Hey guys, a couple of days ago, my phone started popping up those 'Unfortunately.. has stopped working" messages for a lot of programs. For example, camera stopped, keyboard, gmail etc. What would cause this?
I then proceeded to backup and I did a factory reset by doing it via phone which worked but then I kept on getting the same messages. I then proceeded to use Smart Switch on the PC to do a reset but the same things happen. Added with this was when I did the email verification I had to get a new password but did a reset after that and I think the phone is locked for 72 hours via the email verification.
I plan on taking it back to the dealer to get it sent in.
Is there anything else I could have done or still do?
if you flashed new rom with smart switch and messages keeps pops out, problem must be hardware related.
I would guess so. I didn't flash any rom, just stock. I brought it back to the dealer to send off to Samsung
I have flashed this rom onto my phone twice, both times working fine for maybe 3-4 days, after which the messaging fails to initiate when I attempt to open it. Not only do I not receive email or text, but I cannot even open the app to read any messages already there. The first time I thought I might have messed something up, but it happened again when I wasn't even using my phone. I've tried soft resetting to no avail. I don't want to hard reset every time this happens, for obvious reasons. Can this be corrected in the registry? I don't understand why this is happening, but any help is very much appreciated.
Whenever I had problems with the Messaging app not opening, it was because I was saving attachments to the Storage Card, and somehow, the card became corrupted. Once I stopped doing that, I didn't have any more issues.
For what it's worth, the problems with the storage card getting corrupted stopped when I stopped syncing the phone via USB and went Bluetooth/OTA only.
im having the same thing happen.. any update?
How about you say which rom you are using .... That info would be greatly helpful in your question. There are many touch it roms.
I have a rooted GT-i9000m (bell Galaxy S Vibrant). I used the one click lag fix to root my phone and it works fine.
A few days ago out of no where all the apps started auto closing as soon as i opened them and then both the menu and back touch buttons lit up and the screen went black. I held the power down till it rebooted only to get and error with com.android.calendar even tho I never use the app. When it finish's booting none of my installed apps are showing.
The first time it happened with com.android.app and I did a full wipe and factory reset and just reinstalled everything.
Ideally I don't want to system reset to factory settings again and lose all my files and notes that i copied back on to the phone 2days ago...
Please note I have tried clearing the data for the calendar app in settings -> apps and i cleared the calendar back up. My problem is that none of my installed apps are showing...
(Update) I also cant reinstall or update apps due to a Installation error - Insufficient storage. But there's room on both SD cards. I also set 850mb for apps when i did the one click lag fix and i don't have 850mb of apps installed.
(Update 2) I did a factory reset again this time i didn't format the internal and external SD cards. (It works like new again) Thus I got to keep all my personal files and ring tones ect. The only thing that was deleted that I didn't back up is my Notes. This leads me to my new question whats best for backing up apps on a rooted SGS (bell Vibrant)?
If anyone has answers they would be much appreciated.
i had the same problem
install rom manager from the market place
there is a option in there "Fix Permissions" just run that and it will fix it up for you
only takes 1-2min to run
Tried what you said but i cant install anything... I get Installation Error - Insufficient storage available.
I now understand the cause of the problem. I change my battery once and some times twice a day. At first I would wait for the long shut down (untill the screen goes totaly black) and then take off the back and swap out the battery. At least 3 times the phone would boot up and ask me for the network unlock code (I bought the unlock code directly from bell for 75$). I found this rather annoying so i tried just taking the battery out wile it was on (idle) and it appeared to work flawlessly at least 20-30 times before the phone would start to do an endless force close loop cycle. This kept forcing me to do a factory reset on the phone. I can only assume the one click lag fix and my disregard for the need of the shutdown before removing the battery must be all the cause of my problems.
I will try and see if my phone is more stable with out the one click lag fix.
nope that is not the cause of the problem
but it sounds like you are another victim of the lag fixes that is killing your internal SD card.
not the fault of the lag fix, it just make the problem apear sooner than later
I have been having a similar issue and I'm using Voodoo lagfix. I think it's because I took the battery out before it had completely shut down.
read this
Well the phone bit the dust today. I opened up google maps to look up an address and it crashed with the usual error. So i rebooted the phone and now it stays stuck at the boot logo. (the glowing S with both touch keys staying lit) So i did the recovery thing again but this time I had to do the Vol-up + home + power in order to get the phone working some what. IDK but it wont let me log into my google account to sync my contacts. My APN settings are correct and working and I even tried off my Wifi at home. I'll just hope its a google problem and not my phone acting up. Thanks for the pointer to the bad internal SD. That may be the problem kinda hard to prove it to Samy thoe...
I get force close errors after about 4-7 days of use. Now its gotten worse. A few days ago I was looking up an address and my phone crashed and rebooted it self. It then hug at the S boot logo for 20mins. I got to my friends apartment building to find my phone still stuck at this boot logo. I couldn't remember his apartment number or buzzer code... Normally i just check my contacts list and buzz the code. I was standing out side in the Canadian fall cold wind trying to get this phone to work... OMG i almost just smashed it on the spot. Anyways I remembered about something i had read on this forum about the recovery mode ( i had used it to root ) so i tried that out got the little menu and tried every option before having to do the dreaded factory reset. Well nothing work with the exception of the factory reset it got my phone working in about 5mins... LOL
Anyways I thought I might try upgrading the firmware when I got home. What a mistake... I cant control my phones MP3 player via my bluetooth car stereo any longer. Tried everything even a factory reset and formatting the internal and external SD's. I tried running it with out rooting it again and with out the lag fix in hopes that I wouldn't get a force close error. Wouldn't you know it about 5 hours after the factory reset un-rooted just after i finish coping over all my music. I get a force close error! So I tried again and this time the phone ran for about 30hours before it started giving me force close errors about the email now...
Sigh I've tried just about everything in my power to make this phone work. So I assumed it must be the phone... I called Samsung up to get a RMA going... Wouldn't you know it they tell me that I have to call my carrier to get it RMA/repaired. I try to explain that I bought the phone with out a contract and bought the unlock code from Bell so I could use it on Fido. They tell me to call Fido... ROFL Fido wouldn't even give me their APN settings when i got this phone so knew they would be of no help. They don't even have one android phone in their line up i tell the sammy rep. So they tell me I should go back to the Bell store I bought it from to get it repaired/RMA'ed.
I doubt Bell will be of much help but here's hoping.
Do you think my phone is broken, bad flash, buggy memory, ect and needs to be RMA'ed?
I got my phone back from repairs 2 weeks ago. They flat out replaced the phone for a new one. This was a huge headache for me because the new one wasn't unlocked. Took Bell 2 hours to get the new one unlocked wile my wife waited out side double parked downtown! (I thought it would be a quick pick up and I would be out) The blue-tooth works flawlessly again!!
Much to my dismay the replacement phone has started acting up much like my first one did. It gets several force close errors a day and has gotten to the point where it no longer can send or receive text messages (using Handcent). The stock Music Player app also force closes at random with more frequently. It looks like I got another Lemon. This time around I did NOT root, lag-fix, or flash firmware. I will be sending it for repairs as soon as I can afford to buy another phone to use wile this one is off at repairs. My back up phone is a 3~ year old Iphone3g that my son has made his... (cracked screen, vol rockers dont work, power button is jammed in, the LCD screen it self is bleeding on the top edge)
The Vibrant never let me down other than as a phone. As a divx player or using all-share it rocks! I use these features A LOT to play my 720p divx movies on any TV or the projector in the bedroom .
with that being said I might keep the phone just as a portable movie player to bring from place to place and put my sim in something more stable.
So this morning when i got up to get to work, i looked at my SGS, checked the gold prices app, stuck it in my pocket, then went to work.
at about 3pm i took out my phone to fiddle with it for a bit, and it was at the initial setup screen, the series of promts you get when you first switch on the phone after unboxing it... i skipped through and found that all my settings were gone, and all my contacts were gone, except for the stock crap that comes with the simcard.. my history was gone, but some of my SMS's had survived.
None of the applications were gone however the menus had been re-arranged, and several of the apps froze immidiately when they were opened; it seems all settings within the applications have been erased as well.
The applications that did not open, i deleted then re-installed from the market, and the fresh downloads seem to work.
I have managed to scrape ~15 contacts from the few sms's that are in the history, but this is well short of the ~400 i have lost. I would be able to get more back if i could sync it with facebook, which isnt working (says "sync is down"). I stupidly dont have anything backed up on my computer, and an old (januaryish) backup of my contacts on my dads computer i couldnt find the file for.. (probably deleted). The reason i didnt do a backup is because i didnt expect this to happen, i dont mod the phone or do any dodgey downloading that would cause such a crash.
I have no definate idea what could have caused this, as the phone was running totally without issue for ages, and had no major setting changes or application installs for weeks before today. I know it happened today, because in the morning i checked the goldprices app, which worked fine, and after the crash that was one of the applications that didnt work. Meaning it happened between 9am and 3pm. During this whole time the phone was in my pocket, it had no impacts, and i was not near any machinery that might emit strong heat/magnetic fields all day. My only suspiction, is that i was given an iphone for the day, which i stuck in the same pocket.. and maybe the added magnetic field / radio signal could have stuffed the SGS up.
This really is a bad thing for me, so if anyone has any ideas on how i could get my contacts back i would definately appreciate it.. I thought about putting in a complaint to samsung but ive known for a while that they dont care about their own customers..
hey bro which rom where u using??
they should automatically sync with google, unless you unchecked the option.
check under settings options in contacts and see if there is a way to restore them, i know there is but its been so long since i have been on a stock samsung rom i cant remember...
Hi mate, i flashed a kernel to it weeks ago and thats about it, thisi s what it says in settings/about phone
firmware version: 2.2
baseband version: i9000DTJP3
kernel version: [email protected] #22
build number: FROYO.DTJP5
I need to bump this up because this has happened to me AGAIN
This time there was no iphone, the phone coincodentally was sitting in front of me and i watched it reset itself, when it booted up it was in the initial setup screen, after which i got force close errors for facebook and gmail.
It appears this time that my contacts and messages and apps, and data, and settings... did not get lost, however MOST of the applications, including the stock ones and autostart ones, give Force close errors, including the force close errors i get on startup from the stock gmail app and the facebook for android app.
last time i did not remedy this, i scavenged what data i could, and deleted/re-downloaded the applications that didnt work, note; this didnt work for all of them.
I cant however delete the stock gmail app and i would rather treat the source of this issue than its symptoms.
Have already tried: factory reset/data wipe from CWM recovery boot
cache partition wipe
fix permissions
went to attatch it to kies to see if updating the firmware would work, but clicking 'update' i get a strange error in a non-english language, and the update does not perform.
Although now i cant even get it to connect to kies..
So my wife and I both got Thrills the day they were released. Only a couple weeks after getting them my wife started having trouble receiving MMS's. Even with the "auto-download" setting enabled MMS's stopped auto-downloading and if she pushed download it would just say "downloading" and never download until she rebooted her phone. Mine was working fine so I didn't pay too much attention. I kinda figured it was cause she messages a hell of a lot more than me and it might be a glitch there. One day I started having the same problem so I assumed I had reached the number of MMSs that she had when she started having the problem. So I deleted all my text messages in the messaging app. So she sends me an MMS today and same thing, didn't auto-download, won't download when I click the button. I refuse to reboot my phone for everything. Anyone else having this problem? Know whats going on? Have a fix that doesn't require root or a new rom?
TylDurden said:
So my wife and I both got Thrills the day they were released. Only a couple weeks after getting them my wife started having trouble receiving MMS's. Even with the "auto-download" setting enabled MMS's stopped auto-downloading and if she pushed download it would just say "downloading" and never download until she rebooted her phone. Mine was working fine so I didn't pay too much attention. I kinda figured it was cause she messages a hell of a lot more than me and it might be a glitch there. One day I started having the same problem so I assumed I had reached the number of MMSs that she had when she started having the problem. So I deleted all my text messages in the messaging app. So she sends me an MMS today and same thing, didn't auto-download, won't download when I click the button. I refuse to reboot my phone for everything. Anyone else having this problem? Know whats going on? Have a fix that doesn't require root or a new rom?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Had the same issue when I got my Thrill, I had to edit a setting. I forget what it was.....another thing that's stopped my MMS is having a **** load of Message in my inbox that aren't deleted.
Go t settings and set up auto delete, clear cache, & change what you please, after that report back in a day
Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Clear cache? In message settings? I actually deleted all my texts and still have this problem. I never set up auto delete on mine but I did my wife's. Either way it still happened to both of us. This "clear cache" sounds like a winner. I wonder if the pics get downloaded but just don't show up in the app. The next time it happens I'm gonna search the folder with ES and see if it's there.
I know there is a lot of information on this, however my problem appears to be a bit more chronic all of a sudden. If anyone has any idea what this is (especially if it is a possible hardware issue), I would really appreciate it.
This started the past weekend and has been driving me crazy ever since. After uninstalling facebook on Saturday, I got the pop up. Rather than messing with trying to fix it, I went and reflashed the rom. While restoring all my apps, the error popped up again. Convinced there as something up on the phone or the sdcard file system, I restored back to stock 4.4.2 with odin. I rooted, went through the same restore process and after one of my reboots, it came back. Finally I searched and did "restore app defaults" in the application manager. That worked for a while, but came back a few times, until finally that method wouldn't fix it anymore.
Last night I reflashed with odin again. This time I didn't root. Everything was fine all day until I decided to uninstall twitter and the acore message is back. Doing an app reset did fix it again, however I am afraid at this point to reboot the phone or do anything else.
I had this problem maybe once about 3 months ago, now I can't get ride of it no matter what I do. I should also point out that I did not do a TiBu restore or anything, I installed all my apps through the play store.
Thanks in advance guys
Have you tried going into application manager and clearing data for contact storage? It's what I do when I get this error message
majortaylor said:
Have you tried going into application manager and clearing data for contact storage? It's what I do when I get this error message
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did that, however it usually didn't work. I had to reset all application defaults and the issue usually went away. During one of my reflashes, even that didn't work anymore.
Seems like the issues started when either I turned off one of the bloatware apps, or deleted something. Sometimes the acore would start right away, other's after I rebooted the phone.
This last time, I got the phone setup, I got 2 acore's early on (Clearing app defaults worked both times). I didn't do anything else to the phone for a few days. Last night I finally rooted, installed safestrap and my other root apps and so far everything seems stable. I will just do a twrp backup before removing anything in the event things go bad again.
What still bothers me is don't know what caused this all of a sudden. I've been flashing roms for years and never once had this sort of problem. I will all set to consider this a hardware issue, until it finally settled down.