New Rom Coming For Droid 3 - Motorola Droid 3

All I Have To Say So Far Is That The Maker Of My Rom Base is chevycam94
Also The Rom Base Is Stell Droid


Can CyanogenMod 7 for Droid work on Milestone 2?

Hello all, I was wondering if the CyanogenMod 7 for Droid :: V7.0.0-RC4 (30 March 2011) or any other Gingerbread Custom Rom out there can be installed on a Droid 2 Global (aka Milestone 2) phone? Thanks,
100% no... your phone can be bricked..
for miley 2, go here...
Thank you so much. It seems like we need more time for them to come up with a stable Gingerbread rom.
yep.. be patience..

[Q] ROM question.

Ok so I'm still very new to all the Droid Rooting scene and I have a question.
I want to flash Steel Droid 9 to my droid but it says it is updated to 2.3.7 base. Do I have to update my android to version 2.3.7?
(currently 2.2.3)
Are you using a stock ROM? You might want to follow the Cyanogenmod Full Update Guide for the Motorola Droid in orde to change ROMs.
Replace instances of the cyanogenmod rom to the steel droid 9 zip you have.
And no, you don't need to update your current Android version to 2.3.7 as the ROM takes care of it.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried flashing to a Motorola Droid.
Good luck!

[Q] Help ! Droid 3 ICS

I`m new to the forum and new to the android world. I have the droid 3 winth android 2.3, and I`ve been looking for a way to upgrade it to ICS. I would like to know if there is any way to upgrade the droid 3 to android 4.0, but with a stable version, because i read about some roms that comes with a lot of bugs, like the camera not working or others problems. So please, is there any great android 4.0 rom for my droid 3 ??
Thanks, and sorry if i disrespect any rule !
igor_quintal said:
I`m new to the forum and new to the android world. I have the droid 3 winth android 2.3, and I`ve been looking for a way to upgrade it to ICS. I would like to know if there is any way to upgrade the droid 3 to android 4.0, but with a stable version, because i read about some roms that comes with a lot of bugs, like the camera not working or others problems. So please, is there any great android 4.0 rom for my droid 3 ??
Thanks, and sorry if i disrespect any rule !
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Yes there's a ICS with but it's not stable and not finished and it probably won't be finished. This is because after the ICS version a way was found to load custom kernel on D3. Hashcode is currently busy getting JB to work with a custom kernel on the D3, and while it doens't have camera it's way faster and very close to a daily rom IMO.

[Q] AOKP suport Droid 3

Hi, AOKP is now supported Droid 3 (XT862). How to make porting to other Droids: XT860, XT861 and XT863? See link: AOPK (
I wish it was updated as fast as cyanogen, but I think it get ported from them. I like AOKP better

[Q] Best Stable ROM for VZW Droid Bionic

Need to know which ROM is the most stable to use on this phone. Running an old version of Eclipse and have been happy with it. Wondering if I should update to latest Eclipse 5..1 build or try a different ROM. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
The old Eclipse was stock based the new is based off of AOSP. I find that stock based ROMs are more stable over the more customizable source based ROMs. That being said I have been running Flying Jelly for a few months at a time and personally it has been the best fit for my Bionic. There are a few Stock ROMs to choose from though
Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk 2

