[ROM] [7.1.2] [UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS [01/28/2018] - Verizon Galaxy Note 4 Android Development

Only bug reports with logs belong to this development thread while all other topics and questions should be posted in the Q&A thread.​
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* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
The builds will have three tags:
STABLE: include tested changes and confirmed bug fixes;
are suitable for daily use.
TESTING: include experimental changes to be evaluated and to possibly fix some issues;
may be used as daily driver only if they don't break functionality or introduce new issues.
VZW-ONLY: same as TESTING builds, but support Verizon variant (VZW SM-N910V) only.
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For the latest changes and bug fixes, check the 2nd post.
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This ROM supports all Snapdragon variants, especially US variants (Verizon / VZW SM-N910V, T-Mobile/TMO SM-N910T, Sprint / SPR SM-N910P, and US Cellular / USC SM-N910R4) and Canadian variant (SM-N910W8).
Check the ROM status in the 3rd post!
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Use this custom TWRP recovery
Make full backup
Do a full factory reset
You should wipe the system partition!
Flash the ROM ZIP + Gapps ARM 7.1
Gapps nano package is recommended!
Only for international variants (SM-N910F/G):
>>> Flash RIL/QMI fix from the 3rd post, before flashing Gapps.
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Read the announcement post before flashing any OTA update.
Clean flash (wipe system/data/cache/dalvik) is recommended.
You need to install Gapps for ARM SDK 25 (Android 7.1.1 Nougat) .
You may also need to set default Apps and grant special access/permissions.
In Settings / Apps:
- Click the Settings icon and select "Show system" from the 3-dot menu...
Make sure that your preferred APNs are selected in Settings/Cellular networks.
If you run into DRM/Netflix issues, flash WidevineDRM_N910VVRU2CPL1.zip!
If you want to restore stock display colors/options, turn off LiveDisplay (set Display Mode to Off), Adaptive Display, and Ambient Display. Otherwise, enjoy tweaking your display options and calibrate the colors for your liking.
For fingerprint enrollment, you may need to swipe quilckly one more time at the end so that you get two "Done" messages. Fingerprint won't work until you successfully register at least one finger.
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LineageOS Builds for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
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XDA:DevDB Information
LineageOS, ROM for the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Source Code: https://github.com/lineageos
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: N910VVRU2CQL1
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 14.1-20180128
Stable Release Date: 2018-01-28
Created 2017-02-16
Last Updated 2018-01-28

Green dates are for STABLE builds, blue dates are for TESTING builds, and red dates are for VZW-ONLY builds. To learn more about build tags, check OP!
You may find a WIP section on top, for what to expect in the coming build. You could vote for a newer build by hitting THANKS to the announcement post of the latest build. For more details, check ROM status in the 3rd post!
All builds include the upstream EmotionOS and/or LineageOS changes.
Patched CVE-2017-5967 vulnerability
Added SELinux rules for SuperSU
Added support for SuperSU systemless root
Added missing bluetooth permissions
Cleaned up and updated the RIL class
Enabled bluetooth AVRCP feature/profile
Enabled bluetooth interleaved scan feature
Fixed permissions and SELinux contexts
Removed broken init entries/scripts
Set default bluetooth name using device model
Updated board configs and framework overlays
Updated camera HAL and SnapCam configs
Updated power HAL and removed obsolete hints
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated vendor proprietary blobs (N910VVRS2CQB2)
Changed default notification colors
Hid sRGB toggle in developer options
Reset VSYNC event phase offsets
Set idle GPU frequency to 240 Mhz
Updated camera HAL and SnapCam configs
Update graphics permissions and SELinux contexts
Updated screen density / AAPT configs
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Reorganized and restored display settings
Updated camera HAL and SnapCam configs
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Added aptX and aptXHD bluetooth audio codecs
Adjusted FlipFlap window dimensions
Cleaned up and updated SnapCam app
Enabled VoLTE in framerwork overlays
Fixed Fingerprint/ValidityService enrollment
Replaced Snapdragon Gallery with Gallery2
Restored bluetooth configs and overlays
Updated app permissions and SELinux rules
Updated configs for panel display modes
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated and organized vendor proprietary blobs
Added FlipFlap app for smart/flip cover
Cleaned up and updated CustomDoze app
Cleaned up system properties and overlays
Disabled block-based OTAs for multi-variant system
Enabled GPS HAL coarse position injection
Enabled more features for bluetooth compatibility
Enabled overlay for all location components
Fixed GPS with Samsung's legacy blobs
Fixed permissions and removed invalid UIDs
Fixed various issues in the boot sequence
Fixed video autoscaling on old OMX decoders
Fixed Youtube by removing smooth streaming property
Removed nonexistent firmware symlinks
Reorganized and cleaned up the source code
Updated and cleaned up camera overlays/configs
Updated audio configs and increased volume
Updated camera HAL and fixed some issues
Updated GPS configs and used HTTPS for XTRA
Updated MSM thermal paths/parameters
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated services groups and capabilities
Updated vendor proprietary blobs (N910VVRS2CQA1)
Cleaned up and updated camera HAL wrapper
Replaced Camera2 app with a custom SnapCam
Secured kernel and ADB debugging
Updated Consumer IR HAL with MS_IR_SIGNAL
Updated device-specific power HAL
Updated display configs and board flags
Updated GPS XTRA servers and added CA path
Updated kernel configs and ramdisk
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated vendor propietary blobs
Used numbers for camera HAL ISO values
Used real time values for lockscreen charging info
Added more features to Emotion Control
Added support for new mDNIe scenarios
Added QTI telephony extension
Cleaned up and updated camera HAL wrapper
Cleaned up board configs/flags
Cleaned up Dalvik/ART filter flags for JIT mode
Cleaned up system properties
Disabled lockscreen rotation override
Enabled Qualcomm's AV enhancements
Increased maximum number of users
Removed HW keys system property
Removed obsolete configs and overlays
Updated Bluetooth configs and overlays
Updated CMHW java classes
Updated Dalvik/ART filters/configs
Updated GPS HAL and configs
Updated kernel configs and ramdisk
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated vendor propietary blobs
Various updates, tweaks, and bug fixes
Added per-app cellular data and WiFi restrictions
Added UI blur and volume link notification switch
Adjusted color temperature settings for LiveDisplay
Enabled UI blur support and added required blobs
Enabled/forced lockscreen rotation by default
Fixed Widevine DRM issues (Netflix) using L3 mode
Protect com.android.systemui.doze.pulse broadcast
Updated and cleaned up vendor proprietary blobs
Updated camera HAL wrapper and parameters
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Added hardware keys on/off option
Cleaned up telephony system properties
Enabled various kernel features/configs
Fixed rotation issues with Samsung firmware
Removed unused/obsolete overlays
Restored modem-host interface (MHI) driver
Updated Messaging/Mms configs/overlays
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Addressed more SELinux denials
Fixed Gallery FC with photo editing
Fixed SELinux file and service contexts
Updated bluetooth configs and overlays
Updated modem-host interface (MHI) driver
Updated vendor proprietary blobs
Added Snapdragon Gallery app
Addressed more SELinux denials
Cleaned up media configs and profiles
Fixed statusbar position/style
Restored EmotionOS statistics
Updated camera HAL wrapper
Updated Emotion Control package
Added carrier services and Sprint helper
Added more features to Emotion Control
Enabled VVM3 visual voicemail for VZW
Fixed Widevine DRM issues such as Netflix
Updated build info from MM 6.0.1 (N910VVRS2CPL1)
Update CarrierConfig overlays with more configs
Updated proprietary blobs (N910VVRS2CPL1)
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Added option to select 4G or LTE
Cleaned up frameworks/SystemUI overlays
Fixed button actions reassignment
Re-organized Settings UI with summaries
Updated tethering configs and overlays
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated Widevine DRM proprietary blobs
Added Dirty Unicorns navigation bar
Added missing resources in Settings
Cleaned up and updated overlays
Fixed Call Log reset with Bluetooth
Increased audio offloading buffer size to 64kb
Implemented EmotionOS OTA support
Retored Bluetooth configs and overlays
Showing 4G instead of LTE in SystemUI
Updated data services from CAF source code
Updated kernel ramdisk and service definitions
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Fixed CPU info in Settings/About phone
Full support for Substratum OMS themes
Rebased on LineageOS (RIP CyanogenMod)
Removed unneeded HexoLibre theme
Updated display calibration and configs
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated TelephonyProvider symlinks
Used 4 threads for dex2oat
Used the default/prebuilt GPS HAL
Cleaned up and updated audio configs
Disabled ERI operator string for non-VZW variants
Enabled TTY mode in Telecomm service
Increased gain for camcorder microphone
Increased gain for other mixer paths
Made time daemon MLS trusted subject
Restored contexts for directories during init
Set proper WiFi and bluetooth power configs
Updated operator info for CDMA variants
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Added missing camera parameters
Addressed SELinux denials
Created missing init directories
Enabled gesture settings
Falling back to L3 by removing liboemcrypto
Re-enabled fingerprint wake-and-unlock
Updated init and kernel ramdisk
Updated RIL SHIM library
Cleaned up and updated media codecs
Created missing log directories
Defined actions to be executed during/after boot
Disabled camera CPP duplication
Disabled nonexistent media decoders
Disabled unsupported Qualcomm's flags
Enabled telephony IPv6 capability
Enabled the setgid bit on directories created by init
Fixed nandroid restores due to telephony data
GPS: Added android_runtime dependency
GPS: Cleaned up and updated GPS/location configs
GPS: Fixed missing Samsung sec-GPS configs
GPS: Fixed "Use of memory after it is freed" warning
Handled framebuffer hint for Ambient Display
Reverted "Allow Flashlight service to use wakelock"
Moved camera service to run on late start
Set appropriate permissions for time data
Toned down VM BMS logging level
Tuned system properties for graphics performance
Updated camera parameters and sysfs permissions
Updated and cleaned up SHIM libraries
Updated audio features and board flags
Updated graphics framebuffers permissions
Updated kernel cmdline for debugging
Updated QMUX daemon socket permissions
Updated Qualcomm's time services
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Used the default number of surface buffers
Addressed SELinux denials
Allowed Flashlight service to use wakelock
Built OMX libraries from source code
Cleaned up media codecs from white spaces
Disabled fingerprint wake-and-unlock
Enabled Qualcomm's DivX video decoders
Enabled Qualcomm's MPEG video decoders
Fixed fingerprint/home wake conflict
Fixed Google Home app crashing
Fixed Google Fit app crashing
Fixed graphics and media configs
Moved qcamerasvr service to main class
Re-configured radio access family
Reduced bootanimation resolution to speed up boot
Restricted ERI for CDMA carriers
Updated init services GIDs
Updated media codecs and profiles
Updated/Restored trlteRIL java class
Added support for Substratum theme engine
Added system properties for Perf
Allowed all display rotation angles
Allowed interfaces to get v6 address for tethering
Cleaned up and organized system properties
Cleaned up and updated kernel ramdisk
Cleaned up CellBroadcastReceiver overlays
Cleaned up framework base overlays
Cleaned up SELinux contexts and escaped '.' character
Configured VSYNC phase offsets
Created Telephony Provider symlinks for legacy RIL
CyanogenMod 14.1 (Android 7.1.1 Nougat)
Disabled bluetooth by default
Disabled Qualcomm's location stack
Enabled extended video features
Enabled install non-market apps by default
Enabled IPv4 defrag and rpfilter support
Enabled IPv6 defrag and rpfilter support
Enabled PCM audio offload by default
Enabled SAP sensors for GPS use
Fixed MMS sending failure
Fixed offline charging animation
Fixed unknown phone number
Fixed unknown network / operator
Fixed Widevine DRM SHIM library
Forced reading operator-string from ERI XML
Increased maximum readahead to 512 KB
Increased media volume to 30 steps
Increased voice call volume to 15 steps
Moved ERI configuration files to CarrierConfig
Moved time_daemon service to main class
Removed duplicated system properties
Removed obsolete system properties
Removed old-apns-conf.xml APN list
Removed QTI telephony extension
Removed TelephonyProvider APN overlays
Removed unneeded Contacts overlays
Removed unneeded Keyguard overlays
Removed unneeded Messaging overlays
Removed unneeded Telephony overlays
Restored Samsung proprietary boot classes
Restored Graphics/HWC system properties
Reverted the custom bootanimation
Set correct permissions for tombstones
Set device provisioned by default
Set P2P preferred channel list
Set SELinux label for wifiloader service
Switched to CM charger libhealthd
Switched to unified LED capabilities overlay
Use 3 surface buffers to avoid timing issues
Used alternate ERI XML via init
Used HTTPS for GPS/XTRA2 download
Updated proprietary blobs (N910VVRU2CPJ2)
Updated all GPS/location configs
Updated and unified MMS configs
Updated build info from N910VVRU2CPJ2
Updated CarrierConfig overlay for all variants
Updated consumer IR HAL
Updated charging thresholds in uW
Updated doze and ambient display configs
Updated eMBMS configuration parameters
Updated media codecs and profiles
Updated Qualcomm's Adreno GPU drivers
Updated IMS/VoLTE proprietary blobs
Updated IMS/VoLTE system properties
Updated NFCEE access for Android 7.x Nougat
Updated servcies GIDs and SELinux labels
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated system properties for audio
Updated system properties for media
Updated thermal-engine SHIM library
Updated vibrator/vibetonz sysfs permissions
Enabled proximity check on screen wake
Enabled suspend when screen is off due to proximity
Increased the maximum size for MMS message
Reset MMS user agent string and profile URL
Updated AAPT/DPI configs and system properties
Updated security configs for Android 7.x Nougat
Updated SELinux and addressed denials
kernel: Addressed eMMC 5.0 spec violation
kernel: Disabled MSM DMA test module
kernel: Updated filesystem drivers
kernel: Updated EXT4 driver
kernel: Updated ecryptFS driver
kernel: Updated sdcardFS driver
kernel: Updated MSM camera driver
kernel: Updated MSM GPU driver
kernel: Updated MSM IPA driver
kernel: Updated MSM SoC sound codecs
kernel: Updated MSM SoC sound driver
kernel: Updated network drivers
kernel: Updated QSEECOM driver
kernel: Updated Qualcomm SoC driver
kernel: Updates from the latest source code
Added custom telephony plugin
Added support for trltedt (SM-N910G)
Cleaned up CarrierConfig overlays
Cleaned up framework and boot class path
Customized telephony network values
Ported updates from Pixel XL images
Re-added custom bootanimation
Updated Android filesystem config
Updated ramdisk services groups
Updated SELinux policy and addressed denials
Updated SELinux rules for camera
Updated SELinux rules for CMHW/vibrator
Disabled Samsung MTP
Fixed unexpected app crashes
Updated CarrierConfig overlays
Updated telephony overlays
Updated vendor proprietary blobs
Fixed first/clean boot issues
Fixed media/Youtube audio issues
Fixed speaker and mic for voice calls
Optimized and cleaned up kernel ramdisk
Removed unused CM NFC feature
Reverted the custom bootanimation
Updated SELinux rules for the kernel
Updated filesystem mount options
Updated filesystem manager flags
Updated firmware GID and mount masks
Added support for all Snapdragon variants
Added fs_config support for custom binary
Added custom permissions for pm, camera, and IMS
Applied a fix for emergency calls
Enabled reschedule/delay service restarts
Restored audio configs from Touchwiz
Updated media codecs for Nougat
Updated media profiles for Nougat
Updated RIL java class for Nougat
Updated WiFi configs for Nougat
Updated SELinux and addressed denials
Updated SELinux rules for media hacks
Used set_prop to replace deprecated rules
Custom bootanimation by @Creeper36
Enabled audio features
Enabled Cell Broadcast settings
Enabled VoLTE bools
Hacked media for legacy blobs
Unified build for all variants
Updated SELinux policy
Addressed SELinux denials
Fixed some errors/exceptions
Updated proprietary blobs
Addressed SELinux denials
Fixed Widevine DRM
Restored audio effects
Updated media codecs
Updated bluetooth overlays
Updated telephony overlays
Preliminary support for other variants
Updated audio configs
Updated bluetooth configs
Updated SELinux policy
Updated kernel source code
November security patches
Initial Release of Android 7.1 Nougat
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ROM Status
Release Date:
No ETA, but you could vote for a newer build by hitting THANKS to the announcement post of the latest build.
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Supported Variants:
This ROM fully support US variants:
Verizon / VZW (SM-N910V)
T-Mobile / TMO (SM-N910T)
Sprint / SPR (SM-N910P)
US Cellular / USC (SM-N910R4)
Canadian variant (SM-N910W8)
International Snapdragon variants (SM-N910F and SM-N910G) need RIL/QMI fix. This can be done by flashing blobs from the latest firmware (cm-14.1-trltexx-fix_v3.zip or cm-14.1-trltexx-fix_v4.zip) before flashing Gapps.
Nandroid Backup/Restore:
To fix nandroid restores (No SIM and Phone FCs) due to TelephonyProvider data/symlinks for using legacy RIL blobs on newer versions of Android 7.x+, you may wipe TelephonyProvider data by flashing this ZIP directly after restore and before rebooting to system.
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Required Firmware:
The latest firmware (currently, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow) is required for all variants. Check your device/variant forum for firmware upgrade!
VZW-ONLY: Bootloader Unlock and Upgrade to Marshmallow
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Bug Reports:
All bug reports should be posted here. I'll ignore the posts that don't include appropriate logs. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to respond to the PMs.
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User Support:
There's a linked thread for Q&A, general discussions, and pre-/post-installation chat. Please keep this thread clean and post there all your personal issues that are not related to the development such as Xposed, themes, extra mods, other stuff, ... etc.
This thread is only for development, including bug reports with logs. All other topics should be moved to the support thread.
Thank you for collaboration! That's how users could contribute to the development.
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[ROM] [7.1.1] LineageOS [Feb 17, 2017]
I've uploaded a new build to DevDB Downloads.
The ratio of THANKS to DOWNLOADs votes for development.​
Read the announcement post before flashing any OTA update.
Clean flash (wipe system/data/cache/dalvik) is recommended.
Using the builtin Superuser (for root access) is recommended.
In Settings / Developer options:
- Select "Apps and ADB" under "Root access"
- Manage root apps via "Manage root accesses"
You need to install Gapps for ARM SDK 25 (Android 7.1.1 Nougat) .
You may also need to set default Apps and grant special access/permissions.
In Settings / Apps:
- Click the Settings icon and select "Show system" from the 3-dot menu...
Make sure that your preferred APNs are selected in Settings/Cellular networks.
If you run into DRM/Netflix issues, flash WidevineDRM_N910VVRU2CPL1.zip!
If you want to restore stock display colors/options, turn off LinveDisplay (set Display Mode to Off), Adaptive Display, and Ambient Display. Otherwise, enjoy tweaking your display options and calibrate the colors for your liking.
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Read OP for general information and installation instructions/notes! Changelog is in the 2nd post and ROM status including the required firmware is in the 3rd post.

[ROM] [7.1.1] LineageOS [Feb 18, 2017]
I've added a new build to DevDB Downloads.
The ratio of THANKS to DOWNLOADs votes for development.​
Read OP for general information and installation instructions/notes! Changelog is in the 2nd post and ROM status including the required firmware is in the 3rd post.

hsbadr said:
I've added a new build to DevDB Downloads.
The ratio of THANKS to DOWNLOADs votes for development.​
Read OP for general information and installation instructions/notes! Changelog is in the 2nd post and ROM status including the required firmware is in the 3rd post.
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Must say thank you for your effort in bringing another awesome work to us all. I am presently on the emotionOs 7.1 rom by you which I love. So I want to know if you could say what is the advantage or disadvantage of using one over the another emotion Os vs Lineage OS? ,isn't both the same really?

silky smooooth
nice work!

[ROM] [7.1.1] LineageOS [Feb 19, 2017]
I've added a new build to DevDB Downloads.
The ratio of THANKS to DOWNLOADs votes for development.​
Read OP for general information and installation instructions/notes! Changelog is in the 2nd post and ROM status including the required firmware is in the 3rd post.

So I have gone ahead on install this rom and I like it very much. But I notice when I turn on power saving, because I love have my device in power saving mode most times, I notice the top bar turn orange which I hate, could you Hsbadr tell how to change the color to normal/default while in power saving mode?
Thank you again for your great work.

Ok, this time i used a PC to get the log-cat, i am facing aggressive shutdown whenever i try to open any gallery app or any other app which try to generate a thumbnail, i have used default gallery app, google photos, htc gallery, solid explorer, same result, as soon as i click on app to open it, device will vibrate & screen off, have to pull battery to turn on again., Device is 910G, with both fix V3 & V4.

RishiChhikkara said:
Ok, this time i used a PC to get the log-cat, i am facing aggressive shutdown whenever i try to open any gallery app or any other app which try to generate a thumbnail, i have used default gallery app, google photos, htc gallery, solid explorer, same result, as soon as i click on app to open it, device will vibrate & screen off, have to pull battery to turn on again., Device is 910G, with both fix V3 & V4.
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Try a clean flash (full wipe) without any fix and report back!

Fix are not working, I get no sim card.

hsbadr said:
Try a clean flash (full wipe) without any fix and report back!
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Same result. Still Screen goes blank with vibration.

RishiChhikkara said:
Same result. Still Screen goes blank with vibration.
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I can't replicate your issue, but it seems to be due to media codecs. Replace the media configs (media_codecs.xml, media_codecs_performance.xml, and media_profiles.xml in /system/etc) with the files from here, reboot, and post a new log!
After looking at your log again, it seems that you've installed themes too. If so, it could be a theme issue if you didn't actually clean flash!!
If the issue persists, report your bootloader/modem version (the latest is required), clean flash (wipe everything) the ROM + nano Gapps. Test before installing any apps/themes!

hsbadr said:
I can't replicate your issue, but it seems to be due to media codecs. Replace the media configs (media_codecs.xml, media_codecs_performance.xml, and media_profiles.xml in /system/etc) with the files from here, reboot, and post a new log!
After looking at your log again, it seems that you've installed themes too. If so, it could be a theme issue if you didn't actually clean flash!!
If the issue persists, report your bootloader/modem version (the latest is required), clean flash (wipe everything) the ROM + nano Gapps. Test before installing any apps/themes!
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I checked it on fresh installation, no themes, no extra app, same result, I replaced the files with your provided link files, but phone won't boot up, so i restored the backup of another 7.1 built by _mone, i copied the same files from that backup & used those after clean installation, this time it worked, i am also uploading a copy of files that i used,no more shutdown, but i can't hear anything on call now, neither earpiece nor speaker will produce any sound, however music is playing fine, just no voice in calls & bootloader/ modem are latest(DQA4)
Update- i flashed fix v3 & now audio seems to be working fine, will report back if any more issues shows up.Thank you for your time.

I noticed a few people, including myself are having issues with being stuck on 3G on Verizon.
I have tried many different methods including changing the Preferred Network Type, reflashing recovery, reflashing rom, reflashing QA1 bootloader.
I attempted going through some of the "Hidden Menu" (*#*#4636#*#*) and tried looking at some of the stuff there, with no avail.
Yes, I did attempt to flash the ltefix, however with no outcome.
Attached is the logs, one with Info and another with only Warnings up. I simply had the 3G where it was, enabled in its stuck state, then I tried switching the Preferred Network Type to LTE only, and back again.

Hi and thank you for a Great build. I am still having trouble with safteynet check specifically with Uber. Any help would be great

what are the chances we can get gyro functional so we can use vr?
well it seems my fix only half worked. you can enable other modes of gyro and itll work for some apps but not cardboard. would be great to see this.

Best Development
Keep it up! Thanks

[ROM] [7.1.1] LineageOS [Feb 26, 2017]
I've added a new build to DevDB Downloads.
The ratio of THANKS to DOWNLOADs votes for development.
Read OP for general information and installation instructions/notes! Changelog is in the 2nd post and ROM status including the required firmware is in the 3rd post.


[ROM][Kitkat(3-28)/Nougat(1-13)] Unofficial LineageOS

Unofficial LineageOS for Motorola Razr I
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
This is an unofficial LineageOS rom as is build for the Motorola razr I, (XT890/SMI).
I won't include features that I dislike. If u want something else, build it.
How to install:
New Install (coming from another ROM)
Make sure u have latest bootloader from JB RSD-Package or OTA (motoboot)
Do a full backup with your favorite latest recovery!
Download the Rom zip and the Gapps zip
Do a full wipe in recovery (data/factory reset, system)
Install the Rom zip and Gapps zip through recovery!
Coming from previous version of the same Android Version
Do a full backup with your favorite recovery!(optional, for if things go wrong)
Download the Rom zip
Install the Rom zip (and Gapps if getting erros with Google services) through recovery!
LineageOS 14.1
Latest-Rom: lineage-14.1-20180113-UNOFFICIAL-smi.zip
Gapps: OpenGapps <-- x86, android 7.1, *
XDA Download Section
LineageOS 14.1 Information
Some apps may not work properly because of outdated HOUDINI libraries (Nothing we can do about it)
Still needs some testing in specific places (InCall Microphone mute)
Hardware accelerated secure DRM playback won't work, software playback does! (e.g. Netflix)
SELinux is in permissive mode
Boot issues? Update your bootloader, have a look at the TWRP Recovery project for smi
13 Januari
[*]LOS-14.1 source update
[*]Use unified LOS charger
[*]Enable Call Recording
[*]Fix Screen Recording
[*]Don't enable lifedisplay by default
[*]Kernel and system Bluetooth upstream updates
[*]Fix MTP crash (caused by missing mount namespace in kernel)
28 December
[*]Kernel: Use specific cpu Freq when touched, Both CPUS should work fine
[*]Kernel: Enable sdcardfs
[*]Kernel: Enable new kernel module loading (finit_module)
[*]Kernel: Enable new CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM
[*]Kernel: Update sensor drivers
[*]Kernel: Update in kernel security
[*]Kernel: Update kernel modules for Nougat
[*]Kernel: Add Custom KCAL support!
[*]Audio: implement 2 missing function through a wrapper, audio recording should work
[*]Camera: Fix camera preview start/stop/record
[*]Vibrator: Use a wrapper for vibrator hall
[*]Screen: Amoled burnin protection enabled
[*]Screen: Enable color calibration through kernel! Speeds up live-display etc. KCAL
[*]WLAN: Using ti wlan drivers instead of Intel's fork. Needs testing with battery, connection, hostapd etc.
[*]Doze: Enable doze powersavings
[*]Doze: Enable proximity wake
[*]Lights: Use source build liblights
[*]RILL: UMTS is not HSPA
[*]DRM: Enable drm protected video
[*]Sensors: Fix sensor readouts
LineageOS 11
Latest-Rom: lineage-11-20180323-UNOFFICIAL-smi.zip
Gapps: OpenGapps <-- x86, android 4.4, *
XDA Download Section
Private mirror from burn02
LineageOS 11 Information
Some apps won't work properly with media (sonix player,netflix,telegram(compression),screencast)
Android Runtime (ART) does work. But it is not as stable as Dalvik on Kitkat. If u want to use ART instead of Dalvik, Houdini (arm to x86 translator) will not work. Houdini is in Kitkat connected to Dalvik, so going to ART will disable any executing of ARM code on this device. Apps, services and maybe other thing might not work.
Enable ART in the developers section
Remove the line "ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a" from build.prop <- removes arm only apps from play store.
As of version 1.12/26 October the ROM is using an Optimized Dalvik from Intel. This will break Xposed. To get Xposed working again I refer U to this link
23 March
[*]LineageOS source updates
[*]Security updates up to march
[*]Massive kernel update! Includes:
[*]Kernel: Security updates for all relevant CVE's on cve.lineageos.org (see KernelCVES.txt in kernel source tree)
[*]Kernel: Kernel updated to 3.0.101
[*]Kernel: Added interactivex2 and intel governor and 3 new I/O schedulers
[*]Kernel: F2FS support
[*]Kernel: Update to zram (performance)
[*]Kernel: All modules are now builtin
[*]Kernel: KCAL updates, so applications can search for kcal support in kernel (kcal.ctrl0(commonly used))
[*]Kernel: (very) Small performance updates
[*]Kernel: Update for android 7+ included
[*]Kernel/UserSpace: Update power module
[*]Kernel/UserSpace: update to ct406, Bluetooth, accelerator modules
27 Oktober
[*]Android security updates all the way up to November
[*]New lights module, prioritizes Notifications instead off Battery, Thanks @julianwi
[*]Kernel security updates
[*]Krack security update included
[*]FFmpeg updated to 3.0.8
[*]Maybe fixed some wifi connection drops
17 April
[*]Security updates from April 2017
28 February
[*]Security updates from February 2017
[*]Another improve to RenderScript (2d/photo's)
[*]SKIA optimized for x86, improve of about 5-30% in 2d rendering
[*]Same with JPEG encoding and decoding (mainly for camera pictures)
[*]Using secure boot from now (one of the fixes for pokemon)
[*]Enable CIP and MDP decoders/encoders ([URL="https://github.com/HazouPH/android_device_motorola_smi/blob/cm-11.0/modules/mdp_codecs/performance"]performance[/URL])
[*]Enable ALAC codec support
[*]MP3 can be played from a MP4 file
[*]Enable AAC-LC codec
[*]Another optimization to Dalvik (increase of 0-10% in java executing(apps))
[*]Improvements to media in gereneral from Intel sources
[*]Improvements in FFMpeg (also updated to 3.0.4) and media extraction
[*]Improve vpx (vp8 and vp9) performance ([URL="https://github.com/HazouPH/android_device_motorola_smi/blob/cm-11.0/modules/mdp_codecs/performance"]performance[/URL])
30 January
[*]Re-brand to LineageOS
[*]Up-to-date with Google Android Security patch 01-01-2017
[*]Update HOUDINI to 4.1.1b. Most apps now work (snapchat, pokemon go (can't rom has root).
[*]Update all media codecs to upstream android master
[*]Fixup green bars on some videos
[*]Priorities Google Codecs over FFmpeg
[*]Fix widevine videos, DRM protected video's can be played now
[*]Another optimization to RenderScript
[*]WIFI country codes work, wifi rules are up-to-date with latest 2016 changes
[*]Change WIFI firmware, fixes most issues with tethering. Thanks https://github.com/Poslanets !
[*]Enable Zram (Better ram management)
[*]Enable KSM (Better ram management)
[*]Fix Xposed. Works again
[*]Update APN's. Mobistar argentina, pls report if something doesn't work
[*]CMForks changes: github.com/cmforks. Most noticeable:
[*][CMForks] Notify when wifi is connected
[*][CMForks] Settings: many crash fixes
[*][CMForks] Trebuchet: many crash fixes and some enhancements
[*][KERNEL] Multiple crash and security fixes
[*][KERNEL] Removed verified bootstate from kernel command prompt
[*][KERNEL] Some small optimizations
22 December
[*]Added latest security patch (11-2016)
[*]Using Google's Vorbis decoder
[*]VP9 works again with mostly every file. Does increase cpu usage by a lot!
24 May
[*]Fixup ffmpeg mpeg2 softwae video decoder
[*]Use Google MP3 decoder instead of ffmpeg (wrong channel count and sample-rates)
[*]Enable ffmpeg VP9 software decoding, 2x times better performance
21 May
[*]Replacing CIP codecs for FFmpeg 3.0
[*]Fixing permissions of multiple executables (fixes videostream bug)
[*]Updated IA Resampler patch (some audio didn't resample right)
[*]Kernel security updates
[*]CM11 CVE updates
7 April
[*]Security updates of March
[*]Security updates in kernel, from CM kernel 3.0.* security updates
[*]TI Wpa supplicant used for battaery management (hope it helps)
[*]Using Intel Optimized Audio Resampler
[*]Add asf parser for WMA, WMV and ASF media file types
[*]Use Intel Optimized Audio codecs (CIP)
[*]Add Apple Loseless Audio Codec support, needs testing
[*]SQlite optimization flags added
[*]Fix to Bluetooth PAN network
[*]Media changes:
[*]Faster thumbnail creation through hardware support
[*]Hardware rotation of media
[*]Added stream flags to audio blobs, needed by vendor blobs
[*]Enhanced media capabilities (see github)
9 February
[*]Cyanogenmod updates
[*]February security updates
[*]WMA support through FFMPEG
[*]Back to stock kernel
[*]Removed obsolete files
[*]Provided 3.0.101 kernel in Download section
25 December
[*] Reverted kernel changes
[*] Gone back to Intel TI Wifi Source
[*] Fixed Xposed
[*] Latest security updates (dec-2015)
8 December
[B] I recommend doing a clean flash![/B]
Device tree:
[*]Using new Intel Optimized RenderScript
[*]Remove TARGET_ARCH_LOWMEM, we don need it
[*]Building kernel from source
[*]Now using a backup of the PDS partition
[*]New TI Wlan driver
[*]Enabled Bluetooth LE
[*]Reverted to WPA 8 from WPA 8 TI, for battery and stability
[*]KERNEL: Add support for x86 kernel building
[*]WIFI: needs gpio hooks to work
[*]WIFI: may not power on automatically after suspended
[*]KERNEL: Don't build dtbs (arm)
[*]HOUDINI: Using legacy way of detecting if houdini is enabled, this fixes crash in ART
[*]Building from source
[*]Updated to 3.0.101
[*]Merged OXAVELAR's changes, still need to look at the ramdisk changes from him
[*]Enable fast charge from PosixCompatible, his "configuring" app still needs to be implemented
[*]Fix IDLE driver crash in kernel
[*]Add optimization flags to build
26 October
[B]If u have Xposed installed, remove it before updating the rom![/B]
[*]Reverted Houdini update (fixes HERE maps crash)
[*]Better houdini implementation in framework (no need for workarounds)
[*]Fix VLC crash (symbol lookup crash in linker)
[*]Build enc/dev media libs from source (test if green bar bug is present)
[*]Using Intel Optimized Libm (math)
[*]Latest Stagefright fix
[*]Latest upstream CM patches
[*]NEW Intel Optimized Dalvik with new engine. Speeds up java runtime with speeds up to 50% more (linpack and quadrant tested). Apps will perform much better. Native code reliant apps won't see much change.
23 September
[*] Update houdini to 4.1.1b.45721
22 September
[*] Adding houdini back
19 September
[*]Up-to-date with latest changes upstream (stagefright bugs)
[*]Changed some apn settings, could ffix AR apn's
13 Augustus
[*]P2P can be enabled (see github)
[*]Bluetooth permission en tethering updates
[*]Better airplane mode control
[*]Greenbar bug in video fixed
[*]Added MMS Settigns
[*]Updated timezones
[*]Increased volume mod by @KREATOR
[*]Latest changes from CM11
[*]Stagefright vulnerability fixed
9 April
[*]Fix video flickering (In most cases)
[*]Reverted Wifi updates (Wifi should work normally again for all)
[*]Using prebuilt media blobs, removing color distortion in some media files
5 April
[*]Fix video flickering (In most cases)
[*]Fix GPS battery drain on boot (was very small)
[*]Wifi updates
1 April (fools)
[*]Fix frontcam recording
[*]Change behavior of airplane mode, now correctly tells the system radio is off
[*]Small ramdisk changes
[*]Update bootanimation resolution
[*]Camera scenes now work. It may crash from time to time, just relaunch the app. Working on this to further improve this where i can
[*]Change zip name for more clarity
26 February
[*]Add framework for AGPS
[*]Add direct camera launch from dedicated camera (setting is in English)
23 February
[*]Fix USB and Bluetooth tethering
[*]Fix USB tile in quick settings
[*]Fix Airplane deactivate mode
[*]Fix AGPS (first time takes some time)
[*]Fix Headset key-mapping
18 February
[*]Fix reboot to recovery
[*]Fix multi reboot options
[*]DPI can now be changed from build.prop
16 February
[*]Enabled LED settings for apps and battery
[*]Enable camera button wake setting (no camera app starting)
[*]App installed with ARM support now gets arch 'ARM' from systen.getprop(os.arch), Here maps now work
[*]Took automatic brightness settings from Omar's ROM
4 Januari
[*]Completely fixed wifi mac adres
[*]Using wpa_supplicant TI for now for BC scanning
[*]NFC doesn't download firmware, needs testing
[*]Removed XPROC... sharing
[*]Using watchdogd from source
[*]Add HDR camera support
[*]Using intel media libs from source
14 December
[*]Enable more NFC settings. Tag and others should work
[*]Wifi mac fixed. If u have no wifi, execute fix-mac.sh (make it executable chmod 755) from terminal and reboot. This will give u the mac from the last version
[*]Fix external storage 'rw' permissions for media
[*]Fix charge only mode
[*]Some other small changes i forgot
8 December
[*] Initial release
If you have any fixes and features that u want to have implemented to get a better experience, please share and provide the code and ask for a merge to my github! Only fixes and features with code! We/I can't do much with just ideas!
Thanks and credits
All the rest that have helped to construct these builds and develop software for xt890 directly or indirectly in the past.
DATA Encryption
Encryption works on this device with this ROM out of the box, but U will need to disable the PDS partition backup. Do the following:
Boot ones without encrytion enabled
Backup the file /data/pdsdata.img to a secure location somewhere else (not on the phone, for safe keeping)
Rename the file /system/bin/pdsbackup.sh to pdsbackup.bk or something else
Reboot and encrypt the device
If for some reason your pds partition is faulty, u can repair it with the backup u have on the secure location.
XDA:DevDB Information
Unofficial LineageOS, ROM for the Motorola RAZR i
Source Code: https://github.com/HazouPH
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: LineageOS 14.1
Stable Release Date: 2018-01-13
Created 2014-12-08
Last Updated 2018-03-24
Finally the day came as expected ! I bet a lot in this system , after many, many tests finally is close to complete the project.
Already anticipate everyone that even being a Beta version, it was quite refined , have been working on this system daily , reporting bugs and making their corrections . The Razr i was very abandoned time , and we must thank the very Hazou that took the project and moved on performing the necessary corrections .
Friends who uses Rom please be patient with the question of possible bugs , this is a refined version , but when launching the final version of Kitkat we can continue in pursuit of perfection .
Thanks Hazou !!!
Cant even describe the happiness!!!
Its freakin' overwhelming
fe2k7 said:
Finally the day came as expected ! I bet a lot in this system , after many, many tests finally is close to complete the project.
Already anticipate everyone that even being a Beta version, it was quite refined , have been working on this system daily , reporting bugs and making their corrections . The Razr i was very abandoned time , and we must thank the very Hazou that took the project and moved on performing the necessary corrections .
Friends who uses Rom please be patient with the question of possible bugs , this is a refined version , but when launching the final version of Kitkat we can continue in pursuit of perfection .
Thanks Hazou !!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm going to have fun testing the heck out of this. Thanks :good:
Now we're talking.
Thanks dude!
Hazou said:
Unofficial Cyanogenmod 11 for Motorola Razr I (Based on BR x.70)
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
This is an unofficial cyanogenmod 11 as is build for the Motorola razr I, (XT890/SMI).
The builds will be montly build or builds when i want it, as long as Cyanogenmod updates and support CM11.
I won't include features that I dislike. If u want something else, build it.
Android Runtime (ART) does work. But it is not as stable as Dalvik on Kitkat. If u want to use ART, Houdini (arm to x86 translator) won't work anymore. So u can't execute ARM code on the device anymore. Hangouts from Google can't be updated anymore, because of it containing only ARM Codegen in newer releases at this point.
If u want to use ART do the following:
Enable ART in the developers section
Remove the line "ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a" from build.prop <- removes arm only apps from play store.
How to install:
Do a full backup with your favorite recovery
Download the Rom zip and the Gapps zip
Do a full wipe in recovery
Install the Rom zip and Gapps zip
Latest-Rom: cm_smi-8-12.zip
Gapps: GAPPSx86.zip (only contains core gapps)
Google Drive Mirror
MEGA Mirror
Bluetooth tethering
WiFi can use more battery then in 4.1.2
The same bugs as Stock 4.4.2 are maybe present
Initial release
If you have any fixes and feutures that u want to have implemented to get a better experience, please share and provide the code and aks for a merge to my github! Only fixes and features with code! We/I can't do much with just ideas!
Thanks and credits
All the rest that have helped to construct these builds and develop software for xt890 directly or indirectly in the past.
XDA:DevDB Information
Unofficial Cyanogenmod 11, ROM for the Motorola RAZR i
Source Code: https://github.com/HazouPH
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
Based On: Cyanogenmod
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 1.0.0
Beta Release Date: 2014-12-08
Created 2014-12-08
Last Updated 2014-12-08
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Only missed some screenshot of the ROM.
Sent from my XT1097 using XDA Free mobile app
CM11 is now real.
Great man, great job, many gave up the X86 but you continued ...:good:
Thanks Hanzo !!!
Anyone getting this error when installing the zip?
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error executing updater binary in zip
error flashing zip
razr i not death
good news.. thanks :good:
waj3k said:
Anyone getting this error when installing the zip?
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error executing updater binary in zip
error flashing zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same error.
But I fixed my problem with flashing the newest version of TWRP! That did it for me
I join the test rom, informs problems, thanks
Thanks a lot Hazou :highfive:
PS - You should set up your donation button, let me send over some electronic beer!!
Oh my god i'm buying you a pizza as soon as i get my credit card aproved, MANY, MANY THANKS!
Awesome! I was extremely close to buying a windows phone but with cm11 finally on the Razr I, I think I could spend some more time with this little device
Thanks a lot for your efforts, I will be testing tonigt!
WOOOOP WOOP. Thanks so much, testing this asap!
Sent from my XT890 using XDA Free mobile app
Unfortunately i sold the razr and bought a nexus 5.guess i'll have to buy my girlfriend a razr i.thanx hazou.you are a great dude...more beers for you.
Thanks a lot for your work !!
Which languages are included in this ROM ? French ?
Can we have later some screenshots please ?
When I reboot my phone after a successful install, it ends up in bootloop.
I'll give it another try when I have more time, thanks~
Setarcos said:
When I reboot my phone after a successful install, it ends up in bootloop.
I'll give it another try when I have more time, thanks~
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm, it should not do that. But how do u know it bootloops? The initial boot takes long.
If u are certain, go to your recovery. Mount data and pull with adb the files from data/tombstones. Send it to me
waj3k said:
Anyone getting this error when installing the zip?
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error executing updater binary in zip
error flashing zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've tried to install the ROM with TWRP, and and in all three cases I'm receiving this error.
Any suggestions?
Might have found the issue. Will report back.

UNOFFICIAL(Android7.1.1_R21)Slim7 Nougat build.0.11_ OMS (AOSP)

Slim7 Beta 0.11
Slim7 Beta 0.11 brings mostly bug fixes, a few device-specific updates, and new Quick Settings Tiles!
Angler was rebuilt with aosp device/kernel updates. Requires latest vendor img (Use 20170211-0028)
Changes and Fixes
Merged android-7.1.1_r21 with February security patches
New Quick Settings tiles: NFC, USB Tethering, Screenshot, IME Selector, Sync, and Caffiene
hardware/samsung: add a common mkbooting.mk to stop kernel seandroid warning
hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996: Security fixes/enable Dolby feature for configs
hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996: Numerous fixes and updates
hardware/qcom/media: Fix duplicated OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.aac entry
hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996: Fixes and updates for mm-video and mm-video-v4l2
packages/apps/Gallery2: Fix Locations view crash
packages/apps/Snap: Translation updates
vendor/slim: Update for Beta 0.11
device/htc/flounder: Upstream from AOSP
device/lge/mako: Correct file names in blobs extractor
device/oneplus/oneplus3: Enable Google Assistant, update blobs to OOS 4.0.2 release (will need firmware 4.0.+ from now on)
device/motorola/msm8916-common: CMactions fixes
device/yu/lettuce: Address a few denials
kernel/htc/flounder: Upstream from AOSP
kernel/oneplus/msm8996: Various upstream fixes and updates
kernel/motorola/msm8916: Upstream from LineageOS
Coming from another ROM, OR if a CLEAN FLASH is required
1) Download the Slim7 zip file
2) Download a 7.X GApps package
3) Boot into recovery (TWRP)
4) Full wipe (Dalvik Cache, Cache, System, Factory Data Reset)
5) Flash the Slim7 zip file
6) Flash Nougat-compatible GApps
7) Reboot
This rom can turn off the key backlight
Ver 0.12 has a bug, the album can not be used, probably due to the file manager (Mixplorer) caused. Please delete the original album
Ver 0.11 use root explorer without this problem
Slim rom does not ROOT, need ROOT suggestions using magisk>>>here
I am not responsible for any damage to the phone and due to any loss of ROM money
Slim7 Beta 0.12
Friday, 17 February 2017
Slim7 Beta 0.12 brings new devices, bug fixes, and plenty of updates.
New Devices
Changes and Fixes
New Feature: Ascending ringtone volume
Shamu added back to device roster
Updates to Caffiene QS tile behavior
Fixed ColorPicker not sticking on SlimRecents
Fixed a string for ColorPicker resets
Fixed Advanced Settings FC
hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974: Remove duplicated HFP if branch (mismerge)
vendor/slim: Update for Beta 0.12
device/htc/m7: Re-add FM Radio support
device/htc/m7-common: Numerous updates and fixes
device/htc/msm8960-common: Updates for libril, use caf RIL variant
device/huawei/angler: Update build fingerprint to N4F26O
device/lge/bullhead: Update build fingerprint to N4F26O
device/oneplus/oneplus3: Update for OxygenOS 4.0.3 blobs, Move org.ifaa.android.manager to OSS
device/motorola/msm8916-common: Fix offline charging flags
device/motorola/shamu: Numerous updates and fixes
hardware/samsung: Numerous updates and fixes
kernel/htc/msm8960: Numerous updates and fixes
kernel/huawei/angler: defconfig: startoff Slim7 ng7.1 kernel to version 1.1b, Update kernel to android-msm-angler-3.10-nougat-mr1.4/android-7.1.1_r0.21
kernel/lge/bullhead: defconfig: bump nougat kernel version to 1.1d, other updates and fixes
kernel/oneplus/msm8996: Add kcal support
kernel/motorola/msm8916: Upstream updates and fixes
kernel/motorola/shamu: defconfig: bump kernel version to v1.1b, Security update (CVE-2016-5195), numerous updates and fixes
kernel/xiaomi/cancro: Updates and fixes
Keep it Slim!:good::good:
Slim7 Beta 0.12 has been compiled, will be sent to androidfilehost on tonight:laugh::laugh:
Is it f2fs supported ROM??
Pranav Kumar said:
Is it f2fs supported ROM??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, support F2FS
This rom can turn off the key backlight:good:
Ver 0.12 has a bug, the album can not be used, probably due to the file manager (Mixplorer) caused. Please delete the original album:angel:
Ver 0.11 use root explorer without this problem:laugh:
This rom support oms?
There's a camera bug in this ROM,when I turn on HDR mode and take some snaps camera stops working and says "cannot connect to camera'
Hope you could fix this soon!
Thank you!
Pranav Kumar said:
There's a camera bug in this ROM,when I turn on HDR mode and take some snaps camera stops working and says "cannot connect to camera'
Hope you could fix this soon!
Thank you!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I took some photos with HDR mode, the camera does not appear to crash
The next compilation I will reduce the quality of the photo, may be able to solve your problem
Shubhams053 said:
This rom support oms?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes, full support
thanks for the good work bro
tech mashido said:
thanks for the good work bro
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the support, i just compile and share it. Device tree and kernel thanks @ OrdenKrieger, @ acuicultor
New build up
Version 0.13
Fix album
fix camera
Custom hardware buttons (home / app switch / back)
bigbing said:
New build up
Version 0.13
Fix album
fix camera
Custom hardware buttons (home / app switch / back)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can u share the link..

