Headset Microphone on Video Recording / Snapchat - Huawei P20 Pro Questions & Answers

I have one major issue with P20 Pro. When I connect the headset that comes with the phone and use it for Video recording and snapchat, it doesn't get the voice from the headset mic, still it uses the main phone mic.
There is a camera app called Open Camera which resolve the issue if I want to use the Video recording but the main Camera app still lack this ability. The main issue for me is the snapchat.
Is there a way around this ?


Want to create a project using MileStone Video Recorder, any suggestion for the Mic?

Hi guys,
I lately have used my Motorola MileStone to record video often and I found that the Video Recorder quality is good enough for my project but not the sound quality.
Do you guys have any suggestion on the Mic that can use with the Motorola MileStone native Camera Recorder? A wireless microphone would we perfect, or at least the 3.5 jack Mic that can give you better quality in sound recording?
Please do kindly help. I'm now in needed of this accessory to complete my project.
Thank you.
Any idea or suggestion you guys have?
Please, only a small information would be such a great thanks.
I've just tried connecting headset and tried to record video but the microphone used was the built-in one You've probably knew this so take this just as a BUMP to this thread
edit> I don't have a BT headset so I've just tried pairing milestone with my notebook and set it to be used as BT headset - however the camera still used the builtin mic.
Well considering the fact that you WILL eventually dump the recorded video into your video editing application - why don't you record the video and audio separately?
Get a decent audio recorder (eg. an mp3 recorder or whatsoever), and then just replace the video audio track with the one that you have recorded.
I would assume there would be some syncing process. But that's the easiest way to do it without any hack or whatsoever. Just plain basic.

[Q] Record video using bluetooth headset as microphone?

This doesn't seem to work right off the bat at least, but I was hoping it was possible. I would like to record video with my HTC but use my bluetooth headset for the audio rather than the phone's microphone. Is this possible with video recording software, stock or otherwise?

[Q] Is the HDR microphone used for sound recording?

Hi guys,
I was wondering if someone with a HTC One M7 with HDR mic could record loud audio with the voice recording app, or an app like "Smart Voice Recorder" which allows you to select the sample rate at which to record (it has an option for 44.1Khz CD quality on it), and see if the recording is distorted at all?
I'm asking because Nokia's phones which have a HAAC mic utilise the HDR mic when recording video, but when recording audio only, loud sounds are distorted which means it doesn't use the high quality HDR/HAAC mic, and apparently no one'd written a windows phone app that uses the HDR/HAAC mic when I asked last year - can someone confirm things are different on Android?
Of course running a custom ROM may mean the HDR mic isn't supported in the first place (referring to this thread).
Would be great if someone could experiment and find out what's what!

How to use a USB Mic on Facebook Live with P20 Pro

Hope you can help!
The stock camera (video) app does not allow the use of an external mic - but Open Camera does.
I have verified that by using both a USB webcam mic (only the mic, not the camera) and USB from my small mixer. In both cases open Camera is happy to take the USB audio rather than the P20 mic.
Here's the question - how do I tell Facebook live to take the video from the P20 and the audio from the USB? I can't see a setting in Facebook live that says (like Open Camera does) , "use external mic when present".

Question Why we can't use Wireless Mic with Camera recording?

I'm a professional vlogger after leaving DSLR I started using my mobile for video recording but after purchasing Xiaomi 12 Pro I've been struggling to find a way to use my Wireless Type C Color Mic which I use any other android phone to recording my vlog. This wireless mic works with Recorder app it only doesn't work with Camera when I use camera after plugging this wireless mic it stop receiving sound not even from mobile mic .. and when I use that wireless mic on 12 Pro Recorder app it works fine .. can you guys please tell me a solution?
I'm thinking to change my phone, this phone has awesome camera results and I recently bought it with excitement of new Gadget. I don't want to change it..
after pluggin this very working wireless color mic .. it just stop accepting sound it never pick my voice neither from wireless mic nor from phone's mic .. it make it silent and on top task bar I see Headphone sign showing up after plugging this wireless mic.
I'm using this kind of mic:

