Battery Life - Is this normal? - G 2014 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently picked up a Moto G 2014 for a family member since it was on sale and I'm having a bit of trouble, at least I think I am. This person hardly uses the phone, doesn't make calls every day but putters around on it, listens to music occasionally. Real basic use stuff. The battery only seems to last a day. In trying to diagnose/troubleshoot it without rooting or voiding warranty, it seems like it's draining excessively. Just sitting with all the apps closed on the home screen, it's burning up about 180-210 mA according to Ampere. Now, my LG G2 reliably uses 30mA on the home screen without apps running. Apples & oranges, I know but shouldn't the value on the Moto G be lower? Does anyone else use Ampere and have similar readings? With the little use this phone sees, I'd imagine people that use it regularly have to charge multiple times a day to keep the phone alive and I can't see the Motorola engineers doing that. I've tried closing and disabling apps that aren't used and there doesn't seem to be much that goes on. So I'm not sure if this is normal or if something's wrong. I have done all the OTA updates and also tried a factory reset, it made no difference. I'm tempted to root & install the official CM but if there's something wrong with the phone, I want to get it fixed through Motorola first.
Any ideas for this Moto newbie? Thanks in advance.
Here's some screenshots of the battery stats in case anyone's curious:

I'm getting 160-170 mA after clearing all the recent apps with CM 12.1. But battery life is not bad at all. About 1 day with 5+hours of SoT or 2-3days with 3+ hours of SoT. So I don't really care.
Ps.: I don't think that 30mA is enough for phone to run with screen ON. Maybe in sleep mode.. 30mA is way too small value. I also found an article about power consumption of smartphones:

zman01 said:
I'm getting 160-170 mA after clearing all the recent apps with CM 12.1. But battery life is not bad at all. About 1 day with 5+hours of SoT or 2-3days with 3+ hours of SoT. So I don't really care.
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That sounds significantly better than what my Moto G is getting. I doubt the phone sees 2 hours of SoT in a day but the battery barely lasts a day. I'm hoping it's just hoggy apps and that CM will clean things up.
zman01 said:
Ps.: I don't think that 30mA is enough for phone to run with screen ON. Maybe in sleep mode.. 30mA is way too small value. I also found an article about power consumption of smartphones:
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I think you're right actually. Looking at the Ampere stats, it shows 30mA as the max draw, even after opening several apps and running. I thought this seemed right for idle but it's always stuck there under load.

Actually I had a similar problem with my Moto G on stock. Did you use GPS? Because when I turn on and off gps on my phone it remains ON and drains my battery pretty fast, until I restart my phone. So whenever I use GPS I have to turn it off in settings and restart my phone in order to turn it off.

OK so if u really want a decent battery life. Just turn of sync, location and keep scanning In advanced WiFi settings.
Since its showing Google services as culprit, turning sync off would probably solve the issue.
Sent from my A05510 using Tapatalk


incredible s battery not soo incredible

hey everyone,
firstly, i just wanna say that the HTC Incredible S is a solid and terrific device, previously owning an iPhone 4 i might like the HTC better, except for some things...
The battery:
i read some reviews before buying and every reviewer seemed to love the phone and what the battery has to offer. I've owned the phone for a week, and charge it through the USB cable, connected to my PC, and sometimes the wall socket.
But it seems to me that the battery is a bit short.... if i want the battery full i will let it charge overnight, the next day i powered it on, sent a few texts and listened to half a song and the battery has already drained to 70%, coming to this from an iPhone 4 is disgusting.
I've got Auto-Sync and background data working, i like push notifications for Emails and Facebook and i like the weather to update on its own, also HTC sense incase i need to do things remotely, everything else has been set not to sync.
One of my favorite features is Auto Brightness, which is enabled on default, but when i check battery use it says that 70% has gone to the display, 12% cell network and everything else. I have a task killer that kills all processes when i turn the screen off..
Any help??
Wiping the battery stats a few times helped me, I used to recharge the phone to full battery and after unplugging it from the charger, it would drop to 94% in a few seconds...Oh, after 2-3 weeks, not after a week!
Also I get twice the battery life on Cyanogen 7.1, than on any other Rom I've tried...I get at least 2-3 days with good usage, tons of mails, sms, calls, weather apps etc. Wifi and BT always on. No juice defender or anything like that...
Dropping to ~95% can also be normal though. To preserve the battery the charging circuit should cutout when it reaches 100% charge and let it discharge to 95% before turning on again.
If you do wipe the battery stats make sure you read some guides and do it properly as I've found that more often than not it will have a detrimental affect (from needing to charge before it has fully discharged, or needing to reboot etc).
katu2006 said:
Wiping the battery stats a few times helped me, I used to recharge the phone to full battery and after unplugging it from the charger, it would drop to 94% in a few seconds...Oh, after 2-3 weeks, not after a week!
Also I get twice the battery life on Cyanogen 7.1, than on any other Rom I've tried...I get at least 2-3 days with good usage, tons of mails, sms, calls, weather apps etc. Wifi and BT always on. No juice defender or anything like that...
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wipe the stats? sorry im still new to android but so far so good, im impressed with everything else in the incredible s, its very snappy and has a bigger screen vs iPhone 4.
if it helps, i have the phone fully turned off if i charge it overnight.
also, i read on another forum that while it's still brand new it needs to run a few charge cycles to strengthen the battery, if that is true.
It always drops to 95% when the battery is fully charged. S-ON Incredible S is not allowed to wipe battery status. Should I unlock it?
Yes, I forgot to wipe the battery stats you need to unlock the Hboot...If you have Hboot 1.16.000, then the only option is this:
Unlocking the Hboot is giving you a few benefits, you get to install the CWM recovery and do a full backup of your Rom...Without unlocking the Hbtoot, if your Rom crashes, you can't flash any Rom so you have to send it back to HTC Service ...With the Hboot unlocked you can install custom Roms, you can restore a full backup, you can flash GAPPS etc, wipe battery stats directly from recovery etc etc...
So many benefits...
Now back on how to wipe the stats...The principle behind is simple, if 100%=4.3V and the stats are incorrectly set for 100%=3.9V, then you're never actually recharging the battery to full capacity, which is rubbish...
The way I do it is this - charge to 100%, boot into recovery and wipe the battery stats. Now use the phone until it's shutting down and then charge to 100% again.
Very important is to avoid rebooting the phone after the stats were wiped until the phone is fully recharged. Here is a thread about this process:
---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
Jess95 said:
wipe the stats? sorry im still new to android but so far so good, im impressed with everything else in the incredible s, its very snappy and has a bigger screen vs iPhone 4.
if it helps, i have the phone fully turned off if i charge it overnight.
also, i read on another forum that while it's still brand new it needs to run a few charge cycles to strengthen the battery, if that is true.
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In my view, recharging while the phone is off makes no difference.
Yes, it's true. With all my Android phones I went through the same thing, first week or so, the battery was rubbish, but after about 2 weeks it improved a lot.
yeah, i've had it for around one week. so i might take your word for it and give it a chance, maybe for 2 weeks. i was thinking of bringing it back to the store but i'll give it a chance.
a part from the short battery at the moment it's a pretty terrific phone and i like it more than the iPhone 4.
Once the battery is conditioned, phone is rooted, custom Rom installed, bloat frozen out or uninstalled, then you can expect your phone battery to last a good full day with regular usage. No need to switch off when charging over night.
Well its incredible enough for me
It lasts a day, which is just right for me haha
Did u remove the USB immediately aft the charging?
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
well i've had it for almost 2 weeks now. I charged again overnight last night and used it to listen to music and play NinJump/Bejewled on the way home today, battery uptime was just over 30 mins and the battery was down to 70% remaining. That's a bit quick if you ask me.
Not sure what's happening with your phone...but my Inc S has really good battery life, similar to Iphone 4...
At the moment is not rooted (that's why I couldn't take a screenshot) and it's on stock 2.3.3. With BT and Wifi always on, with tons of e-mails daily, browsing, calls (at least 20 minutes per day), tons of messages, etc etc
Screen brightness is always set to maximum and I get at least 2 days battery life, see attached photo...
I'm not playing games or listen to I can't test that side of things and maybe that's where the problem lies.
What's your Battery Usage app saying?
Is there anything unusual listed there?
Jess95 said:
well i've had it for almost 2 weeks now. I charged again overnight last night and used it to listen to music and play NinJump/Bejewled on the way home today, battery uptime was just over 30 mins and the battery was down to 70% remaining. That's a bit quick if you ask me.
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Maybe try disabling the Optus bloatware. Had a bit of an improvement when I did it to mine. Also be mindful about what apps are running in the background constantly, they could also have an impact on battery life. Screen is a huge battery killer if its constantly on, autobrightness can help slightly if you haven't enabled it already.
Thanx everybody for the replies
katu2006 said:
Not sure what's happening with your phone...but my Inc S has really good battery life, similar to Iphone 4...
At the moment is not rooted (that's why I couldn't take a screenshot) and it's on stock 2.3.3. With BT and Wifi always on, with tons of e-mails daily, browsing, calls (at least 20 minutes per day), tons of messages, etc etc
Screen brightness is always set to maximum and I get at least 2 days battery life, see attached photo...
I'm not playing games or listen to I can't test that side of things and maybe that's where the problem lies.
What's your Battery Usage app saying?
Is there anything unusual listed there?
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That battery usage sounds awesome! I have mine on Auto Brightness and WiFi turned off but its nothing like yours. My battery usage app says most of it has gone to the brightness, of course that percentage goes down when i start opening apps.
edit: im also using the stock Android 2.3.3 installed from the factory. and disabled my Advanced Task Killer, battery is still the same, but the phone now lags a lot less. so thats a plus for now.
Nonverbose said:
Maybe try disabling the Optus bloatware. Had a bit of an improvement when I did it to mine. Also be mindful about what apps are running in the background constantly, they could also have an impact on battery life. Screen is a huge battery killer if its constantly on, autobrightness can help slightly if you haven't enabled it already.
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When i first got the phone i noticed Optus loaded it with rubbish apps i'd never even touch. I disabled auto updates for the bloatware and forced stop for all the ones running. it doesnt look like i can remove them though :\
unknown2011 said:
Did u remove the USB immediately aft the charging?
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
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Yes, after i charge it for some time i always remove the usb cord. cos its finished charging, right?
Hi when you get such good battery life, could you show us how long your screen's on for?
do you get good reception where you live? i find that seems to drain most of my battery.
katu2006 said:
Not sure what's happening with your phone...but my Inc S has really good battery life, similar to Iphone 4...
At the moment is not rooted (that's why I couldn't take a screenshot) and it's on stock 2.3.3. With BT and Wifi always on, with tons of e-mails daily, browsing, calls (at least 20 minutes per day), tons of messages, etc etc
Screen brightness is always set to maximum and I get at least 2 days battery life, see attached photo...
I'm not playing games or listen to I can't test that side of things and maybe that's where the problem lies.
What's your Battery Usage app saying?
Is there anything unusual listed there?
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tzuyang said:
Hi when you get such good battery life, could you show us how long your screen's on for?
do you get good reception where you live? i find that seems to drain most of my battery.
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ok atm my incredible s is saying 4 hrs 26 min uptime and 1 hr 21 min awake time, 50% left. my signal here is great, the speed of the internet even beats my ADSL 2+ sometimes. should i be thinking of warranty back to store?
Before i rooted my phone i was charging my phone twice a day - this was nothing new to me as i had been charging my 3gs at least twice a day for the past two years.
However like somebody else has said, once the phone is rooted and all that optus junk has been deleted it lasts a lot longer. And you can notice the difference, my phone has been rooted for 2 days now and i have been on it none stop, modding all the appearence and downloading apps. I have been using it a lot more than i was before it was rooted and it has lasted at least twice as long. So for battery usage i should deffo root. Its HTC sense/screen that hammers your battery. Go look at battery usage and yourll see what i mean.
Also, i know this might sound stupid. But charging it through a wall socket (for me) seems quicker to charge, and seems to last longer than if its charged through a laptop/PC. Although ive thought this for my 3gs as well. If its actually true i dont know haha.
shields360 said:
Before i rooted my phone i was charging my phone twice a day - this was nothing new to me as i had been charging my 3gs at least twice a day for the past two years.
However like somebody else has said, once the phone is rooted and all that optus junk has been deleted it lasts a lot longer. And you can notice the difference, my phone has been rooted for 2 days now and i have been on it none stop, modding all the appearence and downloading apps. I have been using it a lot more than i was before it was rooted and it has lasted at least twice as long. So for battery usage i should deffo root. Its HTC sense/screen that hammers your battery. Go look at battery usage and yourll see what i mean.
Also, i know this might sound stupid. But charging it through a wall socket (for me) seems quicker to charge, and seems to last longer than if its charged through a laptop/PC. Although ive thought this for my 3gs as well. If its actually true i dont know haha.
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sounds just about right. my iPhone 4 needed a charge like once every 2 - 4 days, i thought it was awesome. On the Incredible S it says that 62% of the battery usage has gone to display, with very little apps on the list.
The optus apps are just sitting there. Because im on Amaysim i can't exactly use them properly because you need an actual optus account. ive tried opening some of the optus apps, they're mostly just web links and theres a Mobile TV and a Music Store app i believe, but i never at all use them. so they cant be consuming any data, memory or battery or anything, right??
Im still unsure about 'rooting'. Im guessing it's android's version of the jailbreak or a godmode on the device? i might need some help on it, i know how to flash windows mobile and jailbreak iTouch devices easily.
But then again, a lot of people have bought this phone, they cant all be experiencing terrible battery life and i dont think every user would have a root on their device.
I bought it from DickSmith here in Aus, the guy there told me there's a 1 yr back to store warranty. The phone is solid and one of the best phones i've ever had, plus a good price tag on it, its a shame to let a weak battery spoil it.
im thinking of returning it, but i heard somewhere it needs a couple weeks to strengthen the battery, if that's the case then there's no point getting a new one only to wait longer, ill give it a little more time. Plus HTC is releasing 2.3.5 software for the Incredible S soon, and wikiPedia states that it's got "Improved battery efficiency". but ill still keep root in mind for when i get more use to the device.
tzuyang said:
Hi when you get such good battery life, could you show us how long your screen's on for?
do you get good reception where you live? i find that seems to drain most of my battery.
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Yes, about 40min to 1hour display on... sometimes more...I will attach a screenshot once I get throughout the whole battery.
Yes, generally good coverage and mostly 3G...I'm on Optus.
My phone has been rooted before, but now it's on stock Rom as an experiment...
I would strongly advise on rooting, it changes the phone completely.
And remove any animation (live wallpapers) those are killing the battery.
Also found one more thing. If you've got Facebook installed it refreshes every hour, i set mine to never refresh, but you can still receive notifications
But i still don't get why the battery drains soo quickly, even on standby.
edit: found one more thing.
uptime and awake time. when i turn the screen off and awake time should stop counting as the phone is locked and im not using any apps, right?? in some cases i've noticed the awake timer still counts.
example: awake time will read 1:52:39, turn the screen off at this point. go back a couple hours later it's been counting as awake the whole time, and has half battery life it did eventhough i haven't touched the device since locking it and turning off the screen.
in some cases the awake timer will not budge when i lock the phone and turn the screen off and still find the same amount of battery life remaining when i come back.

[Q] Battery draining too fast on Galaxy S6

Hey guys. I recently bought a GS6 and I love everything about the phone....except the battery! This is literally a deciding factor for me vs the iPhone 6.
I know it has a quad HD screen but my battery drains WHEN THE SCREEN IS OFF. My provider (T-Mobile) says one reason could be that I used all my data (T-Mobile just slows down your speeds). This can also mean it's constantly searching for a better signal. Sometimes I don't get reception indoors but usually my reception is good.
Now, I would understand if my battery was dropping IF I had the screen on, but it's not. It's dropping a percent every 2-3 minutes.
Anyone have this issue and can combat it? My data plan reloads in two days so I can see if it gets better but if not, I will be switching to an iPhone....
Thanks in advance.
I just found out you can't use an iPhone without a simcard inserted..?? That's ludacris! Can't use it as a camera, mediaphone, mp3 player.. nothing.. they steal your money bro.. literally. Don't get brain washed. i.e. Use aftermarket cables, the phone will catch fire and burn your house down as punishment..
iPhone all the apps are paid, since you may get used to it.. you should download better battery stats in the playstore, and it will pinpoint you to the battery drain.. could be something as simple as some bloat app. i.e. facebook trying to connect and sync and all that stuff, when you have no data. Same problems when just on wifi? Airplane mode + wifi?
perhaps you can try rooting, pingpongroot just came out and will root your s6 without tripping knox so you can reset your phone back to normal if you decide to go to the dark side.
Purpose of android and the Galaxy s6 is you can make it better or worse thru rooting, tinkering etc. . iPhones are straight same robotic, limited, just got 1080p screens, consistent right out of the box.
Tinker bro!!
The battery drain is probably from a couple of problems you can find by looking at the first page of the general section. About going to the iPhone all I have to say is the iPhone 6 had horrible battery life on launch. So if you where a early adopter to the iPhone 6 you probably would be equally disappointed. Once we get android 5.1.1 we should have really good battery life. My s6 already lasts longer than my LG g3 ever did and it had a bigger battery so I'm pretty pumped for 5.1.1.
I get about 10 to 12 hours of medium to heavy use without charging.
I don't use powersaver, have volte off, wifi search off, wifi calling off, and trust agents smart lock (google) off.
This is with auto screen brightness.
I have a Zerolemon 2800mah case with me as well, but I never use it.
ThePagel said:
The battery drain is probably from a couple of problems you can find by looking at the first page of the general section. About going to the iPhone all I have to say is the iPhone 6 had horrible battery life on launch. So if you where a early adopter to the iPhone 6 you probably would be equally disappointed. Once we get android 5.1.1 we should have really good battery life. My s6 already lasts longer than my LG g3 ever did and it had a bigger battery so I'm pretty pumped for 5.1.1.
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I'm disappointed with my S6 battery but love everything else. I came from an S4 that had amazing battery life. I hope 5.1.1 really does fix this issue....
dfg187 said:
I just found out you can't use an iPhone without a simcard inserted..?? That's ludacris! Can't use it as a camera, mediaphone, mp3 player.. nothing.. they steal your money bro.. literally. Don't get brain washed. i.e. Use aftermarket cables, the phone will catch fire and burn your house down as punishment..
iPhone all the apps are paid, since you may get used to it.. you should download better battery stats in the playstore, and it will pinpoint you to the battery drain.. could be something as simple as some bloat app. i.e. facebook trying to connect and sync and all that stuff, when you have no data. Same problems when just on wifi? Airplane mode + wifi?
perhaps you can try rooting, pingpongroot just came out and will root your s6 without tripping knox so you can reset your phone back to normal if you decide to go to the dark side.
Purpose of android and the Galaxy s6 is you can make it better or worse thru rooting, tinkering etc. . iPhones are straight same robotic, limited, just got 1080p screens, consistent right out of the box.
Tinker bro!!
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I'll keep tinkering! I'ma try freezing some apps without root.
xErwinPLx91 said:
I get about 10 to 12 hours of medium to heavy use without charging.
I don't use powersaver, have volte off, wifi search off, wifi calling off, and trust agents smart lock (google) off.
This is with auto screen brightness.
I have a Zerolemon 2800mah case with me as well, but I never use it.
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I'll track how much battery I really get. If I get 4-5 hours SoT I'll be happy. It's just the drain while the screen is off really bothers me.
darklime said:
I'm disappointed with my S6 battery but love everything else. I came from an S4 that had amazing battery life. I hope 5.1.1 really does fix this issue. I'll keep tinkering! I'ma try freezing some apps without root. I'll track how much battery I really get. If I get 4-5 hours SoT I'll be happy. It's just the drain while the screen is off really bothers me.
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Not to sound braggish, but I always get at least 4 hours SOT. Total standby time varies (30-40 hours) depending on how much I use it, but SOT is always between 4-5 hours which is all I expect from a 2550 mAh battery. Battery life during my first week was awful (so bad that I considered selling it) but after rooting, debloating and other tweaks, I am much happier. I am also running Scuk's XtreStoLite Pure Edition rom, which is an extremely lean version of stock with all Samsung bloatware removed. However, I am still on the stock unmodified kernel with no underclocking or other kernel hacks, and I always get at least 30 hours standby. If you want to get serious about better battery life, I recommend flashing a debloated rom. But if you want to stay stock, then use Titanium Backup to freeze the stuff you don't use and Greenify the rest, and your battery life will improve. Just don't expect to set battery life records with the S6, because it will never happen.