[ROM][8.1.0][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 15.1 for ZE520KL/ZE552KL

#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
This is an unofficial port of LineageOS 15.1 for the Zenfone 3 ZE520KL and ZE552KL.
It's a continuation of the great work on LineageOS 14 by @shakalaca.
In this post you'll find anything related to the ROM itself.
The second post is about extensions like Gapps and Asus Camera and the changelog can be found in the third post.
What's working/features:
Up to date kernel: Linux 3.18.136, CAF Tag LA.UM.7.6.r1-04300-89xx.0
Security patch level: March 5, 2019
User build, signed with my release-keys
Support for F2FS and EXFAT
Flipcover support via FlipFlap.
HW acceleration
Bluetooth fully functional, with AptX
GPS (+ Glonass)
Camera (Asus Camera mostly working, check the second post.)
Mobile data and phone
Data roaming - read installation instructions!
Audio fully functional
All sensors working
Double tap to wake, Swipe up to wake
Touch gestures and on-screen nav bar
Notification/Battery LED
Wireguard support
SELinux: Enforcing
No major issues
Installation instructions:
Your bootloader has to be unlocked!
Update to the latest oreo stock rom.
In stock rom: Enable data roaming
If you don't do this you'll not be able to use roaming in LineageOS. (This also applies to other custom roms.)
The LineageOS roaming switch can be used normally afterwards.
Backup your internal storage to an external SD card or a computer. Internal storage should not be wiped but better save than sorry.
Download the LineageOS 15 zip file provided in the downloads section to your phone (or use "adb sideload" with a computer).
Flash the TWRP recovery I provided here.
Reboot to TWRP. Backup everything. I recommend storing the backup on a computer or the external SD Card.
Again in TWRP: Wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik/Art Cache and System.
Finally you can install the LineageOS zip file and optionally Gapps. Reboot when finished.
(Always flash LineageOS and Gapps without rebooting in between!)
First boot will take a littler longer - If everything went as expected: Welcome to LineageOS 15.1!
For AsusCamera read the post below about extensions.
LineageOS 15.1 for the ZE520KL and ZE552KL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15v4n4NCTnPtwO2xN_UnyKFuDKSVgloVc
How to return to build 2018-06-11 or earlier:
The following information only applies if you want to dirty-flash older builds. Factory-resetting the phone would make key migration obsolete.
If you want to return to build 2018-06-11 or earlier and are running 2018-08-11 or later, you have to migrate your data partition back to the test-keys.
Simply flash the "planet9_keys-to-test_keys.zip" from the "Key Migration" folder on my drive share to do so.
Future updates:
I'll keep maintaining this rom until Android P roms are stable enough for daily use.
Additional credits:
All the LineageOS and Linux devs who put so much time and effort into development!
All the contributors to these mido and potter device trees. These sources proved to be a great reference!
Commit authorship has been preserved so take a look at my device tree for more information.
Device tree: https://github.com/Planet-X/android_device_asus_zenfone3/tree/lineage-15.1
Kernel: https://github.com/Planet-X/android_kernel_asus_msm8953/tree/lineage-16.0
Vendor: https://github.com/Planet-X/proprietary_vendor_asus_zenfone3/tree/lineage-15.1
XDA:DevDB Information
LineageOS 15.1 for ZE520KL/ZE552KL, ROM for the Asus ZenFone 3
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.x
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2018-02-23
Last Updated 2019-03-12
Here you'll find information about additional packages.
Advanced Kernel:
An advanced kernel packed with additional features!
Finally available here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ze...ernel-advanced-kernel-lineageos-15-1-t3760007
Asus Camera:
Asus Camera apk download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_4ID3AiPLEGQkxm4WgjWVpFswImiv284
The new, standalone apk file has all the libraries included so it can be installed like any other user app over the package manager: No flashing through twrp is needed anymore and the app will stay installed even after updating the system.
Before installing the new apk make sure to fully uninstall the old asus camera zip by flashing a rom or the uninstaller zip!
Most of the features should finally work with the new apk.
Still not working:
- Save to MicroSD
- HDR Pro
Official Open GApps for android 8.1 are finally available: http://opengapps.org/
Update to Android 8.1.0_r52, security patch level March 5, 2019.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.136, CAF-Tag LA.UM.7.6.r1-04300-89xx.0
Updated vendor blobs to WW-15.0410.1807.75.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r47, security patch level October 5, 2018.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.123, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-09900-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Fixed SafetyNet CTS check.
Reduced vibration strength.
Updated various blobs.
General cleanup.
First enforcing "user" build, signed with my release-keys.
Enabled call recording. (Not available in all regions.)
Fixed displayed battery capacity on the ZE552KL.
Added more SEPolicy for enforcing SELinux.
Fixed wifi stats log spam.
Added the ASUS_Z012DC to the model detection list.
Added SdFat for FAT and exFAT support.
Added updated version of the BFQ I/O scheduler.
Removed asusdebug for a lighter kernel.
Updated F2FS kernel driver.
Imported many more kernel improvements.
Updated vendor blobs to WW-15.0410.1806.68.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r43, security patch level August 5, 2018.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.118, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-09500-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Updated Vulkan, Adreno and SDM blobs from tissot.
Added missing perf and widevine blobs.
Updated perf blobs from bardock 2.2.0.
Fixed FM radio speaker audio.
Even more SEPolicy.
Optimized shutdown time.
Added "Swipe up to wake".
Added support for power-off alarms.
Switched default I/O scheduler to BFQ.
Added the ASUS_Z017D to the model detection list.
Updated build fingerprint to WW_15.0410.1806.68.
Misc improvements of the kernel defconfig for more performance.
Many more misc improvements...
Added FlipFlap.
Tweaked graphics performance.
Enabled the third QS row for the ZE520KL.
Updated vendor blobs to WW_15.0410.1804.62.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r30, security patch level June 5, 2018.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.112, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-08600-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Added icons to AsusParts.
Moved AsusParts to system settings.
Updated build fingerprint to WW_15.0410.1804.62.
More SEPolicy rules.
Added ANT+ support.
Enabled WiFi Passpoint support.
Fixed 4K recording with Asus Camera.
Updated GPS HAL.
Updated GPS configs from WW_15.0410.1804.60.
Updated vendor blobs to WW_15.0410.1804.60.
Updated build fingerprint.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.109, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-08500-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Added missing proprietary files.
Improved audio configs.
Updated media and bluetooth configs.
Improved speakerphone sound quality.
Doubled wifi performance on 40MHz wide 2.4GHz networks and enabled TDLS.
Removed KCal. (LiveDisplay now offers this functionality.)
Properly enabled the Vulkan API.
Fixed 5GHz hotspot option sometimes not selectable.
MTP should now report the proper phone model.
Updated vendor blobs to WW_15.0410.1803.55.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r26, security patch level May 5, 2018.
Rebased and cleaned up the kernel.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.108, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-08300-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Improved model detection.
Updated media configs from mido.
Improved wifi battery savings.
Defined gmsclient-id.
Properly detect single-sim devices.
Added modem build date assertion.
More SEPolicy rules. (Still permissive due to some missig rules.)
Updated build fingerprint.
Improved fingerprint service.
Improved DT2W performance and fixed "Prevent accidental wake-up" switch.
New LiveDisplay implementation with more features.
KCAL is now built-in. (It may be removed again due to new LiveDisplay features making it obsolete.)
Updated vendor blobs to WW_15.0410.1803.53.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.106, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-07400-89xx.0
Thanks to @makorn645:
Fixed serial number detection.
Added a built-in app to set vibration strength and KCAL values.
Improved SEPolicy. (SELinux still permissive due to missig rules.)
Updated configs and build fingerprint.
Fixed crash when switching mobile data sim card.
Added vibration intensity control: Currently not available within LineageOS settings.
Intensity can be adjusted using "Kernel Adiutor" or other kernel management apps - Advanced Kernel is not needed for that.
Imported many kernel improvements.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r20, security patch level April 5, 2018.
Updated kernel to CAF Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-07200-89xx.0.
Thanks to @makorn645:
Updated audio configs. (Speakerphone still buggy)
Updated way of setting the build fingerprint.
Doing a clean flash is recommended.
New AsusCamera apk: Read the "Extensions" post above for instructions. The old one isn't supported anymore.
Restored default battery led behavior to mitigate flickering. You can change the brightness in the system settings.
Updated vendor blobs to WW_15.0410.1802.44.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.102, CAF Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-06700-89xx.0.
Additional minor updates.
Adopted from XenonHD by @makorn645:
Misc fixes for Amplifier.
Drop hacked up audiohal.
Enabled VoLTE.
Removed forceencrypt from fstab.
Renamed Z017 to zenfone3.
Built SEPolicy. (SELinux still permissive due to missig rules.)
Improved spectrum support.
Enabled camera api v2 in Snap. It now features manual mode.
Pulsing low battery light is now toggleable in the settings.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.99.
Adopted from XenonHD by @makorn645:
MTP now uses functionfs.
Switched back to OSS bluetooth hal with fixed mac.
Improved bluetooth performance and fixed mac issues.
Brand-new notification LED controller.
Fixed battery light for offline charging.
Update to Android 8.1.0_r15, security patch level March 5, 2018.
Much newer Lineage sources.
FM, Battery LED and LiveDisplay fixed.
Improved micro-lag at animation beginnings.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.98.
Multiple minor improvements/fixes.
Hotfix for dialer audio.
Regression: Dialer audio stopped working!
Headphone detection finally fixed!
Fixed dialer crash when using in-call keypad.
Touch screen gestures added.
Optional on-screen nav bar added.
Updated kernel to Linux 3.18.97, CAF-Tag LA.UM.6.6.r1-06500-89xx.0
All sensors finally working. Thanks to @Harry8242 !
External sd card should behave properly now.
Initial release of alpha version.
Nice. Thanks bro. I really appreciate it
:good: God bless you !
Great work buddy !!!!
I'll test this out after my semester exams :lol:
great job, i will test it and give u some feedback....
Im using los14 and never been able to update to stock oreo. Will it work? Or need to go back to stock to install oreo 1st then this?
iamROOTX said:
Im using los14 and never been able to update to stock oreo. Will it work? Or need to go back to stock to install oreo 1st then this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just flash it via TWRP. Don't forget to flash GApps too.
ZenFone_3 said:
Just flash it via TWRP. Don't forget to flash GApps too.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah gonna try it. Even tho he said to update to the latest stock oreo
I'm editing this post because the copy/paste text messed everything up.
Haris from the Telegram channel sent the below message.
https://github.com/bhi768/msm8953/commit/2f35825dc36d3b23460298a0d8fca8a34d5f38e2 ask him to try this, so that he can confirm if asus's mdss changes already has live display capability
also https://github.com/Planet-X/android_device_asus_Z017/blob/lineage-15.1/manifest.xml#L226 ask him to try pass through method for sensors like in here https://github.com/harry8242/device_lenovo_A6020/blob/o8.0/manifest.xml#L155
My baseband version is m3.10.47.9 leo which should be .18 libra(on the ss).is it because i didnt install stock oreo 1st?
Good work !! ☺
iamROOTX said:
My baseband version is m3.10.47.9 leo which should be .18 libra(on the ss).is it because i didnt install stock oreo 1st?
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Click to collapse
Flashing stock rom also updates additonal firmware partitions and that's why your baseband is older.
In general this shouldn't be a problem. I just recommended flashing oreo so that everything is fully up to date.
Could this help somehow?
tkhquang said:
Could this help somehow?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It could definitely point to the right direction. Thanks! :good:
Directly using this file on lineage 15 is not a good idea!
Phone services won't work anymore and it will then reboot to recovery! Don't try it.
Great, GREAT ROM! Stable and smooth! Battery endures the whole day.
The update made it almost bug free! And the remaining bugs are cosmetic for the most part.
Can't thank you enough. Keep it up!
Could we roll back oreo stock?
[email protected]@ said:
Could we roll back oreo stock?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash Oreo RAW
ZenFone_3 said:
Flash Oreo RAW
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If there is an update about this custom rom, do I have to install it again from the beginning?
Dalendra7 said:
If there is an update about this custom rom, do I have to install it again from the beginning?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The updates are flashable via TWRP. No need to reinstall. It's called Dirty Flash.

