Weird Issue with random freezes and failure to boot - T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I had been running the same ROM without any issue for almost 18 months. The note 4 is my backup phone so I do not mess with it too often. I did use it almost every day though for a media remote for my family room. However the other day the phone rebooted after seeing a weird error message pop up. It was not like any I had seen before, looked like an error related to the hardware.
Now no matter what ROM I flash onto it I it struggles to boot. If it does boot the ROM is really slow and choppy and often freezes or gives me the black screen of death and I have to pull the battery. I have tried multiple ROMs both TW and AOSP base and all are having the same issue. Even using ODIN to go back to stock did not fix the issue.
Is it possible the phone just had a hardware failure and is toast? Just curious if anyone has had this issue and if they have any ideas on how to fix it.

ShrekOpher said:
So I had been running the same ROM without any issue for almost 18 months. The note 4 is my backup phone so I do not mess with it too often. I did use it almost every day though for a media remote for my family room. However the other day the phone rebooted after seeing a weird error message pop up. It was not like any I had seen before, looked like an error related to the hardware.
Now no matter what ROM I flash onto it I it struggles to boot. If it does boot the ROM is really slow and choppy and often freezes or gives me the black screen of death and I have to pull the battery. I have tried multiple ROMs both TW and AOSP base and all are having the same issue. Even using ODIN to go back to stock did not fix the issue.
Is it possible the phone just had a hardware failure and is toast? Just curious if anyone has had this issue and if they have any ideas on how to fix it.
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Many have had similar issues, for example:
A proposed solution has been to downgrade to LP, although some people have reported it not fully fixing the issues.


The Boot Loop of Death (BLOD)

Hey Guys,
Ever since I first experienced this bug, it seems more and more people are coming forward explaining the same symptoms.
Connection drops, OS becomes unresponsive, freezes, and then you are greeted by the 'X' animation. After the phone reboots, it freezes once again and returns you to the 'X' animation and the process repeats until you pull the battery.
There seems to be no direct trigger as it can occur when on a call, when browsing or even when the phone is idle.
I've read through various threads on different forums in an attempt to reveal some kind of pattern, yet reports are coming from users on different ROMs with different kernels and different apps. I've created this thread in the hope that if people contribute their experiences, we can draw some kind of reasoning behind the development of the bug and offer some hope for resolving the issue in then future.
So guys, what are your experiences of the BLOD? What ROM were you running? What kernel were you running? Do you overclock, underclock or remain at stock? Anything you think may contribute to this annoying bug.
Thanks in advance.....
Reserved for future use
My experience began after updating to Kang-o-Rama 0.6 final (CM 5.0.6) after using Kings Desire Port aswell as using Paul's Desire ROM and Cyanogenmod previously. Originally it happened to me in the gym. While listening to music I recieved an SMS and the phone suddenly crashed and went into the BLOD. I had to pull my battery for it to stop. Since that occasion, I began to suffer the BLOD 3-5 times a day, sometimes when on a call and other times when the phone was idle. I tried wiping and reinstalling countless times, flashed stock Cyanogen and the later versions of K-o-R which would give my phone a slight reprieve ,however eventually the BLOD would hunt me down and return.
Eventually I believed it was a Cyanogenmod specific bug, especially after reading this thread,
Since I thought it was CM specific I went away and flashed Enom's ROM which again gave me a reprieve but only until I charged the phone at night. I awoke in the early house to find my phone rebooting away as I slept. This pattern continued for 3 nights until last night which was my first BLOD free night.
Now i'm not 100% sure as to what cured my looping last night but I flashed a new kernel yesterday (IR .33.5) and also on the advice of this thread,
I wondered whether the fact that I'd started using the stock alarm clock app could have triggered this so called 'notification bug'. I returned to using Gentle Alarm from the market and cancelled my stock Androdid alarm.
Right now i'm waiting to see how long I go without a BLOD before investigating if it was specifically the new kernel or changing the alarm which got me through the night. Will report back if anything changes.
I'm pretty sure this is a form of a kernel panic. I know Cyanogen had made some type of tweet or post regarding this. I'll try to find it and edit this post when done
wesbalmer said:
I'm pretty sure this is a form of a kernel panic. I know Cyanogen had made some type of tweet or post regarding this. I'll try to find it and edit this post when done
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Cyanogen posted something regarding it being a system_server crash in the CM thread and that we needed logs of the event occuring before he could draw any conclusions. I managed to dump and adb logcat of the event while it was happening, although it was just a panic loop of which a segment was posted on the Cyanogenmod forum I posted above. Has anyone managed to capture a log of the BLOD as it starts? That would be a great help.
I got my N1 about 4 weeks ago and it worked OK until I flashed the Froyo radio. from that point on I could not get any rom to run in a stable way - my reboots happened 3 - 4 times a day and got to the point where I would get stuck in the boot loop. Pulling the battery did not always solve the problem although I found that if I kept the battery out for several minutes my chances of getting the phone to boot into either the ROM or recovery would be better.
I noticed at the same time that once the boot loop started I could not get into recovery until my phone had at least booted into the ROM successfully once.
Flashing back to the 4.04 radio reduced the random reboots to about once a day - usually at night after I had just plugged my phone in to charge. I was using the stock alarm app as a bedside clock.
After many days of frustration and the help from several people here at XDA, I finally came to conclusion that the problem must be hardware related and am returning my current device to HTC and am getting a new one.
I don't have a boot loop but I definitely experience the initial stages of this problem on a stock (unrooted, locked) N1 (at&t).
50% of the time when the N1 loses the connection (e.g. due to going into a garage) it will not re-acquire the signal. Searching for networks will hang, putting the phone in flight mode and then disabling flight mode will still result in no signal.
The only way to get a cell signal back is rebooting the phone.
Usually, searching for a network and/or enabling and disabling flight mode will result in the phone turning black and then rebooting.
I have the problem, too.
Just a few notes:
didn't have it on stock rom and Cyanogen 5.0.6, nor an Enomther's 1.8.1, started with Enomther's 1.9.2
This is not really a reboot, because a real reboot always helps. Other than a reboot, it starts directly at the X animation, not with the unmoving X before.
Seems to be a kernel panic.
I currently suspect that the panic happens when the RAM is full, especially if there is one single process that uses up massive amounts of RAM (could be in the background, of course).
I yesterday found that Sytrant (periodically sets time using internet time server) has a memory leak, and on closer inspection today found that it queries an ad server every few seconds and thus switches from sleeping to running state every few seconds. Also, it spawns root processes when setting time, which might lead to the system not wanting to kill it.
So, here's my current suspection (I'm not at all sure if that's true!):
The reboot loop only happens when the system runs out of memory.
In this case, Android should normally kick out other programs: First apps that are not running anymore, but are still in memory, second background jobs, and third services.
I guess there's some error in the killing logic in newer Cyanogen kernels and others that use Cyanogen parts (or maybe even in the orginal code from Google).
This somehow leads to a state where the kernel has no memory left and can't kill a process, too. -> Kernel panic
Maybe this is more probable if there is one big memory hog the kernel doesn't want to kill (because it's a service, or maybe because it has children running as root).
So, everyone who has this problem, please get a process monitor or task manager where you can see how much memory an app uses. OSMonitor is a very good one, and it can also sort the processes by memory usage. Start it periodically to find out if a process is constantly growing.
If you found such a process: Is it one that requires root? Does it run as a service? (Unfortunately, OSMonitor can't tell you if a process runs as service, or at least I didn't find it if it can. ES Task Manager can show that information, though, for example.)
Personally, I threw Sytrant off my phone now and will watch if that helps. I had reboot loops every two or three days, so I can't tell yet if it really will make a difference. I really hope so …
Edit: Of course, this theory does not really explain why the network drops before the boot loop starts. It could be, though, that the kernel tries to kill just anything to gain meomry, which might also be a system process that it responsible for the network. As the networks always seems to drop before the loop starts, maybe killing that process is what leads to the panic in the end.
Maybe, could … well, yes, this is just a theory. But at least it sounds good, doesn't it? ;-)
The more I read about this problem here and in other threads, the more I am convinced that my problem is probably not hardware related. My replacement phone arrives today but now I am wondering if I should return my original or not. Argg!
Is there a way we can all band together to try and get to the bottom of this problem? I am more than willing to do whatever testing those that know what to look for tells me to do.
Would one of the Guru's here be willing to guide us through a coordinated troubleshooting excersize?
Maybe we can start by trying to find out what we all have in common?
I have an AT&T/Rogers version of the N1.
I typically have the Facebook, Calendar Widgets on home screen.
Power Widget on 2nd screen
Use gmail but via the standard email client, not the gmail client.
Use the native alarm clock app in the dock at night
16GB ADATA MicroSD card.
I also install:
- ChompSMS (with icon widget on home screen)
- NewsRob (with Widget on home screen)
Did not get the reboots initially running the stock rom but they started the moment I installed paul's version of Froyo. I tried several of the other roms and had the same instability and BLOD's until I reverted back to stock and things stabalized again although I was still getting random reboots once a day or so.
While a hardware issue (especially RAM failure) could cause this issue, I don't think that it is the cause in most of the cases here. The fact that some don't experience it anymore after trying one or another software-related measure makes a hardware failure highly improbable, at least in their cases.
I won't rule that out, but until I tried everything else I can't conclude it must be a hardware faliure.
Please get OSMonitor and watch your processes. If after some days you still can't find a process using more than, say, 65 M, and still get the issue, you can be pretty sure that a memory leak isn't the problem for you.
The memory leak + killing bug guess is a good one and is quite probable. So let's check that first.
I think my FroYo rom problems are the same problems you guys are having. I think it's something with an app or an element of the OS or something.
I get the exact same issue on a handful of roms. Everything starts to force close, then it goes into boot loop, but, as someone said, doesn't really fully reboot, it just starts at the boot screen.
I've also noticed when things get funky, plugging in the USB cable makes it immediately go into a boot loop.
I start having this problem after I install the Quadrant Standard program, I was using the Kang-o-rama - Froyo when this happened. But after going back to Paul's Froyo everything is working perfectly again.
cmarti said:
I start having this problem after I install the Quadrant Standard program, I was using the Kang-o-rama - Froyo when this happened. But after going back to Paul's Froyo everything is working perfectly again.
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I deleted quadrant, signed into market and all so it knew i uninstalled it, flashed a baked modaco R17, and it still boot looped on first reboot.
I suspect it is related to the 4.06 radio. My first boot loop started just after I installed the radio and before I updated the ROM itself.
DvTonder said:
I suspect it is related to the 4.06 radio. My first boot loop started just after I installed the radio and before I updated the ROM itself.
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That doesn't explain mine though. I get the boot loop on some roms but not others, with the same radio.
MSigler said:
That doesn't explain mine though. I get the boot loop on some roms but not others, with the same radio.
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Which ROMS are safe for you - I will flash one of them tonight and see if it works on my device as well - maybe we can narrow it down to a specific ROM.
Would also appreciate a list of the apps you use - I am thinking we should set up our phones as close to identical as possible to begin with and then start adding things to see what causes it. Thoughts?
DvTonder said:
Which ROMS are safe for you - I will flash one of them tonight and see if it works on my device as well - maybe we can narrow it down to a specific ROM.
Would also appreciate a list of the apps you use - I am thinking we should set up our phones as close to identical as possible to begin with and then start adding things to see what causes it. Thoughts?
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The only roms that screw up for me are modded froyo roms. LeoFroyo works fine for some reason, as does the stock FRF50. I'll screenshot my apps in a minute and post them.
I have this on stock 2.1u1 EPE54B
I was getting some pretty random boot loops when running CM and 4.04 radio. Noticed two things could (almost) cause it every time:
1) Not so much a cause, but Google Listen was running almost every time I went into a BLoD.
2) Something that WAS causing it.. I keep my phone on airplane mode at work with WiFi on, since I don't get a reception in the building. Reboot + turn off airplane mode when the phone is to that point = BLoD.
I actually flashed Kang-o-Rama and the 4.06 radio earlier, no problems now.
tjsimmons said:
I actually flashed Kang-o-Rama and the 4.06 radio earlier, no problems now.
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Did you flash the Froyo version with SP3?

[Q] camera issues

I've tried browsing the forums, and even locating the post talking about the fix for the camera, and I simply can't find it. I really don't want to go without a phone seeing as my job requires my phone, but it really sucks not having a camera or a flashlight toggle.
I've seen some people that have indicated its a physical issue, however, it sporadically starts working again. Note: I would like to avoid doing the super data wipe as I'm also having computer issues at the same time. If someone needs me to post a catalog, I will need help Learning what to filter out in order to upload only the necessary info.
I've tried wiping the data through twrp advanced wipe, and of course the dalvik cache has been wiped many-a-time. Any help would be appreciated!
Um...I don't think you even explain you problem. Might want to elaborate a bit.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
No matter what ROM I use, no matter what camera I try to install, I cannot get it to consistently work. More often than not, cannot connect to camera. I feel like its a setting or file sticking on the "SD card" that is interfering. I also cannot use the flashlight toggle, and parts of Google+ and gallery crash at times. This has been intermittently occurring since my first flash. Blissful ROM v1.7 twrp
Tried every wipe except for the one that makes me type yes. I've already flashed boot.IMG to disable decryption, and I'm starting to think that may have something to do with it.
I was under the impression I had twrp, but after double checking, it looks like it was stuck on I flashed the newer version from twrp manager, and now my camera is working. I didn't do anything other than install the new recovery. And yes I've tried rebooting my phone in the past. This may be a temporary fix, but I'll report back tomorrow on whether it is still working. This is very odd.
Andddddddd it stopped working again. Super legit.
Might be similar to my issue.
My camera started only showing front facing..even the option for back facing wasn't there. Did wipes in recovery and app settings. Would work, it seemed, but would revert right back to not working. At one point the camera app wasn't appearing in the app drawer at all even though it was shown in "all apps".
This occurred on stock and custom ROMs. I was advised to try flashing factory IMG but I'm well within the warranty period ( phone less than 2weeks) so I'm locking it back up and have a replacement on the way from ATT...
* I also noticed the issue starting while I was on bliss ROM 1.7
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
My camera is really shaky and won't focus correctly in landscape mode. I returned the first phone I had for basically the same thing because it wasn't focusing in portrait mode but looked fine in landscape. I haven't seen anyone else have this issue. At first I thought the camera was inconsistent but if you zoom in you can see that it doesn't focus properly.
I'm starting to wonder why there are so many people experiencing the same or similar camera issues. The only reason I'm starting to think that it is software based and not entirely hardware based is because I was having this same issue (cannot connect to camera) on my sgs5 with cm based Roms.
I'm not saying any of this makes sense, its just strange. I wish we could help troubleshoot what the root of this problem is instead of just RMAing the device. I'm afraid to RMA with T-Mobile.
you better do it before its too late. id rma it.
cellularticulate said:
No matter what ROM I use, no matter what camera I try to install, I cannot get it to consistently work. More often than not, cannot connect to camera. I feel like its a setting or file sticking on the "SD card" that is interfering. I also cannot use the flashlight toggle, and parts of Google+ and gallery crash at times. This has been intermittently occurring since my first flash. Blissful ROM v1.7 twrp
Tried every wipe except for the one that makes me type yes. I've already flashed boot.IMG to disable decryption, and I'm starting to think that may have something to do with it.
I was under the impression I had twrp, but after double checking, it looks like it was stuck on I flashed the newer version from twrp manager, and now my camera is working. I didn't do anything other than install the new recovery. And yes I've tried rebooting my phone in the past. This may be a temporary fix, but I'll report back tomorrow on whether it is still working. This is very odd.
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There is no sdcard.
Try going back to factory sysimage, and data wipe.
Are you using any "added in" camera software? If so, what?
cellularticulate said:
I'm starting to wonder why there are so many people experiencing the same or similar camera issues. The only reason I'm starting to think that it is software based and not entirely hardware based is because I was having this same issue (cannot connect to camera) on my sgs5 with cm based Roms.
I'm not saying any of this makes sense, its just strange. I wish we could help troubleshoot what the root of this problem is instead of just RMAing the device. I'm afraid to RMA with T-Mobile.
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Similar issue. Get errors "Unfortunately, camera has stopped" or "cannot connect to camera." I picked up the phone right before a 2 week vacation so unfortunately I can't bring back to AT&T. Hopefully Moto plays nice. Problems originally occurred on stock 5.0 before the 5.0.1 update. Since AT&T was lagging on OTA, I flashed to the official BlissPop rom but I have the same problems. Sometimes it'll work like it's supposed to for a couple days but always reverts back to the errors. Nothing like being at the top of a mountain in Hawaii and "cannot connect to camera" right????Since I've read about this happening on so many different firmware variations, I have to believe it's a hardware issue.
I have only had issues with the stock camera app. Ive been running Pure Shamu for 2.5 weeks now and only using the Google Camera app from the play store (the one with HDR+ and the icon has the lens filled with rainbow colors) with absolutely no issues and only getting excellent quality pictures.
Had the issue where the camera wouldn't focus and everything on the screen gets jiggly and wavy like there's some sort of interference. I had motion sickness looking at the screen. Called Moto for an advance replacement and after a week of delay due to stock issue...somehow they were kind enough to upgrade me to a CW 64gb model. I hope it's new and no more camera issues.
Has everyone who got the 'no-focuse OIS' issue gotten new phone on RMA?
I took mine to repair few days ago and they said that they won't give me a new phone instantly, rather they try to fix the OIS. Not sure how that is going to work..?
They also suggested that this issue might be "self inflicted" or just an "feature" of the camera itself. fml.
Giants2010 said:
Similar issue. Get errors "Unfortunately, camera has stopped" or "cannot connect to camera." I picked up the phone right before a 2 week vacation so unfortunately I can't bring back to AT&T. Hopefully Moto plays nice. Problems originally occurred on stock 5.0 before the 5.0.1 update. Since AT&T was lagging on OTA, I flashed to the official BlissPop rom but I have the same problems. Sometimes it'll work like it's supposed to for a couple days but always reverts back to the errors. Nothing like being at the top of a mountain in Hawaii and "cannot connect to camera" right????Since I've read about this happening on so many different firmware variations, I have to believe it's a hardware issue.
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I returned mine to stock, unroot/locked boot loader, factory reset, before shipping it off and the camera issue was still there. Maybe hardware related I'm thinking.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Something rather peculiar Ive noticed...
I didn't really pinpoint this until today, but the camera very consistently starts working when you go into fastboot, load the recovery, and then boot into system. I'm really, sincerely not quite sure why this would be happening, but I still feel like it has something to do with boot.IMG
If any devs can point me in the right direction to try and track down the possibility of this being an issue, I'd love to potentially fix a bunch of people's camera issues (albeit there is probably also a hardware defect direct from moto).
Is logcat going to pick up on issues that originate from boot?
cellularticulate said:
I've tried browsing the forums, and even locating the post talking about the fix for the camera, and I simply can't find it. I really don't want to go without a phone seeing as my job requires my phone, but it really sucks not having a camera or a flashlight toggle.
I've seen some people that have indicated its a physical issue, however, it sporadically starts working again. Note: I would like to avoid doing the super data wipe as I'm also having computer issues at the same time. If someone needs me to post a catalog, I will need help Learning what to filter out in order to upload only the necessary info.
I've tried wiping the data through twrp advanced wipe, and of course the dalvik cache has been wiped many-a-time. Any help would be appreciated!
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This is a hardware issue. Check
rdizzle707 said:
This is a hardware issue. Check
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Not the issue I'm explaining though. This is a bit more deeply seeded of an issue. When I boot directly into the ROM, my twrp installer says I'm back on, but when I boot into fastboot and then twrp, and then ROM, it says and my camera works. This is legitimately weird as ****.
cellularticulate said:
Not the issue I'm explaining though. This is a bit more deeply seeded of an issue. When I boot directly into the ROM, my twrp installer says I'm back on, but when I boot into fastboot and then twrp, and then ROM, it says and my camera works. This is legitimately weird as ****.
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Ohhh man that is weird.
rdizzle707 said:
This is a hardware issue. Check
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rdizzle707 said:
Ohhh man that is weird.
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It appears a bit more stable now. I tried flashing twrp from my computer and it seems to be a bit more nice. That and normal reboot to twrp doesn't say - let me check twrp manager now.
And my camera and flashlight have worked for almost three days now. Dafuq.
Same issue. "Unfortunately, Camera has stopped."
No flash light available, only front camera working, clicking on HDR exits the app with the aforementioned error message.
Has anyone solved this issue?
I was on 5.1 stock (with root) and now I've updated to 5.1.1, but with no change to the Camera behaviour.

CyanogenMod hiccups

I have been using CM11 for a while now and I am experiencing frequents hangs and hiccups. In particular the systems doesn't seem to be able to handle an installation, what I mean is that whenever I install or update an app the system hangs like if it can't handle a multitasking session, the systems freezes. Also, I ofent have my device frozen and I can't turn it on, the screen stays black for long periods, in the order of 5 minuts or more. I'd say this ROM is not functional. Is there anyone else who is experiencing the same problems? I am not sure whether the ROM is not working properly because of some setting I changed but well... I was thinking about going back to stock or to re-format and start over with a fresh CM11 because it might also be that I did something wrong. Any comment or suggestion, personal experiences? is CM11 working on your xperia sp's?
Cellulario said:
I have been using CM11 for a while now and I am experiencing frequents hangs and hiccups. In particular the systems doesn't seem to be able to handle an installation, what I mean is that whenever I install or update an app the system hangs like if it can't handle a multitasking session, the systems freezes. Also, I ofent have my device frozen and I can't turn it on, the screen stays black for long periods, in the order of 5 minuts or more. I'd say this ROM is not functional. Is there anyone else who is experiencing the same problems? I am not sure whether the ROM is not working properly because of some setting I changed but well... I was thinking about going back to stock or to re-format and start over with a fresh CM11 because it might also be that I did something wrong. Any comment or suggestion, personal experiences? is CM11 working on your xperia sp's?
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It did start lagging after a few weeks and for me the recent button took forever (3 secs ! thats a lot since it never took that much long) to open recent menu. So I reinstalled it not knowing whether it was my fault or CM and to my surprise after a few weeks it did it again and I switched to PAC rom. Never looked back. IMO pac rom is the best experience of kitkat on sp.

Help - Phone Randomly Powering Down

Hi Everyone
Bit of help please.
Having problems over the last 20 days or so. The phone keeps powering down completely at random.
I had flashed No Root Stock Debloated/Deodexed N6 ViPER|Atmos Audiophile 1.6 and after a week the above started.
Fully wiped (including data) the N6 and re-installed from a OTG USB through TWRP. After a week the same random shut-downs began again.
Another full wipe and installed ver 1.7 from the above and within a couple of days the shutdowns started again.
Today thought a different ROM may be the answer. Full wipe and tried [MMB29U/Q][6.0.1][STOCK][OMNI][MOKEE][CMTE][LAYERS] FLUENCE HD9 and the shut-downs are still here.
Seems to be getting worse.
Not using layers or anything abnormal - nova launcher and popular apps, nothing strange. No Kernel optimizations.
Really stumped as to what I have done. Wondering if I have a HW fault rather than custom rom or apps. Going to un-root, lock the BL and give Google stock image a go, unless anyone has a suggestion.
Any water damage that you can think of? Any parts of the phone getting extremely hot?
You could try ordering a new battery, and see if that fixes the issue, as it is not a software issue.
I'm also having a similar issue, but it occurs when trying to open camera and having relatively low charges(%20). I could not pinpoint my issue exactly but generally complete shutdowns caused by battery problems(temperature, voltage, mis-feedback). Like flyeyes says it is probably a defected battery unit.
Grab some logcats or a crash message. Without them the only thing I can advise is that it is one of your apps causing it or a hardware issue.
Have you tried complete stock firmware from Google with no customizations? If so, does it happen then? If it happens on complete stock from Google you might be looking at a hardware issue. If it only happens on custom ROMS after you set them up, then it might be an inconsistency with whatever apps/changes you make to it.

Galaxy Tab S 8.4 wifi lollipop upgrade is rubbish

After a lot of issues i just ended up downgrading back to kitkat on my galaxyTab S8.4 wifi, from lollipop.
Issues i was experiencing were:
-totally unreliable battery meter & performance. - Could read 100%, and 10 mins later would read 5% and turn off.
-screen flicker - lines would flicker across the screen randomly, usually before the device crashed.
-Rebooting - the device would randomly reboot, but usually happened 3-4 times per hour, making the device useless.
-screen freeze - the touchscreen would stop working randomly, usually before it rebooted itself.
Ive just gone back to kitkat (voided my warranty in the process) and its still to be seen if downgrading resolves the battery issue, but already the screen flicker seems to be gone. Il update after a day or two use.
Very annoyed with Samsung for releasing an unusable update that rendered the tablet useless & the solution was to load a rom myself, voiding the warranty.
Have experienced absolutely none of the issues you refer to on my SM-T805.
Runs just fine for me.
Downgrading to KITKAT doesn't void your warranty.
ashyx said:
Have experienced absolutely none of the issues you refer to on my SM-T805.
Runs just fine for me.
Downgrading to KITKAT doesn't void your warranty.
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I agree with ashyx , my tab s runs fine n dandy , sounds like you have a faulty unit schmintan
I don't know if your tablet has Knox, you can see status if you go under status in about device, usually, and see if it is "official" or not.
Far as what you did, before you went and loaded a ROM, I would have done a factory reset. Quite often, settings/apps brought over from a previous version cause issue. I don't care if the upgrade tells you too or not, read through the forums and you'll see it littered with people stating how they noticed a massive improvement after their upgrade once they factory reset. Yes, it does suck, but these days Android makes it very easy to do.
schmintan said:
After a lot of issues i just ended up downgrading back to kitkat on my galaxyTab S8.4 wifi, from lollipop.
Issues i was experiencing were:
-totally unreliable battery meter & performance. - Could read 100%, and 10 mins later would read 5% and turn off.
-screen flicker - lines would flicker across the screen randomly, usually before the device crashed.
-Rebooting - the device would randomly reboot, but usually happened 3-4 times per hour, making the device useless.
-screen freeze - the touchscreen would stop working randomly, usually before it rebooted itself.
Ive just gone back to kitkat (voided my warranty in the process) and its still to be seen if downgrading resolves the battery issue, but already the screen flicker seems to be gone. Il update after a day or two use.
Very annoyed with Samsung for releasing an unusable update that rendered the tablet useless & the solution was to load a rom myself, voiding the warranty.
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Hi, have you solved The issue downvrading? I have The same problems you described.
same issues
White lines then crashes, battery life under 4 hours,
Sounds like a case of broken hardware or one seriously misbehaving application. And in general, if nothing works, I'd recommend to do a full factory reset of the tablet after the lollipop upgrade (erasing all of your data and settings of course). The only issue that concerns me about lollipop is the increase in battery drain at idle. You need to hunt down for the apps that keep your tablet awake. But spend a full battery charge in minutes? No way. Impossible. Get the tablet replaced.
I've been having the same issues. When I did a clean install, the tablet worked fine. However, as I install various apps, the issue begins again. I haven't been able to identify a particular app.
Going to try Marshmallow and see if it's more stable
If you both post your apps list that might be interesting see if you both share an app?
bigaloz said:
I've been having the same issues. When I did a clean install, the tablet worked fine. However, as I install various apps, the issue begins again. I haven't been able to identify a particular app.
Going to try Marshmallow and see if it's more stable
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nope. no stable mm roms yet.
Well, I've upgraded to Marshmallow and whilst it took a few goes to get it up and running properly (problems with installing gapps) it's working fine (mostly) now.
I've only had it running for a day but it is much smoother and quicker than kitkat and lollipop. So far there hasn't been any random shutdowns. It's too early to say whether battery life is better.
The only problems I've had is the camera isn't working (haven't bothered to look for a fix yet) and auto rotation doesn't work all the time.
I'll keep you up to date on how things go but so far I'm very pleased with the upgrade. I might now upgrade my 10.5
schmintan said:
After a lot of issues i just ended up downgrading back to kitkat on my galaxyTab S8.4 wifi, from lollipop.
Issues i was experiencing were:
-totally unreliable battery meter & performance. - Could read 100%, and 10 mins later would read 5% and turn off.
-screen flicker - lines would flicker across the screen randomly, usually before the device crashed.
-Rebooting - the device would randomly reboot, but usually happened 3-4 times per hour, making the device useless.
-screen freeze - the touchscreen would stop working randomly, usually before it rebooted itself.
Ive just gone back to kitkat (voided my warranty in the process) and its still to be seen if downgrading resolves the battery issue, but already the screen flicker seems to be gone. Il update after a day or two use.
Very annoyed with Samsung for releasing an unusable update that rendered the tablet useless & the solution was to load a rom myself, voiding the warranty.
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Hola, which procedure did you follow to downgrade OS to kitkat? I m right now on official Lollipop without root.
I had a notion that even if we downgrade to kitkat screen flicker will remain.
Awaiting your reply- thanks in advance
schmintan said:
Very annoyed with Samsung for releasing an unusable update that rendered the tablet useless & the solution was to load a rom myself, voiding the warranty.
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If your issues are caused by Lollipop wouldn't everyone one else with Lollipop experience the same issues? I have absolutely none of the problems you mentioned and I have had Lollipop installed since it was first made available for this tab. Seems to me you more then likely have a hardware problem. You said you were going to update in a day or two but you haven't so far. I'm curious if downgrading solved your issues.
Sent from my SM-T800 using XDA-Developers mobile app
schmintan said:
After a lot of issues i just ended up downgrading back to kitkat on my galaxyTab S8.4 wifi, from lollipop.
Issues i was experiencing were:
-totally unreliable battery meter & performance. - Could read 100%, and 10 mins later would read 5% and turn off.
-screen flicker - lines would flicker across the screen randomly, usually before the device crashed.
-Rebooting - the device would randomly reboot, but usually happened 3-4 times per hour, making the device useless.
-screen freeze - the touchscreen would stop working randomly, usually before it rebooted itself.
Ive just gone back to kitkat (voided my warranty in the process) and its still to be seen if downgrading resolves the battery issue, but already the screen flicker seems to be gone. Il update after a day or two use.
Very annoyed with Samsung for releasing an unusable update that rendered the tablet useless & the solution was to load a rom myself, voiding the warranty.
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i have found a fix for the white lines. but you need root
share the fix
zalso said:
i have found a fix for the white lines. but you need root
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what is the fix? please share! i have root, i have the problem, and it is super irritating!
brio09 said:
what is the fix? please share! i have root, i have the problem, and it is super irritating!
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here buddy
I have the 8.4 and 10.5, both are stock running lollipop and neither device has had the issues you are having!
Sent from my SM-T800 using XDA-Developers mobile app
screen freeze + screen flickers bright flash bars
random reboot, screen freeze and crazy screen flickers with bright flash bars), which occurred when it had low battery
(may be not relevant but have also just given up on firefox for chrome!)
this seems to sum up my experience in the last week or so, I thought I was heading for some hardware failure but parallels what others are reporting....
SM-T705Y running 5.0.2 (LRX22G)
looks like update from 20th May which would be around when this started