I'm not sure why you are losing a percent every 2-3 min when the phone is on standby. I get great battery life on mine. Today I lightly used my phone (A few calls and texts, maybe took 10 pictures and some short videos, browsed the web and YouTube a little) but it was mostly in standby. It has been just short of 12 hours since it was fully charged this morning and it is still at 71%.
Maybe you have a defective battery. Also, and I may have been imagining it, but I think the battery life improved after a week or two of use. Maybe there is a break in period for it.
sublimaze said:
Not to sound braggish, but I always get at least 4 hours SOT. Total standby time varies (30-40 hours) depending on how much I use it, but SOT is always between 4-5 hours which is all I expect from a 2550 mAh battery. Battery life during my first week was awful (so bad that I considered selling it) but after rooting, debloating and other tweaks, I am much happier. I am also running Scuk's XtreStoLite Pure Edition rom, which is an extremely lean version of stock with all Samsung bloatware removed. However, I am still on the stock unmodified kernel with no underclocking or other kernel hacks, and I always get at least 30 hours standby. If you want to get serious about better battery life, I recommend flashing a debloated rom. But if you want to stay stock, then use Titanium Backup to freeze the stuff you don't use and Greenify the rest, and your battery life will improve. Just don't expect to set battery life records with the S6, because it will never happen.
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hank you for replying! I do actually want to stay on stock, but I found this neat thread/program from an XDA user that lets you remote bloat so I will try that.
That's the link.
I would actually be very satisfied with 30-40 hours of standby time with 4-5 hours of SoT, which is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. If you may, I just have a couple questions to ask. Do you leave Wifi/data on when you're not using it to receive push emails, etc. throughout the day and do you have the Facebook and Messenger app installed? I noticed if I left them running in the background they sucked up my battery.
ThoriatedFlash said:
I'm not sure why you are losing a percent every 2-3 min when the phone is on standby. I get great battery life on mine. Today I lightly used my phone (A few calls and texts, maybe took 10 pictures and some short videos, browsed the web and YouTube a little) but it was mostly in standby. It has been just short of 12 hours since it was fully charged this morning and it is still at 71%.
Maybe you have a defective battery. Also, and I may have been imagining it, but I think the battery life improved after a week or two of use. Maybe there is a break in period for it.
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Wow, your battery sounds phenomenal! I had 80% this morning and after 8 hours I'm under 50% already with very light use. =/ I feel it's more like 3%/hour on standby but if I can get it to 1-1.5% every hour with wifi and sync on that would be perfect. Thanks for the reply!
Tagging this thread - I'd be happy to hit 20 hours with 4 hours SOT on this battery - today I got 15 hours standby and 2 hours 20 minutes SOT before having to charge.
Guys, found a really nice debloater tool you can use on stock too!
I just need to know which ones to remove (or a list of what app does what now so I can remove it)
darklime said:
Thank you for replying! I do actually want to stay on stock, but I found this neat thread/program from an XDA user that lets you remote bloat so I will try that.
I would actually be very satisfied with 30-40 hours of standby time with 4-5 hours of SoT, which is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. If you may, I just have a couple questions to ask. Do you leave Wifi/data on when you're not using it to receive push emails, etc. throughout the day and do you have the Facebook and Messenger app installed? I noticed if I left them running in the background they sucked up my battery.
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I have wifi and location enabled all the time. BT on while in my car, otherwise BT off.
I don't facebook. FB is a known battery hog. Get rid of those 2 apps and you will probably gain another hour SOT.
Here are my current battery stats, on track for another 40 hrs standby + 5 hrs SOT. Overnight drain 2-3%.
IMO the battery life got better over time.. I noticed a huge drain initially.. but for some reason after about 3 weeks with my s6 it's gotten noticeably better.. Its not the best battery, but it does improve
darklime said:
Guys, found a really nice debloater tool you can use on stock too!
I just need to know which ones to remove (or a list of what app does what now so I can remove it)
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It appears that it simply disables the app (unless you're rooted). There's an app you can download to do it easier. Download Package Disabler from the Play Store.
sublimaze said:
I have wifi and location enabled all the time. BT on while in my car, otherwise BT off.
I don't facebook. FB is a known battery hog. Get rid of those 2 apps and you will probably gain another hour SOT.
Here are my current battery stats, on track for another 40 hrs standby + 5 hrs SOT. Overnight drain 2-3%.
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So much want
sublimaze said:
I have wifi and location enabled all the time. BT on while in my car, otherwise BT off.
I don't facebook. FB is a known battery hog. Get rid of those 2 apps and you will probably gain another hour SOT.
Here are my current battery stats, on track for another 40 hrs standby + 5 hrs SOT. Overnight drain 2-3%.
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Very impressive. I'll hang on to FB because it isn't showing up in my list of used programs atm but if I see any difference I'll remove it. I lost 4% overnight so that's an improvement.
kill2010 said:
IMO the battery life got better over time.. I noticed a huge drain initially.. but for some reason after about 3 weeks with my s6 it's gotten noticeably better.. Its not the best battery, but it does improve
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I'm not expecting the best battery, but I'm expecting a day and a half of light use due to all these posts I've seen. I'll keep at it and see how it fares.
Synyster06Gates said:
It appears that it simply disables the app (unless you're rooted). There's an app you can download to do it easier. Download Package Disabler from the Play Store.
So much want
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Yes, I just want to disable it, not remove it because you can't use that space anyways so it's just better to disable it in case you need to re-enable it for an OTA or if you need to return/sell.
sublimaze said:
Here are my current battery stats, on track for another 40 hrs standby + 5 hrs SOT.
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Wondering if this is considered decent battery life? This is with very light use of text, data and wifi with email sync. The standby time is great but the on-screen time is meh. I also used airplane mode in areas where I was getting spotty reception during class. I also get the message "No internet connection or server not available" and I feel like a certain app is searching for a connection that could drain the battery more but I'm not sure which app it would be.
darklime said:
Wondering if this is considered decent battery life? This is with very light use of text, data and wifi with email sync. The standby time is great but the on-screen time is meh. I also used airplane mode in areas where I was getting spotty reception during class. I also get the message "No internet connection or server not available" and I feel like a certain app is searching for a connection that could drain the battery more but I'm not sure which app it would be.
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I'd definitely consider that good battery life. I'd love if mine could reach that.
darklime said:
Wondering if this is considered decent battery life? This is with very light use of text, data and wifi with email sync. The standby time is great but the on-screen time is meh. I also used airplane mode in areas where I was getting spotty reception during class. I also get the message "No internet connection or server not available" and I feel like a certain app is searching for a connection that could drain the battery more but I'm not sure which app it would be.
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Your standby time is great but your SOT isn't that great. Your email app is using a lot of battery syncing. I recommend using Greenify or Servicely to restrict wakeups.
Your idle drain curve looks a bit steep. Mine is almost flat. How much does it drain overnight?
Facebook and FB Messenger are battery hogs. Delete those and you will probably get another hour SOT.
Good idea using airplane mode in areas where you know you won't get signal. You could use Tasker or Llama to automate switching back & forth.
I can live with this.. Took my phone off the charger early this morning
kill2010 said:
I can live with this.. Took my phone off the charger early this morning
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I wish 9am was early! I unplugged mine at about 0430 this morning. My screen on time is only about an hour and 15 minutes though.
My phone still stays awake too much. One hour is from music during the gym - I'm not sure why the kernel has it staying awake for 6+ hours though
Synyster06Gates said:
I wish 9am was early! I unplugged mine at about 0430 this morning. My screen on time is only about an hour and 15 minutes though.
My phone still stays awake too much. One hour is from music during the gym - I'm not sure why the kernel has it staying awake for 6+ hours though
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Yeah that is jacked up. GSam monitor shows your phone has been awake for over 8 hrs, so it is not going into deep sleep. Out of curiosity, install CPU Spy and see what it shows. It should be similar to this:

At my wits end with my Note5's battery. Please help!

Hey everyone!
I got my Note5 near launch day. I love everything about it, except the battery life.
Basically, I am not satisfied. I barely make it through the day with moderate usage. The crux of my problem is idle/standby battery drain.
This has been a problem for me ever since I got my Note5 and even for some of my old phones (M8 on Lollipop).
The Issue: I'm fine with how the battery drains when I'm actively using it. I'm not going to go into much detail about that, but I'm satisfied with how fast I seem to be killing the battery while using it. The part I'm not satisfied with is how much the battery drains when I'm not using the phone. Obviously, this must be an issue with wakelocks. When you look at the screenshot below for Android OS, it is always wake for more than 2.5+ hours in a 15 hour usage period. Now, I'm not sure if that's normal anymore. I don't remember how it was on KK, nor do I know if that's what everyone else is getting.
The Issues Cont: So yeah I have massive idle drain. (I estimated that I get about 1.5-1.6% battery drain per hour. I charged my phone up to 100% and let it sit idle overnight for a span of about 8 hours or so. It went from 100 to 91 during that time). What this means for me is that, I can use my phone less and less because while it sits in my phone, it dies quickly! On GSam, it shows that my battery discharged 38% while the screen was off! Again, I don't know if this is 'normal'. What is everyone else getting?
What I tried: I tried factory resetting. Nope. I tried reflashing the firmware, factory resetting. Nope. I booted into safe mode and left it idle overnight. Still dropped to about 92% or so, IIRC. I actually had the GS6 Edge before the Note5, but I returned it because of the ****ty battery life. Then I inserted my S-pen backward and broke the sensor in the Note5, so I got a replacement. For each instance, I always got crappy battery life. So I am doubting that this is a hardware issue. I tried minimizing the apps installed so minimize wakelocks, but it didn't seem to help.
What I want: Honestly, I just want to be able to use my phone and have it not drain so much while it's in my pocket or on the desk. I want to be able to go into a lecture for a few hours and come out with maybe 1% drain, not 3% or 4%. And I want to do this without rooting. I don't want to trip Knox, and I'm tired of rooting and spending hours tinkering with my phone to get decent battery life.
Attachments: I uploaded screenshots of almost everything I thought would be pertinent. Please have a look and hopefully we can compare results and figure out whether this is normal for a Note5 or not!
All screen shots here:
Thanks everyone!
I reckom its something you are downloading is doing it. Add one app at a time and see what it does.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using XDA Free mobile app
Yes there is something keeping your device awake. Rogue app. First guess would be that Facebook messenger app. Look in settings for your running applications, try to limit those to ones you absolutely need using package disabler. If you don't know what's OK to disable, read through the debloating guidelines thread.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
dannyyang524 said:
Hey everyone!
I got my Note5 near launch day. I love everything about it, except the battery life.
Basically, I am not satisfied. I barely make it through the day with moderate usage. The crux of my problem is idle/standby battery drain.
This has been a problem for me ever since I got my Note5 and even for some of my old phones (M8 on Lollipop).
The Issue: I'm fine with how the battery drains when I'm actively using it. I'm not going to go into much detail about that, but I'm satisfied with how fast I seem to be killing the battery while using it. The part I'm not satisfied with is how much the battery drains when I'm not using the phone. Obviously, this must be an issue with wakelocks. When you look at the screenshot below for Android OS, it is always wake for more than 2.5+ hours in a 15 hour usage period. Now, I'm not sure if that's normal anymore. I don't remember how it was on KK, nor do I know if that's what everyone else is getting.
The Issues Cont: So yeah I have massive idle drain. (I estimated that I get about 1.5-1.6% battery drain per hour. I charged my phone up to 100% and let it sit idle overnight for a span of about 8 hours or so. It went from 100 to 91 during that time). What this means for me is that, I can use my phone less and less because while it sits in my phone, it dies quickly! On GSam, it shows that my battery discharged 38% while the screen was off! Again, I don't know if this is 'normal'. What is everyone else getting?
What I tried: I tried factory resetting. Nope. I tried reflashing the firmware, factory resetting. Nope. I booted into safe mode and left it idle overnight. Still dropped to about 92% or so, IIRC. I actually had the GS6 Edge before the Note5, but I returned it because of the ****ty battery life. Then I inserted my S-pen backward and broke the sensor in the Note5, so I got a replacement. For each instance, I always got crappy battery life. So I am doubting that this is a hardware issue. I tried minimizing the apps installed so minimize wakelocks, but it didn't seem to help.
What I want: Honestly, I just want to be able to use my phone and have it not drain so much while it's in my pocket or on the desk. I want to be able to go into a lecture for a few hours and come out with maybe 1% drain, not 3% or 4%. And I want to do this without rooting. I don't want to trip Knox, and I'm tired of rooting and spending hours tinkering with my phone to get decent battery life.
Attachments: I uploaded screenshots of almost everything I thought would be pertinent. Please have a look and hopefully we can compare results and figure out whether this is normal for a Note5 or not!
All screen shots here:
Thanks everyone!
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Never let Facebook or Games run in the background and MOST IMPORTANTLY disable location services completely. Keep it on a toggle and turn it off until you need it. Always keep it off or Google will ping your location once every minute. It literally halves battery life.
seh6183 said:
Never let Facebook or Games run in the background and MOST IMPORTANTLY disable location services completely. Keep it on a toggle and turn it off until you need it. Always keep it off or Google will ping your location once every minute. It literally halves battery life.
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I don't have the Official Facebook app installed.. And I almost always keep location services off, but the battery still drains as it does..
Use the smart manager app to stop certain apps from running in background and restrict background data for apps that don't need it in the mobile data settings.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
My battery is amazing and I can say this as I am a battery guru and have spent countless hours trying to squeeze all the juice out of my devices, which includes eliminating wake locks. If you had root you could figure it out, without root you'll have to start un installing apps 1 at a time until it get's better. Also check your exchange accounts.
I assure you something is wrong as my battery life is the best of any phone I've had.
dannyyang524 said:
I don't have the Official Facebook app installed.. And I almost always keep location services off, but the battery still drains as it does..
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This probably won't be helpful at all as it is a complete shot in the dark, but perhaps you have an app that is trying to get your location continually since you have it off? Maybe try leaving location on. I never turn it off and I've been getting very good battery life on my T-mobile Note 5.
calvin35 said:
This probably won't be helpful at all as it is a complete shot in the dark, but perhaps you have an app that is trying to get your location continually since you have it off? Maybe try leaving location on. I never turn it off and I've been getting very good battery life on my T-mobile Note 5.
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I also tried leaving location on as well. I can't really see an improvement as well. I actually only recently kept location off.

TMO NEXUS 6 Battery life since newest update

My device is unrooted
Everything was going great until the newest update that came last week. Since this my battery life has gone down hill fast. I feel like I'm back on my G1.
I have two questions is anyone else having this issue at all?
My other question is all my previous phones have had SD card spots so when I reset myphone all my pictures are stored there. If I reset myphone do I lose all my pictures?
Battery life has been good for me on that build and the recent fi build as well. Do you have a secondary battery meter like better battery stats? There is no sd card in the phone so yes that would be lost.
of course you can check why your battery times have dropped.. like maybe a stuck process or a certain app draining battery. im nearly 100% sure its not because of the update, but it can be user related. your signal quality could be worse as well, which will also drain battery faster.
wondercoolguy said:
My device is unrooted...
My other question is all my previous phones have had SD card spots so when I reset myphone all my pictures are stored there. If I reset myphone do I lose all my pictures?
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why not use an auto photo backup app like picasa or similar?
you really should be doing this regardless. countless times people have come on here all frantic because something happened to their device and they lost all pics needlessly.
bweN diorD said:
why not use an auto photo backup app like picasa or similar?
you really should be doing this regardless. countless times people have come on here all frantic because something happened to their device and they lost all pics needlessly.
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Cause I dont want Obama see my pictures!!! J/k
You bring up a good point I'll start the back up process when I get home....As I move closer to resetting my phone to see if it will fix my batterylife issue
simms22 said:
of course you can check why your battery times have dropped.. like maybe a stuck process or a certain app draining battery. im nearly 100% sure its not because of the update, but it can be user related. your signal quality could be worse as well, which will also drain battery faster.
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When I feel my phone getting hot or I notice the drain is going on I turn off my phone let it set to cool down or I just straight up restart it.
I live a pretty routine based life, Work, Church, Gym, Home.... So my signal life hasn't changed. My usage hasn't gone up or down....but my battery has since that update.
I do have battery apps to keep an eye on things. Display is number (of course) and number 2 which isn't normal is Android OS.
simms22 said:
of course you can check why your battery times have dropped.. like maybe a stuck process or a certain app draining battery. im nearly 100% sure its not because of the update, but it can be user related. your signal quality could be worse as well, which will also drain battery faster.
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One thing else I just noticed is my phone doesn't hit deep sleep either
Deep sleep is at 4hrs and 300mhz is at 13hrs
wondercoolguy said:
When I feel my phone getting hot or I notice the drain is going on I turn off my phone let it set to cool down or I just straight up restart it.
I live a pretty routine based life, Work, Church, Gym, Home.... So my signal life hasn't changed. My usage hasn't gone up or down....but my battery has since that update.
I do have battery apps to keep an eye on things. Display is number (of course) and number 2 which isn't normal is Android OS.
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well, what ive found out iver the years that im with android is that battery apps are pointless, and end up using your battery. just check you regular battery usage/stats. nobody uses their phones the exact same way every single time, its impossible. and when you are out, walking around, or driving, your signal quality will change, constantly. and apps, many times they will get a process stuck, and drain much more battery than normal. and then there is google play services, that will occasionally drain lits of battery, especially when its updating itself. in reality, there are numerous other reasons, besides the update, that will make you battery drain quicker. too numerous to list, lol.
simms22 said:
well, what ive found out iver the years that im with android is that battery apps are pointless, and end up using your battery. just check you regular battery usage/stats. nobody uses their phones the exact same way every single time, its impossible. and when you are out, walking around, or driving, your signal quality will change, constantly. and apps, many times they will get a process stuck, and drain much more battery than normal. and then there is google play services, that will occasionally drain lits of battery, especially when its updating itself. in reality, there are numerous other reasons, besides the update, that will make you battery drain quicker. too numerous to list, lol.
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my battery also has been going deep underground after last security update! nothing changed in the usage or the number of apps that i keep installed, so the suspect that the drain depends on the update in my opinion is becoming more and more real.
i also keep checking battery's stats and there isn't any anomaly or discrepancy compared to pre-update's stats.
I am in the same boat. I was using about 2-3 percent an hour before the security patch. But since the patch dropped I've been averaging about 10 percent an hour. I have to recharge at least once in the middle of the day. None of my apps changed.
Same here, noticeable difference in battery performance since last weeks update. Only change to apps is I am now using Google fit since last week, thought it was that but battery stats say otherwise.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
So last night I backed up all my pictures on my computer and the cloud. Tonight I will reset my phone before bed Ill have a better idea of what it will do tomorrow. It kinda stinks because I have this zooper/launchy/popup widget masterpiece going on my homescreen
Ill report back....
I have noticed the same issue since the OTA patch. Reminded me of my old Galaxy S where it would not go into deep sleep after being unplugged at a full charge without a reboot. I've gone without a reboot and with rebooting since the update and my phone is much better off after a reboot. About 7% per hour lost without compared to about 3-4% per hour lost with a reboot. Pretty consistent usage on a daily basis. Just my personal observation. I'm on AT&T though.
I got better battery life after the update... But then it went back to normal. I was being about 30 to 45 minutes extra SOT but now I'm back to my average times of 4-4:15 hours
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Take this for what it is.... I wake up at 545 grab my phone since the update by the time I get to work 7am it would be 96 or below.... I reset my phone last night and the phone seems back to normal at 99%-98%when I sit at my desk..... All apps reloaded and working before bed.....
My N6 is worse off for battery too after OTA update of last week. Seems like Google Services has just gotten a lot more aggressive doing what it is supposed to be doing. I hope Marshmallow will fix this.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Well, mine also loses a lot per hr...and it alsways is the cell interface that is being kept awake over hours of time during a day.
Mainly email and Google services are the apps sucking it off...
Any ideas?
Factory reset and back to normal so far.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app

20% battery drain over night || FIXED || SEPTERMBER 13 2018

Somewhere earlier this year I started getting a 20% overnight battery drain. On a few nights it didn't drain, but its pretty consistent. I have tried everything listed on this forum..This drain is definitely not caused by any standard settings. I am really hoping somebody with insight into Oreo might have something new I could try. I know xda user Digisteve is going to showup and suggest more things, and that is also not going to work.
Things I've tried.
- using root to disable logd. (saw this as a process in BBS) Still drained.
- Disabling auto-sync of all accounts. Still drained.
- Turning on stamina mode at night. Still drained.
- Removed google play store, google play services framework, and all google aps - and replaced with alternative China app store. - Still drained. Not a play services problem.
- Turning off wifi, all wifi scanning, notifications of wifi networks etc. Still drained.
- Turning off mobile data and wifi - no connectivity at all. Still drained.
- Turned of location in all possible device settings,. Still drained.
- Rooted the device with Janjan method/kernal. Still drained.
- Flashed different regions. Including (Taiwan, my region, Malaysia, Germany, Swiss, HK). Still drained.
- Tried firmware verions , 179 , 205, 235, 270
- Deleting 3rd party apps. Still drained.
- Installing Gsam - checking for consuming apps. No apps listed as cause of the drain.
- Installed greenify. Tried as standard, non-rooted with adb permissions, and fully rooted. Still drained.
- Disabling various packages related to 'carrier services', qualcomm and rcs. Still drained.
- Debloated to the point that the phone had no google apps, no Xperia apps and removed tons of other apps, camera bloat, anon data, etc, all removed. Still drained.
- All built in apps replaced with a 3rd party app, including, sms, contacts, email, keyboard. Still drained.
- Installed Linage OS 15.1 Beta 5. Still drained.
- switched from 3G only to LTE only. both drained equally.. though I have worse single with LTE in my area.
I am hoping there is a better solution than throwing the phone away. Because I am pretty much at that point now. I have spent probably well over 120 hours trying to fix this, and I can't. Its at the point where I need to move on to a new device rather than waste more time.... but there are no small devices on the market now, and also no more classic xperia style devices on the market. Sony does not make the executive, classic 'Xperia' style I fell in love with anymore. I don't do round, heavy, huge phones. Very sad.
Now running the latest Customized German 270 firmware.
Still draining 20% per night. Check out the screen shots - clear to see I have almost no apps. No process can be seen as a battery hog in both Gsam and BBS. However Gsam screenshot shows evidence of CPU usage.
Considering almost nobody had my issue, I assumed my phone must be a dud. Late August I bought a second XZ1 compact. The new phone worked for 1 day, and on the second day drained battery at 15% per night idle drain. Previously I had only tested the sim card by switching 3g,4g and disable mobile data, but never actually removing the sim from the phone. Last 2 nights I replaced my old sim with my gf sim of a different carrier. In the morning I had 99% battery remaining. No Drain!
I then downloaded an app these measures signal strength, and turns out where I sleep at night, there is is less reception. Its not noticeable just looking at the standard signal strength on your home screen, you need to check the more detailed strength in decibel millimps /dbm. I can still get good signal in most areas of my house, but the phone is having to use more power to keep the signal good. I can now reproduce the battery drain on demand. If I sleep with the phone near my bed, I get drain. But if I keep the phone in the living room, no drain. I found that connecting to wifi not a factor, since even if you use wifi for data, the phone was still holding open a connection the the cell tower.
This problem took me months, countless hours, and the expense of buying a completely new phone!!! Now I have 2 XZ1 compacts....arg.... but so happy its solved.
The important point is that if testing sim, good signal, or disabling mobile data, changing 3g 4g isn't enough. Your phone is using more power to maintain good signal.
Thank you to everyone who spend time trying to help me, digestive, proflyer, etc. Thank you guys.
At this point, I think it's highly likely you got yourself a lemon. Since you've already rooted the phone, warranty service is out of the question.
It boils down to two options:
1. Pay for a board replacement.
2. Try your luck with a brand new XZ1C. Buy it online so that you'll get the 7 days return perk (some online stores offer 10 days), keep it wrapped in its original packaging, handle with extreme care, and use it normally for a few days before your return window runs out. If you no longer get drains, congrats, and welcome to the club. If not, accept your fate, return it for a full refund, and give up on the XZ1C - understand that you weren't meant for each other and move on.
I had the same issue. Check this thread. Try that and report back.
I know what you feel. I had this too, but mine went away and I only very rarely have this drain. But mine was always on Wifi. With Wifi off = no drain reported... never.
I investigated it for weeks without coming to a conclusion.
If you can, replace the phone with warranty. Worth a try. Right now in my opinion you have a hardware faulty device.
But i would say to wait for android 9. In my opinion it wont take ages to come. It will much likely come this year.
---------- Post added at 15:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------
Milly7 said:
I had the same issue. Check this thread. Try that and report back.
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He still has drain even with WIfi Off, so that not the problem.
The only other thing I could suggest is having the battery replaced at a local repair shop. If you got a lemon battery but an otherwise fine phone, that could help.
How about remove your SIM card with wifi on for over night? Do you still experience the drain?
Dean F said:
ONE WORK AROUND. If I reboot the phone, then unlock it so "android is starting" screen is complete. Then lock the phone, without doing anything else - The battery does not drain overnight. In light of this, what could be the solution? I know an app sounds logical, but I arlready checking my 3rd party apps, and none of them were the probably, an no battery app has ever listed an app as a drain.
Any technical or Dev person go any idea what that symptom points towards?
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This does indeed sound like an app or a service gets stuck in an awkward way. You indicated in your first post that you use better battery stats, do you mind posting screenshots of the top of the summary, kernel wakelocks and partial wakelocks page (showing keeping awake services) as well as the bottom of the cpu states page (showing deep sleep time) "since unplugged" after a few hours of drain?
I have attached corresponding screenshots here for my xz1c (after more than 24 hours unplugged) as a reference (I have play services enabled and syncing both gmail and contacts and so on, no root though).
Dean F said:
ONE WORK AROUND. If I reboot the phone, then unlock it so "android is starting" screen is complete. Then lock the phone, without doing anything else - The battery does not drain overnight. In light of this, what could be the solution? I know an app sounds logical, but I arlready checking my 3rd party apps, and none of them were the probably, an no battery app has ever listed an app as a drain.
Any technical or Dev person go any idea what that symptom points towards?
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That doesnt make too much sense. Test it for at least one week before coming to conclusions.
Try this and let me know if it works
I had exactly the same issue
What i did (now magicaly works)
I did not have too many time so what I did was simple and I got a cheap replacement phone in the meantime
It seems to be beyond everything we tried
I conected the phone to the pc and did the fix with xperia companion, then I realized that everything was working as soon as I started to install the apps the problem came back, I installed a launcher (nova) and use it, drained the battery Ăștil reach zero and fully charge it, then everything was working... Back to normal... I don't know how the issue was solved but hope it works for you
Sorry about my bad english xD
ergoen said:
This does indeed sound like an app or a service gets stuck in an awkward way. You indicated in your first post that you use better battery stats, do you mind posting screenshots of the top of the summary, kernel wakelocks and partial wakelocks page (showing keeping awake services) as well as the bottom of the cpu states page (showing deep sleep time) "since unplugged" after a few hours of drain?
I have attached corresponding screenshots here for my xz1c (after more than 24 hours unplugged) as a reference (I have play services enabled and syncing both gmail and contacts and so on, no root though).
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Hi ergoen - thanks for the interest in my problem. Please see all the screenshots attatched, including BBS and Gsam.
Dean F said:
Please see all the screenshots attatched,
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The screenshots from BBS look pretty normal, the GSMBattery shots show issues with Google Play Services, so I'm guessing they were taken at different times. But there's nothing jumps out of the stats that looks out of the ordinary. Have you run the phone in safe mode overnight to see if you get the same drain? I think you may just have a duff battery, no one else has reported this sort of power loss before.
$40 down the repair shop to get a new battery is going to be a whole lot cheaper than a new phone.
Elmcor said:
I installed a launcher (nova) and use it,
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I have read somewhere else that Sony's Home is very thirsty with power, I will give your suggestion a go
Didgesteve said:
The screenshots from BBS look pretty normal, the GSMBattery shots show issues with Google Play Services, so I'm guessing they were taken at different times. But there's nothing jumps out of the stats that looks out of the ordinary. Have you run the phone in safe mode overnight to see if you get the same drain? I think you may just have a duff battery, no one else has reported this sort of power loss before.
$40 down the repair shop to get a new battery is going to be a whole lot cheaper than a new phone.
I have read somewhere else that Sony's Home is very thirsty with power, I will give your suggestion a go
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Thanks didgetsteve. your probably right.... The GSAM and BBS stats were taken right after each other, maybe a gap of 2 mins. Play Services wasnt the issue though, as I tried my phone google free, and it still drained.
Dean F said:
Thanks didgetsteve. your probably right.... The GSAM and BBS stats were taken right after each other, maybe a gap of 2 mins. Play Services wasnt the issue though, as I tried my phone google free, and it still drained.
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I agree with didgesteve, nothing jumps out by just looking at bbs (I am not familiar with gsam, so I cannot comment so much on that).
Before replacing the battery, I would probably make sure that it is not radio/network related. I have noticed that my phone draws significantly different amount of battery (in deep sleep mode) depending on the mobile network. This is mostly independent on whether mobile data is on or off.
Could you turn on airplane mode for an hour or two and verify that it is not the radio chip that is causing your drain? (If that is the cause, I am not sure if you can do anything about it apart from switching carriers or experimenting with 2g/3g/4g settings, but it might be worth knowing)
ergoen said:
I agree with didgesteve, nothing jumps out by just looking at bbs (I am not familiar with gsam, so I cannot comment so much on that).
Before replacing the battery, I would probably make sure that it is not radio/network related. I have noticed that my phone draws significantly different amount of battery (in deep sleep mode) depending on the mobile network. This is mostly independent on whether mobile data is on or off.
Could you turn on airplane mode for an hour or two and verify that it is not the radio chip that is causing your drain? (If that is the cause, I am not sure if you can do anything about it apart from switching carriers or experimenting with 2g/3g/4g settings, but it might be worth knowing)
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Didgesteve said:
The screenshots from BBS look pretty normal, the GSMBattery shots show issues with Google Play Services, so I'm guessing they were taken at different times. But there's nothing jumps out of the stats that looks out of the ordinary. Have you run the phone in safe mode overnight to see if you get the same drain? I think you may just have a duff battery, no one else has reported this sort of power loss before.
$40 down the repair shop to get a new battery is going to be a whole lot cheaper than a new phone.
I have read somewhere else that Sony's Home is very thirsty with power, I will give your suggestion a go
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I also had the drain that Dean has. But mine wasnt so agressive, I mean, some days it was there draining 30% battery over my sleep time (8hrs) and sometime it just behaved normally draining max 3% over sleep time. But still from time to time the drain come back wich is annoying as I cant let my phone with 30% battery left when im going to sleep, afraid the battery will be dead and the alarm wont wacke me up lol.
On my extensive tests, the drain only happened with wifi, but even deactivating all wifi related process (backups, syncs etc) the drain was sometimes there. Wifi wasnt the culprit with Dean, but on my tests: Wifi On = Sometimes big drain , Wifi Off = never drain.
I never managed to find the culprit of this damn drain and Im a software tester. Gsam did not show anything unusual at all. It was like Deans screenshot.
We discussed about this issue a lot here ( but till this day we dont know whats triggering it.
Im curious how the phone will behave on this issue with android P.
@ergoen @Didgesteve . Can you guys comment on my 4th screen shot, the one where you can see the CPU usage. Does anything strike you as odd in that pic? TThe CPU util looks high... it is normal?
i dont see nothing odd there
Dean F said:
@ergoen @Didgesteve . Can you guys comment on my 4th screen shot, the one where you can see the CPU usage. Does anything strike you as odd in that pic? TThe CPU util looks high... it is normal?
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I'm sorry, but I don't think I have the knowledge to judge that. I would expect CPU usage to be low in deep sleep mode, but since the CPU is mostly sleeping, I guess any requested usage will queue up in a way that might look odd, so what you are seeing might be normal (but again, I don't actually know). I also believe that CPU power consumption is mostly related to the frequency state it is in, so deep sleep should mean low consumption (independent on cpu util %).
As I indicated in my previous post, I would sooner blame the radio chip or the battery than the CPU given your BBS screenshots.
mi drain came back today... some days its there and some days its not...
what a fvcking piece of sh1t is this phone... im done with the all tests. time to try samsung.
profyler said:
mi drain came back today... some days its there and some days its not...
what a fvcking piece of sh1t is this phone... im done with the all tests. time to try samsung.
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Bro, Samsung is even worse when it comes to battery drain. Check out linus tech tips vid from a few days ago
My wifes side of the family all have Samsungs.... they are totally ****. The OS is bloated, ugly, laggy despite monster specs huge ram, snap 845, and battery nightmares on brand new phones exactly like in Linus's video. And there is a stupid "BIXBY BUTTON" on the phone which is a total nightmare. if your with Samsung, BIXBY will the with you, following you forever.
In other news, I replaced my Taiwan XZ1 compact with an Australian XZ1 Compact, and my drain is gone. I drained 2% last night.
There are so many build differences with the Taiwan and Australian build of the phone. Bigger microphone holes, slightly different proximity sensor design, and the plastic back is a rough matt black/gray in the AU versions, the TW version was a smoother shiny midnight black with a silver sparkle in the sun. The biggest difference was of course the battery drain.

