Nexus 6 - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm thinking of purchasing one would someone be willing to tell me the pro's and con's of this phone?

before you read my response, read this
pro.. i love the damn thing too much, its seriously making me think twice about buying a nexus 6p
con.. i love the damn thing too much, its seriously making me think twice about buying a nexus 6p

I got one yesterday and love it. Easy to unlock the bootloader and rooting. Using wufresh toolkit is foolproof. Now to decided if I should make a ROM or just use what's out there which is plenty. No regrets at all. And this device always getting updates. Good luck.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Its a super phone! Once you get hooked to the display, you won't like any thing smaller. Fluid as water, looks gorgeous, gets latest from Google, i already have 6.0.1 running on it! Numerous custom roms, best of community support!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

I got one from Amazon's black friday deal. Had an HTC one m9 beforry but the N6 serves my purposes better.
Yea it's a little large and needs some time to get use to the size, but it's a great phone. Very smooth and no lag at all. You won't be disappointed.

It's a solid device. If you open up a lot of apps, it's better than any phone I've used at keeping them in system memory.
The camera isn't good without ideal light, and the vibration motor is the worst since my Moto Cliq. But you can root away one, the other not so much

i love mine, its fast, its big..handy if your eyes are getting a bit older. Easy to root, unlock. Now if i only knew how to make roms i would be very happy.

TMG1961 said:
Now if i only knew how to make roms i would be very happy.
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Well, with a lot of patience, I can assure you
For starters, build a basic AOSP rom, then take your time to map out how what works, and take baby steps.
So far the only thing I've changed was:
- Dismiss all button for recents
- Fix menu button on the navigation bar, now it has four buttons equally distributed
- UI tuner is always on, and can't be turned off (but I left the spinning gear in, it's cool)
- Settings displays my version
- You can access the Clock app tapping any time or date field on the status bar, and not just the next alarm
- And more fixes, like making Battery saving location not soft rebooting on AOSP
- And the most significant change that the white "android" boot animation (the one you see if sou don't have a is replaced by a cyan colored "cyosp" one (you can see in my signature)

istperson said:
Well, with a lot of patience, I can assure you
For starters, build a basic AOSP rom, then take your time to map out how what works, and take baby steps.
So far the only thing I've changed was:
- Dismiss all button for recents
- Fix menu button on the navigation bar, now it has four buttons equally distributed
- UI tuner is always on, and can't be turned off (but I left the spinning gear in, it's cool)
- Settings displays my version
- You can access the Clock app tapping any time or date field on the status bar, and not just the next alarm
- And more fixes, like making Battery saving location not soft rebooting on AOSP
- And the most significant change that the white "android" boot animation (the one you see if sou don't have a is replaced by a cyan colored "cyosp" one (you can see in my signature)
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Thanks for your answer

I'm also thinking of purchasing this phone very soon. Few questions as well:
The phone is already a year old. Is this phone good if I'm thinking of using it for at least 18mo?
That display/brightness...I've heard its really dim (270 nits, really?), and damn near unreadable outdoors. Just overexhaggerating here on reviewers' part? As a reference, I'm coming from an LG G3.


Will someone please tell me why Google hasn't improved the rotation speed?!

