"Android Package" not loaded for any app in oreo. - Xposed General

"Android Package" is loaded for all the app in Android M but not for Android O. I am trying to hook a method when the "Android Package" is loaded for an app. But it is never loaded for any app. It is loading for any active xposed module though.
public class Bypass implements IXposedHookLoadPackage {
public void handleLoadPackage(final XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable {
// I am trying hook a method on PackageParser class called parseActivity.
final Class<?> packageParserClass = XposedHelpers.findClass(
"android.content.pm.PackageParser", lpparam.classLoader);
final Class<?> packageClass = XposedHelpers.findClass(
"android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package", lpparam.classLoader);
Method parseActivity = (Util.isOreoOrGreater())
? XposedHelpers.findMethodBestMatch(packageParserClass, "parseActivity", packageClass, Resources.class,
: XposedHelpers.findMethodBestMatch(packageParserClass, "parseActivity", packageClass, Resources.class, XmlPullParser.class, AttributeSet.class, Integer.class, String[].class, boolean.class, Boolean.class);
// This method gets hooked only if "Android package" is loaded for any app because parseActivity is method of "PackageParser" which has package "android.content.pm";
XposedBridge.hookMethod(parseActivity, new XC_MethodHook() {
protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
XposedBridge.log("lpparam packagename: "+ lpparam.packageName + ", app packageName: " + packageName);
Here's what I get in the log file inside Xposed App.
On Android M
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.providers.calendar
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.contacts
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.providers.contacts
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.dialer
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.providers.downloads
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.google.android.gsf.login
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.google.android.gsf
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.launcher3
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.managedprovisioning
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.providers.media
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.packageinstaller
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.google.android.gms
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.android.settings
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.sample.myxposedmodule
On Android O
lpparam packagename: android, app packageName: com.sample.myxposedmodule
Any Idea whats happening?
Xposed APK used - XposedInstaller_3.1.5.apk
Oreo Version - 8.0
Xposed sdk - xposed-v90-sdk26-x86


Blank video, bad mencoder script?

Has anyone had issues playing videos in recent CM roms? Somewhere between android 1.5 and 1.6 files I've encoded with below broke. While sound plays, the video output is blank:
mencoder "$2" -o "$2.tmp.mp4" -vf dsize=480:352:2,scale=-8:-8,harddup -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -x264encopts bframes=0:bitrate=512:threads=auto:global_header
ffmpeg -i "$2.tmp.mp4" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "$2.and.mp4"
I've checked and it's not the ramhack patch, and it's been tried on multiple players. Oddly a short video ripped from youtube works. I think it's an android 1.5 -> 1.6 change that requires new encoder lines. Can someone post mencoder/ffmpeg/etc commands that produce videos playable in a recent rom?
Logcat output from a failed attempt.
11-30 08:10:16.625 I/ActivityManager( 331): Start proc com.android.camera for activity com.android.camera/.MovieView: pid=1202 uid=10021 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}
11-30 08:10:21.515 I/ActivityManager( 331): Displayed activity com.android.camera/.MovieView: 5089 ms (total 5089 ms)
11-30 08:10:21.905 W/QCvdec ( 315): vdec: Creating H264 Decoder [0x9fae0]
11-30 08:10:21.905 W/QCvdec ( 315): vdec: NAL lenght [0]
11-30 08:10:21.905 W/QCvdec ( 315): vdec: START CODE....
11-30 08:10:21.975 W/ADSP_RTOS_SVC( 315): VDL_QDSP_rtos_event_cb
11-30 08:10:21.975 W/ADSP_RTOS_SVC( 315): VDL_QDSP_rtos_event_cb
11-30 08:10:23.066 W/AudioFlinger( 315): write blocked for 83 msecs
11-30 08:10:32.765 W/WindowManager( 331): Key dispatching timed out sending to com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView
11-30 08:10:32.765 W/WindowManager( 331): Dispatch state: {{KeyEvent{action=1 code=66 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=28 mFlags=8} to Window{43baf640 org.connectbot/org.connectbot.ConsoleActivity paused=false} @ 1259568605596 lw=Window{43baf640 org.connectbot/org.connectbot.ConsoleActivity paused=false} [email protected] fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false}}}
11-30 08:10:32.775 W/WindowManager( 331): Current state: {{null to Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false} @ 1259568632775 lw=Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false} [email protected] fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false}}}
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): ANR in process: com.android.camera (last in com.android.camera)
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): Annotation: keyDispatchingTimedOut
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): CPU usage:
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): Load: 4.83 / 4.41 / 3.88
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): CPU usage from 17087ms to 3261ms ago:
11-30 08:10:34.255 I/ActivityManager( 331): mediaserver: 58% = 39% user + 19% kernel / faults: 1703 minor 61 major
[snip: nothing useful]
11-30 08:10:34.835 I/Process ( 331): Sending signal. PID: 1202 SIG: 3
11-30 08:10:34.865 I/dalvikvm( 1202): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
11-30 08:10:35.035 I/Process ( 331): Sending signal. PID: 331 SIG: 3
11-30 08:10:35.035 I/dalvikvm( 331): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
[snip:more of the last line]
11-30 08:10:38.965 W/WindowManager( 331): Continuing to wait for key to be dispatched
11-30 08:10:44.245 W/WindowManager( 331): Key dispatching timed out sending to com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView
11-30 08:10:44.255 W/WindowManager( 331): Dispatch state: {{KeyEvent{action=1 code=66 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=28 mFlags=8} to Window{43baf640 org.connectbot/org.connectbot.ConsoleActivity paused=false} @ 1259568605596 lw=Window{43baf640 org.connectbot/org.connectbot.ConsoleActivity paused=false} [email protected] fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{43b0c3b8 Panel:com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false}}}
11-30 08:10:44.255 W/WindowManager( 331): Current state: {{null to Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false} @ 1259568644259 lw=Window{43afca90 com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false} [email protected] fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{43b0c3b8 Panel:com.android.camera/com.android.camera.MovieView paused=false}}}
11-30 08:10:45.485 I/WindowManager( 331): WIN DEATH: Window{43adbe58 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}
11-30 08:10:50.045 I/ActivityManager( 331): Start proc com.android.bugreport for broadcast com.android.bugreport/.BugReportReceiver: pid=1213 uid=10034 gids={1007, 1015}
11-30 08:10:50.275 I/ActivityManager( 331): Process com.android.browser (pid 673) has died.
11-30 08:10:50.675 W/WindowManager( 331): Continuing to wait for key to be dispatched
11-30 08:10:50.675 W/WindowManager( 331): No window to dispatch pointer action 1
11-30 08:10:52.125 I/ActivityManager( 331): Killing process com.android.camera (pid=1202) at user's request
You sure that that *ever* worked? I think I tried something like that once and got the same result as you. And this would have been an older version of android, probably 1.0 or 1.1. As far as I can tell, the only limitation is the decoder chip itself -- the android version shouldn't make any difference.
Anyway, this should work: (notice the -x264encopts...)
mencoder "$2" -o "$2.tmp.mp4" -vf dsize=480:352:2,scale=-8:-8,harddup -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -x264encopts nocabac:level_idc=30:bframes=0:bitrate=512:global_header:threads=auto:subq=5:frameref=6:partitions=all:trellis=1:chroma_me:me=umh
lbcoder said:
You sure that that *ever* worked? I think I tried something like that once and got the same result as you. And this would have been an older version of android, probably 1.0 or 1.1. As far as I can tell, the only limitation is the decoder chip itself -- the android version shouldn't make any difference.
Anyway, this should work: (notice the -x264encopts...)
mencoder "$2" -o "$2.tmp.mp4" -vf dsize=480:352:2,scale=-8:-8,harddup -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -x264encopts nocabac:level_idc=30:bframes=0:bitrate=512:global_header:threads=auto:subq=5:frameref=6:partitions=all:trellis=1:chroma_me:me=umh
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No dice, the video is still black. Which rom / device have you used this with? If CM, did you merge in the HTC recovery?
Fyi I've tried videos encoded and sucessfully played in earlier roms, still black...so either something broke in the decoder chip driver, the chip itself is kaput or there's a setting somewhere causing this.
Fnorder said:
No dice, the video is still black. Which rom / device have you used this with? If CM, did you merge in the HTC recovery?
Fyi I've tried videos encoded and sucessfully played in earlier roms, still black...so either something broke in the decoder chip driver, the chip itself is kaput or there's a setting somewhere causing this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I wouldn't go near a CM-mod. Too slow/unstable/unreliable/broken. Try a stock ADP1 image. That line I gave you will *definitely* give you a compatible video.

TV Watching Issue

I've problem watching TV :
Video starts, works , stops, start again .. many times and at the end i get a b lack screen
logcat just before last stop :
E/QCvdec ( 151): Flush VDL_stats_q: stats_ptr 0xcfb50
E/QCOmxcore( 151): OMXCORE API : Free Handle ccc6c
E/QCOmxcore( 151): Unloading the dynamic library for OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc
E/MediaPlayer( 535): internal/external state mismatch corrected
Note : i get this problem with all 2.1 ROM i tried , but it works with Modaco 3.2
Tkx for help

