Help with ADB Commands - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I backup my phone every couple weeks. I normally backup my phone by adb pull to my HDD on my PC. Not really crazy, but i guess im doing it so often im using more space on the HDD then i would like.
Each backup goes to a brand new separate folder. So thats a bunch of folders with many Gb of data and most of it is repeated information. I however have a bunch of new files in each new backup. Some previous backups cant be deleted because ive actually wiped my phone and information on those specific backups arnt in the newer backups.
What i want is a way to sync the /sdcard/ on my N6 to a folder on my F:\shamu_backup. By sync i mean it pulls new files that arnt in the F:\shamu_backup. That way i dont have to have repeated information in my backups. It can get tedious trying to find all the changes i've done and delete all the files i dont need from the previous backups.
Adb has a sync, but try as i might, i cant seem to get it to work.
adb sync /sdcard/ F:\shamu_backup
no go
adb sync /sdcard/
no go
adb sync F:\shamu_backup /sdcard/
no go
adb sync /sdcard/ -p F:/shamu_backup
no go
Anyway, i could go on but i guess my tries are fruitless. Maybe this command isnt even for what i want, so if their is something better then please let me know. Today i just made a backup to a separate folder because im done googling it for now, but id appreciate some help for the future.

It looks like it's host -> device
" adb sync [ <directory> ] - copy host->device only if changed\n"
" (-l means list but don't copy)\n"
" (see 'adb help all')\

lol, im not going to knock you for just repeating the documentation verbatim, however it would be awesome if you could give me some additional information that would actually help me. The first thing i did when i found out about the command was read that. I then did like 10min of googling. Some sites talk about it but its exactly like the documentation states. I haven't actually learned anything about the command from this thread....

It's not the documentation, it's the source code. There can't be more info than that.

Just out of curiosity, was this page one of the locations you found in your ten minutes of searching? On XDA, we also have a search engine, and when used it sometimes comes up with marvelous things, like this tutorial. If you didn't try the search engine on the site, perhaps you should have, as the tutorial happened to also be featured on the XDA Portal (i.e. the XDA front page).
Unfortunately, I'm not sure you'll be able to get more information than this.

Ok, i would like to walk through one slowly. I would like to say thank you to both of you. You guys rock. It is frustrating, and i think my tone should have been better.
Moving on, I would like to say that by additional information i mean i would just love for someone to literally write out the command for me that actually works. I know this might sound insane but i cant actually get it to work. Ive done testing sessions on several occasions trying to get it to work and it just doesn't want to. Im clearly missing it, whatever im suppose to do it has gone straight over my head.
That guide is great that you posted but says nothing about the adb sync that im trying to do. No i did not explicitly search xda, i used google for several sites which did include several xda threads. I guess in response to:
"Just out of curiosity, was this page one of the locations you found in your ten minutes of searching? On XDA, we also have a search engine, and when used it sometimes comes up with marvelous things, like this tutorial. If you didn't try the search engine on the site, perhaps you should have, as the tutorial happened to also be featured on the XDA Portal (i.e. the XDA front page)."
I guess im just really stupid here, and im not being sarcastic. I have no clue where in that page where it talks about "adb sync" . I guess im asking you to treat me lower then you did above, and just show me? The location that i want to sync from my phone to pc is "/sdcard/" and the spot on my pc is "f:\shamu_backup".
and to show you guys im trying and not being lazy, (i really want your help...) i shall show you more of my guesses.
adb sync f:\shamu_backup /sdcard/
no dice
Looking at your tutorial, maybe your trying to say i was suppose to use shell... No dice:
adb shell sync f:\shamu_backup /sdcard/
no dice
maybe im suppose to put it in brackets?
adb sync [f:\shamu_backup /sdcard/]
no dice
adb sync [/sdcard/ f:shamu_backup]
no dice
Anywho, i would be really thankful if you guys could just write exactly what i need to write so as to not create any more confusion. I clearly have no idea how to use this command.

It's host to device, and not vice versa. It is used to push more files to the device, but only those that are missing or changed.


Cal Synch-> Tilt Precedence over PC?