[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][8.1.0] LineageOS 15.1 [BETA][6.03.2019]

* Your (probably expired) warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Hi all,
This is an unofficial Oreo build for the Galaxy S3 (i9300) based on LineageOS 15.1.
Most of the ROM features are working, but the overall state might be not stable or not suitable for a daily use (not heavily tested yet).
Don't install this ROM as your daily driver.
This work is heavily based on works of forkbomb444 (thanks for device tree, kernel and device patches for LOS 14.1), rINanDO (thanks for device tree, kernel and device patches for LOS 15.1) and A$teroid (thanks for cherry-picks I took from his kernel).
What is working:
Audio (playback && recording)
Camera (photos && video recording)
RIL (SMS, mobile data, calls)
Video playback (HW/SW)
What is not working:
No V-Sync
Video recording
AKM sensors (accel & magnetometer) issues
probably, GPS could work better
gralloc / surfaceflinger issues
maybe yet something
Reporting bugs
When reporting reboots, please produce log below as follows
(using adb or terminal)
cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
and attach in this thread.
If reporting another issues
Grab a logcat right after the problem has occurred. (Please include at least a few pages of the log, not just the last few lines, unless you know what you're doing.)
A rough timestamp of when the issue occurred is also useful.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
curiousrom said:
to quickly & easily capture logcat (Main log), Kernel log (dmesg) & Last Kernel log (last_kmsg which is important in case of unwanted reboot) without using a computer + adb or use a Terminal emulator on the phone:
Root the phone
Developer Options > Store logger data persistently on device > select All. More info about it here on developer.android.com
Install the free SysLog. (screenshot)
View attachment 4644180
Reboot the phone & reproduce the problem(s).
Open Syslog & select logcat, dmesg & last_kmsg. Add some significant keywords in the bottom including in Notes describing the bug & hit Take log.
The individual logs + a .zip of all of them will be saved in /sdcard/Syslog. You must rename them .txt to be able to attach them to an XDA post like logcat.log > logcat_log.txt for example. Or you can choose Share which will .zip them & then you can attach to a post or upload somewhere & link to in your post if the .zip is too big for XDA's attachment service (20 MB max).
Done! And make the dev happy.
Bug Reports & Logs?
If the phone is not rooted you can grant this permission to enable Syslog using ADB (15 seconds ADB Installer) & a computer:
adb shell pm grant com.tortel.syslog android.permission.READ_LOGS
You can also install an app like MatLog to analyse the logcat, filter it, search in it, export files etc but Syslog is fast & easy. If not rooted grant permission for MatLog:
adb shell pm grant com.pluscubed.matlog android.permission.READ_LOGS
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Caution: proceed switching from customized builds to a "pure" ones with /data wipe!
Standard builds
Customized builds
Note: only flash kernel if the release dates of ROM and kernel are matched. Don't flash older kernels on newer ROMs, unless explicitly told. Usually dedicated kernel releases are non-regular and just for bugfixes (anyway see latests messages in the thread as I usually write what is different on these kernels). Installation order is as follows: ROM first, kernel second.
Lord Boeffla
LineageOS team
Nameless ROM
I really hope I didn't miss here anyone who deserves credits for their amazing works
If you like my work and want to thank me, feel free to buy a coffee
Thanks to it'sup and someOn3 for donations!
Source code (standard builds):
Local manifest: LOS 15.1
Source code (customized builds):
Manifest: LOS 15.1
Device: i9300, smdk4412-common
Kernel: LOS 15.1
XDA:DevDB Information
LineageOS 15.1, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S III I9300
ChronoMonochrome, rINanDO, A$teroid
Source Code: https://github.com/CustomROMs
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2018-11-05
Last Updated 2019-03-05
6.03.2019 - build #3a
Correct NativeWindow PixelFormat fix (should fix crashes in apps like Google Play)
Re-tune Power HAL to match build #1a (22.02.2019)
5.03.2019 - build #2a
Update sources
Switch gralloc to UMP-only allocations*
Actually include LiveDisplay HIDL this time
Dropped earlysuspend support in a favor of autosuspend (credits to @rINanDO)
Build libEGL_mali from sources & set the correct pixel format for the native window**
Fix NFC service crashes & include NFC feature
Reverted kernel ext4 fs updates***
Bluetooth: revert to LK 3.0.101****
* this should fix some artifacts like the distortion in the camera app or some apps like Chrome.
** this fixes color inversion in videos produced by Recorder app
*** recently pushed updates seems to be incomplete and according to some user report were also causing filesystem corruption...
**** a possible fix for the BT calls. Have no idea if that was broken by LK 3.4 update but lets just see if it fixes anything...
22.02.2019 - build #1a
Update sources to android-8.1.0_r52 (security patch 2019-02-05)
Fixed gralloc artefacts with HIDL addition
Update to LiveDisplay HIDL 2.0 (thanks @rINanDO)
Clean sources up to get rid of most of hacks*
Hex-edit proprietary blobs libsec-ril.so and glgps to get rid of text relocations
Added symbol required by libsec-ril.so (and removed use of now unneeded shim lib)
Added incall CPU boost hook by @arter97
Added back hotplug support to Dynamic CPU governor
Optimized Power HIDL for even better power savings
Switch to 64-bit version of binder (official addonsu now should work)
Revert sensors to Replicant OS version (+ some fixes for them to work)
* torch wakelock patch is moved to kernel, removed hack for audio playback detection and so on.
Also removed patches I found that were unused (I hope I didn't remove anything that was actually in use).
(Customized builds)
6.02.2019 - build #15
Fixed graphic artefacts (hopefully fixes lags during scrolling too)
Fixed AdvancedDisplay (mDNIe)
All credit goes to @rINanDO.
5.02.2019 - build #14
Fixed screenshot issue
Fixed vibration
Reverted Binder driver to 32-bit version
Re-tuned CPU governor for better performance
Re-enabled GPU step 3
3.02.2019 - build #13
Fixed and added back HWComposer (thanks to @rINanDO for patches)
PowerHAL && kernel CPU governor are tuned for better powersavings *
Disabled GPU step 3 for better powersavings
Switch kernel to Powersuspend driver (credits goes to Paul Reioux and Jean-Pierre Rasquin)
Build now got rid of many hacks in Android sources**
Switched to FunctionFS from legacy ADB driver (thanks to @AdrianDC for patchset)
Updated SDcardFS code from @AdrianDC Sony huashan kernel
Fixed kernel to switch to BOOTTIME support (thanks @rINanDO)
Removed any CMA-related kernel hacks for better device stability
Switched to Camera HAL2 (fixes modes like panorama in Google Camera)
Fixed broken workaround for SIM detection (again)
* Please test and give some feedback about these changes. Usage of high CPU freqs now should be limited as much as possible (it's an intended behaviour). Also this update makes PowerHAL profile working.
** Moved libc pthread hack to shim, also reverted RIL ashmem hack (thanks @javelinanddart for original commit and helping me with fixing our RIL blob).
13.01.2019 - build #12
Bring CMA enabled kernel back
Reverted to Dynamic CPU governor
Added GPU control (thanks @netarchy, Andrei F., @pascua28)
Gralloc fixes (credits to @rINanDO)
Added power HIDL (thanks @rINanDO)
Various patches for the Dialer (thanks to @SergeyL)
Fix for choppy audio playback
Added Google Camera (thanks [email protected])
Build is now signed with release keys *
Fixed (hopefully) device wake up issues **
* This should prevent the Trust from giving a warning about public keys being used. A possible fix for some apps that previously couldn't have been installed from Play Market (not tested).
** The known issue, however, is device slowness right after device first boot.
There is nothing to do, just wait until mediaserver get scanned all files and dex2oat finish apps optimization. After that the phone is responsive again.
8.01.2019 - build #11
Reverted CMA changes (build has 770 Mb RAM available) *
Set Lionheart CPU governor as default
Added Substratum theme engine support (thanks @SergeyL for patches)
Various optimizations from @SergeyL LineageOS 15.1 build
* Because of some issues (like slow device wakeup) reported, I'm reverting for now back to CMA disabled.
In case if anyone want still using kernel with CMA enabled (this build has 937 Mb RAM available), I have built a kernel, download link below:
5.01.2019 - build #10
Fixed accelerometer issues
Enabled Contiguous Memory Allocator *
Added memory management tweaks (see 94kernel init.d script), zRAM size changed to 300 Mb
Added Torch wakelock (thanks @rINanDO)
Changed user-settable display brightness interval (thanks to @Oebbler1) **
Updated video drivers from n7100 (thanks to @pascua28)
Updated CPU voltage table from @pascua28 kernel
Fixed CPU hotplug issues on Dynamic CPU governor
Added experimental HWComposer back
* This one was a toughest thing to get to work. After some testing of various patchsets and memory management tweaks I've decided to go with the original CMA implementation (by Samsung). A short test of heavy-tasking (with Google Chrome) didn't show any lags, but I might've missed something, so your assistanse in testing / reports are welcome!
Currently available RAM is 956 Mb (compared to 776 Mb on previous build).
** Now display can be set much darker than before. Please be sure to set the display brightness higher before flashing new build (if you were already using a considerably low brigthness).
15.12.2018 - build #9
Re-add Camera2 app *
Rework memory management optimizations **
* Because of some snap issues now we again have two camera apps. I'll consider further switching to some another camera app, unless I can fix it some other way (e.g. we can try some fixes for camera HAL from Galaxy S2, which aren't currently ported to S3).
** This is just a quick rebuild in which I've reverted previously applied memory optimizations from LineageOS 16.0 and applied ones from LineageOS 15.1 build for Galaxy Ace 2. Credit goes to @SergeyL for these optimizations.
Please test and report if you feel it works better.
13.12.2018 - build #8
Fixed wifi (flashing wifi fix should be no longer needed) *
Fixed sensors (thanks @rINanDO for help)
Implemented in-kernel battery charge level LED notification
Added CPU hotplug support for Dynamic governor (ported from PegasusQ governor)
Reverted kernel timer to 200 HZ (Exynos4 default value)
Added exFAT file system support (not tested)
Fixed menu key function override (thanks @ComicoX)
* not tested. Mine S3 has semcosh radio chip, in which case flashing wifi fix was already unnecessary. Please report if wifi now works without flashing fix linked in OP.
27.11.2018 - build #7
Revert sensors updates (ambient light sensor breakage)
Small improvements to RIL workaround
Added init.d script for Boeffla Sound and Charge Level interface*
A small change in SIM detection workaround will allow to detect SIM faster if phone boots in airplane mode.
* Thanks to @Marc0601 and @NoN1979 for pointing to this script! Also thanks to @Darkened_Sky for writing this script
Known issues
AKM sensors aren't working properly. A prebuilt Akm blob we use seems to have some broken logic regarding enabling / disabling Accelerometer and Magnetometer.
26.11.2018 - build #6
GPS improvements (thanks to [email protected])
SIM card detection workaround *
Reverted SELinux changes**
Added FIOPS I/O scheduler and set as default
Added SDCard FS support
Added Boeffla Sound***
Added charge level interface (from Boeffla kernel)
Added CPU undervolting interface (and update the default UV table from @A$teroid kernel)
* A temporary solution, that basically resets the RILD daemon, but still better than nothing. After booting the phone in the airplane mode SIM card now is detected, though I could't encounter a rare case where SIM is not detected at bootup when not booting in airplane mode.
** Magisk doesn't seem to support SELinux-disabled kernels, so reverting changes from previous build.
*** Some of you asked me to add Boeffla sound - so far only kernel level is implemented, not sure about implementing an app. If anyone know an open-source app that supports Boeffla kernel features, let me know.
Known issues
AKM sensors aren't working properly. A prebuilt Akm blob we use seems to have some broken logic regarding enabling / disabling Accelerometer and Magnetometer.
18.11.2018 - build #5
Update kernel to 3.4.67. We are now using LK 3.4 sources! *
Kernel: set kernel scheduler HZ to 300 for even more smoothness
Kernel: switch to Dynamic CPU governor and tune it for i9300 (credits for this CPU governor goes to @mkaluza)
Fixed GPS
HWC is actually updated to the newest one**
Fix USB mode not to be set to charging only by default (thanks to OmniROM)
Add UMS USB mode***
Add option to disable media scaninng (not tested)
Add Signature Spoofing patch (not tested)
SELinux status spoofing (set to enforced now) ****
Add custom animation transition scales
Various fixes from AICP, OmniROM, BlissROM and other ROMs (thanks to @SergeyL for patches)
* I have been testing this kernel for a few days and hopefully fixed all the instabilities. Please report any reboots or other bugs you've found (if any).
** have forgot to remove an old HWC, so now we actually switched to HWC from experimental CM14.1 builds. Credit goes to @A$teroid for filtering out an unsupported RGB565 layers.
*** this is an experimental feature I've originally implemented for Ace 2. Make sure to safely eject your phone's SD card on the host device before unplugging the cable (otherwise it may lead even to filesystem corruption)
**** SELinux is NOT actually set to enforced mode, nor it's enabled at all, it's just a preparation for apps that may require this. You can switch it to "permissive" mode by setting a property sys.selinux_enforcing to false in build.prop:
P.s. I haven't been noticing any freezes nor I could reproduce it, however I've had some gralloc errors. Let's see how it's going with a new HWC (though I wouldn't think that it will solve all errors)
Known issues
SIM sometimes is not detected at device boot. It's never detected when phone is booted in the flight mode (after a flight mode is turned off).
Probably GPS could be working better (not merged @rINanDO's fixes for GPS yet)
Gralloc buffer release errors
13.11.2018 - build #4
Kernel: updates from n7100 (thanks @rINanDO)
Reset memory management config to S2 kernel
HWC: merge changes from experimental CM14.1 builds (thanks @forkbomb444)
Revert Mount Namespace / Magisk Hide patches
Revert cameraserver to a separate service
11.11.2018 - build #3
update source to 8.1.0_r50
reboots issue fix (thanks to @A$teroid for kernel patch)
9.11.2018 - build #2
fixed Calls (needs to be confirmed!)
fixed SDcard issues (thanks to @A$teroid for kernel patches)
added Magisk hide kernel patch (thanks to @A$teroid), NOT tested
fixed V-Sync issues
another minor fixes and improvements
5.11.2018 - build #1
initial release
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
WiFi Fix
nice work men ......
finally, thanks to all of you
WiFi does not connect...
Polis4 said:
WiFi does not connect...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For me it's working fine... Be sure to make a clean install, if it's still not working, please attach logcat and dmesg logs.
Finally ... Thanks alot sir ... you make S3 alive again
---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------
is HW Video playback fully working ? or is it like 14.1 ?
I was coming from slim ROM. Of course I did clean install. BTW i'll try again. Thank you bro
ChronoMonochrome said:
For me it's working fine... Be sure to make a clean install, if it's still not working, please attach logcat and dmesg logs.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hesham Sleem said:
Finally ... Thanks alot sir ... you make S3 alive again
---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------
is HW Video playback fully working ? or is it like 14.1 ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
HW video playback is working, but no V-Sync support here.
why such old security patch? i get that it's a alpha but an update to newer security patch would be nice
hellcat50 said:
why such old security patch? i get that it's a alpha but an update to newer security patch would be nice
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Click to collapse
My primary target is to fix as most of device features as possible. I just took the LOS 15 sources for Ace 2 that were on my PC which were in a known good state (updating to a newer sources could cause an unnecessary bothering with a build errors). No matter how high is the security patch, getting a daily usable build is main aim.
ChronoMonochrome said:
My primary target is to fix as most of device features as possible. I just took the LOS 15 sources for Ace 2 that were on my PC which were in a known good state (updating to a newer sources could cause an unnecessary bothering with a build errors). No matter how high is the security patch, getting a daily usable build is main aim.
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Click to collapse
ok i get it, no worries. great rom so far. other than the known issues it runs better than los 14.1 so far.
great, how u made this without new kernel?
i try this rom and i will tell you :
1- ( Wifi - Bluetooth - Senseor ) work fine
2- calls don't work for me
3- alot of Graphic glitch and gallery force stop
i will give feedback as soon as possible
I installed it again (clean install) and WiFi does not connect again. Signal is dropped after make a call. Probably I have to install lineage 14.1 before install 15.1.. My previous ROM was slimrom
Is it tweaked with the go edition stuff? How's the current idle ram usage?
Sly Fox007 said:
Is it tweaked with the go edition stuff? How's the current idle ram usage?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ram usage like lineage 14.1
Is fit for daily use?
rocciacoraggiosa45 said:
great, how u made this without new kernel?
Click to expand...
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Getting a higher kernel is not an absolute requirement, though it is highly recommended. It just could be harder to get some newer android stuff working properly with LK 3.0, but still possible.
Polis4 said:
I installed it again (clean install) and WiFi does not connect again. Signal is dropped after make a call. Probably I have to install lineage 14.1 before install 15.1.. My previous ROM was slimrom
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It doesn't matter which ROM was installed previously. Anyway I can't say anything without any logs provided.
Sly Fox007 said:
Is it tweaked with the go edition stuff? How's the current idle ram usage?
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All Go tweaks are enabled, except for low_ram build prop tweak (you can set this flag in build.prop, but it's arguable to advice).

