Low Estimated Battery Capacity - Accubattery - Samsung Galaxy S10 Questions & Answers

Anyone else getting a pretty bad battery capacity estimate from Accubattery? Mine is showing ~3080 for an S10.
Just did a 1% to 100% charge, barely turned it on, and it shows +3047 mAh.
EDIT: I will keep a list of everyone who posts data so its all in an easy place to find. If you want your name removed, just let me know
Galaxy S10+ - Marketed as: 4100 mAh
Mephotis: 3700 (full charge)
kiarash1994: 3800
electronicwizard01: 3907 (few days)
aroy97: 3796 (week)
Davey Dual Sim: 3989 (53% total in 2 charges)
S10+ : 3732
Galaxy S10 - Marketed as: 3400 mAh
K0nkuzh0n Phone1: 3100 (full charge)
K0nkuzh0n Phone2: 3160 (1314% over 17 charges)
johnny8910: 3200
jslee12: 3150 (full charge)
androidyu: 3150
Ek988: 3161 (449% over 13 charges)
bkkzak: 3143 (1006% over 25 charges)
gunemalli: 3200
pear93: 3165
Erecik: 3054 (384% over 10 charges)
Galaxy S10e - Marketed as: 3100 mAh
learnyee: 3055
superrman: 2888
mains75: 2936 (Exynos)

Use the Samsung phone info app.

Ace42 said:
Use the Samsung phone info app.
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For what? It doesn't give you estimated battery capacity that I see

k0nkuzh0n said:
Anyone else getting a pretty bad battery capacity estimate from Accubattery? Mine is showing ~3080 for an S10.
Just did a 1% to 100% charge, barely turned it on, and it shows +3047 mAh.
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Yeh, I was getting low figures, but after a few charges, it has moved up to 3300 mAh

johnny8910 said:
Yeh, I was getting low figures, but after a few charges, it has moved up to 3300 mAh
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Good to know, I'll keep an open mind for the next few days. But so far the only data that doesn't support a ~3050 mAh battery is the very first charge, for about 50%, estimated 3400 mAh.
How low was yours before it started getting better?

k0nkuzh0n said:
Good to know, I'll keep an open mind for the next few days. But so far the only data that doesn't support a ~3050 mAh battery is the very first charge, for about 50%, estimated 3400 mAh.
How low was yours before it started getting better?
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3 charges

k0nkuzh0n said:
Anyone else getting a pretty bad battery capacity estimate from Accubattery? Mine is showing ~3080 for an S10.
Just did a 1% to 100% charge, barely turned it on, and it shows +3047 mAh.
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Yup same thing for me. Battery capacity of 3150 after a full drain and charge x2. Fyi, I hate full cycles but it needed to be done for my own sanity lol. Sot of 5 to 6 hours on 30 to 50 percent brightness. Battery drain while screen on is 12% and screen off at 1.4%. My tests are based off accubattery. Even if the app calculates estimated capacity wrong, I doubt it has inaccurate calculations for the other measurements. Feel like screen on drainage should be better given the new processor and larger battery. Is everyone else getting similar drainage patterns?

I just downloaded accubatteru and for my s10+ it battery capacity is showing only 4000, is this normal?

Shuthefrontdoor said:
I just downloaded accubatteru and for my s10+ it battery capacity is showing only 4000, is this normal?
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You mean the design capacity? Or estimated capacity? I'm not sure how the design capacity is determined, but if that is the one you are talking about, than yes i believe so. My S10 says 3300 instead of 3400 for design capacity.
That number doesn't really mean much. its the ESTIMATED capacity that is the real head scratcher. After a few charges, post what you get!
Also, If you find the wallpapers that people have made for "see through" phones, that show all the internals, the batteries actually are "Rated" for 100 mAh less than whatever "Typical" is. Written right on the battery.
S10+ is Rated at 4000 mAh, Typical 4100 mAh
S10 is Rated at 3300 mAh, Typical is 3400 mAh.
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The battery in my s10+ is absolutely horrible.

shollywood said:
The battery in my s10+ is absolutely horrible.
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Have you used Accubattery? Try it out and see what the estimated battery numbers say after a few charges. If its not a capacity issue, the app will also calculate some data that might narrow down why, such as your % burn rates with the screen on and off.

Just installed it now. What should I be looking at specifically? I've had the phone a week now already and the battery keeps getting worse.

From the about phone section

shollywood said:
Just installed it now. What should I be looking at specifically? I've had the phone a week now already and the battery keeps getting worse.
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you will have to wait a few days of fully using and recharging the phone to get real meaningful data
The estimated battery capacity shows up in two places. On the 'Charging' page at the very bottom, I believe this is estimated based on your last charge. and on the 'Health' page, i believe this one is a weighted average of all previous charges.
On the Discharging page:
Discharging speeds for Screen on and Screen off are very important. Also the 'in deep sleep for' numbers can be telling. When you aren't using your phone for long periods of time, your phone should be going into deep sleep. If not, your 'screen off' burn rates will be high.
I get about 1.1%/hour for screen off if its not doing anything.
If I have Pandora running, or Google maps directions running with the screen off, I get about ~4.5%/hour
Screen on burn rate will vary depending on your usage, brightness, resolution, etc.

Thanks, I'll use it for a few days and see with this on.

Loving the battery on my s10e lol

vimto25 said:
Loving the battery on my s10e lol
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Have you used accubattery? What's your estimated battery capacity?
I'm actually getting good battery life (Snapdragon). I got about 7.5 hours SOT my last full charge, almost 29 hours total. Burn rate is about 10%/hr screen on on FHD+. But my battery is only testing at about 3100 mAh. Almost 10% lower than what it should be.
I got some charger testers/meters and they are pretty much agreeing with accubattery, that 100% charge is only about 3100 mAh.

Worst battery life on my exynos s10. I hope it gets better after a few charge cycles.

k0nkuzh0n said:
Have you used accubattery? What's your estimated battery capacity?
I'm actually getting good battery life (Snapdragon). I got about 7.5 hours SOT my last full charge, almost 29 hours total. Burn rate is about 10%/hr screen on on FHD+. But my battery is only testing at about 3100 mAh. Almost 10% lower than what it should be.
I got some charger testers/meters and they are pretty much agreeing with accubattery, that 100% charge is only about 3100 mAh.
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I get around 6 hours of battery life which isn't bad. However, I have the same issue of only 3100 mah which really isn't acceptable. Basically I'm starting off with 92% battery life on a new device. That makes no sense.

jslee12 said:
I get around 6 hours of battery life which isn't bad. However, I have the same issue of only 3100 mah which really isn't acceptable. Basically I'm starting off with 92% battery life on a new device. That makes no sense.
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Agree. I'm going to try to get a new phone at best buy, and if I can, I'll be returning my preorder to samsung. I'll miss out on the free buds unfortunately, but it is what it is. This isn't something I can unsee haha.
My estimates did go up a little, from 3050 to about 3150 after i fully charged it, even a little beyond 100%. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have a charger tester that reads out voltage and current to the phone, so I waited until it was reading 0 amps and then disconnected the phone. I also got a 2nd and 3rd charger tester ($10 on amazon) to verify the capacity counter on it was accurate. Sure enough, all 3 and accubattery say about 3090 to 3150 mAh.


[Q] Extended battery for HTC HD7

Hey All!
Just stumbled upon a new product from Mugen Power for HTC HD7 for 3900mah.
It looks bulky but as I'm travelling a lot I would really get a good use of it. I saw many positive reviews about them, droiddog.com in example...Thinking of buying it.
Any thoughts? Anyone with previous Mugen experience?
Dont buy it.
It product too much heat when u run an app, and it make ur phone very heavy.
I have one. The battery definetly adds alot of weight too it. Also since the phone wasnt made for a bigger battery windows phone displays the battery level incorrectly and you need to restart it everytime you want to see correct battery level. Also takes forever to charge it.
Also the 3900mah is false advertising.
Their 2x the size the original 2x1280= 2560mah.
Your better getting a spare
wow. I heard good stuff about Mugen on other forums and sites. Even phandroid gave them a good review.
Thanks anyway! Will check more on them.
not sure about mugen ones but the ones on ebay arent really worth the money, time or the extra thickness
Just got a reply from Mugen Power. Checked their official site and they seem legit.
I don't buy these things from eBay. Trying to use official reseller sites. Read about Mugen - they have one that is pretty good. I have one battery from them for another phone but it's not that big as this one. Will buy this one I guess. I don't care about cosmetics - I need it for other things.
geekdude said:
Just got a reply from Mugen Power. Checked their official site and they seem legit.
I don't buy these things from eBay. Trying to use official reseller sites. Read about Mugen - they have one that is pretty good. I have one battery from them for another phone but it's not that big as this one. Will buy this one I guess. I don't care about cosmetics - I need it for other things.
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Its up to you Either way the battery is still gonna be displayed incorrectly
Still wouldnt spend 50+ quid on a battery.
The mugen ones are only better by a margin. Nothing really worth paying for in my opinion
Yoobao from Amazon
I bought a Yoobao 2200mAh battery from Amazon about a month ago (http://www.amazon.com/2200-Extended-Battery-Replacement-Cover/dp/B004JOLJDK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1300571465&sr=8-6). Battery life is DEFINATELY improved. I've done no truly scientific measurement of how much better the battery is, but I will say I can now use the phone how I see fit (with the exception of my email, which is not set to download automatically for various reasons) without worrying much about charging the battery every time I blink. It does indeed add extra weight, but nothing terrible.
Bottom line...even though the battery meter is no longer accurate, it doesn't matter. I don't have to charge the phone after playing a game and listening to music and surfing a bit. That in itself is worth the $24.99 that the battery cost.
The way the extended back cover feels is pretty nice. It gives it a kind of grip feel...but that grip stuff is also starting to peel from the corners, so the build quality of the new battery back isn't all that great.
isoman4 said:
I bought a Yoobao 2200mAh battery from Amazon about a month ago (http://www.amazon.com/2200-Extended-Battery-Replacement-Cover/dp/B004JOLJDK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1300571465&sr=8-6). Battery life is DEFINATELY improved. I've done no truly scientific measurement of how much better the battery is, but I will say I can now use the phone how I see fit (with the exception of my email, which is not set to download automatically for various reasons) without worrying much about charging the battery every time I blink. It does indeed add extra weight, but nothing terrible.
Bottom line...even though the battery meter is no longer accurate, it doesn't matter. I don't have to charge the phone after playing a game and listening to music and surfing a bit. That in itself is worth the $24.99 that the battery cost.
The way the extended back cover feels is pretty nice. It gives it a kind of grip feel...but that grip stuff is also starting to peel from the corners, so the build quality of the new battery back isn't all that great.
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I'm glad to read this. I ordered one myself and it arrived today.
JWhipple said:
I'm glad to read this. I ordered one myself and it arrived today.
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Excellent! What do you think of it so far? Just like the oem battery, it takes a while to charge at first. Charging time will get better over time.
isoman4 said:
Excellent! What do you think of it so far? Just like the oem battery, it takes a while to charge at first. Charging time will get better over time.
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JWhipple said:
I'm glad to read this. I ordered one myself and it arrived today.
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Hehe mine too just arrived today, I wonder if it can survive at least two days without charging =]
HTC hd7 battery
After using this new battery how many hours battery is lasting ?
my htc hd7 battery 1230mah needs to charge for every 5-6 hours...i use messenger n surf a bit...
PLz can any one tell me if this is good for htc hd7 with out any effects to mobile... so that ill buy it
thank u!
pinoypayter said:
Hehe mine too just arrived today, I wonder if it can survive at least two days without charging =]
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If you can get 2 days, you are the man!
shilpaam said:
After using this new battery how many hours battery is lasting ?
my htc hd7 battery 1230mah needs to charge for every 5-6 hours...i use messenger n surf a bit...
PLz can any one tell me if this is good for htc hd7 with out any effects to mobile... so that ill buy it
thank u!
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Nothing negative yet. Only had it going for a month so far, though.
pinoypayter said:
Hehe mine too just arrived today, I wonder if it can survive at least two days without charging =]
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Can u give us your comment about the Yoobao battery 2200mhz for HD7 ? I am thinking about buying an extended batter because the original battery of HD7 is too bad.
I fully charged HD7 at 0h then unplugged and sleep, at 7:00 AM I woke up and the battery lost about 30% engergy, then at about 10:00 AM with few calls, it lost all its energy.
I don't know if anybody has the same battery like me ?
wow that thing is beastmode. i wish HTC would make official batteries that had more juice i can get 2 days on my hd7 with little use bit of texting some internet over wifi but no gaming or any intensive app use. but when i only get about 3-4 hours a day with an hour gaming or so its kinda crap that i have to take my charger everywhere with me
Don't buy cheap extended off eBay mine didn't lat any longer than stock. I do like the back cover it does add grip to phone. my developer unlocked phone showsdame may as stock on the cheaper extended battery (3500mah) off ebay . Hong Kong. I do realize u get what u pay for. I still get a spare battery even tho it doesn't last any longer.
So listen to the other post buy name brand for the extended. IMO.
Sent from my T9295 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
check this out
---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 AM ----------
d33ps1x said:
-Battery took 4 hours to charge up to 4.218 volts
-Estimated full from empty AC charge is 4.5 hours
-No heat generation to speak of during charging or use so far.
-Battery has been charged and fully discharged 3 times now. Reset all stats and running an Antutu Battery Test on it that I will also run on the stock and CS 2200 mAh to have some comparisons that mean something.
Testing setup is as follows:
-Same phone with CM7.2 overclocked to 806 mhz to speed up the testing process for all three batteries
-Batteries all conditioned and then charged for 8 hours prior to testing
-No changing of configured apps, services, etc on phone during testing
-batterystats.bin and Battery Monitor Pro history is wiped between batteries
-Wifi and data turned off so the phone does essentially nothing
-Antutu stops phone from locking, dimming, downclocking etc. so it's basically running all out for the entire duration
-No one seems to know what the scores are or how they relate to anyone else but I figure they will relate to each other.
-Once test is complete run Antutu again to run the battery down to 1% for shutdown and get final burn time results from Battery Monitor Pro
TEST 1: ECell Gold 2430 mAh replacement battery
Test start time: 03:03 AM
Test start %: 100%
Test end time: 06:40 AM
Test end %: 19%
Antutu Test duration: 03:37
Rundown end time: 07:22 AM
Rundown end %: 1%
Total test duration: 4:19
Test score: 652
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TEST 2: HTC 1230 mAh stock battery
Test start time: 12:58 PM
Test start %: 100%
Test end time: 03:48 PM
Test end %: 19%
Antutu Test duration: 03:00
Rundown end time: 4:32 PM
Rundown end %: 1%
Total test duration: 03:44
Test score: 508
TEST 3: Cameron Sino 2200 mAh replacement battery
Test start time: 05:10 PM
Test start %: 100%
Test end time: 11:31 PM
Test end %: 19%
Antutu Test duration: 06:21
Rundown end time: 12:45 AM
Rundown end %: 1%
Total test duration: 07:35
Test score: 1145
Final Results For ECell Gold, HTC Stock, and Cameron Sino:
-3 Hours and 44 Minutes For HTC Stock Battery
-4 Hours and 19 Minutes For ECell Gold Battery
-7 Hours and 35 Minutes For Cameron Sino Battery
-The ECell Gold, at 13.34% more capacity than the HTC Stock battery, comes in at far less than it's advertised 2430 mAh.
-The Cameron Sino, at 50.52% more capacity than the HTC Stock battery, comes in at more than it's advertised capacity of 2200 mAh
The Conclusion:
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and you can't cheat physics.
Applying the same battery technology you can really only expect marginal performance gains in the same form factor as is shown with the underachievement of the ECell Gold compared to it's advertised capacity.
There were no surprises here.
Double the form factor brought double the capacity. If you're cool with a "Fat Phone", the Cameron Sino Technology 2200 mAh battery lives up to it's expectations and puts some reality back into things. You get a very high capacity battery at a very reasonable $22.00 US
In it's own right the ECell Gold 2430 mAh is a great idea for a cheap and higher capacity replacement battery and that's really the positive in that storyline.
The price is right for a slim replacement battery but they need to stop the gimmickry and advertise it for what it is.
False hope is NOT better than no hope.
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I can't test my battery with this method , but I turn on wifi for 2 hours and listen to music for 1 hour
I had call for 35 min in 2g
for them , I charge my battery once in 2 days
saeedk64m said:
I can't test my battery with this method , but I turn on wifi for 2 hours and listen to music for 1 hour
I had call for 35 min in 2g
for them , I charge my battery once in 2 days
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u have to use the batteyr in real life ..
the best is 3G web surfing continously until the battery drains...

1800 mah battery with stock cover!

I just thought I would share this just in case if anyone was interested. I bought this battery for my Samsung Captivate and it works well. So I decided to out try it in my Focus to see if it would fit..it fit perfectly!! I have had the battery for only 2 weeks now but it does work better and it looks to be Samsung OEM.
So just to recap this fits with the stock back. It is but you will never notice once it closes
Just to clarify...this 1800mah battery fits under the OEM samsung focus cover?? Can you update this thread with usage times?
I would also like to know if this battery is available in EU?
Sierra76 said:
I would also like to know if this battery is available in EU?
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There is an ebay seller shipping to EU.
I've opted for the Chinese 1800 mAh copies as they're cheap, will update with details when they arrive.
siralex241 said:
Just to clarify...this 1800mah battery fits under the OEM samsung focus cover?? Can you update this thread with usage times?
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Correct this battery fits under the stock cover. This phone isn't my daily phone so I can't tell you how much longer it lasts. What I can tell you though is that in my Captivate (daily phone) it lasts longer for sure, probably about 20 to 30% more. I literally used it in the Focus for like half a day and it had no issues.
Okay I am using the battery in the focus today. It does snap. Lose but it is a tight fight. If you have a case it won't be a problem at all. One corner from my phone unsnaps randomly but one of my clips is broken so that could be the case also.
I received today the Chinese batteries.
They fit perfectly in the Focus and looks like they're exactly the same size. I've started the phone with one and it works fine.
Battery cover is absolutely the same with this one as with the original. I didn't notice any difference in weight either.
See for yourselves:
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I will charge one fully and test it asap and will post back the results.
Could you PM me where did you buy that chinesse battery?
I tested the Chinese batteries and they're weak, as I expected.
They held 3h 05m on WP Bench where as my 1 year old original Focus battery held 3h 50 min in the same battery test, that's 80% of the battery I have now and I remember in NoDo, on WP Bench battery was holding about 6h.
So, they're good as backups, but in no way better than the originals.
The originals should be better, in theory.
I bought the Anker battery from amazon which was around 10 bucks. Its also 1800 mah, but is the same size as the Samsung OEM stock batter that comes with the focus. Seemed to last about 36 hours with light use on my Focus. One thing I noticed - the charging indicator never stops blinking to say that is finished charging. IMHO doesn't seem to give much more than a fresh new stock OEM battery - although for 10 bucks I agree would make a good back up, thats about it.
Here's the link to the battery I purchased:
EnderPsp said:
I tested the Chinese batteries and they're weak, as I expected.
They held 3h 05m on WP Bench where as my 1 year old original Focus battery held 3h 50 min in the same battery test, that's 80% of the battery I have now and I remember in NoDo, on WP Bench battery was holding about 6h.
So, they're good as backups, but in no way better than the originals.
The originals should be better, in theory.
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I never knew about WP Bench. Wish I had. My Focus had 420 or so cycles on it's battery and had a rapid performance decline in charge holding. It also blew up (physically) a bit. I replaced it with a replacement OEM from Batteries +.
The replacement doesn't seem to be the equivalent of Day 1 on the Original battery but maybe Mango and my usage is far more than before.
The knock off batteries, the misrepresented mah ratings, and even the out-right faking of batteries has my jaw dropped. Buyer beware.
I contend that the battery issue, battery fakes, and cheap replacements is 100% the reason Apple doesn't make their battery accessible. They want a tight control over those batteries to guarantee performance.
I just ordered the OEM from first post. When it arrives, I will attempt to do scientific tests and post results. I'll use WP Bench as mentioned before since that is likely the most accurate way to test.
Stock Battery
Airplane mode and NOTHING running…
Ok, Here is a Preliminary set of numbers with 1800 battery...
Same settings and still NOTHING running:
Reason I say preliminary is because this was after the FIRST charge. When the phone finished charging again, I needed to use the phone, so was unable to set it for a test run again. I'll attempt that again tonight. BUT, for the record, I took the phone with me to Reno, NV and used it for over 1 1/2 days without charging. Used the Internet, Maps, and Showing it off to family, taking 15 mins of video during the fireworks, and still had 10% battery left over... I'm really anxious to see what my test results will be this next time...
FYI, it is a fairly tight fit within the cover, but it DOES fit. Once I got all the snaps snapped, it feels very secure.
jev3gs said:
Correct this battery fits under the stock cover. This phone isn't my daily phone so I can't tell you how much longer it lasts. What I can tell you though is that in my Captivate (daily phone) it lasts longer for sure, probably about 20 to 30% more. I literally used it in the Focus for like half a day and it had no issues.
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Could you send us the link for purchase, please?
Yeah, that's strange, the link died on the first post. Here's a link to eBay with a bunch available... Look for part # EB625152VA If you Bing/Google this number, you will find other resellers too.
If you like paying full price, buy direct from Samsung: http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones-accessories/EB625152VABSTD
Larger Battery Tests
Ok, final numbers, photos, and thoughts. The battery is snug, (if you look carefully, you can see a slight deformation on the battery cover where it is forming over the oversized Galaxy battery) but after it is snapped closed, you won't notice as jev3gs has already mentioned. Images attached.
I've made a correction for the time posted in above post (Copied it wrong), and have performed two tests with each battery, so I'm confident that the numbers here are correct. The tests were within about 30 seconds of each other on each battery.
Stock Focus Battery 5.55Wh 1500 mAh
PN# EB575152VA
4hrs 11mins 57sec
= 251.95 Minutes
Galaxy S™ II Battery 6.66Wh 1800 mAh
PN# EB625152VA
4hrs 43mins 40sec
= 283.67 Minutes
This is an improvement of 31.72mins, or 11%! That's using WP Bench which kills the battery very quickly compared to real usage.
That may not seem like much, but for me in my usage, that will likely equate to an extra 1.5 hours per day. 12 hours + 11% = 13.32 hours.
(According to the printed battery specs, you should actually receive about 16% extra, my tests showed a little lower. Maybe will get better with more usage.)
I have not done charging tests yet, but it also seems like it is charging faster. That may be in my head, but it seems like about an hour faster... I MIGHT test that later.
PS: Thank you jev3gs for the heads up on this tip. I was about to buy another battery anyways, so this is icing on the cake!
Thanks for taking the time and doing the review! Let us know about charging times too!
Thanks for the detailed posts SuperSport. I wish the OP had put this before I bought the Momax battery which takes forever to charge compared to the stock one.
Unfortunately, I still have not run verifiable tests to prove the charge times. It does seem faster, but normally, I charge it at night and don't pay attention to when it completes. I've been a bit to busy to run the tests during the day, so it will need to wait for now.
I've bought many OEM and Generic batteries over the years for both phones and Radio Control, and it's really hit and miss. Sometimes, the Generic blow the OEM out of the water, but usually, the OEM batteries outperform.
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
What do u mean by light use? My stock one, I use the phone for reading news from weave and wp7 news with WiFi enabled, and I got about 5h. I also play games for a little bit. That is my typical day usage.
I wish to use the phone for around half of the day or so, if this 1800 MAh could give me that much of power, then it is awesome
thanchetmy said:
What do u mean by light use? My stock one, I use the phone for reading news from weave and wp7 news with WiFi enabled, and I got about 5h. I also play games for a little bit. That is my typical day usage.
I wish to use the phone for around half of the day or so, if this 1800 MAh could give me that much of power, then it is awesome
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Using my 11% gain as a reference, you could expect 5.55 hours, up from 5 hours. If Samsung is correct, and it's 16% gain, then it would be 5.8 hours. Still not quite 1/2 day...

