I am looking for the latest method for recovery install, and thereafter install lollipop or the most recent OS that will run on this baby. The phone is already rooted. I have read a whole lot but I am suffering from info over load now.
I did install Rashr and RomManager but neither successfully installed a recovery.
I897 has 2.3.5 rooted stock
Flash a custom kernel, and you're set. Samsung device has their recovery and kernel on the same partition
im using motrola milstone a853 my friends mobile when i took wit him it was rooted and running cm7 i flashed Singapore froyo sbf rom and wana install custom recovery flashed sbf recovery when i try to in stall recovery from sd card it shows installing update veryfing update package and cant find update binary and rebbots to stock recovery again i tryd minimod by fufu openrecovery .etc
If I understand you, you'd like to install a custom recovery, right? If thats what you want, then you need the original vulnerable recovery (which might been overwritten when you flashed the stock froyo rom) first. Follow THIS guide and it has anything you need.
I've been running stock rooted 4.1.2 for a while but my phone randomly reformatted itself last night so now I'm going to keep regular backups of my Rom.
I tried to boot into. CWM Recovery but I keep getting the stock recovery.. if I use Rom manager and flash CWM followed by an automated "reboot into recovery" then it boots into CWM but until I reflash CWM within Rom manager I can only get stock.
I want to try a few roms out so I'd like to "permanently" flash a custom recovery before making a backup!
iamtherealmungo said:
I've been running stock rooted 4.1.2 for a while but my phone randomly reformatted itself last night so now I'm going to keep regular backups of my Rom.
I tried to boot into. CWM Recovery but I keep getting the stock recovery.. if I use Rom manager and flash CWM followed by an automated "reboot into recovery" then it boots into CWM but until I reflash CWM within Rom manager I can only get stock.
I want to try a few roms out so I'd like to "permanently" flash a custom recovery before making a backup!
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try philz touch, it has a function to remove the auto-flash stock recovery. Otherwise there's a method in the general root thread if you want cwm.
This is my second attempt to install custom ROM and I failed... I did everything step by step and it doesn't work. Or it doesnt boot at all or it craches in recovery mode while installing update.
This time i used some nightly unofficial and it stoped installing in recovery :S This is so annoyng
I downloaded stock lastest from code support for my Samsung S5830 because obviously there is non stable version of custom ROM right now.
I do not advise to go over Android 2.3.6 for S5830 or you will burn down your phone system...
Bugeera said:
This is my second attempt to install custom ROM and I failed... I did everything step by step and it doesn't work. Or it doesnt boot at all or it craches in recovery mode while installing update.
This time i used some nightly unofficial and it stoped installing in recovery :S This is so annoyng
I downloaded stock lastest from code support for my Samsung S5830 because obviously there is non stable version of custom ROM right now.
I do not advise to go over Android 2.3.6 for S5830 or you will burn down your phone system...
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What did you do exactly?
Viper The Ripper said:
What did you do exactly?
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Rooted phone with SuperOneClick successfully
downloaded CWM recovery, custom ROM, google apps and newcamera.apk
puted in SD
entered recovery mode, hard reset options (wipe data + catche)
installed zip from SD (CWM recovery)
rebooted recovery
installation of custom ROM stoped with error code (7)
from there i wouldnt be able to boot system
then i used code support and downloaded firmware flash files for S5830
odin installed it but also wont boot up the phone
then i pissed off and took old polish firmware installed with odin, after that did hard reset and now phone is working on 2.3.6
Bugeera said:
Rooted phone with SuperOneClick successfully
downloaded CWM recovery, custom ROM, google apps and newcamera.apk
puted in SD
entered recovery mode, hard reset options (wipe data + catche)
installed zip from SD (CWM recovery)
rebooted recovery
installation of custom ROM stoped with error code (7)
from there i wouldnt be able to boot system
then i used code support and downloaded firmware flash files for S5830
odin installed it but also wont boot up the phone
then i pissed off and took old polish firmware installed with odin, after that did hard reset and now phone is working on 2.3.6
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Ok now you are unrooted on your new polish right. So now root it with UniversalGingerbreadroot.zip (google it.) Flash an older version of CWM(5.0) through the stock recovery. Finally install a stable custom rom initially do not go for CM roms as for testing try some other stock based rom and if successful you can advance to CWM.
