Bluetooth car metadata issue - Huawei P30 Pro Questions & Answers

I have an issue with my P30 pro that when I connect it to my car via Bluetooth, no music metadata is displayed and I can't use steering wheel controls. Weirdly if I restart the phone the next time I connect it works fine! I've come from a Galaxy S8 where I never had any issues. Has anyone else experienced this or does anyone have any suggestions?!

Ps, the normal phonecall functions work and I can play music over bluetooth, but the actual track info etc isn't displayed.

Have you tried disabling energy saver for your music app? Maybe EMUI is just closing/stopping it from getting startet.
Also had a few problems with android auto and spotify without disabling battery saver for spotify

Yeah, I've tried changing battery saver settings and it doesn't make any difference. I think it must be related to EMUI or Pie but can't work out what. Weird that after a phone restart it works, though. Something must change after it first connects

I experience the same - sometimes. It's been hard to track down what causes it.

Mine is working fine (for different apps), have you tried both battery saver options? there are two menu points for that, don´t know why huawei thinks this is useful at two different places in the settings

works without any problems, including steering wheel controls in my car (spotify, google music, poweramp)
this is probably caused by some application or process... next time try the Optimizer app from Huawei before restart the phone

Same problem
I have the same problem. It happens more often when I start spotify by voice with "ok google, open spotify"


[Q] Moto X and external bluetooth controls

Hey guys, newcomer here. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I've got some serious bluetooth flakiness going on with my Verizon Moto X (not rooted, 4.4.2).
Oddly, pairing is not the issue. The phone pairs with my Pebble and my LG HBS-700 bluetooth headphones just fine. But the media controls on both are super spotty. I'll start an app to play music or podcasts (MediaMonkey, Google Music, Pocket Casts, etc.) Typically I do this manually, start a track, then put the phone in my pocket and go about my business.
At first, the skip/pause/play controls on the headset and my watch work just fine, but after a few minutes, they often fail to respond. Sometimes pressing skip will seem to do nothing, then skip several seconds later. But most often, all controls fail to have any effect. To fix it I have to unlock the phone and perform the action manually. Usually this also "wakes up" the bluetooth controls, and they'll work again for a bit.
Sometimes, with the screen unlocked, when the skip fails it produces the message "No songs in now playing list." Is that a Google Music message? Could Google Music be trying to take control as the "active" media player when I'm listening to another app? That can't be the whole story because I've had the same problems with Google Music itself as well. I actually don't know how Android determines what the "active" media player app is at a given time.
ANY advice or links would be helpful. Thanks!
I have 2 links, persist+ & Google search workaround, in my signature.
They may help.
Thanks for the links! I don't think I found anything related to my problem, though. Persist+ looks cool, but my problems aren't volume related. Know of any app that monitors the active media player that external bluetooth controls should be controlling?
Don't have a Pebble, but controls on my LG HBS-730 have always been reliable. What happens if you connect only to the headphones?
Just tried it with the Pebble disconnected and I have the same issue. I did notice, though, that the volume controls on the headset continue to work, even when the play/pause/skip buttons stop working. Sometimes messing with the volume makes the pause button work again. Guess I should test with just the watch and no headset now to see if it's just a headset issue.
If this is some kind of conflict between Pebble and the LG, it is conceivable that whatever it is may still be on your phone. Might want to unpair both of them, wipe your phone's cache, and then just pair the LG, connect, and re-test.
Thanks, will do. When you say wipe the cache, do you just mean forget all the bluetooth connections, or is there something more specific I should do?
hexfield said:
is there something more specific I should do?
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No luck, unfortunately. I cleared the cache per those instructions, then just paired the headset. It seemed to be working better at first, but eventually I saw problems with the play/pause/skip buttons not being recognized, or taking upwards of 10 seconds to be recognized. At one point I pressed the play/pause button to pause a podcast in Pocket Casts, and instead it started a track in Google Music seemingly at random.
Solutions Etcetera, you've never seen anything like this with your LGs?
hexfield said:
you've never seen anything like this with your LGs?
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No... never. Not with my Kinivo BTC450 set up in my truck either (which has identical controls, sans volume).
While I primarily use Pocketcasts, no trouble with the occasional use of Play Music either.
I forget, did it always behave this way? If not, maybe a full reset is in order.
Blarg. Okay I'll give it a shot. This is the first time I've had to do a full reset on an android phone (had an iphone for a long time), are there any best practices you guys could point me too? I'm assuming I don't want to back everything up with Titanium because I may also back up the bug.
hexfield said:
Blarg. Okay I'll give it a shot. This is the first time I've had to do a full reset on an android phone (had an iphone for a long time), are there any best practices you guys could point me too? I'm assuming I don't want to back everything up with Titanium because I may also back up the bug.
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Yup. Turn off Automatic Restore in Backup and reset. Make sure photos, and anything that is on the phone and not elsewhere, is copied to your computer. If you want to backup call logs and SMS, there are apps on Play to do it. Don't know what to tell you re game levels and scores (never a priority for me). Some apps with complicated settings (Tasker, Aquamail, etc.) have the ability to export/back up settings for an easy restore. Copy those files to your PC as well.
Reset and set up as new. Hope it clears up your issue.
Took a while to confirm, but I think the issue is fixed! Resetting helped that and also seems to have improved performance overall. Thanks for the help!

[Q] Some issues with ME572C

I have not yet had this tablet for a week, and already I have discovered a few problems with it, that I am hopeful can be fixed.
1. No audio when making calls in Viber. The receiver can hear me fine, but I cannot hear them, or even the ringing for that matter.
2. Unable to answer incoming calls in Viber. I slide the circle to the right to answer, but nothing happens.
3. Pandora Radio stops streaming after about 30 seconds of the screen turning off, or the current song ending.
4. Slacker Radio stops streaming after about 30 seconds of the screen turning off, or the current song ending.
Regarding issues 3 and 4, I do have WIFI set to stay on during sleep and the WIFI optimization is turned off.
Anybody else having these issues?
Any suggestions to try and eliminate them?
I don't know about 1 and 2, but 3 and 4..
Yes, not only pandora, but also spotify. I think there is an issue with deep sleep and streaming. I almost want to say that you need to stream out bluetooth while connected to wifi to have it happen a lot.
The workaround for me was to activate one of the daydream modes. I think this only helps if your plugged in (charging). However, no more music dropouts.
spiderknight said:
I don't know about 1 and 2, but 3 and 4..
Yes, not only pandora, but also spotify. I think there is an issue with deep sleep and streaming. I almost want to say that you need to stream out bluetooth while connected to wifi to have it happen a lot.
The workaround for me was to activate one of the daydream modes. I think this only helps if your plugged in (charging). However, no more music dropouts.
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I agree. It is deep sleeping when it should not be. I will give your solution a try and see it it works for me.
lexridge said:
I agree. It is deep sleeping when it should not be. I will give your solution a try and see it it works for me.
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Have you disabled the smart saving features completely? I had an issue where it was losing a connection with a different app, and it improved when I disabled the smart saver feature.
muiriddin said:
Have you disabled the smart saving features completely? I had an issue where it was losing a connection with a different app, and it improved when I disabled the smart saver feature.
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Yes, it is all disabled, but still having the problem.
lexridge said:
Yes, it is all disabled, but still having the problem.
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I was just using google play music and was streaming from my collection the other day and did not have this problem, I don't normally use the two services that you listed. I may try one later today or tomorrow to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing...
I am chasing a problem with the tablet becoming non-responsive to the touch screen occasionally. Typically it does still respond to the buttons when this happens and I can push the power button to turn the screen off and then back on to make the screen get responsive again. I have started removing certain software to see if it causes my issue to go away...
Intel android seems to still have a few "teething" issues however my ME572C sure is a nice little tablet...
Added later:
I have a set of apps that I have yet to narrow down the cause but after removing them my screen response issue appears to be gone...
I just tested Slacker Radio and I have in the Power Saver app disabled power saving completely and did not disconnect. I am running the latest Asus software on my ME572C which ends in 31.
Has anyone had problems with the volume rocker. I just got mine yesterday and it will turn the volume up, just not down... Weird. But other than that everything is good and the lollipop update rocks!

Crazy, useless Bluetooth on new device?

I just got a 128 GB OnePlus 3T a few days ago to replace a dead Nexus 6P. So far I'm very happy with the phone (performance, screen, etc, camera is almost as good, blah blah) except one thing.
My bluetooth is completely nuts. Sometimes I will turn it on via Settings or Quick Settings and it will not turn on at all (the slider moves to the right but stays greyed out, then moves back to the left). Other times I am "luckier" and it switches on and begins scanning, and I can see devices in the area. I pair to a speaker dock via NFC or my wireless headphones via tapping on them and the connection is established, you can hear the speakers go "hey something connected".
So that's all fine. But then you start playing music. About 40-60 seconds in it will skip, crackle, or pause the music entirely. Sometimes the device makes its disconnect noise immediately followed by its reconnect noise. At this point pressing 'play' again starts the cycle over again, usually, or sometimes it will just refuse to "talk to" anything any more until you reboot the phone.
The phone came with OOS 3.5.4 out of the box and immediately got an OTA to 4.1.1. I was suspect about the upgrade procedure and sighed and did a full reset and re-flashed the full 4.1.1 image using adb sideload, logged back in, did the barest of minimum updates to the Google apps to make it stop complaining, and then tried music again. More skipping and pausing. My headphones have a volume up/down key on them, pressing that pretty much immediately results in a disconnect.
It's like the AVRCP (command) bluetooth protocol is "fighting" the A2DP audio stream protocol? It doesn't make any sense. This would also explain why my car audio has NEVER worked, because my head unit uses AVRCP to read track names and my headphones and speaker dock don't have any sort of screen to speak of.
I want to love this phone and don't want to pay double for a similar Pixel, but I might just have to return it if it's effectively useless at one of the main things I have a phone for! :crying:
Hmmm...My Bluetooth connection never have that issues. I used Bluetooth headphones and my car head unit. Running oos 4.1.1 as well.
Try dirty flashing your ROM, there might be something wrong with the drivers. Bluetooth commands (volume, pause, voice assistant, skip, etc.) work find on my headset, I don't believe its a compatibility issue.
If that fails, it might be a hardware defect?
I don't have problems with Bluetooth im using sony wireless earphones everyday. Try reformat the phone
Android Nougat has heavy issues regarding bluetooth connectivity. If you Google it you will see...
I have the very same Problems like you with my car radio...
This must be finally adressed by Google.
Assassin1985 said:
Android Nougat has heavy issues regarding bluetooth connectivity. If you Google it you will see...
I have the very same Problems like you with my car radio...
This must be finally adressed by Google.
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Huh? Must be an compatability issue between the BT device and your phone. I have 6 active BT devices I use all the time with this phone and my tablet. Car stereo, fitnessband, speakers and inear plugs.
Only issue I sometimes face is the 'stuck in connecting to last used device' where BT needs to be turned off and on again. Wouldn't call it a heavy issue.
bluetooth perfect here. better than my lg g3 that i had previous.
So, more info. If 2.4 GHz WiFi is active in ANY WAY, the bluetooth goes nuts. AVRCP (bidirectional commands) make it worse. Putting the phone in airplane mode to disable the "ambient" wifi location scanning and such, then turning bluetooth on manually and playing some downloaded music, seems to work fine. Switch the WiFi on though (even though my access point is 5 GHz), bam down the toilet. Ugh.
I did a complete reset and flashed OOS 4.1.1 from adb, no improvement. I'm trying the Open Beta 4 right now but I doubt it will be any better.
Did you turn off the scanning feature?
Happens to me like once every 3 days. I usually reboot by then
evilspoons said:
I just got a 128 GB OnePlus 3T a few days ago to replace a dead Nexus 6P. So far I'm very happy with the phone (performance, screen, etc, camera is almost as good, blah blah) except one thing.
My bluetooth is completely nuts. Sometimes I will turn it on via Settings or Quick Settings and it will not turn on at all (the slider moves to the right but stays greyed out, then moves back to the left). Other times I am "luckier" and it switches on and begins scanning, and I can see devices in the area. I pair to a speaker dock via NFC or my wireless headphones via tapping on them and the connection is established, you can hear the speakers go "hey something connected".
So that's all fine. But then you start playing music. About 40-60 seconds in it will skip, crackle, or pause the music entirely. Sometimes the device makes its disconnect noise immediately followed by its reconnect noise. At this point pressing 'play' again starts the cycle over again, usually, or sometimes it will just refuse to "talk to" anything any more until you reboot the phone.
The phone came with OOS 3.5.4 out of the box and immediately got an OTA to 4.1.1. I was suspect about the upgrade procedure and sighed and did a full reset and re-flashed the full 4.1.1 image using adb sideload, logged back in, did the barest of minimum updates to the Google apps to make it stop complaining, and then tried music again. More skipping and pausing. My headphones have a volume up/down key on them, pressing that pretty much immediately results in a disconnect.
It's like the AVRCP (command) bluetooth protocol is "fighting" the A2DP audio stream protocol? It doesn't make any sense. This would also explain why my car audio has NEVER worked, because my head unit uses AVRCP to read track names and my headphones and speaker dock don't have any sort of screen to speak of.
I want to love this phone and don't want to pay double for a similar Pixel, but I might just have to return it if it's effectively useless at one of the main things I have a phone for! :crying:
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Hi, I have the exact same phone and been having stuttering performance with Bluetooth and Sony MDR-X330BT and worked fine with the 1+ 3. I decided to tell the phone to forget the headphones and start afresh; big mistake headphones kept refusing to pair. I noticed they have the NFC symbol on one of the earpads so I enabled NFC and used app I had downloaded a while back, 'Tap-and-Pair' that did not work either. I did a search today and found a great app that worked - 'NFC Easy Connect' from the Play Store. Now all I need is stable connection from car system which appeared to be tied in with length of screen life before going to sleep but think it may be faulty Twingo as been on the car forum and found others with similar issues but different smartphone to the 1+ 3T. Hope this helps.

Resuming music with bluetooth playback controls not working

My P20 Pro works fine with all bluetooth playback controls, except for "Play". So whenever I pause the music with my headset or in the car, I have to go on the phone to press play again. I thought that it was some power saving feature or some such, but it turns out that pressing "Next track" works perfectly, so it's only the "play" command that it ignores.
However, if I wait too long with pressing next track ("too long" being perhaps one minute) instead of resuming in the app currently in use, it will play from the stock Music app, even though I have never opened it. I also changed the "default music app" to Google Play Music, but this is completely ignored.
Happens with all apps and all bluetooth devices.
Anyone else experience the same issues? Any way to fix this? It's driving my nuts.
Same issue here, all my Bluetooth earphone control not working with poweramp
Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
Mine works well with shuttle+(pro/paid version). My only issue is the extremely low volume level and the lack of eq(shuttle+ has built in eq, but the volume is still ****ty low)
Same issue with Spotify.
lobr1 said:
Same issue with Spotify.
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I've no issue with my Spotify and Bluetooth headphones. Mines not a headset , where the mic is included in case that makes a difference. Also is apx compatible
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
I have the exact same problem, for example with Audible. Think it's the AI trying to conserve battery. Hope it'll learn soon to leave it alone.
Same problem here on the Huawei P20 with both LG and Bose Bluetooth headphones.

Question Screen off audio with wired headphones bug with march update ( 3/5/2023 ) Updated with workaround

I got the OTA and one of the issues I ran into was actually listening to any media app ( Spotify, Youtube, YT Music, etc. ). Whenever I turn the screen off, the audio stops and when you wake the screen to unlock it has a terrible slowdown. I tried this in Safe mode and even factory reset and the issue is still there. I does not happen with the screen on if you're watching a video, etc. only when the screen goes off. Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: I think I found and workaround for this and was driving me crazy cause I listen to a lot of podcast/music whie driving Go to settings/system/developer options/default usb configuration/ and switch it to " no data transfer ". DO NOT tick any other option.
Yes, I am having the same problem, and since I use a wired headset for work calls all day, this is a significant problem.
Your work-around appears to work, but this needs to get fixed.
I have the exact same problem on my Pixel 6 since the March update, identical symptoms including the massive slowdown, and it's infuriating. While doing tests to try to find a work around it suddenly also blasted to 100% volume for some reason causing hearing damage.
April update fixed this issue.

