Having issues getting a verification code sent to my phone to register it for enhanced messaging... anyone else having this issue?
Sent from my SM-N950U using XDA Free mobile app
Yes I did have this issue.
This is my solution :
I turn off the Chat Community and update to the newest firmware . The message not appear anymore , unless you turn it on again :silly::silly::silly:
This is the simple way to shut down this annoying feature
Hope this will help :fingers-crossed:
Sorry for my bad English
Turn the phone on and off.
Something I've noticed in text messaging with the Note-8..................on my Note-5, if I want to compose a text, I can start by typing the recepient's phone number............with the Note-8, I have to choose a contact..............annoying to me if I'm sending a text to someone for the first time.
I have an issue that comes up randomly. I noticed that sometimes when i send or receive a text message that there is a chance that it will create a new thread. So basically i have 2 ongoing text message threads with some of my contacts. This happens often when creating a new message, sometimes when i receive a reply, and rarely (but still happens) when replying to a thread. Replying to a thread is the weirdest one because i type and hit send and suddenly all the messages disappear as it created a new thread, or all the messages change since it threw me into the other ongoing thread.
Is this supposed to be a feature? At first I thought it dealt with a setting I saw where after 3 minutes it can stop grouping messages or something like that. I can't seem to find the option now. But i use GO SMS Pro and saw this 'bug' (as i see it) before i installed GO and now the issue is mirrored both in GO and the native android text messaging app. Is there any way to turn this off? I just want all my texts for one contact in one thread in the order they were sent/received.
I haven't encountered this, but I installed handcent the first day I had my phone and haven't looked back.
sent from my ROOTED DROID3 from the XDA app
I remember reading about someone else having this same problem, never happened to me tho.
Yeah like i said i dont think its the 3rd party app since i see the same exact thing in the native app. I'm worried about rooting and freezing the service before i can fix it, for now anything that goes wrong i can switch back and forth to try and trouble shoot or try and find the root cause. do the 3rd party apps just pull info from the native android app or do they receive the messages separately?
I had this problem. Turns out somehow the phone number was copied and it was under mobile and home. There was a sms thread for the home and a thread for the mobile but since they were the same number it took me a while to figure out. Hope that helps. Deleting one of the numbers will stop it. At least it did for me
Sent from my DROID3
I have this issue occasionally too. Although I noticed that the number format was different. One would include country code and the other thread was just area code and number
Sent from my XT860 using XDA App
Same issue here, with the stock app, with just one person.
I can only find one iteration of the number so I have no idea how to remedy it.
SecretAgentMan said:
Same issue here, with the stock app, with just one person.
I can only find one iteration of the number so I have no idea how to remedy it.
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same here, most of my contacts i only have a mobile number saved in the first place. its not so much frustrating as it is just kind of weird. i can still text fine but it would be nice to have it all together.
I've noticed that I get a lot of duplicate texts or they are out of sync when coming in and just curious if anyone else is seeing this?
I'm currently on my own ROM but noticed this on full stock as well.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
+1 on duplicate texts. Also noticed when I get a reply in the same minute it lists above the original text
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk
Just an AT&T thing, methinks.
I've always had this, even when I was back on the LG Shine.
Same here. What SMS app are you all using? Go SMS here
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I usally get duplicates when I'm texting someone using a iPhone, out of sync happens when your having a fast paced text convo , notice it mostly happens texting a blackberry, with that said I don't have the sync issue much anymore but 6 months ago when everyone still had a bb it was out of control
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
It happened most when it's within same minute but there's plenty of times where it could be 5 minutes between and I'll get duplicate texts that come in. It's pretty annoying. And I'm just using stock messaging app.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I'm on the Rogers network here in Canada and I have noticed that as well. I thought maybe it was just the provider, but it may be a system issue. I'm just using the stock messages app that comes with the ROM. I have chompSMS installed as it sorts the message better than the stock app.
There's no fix for this yet, I've searched already. I think is related to the new pta lte apn since I didn't have the problem before on hspa...
Sent from my HTC Vivid via Tapatalk
I have the same issue, but I've had it since I got the Vivid back in November. I just assumed it was an AT&T network issue, but I never had that problem before with other phones. Hearing that it happens with the Raider in Canada makes me wonder if it's something in the phone itself and the way it pulls messages from the network.
I'm not 100% sure of this (just a hunch) but I'm wondering if it has something to do with the NTP servers that HTC has the device set to sync with to get the time (or the method that it gets the current time from the cell network).
It would appear that the clock is just a few seconds behind everyone else's...
I suppose I'll take a look at it here shortly, since this has been happening to me since day 0 of owning this phone and it's quite annoying...
try using this to assign the correct time for w when the messages come through
Yeah, Ive noticed the exact same thing. If you get a message in the same minute as the one you sent it puts the new message you received above the one you sent. Ive also noticed duplicate messages from people as well, thought it was just them, but when it was mentioned about the duplicate messages coming from iPhone users, that sounds right. Does anyone see any fixes coming anytime soon? Forgot to mention that im completely stock right now, using the stock SMS app. Haven't unlocked the bootloader, rooted, or put a custom rom on it yet.
try using the link from the above post, let me know if you have any success
This issue has been driving me nuts. Sometimes I get the same text three times in a row. And sometimes every single text I get is duplicated. I have unlimited texts, but it's annoying and it shouldn't happen. I'm using stock ROM and stock messaging app and I seriously doubt any other app will resolve this. It's either something specific to Sense, or it's the LTE.
Either way, I wish they would fix it. If I didn't like the phone so much, I would have taken it back over this.
davidcampbell said:
try using this to assign the correct time for w when the messages come through
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Thanks for the link. App is downloading as we speak...
greyhulk said:
I seriously doubt any other app will resolve this.
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If you simply follow the link, you will see that it is a timing correction app. Not an alternate messaging app.
All "messaging" app's on android utilize the same central database for text message storage, this app runs in the background and detects incomming messages, it then corrects the time on the message as it comes in to reflect the local time on the device, therefor correcting time sync issues. It is a common problem for many mobile devices and there are many apps that resolve the same issue.
This has happened on a large number of devices for a very long time. The root cause is often the time servers in use by either the sending or recieving ISP. The problem can be intermittant as often service providers utilize multiple servers operating in tandem, this same tandem issue can also cause the mutlple messages.
Please take my advice and try the app & hit the thanks button if it helps you
davidcampbell said:
If you simply follow the link, you will see that it is a timing correction app. Not an alternate messaging app.
All "messaging" app's on android utilize the same central database for text message storage, this app runs in the background and detects incomming messages, it then corrects the time on the message as it comes in to reflect the local time on the device, therefor correcting time sync issues. It is a common problem for many mobile devices and there are many apps that resolve the same issue.
This has happened on a large number of devices for a very long time. The root cause is often the time servers in use by either the sending or recieving ISP. The problem can be intermittant as often service providers utilize multiple servers operating in tandem, this same tandem issue can also cause the mutlple messages.
Please take my advice and try the app & hit the thanks button if it helps you
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Will try the app you linked to. Found the exact app in the Android Market since I didn't have AppBrain...
davidcampbell said:
If you simply follow the link, you will see that it is a timing correction app. Not an alternate messaging app.
All "messaging" app's on android utilize the same central database for text message storage, this app runs in the background and detects incomming messages, it then corrects the time on the message as it comes in to reflect the local time on the device, therefor correcting time sync issues. It is a common problem for many mobile devices and there are many apps that resolve the same issue.
This has happened on a large number of devices for a very long time. The root cause is often the time servers in use by either the sending or recieving ISP. The problem can be intermittant as often service providers utilize multiple servers operating in tandem, this same tandem issue can also cause the mutlple messages.
Please take my advice and try the app & hit the thanks button if it helps you
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Ive been using the app for a little while now, and it seems to have fixed the problem. All my messages have been in the correct order so far. Is this app supposed to fix the duplicate text problem too or just the issue with the time stamp? I havent gotten any duplicate text since I started using it, but I wasnt sure if it was because of the app or if Ive just been lucky.
I have been having the same problem as this as well. It's super annoying, especially since I tend to have fast paced conversations, so my texts are always out of order. And every time I get a duplicate text message, my phone vibrates or rings again, which is really irritating since there isn't actually a new message.
I noticed this happened on the stock messaging app, and a while ago I switched to Go SMS. I didn't seem to have nearly as many problems with texts being out of order or receiving duplicate texts. In fact, it seemed to go away almost completely with Go SMS. But while using Go SMS, my friends told me that about every 3 text messages, they would receive the same text from me anywhere from 2 to 6 times. That was ridiculous! I loved Go SMS, but I had to switch back to stock because of the repeated text sending, even though now I have to deal with the duplicates on my end.
Devin.Morris.007 said:
Ive been using the app for a little while now, and it seems to have fixed the problem. All my messages have been in the correct order so far. Is this app supposed to fix the duplicate text problem too or just the issue with the time stamp? I havent gotten any duplicate text since I started using it, but I wasnt sure if it was because of the app or if Ive just been lucky.
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I beleive that it identifies incomming messages and drops the text if it is a duplicate, but you would need to contact the developer, I'm just a google search user
Hi all,
I try to find some similar issues, but I don't.
I have the latest version of Skype for Android on my HTC One. But I cannot use the chat with smartphone in landscape mode. When I write a message the send button is hidden and if I click "Enter" it goes on a new line, do not send the message. The only way I have to send the message is to rotate again the smartphone, send button appear, so I can click it.
Is there someone else who have the same problem? Are there any action to solve it or some workaround?
Many thanks,
I can't replicate your problem. I get a send button both where it's supposed to be as well as in the pop-up text entry box. I did have problems with it staying connected so I have recently cleared data for it multiple times -maybe that fixed it.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
lampel said:
I can't replicate your problem. I get a send button both where it's supposed to be as well as in the pop-up text entry box. I did have problems with it staying connected so I have recently cleared data for it multiple times -maybe that fixed it.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Not sure to understand your answer, sorry, can you explain me
my email notifications work perfectly, but my text notifications are so erratic that I'm considering returning the thing (& I love it).
Sometimes I get the notification right away, sometimes it comes in 5 minutes after the phone gets it and other times I don't get it at all.
Is there any fix for this??
I got my first text on my watch today since I had the watch last week. I really want to keep it, but I want to see what the possible Google watch will be later. Also for your question try restoring your gear and repairing with phone. I'm sadly sending mine back.
Reminder if you get a text or email while phone on, you will not get notification through the Gear.
Ian B
jmorton10 said:
my email notifications work perfectly, but my text notifications are so erratic that I'm considering returning the thing (& I love it).
Sometimes I get the notification right away, sometimes it comes in 5 minutes after the phone gets it and other times I don't get it at all.
Is there any fix for this??
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I have had zero issues with text notifications. Make sure you uninstall any other txt messaging apps. When I had gosms installed I didn't get any notifications. Once I uninstalled it, I get perfect notifications.
If you download the nodded SMS a pk you can have texts come in without turning your screen on. This makes texts appear on the watch instantly cause the screen is off.
stu5797 said:
If you download the nodded SMS a pk .
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Download what??
Sorry about that. In the themes and apps section of your note 3s XDA you can download a modded MMS apk so your screen does not turn on when you get a text message
Issue probably is related to the screen turning on when a text arrives, which could be happening from another SMS app you have downloaded.
stu5797 said:
Sorry about that. In the themes and apps section of your note 3s XDA you can download a modded MMS apk so your screen does not turn on when you get a text message
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I installed that mod version of MMS and now messaging does not show up under notification selections of gear manager so I don't get any messaging notifications at all??
mhoepfin said:
Issue probably is related to the screen turning on when a text arrives, which could be happening from another SMS app you have downloaded.
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I'm using the stock messaging.
NVM, I got it working
Can you elaborate.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
I find that notifications in generally slow; when they appear (usually within 5mins of appearing on phone). My Pebble is instant
stu5797 said:
Sorry about that. In the themes and apps section of your note 3s XDA you can download a modded MMS apk so your screen does not turn on when you get a text message
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I installed this app and set it to not light the screen on receiving a text, now my text notifications are almost instant.
That is great news. Glad I could help
So strange issue. I enabled SMS for Hangouts thinking I could deal with its inability to split text messages. Turns out I can't, oops....
ANYWAYS, Typically when this is enabled you can disable it in the SMS settings under Hangouts. This seems to not be the case anymore. Trying to edit the SMS settings now takes me to the general "settings" area of the phone as if I had selected the "gear" icon in the apps list or quick settings area of the phone. has anyone else run into this issue of 4.4.2? Have you found a solution? I would appreciate any assistance.
So are you trying use the HTC messages as the default instead of hangouts?
Settings->More->Default SMS App
demo27vol1 said:
So are you trying use the HTC messages as the default instead of hangouts?
Settings->More->Default SMS App
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Thanks I just dug that up. My lapse in common sense.... Thanks for the help though
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