LG G Watch R frustration - LG G Watch R

Hi everyone; I bought the LG G Watch R on Monday and, since then, I have been becoming increasingly frustrated with it: it seems that the only thing the smartwatch is good at is telling the time. Thus I am posting here, hoping that some of you may have had the same issues I'm having, and may know a solution to any of them.
First: I understand the watch is supposed to turn on when I move the wrist to look at it; however, it only does so ~5% of the times, while in other cases a violent shake is necessary to wake it up (most often, though, the only way is to tap the screen or press the button)...
Second, connection issues: when I'm speaking to the watch, it often happens that it starts recognizing words, but at some point stops and complains of being "offline" (while, instead the, phone it's connected to is on a very good WiFi connection); other times it says it's not connected to the phone (while the Android Wear app on the phone says it's connected). This may also happen after it has recognized all of the voice input: for example, after I tell it to set up an alarm, it shows it has recognized the correct input, but then goes "offline".
Third, inconsistency between what's displayed and what's really happened: after asking it to do a certain task (be it send an sms, answer a WhatsApp message or whatever), the watch often says that it was not able to contact google, or that I should try again "on the phone", while instead the action has actually been performed correctly! For example, I once sent the same SMS 4 times in a row, because it kept saying it hadn't worked.
Fourth, voice recognition: as of now, I have not been able to send one SMS without repeating it at least three times... Actually, this is probably not related to the watch itself, but rather to the google voice recognition software: I am Italian, thus the voice recognition language is set to Italian (I would gladly issue commands in English, but if I suddenly started to send all of my messages in English, most of those I know would think I've gone crazy: it would be nice to have the option to distinguish between a "commands" language and a "content" language); this means that, first of all, I have to say everything at once: for example, I must say (the italian equivalent of) "Send SMS to [contact] hello", because if I only say "Send SMS" or "Send SMS to [contact]", it doesn't work (I was excited about the new feature of 5.1.1, which has a list of contacts: it should theoretically be possible to choose the contact, hit "Send SMS" and send the message, but unfortunately, this causes the "Android Wear" app on the watch to crash unexpectedly).
Then, I have friends whose surname is made of multiple words, some of which may also be "first names" (for example, "Fabio" is a first name and "Di" is a preposition, but "Di Fabio" is a surname): this completely breaks the voice recognition algorithm, so that when I try to send an sms to "Alessandro Di Fabio" saying "ciao", I get an SMS sent to some other "Alessandro", and the text of the SMS is "Fabio ciao".
Punctuation is not always understood as such: for example, saying (the Italian equivalent of) "dot dot dot" sometimes results in the expected "...", but other times it is transcribed literally.
Finally, odd things can happen: if I try to send an SMS saying "ok, grazie!" (i.e. "OK, thank you!"), the text that gets sent is only "ok" (maybe the voice recognition thinks I'm thanking it?), and sometimes, even though the input is correctly parsed as "Send SMS to [contact] [text]", a Google Search starts...
I understand that voice recognition, after only 50+ years of development, may still be in its infancy, but it seems odd to me that the release of a device which nevertheless completely relies on it may be allowed or even conceived, given the current state of the art (if this is the current state of the art).
I know this may seem a rant (and it partly is, since I feel that I have wasted 200€ on a glorified toy watch), but I'm posting here for three main reasons: first of all to understand if I'm alone (maybe I got faulty hardware, even if I don't think so); second, to advice those who may come here still undecided not to buy the device; and finally because sending feedback to google or posting in its "community support" forums didn't have any effect (not even an automated mail saying "thank you, we got your feedback!"): is there someone else I should try complaining to?

1. Change to always on, accelerometer is a little buggy sometimes even on the moto watch same issues.
Connection issues and voice recognition, if I was having those I would return the watch for a exchange unit could just be a bad watch.
Hope that helps some


