need your help please a month ago upgrade to MM faith Germany, all great, this morning saw a video and suddenly all applications I start to stop , had root and Xposed , repeats and nothing still , clear dalvil and wipe and restart and anything you put Android stock again and my surprise is that before finishing the installation will begin to stop processes , you and placed that in Germany and in Argentina and in any form , functions , processes are stopped and reset if you could help me understand not passing
also place the four files over the pit and when he finished lighting applications are halted all
I have a swiss 16gb I9000 running the jpu firmware (at the time). at first it worked, but then I took it out to make a call, and alot of crashed apps pop ups apeard. I can now no longer run any 3rd party apps and the phone is barly usefull.
I tried flashing over a new kernal, but that did not work so i did the next best thing: I flashed a NEW firmware (JPY) but nothing changed. It is still useless.
Has anyone encounterd this befor? or does anyone know a fix?
Best regards
Ethan j. s. Lyons
You could download rom manager and fix permissions.. That might help
Did you wipe data and wipe cache partition before flashing?
If not, run these two options in recovery mode and flash the firmware again
i cannot run any 3rd party apps.
I edited my post. Please have a look at it
yeah i will try that tomorrow when i have some more time
no luck with fixing the permisions.
did a complete factory reset etc. and my device failed to boot up. couldn't fix it so i wen't down to my provider's shop and they said they will send it to be repaired. that should take around two weeks to complete.
I would like to thank you for trying, even though it didn't work
Hello everybody.
I am having serious trouble with my phone and I was hoping some of you might be able to help me out.
I just bought my SGS 3 days ago. It came with android 2.1.1 eclair installed.
I had read that that version was not the best ( the first thing I saw when I opened the phone actually was an error screen, and the lag was horrible) so when I got home I decided to try and upgrade it using the official software for it (Kies).
Unfortunately Kies would simply disconnect my phone when I told it to upgrade, after which it would ask me to upgrade again >.>
So I decided to use Odin to flash one of the newer 2.2.1 versions.
I flashed a 'JS3' version with a repartition to 803 pit , but it crashed after rebooting with the dbdata error (which as I learned later was caused by not flashing a full firmware).
I flashed JPU after which worked great. It was fast and responsive.
However my phone kept crashing. Whether on standby, using apps, or just trying to dial a number, it would freeze, start vibrating, and sometime reset, other times just stay frozen until I force shut down it from the power button.
I flashed JS5 afterwards, with full cache clearing, factory reset etc. Still crashed.
Then I tried flashing Darky's 9.2 Ressurection. Loved it but I couldn't even set up my google account because it crashed constantly.
Then I went back to what I believe is the current official version for my location and carrier (Vodafone Romania), JP9 .
After flashing it didn't crash, but after a while (one night), it started crashing like crazy, even wound up with weird gray lines and a freeze in the morning.
I was hoping someone here might know what is wrong with it. I already sent it back to be serviced but I am thinking maybe I broke it somehow and would like to know how so I don't do it again.
The phone is network locked, which I later learned is usually a bad thing for flashing, unfortunately I didn't know about that when I started.
well first of you want to remove the network lock so try these:
next step is to register on (its free) and here is where you will get all the latest official firmwares from samsung..
what you want to do is download (XWJS5) with all 3 files and PIT and flash that through odin with RE-PARTITION..
Before you do that, put your phone into recovery mode (volume up + Home button + Power button ) and do a factory reset / wipe cache ect...
so when you have done that and flashed the new firmware. let me know what the outcome is..
other than that you shouldn't have any problems
hi, thanks for the advice.
I already did most of that however. I did a factory reset numerous times, and I also did a full repartition flash more than once, to no avail.
I am waiting to get it back from warranty service now but I am wondering what went wrong.
Was it broken when I bought it or did I damage it somehow by trying to flash it while network locked ?
flashing with network lock wouldnt make everything force close. the worst thing that could happen when flashing with network lock is not picking up a signal and possible IMEI corruption.
i think you may have just flashed the wrong ROM, it happens to us all, but the more you do it the more experienced you become and you soon learn methods to restore things..
dont worry too much it will be fine when it comes back from samsung, just be sure to read up properly if you have any doubts.. or ask a question first you will get a reply quicker than you can Unbrick your phone..
My phone seems to hate the 803 pit file. Lots of force closes when I used it. Try using 512, see if that works any better.
G'day everyone.
The phone is an Optus (Australia) Galaxy S which is running 2.2.1 Froyo XXJPY Kernal Version
It has suddenly gone really slow and all widgets, games and apps will not work and when trying to run any of them, the phone vibrates and shows a message saying it has stopped unexpectedly and to close it.
When using the phone, it sometimes gets the following message...
The application AdService ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. With a FORCE CLOSE button.
Which is the same format as the other error messages she mentioned.
The phone restarted yesterday to find that it has wiped out all contacts and saved stuff in the Memo program and all favourite apps were gone from the home screen.
I've been asked to help with this, but I'm finding the solution very confusing.
Edit - She is happy for me to update it to a newer, stable version, but I'm unsure about doing that from the current version as I am not tech savy.
Advice on upgrading from 2.2.1 would be much appreciated.
Thanks everyone!
rattleau said:
G'day everyone.
The phone is an Optus (Australia) Galaxy S which is running 2.2.1 Froyo XXJPY Kernal Version
It has suddenly gone really slow and all widgets, games and apps will not work and when trying to run any of them, the phone vibrates and shows a message saying it has stopped unexpectedly and to close it.
When using the phone, it sometimes gets the following message...
The application AdService ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. With a FORCE CLOSE button.
Which is the same format as the other error messages she mentioned.
The phone restarted yesterday to find that it has wiped out all contacts and saved stuff in the Memo program and all favourite apps were gone from the home screen.
I've been asked to help with this, but I'm finding the solution very confusing.
Thanks everyone!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is normal for Froyo. when i was on 2.2.1 had similar problems ( had to restart every 2,3 days and there's was another problem, system wouldn't pass s logo and i couldnt save programs etc. , then my csc was unknown.) every 2,3 weeks it needed hard reset etc.
try using different firmware.
I'm new to these things. Please help.
I have partial problems with my phone's speaker. I want to try can it be fixed via System Update.
Speaker problem is kinda mind-bending. Not sure when it occurs.
Speaker seems to work fine when calling someone near. When calling from over ~10 kilometers, speaker distorts the incoming sound. Works fine with loud speaker, which kind of takes the problem out of being problem of my service provider.
I'm quite possibly going to take my phone to the warranty service. That's why I want to have the "Device status: Official", not "Custom".
My friend rooted and installed a custom ROM, which I didn't like. I made him uninstall the ROM but the root stayed. (Late 2013)
Now comes the part I think I f***ed up.
Started watching videos about urooting, unbricking and such. Now what I have accomplished is that I've pressed "unroot" in SuperSU and uninstalled it.
Soon to notice that I should've used some program to clear the Device status.
Not sure what Flashing Android means and when its done, but there is counter which should be put to zero?
Those two things are done in programs which require rooting? So what do I do now?
Installing SuperSU gives me error binary not installed, and SuperSU cannot install it. Someone in fixed this with restarting device in Recovery mode with QuickBoot program which, again, needed the device to be rooted already.
I want to have my System Update done by the "right" way, from "About device" -> "Update". Now it gives me "Your device has been modified."
Please redirect and guide me!
I have S4 active GT-I9295, android version 4.2.2. Ask about baseband, kernel versions/other statuses if you need those informations!
Thank you SO much for your time and help beforehand! :good:
ps. 2 year warranty is till 28.9.15
thanks for everybody for answering!:good::good::good::good:
Make backup of your images, videos and data by copy to ext SD or use Helium from Play Store .
Install =flash 5.0.1 Samsung GT-I9295 firmware best match for your region using PC Odin 3.09 /3.10. The complete firmware *. TAR.MD5 is placed in Odin AP field, no need for other files in the other Odin file fields.
Factory reset after successful flash.
Will set all to stock with latest firmware.
Tools, tutorial and downloads here:
More advice and how to
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Hi Guys! Im completely stuck with the following.
I install a stable rom, for example a 5 file stock ROM in odin (AP, BL, CP, CSC, PIT) from samfirm,
or a debloated stock rom, like maho_66's.
Phone works fine for a few days or weeks.
Then my base apps start to freeze up. usually starting with google, or google services.
I get the error messages that google services, touchwiz, chrome, etc stopped responding, in complete random order or occurence.
some background processes start to freeze up and even getting random reboots
then the phone basically "falls apart" with a total system collapse. this usually happens after 1-2 weeks.
if TWRP is on, and I try to factory wipe or clean to install new rom, then it comes back with error writing... I/O error in red with EVERYTHING it tries to access!
at this point I have to flash a 5 file stock with odin, to get the phone back to working, then it starts again.
all installs are clean.
even tried roms that I used happily for months in the past.
WHAT ON EARTH this can be?
My phone behaves like a Windows PC when the harddrive is dying.
Is this possible that the system memory became unstable somehow in a 5 year old phone????
battery issue maybe?
ATM all i can do is keep flashing clean roms on the phone so I can use it for a few weeks (or days). its ridiculous.
thx for any ideas Guys :fingers-crossed: