Where Is The Ringtone and Notification Folder - Blu Vivo XL

Where is the folder for ringtones and notification tones located? I have the Blu Vivo XI Plus.



Need help with ringtone

I am looking for a ringtone that the sidekick lx has the (new message) ringtone

Change default notification sounds?

Has anyone figured out how to add ringtones or notification sounds yet? I tried adding the folders to the gear and putting sounds in them to no avail.

[q] modify facebook app's icons

good evening everyone
i would like to change the notification icon of facebook and replace it with other color.
but i cant make it work.....
i extracted the facebook apk, found the icon from res/drawable-xhdpi-v4
and pasted it to my overlays/com.facebook.katana-2/res/drawable-xhdpi-v4
but doesnt change...
any ideas?
how can i edit that icon ...please help!
nobbody ?

CyanogenMod 12.1 notification tones storeage?

Where are the notification tones for CM12.1 stored? If I want to add third party tones, should I add to the default folder or on the SD Card?

Media Folder

Can anyone please extract and share the media folder (ringtone, notification tones and alarm tones) please?
Here you go

