Hi everyone,
Thx about this forum and developers (pen and joaomgcd). :highfive:
I use this app for many years . But ...
I have some questions about tasker and firebase.
I wanna send data to firebase from tasker.
I all ready looking up about something, but I found nothing. :crying:
Someone can help?
Thanks lot.
I have to admit, I know nothing about the firebase API. And honestly, I don't have time to become familiar. What ever specifics you can offer would help me try to help you.
A quick scan of documentation makes me think that there is a requirement to include a package name as part of the submission? I'm wondering if you'll have to use app factory and test using a kid app.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
I want to send data to firebase by any method witch Tasker can do.
I'm looking for send data by action "post http".
To access firebase database, I need to allow the user by authorization process.
I don't want to use appFactory.
Can you use an AutoTools json read/write action?
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
ktmom said:
Can you use an AutoTools json read/write action?
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
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I was not thinking about this solution,
thank's, I will try and I comeback to tell you !
Hi, any solution here?
I'm pretty new with Tasker and i'm trying to learn if possible to have Tasker auto accept (i.e press allow) the the Notification received from the Microsoft Authenticator app with dual factor authentication?
Is this easy to accomplish with Tasker?
I think the easiest way to do that is with the AutoNotification plugin to look for the pop-up and then AutoInput to tap the button.
ptmuldoon said:
I'm pretty new with Tasker and i'm trying to learn if possible to have Tasker auto accept (i.e press allow) the the Notification received from the Microsoft Authenticator app with dual factor authentication?
Is this easy to accomplish with Tasker?
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Were you ever able to do this? looking to setup something similar now
j4mesk said:
Were you ever able to do this? looking to setup something similar now
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The solution really is:
ktmom said:
I think the easiest way to do that is with the AutoNotification plugin to look for the pop-up and then AutoInput to tap the button.
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"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
ktmom said:
The solution really is:
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
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I've tried but really struggling to setup, im a complete noob with tasker
j4mesk said:
I've tried but really struggling to setup, im a complete noob with tasker
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With great power comes a learning curve. Have you gone through any basic tutorials? Gone through the intro to AutoInput?
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Hi guys, what I want send simple but I'm a novice with Tasker so I wouldn't know how to do this, if it's even possible.
What I want is for Tasker to count/keep track of how many times it rains in whatever location I'm in and once it gets to a certain number then it'll notify me.
Is this possible at all?
You could set up a task to engage with a weather API for either forecasted or past observations. Dark Sky is a possibility.
You would need either JavaScript or the AutoTools (plugin) JSON read action to interact with the API.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Is there any chance you could tell me how to do that?
Hi guys, so I've been wrecking my own head an wasting crazy phone battery trying to figure this out and in at the point where I just need to be told what to do so I'm being for someone to tell me step by step what to do.
Here's what I want...
I want Tasker (or any other app) to read WhatsApp messages out loud but only over Bluetooth/headphones BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY I want the notification to be MARKED AS READ after it's been read out loud.
There's plenty of apps available that'll read it to me but none of them will mark the message as being read. I REALLY need this functionally for when I'm riding my motorcycle so I don't get blasted with repeated messages if they are stacking up while I can't read/respond to them while riding, which is what happens with those apps (at least that I've found) that will read them to me.
I'm willing to do whatever I need to get this done. The phone is rooted. I keep reading about SQL but I know NOTHING about it but if someone can please help me get this done in willing to learn along the way.
Can anyone come to the rescue?
Ther's a good start at a task on the AutoTools forum: help needed for Simple whatsapp read aloud with AutoNotification
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Yeah, I find that guide earlier and it looked promising but, please forgive me, I just couldn't follow along as I'm not very advanced with Tasker or those auto apps.
I'm far from stupid, but I just can't keep up with the conversation and if you could help me by dumbing it down or walking me through it then I'd be eternally grateful. I really need to have this done so it's safer for me to ride every day.
Have you built any profile with Tasker? That thread has a straight forward description posted. But if you know nothing about using Tasker, you would want to run through some basic beginner tutorials to get familiar with it. With great power comes a learning curve.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Yes I've built several profiles before but nothing too complex. Just basic WiFi/GPS/volume/brightness control.
Ok so I read through that entire thread carefully and I understand it better than before but it doesn't really scratch my itch if you know what I mean.
I'm not looking to get rid of the notification, I'm looking to mark the message as being read.
I was looking into auto input but I can't seem to make it capture me puking down the notification shade to tap the "mark as read" button in the notification. Maybe I'll just have it launch the app then lock the screen.... Hmmm
ktmom said:
Have you built any profile with Tasker? That thread has a straight forward description posted. But if you know nothing about using Tasker, you would want to run through some basic beginner tutorials to get familiar with it. With great power comes a learning curve.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
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Ya know, this actually motivated me to get more involved and I managed to get it done with a little imagination.
I have secure settings remove the PIN, then auto input unlocks the phone, Tasker runs WhatsApp, waitress 2 seconds then auto input taps the top message, waits 2 more seconds then kills WhatsApp, then secure settings resets the PIN back to what it was then auto input turns the screen off.
Maybe you can help me refine it a little? I seem to be getting an error from secure settings in a toast notification when it sets and resets the PIN but it's just a notification because it still completed the actions successfully. Any ideas on that?
Here's the task
I'm guessing you are on an older android version if secure settings is 1) working and 2) able to disable screen security
---unless you don't mean the secure settings plugin but rather the AutoTools secure settings.
You would need to post information about the error for help with it. You should include information about what version of Tasker and Android as well as what device you are using. My guess is there is not much that can be done about a secure settings error unless it's the AutoTools version.
Better to export the description (not XML). Then people can try to help without having to import an unknown profile and install related apps they may not use.
It is easier to use pastebin and link to a post here. If you paste in a post here, the forum software will convert all semicolons with characters directly after to emoticons making it very hard to read.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Yes, unfortunately I'm running nougat 7.1.2 because I'm using a xiaomi redmi 5 and they haven't updated to Oreo yet.
I'm running Tasker 5.2.bf1.
How would I generate a report of the error?
N1ghtr08d said:
Yes, unfortunately I'm running nougat 7.1.2 because I'm using a xiaomi redmi 5 and they haven't updated to Oreo yet.
I'm running Tasker 5.2.bf1.
How would I generate a report of the error?
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I'm rather surprised that you have secure settings working on a nougat rom. You are talking about the unsupported plugin by intangibleObject that hadn't been updated since 2015?
Modern systemless root alone breaks the plugin. The work around was to symbolically link a path to the binary. But there really are improved ways to get the same functionality.
If it's flashing a toast or other notification with an error, that's a start. Looking through a logcat is another method.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Yes it's the same intangibleobject plugin we all know and love, and yes I'm surprised it worked too. I've never ran a logcat before but I'll give it a shot now
Ok, I ran a logcat and posted it to pastebin. Here's the link:
At least I hope I did that right. I can't believe how uninformed/uneducated I sound in this thread. Normally I'm the one giving tech advice but I guess there's always a bigger fish in the sea...
Here's the error for secure settings out of that logcat
09-18 07:07:28.593 1547 1770 E DevicePolicyManagerService: Cannot call with null password
09-18 07:07:28.593 28608 28681 W SecureSettings.x: b::Unable to reset password. Not continuing!
09-18 07:07:28.594 28608 28681 I SecureSettings.ActionService: onHandleIntent::Action Failed!
You say the action is working though so I would ignore it.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Guys, I gotta admit, I was wrong. I don't know why I thought secure settings was working because it's not.
So I did some more digging and learning and I got it all running perfectly within Tasker.
Here's the profile of anyone's interested...
If anyone wants me to send them the profile as an .xml I will happily do so.
Anything I can do to make riding safer.
dear all, i want to enable Location high accuracy + wifi scan only when certain apps are open, and to off these when the apps are closed. I can't seem to find the option for wifi scan (only can find wifi on/off). Can anyone point me to whether what i mentioned is possible? thanks much.
Use a "custom setting" action.
The values required to turn off:
global wifi_scan_always_enabled 0
The values required to turn on:
global wifi_scan_always_enabled 1
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Thank you very much, this seems to work perfectly
Thanks button is always appreciated [emoji16]
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
Hi all,
I set my volumes to 7 on my "night mode" profile however there are 5 volume toggles on my Note 9 and the bottom one after all the regular Android system ones is "Bixby voice" and i dont know how to simply set that to 7 as the obviously the option isn't in the normal audio setting actions.... they only contain Android system stuff and not manufacturer specific settings like all the fancy stuff that Samsung add to android... im sure its very simple im just urrghh so hard to learn this stuff... im currently doing a diploma on UiPath which is very very similar type of coding... thought id be able to use tasker but... alas... ugh ???
Thanks for any help ?????
I haven't used Samsung since the epic days [emoji6]. So I'm making a guess that there is a custom setting that might be found by using the AutoTools plugin -> secure settings -> custom setting assistant.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
ktmom said:
I haven't used Samsung since the epic days [emoji6]. So I'm making a guess that there is a custom setting that might be found by using the AutoTools plugin -> secure settings -> custom setting assistant.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
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Autotools hmmmmm... perhaps
Multiple bumps is rude [emoji6]
If using AutoTools you can not find the setting, then it's probably due to Samsung proprietary stuff. You could try posting in the Samsung forum to see if anyone has such information on the setting information for that volume level.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini
I feared that so ridiculous... i thought tasker was almost infinitely powerful and there would be a way no matter how granular or complex, deep or convoluted the solution would have to be
Tasker doesn't seem to be unable to change the setting, you seem to be unable to identify what setting to change [emoji6]. Like I said, ask for help identifying the setting in the Samsung forums.
"find somebody that you think is undeserving of your compassion and give it to them" - Christian Picciolini