).
LSS4181 said:
Also, not sure if it's because of my Linux distro's (Manjaro/Arch) fastboot version or some other reasons (the cables are fine), I could only properly issue a fastboot command right after the phone restarted to bootloader. After that, the commands would stuck at Sending. Ctrl-C won't work at this point. I could only get out by unplugging the cable, and after that the phone won't be detected until I restart the bootloader again (if I issue a fastboot command here, it'll show <waiting for device>, but when the phone restarted, the command would begin and succeed).
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Running Manjaro Linux here too and experience the same behaviour.
Can you dirty flash the mentioned images? Don't really feel like reinstalling all my apps and data.
is there a new root method
i have this factory image on my phone but i cant find any root guide for this version. i have my bootloader unlocked already and patched this factory image with Magisk. i copied the patched boot file to my platform-tools folder where the adb.exe is.
after running the commands adb devices it shows me my phone and serial number fine. (yes usb debugging is on)
so i continue and restart my phone into fastboot mode and type into the console astboot flash boot magisk_patched.img (thats the name of the file created by magisk)
after that the consol just responds waiting for device and nothing happens.
i already installed the adp usb drivers and the google usb drivers. but the consol only finds my phone when it is turned on and not while in fastboot mode
edit : btw one thing im not clear about, how should i format the SD card ? mobil or intern for more space
any solutions?
Cheers Mystix
MystixBlack said:
i have this factory image on my phone but i cant find any root guide for this version. i have my bootloader unlocked already and patched this factory image with Magisk. i copied the patched boot file to my platform-tools folder where the adb.exe is.
after running the commands adb devices it shows me my phone and serial number fine. (yes usb debugging is on)
so i continue and restart my phone into fastboot mode and type into the console astboot flash boot magisk_patched.img (thats the name of the file created by magisk)
after that the consol just responds waiting for device and nothing happens.
i already installed the adp usb drivers and the google usb drivers. but the consol only finds my phone when it is turned on and not while in fastboot mode
edit : btw one thing im not clear about, how should i format the SD card ? mobil or intern for more space
any solutions?
Those usb drivers didn't work for me. What did work however was the samsung usb drivers so I downloaded them and installed, however that wasn't enough. While in fastboot mode under device manager, I can't recall how I installed it but I forced the driver either from android device in list or added new legacy hardware and installed samsung android adb interface. After that when I typed fastboot devices in console from tools folder it reported back for me. I hope this helps.
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I have 2 questions.
1. Can you flash this on other builds?
2. can any one link to P-SMR3-RC002-CKH-200226.3132 Build
Very much appriciated :good:
MystixBlack said:
i have this factory image on my phone but i cant find any root guide for this version. i have my bootloader unlocked already and patched this factory image with Magisk. i copied the patched boot file to my platform-tools folder where the adb.exe is.
after running the commands adb devices it shows me my phone and serial number fine. (yes usb debugging is on)
so i continue and restart my phone into fastboot mode and type into the console astboot flash boot magisk_patched.img (thats the name of the file created by magisk)
after that the consol just responds waiting for device and nothing happens.
i already installed the adp usb drivers and the google usb drivers. but the consol only finds my phone when it is turned on and not while in fastboot mode
edit : btw one thing im not clear about, how should i format the SD card ? mobil or intern for more space
any solutions?
Cheers Mystix
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I u forgot something....
Fastboot flash boot_a magisk_patched.img
Fastboot flash boot_b magisk_patched.img
Xinfuzemodz said:
I have 2 questions.
1. Can you flash this on other builds?
2. can any one link to P-SMR3-RC002-CKH-200226.3132 Build
Very much appriciated :good:
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Are you serious? The link of the OP is the link to MR3. If you click the flash_all.bat file it will wipe your phone and you get a fresh copy of MR3 installed so yes it can be installed on other builds