downgrade to emui5 from emui8 - P8 Lite (2017) Discussion

If i downgrade to emui5 from emui8 will my root/vendor files well be reset? Bcoz I delete some files from root/vendor

ppdr07 said:
If i downgrade to emui5 from emui8 will my root/vendor files well be reset? Bcoz I delete some files from root/vendor
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According to my info .. If you succeed to start the rollback using HiSuite Software - EVERYTHING will be back .. including the unwanted apps and games that were first on the phone ... and your phone is "naked" .. forgot your google and every other account .. so its a good hint to backup first using HiSuite - then rollback - then restore the backup after enabling your google account - and of course USB-File transfer / HDB .. what HiSuite needs ...
The problem would be your deleted files -.. its possible that you cant initiate rollback via HiSuite because that tells me it needs an untouched phone (not rooted / altered) -- but there is a second way using E-recovery .. but I've only read about it, no experience since I could rollback fine using HiSuite


[GUIDE][HOW-TO] Huawei Ascend P7 [ROOT][RootGenius][P7-L10]

Huawei Ascend P7 - ROOT with RootGenius
!!! CAUTION !!! I´m not the Developer of this Tool. Use it at your own Risk
German Support you find HERE
RootGenius (KLICK)
Huawei HiSuite (KLICK)
Download Huawei HiSuite and install it on your PC
Activate USB Debugging on your Ascend P7 (Settings / About phone / Build number)
Tap a serveral times at Build number till you got a Message on the Screen that you´re now a Developer.
Then again on (Settings / Developer options), and activate USB Debugging.
Start HiSuite and connect the Ascend P7 via USB to the PC
If you do this the 1st time, HiSuite installs a Daemon on the Ascend P7
Choose as Connection Mode on the Ascend P7 HiSuite
If everything is OK then you can disconnect the Ascend P7 from the PC and close HiSuite
Download the RootGenius Tool and start it as an Admin
Connect the Ascend P7 via USB to the PC
Chose as Connection Mode on the Ascend P7 HiSuite
Click on Root Button in RootGenius
Wait a few Seconds, the Root process runs automatic
The Ascend P7 reboots during the ROOT Process
SuperSU is also now on the Ascend P7
You can check ROOT by RootChecker from the Play Store
I am not responsible for any Damage that can happen to your Device. Use this Guide on your own Risk !!!!​
Someone already tested that it works?
On my Ascend P7-L10 Build-Number : P7-L10V100R001C00B121SP01 it workes with no Problems.
SuperSU update via PlayStore and the Device is rooted.
SeverusSnape said:
On my Ascend P7-L10 Build-Number : P7-L10V100R001C00B121SP01 it workes with no Problems.
SuperSU update via PlayStore and the Device is rooted.
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Thank you.
The factory upgrade can then be applied? I do not want to replace rom, just use backup program. Eg titanium backup
Previous phone, a galaxy gio was running on CM7. I have used the factory rom for 2 days. Therefore, there is no experience regarding the factory upgrades. D
Sorry for that, but i don´t know if Factory Updates can be applied, because there is no newer Rom available.
I don´t found a Download for the Stock Rom that was installed at delivery.
I've rooted my P7-L00 with the same method and it's ok to do so. Regards
Great to hear the it also works on other Variants of the Ascend P7 too.
Does anybody have problem with editing /systems/etc/hosts file? It looks like "HTC S-ON"(system partition read only). I notice that after trying using Adaway(
On my P7 ist the newest Firmware B121SP01 installed, and i have no Problems to write with RootExplorer on System Partition.
Hi all,
I just received my Ascend P7-00.
After 2 updates, it is in version P7-L00V100R001C17B122SP01 and impossible to root it with the version 1.9.6 of Root Genius !
If you have any idea how to do it, I'll be glad (I need to remove all chinese apps which are polluting my phone !)
Ygrek-Ix said:
Does anybody have problem with editing /systems/etc/hosts file? It looks like "HTC S-ON"(system partition read only). I notice that after trying using Adaway(
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yeah adaway strangely cant get into files..
pyb38 said:
Hi all,
I just received my Ascend P7-00.
After 2 updates, it is in version P7-L00V100R001C17B122SP01 and impossible to root it with the version 1.9.6 of Root Genius !
If you have any idea how to do it, I'll be glad (I need to remove all chinese apps which are polluting my phone !)
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Do you still have these problems? I may be able to help.
I have the same problems with my HUAWEI P7-L10 (P7-L10V100R001C00B116SP03)
I tried RootGenius v1.9.6 and v1.9.4 as well (AntiVirus deactivated) but both times it said that this device is not supported.
Has anyone an idea what I'm doing wrong?
whitespace said:
I have the same problems with my HUAWEI P7-L10 (P7-L10V100R001C00B116SP03)
I tried RootGenius v1.9.6 and v1.9.4 as well (AntiVirus deactivated) but both times it said that this device is not supported.
Has anyone an idea what I'm doing wrong?
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I doubt you are doing anything wrong. I'm guessing you have upgraded your phone since you bought it. In some of the more recent Huawei upgrades for the Ascend P7, changes have been introduced by Huawei that render RootGenius and Vroot incompatible. I found the only answer was to revert the phone to an earlier build, root it with either RootGenius or Vroot and then apply the upgrades through HiSuite. This way you don't lose root.
The original rom for the L10 can be found here:
It's a large download.
Once you have it, you need to extract the zip on your computer and then place the dload folder and its contents ( onto a USB stick or your micro SD card and apply the update (settings/updates/system updates) using either the local update (SD card) or USB drive option. I think this should work but I don't have the same variant as you so I can't test. Nor can I guarantee it.
Most of the info on the P7 is in this thread:
You may want to check it out before you do anything. A lot of the contributors have the L10.
Hope this helps
Thanks @arthios for your trick,
You're right, I made the updates before rooting my device.
Unfortunately, I have a L00 version. I need to find the good ROM.
I'll let you know !
pyb38 said:
Thanks @arthios for your trick,
You're right, I made the updates before rooting my device.
Unfortunately, I have a L00 version. I need to find the good ROM.
I'll let you know !
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OK. You're in luck. The web site "" has ROMs for the L00. You'll need to create an account before you can download. I suggest you take the most recent. I think it's build 119. Download it, extract the file to your computer, copy the dload folder and its contents to either SD or USB and using the phone, apply the update. Once it's all done you can root with RootGenius. I replaced the RootGenius binary with SuperSu from the play store. That's just my personal preference but you don't have to. Once rooted you can apply updates through HiSuite. Suggest you retain the ROM you download in case you need to repeat the exercise at some time in the future.
arthios said:
OK. You're in luck. The web site "" has ROMs for the L00. You'll need to create an account before you can download. I suggest you take the most recent. I think it's build 119. Download it, extract the file to your computer, copy the dload folder and its contents to either SD or USB and using the phone, apply the update. Once it's all done you can root with RootGenius. I replaced the RootGenius binary with SuperSu from the play store. That's just my personal preference but you don't have to. Once rooted you can apply updates through HiSuite. Suggest you retain the ROM you download in case you need to repeat the exercise at some time in the future.
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is there a way i can add google account to my L00 (CHINA UNICOM version). My problem is that i cannot sync my gmail contacts. and i use gmail contacts everywhere- on my iPhone and othe phones. Pls advice.
puneetmi said:
is there a way i can add google account to my L00 (CHINA UNICOM version). My problem is that i cannot sync my gmail contacts. and i use gmail contacts everywhere- on my iPhone and othe phones. Pls advice.
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Hi !
I had the same issue.
I found (somewhere here) an apk called Google Installer which allow you to install Google apps without being rooted.
It helps me to install the synchronization of my contacts from my Google account.
pyb38 said:
Hi !
I had the same issue.
I found (somewhere here) an apk called Google Installer which allow you to install Google apps without being rooted.
It helps me to install the synchronization of my contacts from my Google account.
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thanks man.. it worked like a charm..are there any custom ROMs available for this device? and how to install TWRP or CWM recovery on this device?
puneetmi said:
thanks man.. it worked like a charm..are there any custom ROMs available for this device? and how to install TWRP or CWM recovery on this device?
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It seems that some guys are working on an alternative recovery. But it still under work !
Concerning custom ROMs, I just find one on a russian site. But for now that's all I found ...
I hope that some developers will fall in love for this device
It could help to have a specific folder in xda !

The great brick - help!!

I came from a long way to this point. In this thread ( you have all the steps that I made but, summarizing, I unlock the bootloader using a official code, I failed flashing the first time so I ended with a NRD90M version with no Bluetooth, no keyboard... I managed to update again using the finnish rollback package for VIE-L09, in this point I ended with a L09C900 and BT working. As everything works it seems that was the moment to flash again to a final version so I access through SRK Tool and change the OEMINFO to the EU one (mine was LA) and flash directly through the 3 buttons mode the full C432B180 (or 181, not sure) but ended with C432B181, wich doesn't receive OTA, so I decided to flah to the final stock rom, the C432B360 version with Nougat. It fails at 63% (more or less). Then I tried with a MM version so I force the update again but this time to the C432B170. And failed. On this point a message saying that my phone is encrypted and that I must access a decryption password appears. So I decided to force it again to the C432B160 and now my phone is stuck in the BOOT screen (the one that warns about that my phone it unlocked with orange letters), does't boot in to Recovery, or ERecovery. The 3 buttons method don't work anymore and the phone doesn't turn off till the battery is drained
I only managed to enter to Fastboot mode and shows that the phone stills unlocked and the FRP too.
What can I do to unbrick my device?? DC Phoenix?? Fatboot flashing BOOT.img, RECOVERY.img??
PLEASE HELP :crying:
Dude.. sorry to hear it!
Maybe a flash of original recovery.img would help? FAstboot works as it should?
If you can get Power+Vol Up/Down to work again, you should rollback with finnish .APP, then flash B181, .. then find the complete guide in this thread
---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------
Have you tested DC?
deecept said:
Dude.. sorry to hear it!
Maybe a flash of original recovery.img would help? FAstboot works as it should?
If you can get Power+Vol Up/Down to work again, you should rollback with finnish .APP, then flash B181, .. then find the complete guide in this thread
---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------
Have you tested DC?
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Thanx @deecept for your reply.
Well I think that Fastboot works as it should and I will try as soon as I turn back home to flash RECOVERY.img and I will let you know how it goes.
I'll try again if I could fix the Pwr+VOL Up/Down but I not really sure if it would work.
Dc Phoenix I try it a few weeks ago but with no results. But, in this case, probably it would be the best option. But I want to do it nowing what to do exactly because the last time I spend 23€ for nothing.
I would maybe try to flash the original marshmellow recovery.img, to see if that makes any difference.
Here is some files to aid you.
deecept said:
I would maybe try to flash the original marshmellow recovery.img, to see if that makes any difference.
Here is some files to aid you.
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Thankyou @deecept as soon as I arrive home I'll try and text what happens.
Any news, @Kifivierito?
deecept said:
Any news, @Kifivierito?
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Hey @deecept, nothing. No changes. Yesterday I flash through fastboot Recovery.img, System.img, Boot.img, cache.img, Cust.img and even Userdata.img. But nothing changes. The device still in a bootloop. I'm thinking to use again DC Unlocker, but I'm not sure exactly what to do? If I need to flash a whole or something else. I don't want to spend the money if im not sure what to do.
Btw, something strange happens in fastboot mode. When I try to erase the cache.img it shows the message that Remote command not allowed. But it let me flash every file that I mention. ¿?¿?
In fastboot mode it shows that Phone is Unlocked and FRP too...
@deecept I finally managed to flash and function L09C432B360 usind DC Phoenix. But I found that, again, I havent the data_full package installed so I dont have AGAIN :crying: neither BT or themes or the update section in adjustments. I want to kill my self.... :cyclops:
How can I add them??
If I use DC Phoenix in which order I must flash the files? I have the file update_data_full_hw_eu. I tried to flash it after flash the of the L09C432B360, but dont work
Kifivierito said:
@deecept I finally managed to flash and function L09C432B360 usind DC Phoenix. But I found that, again, I havent the data_full package installed so I dont have AGAIN :crying: neither BT or themes or the update section in adjustments. I want to kill my self.... :cyclops:
How can I add them??
If I use DC Phoenix in which order I must flash the files? I have the file update_data_full_hw_eu. I tried to flash it after flash the of the L09C432B360, but dont work
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Downgrade to B181 and follow this guide.
What you need?
1. Charged phone
2. Enabled installing unknown apps
3. Download Firmware Finder from Google Store (the free version)
what next?
1. Run Firmware Finder
2. Go to settings and Enable Installation via system update.
3. Tool will prompt to download Firmware Finder Proxy - do it then install it
4. Go back to the tool and select firmware of your choice - make sure you select FULL (not OTA)
5. Firmware Finder Proxy window will open - do as described - go to Wifi, advanced add manual proxy as local host with 8080 port
6. Go to phone Settings - System update, DO NOT CLICK ON UPDATE, just click on Menu and choose to "Download latest full package" and then click on Update the phone
7. It will attempt to download it but it may fail (as in my case) with message about unstable internet connection - go back to wifi settings and disable proxy, go back to update and resume it - update should start to download then follow as on screen instructions
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
Mostar088 said:
Downgrade to B181 and follow this guide.
What you need?
1. Charged phone
2. Enabled installing unknown apps
3. Download Firmware Finder from Google Store (the free version)
what next?
1. Run Firmware Finder
2. Go to settings and Enable Installation via system update.
3. Tool will prompt to download Firmware Finder Proxy - do it then install it
4. Go back to the tool and select firmware of your choice - make sure you select FULL (not OTA)
5. Firmware Finder Proxy window will open - do as described - go to Wifi, advanced add manual proxy as local host with 8080 port
6. Go to phone Settings - System update, DO NOT CLICK ON UPDATE, just click on Menu and choose to "Download latest full package" and then click on Update the phone
7. It will attempt to download it but it may fail (as in my case) with message about unstable internet connection - go back to wifi settings and disable proxy, go back to update and resume it - update should start to download then follow as on screen instructions
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
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I downgrade back to C181. Everything was fine. I had my BT, themes, everything... Ok I perform the FF upgrade (changing advanced proxy settings and everything). Go to FF, send the ROM to the updater, in the updater I select full package and start upgrading. The device perform the upgrade weirdly fast (3 or 4 mins maximum), and restart and perform a System optimization. When it stops, restart again and susrprise! I have AGAIN NRD90M Test-keys! How is this even possible @Mostar088???
Kifivierito said:
I downgrade back to C181. Everything was fine. I had my BT, themes, everything... Ok I perform the FF upgrade (changing advanced proxy settings and everything). Go to FF, send the ROM to the updater, in the updater I select full package and start upgrading. The device perform the upgrade weirdly fast (3 or 4 mins maximum), and restart and perform a System optimization. When it stops, restart again and susrprise! I have AGAIN NRD90M Test-keys! How is this even possible @Mostar088???