[Request] Undetecatable Call Blocking

I have been looking for this since I first started using Windows Mobile.
Unfortunately, most of the softwares out there (because they are not built into the ROM) can not reject calls without the other side knowing. I have tried every software out there, all of them are the same, the caller will hear a ring, or part of a ring, then they will get a busy signal (rejected).
I can't believe this is hard to create, I use to have it 12 years ago in my BASIC alcatel phone. When a black listed caller dials, they get nothing .. or get an out of coverage message from the operator. I believe the way it worked, is that the phone detects the caller number, BEFORE responding that it has acknowledged the call and is ringing.
I guess that is why I am saying that it is built in to the ROM as a driver or something, and not just a software.
Any Ideas, thoughts, where I can find this, anyone WILLING to make it ?
I know there are some recent roms being created that has the call blocking feature built in. i'm using one those roms, which is indicated in my signature. when u mentioned that you've tried them (call blocking applications) all, were they free and/or commercial apps, or apps created in the development/hacking section? Collectively speaking, there's alot of those types of applications floating out there, but maybe you've already tried those.
pheroah said:
I have been looking for this since I first started using Windows Mobile.
Unfortunately, most of the softwares out there (because they are not built into the ROM) can not reject calls without the other side knowing. I have tried every software out there, all of them are the same, the caller will hear a ring, or part of a ring, then they will get a busy signal (rejected).
I can't believe this is hard to create, I use to have it 12 years ago in my BASIC alcatel phone. When a black listed caller dials, they get nothing .. or get an out of coverage message from the operator. I believe the way it worked, is that the phone detects the caller number, BEFORE responding that it has acknowledged the call and is ringing.
I guess that is why I am saying that it is built in to the ROM as a driver or something, and not just a software.
Any Ideas, thoughts, where I can find this, anyone WILLING to make it ?
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1st off, change your number
if that doesn't suite your needs make a fake dial tone which states your number is not in service as your voicemail while using call firewall. after a few weeks the person will give up calling you. Callers will receive one full ring and it will go to your new fake voicemail after blocking them, which they will perceive as your phone being turned off or changed your number.
common sense now pay me.
hahahah nice one .. except the keyword here is UNDETECTABLE ... if they know i changed my number or i am blocking them, they will find me and ask for the NEW number ....
As I said before, the only device I saw that feature on, was the really old alcatel models; which didn't give you a ring, didn't give you a busy tone, probably just ignored the request coming in from the telco when it is one of the black listed numbers.
Nice try, but I would pay you, if you could do the same on windows mobile. By the way I was testing an alpha versio of the cruise before it was launched, and it actually (accidently) opened the speaker, before you actually picked up the phone call, so the other side could hear you, before you even answer.
Thus, I am sure these things are possible, if there is someone who has the knowledge, and power to play with the operator
I haven't tried anything comercial, didn't find what i was looking for. If you know of any comercial software or freeware that does what i am stating. i.e. doesn't ring before it blocks the call. That would be great
I have something called MAGICALL, and it works great. You can set it to pick up then hang up, however the best part is that the call doesnt "come through" or let the phone ring. Unless you specify the software to give you a pop up message indicating it blocked a call. I love it since it doesnt even let the phone ring, its like if you never got called.
Same thing, I already tried MagiCall and it rings once to the caller, and then disconnects. Very obvious that you are avoiding the person.
I currently use a free voicemail feature called YouMail, which has call filtering and call blocking features. You can block calls (I believe) and also create a unique voicemail greetings for those you want/trying to avoid as well. www.youmail.com
I also use magicall for this. As an action I choose 'ignore' and then the caller just hears the phoen ringing, the connection is not broken. And you, well you hear and see nothing so you are not disturbed. Is that not what you want/?
Not exactly, ignore is a nice feature if you dont' want to be disturbed, but if someone is constantly bugging you; you would like them not to even reach your phone (so they don't come next day in the office, and say I left you three missed calls, and you didn't answer me).
It would be easier if they just got a this phone is out of coverage (or something similar) from the operator; then you can always blame the operator, that they couldn't reach you ... you get my drift ?
Yeah, I get your drift. But, if you're not reachable, then I guess it's the provider that sends back a message to the caller. I don't think your phone can send that message to the caller.
Moreover in most cases if you're not reachable then the caller also gets sent to your voicemail and he can also leave a message and come to you next day asking why you didn't react to his voice messages.
So the only option would be to send a message back saying that the number doesn't exist. But again, you would have to be able to spoof a provider based message for that.
I see these options when a caller really wants to get hold of you and you don't want to react:
* drop the call after 1 ring: caller notices he gets dropped, gets pissed an comes to see you
* send message back saying you're out of coverage: caller leaves message, which you ignore, caller gets pissed and comes to see you
* send a message back saying that the number doesn't exist: caller inquires whether you changed number, finds out you didn't, gets pissed and comes to see you
* silently ignore him: caller leaves a message, which you ignore, caller gets pissed and comes to see you.
Seems you're screwed either way
Why not simply answer the call and tell the caller to f*ck off. He's bound to get pissed also but at least he'll leave you alone and you'll feel relieved.
Well for one, I don't use voice mail ... secondly, because it is the provider that sends the message, it is authentic....
So if your mobile ... somehow ... ignores the call coming from the provider ... the provider sends a message saying that the mobile is out of coverage ...
pheroah said:
hahahah nice one .. except the keyword here is UNDETECTABLE ... if they know i changed my number or i am blocking them, they will find me and ask for the NEW number ....
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Hmm, you're asking for someone to develop a piece of software because you have no spine? I know of no Java/.Net/etc API that is better than the truth. Tell the person to leave you be. The currently available call firewalls work great for when you need to be in a "Call Free Environment."
It has nothing to do with my spine; and I currently have NO ONE harasing me; but I believe that the current Call firewalls have a disadvantage, and lack a feature.
I wish there was someone in XDA-Developers who is willing to spend some time to make some adjustments to one of the ROMs to have this built in. Especially as this feature is available in historic phones that have a lot less features than a WM.
Im also using Magicall for this & its working great, the other party doen't even hear a ring. It has many other features too.

Text's going to wrong person?

i just installed this Rom on my Nexus:
i wiped everything before installing and everything is running smooth.
i love the Rom, but i started noticing that ppl kept texting me back ? marks
or saying what was i talking about. i guess texts are scrambling and sending to diff ppl, and im receiving text's under ppl that didnt originally send the text if that makes any sence.
is any one else experiencing this? i remember reading an article about it i think on engadget or gizmodo. but im wondering if its a ROM or Google thing.
in all fairness i did use the search button, no flaming or being rude or else u get a stick trown at you
this has been reported long time ago on 2.1 when the nexus first came out. then other phones reported it like the droid. google never figured out what exactly caused it, it was baffling. i've always used handcent insstead just because of this "possible" glitch. i could get in a lot of trouble if i sent a text to the wrong person.
Weird this is the 1st time its happend to me or any one telling me about it. i rebooted hopefully it wont happen, cause i can also get in trouble sending wrong texts to the wrong person. The GF was already asking ?'s because the text she got wasnt related to anything we talked where texting about.
Android Phones Play “Chat-Roulette” With Your Text Messages
I have always been a big fan of Google Android phones. Sure the user interface may not be as polished as the iPhone. I admit the Exchange support might not be as tightly integrated as it is on the Blackberry. But, I’m a geek and I’m willing to put up with some annoyances as a trade-off for speed and flexibility and customization. And I’m not alone. Market researchers Canalys and NPD Group both recently published reports stating Android was running on > 40% of all smart phones in the United States. It would seem Android is destined for dominance.
Except somewhere along the way, Google seems to have forgotten first and foremost Android phones need to be phones. And that is why I’m seriously considering making the move to Blackberry or Windows Phone 7. For the last six months now I’ve been dealing with a huge flaw that makes my phone unusable for SMS texting. From what I’ve been able to tell using analytics provided by Google’s developer site, as many as 77% of Android phone users are at risk of having their text messages sent to a random contact.
That sounds unlikely right? I mean you pay upwards of $200 for a smart phone, and next to making phone calls, sending SMS text messages is probably the most used feature of the phone. But it’s true, and if you don’t believe me just type “android SMS wrong contact” into Google’s search engine and see how many hits you get. It’s astounding. It’s happening. And Google seems to be ignoring it altogether.
The first time I responded to a text message from recipient A, and it went to recipient B, I just wrote it off to user error. I was in a hurry. I fat fingered it. Who knows, right? In time though I’ve begun to qualify and quantify this serious bug and disaster waiting to happen. The worst part is you don’t even know your text message went to the wrong person until you get a call or new message from someone in your contact list asking “what was that last message all about?”
On the sender’s phone, the text message actually shows as sent to the correct recipient, yet I’ve been able to get all three parties with their phones to sit down in one room and verify that in fact the intended recipient did not receive my text, and a random contact did. I will put up with a lot of minor issues for a cool phone, but having my privacy threatened is not one of them.
What irks me the most is that owners of these phones, me included, have no recourse. The bug is part of the core operating system, and has been since Android 2.1, (though it seems worse with 2.2). Phone model doesn’t matter. Using a third-party SMS application won’t help. Contact your phone carrier and you will be told to do a factory reset then call the phone manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer and you will be told to do a factory reset then get in touch with your carrier. This is a flaw with Google’s code so how is it they managed to slip out of the support loop altogether?
Ah, I think now we have reached the heart of the problem haven’t we? By making it an open source solution, Google isn’t really accountable. Or are they? I guess that depends on you and me. Google has a vested interest in fixing any flaws that are impacting their continued effort for world smart phone dominance. If those of us who have made this platform so successful for them draw a line in the sand perhaps someone at Google will take notice.
The issue at hand has been logged in the Google forums for some time now. Sadly, it’s rated as only having a priority of “medium” and I’ve yet to see anyone from Google comment on the current state. I would urge any of you who have Android phones to log into the Google forum and star the issue. You can find the link in the code google forums. In the mean time, I’m going to continue evaluating some of the new Windows phone offerings. Just in case Google decides new UI bounce effects on widgets are more important than where my SMS text messages end up.
I've never had a text message go astray, personally.
I just had this about two or three times.
The chosen recipient didn't got my text message. But to be honest, noone contacted me, that he got my message, and the reciplient has a very bad mobile network coverage. So hopefully noone is laughing his ass off about my stupid messages

Google services are kinda ****ty... Gtalk Question

Here in my country (Honduras) gmaps are bad calibrated... but i have a gtalk issue this time...
I use gtalk a lot to stay in touch with my GF who lives in another city, lately we are having some trouble with gtalk... for example:
1) i send some messages and i expect and answer from her, but later, when i noticed she hasnt answered, i take my phone, and touch the gtlak icon again... ant it says that all the previous messages hasnt been delivered...
2) She send me messages that i dont receive until she calls me ... when we hang up, the phone immediately vibrates and i receive them!
whut should i do? is there a newer version?
Before you blame Google services, you should try and blame - 1) something in your phone setup, 2) the network you're using. Especially considering that the phone (and other phones with those services) are out for a LONG while, and such problems aren't reported.
It sounds like your data connectivity is at fault - because the messages don't get delivered until the phone rings, or randomly stop being delivered. Check your 3G data.
P.S. Check your GPS accuracy (satellites locked, etc) with program like GPS Status.

Google Voice with Moto "talk to me" not working

Moto assist doesn't seem to work correctly with Google voice, or at least I can't get it working. I mostly want it to read my text messages to me when I'm driving, but it only seems to work with my carrier number (which nobody knows because I have used my Google voice number for so long). Of course other features would be nice to get working too, but that is the main one I want. Does anyone know how to make this work?
I use GV also and have the same thing that you do
You now just say "what's up"
Does the reading of texts while driving work with hangout messages?
I really hope they fully integrate it with Google Voice. Actually the deciding factor for getting this phone was the fact that it reads text messages to you while driving (my friend's car does it and it's pretty cool, my car just has the standard hone call bluetooth). I'll try the "what's up" method and see if that works...still not as convenient as it auto reading to me though.
My experience today was my Moto X answering my call while driving and I didn't hear the phone ring or prompt me it was a incoming call. The screen also didn't respond once I got home until I plugged it in and unplugged it again. It showed the battery 44% when the screen came back on.
Sent from my XT1096 using XDA Free mobile app
SilverJester said:
I really hope they fully integrate it with Google Voice. Actually the deciding factor for getting this phone was the fact that it reads text messages to you while driving (my friend's car does it and it's pretty cool, my car just has the standard hone call bluetooth). I'll try the "what's up" method and see if that works...still not as convenient as it auto reading to me though.
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I'm so glad at least a couple other people have the same issue I have. For so many people who own a Moto X + use Google Voice and now that it's all integrated I can't understand why so many people (including media sites) aren't complaining about this - especially with the new Moto X raving reviews.
I'll try to use the "what's up" method but it seems very silly to me.
Does not work with Hangout messages either
abrcrmdl23 said:
Does the reading of texts while driving work with hangout messages?
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I too hae the same problem as the OP.
While in "Talk to Me" mode my moto will verbally announce incomming phone calls, and incomming SMS to my carrier phone number.
The following do NOT result in moto voice verbally announcing (I only get the notification on the lock screen):
- SMS to my GV number.
- MMS (photo with caption) message to my carrier number.
- MMS (text to multiple recipients) message to my carrier number.
- Hangout messages.
Ok, so the photo... not sure how it should best handle that. But the others, I believe it should announce the same as SMS to the carrier phone number.

Letter to Carjoying on Bluetooth.apk issue

Hello Mandy,
I'm emailing back because of the issue with the bluetooth.apk. I notice on the new firmware (May 25) they completely took away the actual bluetooth selection in settings and made it completely dependent on the bluetooth.apk your company created. This would be ok, however the application doesnt allow you to connect OBD2. Especially since the device (OBD2) doesnt allow you to change the password/pin. It keeps saying that the device has disconnected.
Also, it would seem as though that the bluetooth.apk doesnt send ANY information back to the phone to tell it to start a call. This is suppose to happen. I should be able to dial a number through the bluetooth.apk or even through "Ok Google" command and it send the information to the phone but it doesn't. Also, there should be a text messaging app that is similar in the process except it should depend solely on our voices to type the message and send via bluetooth to our phone and then send to the contact. This would be a true hands free app that everyone is looking for.
The Bluetooth app should be getting contact updates from google sync contact but some how this has been a problem since day one, but never addressed. I'm going to go ahead and post this in the forum.carjoying.com forums, but also post it to xda-developers.com forums to see who else is having these issues. I was actually not happy when I found out the new rom update (25may2017) had more issues that the last firmware update.
Ok guys, I know that there is a modded bluetooth apk someone is passing around, however that app keeps causing me to have feedback problems. When making a call, the receiver gets loud feedback on their end.
If would be awesome if I could get a lot of you to email in if you havent already about the bluetooth.apk. It sucks and needs to be fix. Let me know if I should have done something different. Thanks.

