TWRP decrypt - Xiaomi Mi 5 Questions & Answers

It seems that I am unable to decrypt while on TWRP with latest LOS. Does any one else have the same problem?

I have the same problem, after install the last official rom for Mi5s the storage is encryted.
When I have to revert to the MIUI and install the MIUI nougat rom it crash during the boot because I can not introduce the password to unlock the storage.
Any help will be very usefull.

Click cancel in twrp and do wipe -> wipe data it should be next to "advanced wipe" button (if I understood well you have problem with twrp encryption, if it's system encryption I saw zip for it somewhere)


Nexus 6 updating LineageOS 15 TWRP decrypt problem

Hello So I managed to update my LOS 14 to 15. Flashed latest TWRP with Nexus Root Toolkit and installed Lineage OS 15 and Gapps for 8.1 without problem.
But today came out OTA update and when I hit install it opens TWRP that asks for decryption password.
I have never set any screen/SIM lock or password. As I checked there is no updated TWRP for Nexus 6 just this that is not supporting Oreo based ROMs encryption.
Is there any workaround, without wiping data? Maybe with OTG stick and installing update manually... or just wait for TWRP to update/or contact them?
Thank you guys.
LOS forces encryption for years and recently not. Only way to decrypt is hit cancel when prompted for password, access and back up data to laptop or OTG flash drive (offsite), backup ROM to TWRP, move TWRP folders offsite, format data which wipes all data, move/restore all data and files back to phone, restore ROM, flash Fed-patcher V8 (must download before hand and move offsite with other data so u can now use it) to rid of encryption on LOS, reboot

TWRP issue

so i installed TWRP recovery on my N950F/FD model, i want to flash mods or ROMs from internal storage, but it always shows like it's not mounted or its empty and nothing in it
but external SD works perfectly
any solutions ?
After installing TWRP you need to wipe data to remove encryption, then reboot back into TWRP. Internal storage will then be mountable. If you are not flashing a custom rom or root at this time, flash no verity before booting to system (and rmm state fix if you have OEM lock issue).
In addition, if you are on Oreo, you need to use TWRP updated for Oreo by kairi_zeroblade.
shouren04 said:
After installing TWRP you need to wipe data to remove encryption, then reboot back into TWRP. Internal storage will then be mountable. If you are not flashing a custom rom or root at this time, flash no verity before booting to system (and rmm state fix if you have OEM lock issue).
In addition, if you are on Oreo, you need to use TWRP updated for Oreo by kairi_zeroblade.
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well my phone is 6 months old so i persumed i had the OEM lock issue when i really don't know if it existed, as for the TWRP flashing, after first time flashing i wiped entire phone twice before i flashed custom ROM, and where can i find that latest TWRP by kairi ?
Warnahly said:
well my phone is 6 months old so i persumed i had the OEM lock issue when i really don't know if it existed, as for the TWRP flashing, after first time flashing i wiped entire phone twice before i flashed custom ROM, and where can i find that latest TWRP by kairi ?
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Here you go:
Flash in TWRP. In case you have never updated TWRP in TWRP before..... select Install, then select Install Image, choose the img file, be sure to flash to Recovery partition when promted, then reboot back to TWRP & see if internal storage is mountable.

