i have the M7 of a mate of mine here.
i have the problem that after i manged to flash android revolution rom the phone boots in android but only showing the HTC page (no bootloop. ist in android. ADB SHELL works, locksreen works, when try to pull down the notification bar it shows the bar but not pulls down)
can anyone help me?
etsch said:
i have the M7 of a mate of mine here.
i have the problem that after i manged to flash android revolution rom the phone boots in android but only showing the HTC page (no bootloop. ist in android. ADB SHELL works, locksreen works, when try to pull down the notification bar it shows the bar but not pulls down)
can anyone help me?
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USE TWRP and flash the rom again
i use already and tried flashing the rom 4 times
etsch said:
i have the M7 of a mate of mine here.
i have the problem that after i manged to flash android revolution rom the phone boots in android but only showing the HTC page (no bootloop. ist in android. ADB SHELL works, locksreen works, when try to pull down the notification bar it shows the bar but not pulls down)
can anyone help me?
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adb reboot recovery
wipe/advanced-cache, dalvik, data, system-wipe
reinstall rom or choose another rom.
already tried
and other roms wont flash
etsch said:
already tried
and other roms wont flash
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If you have tried everything why are you asking us ?
because you maybe have an idea what i can do.
etsch said:
because you maybe have an idea what i can do.
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Try a different rom
etsch said:
because you maybe have an idea what i can do.
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TWRP / WIPE / Format Data / Type yes
then reboot the phone and sideload a rom
sideload this Rom to your phone
TWRP / Advanced / ADB Sideload - swipe to sideload
From PC adb / fastboot folder
you use
adb sideload
make sure the rom is in the same folder as adb / fastboot
at flashing other roms i will get different error messages
cyanogen mod - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... succed (but nothing changed)
reflection rom - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - succed (but nothing changed)
dirty unicorn - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - failed
etsch said:
at flashing other roms i will get different error messages
cyanogen mod - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... succed (but nothing changed)
reflection rom - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - succed (but nothing changed)
dirty unicorn - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - failed
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Look up ^^
TWRP / Wipe /Format Data / Type Yes
adb sideload
same again
etsch said:
same again
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That's pretty much it .. Find a RUU for your CID / MID
i looked after that but there is no ruu for the CID (O2___102)
and i did not found an s off that works (tried rumrunner,revone . didnt find firewater, moonshine)
etsch said:
i looked after that but there is no ruu for the CID (O2___102)
and i did not found an s off that works (tried rumrunner,revone . didnt find firewater, moonshine)
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Sunshine s-off is the only option and it requires your phone to be working to use it
are you sure you format data / reboot and then pushed a rom and tried to install it ?
are you md5 checking your downlaods / have you tried a different usb port / different usb cable
yes iam sure
after feels like 100 tries getting cyanogen mod on it the same error
etsch said:
yes iam sure
after feels like 100 tries getting cyanogen mod on it the same error
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yeah you don't flash CM with TWRP you use CWM did you read the first post?
A recovery update beginning with the Nightly ROM 20140501 will be required!
Guidance & Instructions can be found here
The easiest way to flash recovery is to use Flashify from the Play Store
Recovery Downloads:
CWM Touch
ROM & GAPPS Downloads:
Read this before you flash a Milestone Build!
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Download and install the latest TWRP Recovery for Int'l, AT&T, TMobile HTC One, Sprint HTC One or Verizon HTC One if you haven't already.
Copy the CM12 zip and the Gapps zip to your Internal Storage
Then reboot into TWRP recovery
Before flashing you might want to back up your data (Optional)
Then wipe Data, Cache and Dalvik-Cache before flashing
Next, tap Install, locate the CM12 zip and install it
Once that's finished tap install again, locate the Gapps zip and install it
If you are S-OFF, simply reboot and enjoy CM12, no need to follow the remaining steps. If you are S-ON tap Power and Reboot to bootloader
Then open the CM12 zip on a Computer, copy the boot.img to your fastboot folder
Connect your phone to your computer then open a Command window, "cd" to your fastboot folder and type the following: fastboot flash boot boot.img
Now type: fastboot reboot
You are finished. Enjoy CM12
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cwm wont work and twrp neither
etsch said:
at flashing other roms i will get different error messages
cyanogen mod - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... succed (but nothing changed)
reflection rom - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - succed (but nothing changed)
dirty unicorn - mount: faild to mount /dev/block/platform /msm.......... - failed
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etsch said:
cwm wont work and twrp neither
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Go back to TWRP and try flash ARHD again if it fails, Take a pic of your phone with the error on the screen and post it here :good:
Here the error
Was running CM12 nightlies that auto encrypted, so went to format data to remove encryption but keyboard in twrp wasnt accepting any characters so hence i wasnt able to decrypt, so i bootloader->fastboot erase im back in twrp phone still encrypted (i know the password so im ok) but now theres obviously no rom on the phone how do i push a rom & kernel to my phone adb sideload seems to be hanging on "starting adb sideload feature" and when im in bootloader mode adb doesnt find my device
Fastboot erase userdata doesn't remove the ROM.
Adb isn't designed to work in bootloader. Use of in recovery. You can use adb to push files to /sdcard
See my thread here if you need help
Plug the phone in to your computer and go to mount and enable mtp. Then go to your computer and copy and paste the rom zip as well as other zips (gapps kernel etc) onto your phone.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
mak213 said:
Was running CM12 nightlies that auto encrypted, so went to format data to remove encryption but keyboard in twrp wasnt accepting any characters so hence i wasnt able to decrypt, so i bootloader->fastboot erase im back in twrp phone still encrypted (i know the password so im ok) but now theres obviously no rom on the phone how do i push a rom & kernel to my phone adb sideload seems to be hanging on "starting adb sideload feature" and when im in bootloader mode adb doesnt find my device
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Kinda had that issue I just used OTG with the ROM on it that solved my problem
or you can adb push files to your phone, via adb while you are in your recovery. but from what i understand/have heard, cm kernel does not allow decryption.
rootSU said:
Fastboot erase userdata doesn't remove the ROM.
Adb isn't designed to work in bootloader. Use of in recovery. You can use adb to push files to /sdcard
See my thread here if you need help
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ya but before i fastboot erase data, i did do a advanced wipe in recovery and did remove rom so cant boot ..
zephiK said:
Plug the phone in to your computer and go to mount and enable mtp. Then go to your computer and copy and paste the rom zip as well as other zips (gapps kernel etc) onto your phone.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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also when i try to mount i get no valid storage partitions found for mtp
simms22 said:
or you can adb push files to your phone, via adb while you are in your recovery. but from what i understand/have heard, cm kernel does not allow decryption.
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adb is not being read for some reason in recovery, adb sideload is failing to start (never worked for me )
simms22 said:
or you can adb push files to your phone, via adb while you are in your recovery. but from what i understand/have heard, cm kernel does not allow decryption.
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no they just don't give you an option to not encrypt with they're kernel, so you must flash another kernel after every nightly etc.
mak213 said:
no they just don't give you an option to not encrypt with they're kernel, so you must flash another kernel after every nightly etc.
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right, that's the direction i was going..
---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------
mak213 said:
adb is not being read for some reason in recovery, adb sideload is failing to start (never worked for me )
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is the driver installed? and im not a adb sideload person, but adb push works great for me. just open the main page of twrp, dont press any options, then try adb push.
simms22 said:
is the driver installed? and im not a adb sideload person, but adb push works great for me. just open the main page of twrp, dont press any options, then try adb push.
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Yea drivers installed was using adb few hours before incident, i unfortauntely resorted nexus toolkit and flashing stock to see if that works for some reason after i fastboot reboot'd out of fastboot it doesnt open twrp anymore just bootloops twrp, let ya know how it goes
EDIT: Just ended up flashing stock image and restarting from step 1 :/
mak213 said:
Yea drivers installed was using adb few hours before incident, i unfortauntely resorted nexus toolkit and flashing stock to see if that works for some reason after i fastboot reboot'd out of fastboot it doesnt open twrp anymore just bootloops twrp, let ya know how it goes
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can always fastboot twrp again, or fastboot boot it
mak213 said:
adb is not being read for some reason in recovery, adb sideload is failing to start (never worked for me )
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What does adb devices say when booted in recovery?
Disable forced encryption of data partition. Get little better performance and internal sd + data mounting in TWRP
Things needed:
Unlocked Max pro with TWRP flashed
1. Download the and move/copy to sdcard/otg drive
2. Flash in recovery
3. Format /data
4. Reboot
If it fails to boot (bootloop?) flash latest magisk and reboot.
We get better performance after flashing this ?
Is this affect to the battery ? Drains or something ?
gusbalaa said:
We get better performance after flashing this ?
Is this affect to the battery ? Drains or something ?
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Differences should be minor as max pro has good cpu, but I can't test as i don't have it.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THANKS SIR
i so damn happy !! thanks fix all twrp + root and happy
Hey.....Am still getting bootloop......plz help.