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Did u choose this Firmware FULL OTA MF-PV?
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
Mostar088 said:
Did u choose this Firmware FULL OTA MF-PV?
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
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Yes. I selected that one.
I'm trying to repeat all the process again. I just flash via DC Phoenix B181 again without problem via fastboot but again (previously I dont mentioned it) when performing the second step in DC Phoenix, the upgrade mode flash, fails writing the VERLIST.img.
The firs time that I did it also fails but as I restart and everything works fine I forgot it.
Do you think it could affect to the FF process??
Should I continue redoing again everything??
Thx again @Mostar088. It's being a very long and boring process.
Kifivierito said:
Yes. I selected that one.
I'm trying to repeat all the process again. I just flash via DC Phoenix B181 again without problem via fastboot but again (previously I dont mentioned it) when performing the second step in DC Phoenix, the upgrade mode flash, fails writing the VERLIST.img.
The firs time that I did it also fails but as I restart and everything works fine I forgot it.
Do you think it could affect to the FF process??
Should I continue redoing again everything??
Thx again @Mostar088. It's being a very long and boring process.
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Dont know if it affects the FF, i realy dont know what can be wrong.
U have 72h to use Dc Phoenix so try again.
Try flash a MM with a lower build like B170 or 161 and see if u recive OTA to update B181 just to see if that works before u proceed to upgrade N.
Edit: when u downgrade try update by dload method from B170 to B180 and then if u recive OTA for B181.
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
Mostar088 said:
Dont know if it affects the FF, i realy dont know what can be wrong.
U have 72h to use Dc Phoenix so try again.
Try flash a MM with a lower build like B170 or 161 and see if u recive OTA to update B181 just to see if that works before u proceed to upgrade N.
Edit: when u downgrade try update by dload method from B170 to B180 and then if u recive OTA for B181.
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
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Ok. I'll work on it and tell you about
Mostar088 said:
Dont know if it affects the FF, i realy dont know what can be wrong.
U have 72h to use Dc Phoenix so try again.
Try flash a MM with a lower build like B170 or 161 and see if u recive OTA to update B181 just to see if that works before u proceed to upgrade N.
Edit: when u downgrade try update by dload method from B170 to B180 and then if u recive OTA for B181.
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
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Nothing. Again bricked. This time DC Phoenix either can't flash. Still having an error when writing VERLIST.img. No matter which version. I tried B170 and B160.
I read in DC Unlocker forum that a way to fix the VERLIST.img flash fail in upgrade mode is trying to repeat flashing using the dload mode. But it also fails.
Really I think I'm cursed... I'll try to go to the very first step. I'll change oeminfo to the original one (LA) and there I'll try to downgrade. I don't know what else to do
Kifivierito said:
Nothing. Again bricked. This time DC Phoenix either can't flash. Still having an error when writing VERLIST.img. No matter which version. I tried B170 and B160.
I read in DC Unlocker forum that a way to fix the VERLIST.img flash fail in upgrade mode is trying to repeat flashing using the dload mode. But it also fails.
Really I think I'm cursed... I'll try to go to the very first step. I'll change oeminfo to the original one (LA) and there I'll try to downgrade. I don't know what else to do
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I think it's the best to try that.
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
Mostar088 said:
I think it's the best to try that.
Sent from my VIE-L29 using XDA Labs
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Did you know where I can find a LA oeminfo?? Because in SRT Toolkit just appears Chinese, Euro, African and Asia.
VIE-L09C432B360 Working properly with Bluetooth, Themes, Apps and all the great stuff from a Huawei Stock version!
I have two theories about why I was failing over and over after flashing B181 and updating to higher versions:
1. Phone was updated properly but as soon as it synchronize with google, something doesn't match with the ner version and end in NRD90M Test-Keys. So previously to the last update, after flashing with DC Unlocker (to exit the bootloop), I go to my google account Device Manager and delete the previous VIE-L09 that I have registered.
2. The other theory was that, all the times that I flash and update I allways was with the bootloader unlocked. This time, after flashing the B181 version y relock the bootloader.
One of this steps help me finally made the update:
I will wrote a thread trying to explain how I did it and adding the files that I use.
I wanna thank @Masters_2017, @CNHowardLai, @deecept and specially @Mostar088, @M.KK for their selfless help for nearly a month.
Best regards!
Help i'm stuck
Hey @Kifivierito! can u help me? i'm stuck with your same problem. Ok i was on C900B174 (or173, yes a global one) then i've tried to update to C432B360, but i've got the "test key version" without the keyboard, (NRD90M Test-keys).
So, i rollback to MM with a package, and i got the C900 version again. Through an update i went on Nougat C900 version without many things that were missing (like the updater app). I go back again to MM and this time i've changed the oem file to C432, then, first i unlocked my bootloader and i rooted sucessfully my phone, installing TWPR recovery too. I would come back to stock with a C432B103 version to lock bootIoader and restore. i've decided to download w "firmware finder" the full rom version C432B360 u installed,following all the instructions, but i cannot install it (i think 'cause of my stupid modifications xD ). Now i'm tring to go stock w C432B181, hoping that the bootloader will be locked again. Idk really what should i do now, i'm really getting frustrated.
Pls help me!
EDIT: Ok this one works great C432B181, now i'm scared to update xD
dr.feelgoodthedj said:
Hey @Kifivierito! can u help me? i'm stuck with your same problem. Ok i was on C900B174 (or173, yes a global one) then i've tried to update to C432B360, but i've got the "test key version" without the keyboard, (NRD90M Test-keys).
So, i rollback to MM with a package, and i got the C900 version again. Through an update i went on Nougat C900 version without many things that were missing (like the updater app). I go back again to MM and this time i've changed the oem file to C432, then, first i unlocked my bootloader and i rooted sucessfully my phone, installing TWPR recovery too. I would come back to stock with a C432B103 version to lock bootIoader and restore. i've decided to download w "firmware finder" the full rom version C432B360 u installed,following all the instructions, but i cannot install it (i think 'cause of my stupid modifications xD ). Now i'm tring to go stock w C432B181, hoping that the bootloader will be locked again. Idk really what should i do now, i'm really getting frustrated.
Pls help me!
EDIT: Ok this one works great C432B181, now i'm scared to update xD
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Hey @dr.feelgoodthedj,
sorry for the late reply. Well that last edit of your post are good news. If you have C432B181 running without problem now you only have to follow the steps tu upgrade via FFinder with the FF Proxy settings. If you follow step by step the guide, you will end up with your P9 Plus with Android 7 and everything working.
If you perform it and fail again, don't hesitate and repeat the process trying one of the two points that I write In my last post. Try to access to google my devices and delete the previous P9 that you have. And after that, if still don't working try to relock your bootloader.
With one of this two steps it MUST work.
Good luck!

P9 eva-l19 (dual sim) and nougat update problems

I have tried several ways to install nougat to Huawei P9 dual sim, but it's almost impossible.
First i tried to install beta version, and it works ok but some apps are missing and keyboard is missing as well, it installs only google voice as a keyboard, so I restored it with Huawei rollback package.
Second, I tried debranding it so I can install some other version but I have similar issues. Here are my steps:
1. unlock bootloader
2. twrp recovery
3. root
4. change oem info and custom.bin, and this is where the problem starts.
After step number 4 the phone restarts and the letters during initial startup are red like system had been modified and after it goes to the part where it says "type password to decrypt storage". When I do that, it accepts the password (google) and says the phone storage is corrupted and I have to reset it, and then it resets the phone to default settings. After that I don't have root and no custom recovery. I tried this procedure several times and it's always the same. After the reset procedure, it installs some initial version (C900B136).
I finally gave up on that, and tried to get back to L19C432B161 but I have issues as well. First I had to restore my oem info and custom.bin so it accepts the C432 version, but after install some apps are gone and the theme manager is not working (it won't change icons or the wallpapers).
I tried using HiSuite to restore it back to stock but it won't accept the L19 version (only L09 and L29).
The tool I was using is SRK Tool Huawei 2.0, and I tried to follow procedure as described here on xda.
Any clues what I do wrong?
elvirr said:
I have tried several ways to install nougat to Huawei P9 dual sim, but it's almost impossible.
First i tried to install beta version, and it works ok but some apps are missing and keyboard is missing as well, it installs only google voice as a keyboard, so I restored it with Huawei rollback package.
Second, I tried debranding it so I can install some other version but I have similar issues. Here are my steps:
1. unlock bootloader
2. twrp recovery
3. root
4. change oem info and custom.bin, and this is where the problem starts.
After step number 4 the phone restarts and the letters during initial startup are red like system had been modified and after it goes to the part where it says "type password to decrypt storage". When I do that, it accepts the password (google) and says the phone storage is corrupted and I have to reset it, and then it resets the phone to default settings. After that I don't have root and no custom recovery. I tried this procedure several times and it's always the same. After the reset procedure, it installs some initial version (C900B136).
I finally gave up on that, and tried to get back to L19C432B161 but I have issues as well. First I had to restore my oem info and custom.bin so it accepts the C432 version, but after install some apps are gone and the theme manager is not working (it won't change icons or the wallpapers).
I tried using HiSuite to restore it back to stock but it won't accept the L19 version (only L09 and L29).
The tool I was using is SRK Tool Huawei 2.0, and I tried to follow procedure as described here on xda.
Any clues what I do wrong?
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i had a similar issue where i was unable to flash any particular firmware, finally had my phone taken to the service center and they replaced the motherboard (twice)..
umair9001 said:
i had a similar issue where i was unable to flash any particular firmware, finally had my phone taken to the service center and they replaced the motherboard (twice)..
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Well during this process I run into a bootloop and no recovery, so I unlock the bootloader, flash the stock recovery and then install stock firmware.
My phone is working now but it's not complete, some things are missing and not working properly so I am waiting some instructions what to do next. I really like Huawei phones but this firmware thing is a nightmare
elvirr said:
I have tried several ways to install nougat to Huawei P9 dual sim, but it's almost impossible.
First i tried to install beta version, and it works ok but some apps are missing and keyboard is missing as well, it installs only google voice as a keyboard, so I restored it with Huawei rollback package.
Second, I tried debranding it so I can install some other version but I have similar issues. Here are my steps:
1. unlock bootloader
2. twrp recovery
3. root
4. change oem info and custom.bin, and this is where the problem starts.
After step number 4 the phone restarts and the letters during initial startup are red like system had been modified and after it goes to the part where it says "type password to decrypt storage". When I do that, it accepts the password (google) and says the phone storage is corrupted and I have to reset it, and then it resets the phone to default settings. After that I don't have root and no custom recovery. I tried this procedure several times and it's always the same. After the reset procedure, it installs some initial version (C900B136).
I finally gave up on that, and tried to get back to L19C432B161 but I have issues as well. First I had to restore my oem info and custom.bin so it accepts the C432 version, but after install some apps are gone and the theme manager is not working (it won't change icons or the wallpapers).
I tried using HiSuite to restore it back to stock but it won't accept the L19 version (only L09 and L29).
The tool I was using is SRK Tool Huawei 2.0, and I tried to follow procedure as described here on xda.
Any clues what I do wrong?
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Before you debrand, download the ROM of the cust you want to debrand to, place in dload folder on your sdcard. After step 4, your device will reset to factory, use sdcard ROM upload method and you will succesfully debrand your device. After that, if you debrand to L19C636B190 (for example), it will be OTA to L19C636B361.
My Al-10 was debranded and OTA successfully to L19C636B361 using this method.
elvirr said:
Well during this process I run into a bootloop and no recovery, so I unlock the bootloader, flash the stock recovery and then install stock firmware.
My phone is working now but it's not complete, some things are missing and not working properly so I am waiting some instructions what to do next. I really like Huawei phones but this firmware thing is a nightmare
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Totally agree, once you are on nougat it really becomes hard to flash the firmware..till marshmallow, it was easier to control and flash the firmware..
swedenboy said:
Before you debrand, download the ROM of the cust you want to debrand to, place in dload folder on your sdcard. After step 4, your device will reset to factory, use sdcard ROM upload method and you will succesfully debrand your device. After that, if you debrand to L19C636B190 (for example), it will be OTA to L19C636B361.
My Al-10 was debranded and OTA successfully to L19C636B361 using this method.
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Well this was the missing part
After i copied the L19C636B190 rom to dload folder on sd card it was successful.
Then I just connected it to HiSuite and it found the nougate update.
Thank you!
Hi Guys,
Any links available for download??
My device is P9 DUAL SIM(EVA-L19)
mohammad.nomaan said:
Hi Guys,
Any links available for download??
My device is P9 DUAL SIM(EVA-L19)
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Did you find the links for L-19? I need B136 for a rollback
I got the OTA last Friday so didn't do anything else
It's now on 7.0 EMUI
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
mohammad.nomaan said:
I got the OTA last Friday so didn't do anything else
It's now on 7.0 EMUI
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
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Damn I need to rollback mine just to reroot it :crying:
swedenboy said:
Before you debrand, download the ROM of the cust you want to debrand to, place in dload folder on your sdcard. After step 4, your device will reset to factory, use sdcard ROM upload method and you will succesfully debrand your device. After that, if you debrand to L19C636B190 (for example), it will be OTA to L19C636B361.
My Al-10 was debranded and OTA successfully to L19C636B361 using this method.
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How did you get the OTA? I got it right after dload B190 (which I didn't update it yet) then I didn't have it anymore 5 mins later
UPDATE: Somehow got the OTA when my dload update to B361 failed

Huawei p9 problem

Hi all. I have huawei p9 eva l19 and after rollback to mm any theme won`t apply. I have eva l19c432b182 and everything works fine but just theme won`t, it says applied but nothing. I have old emui icons for stock apps like camera, gallery...
I have locked bootloader and nonrooted device, stock recovery too.
Can anyone help me?
Install b182 again by DLOAD and then 'dial'
*#*#2846579#*#* and apply Hard Reset
zgfg said:
Install b182 again by DLOAD and then 'dial'
*#*#2846579#*#* and apply Hard Reset
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Thank you for answer. When i flashed b182 update(dload method) after that phone did factory reset, and after that power on.
Do i need to factory reset again? When i installed b182 in my folder dload was only, do i need to have other files in dload folder or just i missing stock apps like compass, mirror... Maybe i need to flash some data files but i don`t know how without root or bootloader, and i would like to not root my device. What to do?
Here is an excellent guide for Rollback, I followed two times and everything worked perfect. However, skip 7-8 there is no such package and for 9 you should receive OTAs b383, b386 and b393 (some also get b393)
zgfg said:
Here is an excellent guide for Rollback, I followed two times and everything worked perfect. However, skip 7-8 there is no such package and for 9 you should receive OTAs b383, b386 and b393 (some also get b393)
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Hmm i followed just like that and i have update now to b383 but i won`t bcs i wanted mm. Weird, i found on forum that i need to flash hw_init with srk tool if i miss themes but that need a root. Hw_init is file from update_data_full_hw_eu(Step 7-8) but i don`t know how to flash it in dload bcs there have only files in zip not think i can`t flash zip file in dload. I searched that zip (hw_eu) and i found hw_init file and also my missing apps like compass. How to flash this zip without root?
Kovacc56 said:
Hmm i followed just like that and i have update now to b383 but i won`t bcs i wanted mm. Weird, i found on forum that i need to flash hw_init with srk tool if i miss themes but that need a root. Hw_init is file from update_data_full_hw_eu(Step 7-8) but i don`t know how to flash it in dload bcs there have only files in zip not think i can`t flash zip file in dload. I searched that zip (hw_eu) and i found hw_init file and also my missing apps like compass. How to flash this zip without root?
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I didn't stay in b182 but I think no apps were missing
Anyway, you can follow but for b182 package
zgfg said:
I didn't stay in b182 but I think no apps were missing
Anyway, you can follow but for b182 package
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Ye i remember i followed that instructions, first is for stock recovery and i have it and second is for stock firmware, i downloaded that l19 b182 from that link in his guide. I think i will have themes when i update my phone to b383, i have update in `about phone` but i like mm more... But don`t know how to solve my problem now with mm... Maybe u missed that apps too but u didn`t notice it, rly don`t know. Do anyone else know what do do?

Bootloop on pra_lx1 p8 lite 2017 oreo twrp and hurupdater issue

Hello everyone.
Last night i am tried to update my EMUI 5.0.2 Pra-lx1 p8 lite 2017 phone to the Oreo update downloaded from Team TMs' huawei firmware finder.
My phone is allready "Bootloader unlocked" and "FRP unlocked" there is no problem. I can reach to TWRP( there is a huge problem i will explain it).
on the top of my way i got EMUI 5.0.2 and i unlocked the bootloader and FRP.
then i installed the EliteTWRP-3.2.1.
after this i downloaded
and the 3 neccesery FullOTA-MV-OP files that includes the
then i do everything exatly on this thread
and voilla!!! i got the Oreo update installed.
i dont get the file manager app its lost!
i can not get themes or get in any of huawei apps sign in or get in!
so for this. my next step is goint to do reflash the oreo how i did it again.
i can not do this because the instaled TWRP does NOT support OREO. Applause for this
so i'am tried 3 different TWRP that can be used on HUAWEI phones.
First one is this i dont know who is the developer but ists intercafe is chinese or korean.
i tried to instal this over adb fastboot. BUT I can NOT. Because Oreo will do this on RAMDISK_RECOVERY!!!! WOOOWWWW
i did this and i reinstaled the oreo update like i did it first but in this new TWRP.
İt flashed my OREO but on the bootlogo the HUAWEI opening sound curropted before finished the sound and gets to restart.
after restart eRecovery opens and give me TWO funcional choises!!! Like Jig SAW
BUT for my chanse!!!! or mean bad LUCK!!! eRecovery WiFi doesnt see the EDUROAMs ACCESS POINTS WELL RIGHT!!!!
so i passed the first one and we are on the MAGICAL point.
the second option is the WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET
WHEN i choose this option it will go to the TWRP recovery nice huh!? NO.
so what will i do i know my phone is not BRICKED YET! İF THERE İS TWRP THERE İS HOPE!
please help me....
with this Recovery (TWRP)( not usefull beacuse you can not use them )
i found this under a members signature and i give a try but it wont work this gives me just a big error
But this error gets my phone a factory reset after than i flashed this Recovery (better then the chinesee korean languges type one ;D )
and i tried to flash the Oreo update again with
but now I am at the begining. System works there is no issue over hardware.
But there is missing system apps like File Manager. Themes and so on....
And the best thing is The BUILD NUMBER is
BUT I flashed the f*ckn'!!!!! WHY GOD!!!! WHY!!!!
Could anybody iluminte about what the hell is going on right now please i need to know why is why
Dude you need to rename the files before you put them in the folder
HuRUpdater --> just delete the number ( --> -->
marstonpear said:
Dude you need to rename the files before you put them in the folder
HuRUpdater --> just delete the number ( --> -->
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thanks for your response. but i mention it i did it everything right. i do not think that only delete 3 piece of character get back the File manager or themes or huawei applications .
z1rqdym said:
thanks for your response. but i mention it i did it everything right. i do not think that only delete 3 piece of character get back the File manager or themes or huawei applications .
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It would, main issue is that HuRUpdater is made for many Huawei phones not just for prague, when you flash the it can only flash the because you don't need to rename it. It doesn't flash the other zips because they're not named correctly, hence the updater can't find the zips to flash.
marstonpear said:
It would, main issue is that HuRUpdater is made for many Huawei phones not just for prague, when you flash the it can only flash the because you don't need to rename it. It doesn't flash the other zips because they're not named correctly, hence the updater can't find the zips to flash.
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there is a misunderstood i allready rename the 3 update files. i used two times the nocheck recovery method and works well but the issue is the same. i only dont rename the hurupdater file. i will give a try now.
Let me know if it works, if that doesn't work for you too I can't help you but I just uploaded the stock oreo erecovery to GDrive and you can download it and flash it to recovery_ramdisk partition (because you are on Oreo) then make a factory reset or go back to nougat
EDIT: I didn't read it right sorry that you can't connect to wifi. Try wiping data-cache-dalvik-system on TWRP and then flashing the
You may also have a bad download, I mean one of the zip files you have may be corrupted
marstonpear said:
Let me know if it works, if that doesn't work for you too I can't help you but I just uploaded the stock oreo erecovery to GDrive and you can download it and flash it to recovery_ramdisk partition (because you are on Oreo) then make a factory reset or go back to nougat
EDIT: I didn't read it right sorry that you can't connect to wifi. Try wiping data-cache-dalvik-system on TWRP and then flashing the
You may also have a bad download, I mean one of the zip files you have may be corrupted
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same result i did it just you are said. it flashed oreo and it booted and works. But there is no File manager can not use themes. Build number is I can make call connect to internet over LTE / 3G / EDGE.
is this issue are from that my phone is from another region instead from europe? İ downloaded the PRA-LX1C432B322-( from Team MT FirmwareFinder over Huawei host servers three times. even i download the stock nougat rom in the same way. I flashed the nougat but this time build number is NRD-testkeys . same issue file manager themes not appear or work.
z1rqdym said:
same result i did it just you are said. it flashed oreo and it booted and works. But there is no File manager can not use themes. Build number is I can make call connect to internet over LTE / 3G / EDGE.
is this issue are from that my phone is from another region instead from europe? İ downloaded the PRA-LX1C432B322-( from Team MT FirmwareFinder over Huawei host servers three times. even i download the stock nougat rom in the same way. I flashed the nougat but this time build number is NRD-testkeys . same issue file manager themes not appear or work.
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If you get that build number issue on nougat it might be about your oeminfo partition. Try flashing PRA-LX1C432 oeminfo on this thread :
Beware, it locks your bootloader, so unlock it after you flash the file. Then start erecovery and download the nougat firmware to get your device ready for Oreo, then flash the . I hope this works!
marstonpear said:
If you get that build number issue on nougat it might be about your oeminfo partition. Try flashing PRA-LX1C432 oeminfo on this thread :
Beware, it locks your bootloader, so unlock it after you flash the file. Then start erecovery and download the nougat firmware to get your device ready for Oreo, then flash the . I hope this works!
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is this rebranding changes my device IMEI adress? if it is so my unlock code do not work?
z1rqdym said:
is this rebranding changes my device IMEI adress? if it is so my unlock code do not work?
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I don't think it changes the IMEI. I had a pra-lx1c464(Turkey) and I rebranded it to c432 I had no issues with it. It will change your device to Dual-SIM though if you have a single SIM device, which has no effect at all. I can still use my bootloader unlock code, and I have used it many time again and again after rebranding the device. Also you're trying to install PRA-LX1C432B322 Oreo right? Your device should be branded as PRA-LX1C432 first
is it neccesery to download the nougat rom from eRecovery over wifi?
z1rqdym said:
is it neccesery to download the nougat rom from eRecovery over wifi?
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I'm not sure but it is necessary to have it branded as PRA-LX1C432
I will give a try flash the oeminfo c432 then try to flash nougat with nocheck image.
nope nothing works... I flashed the oem info from the link that you givin here. but the oeminfo doesnt change the Build number but the device changed to honor 8 lite chinese normal version on nougat. After flashed the oreo the build number dont changed and the themes not working file manager also not excist.
Factory reset
z1rqdym said:
nope nothing works... I flashed the oem info from the link that you givin here. but the oeminfo doesnt change the Build number but the device changed to honor 8 lite chinese normal version on nougat. After flashed the oreo the build number dont changed and the themes not working file manager also not excist.
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Have you tried to reset the phone to its factory defaults . In this way I fixed missing apps problem .
I tried factory reset over Recovery bu it doesnt changed any thing. Then i tried the factory reset from the settings of the rom. Same result.
I just installed it manually. I have the (08TO) but I don't have any issue, I have apps and it correct the version not should I expecting something different?
Please let me know
Same build number as in my settings. Themes wont work because regional issues. When i change phones language to english themes apps works well. Thats the themes app i admit it but.. in the other hand i dont get the in games(i dont remember the original name of it) app comes with oreo. I dont have the huawei login future anymore i think this is because of the unlocked bootloader not tried to look again then do a factory reset. I can not rebrand my phone. I know because when i flash europen oeminfo or not if i install the stock emui 5.0.3 again it says no build number against test keys . On the other side i can use my phone well i dont have any problem. And i forgot to say i dont even the file manager i installed the hidisk apk that i found on internet.
My advise is dont do this to your phones wait for a official update. But for us this is a long hard road