Not able to install any Android 9.0 based ROM's

I dont know if this is the right place to post this issue,sorry if this violates any rules
Recently I've shifted to custom roms on my device.I've always wanted to use one of those 9.0 ROM's.I tried 2 flavours-Pixys and Havoc.Both based off 9.
I tried flashing it with TWRP 3.2.1-0,as soon as I installed and rebooted it shows me Decryption failed and proceeded to factory reset my device.I had to repair my phone's file system to EXT4 to correct it and install an 8.1 based rom
Since I thought it might have to do something with TWRP, I tried RedWolf Recovery and tried installing Pixys and Havoc only to return to the same "Decryption Failed" issue.
Is there something different that I am doing?Can anyone help me in this regard.
Also,Im not able to install Magisk, recovery shows me Error-1 Couldnt mount vendor partition.What's the solution to this?
Did you tried another recovery? Try Batik Recovery!
Anirudh15 said:
I dont know if this is the right place to post this issue,sorry if this violates any rules
Recently I've shifted to custom roms on my device.I've always wanted to use one of those 9.0 ROM's.I tried 2 flavours-Pixys and Havoc.Both based off 9.
I tried flashing it with TWRP 3.2.1-0,as soon as I installed and rebooted it shows me Decryption failed and proceeded to factory reset my device.I had to repair my phone's file system to EXT4 to correct it and install an 8.1 based rom
Since I thought it might have to do something with TWRP, I tried RedWolf Recovery and tried installing Pixys and Havoc only to return to the same "Decryption Failed" issue.
Is there something different that I am doing?Can anyone help me in this regard.
Also,Im not able to install Magisk, recovery shows me Error-1 Couldnt mount vendor partition.What's the solution to this?
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Hey there, how about u try to install Pitchblack twrp the latest one and install Pixel experience pie riva, it can be used for rolex also because the developer make the rom to unified for both rolex and riva. Then install the magisk after that. I've been using pixel experience pie for a month and it is so far so good.
Amir_espie said:
Hey there, how about u try to install Pitchblack twrp the latest one and install Pixel experience pie riva, it can be used for rolex also because the developer make the rom to unified for both rolex and riva. Then install the magisk after that. I've been using pixel experience pie for a month and it is so far so good.
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Sure,will give it a go
An update
I installed Batik recovery.Magisk could be flashed but Im still getting the decryption unsuccessful message when I install Pixys
Solved Magisk Error!
I've been using Pixys OS on my Redmi 4A and it works fine smoothly. I recommended to clean wipe before installing. Android Pie us amazing and I've installed stable version. Do backup before clean wipe.
For Magisk I recommended this:
It worked for me. Also go through this step before any custom ROM. Do let me know the status
Anirudh15 said:
An update
I installed Batik recovery.Magisk could be flashed but Im still getting the decryption unsuccessful message when I install Pixys
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to solve decryption unsuccesful message, format data (Wipe>Format Data) after installing the rom, make sure you backup your internal storage coz Format Data will also ERASE the internal storage. This how i got over the decryption unsuccessfull message. hope this helped.
You have two problems.
Anirudh15 said:
Also,Im not able to install Magisk, recovery shows me Error-1 Couldnt mount vendor partition.What's the solution to this?
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You need to flash the twrp separated vendor version by my friend Offain
The other problem with the decryption:
You must enter in the twrp press wipe and format data. Type yes and then reboot into twrp again. After that flash the rom and gapps and you will not have the decryption problem again
Anirudh15 said:
I dont know if this is the right place to post this issue,sorry if this violates any rules
Recently I've shifted to custom roms on my device.I've always wanted to use one of those 9.0 ROM's.I tried 2 flavours-Pixys and Havoc.Both based off 9.
I tried flashing it with TWRP 3.2.1-0,as soon as I installed and rebooted it shows me Decryption failed and proceeded to factory reset my device.I had to repair my phone's file system to EXT4 to correct it and install an 8.1 based rom
Since I thought it might have to do something with TWRP, I tried RedWolf Recovery and tried installing Pixys and Havoc only to return to the same "Decryption Failed" issue.
Is there something different that I am doing?Can anyone help me in this regard.
Also,Im not able to install Magisk, recovery shows me Error-1 Couldnt mount vendor partition.What's the solution to this?
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I had the same problem. Its because your phone is encrypted. The only solution I found is to boot the device into fastboot and using command: [fastboot format userdata] on PC. This will wipe all data off your phone so do backup. It removes encryption and now you can install any custom rom.
Decrypt ur phone first then flash, use twrp vendor
athish said:
to solve decryption unsuccesful message, format data (Wipe>Format Data) after installing the rom, make sure you backup your internal storage coz Format Data will also ERASE the internal storage. This how i got over the decryption unsuccessfull message. hope this helped.
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Format Data was the only thing that worked for me. First backup everything on your mass storage.

[Guide] Decrypt OnePlus 7 Pro

In this guide I will show you how to decrypt this phone
You might be asking:
(What are the advantages of decrypting?)
Well, it is much easier to switch between custom roms when you are decrypted and you don't have to wipe internal storage everytime you flash a new rom and there may be a performance increase (Maybe).
(What are the disadvantages of decrypting?)
If your phone gets stolen.. The stealer can access all of your data and can even remove the pattern by just rebooting to twrp and deleting a few files so your phone will not have any protection whatsoever.
Disable Dm-Verity
1- You have to be on clean oos without any mods or kernels.
2- Reboot Recovery
3- Format data (Go to wipe - Format data and click yes)
4- Reboot Recovery
4- Flash No Verity Mod
5- Flash Magisk
6- Reboot System
Now you are decrypted!!
Keep Decrypt between OS updates:
-Reboot Recovery
-Without booting the OS: Flash TWRP Recovery, reboot recovery, Flash No Verity Mod, Flash Magisk, Reboot System.
Keep Decrypt between Roms:
-Wipe Data only in twrp!!! (NEVER WIPE SYSTEM OR - VENDOR ON OP7P)
-Flash Rom
-Flash TWRP
-Reboot Recovery
-Flash any other zips you want like Gapps-Kernels- ex.....
-Flash No Verity Mod
-Flash Magisk
-Reboot System
How would I know if I'm decrypted or not?
mlock420 said:
How would I know if I'm decrypted or not?
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Settings, security, down towards the bottom it tells you
OK so I'm encrypted... Am I secured somewhat from theft correct? And yes I know it's not 100% but it is safer than decrypted?
Another question let's say I don't mind being encrypted because I have a flash drive with otg and all that... Is that good enough? Or should I go decrypted all the way so I can start backing up on twrp and restoring twrp without errors which would mean no use for flash drive...
I know it's my choice just trying to make things easier and to understand a little more
mlock420 said:
OK so I'm encrypted... Am I secured somewhat from theft correct? And yes I know it's not 100% but it is safer than decrypted?
Another question let's say I don't mind being encrypted because I have a flash drive with otg and all that... Is that good enough? Or should I go decrypted all the way so I can start backing up on twrp and restoring twrp without errors which would mean no use for flash drive...
I know it's my choice just trying to make things easier and to understand a little more
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If you are really concerned about your data and you are OK with wiping internal storage, then I don't recommend decrypting and just leave it encrypted.
I have oos decrypted via disable force encrypt!
Today I went through the following process to update to the latest version of OOS.
1. Flash full oos & twrp
2. reboot to recovery
3. Flash magisk
4. flash disable force encrypt
5. reboot
rebooted, but back to TWRP,,,
there was a "0" directory in sdcard and inside it my data was in it.
Do you know the solution?
download link is not working for the file.
cylent said:
download link is not working for the file.
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XDA thread:
Hi omar2005
May i ask you a quetion?
I just will get my oneplus 7 pro.
Under android 10.
During first time rooting and twrp install. Should i reboot recovery and flash decrypter or first finishing rooting than rebooting system and than do the steps like you said in your Instructions?
Thank you for orientation and greetings ivifly
You have to flash dfe before booting system. Once system boots, you'll be encrypted
Avril09 said:
You have to flash dfe before booting system. Once system boots, you'll be encrypted
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What is DFE?
Sent from my OnePlus7Pro using XDA Labs
---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------
Is there a way I could reencrypt(due to security concerns) without having to wipe my data? The option in security is greyed out :/.
Thank you
Sent from my OnePlus7Pro using XDA Labs
fp1707 said:
What is DFE?
Sent from my OnePlus7Pro using XDA Labs
---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------
Is there a way I could reencrypt(due to security concerns) without having to wipe my data? The option in security is greyed out :/.
Thank you
Sent from my OnePlus7Pro using XDA Labs
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DFE is Disable Force Encryption also known as dmverity in some cases.
And yea you can reencrypt without losing data but it takes time depending on the size of files you have.
omar2005 said:
In this guide I will show you how to decrypt this phone
You might be asking:
(What are the advantages of decrypting?)
Well, it is much easier to switch between custom roms when you are decrypted and you don't have to wipe internal storage everytime you flash a new rom and there may be a performance increase (Maybe).
(What are the disadvantages of decrypting?)
If your phone gets stolen.. The stealer can access all of your data and can even remove the pattern by just rebooting to twrp and deleting a few files so your phone will not have any protection whatsoever.
1- You have to be on clean oos without any mods or kernels.
2- Reboot Recovery
3- Format data (Go to wipe - Format data and click yes)
4- Reboot Recovery
4- Flash No Verity Mod
5- Flash Magisk
6- Reboot System
Now you are decrypted!!
Keep Decrypt between OS updates:
-Reboot Recovery
-Without booting the OS: Flash TWRP Recovery, reboot recovery, Flash No Verity Mod, Flash Magisk, Reboot System.
Keep Decrypt between Roms:
-Wipe Data only in twrp!!! (NEVER WIPE SYSTEM OR - VENDOR ON OP7P)
-Flash Rom
-Flash TWRP
-Reboot Recovery
-Flash any other zips you want like Gapps-Kernels- ex.....
-Flash No Verity Mod
-Flash Magisk
-Reboot System
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can we use this method for boot dual os (oos+custom) , when we install dual os twrp by @Zackptg5 we face problem with encryption and password protection on one of the os.
is it possible this method help this problem???
This does not work for my OP7Pro, when you say boot into Recovery and wipe data. Is that the stock recovery or TWRP? When I try decrypting using the instructions using TWRP, when I reboot the phone, it boots into the boot animation. But the animation is slow and the phone just gets stuck there and won't boot any further. Trying to decrypt so it's easier to get LineageOS installed. My phone seems to have problems when on the B partition reading the internal storage.
Scotsman828 said:
This does not work for my OP7Pro, when you say boot into Recovery and wipe data. Is that the stock recovery or TWRP? When I try decrypting using the instructions using TWRP, when I reboot the phone, it boots into the boot animation. But the animation is slow and the phone just gets stuck there and won't boot any further. Trying to decrypt so it's easier to get LineageOS installed. My phone seems to have problems when on the B partition reading the internal storage.
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Are you running an open beta build? OnePlus did something dumb with the beta builds where this no longer works. I've been racking my brain trying to find a way to decrypt a beta too. For now, only the main builds of OOS are decryptable.
H4X0R46 said:
Are you running an open beta build? OnePlus did something dumb with the beta builds where this no longer works. I've been racking my brain trying to find a way to decrypt a beta too. For now, only the main builds of OOS are decryptable.
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No, my phone was on a main build. Just wasn't having any luck and gave up. I'm on LineageOS now but spent an entire day trying to get that installed and working properly. Something was weird, slot A could read my internal storage, but when I switched to slot B the internal storage just disappeared. Once I got TWRP and LOS installed on both slots, the problem disappeared. But I still haven't attempted to decyrpt for fear of messing up my current setup.
H4X0R46 said:
Are you running an open beta build? OnePlus did something dumb with the beta builds where this no longer works. I've been racking my brain trying to find a way to decrypt a beta too. For now, only the main builds of OOS are decryptable.
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It still works for me to this day tbh, on any rom i flash except some problems with android 11 roms ...
H4X0R46 said:
Are you running an open beta build? OnePlus did something dumb with the beta builds where this no longer works. I've been racking my brain trying to find a way to decrypt a beta too. For now, only the main builds of OOS are decryptable.
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I'm on OOS 11 Beta 1 and decryption works fine for me. I was on 10.3.7 (decrypted) before.
Do you have to be on OOS? Or could any clean flashed rom work?
who can help. i cant decrypt my op7t pro. Well, let's start with the fact that when formatting dalvik cache and data, I have an error and nothing is formatted. as with (Go to wipe - Format data and click yes). Formatted this data via adb, installed No Verity Mod and now I have bootloop

Encryption Problem with my MI9T Pro after installing new ROM

Hi there,
I tried to install a ROM on my Mi9T pro. I use Orange Fox and it asked me when I entered the recovery for the password, that decrypted my Data partition. All well so far.I installed the ROM Havoc and Magisk. After reboot into System, there was a bootloop. I entered the recovery again and the Data(internal storage is encrypted. Which is not too bad, because I know the password, but I do not get asked for the password/pattern. It says:
E: Error making /sdcard/fox, unable to wipe Data, unable to format to remoce encryption.
So I cannot install a new rom as the partion is encrypted and I cannot remove the partition.
“E:Unable to decrypt FBE device”
Does anyone have a recommendation on what to do?
Kind regards
berndbrecht said:
Hi there,
I tried to install a ROM on my Mi9T pro. I use Orange Fox and it asked me when I entered the recovery for the password, that decrypted my Data partition. All well so far.I installed the ROM Havoc and Magisk. After reboot into System, there was a bootloop. I entered the recovery again and the Data(internal storage is encrypted. Which is not too bad, because I know the password, but I do not get asked for the password/pattern. It says:
E: Error making /sdcard/fox, unable to wipe Data, unable to format to remoce encryption.
So I cannot install a new rom as the partion is encrypted and I cannot remove the partition.
“E:Unable to decrypt FBE device”
Does anyone have a recommendation on what to do?
Kind regards
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When installing over MIUI you need to format data. You should still be able to format data, which should allow you to boot into the ROM after.
If Orange Fox won't let you format data at this point, then the issue is with Orange Fox. In TWRP when this happens, even though the data partition is encrypted and TWRP doesn't ask for the password, TWRP can still format the data partition.
If you can format data in OF, then good. If not try installing TWRP then formatting data. If that fails your best option is to restore to MIUI with a stock fastboot ROM, then start again.
thank you for your comment. as a follow up. do you recommend a certain twrp release? i just don't want to **** up the phone. when ich connect the phone to my laptop, I can see the internal data, but neither can i copy, nor make the names of the files any sense (encrypted i guess). is there now way to decrypt the files from the situation as is? i do not mind, as i back upped all the important stuff, but if possible i would do without format.
btw. i came from lineage os. what i did: i wiped data, system, cache and data, then installed the rom ( included gapps) and magisk. then restarted.
berndbrecht said:
thank you for your comment. as a follow up. do you recommend a certain twrp release? i just don't want to **** up the phone. when ich connect the phone to my laptop, I can see the internal data, but neither can i copy, nor make the names of the files any sense (encrypted i guess). is there now way to decrypt the files from the situation as is? i do not mind, as i back upped all the important stuff, but if possible i would do without format.
btw. i came from lineage os. what i did: i wiped data, system, cache and data, then installed the rom ( included gapps) and magisk. then restarted.
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Use the latest TWRP from here Go with the latest unofficial as it is the same as the official version, but with some minor bug fixes added.
Orange Fox is only really worth using when sticking with MIUI. Most of it's extra functions are MIUI specific.
When you get into this situation, unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to recover or decrypt the data partition, as far as I know.
Normally going from one AOSP ROM to another you should be OK and won't need to format data. But occasionally this problem will happen, I've had it happen when going from LOS to AOSiP. Formatting data in TWRP, when this happens, will then allow you to boot into your new ROM. I haven't yet found out why this sometimes happens.
You will just need to backup your data whenever you flash a ROM, just in case this happens again.
Robbo.5000 said:
Use the latest TWRP from here Go with the latest unofficial as it is the same as the official version, but with some minor bug fixes added.
Orange Fox is only really worth using when sticking with MIUI. Most of it's extra functions are MIUI specific.
When you get into this situation, unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to recover or decrypt the data partition, as far as I know.
Normally going from one AOSP ROM to another you should be OK and won't need to format data. But occasionally this problem will happen, I've had it happen when going from LOS to AOSiP. Formatting data in TWRP, when this happens, will then allow you to boot into your new ROM. I haven't yet found out why this sometimes happens.
You will just need to backup your data whenever you flash a ROM, just in case this happens again.
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Thanks man, many thanks. did flash the twrp and it worked out. having some minor problems with the rom, but in general it worked out fine
much appreciated.

