[resolved] Xposed framework stopped working, now cannot reinstall. - Xposed General

Rebooted my phone today and quickly noticed that my xposed framework stopped, well, doing anything. Some customizations from modules were not there. Went into the xposed installer and it reported that an update was available but the counts were all matched and green. Tried to install it all the same, and it failed. I'm getting the error "Could not extract app_process". I tried uninstalling the framework (along with running the disabler in recovery) thinking maybe it just bugged out. However, I am still unable to install/reinstall the framework, still getting the "Could not extract app_process".
The only thing I did related to xposed was update BubbleUPnP (which just posted an update today). I have since uninstalled it in case it was causing the problem, but it has had no impact. I'm not sure if it's possible for a module to break the framework itself, or to cause an ongoing issue once it is removed.
I'm running rooted stock 4.4.2 on a Galaxy Note 3. Any help would be very appreciated.
Decided to do a nandroid backup, came across something there. I'm getting I/O errors at the start of the backup (e: error opening '/data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/conf' as well as a couple similar for two modules). Is it possible my internal storage is going bad? I've hardly had the phone a year, would be rather surprised.
Another update. Following instructions I found to manually install xposed framework (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general/diy-manually-installing-xposed-t2369618 ), I was able to get app_process once again installed and recognized by the installer. Shows 58 bundled, 58 active. The XposedBridge.jar, however, still is not being seen though I did set it up per the instructions above. It looks like this is where the problem stems.
Still looking for assistance. Thanks.
------Final Edit
Poked around a bit trying to fix things. Tried deleting the xposed directory in /data/data and was getting I/O errors. I was able to rename the directory, and then able to install the framework normally. Apparently that directory is somehow corrupt. Even after renaming, I cannot delete it. Unsure what's going on with it, but at least I don't have to wipe my phone or replace it (yet).


broken package installer

recently rooted and running cyanogen 4.1.999, prior to that I ran each release from 4.04 on. at least from 4.11 on, i've noticed something strange happening to my system that I can't quite figure out the cause. Off a fresh install, package installer works for loading .apks from the card. Somewhere along the way though, it stops working; I'll try to install an app and it will keep looping, bringing me back repeatedly to the install screen where it shows permissions and asks to install or not.
I've checked and unchecked 3rd party install permission, no change. I also tried fix permissions and that doesn't help, Only a wipe gets it working again until the next time it fails. Installing an app from the market works just fine, just can't install independently unless I sneak the apk into my system backup folder and restore via system app backupper, but that is a limited option since the program then becomes uninstallable. No other issues i've noticed on these roms, just the installer. Anyone experience similar or have some input on the matter?
you should try and repair ext filesystems in recovery if you have apps2sd. please report back if it works
ext filesystem repair does not fix the installer loop
this only happens on cyan 4.1 and greater?
is it with a specific app? also did you flash the single flash rom or did you install by cyanogens official install method

Changed Build.prop and now apps are force-closing...

Alright, didn't find anything related to this elsewhere, so I'm putting it here:
My Bionic is running on 5.9.901, rooted, no issues. I changed the ro.product.manufacturer and ro.product.model values in my build.prop temporarily to test something. Rebooted and the following apps started force closing: Titanium Backup, Swype (latest beta, not built in), Wifi Tether (GoogleCode version, latest alpha), and Flikie Wallpapers HD.
I figure ok, change what I did back to stock and reboot. That should fix the problem.
Nope. These same apps are still force closing on my. Now, here's the twist; I've removed and reinstalled each one with the same results. Somehow, modifying those two variables in my build.prop has changed something that is keeping these apps (and ONLY these apps) from installing/running properly.
Checking the stack traces from the app crashes, Titanium Backup indicates it's unable to find a file located within /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files. Upon inspection, the entire directory under /data/data for TB contains nothing, even after reinstall. Permissions for /data and /data/data are set to 771. This is as far as I've gotten and I don't know what direction to go next.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: Forgot to put in here that I've already tried running fix permissions from the bootstrap and that didn't change anything.
EDIT 2: Update. Figured out why the apps are force-closing. For some reason, when they're being reinstalled, the lib files (with the .so extension) are not being created in /data/data. If I open up the APK and copy the .so files to their rightful places, the app will then work fine. If, however, I remove and reinstall again, same thing happens. Something has changed, but I'm unable to figure out what and nothing logical makes sense at this point. Now that TB is working, I might just try a factory reset.
how do you edit build.prop? i have a droid bionic and used rom toolbox to tweak the lcd density and i think it messed something up. i am unable to install pandora or aim as it says my device is not compatible.