LG G4 stock battery 2900 mAh vs chinese 8600 vs Mugen Power 6200 comparison review

This is a quick comparison between two batteries for the LG G4 H815. The method used is the following:
Screen always on with brightness at 100% always, even below 5%
Running Hard Intensive GPU Benchmark on static screenshot, after initial test. GPU is at high load (80-90%) but not at 100% (unlike on main test).
Smartphone on airplane mode and no software on background
Stock battery (BL-51YF) which claims to have 2900 mAh and 11.2 Wh., rechargeable Li-Ion battery 3.85v, 1ICP6/51/73, manufactured 2015.08.19.
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The runtime is the following:
100% to 5%: 2 hours 18 minutes (138 minutes)
100% to 1% (auto shutdown): 2 hours 28 minutes (148 minutes)
Charge energy: charge the smartphone from 1% to 100%, screen off and airplane mode, no apps in the background.
1% to 100% (current flow almost zero): 13 Wh measured by ZY1230 USB 3.0 Power Monitor
Bigger one, in this case chinese: Replacement 6800mAh Li-ion Battery + Back Case for LG G4 + More, which costs about €11.
Claims to be 3.85VDC 26.2 Wh, BL-51YF/G4/H818. It included a back cover which is tough plastic to the touch, and there's missing the proper bumper to cover the edges of the phone all around, so you don't smash the screen if it falls accidentally.
The runtime is the following:
100% to 5%: 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes)
100% to 1% (auto shutdown): 4 hours 7 minutes (247 minutes)
Charge energy: charge the smartphone from 1% to 100%, screen off and airplane mode, no apps in the background.
1% to 100%: 19.5 Wh measured by ZY1230 USB 3.0 Power Monitor
This battery is great because supports NFC and Wireless Charging with its own back cover.
It has a kickstand that can be unfolded, but doesn't work very well because the phone gets unbalanced easily, since the kickstand is on one side instead of in the center.
The major downside of the cover, is that it totally blocks the rear speaker. I guess you can solve it removing the kickstand and making an opening on the case.
The article is this:
Mugen Power LG G4 815T / G4 Dual 818N 6200mAh Extended Battery with cover (NFC + Wireless Charging supported)
The runtime is the following:
100% to 5%: 5 hours 19 minutes (319 minutes)
100% to 1% (auto shutdown): 6 hours 58 minutes (418 minutes)
Charge energy: charge the smartphone from 1% to 100%, screen off and airplane mode, no apps in the background.
1% to 100% (current flow almost zero): 30 Wh measured by ZY1230 USB 3.0 Power Monitor
The MVPRODUCT aftermarket 6800 mAh battery is not as good as claimed. Following specs, the duration should be a 234% respect to the original battery, but I find out that the real stamina is only a 166% of the original value.
The Mugen is the best by far.
The downside of all those aftermarket batteries, is that they don't come with an additional bumper, so it would help you protect the screen in case you drop it.
Probably I should check the better looking PowerBear LG G4, which has an additional bumper, but unfortunately is not officially available on europe:
To my understanding the OS is responsible for the Battery's mah as it seems to be stuck at the original 3000mah where if you charge the battery even overnight it'll still be the same. For example: your 6000mah battery discharges to 0% and charge it overnight, it'll still be 3000mah and not 6000mah as it'll drain faster than normal. What I do is I bought a LG G4 Battery Charger and it works great
WAIDroid said:
To my understanding the OS is responsible for the Battery's mah as it seems to be stuck at the original 3000mah where if you charge the battery even overnight it'll still be the same. For example: your 6000mah battery discharges to 0% and charge it overnight, it'll still be 3000mah and not 6000mah as it'll drain faster than normal. What I do is I bought a LG G4 Battery Charger and it works great
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If I have to physically remove the battery each night I just drop it, that's the whole purpose of an extended battery, not to need to deal with usb powerbanks or second batteries. I though that the maximum charge was controlled by voltage and not by accumulated current. Can you provide a link where this is further explained, where did you get this information?
Using the app Ampere, both original and extended batteries are marked at 100% once they reach the voltage of 4.364 volts approximately, as Ampere shows, so it looks indeed that the charge is controlled by voltage in some way.
Probably the chinese battery is a little bit of a scam. Just bought the Mugen Power LG G4 815T / G4 Dual 818N 6200mAh Extended Battery with cover (NFC + Wireless Charging supported), let's see when it arrives how good it is.
scandiun said:
If I have to physically remove the battery each night I just drop it, that's the whole purpose of an extended battery, not to need to deal with usb powerbanks or second batteries. I though that the maximum charge was controlled by voltage and not by accumulated current. Can you provide a link where this is further explained, where did you get this information?
Using the app Ampere, both original and extended batteries are marked at 100% once they reach the voltage of 4.364 volts approximately, as Ampere shows, so it looks indeed that the charge is controlled by voltage in some way.
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Does anyone know if the limit is hardware in the controller or software ? I mean I would like to buy an 5000mah battery (even if it is only 4000mah), but charge it in the phone at night.
ObiDanKenobi said:
Does anyone know if the limit is hardware in the controller or software ? I mean I would like to buy an 5000mah battery (even if it is only 4000mah), but charge it in the phone at night.
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I guess it's hardware controlled, because you can charge with the phone powered off (android is not booted up), and from my experience the charge is controlled reading the battery voltage, so until the battery reaches a certain voltage it will continue injecting current.
I've bought the Mugen 6200 mAh for the LG G4, I'll do the pertinent tests when I receive it and see the real capacity. You can simply charge the phone powered off from 1% to 100% and measure the energy supplied in Wh with some multimeter or USB power analyzer.
I got my Battery Charger off eBay and i charged once with and without the Battery Charger and i got 5HRs (rather then the 3) with the Battery Charger
WAIDroid said:
I got my Battery Charger off eBay and i charged once with and without the Battery Charger and i got 5HRs (rather then the 3) with the Battery Charger
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What battery are you talking about?
scandiun said:
What battery are you talking about?
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The Original @3000mah look my thread as i tested All mine with the screen-on the whole time @brightness 40 (YouTube, Browsing) No games though
Added for the Mugen Power 6200 mAh. The best so far, much better battery life than the chinese and also has wireless charging and NFC. The only downside is that doesn't come with a bumper to protect the screen all around.
scandiun said:
I guess it's hardware controlled, because you can charge with the phone powered off (android is not booted up), and from my experience the charge is controlled reading the battery voltage, so until the battery reaches a certain voltage it will continue injecting current.
I've bought the Mugen 6200 mAh for the LG G4, I'll do the pertinent tests when I receive it and see the real capacity. You can simply charge the phone powered off from 1% to 100% and measure the energy supplied in Wh with some multimeter or USB power analyzer.
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Am thinking of buying a 6000mAh battery. Is it worth? And also, does it mean I will have longer usage time?
dharakv said:
Am thinking of buying a 6000mAh battery. Is it worth? And also, does it mean I will have longer usage time?
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The Mugen Power 6200 is an outstanding battery, however I already got rid of the G4 because fried the motherboard and got bootloop. I used it heavily and due to overheating the joints of the motherboard got melted. You will get a lot more usage time.

Battery life/monitoring question

i've recently purchased a new Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. It looks like the tablet had been lying in stock for quite some time, as it only had 28% battery left when i powered it up. The first readings from the monitoring app i use (AccuBattery) estimated an effective capacity of around 5600 mAh out of the 5870 mAh design capacity (95% health). After one full charge cycle, i've been doing small cycles as is advised pretty much everywhere when dealing with Li-Ion batteries, never dropping below 20% and never going above 70%. A 50% charge cycle, from 20% to 70%, is worth 10% of a full cycle, according to the app.
Now here's the catch, in just 2 weeks of use, and what must have been 3 cycles' worth of charging tops, the battery health already dropped from 95% to 92%, and is now resting at 5421 mAh estimated capacity. The amount of mAh gained from a 50% charge also reflects this. It's also worth noting that the built in battery indicator shows the same percentages as the app, which would lead me to believe the readings are accurate, or at least that both are either right or wrong.
I find it highly unlikely a barely used battery could lose 3% of its capacity over the span of 2 weeks, so what gives? Could it be the infamous "memory effect" at work, even though Li-Ion batteries are supposed to not be affected by it? Or is the battery bad?
I'd like to shed some light on this topic, as there's a lot of contrasting opinions about it.

Question Accubattery capacity readings

Post your capacity readings from Accubattery app here.
I am getting about 3200mAh, which is concerning to say at least since it is a brand new device.
Share your experience.
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Jusr for info, after watching a teardown video I realized he battery is actually 3835mah not 4000 !
Accubattery is not that accurate.
So when I charge my phone 20-80% it shows 2900mAh is the battery capacity. And when I charge it 0-100% it shows 3900
I don't think it is about accubattery not doing its job. I think it is because our phones don't show us the true values of percentages - and that is what the app is using to approximate battery capacity.
It's like from 0 to 20 percent it can hold charge as it would (if measured accurately) from 0 to 30 and from 50 to 65 as it would from 50 to 65 - using numbers just 4 example..
Anyways, its good too see some data shared so we can compare.
tafarelli said:
Post your capacity readings from Accubattery app here.
I am getting about 3200mAh, which is concerning to say at least since it is a brand new device.
Share your experience. View attachment 5396359View attachment 5396361
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with just 2 readings over 40% reloading accubattery readings are pretty much worthless, you need several 80%+ charges (even better 100%) charges to get the a somewhat accurate reading.
Hollyca said:
Jusr for info, after watching a teardown video I realized he battery is actually 3835mah not 4000 !View attachment 5396585
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You are confusing typical and rated.
Typical is the "physical" capacity of the battery from 100 to 0% at 3.87V.
Rated is according to what the manufacture expects it to be the operating conditions, that includes discharge rate (C), actual voltage it needs to supply, temperature etc.
So this battery has 4000mAh, but inside this phone under conditions deemed normal operation range it will deliver ~3800mAh.
For some reason , the battery health is 94%. First time I've seen health scores below 100%.
Same here, I get around 3300mah for charges between 40—60%