Akky_karan said:
Hey.....Am still getting bootloop......plz help.
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SD 636 already has hardware acceleration for encryption and decryption so no major effecrts.
Flash decrypt from twrp?
Can i flash decrypt from twrp? Because i already installed twrp on my device.
Sorry for my bad English
unlock.bat file not working
i understand the whole process i click on the unlock.bat file cmd appers and dissapears and nothing happens phone doesnt reboot after some time i reboot my phone manually still no changes in my phone starts normally. am i missing something. do i have to enable usb debugging mode or what?
plz hel
so if i want to leave data partition encrypted, will twrp not be able to mount it?
what about rwrp?
can i just not enter a password when getting into recovery to let recovery read it
if i dont flash this zip, just flash twrp boot into it cancle the password prompt and swipe to modify system and dont change anything in options or flash magisk and reboot into stock does the twrp get replased by stock recovery cause it hapend to me and i am totally confeused on what to do next
it says
E: could not extract 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
Error installing zip file './external_sd/'
Can you please also make a force encrypt, in case we want to revert back to encryption?
cant download th decrypt file
cant download th decrypt file
How to unlock unofficially in Ubuntu?
Sudeep Duhoon said:
Disable forced encryption of data partition. Get little better performance and internal sd + data mounting in TWRP
Things needed:
Unlocked Max pro with TWRP flashed
1. Download the and move/copy to sdcard/otg drive
2. Flash in recovery
3. Format /data
4. Reboot
If it fails to boot (bootloop?) flash latest magisk and reboot.
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Will this zip wipe everything?
"To start android enter password" (or so, my device not english)
What is the password?
tagilbo said:
"To start android enter password" (or so, my device not english)
What is the password?
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Your lockscreen code
Prakashgolwalkar said:
i understand the whole process i click on the unlock.bat file cmd appers and dissapears and nothing happens phone doesnt reboot after some time i reboot my phone manually still no changes in my phone starts normally. am i missing something. do i have to enable usb debugging mode or what?
plz hel
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open cmd and cd to the path containing unlockXXX files and just type unlock .
in magisk is "preserve force encryption" shoud be clicked?
is anybody able to get encryption working on MI8 under Rom?
I tried several times with "old" Android O and new Android P Roms from, but after "encryption" my data partition was useless and I've to format my phone completely.
I'm on the newest 'unofficial' and on 8.9.20.
you need to edit vendor/etc/
in the file there is "encryptable=ice", you need to change that to "fileencryption=ice"
but you need to format data after that, i dont think it will work if you dont
t0mas_ said:
you need to edit ventor/etc/
in the file there is "encryptable=ice", you need to change that to "fileencryption=ice"
but you need to format data after that, i dont think it will work if you dont
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interesting... next time i've to do a clean flash, 'll try to encrypt the device. Hope it works.
t0mas_ said:
you need to edit ventor/etc/
in the file there is "encryptable=ice", you need to change that to "fileencryption=ice"
but you need to format data after that, i dont think it will work if you dont
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Hi t0mas,
I don't have ventor on the phone but I've found vendor, can you confirm whether it was a typo or not?
As for the file itselft, I found a resemblence named fstab.qcom in /vendor/etc/.
Fyi I'm on Mi 8 8.9.24 ROM. In order to search for the file mentioned in your post, I went through TWRP and mounted Data, Cache, System, Vendor and Persist.
Thanks for your assistance
Does it work this way?
Gunshin82 said:
Hi t0mas,
I don't have ventor on the phone but I've found vendor, can you confirm whether it was a typo or not?
As for the file itselft, I found a resemblence named fstab.qcom in /vendor/etc/.
Fyi I'm on Mi 8 8.9.24 ROM. In order to search for the file mentioned in your post, I went through TWRP and mounted Data, Cache, System, Vendor and Persist.
Thanks for your assistance
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oh sorry about that, of course it is a typo. i ment /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom
edit:also roccected my original post to avoid confusion
t0mas_ said:
oh sorry about that, of course it is a typo. i ment /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom
edit:also roccected my original post to avoid confusion
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SpiderSGS6 said:
Does it work this way?
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Thanks, I'll give it a try and let you know if everything worked out fine.