Without wasting your time discussing how I'm here...I have a bunch of calendar entries on my Tilt, all deleted in my PC, and I want to syncy the Tilt to the PC. But it comes up and tells me on the device: "There has been a change on teh server that requires you to resynchronize all items on your device. All changes made since your last successful synch will be deleted. Do you want to continue?"
If I continue, I end up with all deleted from my devie, none moved to my PC (I have them in a backup, but restoring them to the device doesn't help).
Do have have a way around this?
how many entries r we talking? i mean if 20 or less i would just type them into calendar on pc for a quick fix.
never had the issue so can't help w/way around
Well, I have probably 140 entries over several months.
The good news is I can get many back which are on my Work calendar, but maybe a not so large number that are not on my work calendar that I can't get back. But then, I need to identify what those are. That's the harder part, seaching through and figuring out which will be thre, which will not, etc.
I would think there should be a way to not have the PC be FORCED to be the master.
But, I'm not optimistic.

TyTN 2 Broken Screen

Hi guys,
So last night I dropped my phone. The screen is totally messed up and unuasable. However I really need to save some of the text I have on it. Ideally I would like to use some kind of remote desktop application which allows me to view my phone's screen. I can connect to activesync, but syncing doesn't work 100% (it has never). I can explore the device though. So are there any files that contain my texts? And how do I transfer my contacts?
Bottom line: I want all my texts and all my contacts!
I really hope you guys can help!
(search!!! search!!! search!!!)
(wow after typing that word so many times, it stops looking like a word...weird huh?)
anyway, i have NEVER personally tried what i am about to recommend but from the numerous threads about this topic right here on xda (hence the suggestion to search vigorously), i gather "mymobiler" will suit your requirement for a remote desktop application for the pocket pc...
NEXT, if mymobiler works for you, then look for "pimbackup" right here on xda (hence the suggestion to search vigorously) and install it on your device and run it to back up your contacts and texts in a form easily suited for restoration to another device (the restore operation is also achieved from pimbackup)
FINALLY, further searching will reveal to you that some files in the root of your device's storage contain your contacts, texts, and emails (i believe "pim.vol" is one of those files). however, i'm not sure if overwriting the pim.vol (and other such files) on your new/repaired device will work without problems if your intent is to restore your texts and contacts by this should use pimbackup instead
c'mon dude! search is your friend!

No Contacts, Still in Outlook, Wont Sync

So I'm looking for the file in the phone that would normally contain the contacts..
But it just now occured to me, that file might be totally gone.
So my next action will be to save a new contact and go looking for the file that is created.
Then I intend find the same spreadsheet type of file in my Outlook and drag it over to the phone.
...just looking for some input on whether this will work or not. Or, if I am going to go about this wrongly some input on the correct way to do it should be cool. 8)
For clarification, Active Sync is actually working (sort of), only, there is no result. I don't know how the contacts got deleted in the first place. I was installing different clocks and a 'background on all tabs' and the 'no curtains' cab...
I'm googling still (have been for an hour) and digging around in Total Commander looking for those files
Did it.
Because of the knowledge in these forums, my phone has skyrocketed from supercool to the ULTIMATE tool for communication (and a couple of games ) and even looks awesome...
I'm no developer or programmer or even any kind of support tech, but in case someone searches and gets this thread I'll say how I did it...
I downloaded this
Its a 'personal files' backup program for outlook.
I'm pretty sure you have to close outlook and restart the whole computer.
I'm not sure if that is exactly what it took to do it, as I was changing the settings for connection/active sync a lot, but I have a feeling it is because I finally got a program that said the microsoft outlook backup thing wanted me to restart the computer. After that, my 127 contacts were back in my phone.

Bluetooth Keyboard HID fix - HELP!

Hi I found this over at and needed some help as to how to input the following code.
I have CM with all the right things in the xbin folder. I have GScript and the Terminal Emulator (which I notice doesn't accept numbers!?!).
Is there a way of setting it up in GScript somehow so there is a simple shortcut I could place on my homescreen to make sure it runs easily if this doesn't set it up permanently?
Thanks in advance!! Paul.
# hciconfig
hci0: Type: UART
BD Address: 00:22:A5:B8:AD:65 ACL MTU: 1021:4 SCO MTU: 180:4
RX bytes:8672 acl:98 sco:0 events:285 errors:0
TX bytes:3336 acl:102 sco:0 commands:89 errors:0
# hcitool dev
hci0 00:22:A5:B8:AD:65
# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:1D:4F:A7:9A:49 Apple Wireless Keyboard
00:22:43:C6:5B:B9 daydreamer-0
00:18:C5:42:18:78 Erin-Nokia N73
# hidd --connect 00:1D:4F:A7:9A:49
# hcitool con
< ACL 00:1D:4F:A7:9A:49 handle 1 state 1 lm MASTER
Here's my thread on the topic
TheMathMan said:
...and the Terminal Emulator (which I notice doesn't accept numbers!?!).
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That's a limitation of the basic Terminal Emulator with soft keyboards. Get a real terminal emulator--I use a ConnectBot local session, and it's also a great SSH client, but Better Terminal for Magic is also popular. I don't know if there's an N1-specific version of the latter.
Silent Mobius - is the only thing I need to do the hidd connect bit?
Where would I run that from? Do I need to be in the xbin folder or will it "just work" from anywhere?
I can get all the hciconfig and hcitool scripts to run fine but when I try running the hidd bit it says hidd "not found" despite it being in /system/xbin
OK... finally got hidd recognised by deleting the .bin extension.
Now the problem is I get this error:
Can't open HIDP control socket: Operation not permitted
You need root access. su
I have root access.
I have set GScript to run it as root.
I also tried in Terminal running it as su.
Neither worked. Do I need to change permissions on anything or what? I'm lost now!!!
hidd needs to be executable, owned by root (I prefer it to be suid, but that's just me) Read through the thread in Accessories, it's pretty much all there.
Also, if you don't know that "file not found" means "the file isn't there" you probably aren't ready to be messing with standalone daemons. This is _very_ raw hack, expect problems that you need to be able to debug.
E.G. If you'd looked up what each command did, you'd know that only the hidd line is needed, if a command has the filename xxx.bin then running xxx is not going to execute it, etc etc
If you are trying to portray an all-knowing condescending show off then you do it well.
I'm well aware of what it means when it says file not found. I had moved hidd into the correct folder. Nowhere had it said to delete the .bin extension.
I imagine people come here to experiment and try new things and learn about Android and hacking and the programming side. This takes time and practice and patience.
Your comments are just rude and unhelpful I'm afraid. If you don't want to be constructive, don't comment at all.
TheMathMan said:
If you are trying to portray an all-knowing condescending show off then you do it well.
I'm well aware of what it means when it says file not found. I had moved hidd into the correct folder. Nowhere had it said to delete the .bin extension.
I imagine people come here to experiment and try new things and learn about Android and hacking and the programming side. This takes time and practice and patience.
Your comments are just rude and unhelpful I'm afraid. If you don't want to be constructive, don't comment at all.
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I agree completely, everyone is a begginer at one point and its not like you can do anything a nandroid restore can't fix.
Hey I was the one that posted the thread explaining what I'd done so that anyone else who hadn't seen the wonderful explanation by Miss Erin could see what could be achieved.
Please remember that this is a developers' board. It is not unfair to expect people to do a little research rather than clamour for an expansive blow by blow. A simple Google for hidd, hcitool and hciscan would have told you a lot.
Pointing out that failing to make the connection between a commands' name and the execution of that command may indicate that you have some pretty basic stuff yet to learn isn't rude nor unfair.
And posting error messages expecting others to correct you without any indication of the will to research doesn't look good, neither does all caps "HELP" nor gratuitous exclamation points!!!
TheMathMan said:
If you are trying to portray an all-knowing condescending show off then you do it well.
I'm well aware of what it means when it says file not found. I had moved hidd into the correct folder. Nowhere had it said to delete the .bin extension.
I imagine people come here to experiment and try new things and learn about Android and hacking and the programming side. This takes time and practice and patience.
Your comments are just rude and unhelpful I'm afraid. If you don't want to be constructive, don't comment at all.
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Apparently, others disagree but I don't think his comments were rude. I think he was trying to help you prevent getting in over your head. If you don't understand enough to call a binary that you just copied to your phone I would back up and read some basic Linux/Unix books.
I am also a noob to Android also but not to Linux/Unix. Seriously, though as people who come and read this and understand what's going on I think they'll agree he wasn't being rude. We're just trying to make sure you know how to swim before you go and jump in the deep end.
Something else that needs to be said is that everything here is bleeding edge stuff. You really need to understand what you're doing and not just blindly typing commands. Otherwise I think you're going to be well on your way to a brick.
Moved to Q&A

[TOOL][WINDOWS]Tired of using MTP??? Try this...

hey everyone,
i created a litte application for windows which allows you to sync multiple folders from your android device to your windows pc by using adb commands.
this might be useful for syncing your photos or similar...
read more here:
have fun...​
I like it. I seriously hate mtp so much.
haha thank you.
i hope this tool will find some more users cause xda-dev was the only reason for me to "professionalize" it
i've been using a hardcoded preversion of this tool for about 1 and a half years or so along with my old galaxy nexus.
without it, copying my camera-pictures would have been a torture...