All the best.
Bugeera said:
Rooted phone with SuperOneClick successfully
downloaded CWM recovery, custom ROM, google apps and newcamera.apk
puted in SD
entered recovery mode, hard reset options (wipe data + catche)
installed zip from SD (CWM recovery)
rebooted recovery
installation of custom ROM stoped with error code (7)
from there i wouldnt be able to boot system
then i used code support and downloaded firmware flash files for S5830
odin installed it but also wont boot up the phone
then i pissed off and took old polish firmware installed with odin, after that did hard reset and now phone is working on 2.3.6
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Here you'll find ROOT and CWM files to get ready your Ace, than you'll be able to install Customs STOCK Roms, CM7.x, CM9.x, CM10.x
Read carefully the threads in GT-S5830 Android Development section and follow the dev's instructions
PS: To get CM11.x you'll need to flash CWM6.x or TWRP
I tried what I was advised here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/not...pgrading-stubborn-software-t3228423?nocache=1
I can successfully flash it but Kit Kat still boots up every time. I don't know what to do. Maybe twrp? How do I do that.
May also be relevant that I cannot seem to boot into recovery to do the fixes after I flash. 4.4.2 stil comes up.
You could just use Odin to go back to stock, always worked for me. The only reason I could think that you could have problems is that you have a custom rom already that changes your build and model.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
If you need to install stock rom you need to make sure build number is N900AUCUCNC2 and then use odin to install .
If you need to install root rom install Towelroot from play store and make sure wifi or data network is on during root then install SuperSU
BusyBox (open BusyBox and install from inside ), "Safestrap-HLTEATT-NC2-3.75-B03" recovery from fourm put your prerooted rom in sd card open Safestrap and boot to recovery you will be able to install rooted rom from there .
Hello, just bought an used i8190. Since last friday i have been trying to flash a custom recovery on this phone via Odin, but after i flash it returns to the default recovery on next boot.
Yes, i have unchecked the "Auto-reboot" option on Odin. I turn off the phone and then manually enter recovery but with no results. I rooted the phone pretty easily and installed both TWRP and CWM apps to flash from android, but they don't work either (twrp crashes always and CWM just gives me an error.
Mi baseband model is XXAll2
kernel is 3.0.31 [email protected] (root name seems weird)
I searched the forum and found similar cases with the baseband, but even so i haven't found a concrete solution.
I even flashed a new pre-rooted rom from this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2030282
Mi compilation number has changed to XXAMG1 but the baseband remains the same. I can't flash a recovery whatever i try.
I hope someone can give me an answer, cause i really want to use this phone feautures to it's fullest
Somehow, i managed to flash CWM via it's app successfully. However, when i tried to flash the TWRP via zip all i got was a blank screen and the phone booted directly to Android. I had to reflash the cwm with the app. However, i tried flashing via odin the Lineage os 14 from novafusion and i got a bootloop, reflashed the old stock firmware and now my device works but the recovery doesn't, and can't even flash this time via the app.
I tried flashing via ODIN stock recovery and other recoverys and i still get the same result. I have downloaded some stock roms, but im afraid to flash them in case i end up in a bootloop and unable to access recovery still
Any clues?
Glass_Arcana said:
Somehow, i managed to flash CWM via it's app successfully. However, when i tried to flash the TWRP via zip all i got was a blank screen and the phone booted directly to Android. I had to reflash the cwm with the app. However, i tried flashing via odin the Lineage os 14 from novafusion and i got a bootloop, reflashed the old stock firmware and now my device works but the recovery doesn't, and can't even flash this time via the app.
I tried flashing via ODIN stock recovery and other recoverys and i still get the same result. I have downloaded some stock roms, but im afraid to flash them in case i end up in a bootloop and unable to access recovery still
Any clues?
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Flash the stock rom as it will fix bootloops and bricked devices. Make sure to have the right ROM and flash it with Odin. The os may take longer on first boot and make sure to factory reset it as data may cause bootloops, then try flashing the recovery.
I flashed twrp 3.1.1 through Odin