Hello guys i am facing an issue with calls. Many people are telling me that when they try to call me it says that the telephone is closed but i have always full signal. When i call other i dont have problems, also i noticed that some times when i try to send message it delays to deliver the message. Please i need some guidance if anybody can think any solution to my problem. I live in Cyprus and am running the latest Nougat 4.0.3.
Hi All,
Something weird happened yesterday, my tytn II stopped working normaly.
I cannot make calls anymore and people calling me get my voicemail, although it shows full reception (t-mobile). The only call works, is calling my voicemail. I didnt change anything in the phone prior to this problem.
Also the battery is dropping down very fast. Like 50% in 5 hours without using anything...
I putted my sim in another phone, it works fine, so the problem lies within the phone. I hardresetted the phone but the problem remains...
Anybody had the same problems and/or knows how to fix this???
I have an original HTC tytn II on tmobile network.
found comparing problem here, probably same problem:
Any help is welcome, also for the other users with the same problem!
same problem
I also have the same problem you write about. It also happened for no apparant reason. I notice that I can make calls to other mobiles that are close to my phone in proximity... odd?!
I've sent an email to HTC ... waiting on a response.
I have started getting the same sort of problem. When I try and make calls - it just won't connect. Sometimes a soft reset works - but not always. People cannot call me and I get messages about missed calls and voicemail messages.
It's starting to make my Orange TyTnII virtually unusable.
I am facing a problem with my kaiser.
I've been having it for 1 year now, changed lots of roms and was working perfectly.
Suddenly now i am facing problems with the phone.
I am having a full signal but when they call me most of the times it doesn't ring and after 4-5 minutes i receive a message from my provider that i have missed calls.
Also when i call someone the phone hangs up after 1-2 minutes of conversation.
There are times that is loosing signal, can't find network etc..
I am facing lot's of strange problems, i tried changing all kind of Radios and ROMs but nothing fixed this problem
Anybody has an idea?
Well, I know this isn't too helpful, but can you try your sim in another phone to see what happens?
Oh and can you share more about where you are and whats on your phone?
hi and thanks for your reply
i am from Cyprus using the CYTA-VODAFONE provider.
i have the PDAcorner Ultimate v2 ROM installed but as i have stated above, i have tried also other ROMS including the original rom that was originally installed on the phone.
What radio do you have installed?
i tried from 1.65 many version to 1.71..
finaly the local htc service center told me that the problem is with the power module chip, and that is not replaceable.
anybody knows if this is right?
Hello friends
There is one weird problem that i am facing.
I am on Vodafone India.
Now when i am browsing web using Edge connection and when some one calls at the same time, that person get the message that the user is not reachable.
Has any one faced this problem?
Is this only vodafone specific?
Please help.
Thanks all.
Hello everyone. Usually when somebody trying call me, then hear this message: "We can't connect your call. Please try again later". I'm using a stock rom (Android 2.3.3), and i think it was started happening after update or i didn't know about this issue before. I tried reset phone to the factory defaults, change the sim cards, run the sim card in a different mobile and i had the same symptom.
Maybe someone has any idea what might be causing or had the same problem?
Try several times call on Your mobile from a diferrent phone and check it for me plase, maybe it is a bug in a software ??
Hi guys,
I have a question for you. My phone's line is always busy even if I don't use the phone. I can make calls, can send and receive messages, however I can't receive calls. Anyone had similar problem? Thank you.
Try with another simcard and report back, more than likely you have call barring active or your simcard is malfunctioning! I had this problem with a 10 yr old sim... changing it resolved the issue...