Persistant Nav Bar - Samsung Galaxy S10 Questions & Answers

I'm currently searching for a way to make my S10's navigation bar persistant in every app. (also in fullscreen apps)
If you watch a youtube video or play a game on a device without hardware keys its not possible anymore to switch instantly.
When i remember how easy and fast it was on my s7 edge, a single click from everywhere got me back on my homescreen and a double tap on the menu button switched to the last app.
In my S10's settings i found something in setting/display/navigationbar but the gestures are not really an replacement. (especially when you use your phone with one hand)
I don't know how bad screen burnin is when i have the bar on the whole time but if the buttons where black it would not be a problem i think?


Galaxy S5- How Do I Enable Softkeys?

navigation bar
hello, my new phone just arrived.
i'd like to enable the navigation bar (software buttons) to give some rest to my thumb (less vertical movement).
I'd accept even an app if it's going to work like the original one, that is: to "dock" on the bottom of the screen, actually making the viewing screen smaller.
Yes, I'm ok to sacrifice screen space.
I tried few apps and they overlap the content of the screen, actually preventing me to see or tap on important parts.
Is there any non-root method? or any rooted method?
Any help is appreciated
in the end i decided to root and use the build.prop method.
Very nicely working, only minor problem found is with original camera app: the navbar doesn't hide and overlaps some controls.
I guess the problem to exists because samsung's apps don't care about the navbar, none of their phone have it.
I tried to first solve with tasker, but the plugin i bought (for the action was missing) didn't work. (refunded)
Then i searched for an xposed module, and found this "force immersive mode". Much better, but the controls are still cut in a half.
screenshot available at h ttp://

Problem in the status bar

Has anyone had this problem of the status bar does not go down with the vertical mode screen on the Xperia Z3 compact? Only down after a long drag your finger on the screen, but the strange thing is that in landscape mode screen down normally. What can it be? Can someone help me?
i had the same problem with my xperia z3
Install "Service Menu" app from Store and do a touch display test, probably that's the issue
Anyone who cannot swipe down notifications or quick settings, due to a broken digitiser, can follow these instructions:
Download 'All in one Gestures' app from the playstore.
Go to the 'SWIPE' tab.
Under 'Edges' , select 'Top Area'.
Then via the apps settings, choose 'Personalization'.
Now under 'Swipe Area', go into 'Edge Preference.
Make 'Opacity' 0%
With 'Edge Sensitivity' start from 0% and keep moving the slide left until the swipe down works, mine is set at 90px.
'Edge Width' 100%
'Swipe Distance' 0%
Now under 'Touch Feedback' turn off both 'Toast Message' and 'Animation'.
Then turn down 'Vibration Intensity' to '0'
You now have the screen functioning as normal.
Remember to keep 2 backups of this apk, in approx 30 days, Google will remove apps that use the accessibility service.
**This phone is bendable 0.1mm will open your phone, anodized aluminium bumper recommended for jeans and stairs, I also recommend tempered glass, both sides. B7000 glue for repairs, no heat, clothes pegs, 48 hours.
Thanks for this: I have successfully used the All in one Gestures app to get the quick-flick status bar pull-down to work on my Z3 Compact.
Googling indicates that this is a very common problem. Many people claim (eg on the Sony user support forums) to have fixed it by getting the digitizer changed. But if it can be fixed reliably by software then that suggests that it isn't a hardware fault. Other evidence against hardware being the culprit is that status bar pull-down works fine on the lockscreen without All in one Gestures being active, and that the Sony diagnostics for the screen indicate that it's working just fine. On the other hand, the fact that the status bar pull-down works fine in landscape mode suggests that it's not a simple software problem.
What I have noticed is that, when using All in one Gestures for status bar pull-down (in both portrait and landscape mode), the response is initially very slow - the status bar initially creeps down much more slowly than it does in landscape mode. Once down, though, it seems to work normally. I have observed the same behaviour using the Drop Down Status Bar app. This suggests to me that there might be something interfering with the Xperia Home app recognising or responding to the status bar pull-down gesture in portrait mode. Perhaps an app with "Draw over other apps" permission? Unfortunately I've no idea how that could be verified, or investigated further.
I have considered trying other versions of the Xperia Home app (my Z3C is running 10.2.A.2.80) or even joining Sony's Xperia Home beta testing program. But I'm a bit wary about mucking around with the Xperia Home app because every time I muck it up, it takes me ages to get it back the way I like it. I've run in to this at least twice in the last week while trying to troubleshoot the status bar pull-down, by accidentally deleting the default Google widget instead, which then seems to be impossible to restore without wiping data for Xperia Home and starting again from scratch (restoring Xperia Home data using Titanium Backup certainly doesn't do it).
UPDATE 2/5/18:
I've had to uninstall All in one Gestures. It was interfering with the stock camera app, pulling down the status bar when I tried to change camera modes or flash settings. It also seemed to make it completely impossible to use customised notification sounds.
ejstubbs said:
Googling indicates that this is a very common problem. Many people claim (eg on the Sony user support forums) to have fixed it by getting the digitizer changed. But if it can be fixed reliably by software then that suggests that it isn't a hardware fault. Other evidence against hardware being the culprit is that status bar pull-down works fine on the lockscreen without All in one Gestures being active, and that the Sony diagnostics for the screen indicate that it's working just fine. On the other hand, the fact that the status bar pull-down works fine in landscape mode suggests that it's not a simple software problem.
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I thought this was a software problem at first for the same reason, but the thing about lockscreen is that it slides down due to the downwards movement, it doesn't matter where. Even if you do a downwards motion at the bottom, the status bar will come down.
An1MuS_ said:
I thought this was a software problem at first for the same reason, but the thing about lockscreen is that it slides down due to the downwards movement, it doesn't matter where. Even if you do a downwards motion at the bottom, the status bar will come down.
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Sorry, I think you;re wrong about that: when I swipe downwards anywhere else on the lock screen, I get the prompt to enter my unlock pattern. Only if I swipe downwards from the very top of the screen does the status bar pull down. And that works every single time. So I still think it is a software problem.
As I said before, Sony's own hardware diagnostics app finds no problem with the digitizer, and if I use the DropDownStatusBar app then the status bar pulls down very slowly, which suggests the Xperia Home app is having some kind of trouble. Also, despite its other issues, the All in one Gestures app had no problem recognising a swipe down from the top of the screen. IMO the problem is somewhere in the Home app (I'd hypothesise some kind of timing problem that means that Home app takes so long to respond that, by the time it does, it doesn't know what it is supposed to be responding to, so it does nothing).
As a test, I experimented with the Simple Home app. The status bar pull down with that is just as good as on the lockscreen (and still nice and snappy, too).
Well, in the absence of an actual fix for what I still believe is a problem with the Xperia Home app, I decided to experiment with the XDA Navigation Gestures app. This is looking very promising, once I can get used to only having one soft button rather than three (which actually seems to be relatively easy to get the hang of). You have to cough up a whole $1 for the premium edition to get the notification shade pull-down function added to the gesture list, but it works very well (albeit still a bit sluggish, as with the other apps I've tried to get around the problem). I currently have it linked to the double-tap on the 'pill'. One highly useful thing about it is that you can always get at the pull-down, rather than having to go back to the home screen and hunt around for an app icon.
Same problem Z3 compact
Hi, i`m recently having same issue in my z3c screen (top right side).
In general isn´t a hardware problem is a software issue, for example when i enable glove mode screen works with some problem but the screen fully works.
I think maybe an app or settings made the "bug" begin bacause my phone for a long time works fine. In my case could be something with rooting
I havent try jet but flashing z3c with a new rom could work for a fix, im not thinking doing it by known but if the screen "bug" make glove mode stop working ill be force to flash a new rom and try. And i let you know.
Ill wait because i have a z3c marshmallow with root and cyberian camera and i dont wanna lose features.

Note 9 Full screen gestures on android pie

I have recently upgraded my software to the latest pie version on my note 9. A feature I find rather interesting is the full gesture control. However, when I enable gesture hints, i get this thin white line at the bottom of my screen in certain apps. Like Yahoo mail. On the lock screen and normal menu it isn't there.
When I disable gesture hints I dont see it at all on any of my apps.
It's no big deal but it just annoys me.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing.?
Is probably because it just hides the navigation bar with hints enabled which is why I'm seeing the thin strip at the bottom ?

