Hi guys, to see if someone can help me out ... I installed the recovery without any problem, but when I restart it, it asks me for a key to mount writing, and I do not know what it is ... Any solution?
On the other hand when starting Android asks me for another key, I had not yet configured the phone and I have not put any ... I am in eui21s. Any ideas?
Thank you. Regards
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Solved for the moment, tpwr I made wipes, I could access internal memory and I'm installing new rom ...
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HI to all,
Got a P7-L10 running 133SP01.
I notice that the online tab disappeared from the Themes settings.
Got Location Services Enabled.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Try to clear cache of themes
Enviado desde mi HUAWEI P7-L10
mud_f1 said:
Try to clear cache of themes
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Thanks for your suggestion, but its stil not showing up.
Even after a factory reset.
... Strange
Did you try to flash te full rom? Or come back to 126 and then install again 133
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mud_f1 said:
Did you try to flash te full rom? Or come back to 126 and then install again 133
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I actually lost the online tab before I upgraded to 133SP1. I was running 121 before.
I did the upgrade not the full flash.
Could it be because of that ? Maybe I should try the full upgrade :
... can it be done now ?
Some people had different issues using the Ota. There's a link to the full Rom. Don't make a full wipe, just install like always. With will not lose your data.
Enviado desde mi HUAWEI P7-L10
mud_f1 said:
Some people had different issues using the Ota. There's a link to the full Rom. Don't make a full wipe, just install like always. With will not lose your data.
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Thanks for the advise, I will try it out when I get some time and let you know.
Thanks Again
johnsultana said:
Thanks for the advise, I will try it out when I get some time and let you know.
Thanks Again
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Or you Chan try a small patch, sometimes is enough to solved the problem. I have to find it, when ready I will upload here, just flash as update.
Enviado desde mi HUAWEI P7-L10
mud_f1 said:
Or you Chan try a small patch, sometimes is enough to solved the problem. I have to find it, when ready I will upload here, just flash as update.
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Thanks once again for your help.
I will try when the file is uploaded.
Well, when i tried to install... cannot mount /system... someone can give me a hand? Thanks a lot
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Hello i tryed to install the recovery menu and now my mobile is bricked i think it dont do anything recovery mode turn off download modee..?
What can i do?
My computer detect QHSUB_BULK
Also i see 2 folders in the "mobile" which i see on computer
Can you put on the download mode ?
If u can, is easy to repair, tell me.
Enviado desde mi LG-D405n mediante Tapatalk
DimyD7 said:
Can you put on the download mode ?
If u can, is easy to repair, tell me.
Enviado desde mi LG-D405n mediante Tapatalk
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I can't put on download mode
Hello, someone can help me with a problem?
I have Kodi installed with the blue glass addon, when I enter a link, my device tries to open it and then the application closes without putting any error message.
Also, In the Zara app I tried to put products in the basket, but when I tried to pay, payment systems do not appear, it stays on a blank screen.
I have both applications also installed on a Mi5 and both work perfectly.
My rom is xiaomi.eu_multi_MI9_V11.0.5.0.QFACNXM_v11-10.zip is the stable rom and it's from December 18, and the phone it's not root.
Could it be because of an incompatibility with android 10? MI 5 has android 8.
Any files that may be missing?
Thanks in advance.
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
Same problem here...
Did you find the solution @dagaco?
May be someone can help if you give some more informations about installed ROM and root status.
Laptapper said:
May be someone can help if you give some more informations about installed ROM and root status.
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Sorry, my rom is xiaomi.eu_multi_MI9_V11.0.5.0.QFACNXM_v11-10.zip is the stable rom and it's from December 18, and the phone it's not root.
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PatrickBateman said:
Same problem here...
Did you find the solution @dagaco?
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Not yet
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dagaco said:
Sorry, my rom is xiaomi.eu_multi_MI9_V11.0.5.0.QFACNXM_v11-10.zip is the stable rom and it's from December 18, and the phone it's not root.
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
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May you wanna try this ROM
I didn't recognized probs in your direction....
I am trying to connect my pendrive through a dongle but the system does not detect any thing though it is accessible from other phones. Can someone explain why
You must to actívate It in aditional configuration.
Enviado desde mi RMX1931 mediante Tapatalk
franck24t said:
You must to actívate It in aditional configuration.
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The only settings I found for otg was this https://pasteboard.co/IUk5T0k.jpg
and I tried toggling it but it didn't make any difference