[ROM][T][mata] Unofficial, optimized LineageOS 20 - June 24th

In this thread I'll share with you my personal builds of LineageOS 20, 19.1 and 18.1 for the Essential PH-1 (codename: mata). These builds are unofficial LineageOS builds, customized with my favorite tweaks and features, and with some interesting optimizations.
LineageOS 20 features:
support for MicroG (signature spoofing) - read the 2nd post!
support for Sandboxed Google Play (taken from GrapheneOS) - read the 2nd post!
Klik and Aperture are both preinstalled
built with global -O3 optimizations and ThinLTO
some debugging/tracing instructions have been removed from ART
loads of updates from AOSP master for ART
improved bionic routines + ARM optimized routines
in-built support for many DNS providers
support for 3-finger swipe to screenshot
PixelPropUtils, to unlock Pixel-only features in Google apps and pass SafetyNet
Mulch System Webview (from DivestOS) replaces the default Chromium WebView
"deGoogling" tweaks: GrapheneOS's captive portal URLs and SUPL server, Cloudflare's DNS nameservers, pool.ntp.org NTP servers are all used by default to replace their Google counterparts
updated 3rd-party libraries: SQLite
in-built F-Droid Privileged Extension
support for poweroff alarm
updates for zram/zsmalloc (and for the LZ4 compression backend too)
power-efficient workqueues are implemented in many drivers
simple_lmk by kerneltoast replaces standard LMK
Kcal & Klapse
maple I/O scheduler as default
DDR bandwidth boost when launching apps and in other scenarios
DriveDroid support (not tested)
Wireguard support (not tested)
lots of patches to improve memory allocation-related overhead
hardening against buffer overflows (thanks to the GrapheneOS team)
USB controller driver updated (MTP speed improvements)
memory routines optimized for the arm64 architecture
built with -O3 optimizations
binder driver backported from Linux 5.4
lots of drivers and components only useful for debugging are disabled
many small, miscellaneous patches to improve performance and power consumption
Spoiler: Old info about 18.1
LineageOS 19.1 features:
support for MicroG (signature spoofing) - read the 2nd post!
built with global -O3 optimizations
some debugging/tracing instructions have been removed from ART
some UI changes from ProtonAOSP (ripple effect)
updates and compiler optimizations applied to critical system components (ART, memory management routines, mathematical routines)
bionic libc fixes and updates
updated 3rd-party libraries: SQLite, giflib, zlib
support for poweroff alarm
inbuilt F-Droid privileged extension
integrated Cloudflare and AdGuard (recommended) private DNS
PixelPropUtils, to unlock Pixel-only features in Google apps and pass SafetyNet
debugging/logging code removed from system components (system frameworks, init system) to reduce overhead
other minor tweaks to system frameworks and ART, to maximize performance
LineageOS 18.1 features:
support for MicroG (signature spoofing) - read the 2nd post!
built with the latest Clang 12.0.x
updated & improved libraries: sqlite, zlib, libpng, jemalloc, libvpx, libyuv
critical system components built with -O3 optimizations (art, SurfaceFlinger, bionic)
arm64-optimized bionic routines
Android RunTime (ART) updates and improvements
several debugging & tracing components are removed from the system
partial/full screenshot QS tile
reduced priority of the USB connection type & USB debugging notifications
in-built F-Droid Privileged Extension
removed some links with Google: DNS nameservers & captive portal URL
support for OTA updates
signed with my own keys
other minor tweaks and improvements
Common to official/Nolen's builds as well:
NFC quirks (payments with Google Wallet are working, other usecases might or might not) - fixed in the 2023-03-11 build
Updater shows wrong percentage during OTA package installation - fixed in the 2023-04-11 build
microphone issues in some scenarios - WIP
some games do not load - acknowledged, low priority issue for now
Specific of my builds:
Klik misbehaves when rotating the phone while viewing a previously taken picture (low severity bug); Klik sometimes quits when switching to front cam or B&W mode (high severity bug) - under investigation, read more about Klik's status here - updated 2023-04-12
the fullscreen dark background in the notification pull-down view is now transparent - notifications are displayed directly on top of the currently active application. This doesn't affect functionality but is indeed unpleasant to the eye fixed in the 2023-03-21 build
scrcpy gets stuck after some time - under investigation
Spoiler: Bugs of the old 19.1 builds
Common to official builds as well:
VPNs are not supported (can't configure a VPN in Settings) - fixed in my 2022-05-24 build, and in later official nightlies
swiping up on the lockscreen is difficult (a very long swipe is required) - fixed/improved in my 2022-05-24 build, and in later official nighlies
minimum brightness is too high compared to stock firmware - fixed in my 2022-06-09 build and later official builds
HDR+ and Portrait mode make Klik (Essential's camera app) crash - fixed in my 2022-11-16 build, soon in officials too
Klik often lags a lot - work in progress
bad sound quality in video recordings - fixed in my 2022-08-07 build and in officials too
wrong time on boot until you connect to a network - fixed in my 2022-12-24 build, hopefully soon in officials too
Specific of my builds:
none, at the moment
Spoiler: Bugs of the old 18.1 builds
Common to official builds as well:
unaligned recovery logo + black bar at the right of the screen - fixed in my 2021-12-15 build and newer official builds
distorted in-call audio when VoLTE is enabled for T-Mobile users - fixed in my 2022-03-11 build and newer official builds
low microphone volume/distorted audio when recording videos - fixed in 19.1
PPSSPP crashes on startup
Specific of my builds:
recovery "Back" button is difficult to press - workaround: press a little bit above it - fixed in the 2022-01-07 build
speaker misbehaving when listening to voice messages in apps such as Telegram and WhatsApp - fixed in the 2022-02-21 build
CHANGELOG for LineageOS 20:
June 24th
synced with LineageOS, including QPR3 and June's patches
more consistent rounded corners across the UI
delete button next to the screenshot preview
charging control with support for bypass mode
more consistent fonts used across the whole system & apps
Spoiler: Changelog for the old 19.1 builds
June 3rd:
synced with LineageOS
charging control HAL (check Settings > Battery > Charging Control to check what it supports)
minor improvements for screen rendering
Contacts Scopes (picked from GrapheneOS) to grant a fake contacts permission to untrustworthy apps
Material You & Monet colors applied to Calculator, Messages, Dialer, Gallery and Contacts (WIP)
creepy Facebook component removed from Klik
May 5th:
synced with LineageOS (including May's security patches)
all of Klik's bugs are finally fixed! Hooray!
support for call recording
updates for some system components
misc. sepolicy fixes and other fixes for small issues under the hood
minor kernel bug fixes
April 11th:
synced with LineageOS + April's security patches
fixed Klik's lags/freezes and the crashes after taking pictures
misc. updates and improvements for several system components
improved Monet color engine
fix for the Updater showing a wrong percentage during update installation
minor misc. visual updates (icons, animations, etc.)
March 21st:
fix for the visual bug of the previous build
March 20th:
synced with LineageOS (March's security patches + Android T QPR2)
kernel bug fixes and minor tweaks
March 11th:
synced with LineageOS
built with -O3 and ink-time optimization
many updates for ART and bionic taken from AOSP master
more privacy! More links with Google were broken (SUPL & NTP servers)
GPS performance improvements
fixes for NFC
in-built support for many private DNS providers
many kernel bug fixes taken from the Civil Infrastructure Project's backports
February 26th:
first public build
all the feaures listed above are present
January 6th:
synced with LineageOS, including January's security patches
support for poweroff alarm
a few kernel tweaks to improve the responsiveness (taken from Zen kernel)
December 24th:
system clock is correct on boot, even with no network connections
WiFi kernel drivers updated from the official Android 11 kernel for the Pixel 2
other minor fixes in the kernel
December 8th:
synced with LineageOS, including December's security patches
kernel hardening against buffer errors
many vulnerabilities affecting several Qualcomm kernel drivers have been patched
minor optimization for jemalloc (Android's memory allocator)
November 16th:
synced with LineageOS
HDR & Portrait modes in Essential's camera app now work
kernel: several fixes and updates
the kernel now is built using a full LLVM toolchain (even the integrated assembler)
November 5th:
synced with LineageOS + November's security patches
October 17th:
PixelPropUtils + patches from PixelExperience to unlock Pixel-only features in Gapps and pass SafetyNet
a few improvements and fixes in the kernel
October 9th:
synced with LineageOS (+ October's patches)
fixed log spam related to VoLTE (thanks Ricky Cheung)
kernel: disabled debugfs (reduces debugging overhead for many drivers)
kernel: updates for ZRAM and the LZ4 compression driver
kernel: other minor tweaks and updates
kernel: security fixes (thanks to our maintainer Kevin)
September 9th:
synced with LineageOS + September's patches
integrated Cloudflare and AdGuard private DNS
built with global -O3 optimizations
August 7th:
synced with LineageOS + August's security patches
"poor audio quality in video recording" bug has been fixed!
updates for ART
optimizations and improvements for bionic's memory routines
F-Droid privileged extension build in the system
June 9th:
Rebased on the latest tag from Google (android_12.1.0_r7)
June's security patches
new ripple effect from ProtonAOSP
updated and optimized SQLite library
minimum screen brightness reduced
minor tweaks to system frameworks and ART
May 24th:
initial build, 100% equal to LineageOS except for the following aspects
support for signature spoofing
some debugging removed from ART
device-specific bug fix: improved swipe-to-unlock experience (fix has landed in official repos)
device-specific bug fix: VPNs are supported (fix has landed in official repos)
Spoiler: Changelog for old 18.1 builds
May 6th:
May's security patches
various kernel updates and fixes
April 28th:
synced with LineageOS
updated SQLite to v3.37.2
kernel bug fix involving ZRAM
minor kernel tweaks and improvements
April 13th:
synced with LineageOS, April's security patches
some minor tweaks and fixes in the Android frameworks
kernel: binder driver backported from Linux 5.4
kernel: simple_lmk replaces the standard LMK
kernel: updates for the random number generator driver
kernel: other minor fixes and improvements
March 21st:
lots of updates and fixes for the platform code (picked from crDroid)
critical system components/libraries are built with ThinLTO and PGO
improved the energy efficiency of the WiFi chip
synced with LineageOS
March 11th:
synced with LineageOS
March's security patches
fix for distorted in-call audio for T-Mobile users when VoLTE is enabled
February 21st:
synced with LineageOS
a fix by the Lineage team for a telephony bug: more info here
a fix by me for a permission issue that caused the playback of voice messages in messaging apps not to switch properly between the main and the call speakers when the proximity sensor was covered/uncovered
February 11th:
synced with LineageOS
kernel updated to Linux 4.4.302
minor bug fix in the system
January 22nd:
synced with LineageOS
kernel updated to Linux 4.4.299
Google's DNS nameservers have been replaced with Cloudflare's (,
some security hardening patches taken from GrapheneOS
January 7th:
kernel: Linux 4.4.297
kernel: removed debugging junk from the WiFi chip's driver
kernel: patches for the dwc3 driver (improve MTP transfer speeds)
tentative fix for the camcorder microphone issues
recovery touchscreen issues are fixed
December 15th:
synced w/ LineageOS (incl. December's security patches)
kernel updated to Linux 4.4.294
lots of small kernel improvements and fixes
maple I/O scheduler is now the default
several user interface/user experience improvements (read here)
alignment of visual elements in recovery is fixed (now also in official LineageOS)
November 5th:
synced with LineageOS
November's security patches
kernel: DriveDroid support
kernel: Wireguard support
kernel: DDR bandwidth boost on zygote fork
kernel: several other small updates and improvements
October 23rd:
synced with LineageOS
touchscreen support in Lineage recovery
kernel now supports Kcal and Klapse
October 7th:
initial build with all the above features
October's security patches are included
LineageOS 20: starting from April 2023, my builds are hosted here on Github - older builds on SourceForge
20 recovery images: SourceForge
Spoiler: Old downloads (19.1/18.1)
LineageOS 19.1: SourceForge
19.1 recovery images: SourceForge
LineageOS 18.1: SourceForge
18.1 recovery images: SourceForge
All my repos are on Github. In particular: device tree, kernel sources.
the whole LineageOS team, and the multitude of great developers of the Android custom ROM scene, such as kdrag0n, kerneltoast (Sultanxda), arter97, nathanchance, neobuddy89, flar2, franciscofranco, frap129, the MSM-Xtended project, the crDroid project, the GrapheneOS team, the YAAP team, the DivestOS team and the xda user MuddyDog. I hope I have not forgotten anyone.
19.1 & 20: Open Settings > Neworks & Internet > Advanced > Private DNS and choose "AdGuard DNS"
18.1: Manually set "dns.adguard.com" as the Private DNS.
Open the "Apps" app, tap on the three dots in the top right corner, tap on Show all packages, then choose Google Play Store, and then tap on the install button. This will install Google Play Services, Play Store, and Services Framework as normal, sanboxed user apps, while allowing for an almost complete compatibility with Google Play APIs.
A few notifications will appear, shortly after, asking for some permissions. Just allow what they ask for.
Refined MinMicroG package prepared by me: click here
System mode (mandatory for those who don't want Magisk): you must remember to mount /system in Lineage Recovery before attempting to flash MinMicroG.
Systemless mode: just flash MinMicroG as though it was a Magisk module.
If you have installed MinMicroG as a Magisk module, just open its Settings, and in the Self Check screen do what is required to enable all tickboxes.
In the Location Modules list, enable all the modules you're interested in using (usually all of them), but be careful that enabling some of them will make a pop up window appear, asking if you want to allow constant access to the location to a given provider. Do not click on the pop up window's main button (which denies access), instead, click on the underlined text, which will take you to a Settings screen in which you can allow the module unconstrained access to the device's location.
I also suggest disabling the "Apps" application, that is bundled in the system, as it will try (and fail) to replace MicroG with normal Google Play Services.
If you have installed MinMicroG in system mode, open an ADB shell and run the npem command, then reboot. It should grant all the necessary permissions.
GitHub - programminghoch10/ViPER4AndroidRepackaged: A refined ViPER4Android installer.
A refined ViPER4Android installer. Contribute to programminghoch10/ViPER4AndroidRepackaged development by creating an account on GitHub.
You need to have MindTheGapps or microG installed in order to pass SafetyNet. If you choose microG, enable its SafetyNet toggle in its settings.
That's enough, you should pass SafetyNet out of the box.
The following steps are needed only if you decide to flash Magisk on your phone:
In Magisk's settings, enable Zygisk
In Magisk's settings, tap on Configure DenyList
In the three-dot menu, tick Show system apps and Show OS apps
Scroll down and look for Google Play Services.
Tap on it (don't tap on its checkbox!), the list item will expand and show additional sub-items
Tap on the Play Services' main checkbox: all of its sub-items should automatically become enabled
Look for Google Services Framework and tap on its checkbox (there are no hidden sub-items here)
Return to Magisk's settings and enable Enforce DenyList
You should now pass SafetyNet!
Wow, I have your ROM installed in my Oneplus One and works amazing, now I can install it in my daily driver phone.
Thank you so much for your awesome work.
Angrydr0id said:
Wow, I have your ROM installed in my Oneplus One and works amazing, now I can install it in my daily driver phone.
Thank you so much for your awesome work.
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Nice! See you around in both threads then
I just installed the ROM.
I did a clean flash through TWRP with Magisk and Gapps; January firmware and AOSP Vendor.
I only found the next bugs:
OTA always says that the update check failed, so I don't know if its working.
When I am on a call and I use the speaker, I can hear but they do not hear me. (This bug was present in my previous rom that was Carbon but I would like to know why it happens and if it is possible to fix it).
Everything else seems to work flawlessly.
Thanks again and I'll be on the lookout for updates.
If you need me to test, logs or something that can help in the development you can contact me without problem.
Angrydr0id said:
I just installed the ROM.
I did a clean flash through TWRP with Magisk and Gapps; January firmware and AOSP Vendor.
I only found the next bugs:
OTA always says that the update check failed, so I don't know if its working.
When I am on a call and I use the speaker, I can hear but they do not hear me. (This bug was present in my previous rom that was Carbon but I would like to know why it happens and if it is possible to fix it).
Everything else seems to work flawlessly.
Thanks again and I'll be on the lookout for updates.
If you need me to test, logs or something that can help in the development you can contact me without problem.
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I've just fixed the OTA updater's issue. I had forgotten to push the json file that is used to check the presence of updates, thus the check failed. It's working now.
Issue number 2 is common to many phones and ROMs, on older phones it used to be a problem with some value in the mixer_paths.xml file. I'll look into it.
Just a quick note, you can obviously use an official Lineage recovery image to flash this ROM. Starting from the next build I'll provide my own recovery image for simplicity. I'm also working on restoring touch screen support in Lineage recovery, and I've started working on bringing back TWRP to the Essential PH-1 as well.
Tomoms said:
I've just fixed the OTA updater's issue. I had forgotten to push the json file that is used to check the presence of updates, thus the check failed. It's working now.
Issue number 2 is common to many phones and ROMs, on older phones it used to be a problem with some value in the mixer_paths.xml file. I'll look into it.
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For issue number 2, it occurs in almost all roms, especially those based in LOS, except AOSPA Ruby Beta 1. Your device tree also uses 3 mics like LOS. So, the problem is the same.
pakpenyo said:
For issue number 2, it occurs in almost all roms, especially those based in LOS, except AOSPA Ruby Beta 1. Your device tree also uses 3 mics like LOS. So, the problem is the same.
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Thanks for the information. I'll look into it but it's not my main priority right now. Give me a couple of weeks
pakpenyo said:
For issue number 2, it occurs in almost all roms, especially those based in LOS, except AOSPA Ruby Beta 1. Your device tree also uses 3 mics like LOS. So, the problem is the same.
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supporting info here if needed regarding the speaker issue
hedgecore44 said:
supporting info here if needed regarding the speaker issue
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I've seen it for a long time, including your posts there. Is the problem solved by removing the 3 mic entry?
Btw, i just made a new issue there. It happens in all LOS based roms, as well as other roms like Carbon, Havoc etc. But that's not the case in AOSPA Ruby Beta 1. I have a logcat, but I don't understand. May it be related to an audio/mic/speakerphone issue?
Hello guys!
I've just uploaded a new build. It brings Kcal/Klapse support, as requested by @Angrydr0id
I've also fixed touchscreen in Lineage recovery, it's working again now
Lineage recovery images are now available for download in a specific folder on SourceForge. They are meant to be flashed with fastboot and then booted with fastboot reboot recovery
Just updated and everything works perfectly also in the recovery, thanks for implementing KCAL.
If someone uses FrancoKernel Manager to modify the values of the screen in "Display Control", I recommend the following settings, I love the saturation of the colors:
Saturation: 275
Value: 251
Contrast: 258
Hue: 0
Tomoms said:
Thanks for the information. I'll look into it but it's not my main priority right now. Give me a couple of weeks
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Another +1 in hope of fixing this issue, a fix would easily catapult this ROM to top of the charts for this device. I think this is possibly the biggest issue for mata development currently and only AOSPA folks (and stock) seems to have fixed it.
psychic_quark said:
Another +1 in hope of fixing this issue, a fix would easily catapult this ROM to top of the charts for this device. I think this is possibly the biggest issue for mata development currently and only AOSPA folks (and stock) seems to have fixed it.
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I'll start looking into this issue in the very next days. Keep an eye on this thread
New build available! Featuring November's security patches plus several interesting kernel updates and improvements, such as DDR bandwidth boost on app startup (should improve app launching time a bit), memory allocation speed & overhead improvements, Wireguard support and DriveDroid support. I haven't tested Wiregaurd and DriveDroid, so try them if you can and let me know if they work.
The speakerphone issue is still under investigation, I haven't had enough time to look at it lately.
Tomoms said:
New build available! Featuring November's security patches plus several interesting kernel updates and improvements, such as DDR bandwidth boost on app startup (should improve app launching time a bit), memory allocation speed & overhead improvements, Wireguard support and DriveDroid support. I haven't tested Wiregaurd and DriveDroid, so try them if you can and let me know if they work.
The speakerphone issue is still under investigation, I haven't had enough time to look at it lately.
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@Tomoms , I've been using official 18.1 for several months, and my impression if that your ROM is a major improvement - smoothness, and esp. battery life. It might be partly due to the fresh install, but so far, so good. Thank you! The phone is a backup to my Pixel 4a, but has been called upon several times, so having an up-to-date Android on the PH-1 is important for me.
As with the other poster(s), the speaker / mic issue is a problem. My dad, very senior and hard of hearing, has another PH-1, and the issue makes video call difficult for him. Hope you have some time to look into it.
mervinb said:
@Tomoms , I've been using official 18.1 for several months, and my impression if that your ROM is a major improvement - smoothness, and esp. battery life. It might be partly due to the fresh install, but so far, so good. Thank you! The phone is a backup to my Pixel 4a, but has been called upon several times, so having an up-to-date Android on the PH-1 is important for me.
As with the other poster(s), the speaker / mic issue is a problem. My dad, very senior and hard of hearing, has another PH-1, and the issue makes video call difficult for him. Hope you have some time to look into it.
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Glad you're liking my ROM. Yep, don't worry, I've already started to look into the speakerphone issue
Tomoms said:
Glad you're liking my ROM. Yep, don't worry, I've already started to look into the speakerphone issue
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I'm glad you're looking into it, it's my number 1 gripe atm. Is there a clear path to fix the speakerphone issue that you see?
Hello, a new build is coming tomorrow together with a possible fix for the speakerphone issue. Come back in 24 hours and you'll find it