I thought this was originally a product if poor sensors. But it wasn't. Then I thought it was a bug. Updates went by, then I saw that wasn't the case either. It just seems to be a "feature".
This feature is really beginning to annoy me! Can anyone tell me why it takes about two seconds before the screen rotates in stock Android. My G.Nex takes about the same time. I'm guessing any remedy involves rooting, which is annoying. I'm rooted, I just don't think this should be necessary for people to do (IF it's necessary).
Can anyone shed light on this?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Actually if it rotates in less than a second it'll be more annoying trust me. Like if you are typing and just tilt your device a little bit, it'll be a disaster right? I don't know however if you can modify this.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Aokp and others allow you to change this. Many roms have a shorter rotation speed. They actually did quicken it, 4.0 was really slow. Yes its a feature.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Quite fast considering what it has to do.
marsyeti said:
Actually if it rotates in less than a second it'll be more annoying trust me. Like if you are typing and just tilt your device a little bit, it'll be a disaster right? I don't know however if you can modify this.
Sent from my Nexus 7
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I agree with this.. The feature is there to prevent you from rotating the screen by accident. Say using the cam in video chat while holding the device in your hand.. While typing and walking around..
Not sure why this is such a bother to you Not everything should be Instant.If it were instant you would also see the screen refresh as its turning the icons..
the ui . would have to turn resize screen background re position the icons and the notification/ now settings menu all in a fraction of a second. The delay helps with my first sentence as well as gives the Interface to make necessary changes for the new orientation.. Good things come to those who wait..
The rotation pause time is perfect for me.
erica_renee said:
I agree with this.. The feature is there to prevent you from rotating the screen by accident. Say using the cam in video chat while holding the device in your hand.. While typing and walking around..
Not sure why this is such a bother to you Not everything should be Instant.If it were instant you would also see the screen refresh as its turning the icons..
the ui . would have to turn resize screen background re position the icons and the notification/ now settings menu all in a fraction of a second. The delay helps with my first sentence as well as gives the Interface to make necessary changes for the new orientation.. Good things come to those who wait..
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If anyone has used the iPad, other iDevice or some other non-stock Android devices, the rotation delay is only about half a second and smooth. There is no confusion or constant accidental rotations, it's responsive rather than intentionally slow. Plus, I really don't think too many people accidentally rotate their devices too many times.
Another example is that with my N7, JB 4.2, rooted but stock, It can take up to 4 seconds to rotate on the PIN secured lock screen. In what way is this useful?
Its less than one second on my stock 4.2...
The rotation speed seems much longer on 4.2 than it did on 4.1.2. I noticed the difference immediately after updating.
You can play with the 3 screen animation parameters - they are located in setup under the developers section about half way down the page.
-Window animation scale
-Transition animation scale
-Animation duration scale
These parameters affect the speed at which the display dims and brightens, rotates and transitions..
If you set the 3 parameters to zero, you get a binary effect on all animations - in other words, a single step from one position/brightness/orientation to the next.
I found that you may have to reboot the device (or restart the window manager?) for any changes to take effect.
Hope this helps.

