C++ Problem - Android Studio

Well, Im making a app game to android devices and I have a problem, android studio has a problem that doesnt support c++, I think that is because the heyzap mediation has c++ or something, not sure, so I intalled the all the Sdk manager tools with the ndk and all and the problem still ther, how can a fix it?
Have you builded an apk from buildbox for android studio or eclipse, help me please, thanks.

The best choice would be spoj.com to practice cpp problems as it won't reveal answers as other sites do, so we have to try and solve by ourselves with which we can think without seeking for a solution.... However there are other alternatives to these are some of them.
Hackerrank.com. Good for beginners
Codemonk challenges
There are many more sites through which you can practice c++, but focus on one website and practice in it only. Later try solving coding challenges to master the concepts.

Thanks but Im not practicing, I need to build an apk file from the files that Ive exported from buildbox, is an app so there is a problem that android studio cannot compile or support c++ I supose.


How to program?

I have an easy question...^^
How can I program programs for my phone?
Is there anywhere a tutorial or something like that?
Or are all of you just very high skilled programmer?
I'm very interested in programming, but I only handl Java and php..
I hope someone of you can explain me where I can learn this =)
PS:I hope I posted this in the right section...^^
PPS: I'm from Germany so I'm sorry for any mistake in my sentences and I hope there is also a German programmer who can show me a tutorial on German, but English is also OK.
I asked this question a few months back and no one helped. Here is what I have been able to find on my own:
To program for your Windows Mobile device you need Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard edition or later. That is an expensive development program. If you buy that program, you can download a Windows Mobile plugin for free that includes an emulator for debugging.
I personally refuse to shell out tons of cash for the ability to program for my phone for personal use. I have not been able to locate anywhere on the internet even the slightest hint of a way that I can write a program for my phone with open source or free software. I use notepad++ and g++ for my coding needs so I was really hoping for a way to program using only these tools with perhaps an additional library.
Speaking of libraries, open gl es is open gl for embedded devices such as your Raphael. I have been unable to find an open gl es tutorial that does not involve buying Visual Studio.
If anyone can find anything else, please post here.
I've used C# and C\C++ to write programs for Pocket PC\Windows Mobile. Java I believe you can use with limited functionality (not the same as on the web). Php is a web langange I believe??
Are you using C++ via Microsoft Visual Studio, or do you know how to compile mobile programs without dropping money in Microsoft's bank?
I know that php is for the web
I only wanted to show, that im not a totally noob in programming ^^
But my question was: Where do you learned this? Did you have an online tutorial, or from school? Or somewhere else...from a book maybe?
Here is one answer to the question.
I have never followed this guide because I use Visual Studio 2008. I started programming using visual basic .net (VERY EASY TO LEARN). Later, I wanted to write applications for the today screen and I needed to learn C++ and the win32 API. (NOT FUN!!!) The good news is that I have several programs that I use on my today screen including weather, calendar, battery monitor, task switcher, music player and an alarm. It has taken me about a year to become pretty proficient. NOTE: when you move from managed code (.net framework) to unmannaged code (C++, win32) you have to be VERY careful to properly manage device memory or you will end up with memory leaks.
I've attached a picture of my today screen to illustrate the possibilities.
Have fun
You can also download evc4 and the evc4.sp4 from the following links.
This will be a very powerful tool but probably very hard to learn too...
Check out this thread. It has lots of info.
You can take a C++ programming class at most community colleges (not state or UC, ie very expensive). im currently taking the pre req that will allow me to take it next semester.
I think,the simpliest way is the Basic4PPC(Basic for PocketPC). Use Google and search for it.
i guess the best way is learn C#, i'm a visual basic programmer and the best app you can do with it is database app, if you want to do more powerful app for your phone is better to learn C#
i'm learning c# right now
try these two

[.NET] will i ever be able to use it?

ive been messing around with VB.net lately, and was kinda wondering if i could make an app for my phone (Hero CDMA) with it.
visual basic I don't think so. Android is mostly in java, but I believe I read somewhere that you can use c++ now. But not VB
There's an android mono project, but I think its still a ways off from being stable enough to do any serious work in.
www {dot} koushikdutta {dot} com/search/label/Mono
(replace the {dot}s with .)
I don't think koush has done much for MONO .Net on Android in a while. He's been off on Clockwork stuff. But I don't think it will happen with a good stable version any time soon.
If I where you and you really want to write apps for the phone, take your VB skillz and look at a C# project. Then look at Java. C# is a bastardizaion of Java and C - so you could at least get a fell for it with C#.
However, you could do the SMART thing, drop VB in all and Check out JAVA on its own. It's a good language if you need your program to run on your phone, bluray player, mp3 player, radio, blender, Coffee pot, and Margarita machine.
I like Java ok, but I am a bigger fan of C++ - its where you really need to start if you want to be a programmer in the long term.

Help an old programmer out...

I haven't really done anything on the programming side of things since VB6.0. Learned a bit of C once upon a time, but never really got anywhere.
Can any of you fine Devs here point me in the right directions to begin learning how to program for Android? Remember, please, that I will likely have to unlearn some things, and that I have ZERO JAVA experience. I would love to be able to make some apps to fill gaps that I see in the market.
I am running on a dual boot lappy with Win Vista and Linux Mint 10(Ubuntu derivative). Links or pointers to what I need for both sides will be welcomed and appreciated.
im reading hello android v3 and its great so far.. ive also been going thru android source.. download the android sdk and eclipse for linux and or windows.. i prefer linux as does most devs. ive also registered for night time java classes at the local community college for 13 bucks a semester. anyways goodluck!
This might be helpful for basic syntax stuff.
Start with fattire's link and pick up the Java basics. To read Android examples, you'll need to understand how Classes and Interfaces work as well as how to extend and implement them, respectively. You'll also want to understand inner classes and anonymous inner classes. Understand variable scoping in classes.
Learn how threads work. Understand the implications of multithreading and reentrance. Experiment a lot in simple, stand-alone samples.
Once you've gotten started with Java, you can download Eclipse and the Android SDK. Here's the Android "Hello World" tutorial, which is a reasonable place to start. It has pointers to everything you'll need.
Android Applications are pretty straightforward once you understand the basics... AppWidgets and Services are less so. The trick is to understand the lifecycle of each -- where and when it's appropriate to do what sorts of work and how to communicate results between different components. It will be rough going in the beginning with a fair amount of crashing as you discover you're taking too long to do something that really should be offloaded to a different part of the lifecycle or a whole new thread -- or when you discover you can't do something you want, directly, because you lack the parts and have to send a message to something that does have all the parts.
My first project was a simple button on the home screen that, in effect, runs a few commands. It took me more than a week to make it work properly, and I was already familiar with Java.
Also understand that some of the examples floating around -- even those from Google employees -- are old and that Android has had some growing pains. Double check the approach suggested by anything that's older than a year. The SDK contains sample programs that make for decent cookbook code.
thanks to all of you...as well as the mod who moved the thread to the correct spot...wasn't sure if this was the correct one.
Hello android (as mentioned above) is awesome! Another good one is Beginning Android 2. Both found here:]
Hello Android
Beginning Android

[APP Suggestion] App for my couching classes for timetable

Guys I am new to Windows Phone development as i have just started, so please forgive my mistakes.
I am planning to develop an app, simple app for viewing time table of my classes.
My couching classes regularly updates the time table on their website. And the link can be found here
source code
1) How can I compile this app?
2) Is this possible or not?
3) if yes, than how?
please give suggestions
DBZo07 said:
Guys I am new to Windows Phone development as i have just started, so please forgive my mistakes.
I am planning to develop an app, simple app for viewing time table of my classes.
My couching classes regularly updates the time table on their website. And the link can be found here
source code
1) How can I compile this app?
2) Is this possible or not?
3) if yes, than how?
please give suggestions
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1. You will have to work with microsoft visual studio and windows phone sdk.
2. Yes it is possible
3. You can use htmlagilitypack for parsing the html. This is a very nice tutorial for that.
Ofcourse you should be familiar with programming in C# and XAML. You can easily find tutorials for these.
You could also use the AppStudio, which is an online environment for creating simple apps. It's way less powerful than Visual Studio + WP8 SDK, but it doesn't require a download and it's reportedly very easy to use (I'm used to VS, so AppStudio is no big deal to me, but you may find it more your speed).

Could I use Android Studio to make PC programs?

With that title, you might think I'm an idiot, but I'm just pre-noob. I'm not sure how accurate the question was worded. I'm sorry.
I am just starting with Java. I got a For Dummies book, and read a few chapters for the theory, and now, I'm about to go back to the beginning to start typing in examples for the practical. But I'm confusing myself with all the IDE choices. I plan on building for Android, but also standalone for PC or web or however it works. My problem is the desire to get used to one IDE workflow and layout from the beginning.
Sorry for all the background, but can I follow along with the code in my book and learn the Android-specific stuff later? Or is Android Studio APK specific.
Sub question(and I'm sorry im posting this on an Android Studio forum), but would I be better off with Eclipse/NetBeans from the start?
saneinsylum said:
With that title, you might think I'm an idiot, but I'm just pre-noob. I'm not sure how accurate the question was worded. I'm sorry.
I am just starting with Java. I got a For Dummies book, and read a few chapters for the theory, and now, I'm about to go back to the beginning to start typing in examples for the practical. But I'm confusing myself with all the IDE choices. I plan on building for Android, but also standalone for PC or web or however it works. My problem is the desire to get used to one IDE workflow and layout from the beginning.
Sorry for all the background, but can I follow along with the code in my book and learn the Android-specific stuff later? Or is Android Studio APK specific.
Sub question(and I'm sorry im posting this on an Android Studio forum), but would I be better off with Eclipse/NetBeans from the start?
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no, you can't use Android Studio at the moment, because it's designed only for Android development.
you should start with NetBeans or Eclipse, and then migrate to Android Studio