Fruit Ninja and other THD games having FC problems

Hey all,
Upon no search results, this thread was created. I'm on team tiamat 1.1 and I cannot use any of my THD games like galaxy on fire and fruit ninja. I am wondering if the kernal broke this, but I do not know.
If this thread is in the wrong place, than please move it.
I did a log at and copied everything relating to fruit ninja fc here:
07-23 11:48:01.080 E/InputDispatcher( 152): channel '4108aa58 com.halfbrick.fruitninjathd/com.halfbrick.fruitninja.FruitNinjaActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x8
07-23 11:48:01.080 E/InputDispatcher( 152): channel '4108aa58 com.halfbrick.fruitninjathd/com.halfbrick.fruitninja.FruitNinjaActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
07-23 11:48:01.080 I/ActivityManager( 152): Process com.halfbrick.fruitninjathd (pid 28934) has died.
07-23 11:48:01.080 I/WindowManager( 152): WIN DEATH: Window{41b60f30 SurfaceView paused=false}
07-23 11:48:01.080 I/WindowManager( 152): WIN DEATH: Window{4108aa58 com.halfbrick.fruitninjathd/com.halfbrick.fruitninja.FruitNinjaActivity paused=false}
07-23 11:48:01.090 I/WindowManager( 152): WINDOW DIED Window{4108aa58 com.halfbrick.fruitninjathd/com.halfbrick.fruitninja.FruitNinjaActivity paused=false}
Thanx all!
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

[Q] Where can I find drivers for Nexus One

how can I find drivers for Nexus one?
I did 'cd device/htc/passion and then extract-files.sh' to my nexus one. But I did this after I flash my Nexus one with a ROM I built. So I am too late in doing that extract-files.sh' step.
remote object '/system/bin/akmd' does not exist
chmod: ../../../vendor/htc/passion/proprietary/akmd: No such file or directory
remote object '/system/bin/mm-venc-omx-test' does not exist
chmod: ../../../vendor/htc/passion/proprietary/mm-venc-omx-test: No such file or directory
remote object '/system/bin/parse_radio_log' does not exist
chmod: ../../../vendor/htc/passion/proprietary/parse_radio_log: No such file or directory
remote object '/system/etc/AdieHWCodecSetting.csv' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/AudioBTID.csv' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/bcm4329.hcd' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/default.acdb' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/default_att.acdb' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/default_france.acdb' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/yamato_pfp.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/yamato_pm4.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/vpimg' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/egl/libq3dtools_adreno200.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libcamera.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libgsl.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libhtc_acoustic.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libhtc_ril.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libmm-omxcore.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/liboemcamera.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libOmxCore.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libOmxVdec.so' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/libOmxVidEnc.so' does not exist
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
there in your sdk package if you have one or on blackrose's OP page
see this

Help in AA Audio Service

Hi all. Faced with some audio streaming problems in my app when AA activated. I see that AA can research some services for work. From logs:
CAR.GAL.GAL: Found services:
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=1 type=InputSourceService { keycodes=[1,2,3,4,5,6,19,20,21,22,23,84,85,87,88,127,] { touchscreen width=800 height=480 }}
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=2 type=SensorSourceService {sensors=[type=13,type=10,] locationCharacterization=null fuelType=[] evConnectorType=[]}
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=3 type=MediaSinkService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO_H264_BP { codecResolution=VIDEO_800x480 widthMargin=null heightMargin=null density=160}}
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=6 type=MediaSinkService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_AUDIO_PCM audioStreamType=AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM_AUDIO { samplingRate=16000 numBits=16 channels=1}}
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=4 type=MediaSourceService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_AUDIO_PCM samplingRate=16000 numBits=16 channels=1}
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=9 type=MediaPlaybackService
CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=10 type=NavigationStatusService { minimumIntervalMs=250 type=1 height=64 width=64 colourDepthBits=16 }
CAR.SETUP.SERVICE: Got car info nli[dbId=0,manufacturer=Google,model=Desktop Head
If Head Unit is sink for audio, than MediaSinkService with type AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM_AUDIO creates, otherwise doesn't. Like in this logs:
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Found services:
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=1 type=InputSourceService { keycodes=[1,2,3,4,5,6,19,20,21,22,23,84,85,87,88,127,] { touchscreen width=800 height=480 }}
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=2 type=SensorSourceService {sensors=[type=13,type=10,] locationCharacterization=null fuelType=[] evConnectorType=[]}
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=3 type=MediaSinkService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO_H264_BP { codecResolution=VIDEO_800x480 widthMargin=null heightMargin=null density=160}}
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=6 type=MediaSinkService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_AUDIO_PCM audioStreamType=AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM_AUDIO { samplingRate=16000 numBits=16 channels=1}}
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=4 type=MediaSourceService { codec type=MEDIA_CODEC_AUDIO_PCM samplingRate=16000 numBits=16 channels=1}
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=9 type=MediaPlaybackService
D/CAR.GAL.GAL: Service id=10 type=NavigationStatusService { minimumIntervalMs=250 type=1 height=64 width=64 colourDepthBits=16 }
Maybe someone knows that is it possible to create or implement service with AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM_AUDIO and manage audio stream?
Or is it possible get access to Android system's audio stream in my app?