Ranting along

Since everybody seems to upbeat about the Nexus 4, here some things that REALLY piss me off.
For reference, I am coming from a DEFY / CM9 and have at the same time here a new HTC One S / CM10. And then there would be a Nexus 7, and a Kindle Fire / CM10/SGT7.
Why on earth couldn't they have the normal buttons on the bottom, and instead needed to waste precious screen real estate ? I do understand that a 7 inch tablet needs that as it's turned between landscape and portrait. But for a phone ... After all there is space on the device, which is unused now ...
This little microSIM tray is nifty. Especially if you are at an airport, just bought the prepaid microSIM and try to put it in. You have the tool with you, right ?
The new and improved camera app stinks like heck. The device support ISO settings, different focus modi, red-eye removal ... the works. But the default application fails to expose ANY of that. I cannot even set the JPEG quality level ... EPIC fail.
Tried to use 720p video recording ? 22fps stuttering ...
Lockscreen widgets ... why on earth would I want to have that ? And why couldn't there just be a simply settings entry to disable that ? (yes, I know that there is now an app out there that gets rid of it ...)
The good old clock. Nice work. Tons of features. Way too many. Why split this over-engineered mess into "Alarm" and "Watch" and whatever ?
Battery drain ... Looks like a lot of the new features (some which I cannot uninstall per default) are sucking up processor time, like the "Mediaserver" (got the same apps/settings as on CM9/CM10, where this does not happen).
This new pulldown quick settings is nifty. Takes me now 2 clicks and one slide to toggle wireless ... much improved over the one-click toggle in CM9/CM10 (and HTC Sense, and TouchWhiz, and ...).
Overall I feel that 4.2 is a step back from 4.1, because every new feature that should make up 4.2 seems to be more in the way than anything else. The toy needs sooo urgently CM10 it's not even funny.
I totally agree with all your points, it's definitely a turd. Wanna sell it?
To your first point, I have a feeling that Google will eventually rethink the use of on-screen buttons and come up with a solution that occupies less real estate. The back button is redundant and can easily be replaced in-app like the menu button was (e.g. click the icon in the upper-left corner to go back is already implemented in many apps) and its behavior is confusing and inconsistent; it's a carry-over from the past and poor UX design overall. The task switcher could quick easily become a hold and drag gesture from the home button or status bar with adding any additional steps to get to it.
Thinking something crazy like the tablet interface where the status bar moves to the bottom, gets a little wider, and houses the home button would be a good solution.
Why does... does... do you guys smell apples? I swear I think I do.
TheFiveDots said:
The back button is redundant and can easily be replaced in-app like the menu button was [...] and its behavior is confusing and inconsistent
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What the... huh? Have you ever used android for longer than a few minutes?
The missing back button is the first thing I always cringe over whenever I have to handle an apple device at work, it's the best thing of the whole OS (well,at least it's pretty awesome)
And software buttons are the best solution in general, because they can hide and make place for more stuff on demand.
The "empty" space on the bottom of the nexus4 isn't because they thought they'd leave space there just for fun, there's space because it's needed for the hardware below.
If there were hardware buttons taking up the space the phone would be even bigger (or the screen smaller)
Instead of whinning about it why not try to do something about it.
Sent from Arkham
Yeah stop moaning and send it back.
Why keep a phone that "pisses" you off so much...
U mad bro?
Early adopter and complaining (very mad) that there are some updates needed............silly
Maybe u should sell it on eBay and make some money?
Or better......sell it to one of the great devs that are waiting for a device!!!!!!
Sent from my GT-I9450
muspel said:
What the... huh? Have you ever used android for longer than a few minutes?
The missing back button is the first thing I always cringe over whenever I have to handle an apple device at work, it's the best thing of the whole OS (well,at least it's pretty awesome)
And software buttons are the best solution in general, because they can hide and make place for more stuff on demand.
The "empty" space on the bottom of the nexus4 isn't because they thought they'd leave space there just for fun, there's space because it's needed for the hardware below.
If there were hardware buttons taking up the space the phone would be even bigger (or the screen smaller)
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Yes. I have. Thanks for your assumptions though. Despite your "cringing", Apple's implementation of a dynamic "back button" at the top-left of nearly every iOS app is much more consistent and predictable.
On Android, sometimes the back button takes you back to the screen you were on previously on the same level, sometimes it takes you up a level, and sometimes it closes the app which is always surprising and annoying if you were not aware you were already at the root level. The home button closes an app, the back button doesn't need to. Google is even well aware of this unpredictably and has gone as far to draw up guidelines as to how it should be implemented, but many developers choose to ignore it.
Unpredictable behavior is bad UX design, plain and simple. Having a place in-app that takes you back and a hardware/software button that does the same is also redundant and unnecessary. Navigating an app should be natural and intuitive and all within the app, in my opinion. Hardware/software keys should be reserved for OS-level tasks like Home, Task Switching, etc.
I agree the software buttons are the best choice, but it would be nice to see them implemented in a much more dynamic and space-saving way.
The sim eject tool, aka paper clip.
TheFiveDots said:
To your first point, I have a feeling that Google will eventually rethink the use of on-screen buttons and come up with a solution that occupies less real estate. The back button is redundant and can easily be replaced in-app like the menu button was (e.g. click the icon in the upper-left corner to go back is already implemented in many apps) and its behavior is confusing and inconsistent; it's a carry-over from the past and poor UX design overall. The task switcher could quick easily become a hold and drag gesture from the home button or status bar with adding any additional steps to get to it.
Thinking something crazy like the tablet interface where the status bar moves to the bottom, gets a little wider, and houses the home button would be a good solution.
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Yes, I was thinking that the merged tablet interface would be a cool idea for the "Nexus 4". With CM10/SGT7 on the KF you also get a nicer notification panel, which might be reasonable for a device of this size.
MonsieurJohnny said:
The sim eject tool, aka paper clip.
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Doesn't work. Paperclip is too big for that one (at least the 3 different ones I tried).
woody296 said:
I totally agree with all your points, it's definitely a turd. Wanna sell it?
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Actually I might do (or simply return it), but for different reasons than just the SW I was ranting about (and being disappointed for now). Of course many issues I cited will be fixed with a CM10.1 custom ROM in about 3 months ...
I disagree with the on screen buttons. I had the gs3 and it was terrible for accidentally catching the buttons. The bezel is there for a reason, Samsung put real buttons on the bezel and it's terrible. This is best of both worlds, if an watching a video I get the full screen as the buttons disappear, yet for everything else the screen is a great size.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I feel sorry for everyone and everything in your life.
I disagree. 4.2 is a major improvement, much faster and smoother. All these new things will be improved upon in future updates.
It sounds to me like some people would never be happy no matter what they do.
As for the on screen buttons, i love them after coming from a device that had a push button for home. It would be great though to make them autohide as they do for video.
sent via xda premium with nexus 7
Lol I love that all you fan boys bash the Op and make fun of him, but I hate to break it to you, everything in his post is true. The proper response is: "yes Google screwed some things up pretty badly here, but overall the good outweighs the bad."
Some of you people are worse than iSheep. No need to defend everything a company does. If you don't acknowledge the bad you basically give Google a license to never fix the problem it created because Google thinks you like those problems!
-Sent from my GS3 running CM10.-
I've been using it for a few days and I love the device . smoother than m gs3
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
This guy doesn't own one, he's just seen videos, it is pretty obvious.
People just love complaining, I think this is he's first android phone, probably bought it because it was so cheap, try to buy an iPhone for that price you'll probably just about pick up a second hand 4s, I've never seen a phone so cheap with so many features, first phone with 2gb ram, even the iPhone 5 has only 1gb ram.
send your phone back and go and buy an iPhone 4s from ebay!!!

Google seems to have screwed it up with this one...

5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
2. Bad battery life - is it me or has the battery really taken a hit? Today I got out of the house at 8AM and by 3PM I get the 15% battery saver notification. With about 2.5 hrs of SOT. Before I used to get at least 3+.
3. Unnecessary animations - I do not understand the whole "logical part" of L's animations. They claim apps now "open from somewhere". All I'm seeing is that they slide up now. IMO, it was more logical before, the app used to extend diagonally FROM its icon itself. On top of that, the animations are more laggy too.
4. Colours/Icons - what is with the colour choices of teal, etc. in the backgrounds and all over the UI? Starting to look like Touchwiz. And, the triangle/square/circle are totally random choices of shapes...the arrow, home, etc. were more logical.
5. Google Apps - Google apps are ever-more confusing to use now with a plethora of headings under the swipe menus (i.e. Gmail, Inbox, Photos, etc.). More importantly, the font is now super small...the nice big font in KitKat was way nicer and had easy-to-understand menus. Chrome is way worse - tabs have become "apps" and the only way to switch between them is to access recent apps. No more new tab button, no more swipe between tabs, and it crashes like no tomorrow. Calendar is's harder to delete events now.
Overall KitKat was way smoother, cleaner UI, very accessible, but only lacked a couple key features. Looks like Project Butter is gone. An update is fast needed.
The Good:
Dialer and Messenger apps are far better than the stock on KitKat (UI/usability-wise). I really like lock-screen notifications.
(1) Wat? No lag here. (stock, no root)
Won't comment about (2) and above (yet).
OnlySkills said:
5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
2. Bad battery life - is it me or has the battery really taken a hit? Today I got out of the house at 8AM and by 3PM I get the 15% battery saver notification. With about 2.5 hrs of SOT. Before I used to get at least 3+.
3. Unnecessary animations - I do not understand the whole "logical part" of L's animations. They claim apps now "open from somewhere". All I'm seeing is that they slide up now. IMO, it was more logical before, the app used to extend diagonally FROM its icon itself. On top of that, the animations are more laggy too.
4. Colours/Icons - what is with the colour choices of teal, etc. in the backgrounds and all over the UI? Starting to look like Touchwiz. And, the triangle/square/circle are totally random choices of shapes...the arrow, home, etc. were more logical.
5. Google Apps - Google apps are ever-more confusing to use now with a plethora of headings under the swipe menus (i.e. Gmail, Inbox, Photos, etc.). More importantly, the font is now super small...the nice big font in KitKat was way nicer and had easy-to-understand menus. Chrome is way worse - tabs have become "apps" and the only way to switch between them is to access recent apps. No more new tab button, no more swipe between tabs, and it crashes like no tomorrow. Calendar is's harder to delete events now.
Overall KitKat was way smoother, cleaner UI, very accessible, but only lacked a couple key features. Looks like Project Butter is gone. An update is fast needed.
The Good:
Dialer and Messenger apps are far better than the stock on KitKat (UI/usability-wise). I really like lock-screen notifications.
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Please tell us your method of installing 5.0?
Sent from my Android 5.0 Nexus 5
1. Not laggy for me too. It works smooth. Did a clean install.
2. Battery life seems to be fine.. Did not see any improvements yet..but definitely not a deterioration..
3. This may be a personal preference. I actually like the animations.
4. Again personal preference. I love the color scheme of lollipop. Bright colors and white just works.
5. I agree there is a confusion with Email app redirecting to gmail and Inbox which manages Gmail..haha what a mess. But I can get used to it. Agnostic about the font size change. I hated the chrome tabs which showed up in multi tasking, but I just turned the feature off. Now I have all the swipe to switch tabs, swipe down to see tabs etc.
Even though I like Lollipop overall, I agree with several of your points:
Battery life is much worse than the first DP released months ago. That was amazing. Now, I still have a better battery life while actually using the phone, compared to KitKat, but the standby power consumption is worrying: I get a 5% drop by just leaving my phone in airplane mode for one night, which would barely take 1% on android 4.4...
The UI doesn't look laggy at all to me, but I must admit that some animations are pointless; others are pleasant though.
I like the UI of some of the new Gapps instead: gmail is really well made, especially in the tablet version, calendar is ok and the changes in the other ones (maps, keep, newsstand) didn't affect usability.
At first I didn't like chrome either, but after you get used to the new way to use it, it's not that bad. Anyway, you can disable the new tab view and revert to the classical UI whenever you want
Sent from my Nexus 5
Lags what?? Come on. Mine is running butter smooth like never before. Much much fluid and consistent than Kitkat 4.4.4. And stop criticizing UI based on colors and all. These are subjective elements and opinions always vary greatly from person to person. Most of the people are liking this new UI. It does have a character and feel of liveliness unlike any previous android UI.
PS: And for once in a lifetime, do checkout settings under Chrome.
Got no lag issues
Battery is better for me
3 ~ 5 are taste choices not issues, i love the new ui and animation
Maybe its time to see if any oem offer better looks to your taste
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
People if you read all his comments, all items are so subjective. Colors can look ugly to you but not to everyone. Battery would be because of how you use it. Gapps, are made not your sake and fonts that are small for your is enough for someone. Again, post issues that are show stopper.