[Q] GoogleServicesFramework,apk - Application Not Installed

Here's the situation. :/ I have a Rooted Kindle Fire 2 (not HD) and am having been attempting to REadd the Google Play Store. I've already done it, but a recent(ish) update completly removed it from my device. I know how to do and I already have the required files. However, I've ran into a slight issue and didn't happen the first time. You see... the "GoogleServicesFramework.apk" file simply won't install presents me with the ever annoying "Application Not Installed" error. I REPEAT, my device is already rooted and I use ES File Manager. It's set-up for root and I know my way around the folders. I've disabled the ads, uninstalled a few system apps, and changed my default homescreen. As far as my problem is concerned, I've tried various things.
-Just installing it... FAIL
-Moving to system apps and installing... FAIL
-Moving, rebooting, and installing... FAIL
-Moving, rebooting, setting permissions, and installing... FAIL
-Moving, setting permissions, rebooting, and installing... FAIL
-Moving to system apps and not installing... FAIL
-Moving to system apps, setting permission, and not installing... FAIL
Nope, nada, nein.... nothing has worked. I've checked and its not running in the background with ANY method. I've tried adding the store and linking my Google account (that already my "Kindle%20Fire" on it) anyways and that, of course, has failed,Currently, I have none of the core google files installed or present other then the Download folder. I have tried files from various sources and they all seem to have to the same problem. Does anyone have a solution to this?
Have you installed superuser? Eliminated some the issues you described when I had them
Sent from my KF-HD7
Sound lame but I used the tool from here :
It has the option to add the framework and all the other stuff too as well as launchers. It sure saved me a long time after I wiped. 20 minutes and I was good to go.
Hey guys! Thanks for replying, but this is no longer an issue. I did a factory reset a couple days ago and now everything works perfectly! ...all my other (unmentioned) issues were fixed as well.

Cant run Xposed installer app

After I flashed the xposed framework .zip file onto my phone (marshmallow 6.0.1, nexus 6p) and wiping cache I try to go back into my downloads folder and run the installer .apk but it wont open, giving me the error "can't open file" I have googled the issue but never found anything that seemed to match my scenario. Any help with this?

Pre-install Xposed in a custom ROM ?

I am customizing a Amlogic TV Box ROM and I would like to install Xposed as well as a home-made module in it. I can't edit the Java source code directly because I don't have access to it, so the only solution I have is editing smali code (no thx) and Xposed.
I have access to the system partition content of the ROM, and nothing much more. My module will be installed as a system app, but I can't find a way to have the Xposed framework pre-installed. I tried to simply extract the ZIP in the system partition folder, but it doesn't work : the Xposed Installer says that the Framework is installed but not active. If I install the Framework using the Installer afterwards, it works fine. What am I doing wrong ? Is there some procedure to follow after unpacking the files ? Is it even possible to have it packaged with the system and not installed ?
I still need to enable the module once the framework is installed, how may I do that ? The modules list is located into /data, which is not packaged with the ROM (and is not factory-reset proof) what would be the most elegant way of having the module enabled by default ? I thought of writing to the modules list file at each boot with the Init.rc but I think there's a better solution.
Thanks for the help
I think what's theoretically happening is:
Imagine a PC - you install an app via the normal wizard, goes through and installs registry keys etc. which stores all file paths etc. and the app opens after the wizard finishes.
What's happening here is you're just taking the files and placing them onto the PC yourself, in this case, your box.
Remember this is a SYSTEM app, not something you can drag and drop on.
You haven't flashed anything in order for the System to know Xposed is installed, for it to point to this, point to that.
You're essentially running a broken, portable Xposed which'll say installed only because you placed it there.
I'd say you have to probably play about with that ROM on somewhere you can install Xposed via custom recovery then play about with nandroid backups and restore them on your box?
That's my only assumption. This is a difficult one.
That was my guess too, but I looked at the flashing script that Xposed Installer executes and I feel like it only checks for the version/api/abi and copies files, creating backups for uninstallation. All the files are present in the system partition in my packaged ROM files so I thought that they would just work out of the box if I copied them. Well, it doesn't, I must be missing something that the installer does.
In the meantime I've put a dirty installer in my launcher : it checks for the xposed.prop file each time it's opened (uuugh) and if it's not installed it'll just run the flash script and reboot. That's not elegant but it works.