As you can see below the results are quite good. Got 34h runtime with over 4h SOT.
The battery is still showed as small.
I did install the latest update, set preferred 3g (i have wifi almost everywhere and for background sync 3g is more than enough), and switched on battery saver in developer options (no idea if that helps).
I think the accubattery estimations are wrong because it shows the wrong charging current. The phone has 30W and Accu shows 4,8A and 3,9V which is around 20W.
This is very poor battery life.
1 day 10 hours idle is ok.
But 4hours screen time to 1% is extremely weak. 6-8 hours minimum expected in 2021
i was hoping to buy this phone as it's the only compact 5.9" phone but the CPU is just too high.
They need a weaker, less power using CPU version like snapdragon 760 midranger or even a lower spec 8 series snap.
fatjoez said:
This is very poor battery life.
1 day 10 hours idle is ok.
But 4hours screen time to 1% is extremely weak. 6-8 hours minimum expected in 2021
i was hoping to buy this phone as it's the only compact 5.9" phone but the CPU is just too high.
They need a weaker, less power using CPU version like snapdragon 760 midranger or even a lower spec 8 series snap.
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This is not a good summary. 34h idle eats up around 60% so the SOT of 4h was only on 40% which is very good. When I use the phone more intensively I have around 14h use with 6h SOT. If you'd just use it purely with screen on you'd get over 7h SOT continuously.
For me the phone is enough - I get whole day off normal usage. There aren't any flagship specced phones that will get me through 2 days.
But you're right about the SOC - I would be happy with a 780 or 870 instead as I have no idea where I can use the power! But but 5.2, possibility of 5G, quicker photo processing have to stay.
Kemez said:
This is not a good summary. 34h idle eats up around 60% so the SOT of 4h was only on 40% which is very good. When I use the phone more intensively I have around 14h use with 6h SOT. If you'd just use it purely with screen on you'd get over 7h SOT continuously.
For me the phone is enough - I get whole day off normal usage. There aren't any flagship specced phones that will get me through 2 days.
But you're right about the SOC - I would be happy with a 780 or 870 instead as I have no idea where I can use the power! But but 5.2, possibility of 5G, quicker photo processing have to stay.
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Thanka.can you advise did you try the magisk module to modify the power profiles??
I'm curious what battery life you can get on the durable / ultra durable setting the developer made which limits cpu
fatjoez said:
Thanka.can you advise did you try the magisk module to modify the power profiles??
I'm curious what battery life you can get on the durable / ultra durable setting the developer made which limits cpu
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No, I didn't play with any modding.
I have enabled power save in dev options. And I have auto ultra durable after 10pm. I just say that I can't see any difference in performance between this and dynamic. I have it still on 90hz as i changed the defaults.
From my experience the two things that kill the battery are AOD and location, but that's based on old firmware so maybe it's improved
Kemez said:
This is not a good summary. 34h idle eats up around 60% so the SOT of 4h was only on 40% which is very good. When I use the phone more intensively I have around 14h use with 6h SOT. If you'd just use it purely with screen on you'd get over 7h SOT continuously.
For me the phone is enough - I get whole day off normal usage. There aren't any flagship specced phones that will get me through 2 days.
But you're right about the SOC - I would be happy with a 780 or 870 instead as I have no idea where I can use the power! But but 5.2, possibility of 5G, quicker photo processing have to stay.
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I'd be happy if they use 870 instead of 888 but need to swap the main camera sensor from IMX686 with IMX766 to compensate with lower spec ISP..but that is just me =)
I got the ZF8 on Thursday afternoon and returned it on Saturday morning.
Something must be messed up with the way the phone is charging, or the battery is crap or a lot lower capacity than advertised.
I've been using the app for quite some years now, and never has it ever shown such a big difference in capacity after the first couple of charges.
I have reinstalled OOS on my 2 years old now OP7, and after first charge it reports 3300mAh out of 3800mAh originally, which is consistent with what I was getting on a few months installation of PE.
I installed it a few months back on my wife's S20FE and it was bang on with the reported capacity on the first charge.
I installed it on ZF8, and for a 20-100% charge it was saying 3087mAh out of 4000mAh. So 77% after the first charge, and it remained like that after the second. Too much of a difference to think nothing is wrong.
I'm sorry, I liked the phone and the size so much, but the battery lasted more or less about 75% of what my 2 year old OP7 lasts.
I am getting 3250 mAh in AccuBattery but I am using the special battery technology provided by Asus which charges the last 20 % very slowly. I think this crashes AccuBattery.
After 20 days of usage I get around 6,5 hours of screen time (fully charged) and I get through the day (from morning to morning) without any issues.
I've used the Galaxy s10e which provided lousy 3,5 h SOT which lead me to charging it 3 to 4 times a day.
Coming from bull**** to the Zenfone 8, I am quite happy - Especially since all the updates must have increased SOT dramatically.
This is what I've found too, that capping the battery charge at 80% makes accubattery think that the phone only has 80% of its health.
Same here, when I Drained the phone to 0 and charged to 100, accubattery showed 3950mAh, and when I Limit the charge to 80% it sits around 3000 mAh
I've found something at reddit:
It puts up this guide from accubattery:

