Hello everyone
I have a Bell MB886 that I bought on Amazon.com. It came with ICS 4.0.4, and OTA doesn't work for me (maybe because I'm from Chile).
I saw this post and wanted to install stock Bell's 4.1.2 for my Atrix HD using RSD Lite, which gave me lots of errors, and when I finnaly could make it work, it gave me an error flashing system.img.
I thought I bricked my phone, cause even trying to flash other original ROMs, it gave the same error message.
From this point, I did some research on the internet and I want to share my experience with you guys to flash the Stock ROMs using the manual method on our Atrix HD's.
First: Get the firmwares.
Once you download the firmware ZIP, uncompress it to any folder you want (I recommend using the C:\ root or your desktop).
Then you need to download the file "fastboots.zip" (attached to this post).
Uncompress the files located on the Windows folder of the file fastboots.zip on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM.
If you want to replace the original recovery with CWM, you can replace the file "recovery.img" on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM with the one attached to this post (uncompress it on the same folder).
You should get something like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
There you have the files "fastboot" (with orange, the one you will use to flash), "MB886~.xml" (the XML file that contains the instructions for flashing the system), and if you replaced it, contains the modified recovery.img (in yellow).
So, now we will analyze the MB886_bell-user-4.1.2-9.8.2Q-8_MB886_FFW-11-4-release-keys-BellMobility-CA.xml file. There is always a XML file named as the ROM name, that contains the instructions to RSD Lite for flashing the file. We will use this instructions for manually flashing our file.
Open the XML file with Notepad and you should see this:
The lines on red are useless for us. The rest of lines are the ones we have to insert on the fastboot command line.
Let's analyze the lines.
Every line includes an operation (command), var/partition, and filename. We have to tell the command line the commands between < >. For example:
When the XML file says this:
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
It tells to the command line:
flash partition gpt_main0.bin
So, now we will flash our device.
I assume you have installed Motorola's Drivers (link) and put your phone on fastboot mode (Turn off your phone and press both volume keys and power on. You'll enter bootmenu options. Choose AP Fastboot by scrolling with volume down and volume up to select).
This guide is intended for use under Windows 7 64-bit, as I have not tested it on other platforms. Do it at your own risk as I assume no responsability if this doesn't work for you as it worked for me.
Go to the folder on which you extracted the files, and click the adress bar and type CMD and hit enter, doing this we open the command line on the folder you are actually.
So, now we have to flash the rom, typing the commands on the XML file on the command line.
If the XML file says the following:
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="0F1D270C3083522F2726710AC1DD22F2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="1936488F8449E652CE53D7CC8F43E52F" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="9A6D34EB8D306BE6FFCA85719F6451C6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="919D0B340CFDD5FC7C541803DB65C2D6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="ED1C505E36E769CCF0BB3C10E46DD62B" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="00D268AAE9924B28AEC0F5401CF73E11" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="68BD7F2CE348C55F3778862E47FBEE54" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="6EA5E26FCF4D5AD45569B8F864AC9F90" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="06C07C2970460A4E656A3206859A3617" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="66A49414AC7AC9BCCA1243D9EAFAA46A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="3C3AF0A695CCDD57897C861AA58CC5EB" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="E0E4804A20D47C379B2F718F1C118B8A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img" MD5="D1E7B6FC549B0AE578350A1028FEEF87" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="C3A09EA2D007AC96F4BA7AA09B478ABE" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />
We have to insert the following on the command line (hitting enter between lines):
fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash cdrom cdrom
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
If between every step you see the OK message, every went ok. Type fastboot reboot and you should see your new system working OK.
I hope this helps anyone that had the same problem as I had, as RSD Lite didn't work for me, and almost bricked my new Atrix HD :good:
I also did this before Btw, nice guide for anyone who cant use RSDLite to flash.
leanix said:
Hello everyone
I have a Bell MB886 that I bought on Amazon.com. It came with ICS 4.0.4, and OTA doesn't work for me (maybe because I'm from Chile).
I saw this post and wanted to install stock Bell's 4.1.2 for my Atrix HD using RSD Lite, which gave me lots of errors, and when I finnaly could make it work, it gave me an error flashing system.img.
I thought I bricked my phone, cause even trying to flash other original ROMs, it gave the same error message.
From this point, I did some research on the internet and I want to share my experience with you guys to flash the Stock ROMs using the manual method on our Atrix HD's.
First: Get the firmwares.
Once you download the firmware ZIP, uncompress it to any folder you want (I recommend using the C:\ root or your desktop).