What's the safest way to remove the Android 9 Navigation bar completely NON-ROOT

After the update to Android Pie, I realized I can't hide the Navigation bar anymore (in order to use hand gestures using "One Hand Operation +) .
I was able to at least apply ADB immersive mode to all my apps. However, that doesnt get rid of the navigation bar on my home screen.
I was hoping someone can suggest a good supplemental app that specifically focuses on removing the navigation buttons from my home screen. I've tried a couple Nav bar removal apps. However, they seem to still focus on immersive mode and adding white lists to immersive mode only.
I would appreciate any useful suggestions.
You should be able to hide navigation bar simply by changing to full screen gestures in Settings. If it doesn't it could due to earlier customisation. See if you can revert it back to default. Also wipe cache partition helps with issue after the updates
Yep, just enable full screen gestures and the nav bar will be gone and stay gone
Thanks. Yes, that's the first thing I did, until I quickly realized that I didn't like the native full-screen gestures capabilities of Pie. One Hand Operation + does a MUCH better job for gestures IMO.
Gunde said:
Yep, just enable full screen gestures and the nav bar will be gone and stay gone
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Download full screen gestures by xda, give it adb permission and you can safely hide the nav bar (make sure to have it enabled first). Hope it helps
Thanks. The full-screen gestures app from XDA doesnt support lanscape mode, at least when I tried it. That's why I switched to One Hand Operation +" which does gestures very well. I'm already using the ADB to enable immersive mode to auto-hide the navigation bar.
manupa14 said:
Download full screen gestures by xda, give it adb permission and you can safely hide the nav bar (make sure to have it enabled first). Hope it helps
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mkanet said:
Thanks. Yes, that's the first thing I did, until I quickly realized that I didn't like the native full-screen gestures capabilities of Pie. One Hand Operation + does a MUCH better job for gestures IMO.
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I agree. I use full screen gestures to hide nav bar but only actually use One Hand Operation+ for gestures
I'm glad you brought that up. This is exactly what i attempted to do. However, for some reason, Pie Full-Screen gestures will break One Hand Operations + "Right handle" in landscape mode after enabling it for a little while. It looks like a conflict of some kind.
Could you please test One Hand Operations + in Landscape mode WHILE Pie Full-screen gestures is also enabled? The right handle stops working for after a little while of use. I really wish I could figure out a way for both of them to run without conflicts in Landscape mode.
I dont think this happens in One Hand Operations Portrait mode.
Gunde said:
I agree. I use full screen gestures to hide nav bar but only actually use One Hand Operation+ for gestures
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mkanet said:
I'm glad you brought that up. This is exactly what i attempted to do. However, for some reason, Pie Full-Screen gestures will break One Hand Operations + "Right handle" in landscape mode after enabling it for a little while. It looks like a conflict of some kind.
Could you please test One Hand Operations + in Landscape mode WHILE Pie Full-screen gestures is also enabled? The right handle stops working for after a little while of use. I really wish I could figure out a way for both of them to run without conflicts in Landscape mode.
I dont think this happens in One Hand Operations Portrait mode.
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Huh. You are right. I almost never use landscape so hadn't noticed ...
Weird issue. Will hooefully be fixed in a future version of OHO+
Thanks for confirming. I don't think I can count on OHO+ ever fixing this bug... since there's no good way to report this bug to the developers.
I probably would be okay with using the native Pie fullscreen gestures. However, oddly it doesn't have haptic feedback for some reason.
Gunde said:
Huh. You are right. I almost never use landscape so hadn't noticed ...
Weird issue. Will hooefully be fixed in a future version of OHO+
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You can also try the oneplus gestures app on the play store, you give it adb permission, hide the nav bar, but at the same time keep the oneplus gestures disabled, I'm sure it can work for you
Thanks for the tip. The One + Gestures app looks very similar to the XDA Navigation Gestures app.
There's also an app on the Play Store called, Hide Navigation Bar that ONLY hides the navigation bar using the same technique via ADB without any extra features I won't use.
Does anyone have any experience using the above apps' technique via ADB to hide the Navigation bar on the Note 9? To be honest, I'm a little nervous to try this method to hide the Navigation bar; since there are warnings of unpredictable results for certain features on Samsung hardware... like hiding the last row of pixels of the Navigation bar. It would be good to know from someone who's already tried this on their Note 9 what issues to expect. Also, I'm curious if there's any chance I could irreversibly break an OS component on my phone.
EDIT: I finally tried Hide Navigation Bar. It worked perfectly on my Note 9. I think it might be the only app that hides the navigation bar completely WITHOUT trying to add it's own gesture support. this allows me to use my favorite gestures app, One Hand Operation + (which uses edge gestures, even in landscape, instead of trying to do it the way iphone does).
The only minor issue is that the area that used to be the navigation bar cannot be used for app icons on the home screen. However, in applications themselves, that area is completely useable.
manupa14 said:
You can also try the oneplus gestures app on the play store, you give it adb permission, hide the nav bar, but at the same time keep the oneplus gestures disabled, I'm sure it can work for you
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Navigation bar won't slide away /dissappear anymore

Hi all, my navigation bar used to slide away out of sight so you can view video in full screen but all of a sudden its now permanently there. I've made sure display mode has the app as 'full screen enabled' but no joy. I know I can go to gestures but I really don't want too. Any ideas? Cheers Steve

