I present to you JyROM
JyROM features:
Deodexed [ Thanks to Dark-Lord]
Semi Transparent UI (Normal Themes:Black,Blue,Silk etc..)
Will get the Background of 4.3 Theme when applied
Ram Optimized
Lag Eliminate
Cybershot [Thanks To Rizal Lovins]
All themes Added
Defrag,WIFI hibernated
Zipaligned,Deep Sleep
Media Tweaks
Build.Prop tweak , Default.prop[v6 Supercharger]
Some EXR Framework [thanks to EXR]
v1.0.2 Patch
Xposed Installer,Xperia xposed added
Change System UI to stock
Stock Settings
No Lag/Delay
2.Unlocked bootloader
3.Working Brain
How To Install:
Download the zip - > Paste to your SD card or any storage ->Boot to recovery ->Flash The ROM and Super SU(If you want to be rooted)
Don't Forget To Press "THANKS!"
If Camera [Cybershot™] is not working activate xperia xpose
open xpose installer tap install/update->go to module check xperia xpose
reboot then open xperia xpose go to system grant super user and activate supersu mod
Screenshot Attached:
or :
Will add more later
nice! downloading. . . . .
will try this later.
**daming pwedeng textmate sa screenshot a, haha
Can you link the screenshots here? Couldn't view drive with phone. Willing to test your Rom.
Sent from my LT25i using Tapatalk
which device is it for? TX T or V?
XV, as you can see when opening the download link.
Please make a de-odexed version also!
cnkhanh said:
Please make a de-odexed version also!
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Click to collapse
It is already
Sent from my LT25i using Tapatalk
I have a question, has mounting the system in recovery been resolved?
Can you also post known bugs?
Thank you in advance.
sorry for the noob question...
What version of super SU i should use?
Can i have a link?
I suppose DarkLord's:
Below download links in #1.
Why is it 720 MB?
Cybershot not working - FC.
someone like me is experiencing empty "contact" list?
chinese stuff in Settings is FC.
i feel bit laggy.
CyberShot FC !!
Gonna make a patch later thanks for the feedback guys
dyfk3l said:
Cybershot not working - FC.
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Try installing supersu mod
Via instlling xposed framework and xperia xposed
Where can I find Developer Options for the USB Debugging option? now I can't install CWM
shadowhunter20 said:
Where can I find Developer Options for the USB Debugging option? now I can't install CWM
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just tap "Build Number" Many times
[Settings->About Phone]
Quick question:
Does it already include CWM, or shall we flash it after SU?
I want to try it, but want to make sure I do the right thing before I spend hours installing all my apps.
I can't sync my contacts. My google account isn't appearing.
not only that, can't install CWM.
UPDATED: Updated V4A flash file to Viper4Android v2.4.0.1 and added notes about the TabS AOSP Marshmallow custom ROM compatibility by Schischu.
The obligatory warning:
"I take no responsibility for what happens to your device if you follow this guide. This procedure works with multiple Audio/Video apps. It should work for any Samsung device, but I can't confirm, so feedback please if it works for your device."
- 3DSammy
Root with SuperSU is required either using a standard rooting method that trips KNOX or following this guide "[GUIDE] How to root without tripping knox - Kitkat and Lollipop, Locked bootloader" by ashyx. Having SuperSU installed and functioning is essential to get around Viper4Android's need for SELinux permissive mode which is not possible when you are using the Samsung stock firmware.
As of June 8th maximumentropy posted a method to use SuperSU to work around Viper4Android's need for SELinux permissive mode. This requirement was problematic on Samsung devices where the SELinux mode changer app did not work with the Samsung stock firmware.
The instructions and flash files below will allow both custom ROM and rooted stock ROM devices to install Viper4Android, an amazing audio replacement.
Note: V4A and the included flash file works with the AOSP Marshmallow custom ROM compatibility by Schischu. Any of the SoundAlive comments below can be ignored for this custom ROM.
1) Download the two flash files "" and "" (at the bottom of this post)
2) Flash and with FlashFire or a Custom Recovery (e.g. TWRP) of your choice.
3) If you want Spotify to work and maybe other audio/video apps then Samsung's "SoundAlive" must be removed or disabled. Options:
Backup then freeze or delete "SoundAlive 2.0" with Titanium Backup
Backup then delete the "/system/priv-app/SoundAlive_Tablet_20" directory with a File Manager that has RW "/system" privileges
Remove "SoundAlive" with an app like "System Remover app" found on the Playstore
4) Reboot your device and then start Viper4AndroidFX and install its drivers when prompted then reboot once more
5) Start the Viper4AndroidFX app and configure audio for the device speakers/headset/bluetooth as desired. Please refer to Viper4Android XDA forum for details about the extensive options.