Then you need to download the file "fastboots.zip" (attached to this post).
Uncompress the files located on the Windows folder of the file fastboots.zip on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM.
If you want to replace the original recovery with CWM, you can replace the file "recovery.img" on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM with the one attached to this post (uncompress it on the same folder).
You should get something like this:
There you have the files "fastboot" (with orange, the one you will use to flash), "MB886~.xml" (the XML file that contains the instructions for flashing the system), and if you replaced it, contains the modified recovery.img (in yellow).
So, now we will analyze the MB886_bell-user-4.1.2-9.8.2Q-8_MB886_FFW-11-4-release-keys-BellMobility-CA.xml file. There is always a XML file named as the ROM name, that contains the instructions to RSD Lite for flashing the file. We will use this instructions for manually flashing our file.
Open the XML file with Notepad and you should see this:
The lines on red are useless for us. The rest of lines are the ones we have to insert on the fastboot command line.
Let's analyze the lines.
Every line includes an operation (command), var/partition, and filename. We have to tell the command line the commands between < >. For example:
When the XML file says this:
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
It tells to the command line:
flash partition gpt_main0.bin
So, now we will flash our device.
I assume you have installed Motorola's Drivers (link) and put your phone on fastboot mode (Turn off your phone and press both volume keys and power on. You'll enter bootmenu options. Choose AP Fastboot by scrolling with volume down and volume up to select).
This guide is intended for use under Windows 7 64-bit, as I have not tested it on other platforms. Do it at your own risk as I assume no responsability if this doesn't work for you as it worked for me.
Go to the folder on which you extracted the files, and click the adress bar and type CMD and hit enter, doing this we open the command line on the folder you are actually.
So, now we have to flash the rom, typing the commands on the XML file on the command line.
If the XML file says the following:
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="0F1D270C3083522F2726710AC1DD22F2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="1936488F8449E652CE53D7CC8F43E52F" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="9A6D34EB8D306BE6FFCA85719F6451C6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="919D0B340CFDD5FC7C541803DB65C2D6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="ED1C505E36E769CCF0BB3C10E46DD62B" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="00D268AAE9924B28AEC0F5401CF73E11" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="68BD7F2CE348C55F3778862E47FBEE54" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="6EA5E26FCF4D5AD45569B8F864AC9F90" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="06C07C2970460A4E656A3206859A3617" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="66A49414AC7AC9BCCA1243D9EAFAA46A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="3C3AF0A695CCDD57897C861AA58CC5EB" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="E0E4804A20D47C379B2F718F1C118B8A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img" MD5="D1E7B6FC549B0AE578350A1028FEEF87" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="C3A09EA2D007AC96F4BA7AA09B478ABE" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />
We have to insert the following on the command line (hitting enter between lines):
fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash cdrom cdrom
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
If between every step you see the OK message, every went ok. Type fastboot reboot and you should see your new system working OK.
I hope this helps anyone that had the same problem as I had, as RSD Lite didn't work for me, and almost bricked my new Atrix HD :good:
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wow u are super awesome, i thought i surely bricked my atrix but this brought it back from the grave, thank you, thank you, thank you. lol
fixed my moto atrix hd phone!!
hey so i got it figured out by following these directions from xda ppl http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2259661 im all good again & brought back from dead. but question do u think i can now use cwm recovery to flash a stock at&t rom onto phone cuz i flashed a stock bell rom but maybe i will stick with that because 1. its jb 4.1.2 verus at&t 4.1.1 & 2. it lets the wifi hotspot feature built into rom work where as at&t 4.1.1 rom blocked it? ty tho for all your help. ron. :highfive:
It worked 4 me, i upgraded my bell's atrix hd from 4.0.4 to 4.1.2, thanks!
Saved my phone
You are awesome! I was so afraid I'd bricked my phone. I've been lurking the forum for a while, but finally joined just to say thanks.
Hello everyone. I'm glad to hear that this worked for you too :laugh:
rubberman365 said:
hey so i got it figured out by following these directions from xda ppl http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2259661 im all good again & brought back from dead. but question do u think i can now use cwm recovery to flash a stock at&t rom onto phone cuz i flashed a stock bell rom but maybe i will stick with that because 1. its jb 4.1.2 verus at&t 4.1.1 & 2. it lets the wifi hotspot feature built into rom work where as at&t 4.1.1 rom blocked it? ty tho for all your help. ron. :highfive:
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Honestly I don't know, as I have not ever installed AT&T ROMs on my phone, only Bell ones. As far as I know, you can install AT&T ROMs on Bell phones, but only if they have unlocked bootloaders. As a matter of fact, there is a guide for that! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2050283
Hope this helps.
mega thanks, leanix ! ! !
leanix, i was SOOoo close to just giving up on my Atrix HD... (read my plight at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2394238&page=2 ).
