can't set up smart lock - Huawei P20 Pro Questions & Answers

Like in my past Android devices, I want to keep the phone unlocked when at home but in the smart lock menu, I can't set up trusted places or devices, there's only the voice match option

Found the answer in the "smart unlock" thread (i searched for "smart lock" before posting new, which is why it didn't show up in the first place)


Clarification about the Smart Lock feature

Hello everyone!
Since the release of the Lollipop upgrade and the introduction of the Smart Lock feature, I've been regularly coming across with posts like these:
Smart lock doesn't work, it keeps asking for my finger print to unlock
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Its not working for me, when I wake up my phone, I have to swipe up to access my pin entry screen
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So I decided to create this thread in order to clarify how the lockscreen works when Smart Lock is enabled and a trusted device is connected.
Swiping from the little lock icon on the bottom of the screen, brings back your specified secure lockscreen. It is a way to secure your phone again, even if a trusted device or other set conditions for Smart Lock are met.
Swiping from anywhere else on the screen should unlock the phone without any security checks.
Check out this video I made to explain it a bit better:
Some people may think this is not an intuitive way, however, I personally find it quite useful to have the option to quickly secure my lockscreen without disconnecting a trusted device.
In any case, swiping from a starting point anywhere other than the small lock icon, will unlock the phone without any security checks.
I hope I helped.

Trusted places

I take it Blu does not allow us to use Google smart lock trusted places on this phone. I have only been able to use BT trusted devices.
It doesn't work, not even the Bluetooth smart lock.
For now you'll have to use a third party alternative like Tasker or Trigger.
I create a Trigger task that uses combination of geolocation + wifi connection to disable the lock screen while at home.
Sent from my VIVO XL
The MIcrosoft Next lock screen app has location based trusted places. It only has home and work, but that might be enough.
kabloink said:
The MIcrosoft Next lock screen app has location based trusted places. It only has home and work, but that might be enough.
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That's enough friend thanks.
Sent from my VIVO XL using Tapatalk
kabloink said:
The MIcrosoft Next lock screen app has location based trusted places. It only has home and work, but that might be enough.
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I cannot find the location based trusted places in the Next lockscreen app or in the system settings. Where is this option?
GoldenCyn said:
I cannot find the location based trusted places in the Next lockscreen app or in the system settings. Where is this option?
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Yeah, the setting is hidden at first for some reason.
1. You have to first enable the Next screen lock instead of system lock in the apps "Screen lock" settings choosing "Pin" or "Pattern"
2. Exit out of settings and turn off display
3. Turn on the phone and select the "Auto" text with the location symbol at the bottom left of the screen above the apps on the Next lock screen.
4. Choose Home
5. Go into Next lock settings, "Screen lock", then "Smart Lock" and enable "Trusted location home"
6. Repeat 3 to 5 to choose the work location when at work.
kabloink said:
Yeah, the setting is hidden at first for some reason.
1. You have to first enable the Next screen lock instead of system lock in the apps "Screen lock" settings choosing "Pin" or "Pattern"
2. Exit out of settings and turn off display
3. Turn on the phone and select the "Auto" text with the location symbol at the bottom left of the screen above the apps on the Next lock screen.
4. Choose Home
5. Go into Next lock settings, "Screen lock", then "Smart Lock" and enable "Trusted location home"
6. Repeat 3 to 5 to choose the work location when at work.
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Thanks for the reply, but I have stopped using Next since I use the modded system ui to have music controls in the lock screen and for some reason Next has music lock screen controls but none of them pop up when I use Pandora, Spotify, TuneIn, and iHeartRadio.

Getting back to AOSP (stock Android) lockscreen?

Hey all you brilliant people here.
I like many others I imagine am getting fed up with EMUI tarnishing what is otherwise a great phone, the P9. The lockscreen especially is pissing me off to no end, it's next to useless. Magazine unlock my ass...
I was wondering if you could back to the more usable AOSP lockscreen? I've Googled around, tried renaming keyguard.apk to .bak etc., but nothing really does it for me. Phone is rooted of course, and I have Xposed up and running. I am also unable to select "none" as security for the lockscreen as it is (and no, clearing credentials doesn't work), making things even more complicated.
I could use a 3rd party lockscreen, but they've always been completely hit & miss for me. Cheers everyone!
Selecting the "none" option in screen lock is easy.
- Select the "pattern" option, create a pattern and a backup code.
- Lock your phone and enter the wrong pattern 3 times.
- Wait a minute (until your next shot) and unlock with the "backup PIN" or Google Account
- You'll get to a screen where you can select what new option you want to use to unlock.
- DON'T CHOOSE AN OPTION, just press the "back" button and the unlock is set to "none"

Smart Unlock not working on Xiaomi Redmi Note 2

I have bought a while ago the application Smart Unlock. I am trying to use it on my smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 with MIUI 8.3 (undelying is Android 5.0.2) without root. But the app does not seem to work properly. I was going for an app that removes/bypasses the default Android locking screen which I currently use with 4-digit PIN code while I am connected to a trusted wifi.
Here is what I have done:
I added my wifi to the list of trusted wifi networks, I see the network with a green icon, so I assume Smart Unlock recongizes it,
I allowed Smart Unlock to "Start on boot" by checking the option in the menu,
I checked Smart Unlock's system rights and I can see that it is allowed to "turn on bluetooth", "show on lock screen" and "launch on background", on the other hand it is not allowed to "send MMS",
I set Smart Unlock as a device administrator in security system settings,
I pinned Smart Unlock to my "always-on" applications (this is to prevent turning Smart Unlock off when I kill all my open apps to release RAM).
But despite all the above mentioned steps I cannot make Smart Unlock to work. When I have my smartphone unlocked (i.e. I am standing on my desktop) I can see in the notification bar a message saying "Smart Unlock, device unlocked", so far so good. So I turn off my screen, Android locks itself, I turn the screen back on and I am requested to enter my PIN code. Now, the notification bar says "Smart Unlock - Safe zone detected, first unlock manually". So I enter my PIN code and get to my desktop, the notification bar says, again, "Smart Unlock, device unlocked". And now I am in a loop. I can again turn off the screen and upon next unlocking I am again requested to enter my PIN code to unlock the device. So, basically, I never end up in a situation when I am NOT requested to enter my PIN code while on trusted wifi.
I would be glad if you could point me in the right direction how to use your app properly. I am willing to send you any logs or screenshots that may be of help.
Thank you in advance

can't disable the swipe lock screen??

I have had my S8 Plus set with no lock screen & I like it that way. Goofing around with the settings, I accidentally re-enabled the swipe to unlock & now it won't let me set it back to none instead of swipe.
WTF am I missing here??
jmorton10 said:
I have had my S8 Plus set with no lock screen & I like it that way. Goofing around with the settings, I accidentally re-enabled the swipe to unlock & now it won't let me set it back to none instead of swipe.
WTF am I missing here??
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Works fine for me.
Settings --> Lock screen and security --> Phone Security -->Screen Lock Type --> None.
VZW S8+.
Never mind, whatever was wrong fixed itself & now it's working fine again.
Can't Disable Password Lock Screen on S8+
I cannot disable the screen lock!
I believe it is a result of that fact that I just enabled the Find My Device feature via manager. I set up a password there. Then my phone locked, and I had to enter the pw to unlock it. Now, I always have to enter that pw to unlock the phone. I tried to turn off the password lock in the phone settings. Under Screen Lock Type, it says password. I am required to type in the pw, to turn it off. It temporarily changed to "Swipe", No Security. But then as soon as a navigate away from this screen on my phone, it goes back to "Screen Lock Type" - Password. I can't disable the screen lock! It's driving me nuts. So, I turned off the Find My Device feature. I also went into Phone Administrators and removed the radio button next to Find My Device. That didn't do it. I restarted the phone. I disabled google smartlock (I don't know if that is relevant). That didnt' work either. I read something about selecting Clear Credentials, but that option is grayed-out on my phone.
Please Help!!!