@OP: Damn right they have. The OTA updates have stopped as well. I think the rest of us (99%) should be receiving Android 5.0.1 or something next month. Till then... no updates.
In chrome you can change the tab style under settings
I sideloaded the OTA and my phone was laggy and had a few force closes so I flashed the factory image and it's fine. Fast, smooth and works.
This is the price you pay for being an early adopter. It has happened before on nexus devices in the past. It's going to take them at least one or even two more updates to polish it.
Concerning chrome tabs, go to settings in chrome and turn off "merge tabs and apps".
You can turn off system animations from developer options in settings, or make them a bit faster by setting the value to .5x
As for unnecessary apps, you can disable the apps you don't want to see, or if you're rooted, you can delete them for good.
I want to say that after week od testing Lollipop (AOSP version with Hybrid Kernel) I went back to Omni ROM based on KitKat. Why? Because for me Lollipop is not as smooth as KitKat. I mean especially animations that are often laggy. Check out for example Play Store. Search any app with huge description, click "More informations" and then click "x" button to close whole description. For me this animation was very laggy. It's only example but I just felt worse smoothness and responsive in compare to KitKat. Even recent apps panel opens slower than KitKats one. It should not supposed to be so. I feel on KitKat 100% comfortable in daily use, not on Lollipop. I like new look and features but KitKat is faster.
And I will not change my mind, I'm not a noob and I can see the difference. I will wait month or two for custom ROMs and I will check out Lollipop again.
rayiskon said:
This is the price you pay for being an early adopter. It has happened before on nexus devices in the past. It's going to take them at least one or even two more updates to polish it.
Concerning chrome tabs, go to settings in chrome and turn off "merge tabs and apps".
You can turn off system animations from developer options in settings, or make them a bit faster by setting the value to .5x
As for unnecessary apps, you can disable the apps you don't want to see, or if you're rooted, you can delete them for good.
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Do you know long did previous nexus devices had to wait for the "polish" it out updates in the past?
and313 said:
Do you know long did previous nexus devices had to wait for the "polish" it out updates in the past?
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I've been on the nexus line for 4 generations, but no one can answer your question with 100% certainty. It might take a x.x.1 or even x.x.2 update to iron things out.
I would say this transition is even bigger than gingerbread 2.3 -> 4.0 ICS was.
Choppy animations, FC's and inconsistencies in apps are normal at this stage. Apps will update in time. And i mean all apps in general, not just GApps.
1. No lag here.
2. Getting 4 hours + SoT, even on Developer Preview I was getting nearly 5.
3. Everything looks better in slow-mo.
4. Touchwiz is so much more random. Colors everywhere, heavy theming, where as Google has a constant flow. Maybe they just got tired if everything being black(might've been nice in the N6)
5. I always hated the Photos thing, but getting use to it quickly. I can see where Google is trying to go.
The font is beautiful to me. I love it.
Chrome, you can change it from recent apps back to normal in Chrome settings(I don't know if you read the instructions for that)
Calendar looks beautiful, but haven't used it yet.
Now. Remember that Lollipop was JUST released, therefore only the start of things to come. KitKat had many improvements done to it to become what it was.
Curiousn00b said:
1. No lag here.
2. Getting 4 hours + SoT, even on Developer Preview I was getting nearly 5.
3. Everything looks better in slow-mo.
4. Touchwiz is so much more random. Colors everywhere, heavy theming, where as Google has a constant flow. Maybe they just got tired if everything being black(might've been nice in the N6)
5. I always hated the Photos thing, but getting use to it quickly. I can see where Google is trying to go.
The font is beautiful to me. I love it.
Chrome, you can change it from recent apps back to normal in Chrome settings(I don't know if you read the instructions for that)
Calendar looks beautiful, but haven't used it yet.
Now. Remember that Lollipop was JUST released, therefore only the start of things to come. KitKat had many improvements done to it to become what it was.
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This exact same thing, minus #3.
Sent from my Nexus 5 on Lollipop 5.0
TheLastSidekick said:
This exact same thing, minus #3.
Sent from my Nexus 5 on Lollipop 5.0
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Ohno, I meant the animations. You see it more in slow-mo. I'm not saying put your phone animations like 2x's slower.
In an Android Police post, they made GIFS of the animations. To the eye it looks like a slide, but in thebGIFS it was beautiful.
No lag here.
Battery is improved in my case ( on avg-extreme usage).
But apps takes longer time to install. But I know its due to the ART , but performance wise its a clear winner.
No force closes even on extreme multitasking.
My device is rooted just to install ViperFx everything else is completely stock.
OnlySkills said:
5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
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Yes, I noticed this since first preview came out. I thought it would be fixed in final factory image, but it didn't.
I installed Lollipop with full wipe option (-w) and still laggy everywhere(Drawer, multi-tasking, even opening setting).
Third party apps which have services running in background are only Facebook Messenger and Yahoo!Weather, tried removing them but no help.
I am so jealous of you guys who didn't encounter this issue :crying:
BTW, I also noticed taking some HDR+ shots makes system holding more memory (and never release them).

Nexus 6 Help / Recommendations Needed

Hello Everyone,
So I have had my Nexus 6 for almost a month now. I must say, out of all of the phones I have owned the Nexus 6 is hands down my favorite! This is my first Android phone and I feel I made an excellent choice on my device selection. I have owned every iPhone from the 3GS to the 6. I always thought about making the switch from IOS to Android and I knew that when I did it would be for a Nexus device. Needless to say I have had no regrets! The ONLY things I miss are touch id (fingerprint sensor) and visual voicemail. Those are not even comparable to everything that I have gained. Anyways, I will get to the point and list some things I would like some help with and recommendations for.
Google Search Bar: I would love to get rid of the search bar on my home screen for various reasons.
Battery Life: What do some of you do to optimize battery life on your Nexus 6?
Sound: What apps do some of you use to modify sound quality on speakers / headphone jack?
Themes: I would love to get a darker theme that replaces all of the white in the app drawer, settings, messenger, phone, etc.
Notification Light: What is the best app to activate / control the notification light? Paid or not.
Visual Voicemail: How can I obtain voicemail like on an iPhone?
Customization: I have been running stock 6.0 rooted with TWRP recovery. I am looking for recommendations on custom kernals and custom roms for the Nexus 6. (Preferably Android 6.0) I have seen quite a few out there but I do not know much about this stuff. Features I would like in a kernal/rom are:
Performance control / better battery life
Notification light activation and control
Status bar and navigation bar control. (hiding them, their colors, etc) I am already seeing very slight burn in from the navigation bar. My screen timeout is set to 30 seconds and my brightness is on auto.
I am rooted with TWRP recovery as stated above.
Any input, tips, tricks, recommendations about anything with the Nexus 6 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Rektifying said:
I am rooted with TWRP recovery as stated above.
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Start here.
NLBeev said:
Start here.
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Thank you. Looks promising. Seems to offer what I'm looking for.

Things I don't like about the Mate 10. What's yours?

1. The volume button and power button are too close together. The amount of times I went to reach the power button to turn off the display and accidentally took a screenshot by pressing power and volume down together.
2. The back is way too slippery. If the phone is on my bed and and leaning on the mattress slightly, the phone moves. Even just tapping the screen to navigate makes the phone slowly move away. Have to keep putting the case back on.
3. Gloves don't work with the front mounted sensor button. Not really blaming Huawei for that, but if out and about and gloved, you can't press the home button as the sensor won't work. I disabled my navigation bar which is the main reason I got this phone for full screen real estate. Thank God I can add the Navigation Floating Dock on the Quick Tiles so I can enable and use that when gloved and out.
4. Battery is good but not what I was expecting. Same as my Mate 9 battery life and yet I thought the Kirin 970 was 50% more efficient than the 960.
5. Wish camera had more slow motion speeds.
6. Persistent Android System notification but that's an Oreo thing and not a Huawei thing.
Having said all that I love this phone and it's the best phone I ever had.
Only had mine two days so more annoyances will probably come to light.
Agree about the power/volume button positioning.
Also since I've got a glass screen protector on it, it's a bit harder to access the sensor (have to press down into it) which is a bit annoying since it's my main means of navigating back and home as well as unlocking.
Infact the same sensor/button being used for both back (short press) and home (long press) is also awkward as I frequently do one when I mean to do the other.
Finally, it seems a bit complicated seemingly with multiple apps and settings for the same thing (though I am coming from Windows Mobile which might seem simpler as it didn't have many apps)
Agree great phone though (probably my best ever also)
I just got my mate 10 (alp-l29,black,4gb) from UAE.
1. Inability to theme notification/quick toggle area - stays black no matter what theme you apply. Looks out of place considering all notifications except spotify are light/white themed.
2.home button with 3 functions is not as easy to manage as I thought, but I will have to get used to it, since i aint giving away screen real estate and use on screen buttons on this monster.
3. Display settings in regard of View Mode and Text Size are not perfect, meaning that View Mode setting does not change size of text for notifications and they just look to big unless you use small text, but then again small text and default viewing area makes other areas look to big like whatsapp, chrome and so on. the best setting for perfect view View Mode - Small, Text Size - Normal, while taking into account that in such combo your notifications will be large/too large to fit notification are when you receive 3-4 messages/emails.
Otherwise I love this phone. Its fast, lag free. Kinda fat, but in combo with the weight, I like how it sits in my hand.
For the first time I quible only about thickness. Anything over 8mm feels a little thick...
tboy2000 said:
3. Gloves don't work with the front mounted sensor button. Not really blaming Huawei for that, but if out and about and gloved, you can't press the home button as the sensor won't work. I disabled my navigation bar which is the main reason I got this phone for full screen real estate. Thank God I can add the Navigation Floating Dock on the Quick Tiles so I can enable and use that when gloved and out..
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Well to update my post, I just tried with a very thin pair of unlined black leather gloves I own and in fact the sensor button DOES work while gloved. So I can press it to go back and forth and navigate as usual. It does not work with fingerprint recognition apps/phone unlocking of course, but once you are in, they do work.
FYI they are a UK brand: Dents Extra Soft 3000 silk lined gloves but I ripped out the silk lining to make them unlined and for more flexibility and thinness and to work with the sensor. ?
jemeljsh said:
3. Display settings in regard of View Mode and Text Size are not perfect, meaning that View Mode setting does not change size of text for notifications and they just look to big unless you use small text, but then again small text and default viewing area makes other areas look to big like whatsapp, chrome and so on. the best setting for perfect view View Mode - Small, Text Size - Normal, while taking into account that in such combo your notifications will be large/too large to fit notification are when you receive 3-4 messages/emails.
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I found a solution to this issue where none of the combinations of View Mode and Text Size settings give you ideally looking system, meaning not too large or not too tiny. At default everything looks to large IMO and they should done better on qhd 6.0” screen. If not by default, view mode needs 5 not 3 steps.
So far the best I got is with this combo of settings:
1. View Mode and Text Size at Small;
2. Dpi @392 (under Developer Settings).
With this settings I believe the text size and viewing area is appropriate for qhd 6” screen.
For me,
I simply hate the single button implementation. Especially for recent task action, sometimes it ends up detecting my swipe as a tap, and going back accidentally
If one button is indeed a must, then i prefer the Meizu style implementation, where i can simply swipe up from bottom screen to access recent.
Current huawei implementation is too slow to my liking, not to mention, its a waste of space, since we can actually put something next to the button
otonieru said:
For me,
I simply hate the single button implementation. Especially for recent task action,
If one button is indeed a must, then i prefer the Meizu style implementation, where i can simply swipe up from bottom screen to access recent.
Current huawei implementation is too slow to my liking, not to mention, its a waste of space, since we can actually put something next to the button
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I thikn the one button is great. but the beauty of android is that you can simply change to something like Nova Launcher and get this swipe-up-for-recents functionality :good:
snachez said:
I thikn the one button is great. but the beauty of android is that you can simply change to something like Nova Launcher and get this swipe-up-for-recents functionality :good:
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Well that might be true if we are on home page,
But if we are still using an app, swiping up will only do scrolling :silly: , and the point of getting into recent screen is of course, for switching between app
I kinda expect by this time, huawei would already implement off screen gesture. At least for skipping song,
I mount my phone on my car center dash often, using maps and streaming spotify,
Without off screen gesture, its too troublesome, since i need to reach the phone while driving (not to mention its dangerous)
Because of this, now most of that job done by my Meizu Pro 7
They already implement "Knock & Draw" feature to launch app, so i dont see why they still cant get offscreen gesture
I miss the double tap to wake.
Do you have an app for this ?
maniyoshi said:
I miss the double tap to wake.
Do you have an app for this ?
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Don't need that for Mate 10. Its one tap on fp to wake.
Hi. I don'l line che "twin app" that is no wotking with other launchers and there isn't a toggle to manage the duble sim (favorite ecc..)
maniyoshi said:
I miss the double tap to wake.
Do you have an app for this ?
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Yes. I missed double tap to wake. Huawei should not remove the set data limit feature as well.
I overall like the phone but couple things
Camera is disappointing. Not as good as expecting. I do believe it's the software side letting it down. I was more impressed with the pixel 1 and HTC u11 camera
Battery life could be better. It's good but should be better with the battery size. Again seems needs more software tweaks. Inside just browsing with WiFi I can get up to 7-8 hours SOT. it just seems when I'm at work. I use a little sat nav and mobile data and a bit of music streaming it drains quickly. Just as quick as phones with smaller battery's
The software. I like emui . I like it a lot more than I thought. But it definitely is a bit buggy here and there ..again software updates could improve this
Another really picky thing...even though I really can't notice this isn't a 2k screen and is 1080p and it's a gorgeous screen. It still would have been nice to have the option. Especially since all flagships at this price and above have 2k screens
windozeanti said:
Yes. I missed double tap to wake. Huawei should not remove the set data limit feature as well.
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I thought data limit is still there? In mobile data setting.
Or are we talking about different thing ?
Reuben_skelz92 said:
I overall like the phone but couple things
Camera is disappointing. Not as good as expecting. I do believe it's the software side letting it down. I was more impressed with the pixel 1 and HTC u11 camera
Battery life could be better. It's good but should be better with the battery size. Again seems needs more software tweaks. Inside just browsing with WiFi I can get up to 7-8 hours SOT. it just seems when I'm at work. I use a little sat nav and mobile data and a bit of music streaming it drains quickly. Just as quick as phones with smaller battery's
The software. I like emui . I like it a lot more than I thought. But it definitely is a bit buggy here and there ..again software updates could improve this
Another really picky thing...even though I really can't notice this isn't a 2k screen and is 1080p and it's a gorgeous screen. It still would have been nice to have the option. Especially since all flagships at this price and above have 2k screens
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- I don't know... different people report different experience. I mean some people are getting a lot of SOT and some not. which is quite confusing.
- also, the same regarding the camera, some say it is amazing some say not that good, check this post, what do you think about it:
according to these pics, Mate 10 definitely wins over pixel 2 xl !
well these 2 things are what is going to make me buy the mate 10 in few days. so i was looking for reviews around the web to make up mind.
Shady282 said:
- I don't know... different people report different experience. I mean some people are getting a lot of SOT and some not. which is quite confusing.
- also, the same regarding the camera, some say it is amazing some say not that good, check this post, what do you think about it:
according to these pics, Mate 10 definitely wins over pixel 2 xl !
well these 2 things are what is going to make me buy the mate 10 in few days. so i was looking for reviews around the web to make up mind.
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The camera definitely isn't bad. But hasn't given me that wow factor. Especially in low light. Like I said I think after a couple software updates things will improve slot. No doubt the battery is good but could be better considering the Battery size
I've switched from One Plus 2 to Mate 10 and I think the Mate 10 could use some gestures,like hold home button to lock the phone etc. Right now, it's just pressing the power button to lock the phone. Bugs me.
The other thing i've noticed is that, there's no dark theme on Mate 10, but there's dark theme on the Mate 10 pro. Besides, another thing that irks me is the fact that we can't mute the shutter sound in 3rd party apps even when you're in silent mode. Like if my phone is in silent mode and I want to send a pic using the whatsapp camera, i can't disable the sound.
focacciabread said:
The other thing i've noticed is that, there's no dark theme on Mate 10, but there's dark theme on the Mate 10 pro.
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That's because the Mate 10 Pro has an OLED screen and white backgrounds consume more power, so they give you the option to use black backgrounds to save power. The standard Mate 10 has an LCD screen and white backgrounds be are not an issue.
The always on display which doesn't display any useful notifications is quite annoying.