Very grateful for your post. It was time consuming and tedious to execute all the commands, but have just loaded epinter's rom and excited about having an AWESOME Atrix HD breathing fire!
- ricer1
leanix said:
Hello everyone
I have a Bell MB886 that I bought on Amazon.com. It came with ICS 4.0.4, and OTA doesn't work for me (maybe because I'm from Chile).
I saw this post and wanted to install stock Bell's 4.1.2 for my Atrix HD using RSD Lite, which gave me lots of errors, and when I finnaly could make it work, it gave me an error flashing system.img.
I thought I bricked my phone, cause even trying to flash other original ROMs, it gave the same error message.
From this point, I did some research on the internet and I want to share my experience with you guys to flash the Stock ROMs using the manual method on our Atrix HD's.
First: Get the firmwares.
Once you download the firmware ZIP, uncompress it to any folder you want (I recommend using the C:\ root or your desktop).
Then you need to download the file "fastboots.zip" (attached to this post).
Uncompress the files located on the Windows folder of the file fastboots.zip on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM.
If you want to replace the original recovery with CWM, you can replace the file "recovery.img" on the folder you decompressed the stock ROM with the one attached to this post (uncompress it on the same folder).
You should get something like this:
There you have the files "fastboot" (with orange, the one you will use to flash), "MB886~.xml" (the XML file that contains the instructions for flashing the system), and if you replaced it, contains the modified recovery.img (in yellow).
So, now we will analyze the MB886_bell-user-4.1.2-9.8.2Q-8_MB886_FFW-11-4-release-keys-BellMobility-CA.xml file. There is always a XML file named as the ROM name, that contains the instructions to RSD Lite for flashing the file. We will use this instructions for manually flashing our file.
Open the XML file with Notepad and you should see this:
The lines on red are useless for us. The rest of lines are the ones we have to insert on the fastboot command line.
Let's analyze the lines.
Every line includes an operation (command), var/partition, and filename. We have to tell the command line the commands between < >. For example:
When the XML file says this:
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
It tells to the command line:
flash partition gpt_main0.bin
So, now we will flash our device.
I assume you have installed Motorola's Drivers (link) and put your phone on fastboot mode (Turn off your phone and press both volume keys and power on. You'll enter bootmenu options. Choose AP Fastboot by scrolling with volume down and volume up to select).
This guide is intended for use under Windows 7 64-bit, as I have not tested it on other platforms. Do it at your own risk as I assume no responsability if this doesn't work for you as it worked for me.
Go to the folder on which you extracted the files, and click the adress bar and type CMD and hit enter, doing this we open the command line on the folder you are actually.
So, now we have to flash the rom, typing the commands on the XML file on the command line.
If the XML file says the following:
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="66250529A6711D25A1AFB4F8D4CA4873" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="0F1D270C3083522F2726710AC1DD22F2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="1936488F8449E652CE53D7CC8F43E52F" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="9A6D34EB8D306BE6FFCA85719F6451C6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="919D0B340CFDD5FC7C541803DB65C2D6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="ED1C505E36E769CCF0BB3C10E46DD62B" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="00D268AAE9924B28AEC0F5401CF73E11" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />
<step operation="getvar" var="max-download-size" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="68BD7F2CE348C55F3778862E47FBEE54" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="6EA5E26FCF4D5AD45569B8F864AC9F90" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="06C07C2970460A4E656A3206859A3617" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="66A49414AC7AC9BCCA1243D9EAFAA46A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="3C3AF0A695CCDD57897C861AA58CC5EB" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="E0E4804A20D47C379B2F718F1C118B8A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img" MD5="D1E7B6FC549B0AE578350A1028FEEF87" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="C3A09EA2D007AC96F4BA7AA09B478ABE" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />
We have to insert the following on the command line (hitting enter between lines):
fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash cdrom cdrom
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
If between every step you see the OK message, every went ok. Type fastboot reboot and you should see your new system working OK.
I hope this helps anyone that had the same problem as I had, as RSD Lite didn't work for me, and almost bricked my new Atrix HD :good:
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hello I do not understand how it is to put the commands in the cmd you could make a video .. I when I try to flashar with lite rs I get error in "BOOT.IMG" know it can be?
well crud...
Right in the middle of flashing a new ROM (the PACMAN) my sWindows machine goes to the infamous blue-screen-of-death... Now the phone is in bootflash mode and won't accept any flashing.
After spending most of the day trying various 'tricks' to no avail, I'm resolved to send it to mobiletechvideos.com and let them revive it. I think it will take a JTAG to jump-start this guy...
I'll post a reply when it's returned and report on what they were able to do.
- ricer1
mobiletechvideos.com did good on my Atrix HD
I've had a month now to play with my revived Atrix HD! I sent my bricked phone to mobiletechvideos.com and they were able to install the PACMAN rom onto it (pac_mb866_4.3.Build-1_20130917-025321). So far, so good. I'm very happy to have a working 4.3 on the AHD. And thanks to Skeevy420 for his work to port this rom.
- ricer1
ricer1 said:
well crud...
Right in the middle of flashing a new ROM (the PACMAN) my sWindows machine goes to the infamous blue-screen-of-death... Now the phone is in bootflash mode and won't accept any flashing.
After spending most of the day trying various 'tricks' to no avail, I'm resolved to send it to mobiletechvideos.com and let them revive it. I think it will take a JTAG to jump-start this guy...
I'll post a reply when it's returned and report on what they were able to do.
- ricer1
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Hey i have cuestion i have an atrix hd mb886 from at&nt and i want to go back to stock but my phone is unlocked so i want to know if is going to lock to at&nt or will continue unlocked for any sim thanks.
No Probblem
Antrax57 said:
Hey i have cuestion i have an atrix hd mb886 from at&nt and i want to go back to stock but my phone is unlocked so i want to know if is going to lock to at&nt or will continue unlocked for any sim thanks.
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It will continue unlocked.
massterlee said:
It will continue unlocked.
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Ok thanks bro
H get back to my stock rom thanks to u bro but i have a problem my wifi dont want to turn on it says Turning wifi on but stays like that what can be the problem??
Thank you leanix for this write up. My AHD is back from the "dead"!
Strangely enough I can flash MB886_niimx-user-4.1.2-9.8.2Q-50_MB886_NII_TA-2-16-release-keys-NII-MX after removing the red lines, but can't get past "fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin" when trying MB886_att-user-4.1.1-9.8.0Q-97_MB886_FFW-20-27-release-keys-ATT-US_BuildA
clockcycle said:
Strangely enough I can flash MB886_niimx-user-4.1.2-9.8.2Q-50_MB886_NII_TA-2-16-release-keys-NII-MX after removing the red lines, but can't get past "fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin" when trying MB886_att-user-4.1.1-9.8.0Q-97_MB886_FFW-20-27-release-keys-ATT-US_BuildA
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So what I found out is that you can not "cross flash" without encountering errors. Find out which base your phone is currently, as the partition table my be different and you may not be able to flash gpt_main0.bin. I got the point I couldn't use RSDlite to flash any of the 4.1.x stock roms without it failing. Had to do it manually, when you find which, you're able to flash it all without errors.
clockcycle said:
So what I found out is that you can not "cross flash" without encountering errors. Find out which base your phone is currently, as the partition table my be different and you may not be able to flash gpt_main0.bin. I got the point I couldn't use RSDlite to flash any of the 4.1.x stock roms without it failing. Had to do it manually, when you find which, you're able to flash it all without errors.
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Well I get the stock but i needed to doet manualy with fastboot and I get the stock zip from att and t but stay like that not working the wifi some one tell me that my be Ithe wifi brakes or something because I change the kernel but dont work
Antrax57 said:
Well I get the stock but i needed to doet manualy with fastboot and I get the stock zip from att and t but stay like that not working the wifi some one tell me that my be Ithe wifi brakes or something because I change the kernel but dont work
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I just had that problem last night. I followed the OP's guide, but only ran this one command: fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin. Make sure NON-HLOS.bin is in the same directory as fastboot.exe
I am hoping someone out there will be able to help me with my Motorola Atrix HD which I have soft bricked. Previously I was running it with Jellybean and safestrap installed. I flashed a ROM using safestrap, but apparently it was still pointing to the stock location. I got an error for the ROM installation and when I tried to reboot, it went to a screen with a android lying down with a red triangle. I was able to get it into Android System Recovery Utility, but haven't been able to get anything to install. I also tried RSD lite with the appropriate files and have received 1/24 partition errors, 1/23 partition errors, and several other errors. I have tried to flash CWM and install other roms, but nothing works. I would appreciate any help on this. Thank You.
Safestrap is a dead and extinct method. Use Mythtools and read about the edited xml files so you can properly flash via RSD.
Sent from my MB886 using xda app-developers app
See post #2 for the short answer.
Now for the cause:
You flashed an unlocked bootloader rom on a locked bootloader phone. The stock recovery you have access to will only flash signed roms from Motorola and you can't replace it with CWM until you've unlocked the phone. Like post 2 said, download MythTools and have it get you back to stock, say yes to using stock recovery, then either root it and do what you were doing or unlock it, install Philz CWM, and start using the custom roms. For RSD to work for you right now, extract the fastboot, open up the xml file, and delete the two lines with -- <step operation="oem" -- in them.
FWIW, we should have an actual KitKat update sometime eventually soon and that will contain a fix to prevent the bootloader from being unlocked. If you don't unlock the bootloader before that update you probably never will.
This is for Bell ICS stock. You have to use ATT JB fastboot's xml, don't copy/paste this -- the md5sums are different but the changes are the same. The lines to remove are in bold.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phone_model model="DINARA_CFC_FFW" />
<software_version version="qinara_bell-user 4.0.4 7.7.1Q-115_MB886_BELL_FFW-12 18 release-keysQINARA_BP_1045.703.41.09P" />
<interface name="AP" />
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="7DDA3A0C79737F7980373E25C028F26D" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="497EADC7B6A9C37CE7E828E9CDCB2383" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="E892D0369C886C4D8C4C4772A3035739" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="D60717471D584B8FAD41365730512256" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="F44809F0BE9CDF883D007DB2041DCEDA" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="F41F0F575D52B390D576A89BC773DDB0" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="DA04D26F5C34F2A2F7FCF14003E65BF7" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
[B]<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />[/B]
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="ABBD3EE4CB254F620DEDF9A1DB337FF1" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="35F8FBF53B46410B495357EA5CC4225D" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="6463DC057ABF889F3B83A4D3DA4CDD1E" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="E7A95F72340F2F3E03EC2E1A4050FCAC" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="FF8CDD711906306D3F876FC69AE0D192" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="C5D0968CC8E8A2003CCDAE4D19F29031" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img.ext4" MD5="FFD273DED204C4388F6907AE0ECDE130" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="14FDDA83BD7AC9DD5B829962A9F4C6BA" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
[B]<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />[/B]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phone_model model="DINARA_CFC_FFW" />
<software_version version="qinara_bell-user 4.0.4 7.7.1Q-115_MB886_BELL_FFW-12 18 release-keysQINARA_BP_1045.703.41.09P" />
<interface name="AP" />
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="7DDA3A0C79737F7980373E25C028F26D" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="497EADC7B6A9C37CE7E828E9CDCB2383" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="E892D0369C886C4D8C4C4772A3035739" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="D60717471D584B8FAD41365730512256" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="F44809F0BE9CDF883D007DB2041DCEDA" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="F41F0F575D52B390D576A89BC773DDB0" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="DA04D26F5C34F2A2F7FCF14003E65BF7" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="ABBD3EE4CB254F620DEDF9A1DB337FF1" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="35F8FBF53B46410B495357EA5CC4225D" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="6463DC057ABF889F3B83A4D3DA4CDD1E" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="E7A95F72340F2F3E03EC2E1A4050FCAC" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="FF8CDD711906306D3F876FC69AE0D192" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="C5D0968CC8E8A2003CCDAE4D19F29031" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img.ext4" MD5="FFD273DED204C4388F6907AE0ECDE130" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="14FDDA83BD7AC9DD5B829962A9F4C6BA" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
palmbeach05 said:
Safestrap is a dead and extinct method. Use Mythtools and read about the edited xml files so you can properly flash via RSD.
Sent from my MB886 using xda app-developers app
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You are right. I've tried mythtools, but need to read about the edited xml files to flash via RSD.
Thanks for you help.
skeevydude said:
See post #2 for the short answer.
Now for the cause:
You flashed an unlocked bootloader rom on a locked bootloader phone. The stock recovery you have access to will only flash signed roms from Motorola and you can't replace it with CWM until you've unlocked the phone. Like post 2 said, download MythTools and have it get you back to stock, say yes to using stock recovery, then either root it and do what you were doing or unlock it, install Philz CWM, and start using the custom roms. For RSD to work for you right now, extract the fastboot, open up the xml file, and delete the two lines with -- <step operation="oem" -- in them.
FWIW, we should have an actual KitKat update sometime eventually soon and that will contain a fix to prevent the bootloader from being unlocked. If you don't unlock the bootloader before that update you probably never will.
This is for Bell ICS stock. You have to use ATT JB fastboot's xml, don't copy/paste this -- the md5sums are different but the changes are the same. The lines to remove are in bold.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phone_model model="DINARA_CFC_FFW" />
<software_version version="qinara_bell-user 4.0.4 7.7.1Q-115_MB886_BELL_FFW-12 18 release-keysQINARA_BP_1045.703.41.09P" />
<interface name="AP" />
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="7DDA3A0C79737F7980373E25C028F26D" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="497EADC7B6A9C37CE7E828E9CDCB2383" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="E892D0369C886C4D8C4C4772A3035739" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="D60717471D584B8FAD41365730512256" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="F44809F0BE9CDF883D007DB2041DCEDA" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="F41F0F575D52B390D576A89BC773DDB0" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="DA04D26F5C34F2A2F7FCF14003E65BF7" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
[B]<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />[/B]
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="ABBD3EE4CB254F620DEDF9A1DB337FF1" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="35F8FBF53B46410B495357EA5CC4225D" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="6463DC057ABF889F3B83A4D3DA4CDD1E" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="E7A95F72340F2F3E03EC2E1A4050FCAC" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="FF8CDD711906306D3F876FC69AE0D192" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="C5D0968CC8E8A2003CCDAE4D19F29031" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img.ext4" MD5="FFD273DED204C4388F6907AE0ECDE130" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="14FDDA83BD7AC9DD5B829962A9F4C6BA" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
[B]<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />[/B]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phone_model model="DINARA_CFC_FFW" />
<software_version version="qinara_bell-user 4.0.4 7.7.1Q-115_MB886_BELL_FFW-12 18 release-keysQINARA_BP_1045.703.41.09P" />
<interface name="AP" />
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="7DDA3A0C79737F7980373E25C028F26D" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="497EADC7B6A9C37CE7E828E9CDCB2383" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="E892D0369C886C4D8C4C4772A3035739" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="D60717471D584B8FAD41365730512256" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="F44809F0BE9CDF883D007DB2041DCEDA" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="F41F0F575D52B390D576A89BC773DDB0" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="DA04D26F5C34F2A2F7FCF14003E65BF7" />
<step operation="reboot-bootloader" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="ABBD3EE4CB254F620DEDF9A1DB337FF1" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="35F8FBF53B46410B495357EA5CC4225D" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="6463DC057ABF889F3B83A4D3DA4CDD1E" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="E7A95F72340F2F3E03EC2E1A4050FCAC" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="FF8CDD711906306D3F876FC69AE0D192" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="C5D0968CC8E8A2003CCDAE4D19F29031" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img.ext4" MD5="FFD273DED204C4388F6907AE0ECDE130" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="14FDDA83BD7AC9DD5B829962A9F4C6BA" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
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Thanks for the help. Do I need to enter the code listed in your post? Also what would I need to do to unlock the bootloader. I am a little new at this. Thanks again.
bigjds said:
Thanks for the help. Do I need to enter the code listed in your post? Also what would I need to do to unlock the bootloader. I am a little new at this. Thanks again.
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After reading your post again, I realized I just need to remove the 2 lines from the xml file.
Just download MythTools. It'll do everything for you.
See the MythTools thread for links and getting it set up.
First use it to flash the stock att jb fastboot, the Android 4.1.1 one -- assuming you were using stock att jb here
All our fastboots are located here.
And when it gets to the recovery flash, select stock because you're locked
Let it boot up, and you can skip all setup and restoration crap, you'll be doing a factory reset real soon
Once booted to the homescreen, use MythTools to root it.
Once rooted and rebooted, use MythTools again to unlock the bootloader.
After that flash Philz CWM....Myth does that too.
When you unlock it does a factory reset so you can either setup the stock ATT
Or flash a different stock fastboot (use Myth....) or one of the many custom roms we have here.
skeevydude said:
Just download MythTools. It'll do everything for you.
See the MythTools thread for links and getting it set up.
First use it to flash the stock att jb fastboot, the Android 4.1.1 one -- assuming you were using stock att jb here
All our fastboots are located here.
And when it gets to the recovery flash, select stock because you're locked
Let it boot up, and you can skip all setup and restoration crap, you'll be doing a factory reset real soon
Once booted to the homescreen, use MythTools to root it.
Once rooted and rebooted, use MythTools again to unlock the bootloader.
After that flash Philz CWM....Myth does that too.
When you unlock it does a factory reset so you can either setup the stock ATT
Or flash a different stock fastboot (use Myth....) or one of the many custom roms we have here.
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Thank You!! It worked and my phone is back. I guess I just wasn't following directions. I do appreciate your help.
Thanks again.
fastboot rom for pie update.
tys0n said:
fastboot rom for pie update.
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thanks , normal flash with fastboot? my bootloader its locked
is root avaliable with magisk? thanks
jonytestXD said:
thanks , normal flash with fastboot? my bootloader its locked
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No idea if it works with locked bl. I don't have "nash" myself.
This it the flashfile.xml:
<phone_model model="nash"/>
<software_version version="nash-user 9 PPX29.159-19 02844 release-keysM8998_50.71.02.95R"/>
<subsidy_lock_config MD5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" name="slcf_rev_d_default_v1.0.nvm"/>
<regulatory_config SHA1="da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" name="regulatory_info_default.png"/>
<sparsing enabled="true" max-sparse-size="536870912"/>
<interface name="AP"/>
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="getvar" var="max-sparse-size"/>
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set"/>
<step MD5="68f8436d0070cf51b239eb3578fb6f87" filename="gpt.bin" operation="flash" partition="partition"/>
<step MD5="5ef82cf4f04fe4938b1dd0d37eb5a4ea" filename="bootloader.img" operation="flash" partition="bootloader"/>
<step MD5="ea0836957b8d3806853722b9fcef3fd1" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" operation="flash" partition="modem"/>
<step MD5="326104734b872732a74ff9f0ebf13929" filename="fsg.mbn" operation="flash" partition="fsg"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2"/>
<step MD5="9d6dd2834c7232367c9b5d6e75b37937" filename="BTFM.bin" operation="flash" partition="bluetooth"/>
<step MD5="db44ea4140b226b4eae3fd38a87a806e" filename="adspso.bin" operation="flash" partition="dsp"/>
<step MD5="51db0539a31730ef1275243f74ca1bd8" filename="logo.bin" operation="flash" partition="logo"/>
<step MD5="dafa8846563cc09a001e64fbfcfe03d9" filename="boot.img" operation="flash" partition="boot"/>
<step MD5="97ac33bcdd819983bb53291253fe8d1a" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.0" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="14df3e851b691e07b4268c04514b47ed" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.1" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="75e40d7edf6e062f3cb3a0fdc1ee454b" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.2" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="5f63d47068e37a6223f98c6308e41b3f" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.3" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="86e277fc41f596a4e5174f001d4afde6" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.4" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="4196ed99d82ad7fc87f55a30c1d5582e" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.5" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="1f2e3b4fa31f466d03b87471249d0896" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.6" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="58200dc48b70e990a0a15f2c537f8942" filename="system_other.img" operation="flash" partition="system_b"/>
<step MD5="55aad038227bd2cd4cdc1b03547c2814" filename="oem.img" operation="flash" partition="oem"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="carrier"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="cache"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="ddr"/>
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear"/>
So I guess the .bat file should be something like this:
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash bluetooth BTFM.bin
fastboot flash dsp adspso.bin
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.3
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.5
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.6
fastboot flash system_b system_other.img
fastboot flash oem oem.img
fastboot erase carrier
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase ddr
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
fastboot -w
fastboot reboot-bootloader
Correct me if I'm wrong. As I said, I don't own nash myself. I got other motos tho and the .bat's I've made for them works fine so I think this should be correct .
I took an existing flashall.bat for nash and only did some changes to get the file names right for pie update, but I guess you can remove the "fastboot -w" if you wanna try update without wiping data.
tys0n said:
No idea if it works with locked bl. I don't have "nash" myself.
This it the flashfile.xml:
<phone_model model="nash"/>
<software_version version="nash-user 9 PPX29.159-19 02844 release-keysM8998_50.71.02.95R"/>
<subsidy_lock_config MD5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" name="slcf_rev_d_default_v1.0.nvm"/>
<regulatory_config SHA1="da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" name="regulatory_info_default.png"/>
<sparsing enabled="true" max-sparse-size="536870912"/>
<interface name="AP"/>
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="getvar" var="max-sparse-size"/>
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set"/>
<step MD5="68f8436d0070cf51b239eb3578fb6f87" filename="gpt.bin" operation="flash" partition="partition"/>
<step MD5="5ef82cf4f04fe4938b1dd0d37eb5a4ea" filename="bootloader.img" operation="flash" partition="bootloader"/>
<step MD5="ea0836957b8d3806853722b9fcef3fd1" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" operation="flash" partition="modem"/>
<step MD5="326104734b872732a74ff9f0ebf13929" filename="fsg.mbn" operation="flash" partition="fsg"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2"/>
<step MD5="9d6dd2834c7232367c9b5d6e75b37937" filename="BTFM.bin" operation="flash" partition="bluetooth"/>
<step MD5="db44ea4140b226b4eae3fd38a87a806e" filename="adspso.bin" operation="flash" partition="dsp"/>
<step MD5="51db0539a31730ef1275243f74ca1bd8" filename="logo.bin" operation="flash" partition="logo"/>
<step MD5="dafa8846563cc09a001e64fbfcfe03d9" filename="boot.img" operation="flash" partition="boot"/>
<step MD5="97ac33bcdd819983bb53291253fe8d1a" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.0" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="14df3e851b691e07b4268c04514b47ed" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.1" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="75e40d7edf6e062f3cb3a0fdc1ee454b" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.2" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="5f63d47068e37a6223f98c6308e41b3f" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.3" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="86e277fc41f596a4e5174f001d4afde6" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.4" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="4196ed99d82ad7fc87f55a30c1d5582e" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.5" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="1f2e3b4fa31f466d03b87471249d0896" filename="system.img_sparsechunk.6" operation="flash" partition="system"/>
<step MD5="58200dc48b70e990a0a15f2c537f8942" filename="system_other.img" operation="flash" partition="system_b"/>
<step MD5="55aad038227bd2cd4cdc1b03547c2814" filename="oem.img" operation="flash" partition="oem"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="carrier"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="cache"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata"/>
<step operation="erase" partition="ddr"/>
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear"/>
So I guess the .bat file should be something like this:
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash bluetooth BTFM.bin
fastboot flash dsp adspso.bin
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.3
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.5
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.6
fastboot flash system_b system_other.img
fastboot flash oem oem.img
fastboot erase carrier
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase ddr
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
fastboot -w
fastboot reboot-bootloader
Correct me if I'm wrong. As I said, I don't own nash myself. I got other motos tho and the .bat's I've made for them works fine so I think this should be correct .
I took an existing flashall.bat for nash and only did some changes to get the file names right for pie update, but I guess you can remove the "fastboot -w" if you wanna try update without wiping data.
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I think its not posible with locked bootloader =( i tried and ger message system corrupt after some reboots system stared and no changes in the firmware =(
this might be a noob question but, if this was installed via flashall would it lock the bootloader on nash-02 with the bootloader already unlocked?
doombuger said:
this might be a noob question but, if this was installed via flashall would it lock the bootloader on nash-02 with the bootloader already unlocked?
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-02 is US Cellular right? Either way, flashing for the most part won't re-lock a bootloader, but it has happened ironically. THIS is the important part though, flashing a pie firmware for a variant it isn't intended for has done nothing but create bricks and unusable phones. The firmware posted here is RETAIL INDIA (retin) and it will NOT work for US variants. Once you flash a pie modem there is no going back to an oreo modem. The only US variant to have pie is Verizon.
41rw4lk said:
-02 is US Cellular right? Either way, flashing for the most part won't re-lock a bootloader, but it has happened ironically. THIS is the important part though, flashing a pie firmware for a variant it isn't intended for has done nothing but create bricks and unusable phones. The firmware posted here is RETAIL INDIA (retin) and it will NOT work for US variants. Once you flash a pie modem there is no going back to an oreo modem. The only US variant to have pie is Verizon.
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Ok thanks. Just browsing around for a fix for my modem ironically. Lol. Didn't flash any pie ROM but I did a tmo Oreo variant and lost baseband. I'm half tempted to try a Verizon firmware since they are my provider. I don't even have wifi
I understand all the warnings about flashing this on US varients (have the T-Mobile). My question is this: can we flash this via fastboot, without flashing the modem parts? Basically flashing everything but the modem so we keep our T-Mobile modem files. I assume that I wouldn't flash the following files: NON-HLOS.bin, fsg.mbn, modemst1, modemst2.
alfick3 said:
I understand all the warnings about flashing this on US varients. I assume that I wouldn't flash the following files: NON-HLOS.bin, fsg.mbn, modemst1, modemst2.
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? What he said