Mod edit: content removed
Commercial advertisement is not allowed on XDA, thread closed.
Content removed.
The discussion of warez is strictly forbidden on XDA. Thread closed.
Mod Edit: This is not a welcome issue on XDA. Promoting alternative forums is not allowed. And that particular one promotes warez and Non GPL compliant Roms.
Please keep talk of it off XDA.
Thread closed by @Darth
Mod Edit: content removed.
Isn't the MX Plus TV Box a bit dated?
That particular selling sites name and links to it aren't welcome on XDA.
Thread closed.
Forum Moderator
Mod Edit: Commercial advertising is not allowed on xda. Thread closed.
Moderator Edit: Content removed.
Moderator Warning,
Your were previously warned that creating threads to advertise your paid site is not allowed on XDA. If this happens again you will be banned.