Be aware that if you do not disable/remove SoundAlive then Spotify will disable V4A until the next device reboot. Causing confusion about whether V4A is actually working reliably. Other audio apps may also demonstrate this tendency.
If you check the V4A driver status and audio is not playing the status will show "Processing: No" that should change to "Yes" when audio is playing and V4A is working correctly.
A Rule-of-Thumb with V4A is to make sure to turn off any Audio/Video player app's specific equalizers, gain controls, audio effects, ... etc, as they interfere with Viper4Android. If you still cannot get Viper4Android working with a specific app, that's not listed in this thread, then search first then if necessary ask on the V4A's XDA forum.
So far the following Audio/Video apps have been successfully tested with V4A:
Neutron audio player (Settings and uncheck Equalizer;Sound Sound;DSP-Effects->Surround Sound;Relay Gain;Normalization)
MX Player Pro (Settings->Audio->Volume Boost unchecked)
Spotify (If it is working properly the Spotify->Settings->Equalizer will directly display the V4A app)
TuneIn Radio
Google Music Player
PowerAmp (PowerAmp Settings->Advanced->Uncheck everything)
ViralPro (a YouTube alternative)
Apps that do not work with V4A (likely due to the removal of "SoundAlive"):
Samsung's "Music" app (still plays audio but not by utilizing V4A processing)
Please post any apps not mentioned here, which you either get working or that have problems with after checking the V4A XDA forum.
If you have SuperSU working and have never tried V4A do so and you ears with thank you!
zhuhang: For developing Viper4Android in the first place
Chainfire: For developing SuperSu and FlashFire
ashyx: For providing the "How to root without tripping knox - Kitkat and Lollipop, Locked bootloader" guide
maximumentropy: For posting the method and flash file to work around V4A's need for SELinux
AndrasLOHF: Who's post is where I grabbed the original V4A install script.
Schischu: For AOSP Marshmallow custom ROM
Zip file(s):
V4A install for a Tab S
Thanks worked like a charm. Been trying to figure it out for about a week
+1! Stable viper performance with LP, great sound, thank you so much!
Best, maris
Thanks man, It works like a champ and beats my Bose speakers same as S6
Brilliant job mate...
PS. I spent almost a week to switch between KK snd LP. Even S6 was easies with V4A
Worked great. Thanks
works great on my sm-T700 thanks..
Works great on my MOAR S5
will try on the tab s t705c.
3DSammy said:
Flash and
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Hi and thanks a lot for helping others out with the notoriously difficult to install viper app.
I presume the supolicy zip is intended as an alternative to setting selinux permissive. Any negatives to using one method over the other?
Also, can you please explain what your application zip does exactly. Does it just install the original viper as a system application or did you make any other modifications?
schiphol said:
Hi and thanks a lot for helping others out with the notoriously difficult to install viper app.
I presume the supolicy zip is intended as an alternative to setting selinux permissive. Any negatives to using one method over the other?
Also, can you please explain what your application zip does exactly. Does it just install the original viper as a system application or did you make any other modifications?
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Either method of getting V4A permissive mode will work but if you rooted and maintained KNOX the stock bootloader blocks SELinux from setting permissive mode so the supolicy is your only alternative. Besides I read a comment from Chainfire who indicates that using permissive mode system wide is poor security practice. On my Nexus 5 which is running marshmallow I found all I needed was two supolicies to get all my root apps running and they were for V4A and stickmount.
The supplied V4A flash file installs V4A in /system/priv-app, sets permissions and attempts to delete two apps that the stock Samsung firmware does not have. Those audio apps are in the Google stock firmware and do no harm as there is nothing to delete. The flash file is based off one for V4A on a Nexus 5. I choose to not delete the Samsung audio app as some people may want to back it up, besides I documented three ways to deal with that app.
I hope you enjoy V4A.
Sent from my SM-T800 using XDA Premium HD app
Dr.Ketan V4A fix for stock touchwiz android 5.0.2 work like a charm on my Tab S T705
Simple as install normal apk, one tap. Done. Here
This thread is impressive it work !!!!
Thanks. Tried this on my tab S. Works.
RocketPlayer is another music app that works with V4A.
Wow, I wish I had seen this thread sooner. Maybe I can fix the sucky Bluetooth performance in my tab now! Can't wait to try it. Thanks!
Working perfectly in Galaxy Alpha (g850m - Exynos) with enabled root and native kernel, including the Mix Radio (without special settings).
Thank you so much you saved my travels to work !!!
Does V4A not work on KitKat? I decided to downgrade back to KitKat but can't get it to work.
noxarcana said:
Does V4A not work on KitKat? I decided to downgrade back to KitKat but can't get it to work.
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Yes the app works on KitKat but the directory structure for apps on /system changed. I'd suggest going to the ViPER4Android XDA forum and searching for KitKat installs. That forum link is in the OP (first post).
Sent from my SM-T800 using XDA Premium HD app
3DSammy said:
Yes the app works on KitKat but the directory structure for apps on /system changed. I'd suggest going to the ViPER4Android XDA forum and searching for KitKat installs. That forum link is in the OP (first post).
Sent from my SM-T800 using XDA Premium HD app
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Ok. Thanks for the reply!
Edit: So, I was't able to find anything there about Kitkat specific installation, but I did find someone that help me figure out what my issue was.
Wow.. Excellent its working on my samung J2 J200F
Very very thanks 3DSammy, I rooted my new samsung j2 only for viper4adroid and I tried a lot and failed and many times ended in boot loop but this time Great Success, Its working fine on Stock Rom with TWRP recovery. But its only working perfect in compatible mode only (normal mode just work for some seconds only then processing stopped) but no problem I am happy .
This magisk module Google Phone Contacts Messages Installer systemlessly, rrplaces stock (AOSP) phone, contacts & messaging apps. Compatible with Magisk v14
When you don't like stock/AOSP phone, contacts & messages apps; when you don't like to use aroma opengapps installer; when you don't like to install google phone, contacts & messages apps as secondary user apps... this module is for you!
How to..
Install using Magisk manager 5.3 & up
Install using TWRP recovery
Download link: (module file is in following folders)..
(Arm32 module should work now, arm64 works nice!)
(Not working with oreo devices for now)
Note: 1. Apps are taken from Apkmirror and apps are unmodified
Note: 2. Select default phone app as phone (in system settings/apps/settings/default apps settings) otherwise caller ID won't be visible
Arm64 & Arm32 both variants are updated with nodpi apps. Arm32 variant should work now.
Fixed weird issues with magisk manager v5.4
Fixed wrong module version
Updated to latest magisk template
Initial build
Changelogs: Fixed wrong version code.
Download link:
A kind request for ARM version also , If it's possible. :fingers-crossed:
Best Regards. :good:
Dark❶ said:
A kind request for ARM version also , If it's possible. :fingers-crossed:
Best Regards. :good:
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I'll make it today. Only issue is i can't test arm32 version as I don't have arm32 device. Though I'll upload test version here today. Test it if you can.
Dark❶ said:
A kind request for ARM version also , If it's possible. :fingers-crossed:
Best Regards. :good:
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Ok... Here the test file... for arm32 devices..
Test it & tell.
dr.bathman said:
I'll make it today. Only issue is i can't test arm32 version as I don't have arm32 device. Though I'll upload test version here today. Test it if you can.
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dr.bathman said:
Ok... Here the test file... for arm32 devices..
Test it & tell.
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Thank you very much. :good::good::good:
I'll Test it , and report.
best Regards.
dr.bathman said:
Changelogs: Fixed wrong version code.
Download link:
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Installed v2.3 over v2.2, but in magisk manager appears v.2.2
---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
jordirpz said:
Installed v2.3 over v2.2, but in magisk manager appears v.2.2
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Unistalled v2.2, and installed v2.3.
v2.2 appears in magisk manager
I have magisk anager 5.4(57) and magisk 14 but I don't have this module listed (already deleted cach deposit) searched all the keywords but nothing
also if I get it working do we have to flash a new version everytime the dialer or contact app are updated or just installing new apps versions from apkmirror ?
sheraro said:
I have magisk anager 5.4(57) and magisk 14 but I don't have this module listed (already deleted cach deposit) searched all the keywords but nothing
also if I get it working do we have to flash a new version everytime the dialer or contact app are updated or just installing new apps versions from apkmirror ?
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Listed where? And this is not in official magisk module repo. You need to flash it manually after downloading from here.
jordirpz said:
Installed v2.3 over v2.2, but in magisk manager appears v.2.2
---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
Unistalled v2.2, and installed v2.3.
v2.2 appears in magisk manager
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Ok.. thanks for report, renamed it to v2.2
Actually there was only a writo changed in v2.3 so i reverted name v2.2 for v2.3
dr.bathman said:
Ok... Here the test file... for arm32 devices..
Test it & tell.
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Well !!! Here the report.
1. It installed very well in TWRP.
2. Booting to "System" made a massive Optimization of 133 app's , coz of "" file , No Problem. :fingers-crossed:
3. Contacts app Installed and Working very well. :good:
4. Phone[Dialer] app Installed and not working , It's force closing for every start.
5. Message app on other hand it did not install and installing manually from your zip file also fail's saying "App not Installed" error.
I have fixed it back by disabling the module.
Best Regards.
Dark❶ said:
Well !!! Here the report.
1. It installed very well in TWRP.
2. Booting to "System" made a massive Optimization of 133 app's , coz of "" file , No Problem. :fingers-crossed:
3. Contacts app Installed and Working very well. :good:
4. Phone[Dialer] app Installed and not working , It's force closing for every start.
5. Message app on other hand it did not install and installing manually from your zip file also fail's saying "App not Installed" error.
I have fixed it back by disabling the module.
Best Regards.
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Phone & messaging apps are not working for you because of wrong apps for your phone. Provide me phone maximum resolution, android version you're using.
Dark❶ said:
Well !!! Here the report.
1. It installed very well in TWRP.
2. Booting to "System" made a massive Optimization of 133 app's , coz of "" file , No Problem. :fingers-crossed:
3. Contacts app Installed and Working very well. :good:
4. Phone[Dialer] app Installed and not working , It's force closing for every start.
5. Message app on other hand it did not install and installing manually from your zip file also fail's saying "App not Installed" error.
I have fixed it back by disabling the module.
Best Regards.
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Thanks for testing
Try this new one..
dr.bathman said:
Listed where? And this is not in official magisk module repo. You need to flash it manually after downloading from here.
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flashed v2.3 with magisk manager but the result -> all modules got deleted and couldn't install them again (instalation of a module goes well but that module isn't listed as installed even after reboot/delete magisk's cach/delete magisk's data), I solved the issu by uninstalling completly magisk and reinstalling it again. Didn't try to flash through recovery though (too afraid to reinstall all my modules again !)
sheraro said:
flashed v2.3 with magisk manager but the result -> all modules got deleted and couldn't install them again (instalation of a module goes well but that module isn't listed as installed even after reboot/delete magisk's cach/delete magisk's data), I solved the issu by uninstalling completly magisk and reinstalling it again. Didn't try to flash through recovery though (too afraid to reinstall all my modules again !)
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Flash the module directly from twrp, this won't happen, this happens randomly with new magisk manager 5.4
dr.bathman said:
Thanks for testing
Try this new one..
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Thanks , I'll try this One. :good:
My Phone Andy Ver : Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23) :angel:
I'll get my Max Resolution with DPI soon...
EDIT: Screen Resolution : 720x1280 pix's & Density : 320 DPI.
Best Regards. :good:
dr.bathman said:
Flash the module directly from twrp, this won't happen, this happens randomly with new magisk manager 5.4
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it did work thanks
For updates, the apps can be updated through playstore ? apkmirror ? or updated zip ?
sheraro said:
it did work thanks
For updates, the apps can be updated through playstore ? apkmirror ? or updated zip ?
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Yes, can be updated.
Delete that module &
Try this new one, install from magisk manager & tell me similar issue happens or not..
(If similar issue happens, just go to twrp & flash module & all your modules will be back + this module will also appear)
dr.bathman said:
Yes, can be updated.
Delete that module &
Try this new one, install from magisk manager & tell me similar issue happens or not..
(If similar issue happens, just go to twrp & flash module & all your modules will be back + this module will also appear)
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ok it worked great through magisk manager with the latest 2.2.1 version, no modules disapearing bug
What's good everyone!
I use the AirAudio app and pretty much enjoy streaming my music from services (such as Spotify) to any capable device at home, work or at my friend's house.
Now the module itself hasn't been updated and isn't compatible with the latest version of Magisk (v16), so I went ahead and made it compatible with it.
It'll be attached to this thread, simply download and install it manually.
I'll also try and upload it to the repository.
I am NOT affiliated with AirAudio.
I'm simply a user like you. I just noticed it's outdated and updated it.
Note for Moderators:
In case the actual AirAudio dev reaches out to you, let me know and feel free to close this thread.
In the meantime, I'd like users to use my updated module to use their app to the full extent.
AirAudio Devs - AirAudio ; Original Magisk Module
topjohnwu - Magisk, Magisk template
Me? - Update
I have installed it in LOS 15.1. How to use it? Can't see an UI?
I loved!
How do this compare to the air audio app on play store? I cannot find any app or setting to use this module after installing with magisk
karstensson said:
How do this compare to the air audio app on play store? I cannot find any app or setting to use this module after installing with magisk
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you have to use both together. This module allows the app to use the "system mode" from the app and get the sound directly internally to send it over the wlan. The other mode from air audio is much worse as it is has to play the sound over the speaker and record it over the microphone.
For me this Magisk package is working wonderful: just installing this module. Afterwards the app from the Playstore and voila: I am able to play music from my phone to most every wifi-based receivers. The app is worth every cent!
works on s9/s9+?
speckdeckel said:
works on s9/s9+?
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It should work with any phone regardless because it depends onAirAudio itself.
knojap said:
I have installed it in LOS 15.1. How to use it? Can't see an UI?
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There's no UI to it, it just enables the system-mode in AirAudio, yoiu'll have to check the app to see the option.
This module basically re-enables it.
Not working for me
I have a oneplus 6 running magisk 17.1
The module does not work for me. Airaudio never requests root privileges, is that the problem
Nope, that's why you use this module!
In the AirAudio app > Settings > System Audio button must be green.
Sent with much love & Android. OnePlus 5T
v3 breaks the app. Only microphone mode available. Had to revert v2 to get back system mode. Running Magisk v16 and MM 5.8.3.
How do you downgrade I can't seem to find V2? Thanks
megatron_lives said:
How do you downgrade I can't seem to find V2? Thanks
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Here we are:
gkornaks said:
Here we are:
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Thank you very much. Where did you get this or do you have a backup?
megatron_lives said:
Thank you very much. Where did you get this or do you have a backup?
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Got a backup.
gkornaks said:
v3 breaks the app. Only microphone mode available. Had to revert v2 to get back system mode. Running Magisk v16 and MM 5.8.3.
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I have today the same experience with my oneplus 6 under Oreo. Uninstall v3 and install v2: everything works as expected again in system mode.
Hi everyone,
I am the developer of AirAudio & its Magisk-module.
I will update AirAudio's Magisk-module in the next hours.
Please, simply contact me (the devs in general) about such issues.. just writing here doesn't help the mass
funtax said:
Hi everyone,
I am the developer of AirAudio & its Magisk-module.
I will update AirAudio's Magisk-module in the next hours.
Please, simply contact me (the devs in general) about such issues.. just writing here doesn't help the mass
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Thanks! Next time will do.
Can you let us know when it's updated and in the repo?
gkornaks said:
Thanks! Next time will do.
Can you let us know when it's updated and in the repo?
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The module should already be up to date now but I can't check it right now because my current device isn't rooted.
One user is reporting it's still not working but this might be related to another issue with Magisk.
Please check if v4+ is available inside Magisk Manager and contact me at [email protected] if you face any issues
I have same issuewith v4: reverting to v2 works.
There won't be a new Version for Oreo with vendor files because of change to pie... A new Module for pie is in Progress...!
What is it?
It's a port of the Huawei P20 pro Camera, which should work on all Kirin-Devices.
With Magisk these arrives systemless.
It's tested on Honor 9 lite (Kirin659)
Why do i need that?
Because the Quality is much better than the Stock Camera. Test it yourself.
Whats Working
- Aperture
- Portrait
- Photo
- Video
- Pro Mode
- Night Shot
- Light Painting
- Panorama
- Time-lapse
- Good food
- Document scan
- Filter
- Watermark
- QR-Code-Scanner (v1.3+; Photomode the Button in the upper left corner)
What's not working... (tell me if you find more)
- Slow-Mo (needs stock gallery; only works on stock rom)
- Switching from Camera to Video Mode the Camera closes about a second and reopen at once.
- Devices running <Oreo, cameraserver crashes.
What should i know... Changelog...
v.1.6. (21.07.2018)
- some stabelize improvments
v.1.5. (13.07.2018)
-some changes to reduce bootloops on some devices
v.1.4. (06.07.2018)
-added some permissons to reduce crashing without gallery and changed manifest in apk for same reason.
v.1.3. (18.06.2018)
-new Camera Version from P20 Rom with minor changes in ui and new QR-Code-Scanner (see above)
- ready for use with AI-Mode (minor lifesinghs on lld-l31 with pre-ported TestAI, cause no (software) AI implemented in Rom)
v.1.2. (06.06.2018)
-added some libs, so that the camera works on gsi roms too.
v.1.1. (01.06.2018)
- added the Camera itself to the Module (one Module and debugging easier)
- added Panorama-Mode
- added Modifications to Props for Quality Improvements
- initial release with only libraries
You can download the Module here.
For devices where is an seperate apk in product partition... (Ended with v.1.4) take this one.
Thx to...
topjohnwu for Magisk
VigneshS007 for Testing and Support
All who helped to improve it
and everybody i forgot (sry!)
thanks, picture and video work fine, honor v9 flash it on pixel experience.
Sent from my Honor V9 using XDA Labs
lmentor said:
thanks, picture and video work fine, honor v9 flash it on pixel experience.
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but the problem is Fingerprint gesture broken.
Sent from my Honor V9 using XDA Labs
lmentor said:
but the problem is Fingerprint gesture broken.
Sent from my Honor V9 using XDA Labs
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I don't use it, so can you provide logcat?
If for some reason I have to unistall the module and/or Magisk will I have back the stock camera or I should reflash the ROM?
Harlock1978 said:
If for some reason I have to unistall the module and/or Magisk will I have back the stock camera or I should reflash the ROM?
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Magisk override the stock camera.
It install some libs too, if the user isn't on stock rom.
The easiest way back would be a dirty flash.
When I open Magisk manager and I click on + under the Module menu and I choose your module it open the zip instead of installing it.
Should I install it through recovery?
Harlock1978 said:
When I open Magisk manager and I click on + under the Module menu and I choose your module it open the zip instead of installing it.
Should I install it through recovery?
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Sounds like the stock browser behaviour. Long-press the zip and select "Open".
Long-press the zip and select "Open".
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It works, thanks
Just tried this on my Honor 8 and it caused systemUI to not load on a restart. Had to force a reboot and uninstall the module to get back navigation buttons.
linkazoid said:
Just tried this on my Honor 8 and it caused systemUI to not load on a restart. Had to force a reboot and uninstall the module to get back navigation buttons.
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The libs are for Oreo...
You could try to add the HwCamera2 folder alone to /system/priv-app/ without module and see.
That should work. Maybe the app didn't start, but you can see missing dependies in logcat.
i'd like to see logcat too, may i can improve something for other kirin devices.
This Module works only if you have Oreo as ROM?
Harlock1978 said:
This Module works only if you have Oreo as ROM?
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The libs for Porting a from Oreo (P20pro as source) .
It should work on other Versions too, but because the "newer libs" a debuging is needed for compatibility.
The only way is that someone test and provide a logcat.
Darkest-Dark said:
The libs for Porting a from Oreo (P20pro as source) .
It should work on other Versions too, but because the "newer libs" a debuging is needed for compatibility.
The only way is that someone test and provide a logcat.
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I try to install it on P10lite with Nougat, now I have no camera und also the command to go back or home.
It doesn't show also the connection to the net, but I'm able to do a phonecall, but now I'm stuck on the phone menu.
I try to produce a logcat with these command:
adb logcat -v long > p20camera.txt
I attach it
What should I reflash to restore my P10lite, System or Boot image?
Doing a reflash through Hisuite, will lock my bootloader again.
After many reboot Magisk manager was not crashing after opening and I could uninstall the module.
Now the phone is working again and the camera is again working on the phone.
Harlock1978 said:
What should I reflash to restore my P10lite, System or Boot image?
Doing a reflash through Hisuite, will lock my bootloader again.
After many reboot Magisk manager was not crashing after opening and I could uninstall the module.
Now the phone is working again and the camera is again working on the phone.
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thats an magisk error. simple clear repo cache...
so far as i have seen in the log the problem are missing arguments in cameraserver/the lib of it.
i will think about adding the server with libs to the modul too.
btw the slowmo don't works because it has dependies with stock gallery... so far...
thx for logcat, that helps much.
Hi, does 3d portrait lighting works?
yasitoo said:
Hi, does 3d portrait lighting works?
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when your device has all hardware dependies, it should. it is original camera from p20. nobody tested till now, cause missing hardware. libs are not included and had to be in your system.
The camera automatic shows the mods which could work.
Darkest-Dark said:
I don't use it, so can you provide logcat?
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logcat is here.
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