---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------
t0mas_ said:
you need to edit vendor/etc/
in the file there is "encryptable=ice", you need to change that to "fileencryption=ice"
but you need to format data after that, i dont think it will work if you dont
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So in TWRP, I've renamed the fstab.qcom to old_fstab.qcom_old and copied the modified file to /vendor/etc and did a data wipe. I've rebooted the phone to system but it goes to TWRP splash screen and stays there. If I reboot the phone again, it just reboots to TWRP splash screen so my phone is pretty much stuck.
did you set correct permissions? another thing I did is flash magisk. other than that it should work as far as I know...
t0mas_ said:
did you set correct permissions? another thing I did is flash magisk. other than that it should work as far as I know...
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My phone isn't rooted.
Right now, I can't do anything, even tried to connect it via adb but it doesn't list when I type the command adb devices
Gunshin82 said:
My phone isn't rooted.
Right now, I can't do anything, even tried to connect it via adb but it doesn't list when I type the command adb devices
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and you did format userdata?
try starting with that. format, not wipe. you have to type in "yes" to confirm. internal sd will be wiped.
flash rom again. adb pull the file, edit it, insert it it attached zip and flash that. download latest magisk and flash that. if that doesnt work, i have no idea, sorry
I can't do any of that because the phone doesn't go in the TWRP menus, it stays at the splash screen.
I've managed to access the phone via adb but I can't access /vendor/etc/. I'm trying to put back the original file in place but when I do adb shell ls /vendor/, the only thing I see is compatibility_matrix.xml, lib64 and manifest.xml.
I'm also looking at the option of flashing the vendor partition with an image file but I can't seem to find the chinese ROM for v8.9.24
---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------
t0mas_ said:
and you did format userdata?
try starting with that. format, not wipe. you have to type in "yes" to confirm. internal sd will be wiped.
flash rom again. adb pull the file, edit it, insert it it attached zip and flash that. download latest magisk and flash that. if that doesnt work, i have no idea, sorry
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I can't because it doesn't go into the TWRP menu, I'm stuck at the blue splash screen.
I've managed to connect to the phone via adb but can't seem to access /vendor/etc/. When I do adb shell ls /vendor/ the only thing I see are compatibility_matrix.xml, lib64 and manifest.xml
**double post, sorry for that, I didn't see that my post went to the second page**
Gunshin82 said:
I can't do any of that because the phone doesn't go in the TWRP menus, it stays at the splash screen.
I've managed to access the phone via adb but I can't access /vendor/etc/. I'm trying to put back the original file in place but when I do adb shell ls /vendor/, the only thing I see is compatibility_matrix.xml, lib64 and manifest.xml.
I'm also looking at the option of flashing the vendor partition with an image file but I can't seem to find the chinese ROM for v8.9.24
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now you lost me a bit. twrp splash or xiaomi splash screen?
if twrp, you are accessing twrp system from adb, which is separate from phone. you can try to boot in fastboot and format cache. still you did you format or wipe data before that happened? that is important.
edit: you can also format userdata from fastboot
t0mas_ said:
now you lost me a bit. twrp splash or xiaomi splash screen?
if twrp, you are accessing twrp system from adb, which is separate from phone. you can try to boot in fastboot and format cache. still you did you format or wipe data before that happened? that is important.
edit: you can also format userdata from fastboot
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Yes, TWRP and that's where I'm accessing adb.
Not sure how to format cache in fastboot, I'll look it up
Here are the steps that I did:
1-Copy the file fstab.qcom
2-Modify the copy
3-Boot in TWRP
4-Renamed original fstab.qcom in /vendor/etc to old_fstab.qcom_old
5-Copied the modified fstab.qcom file to /vendor/etc
6-Wipe Data
7-Reboot to system
Since then, I can only reboot to TWRP splash screen or fastboot
Gunshin82 said:
Yes, TWRP and that's where I'm accessing adb.
Not sure how to format cache in fastboot, I'll look it up
Here are the steps that I did:
1-Copy the file fstab.qcom
2-Modify the copy
3-Boot in TWRP
4-Renamed original fstab.qcom in /vendor/etc to old_fstab.qcom_old
5-Copied the modified fstab.qcom file to /vendor/etc
6-Wipe Data
7-Reboot to system
Since then, I can only reboot to TWRP splash screen or fastboot
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as far as i can tell, you did 2 things wrong
1 is you didnt format data
2 didnt set permissions
maybe 3 that backup file.
do this
fastboot format cache
try to reboot into twrp, be sure it doesnt get to booting into system
if this works, backup your sd and format userdata
if that doesnt work, boot into bootloader again
format cache again just to be shure
fastboot format userdata
this should get you to twrp. there you can flash eu again and try to boot. as far as i know eu contains vendor, so you should be fine.
if this doesnt work, the next thing i would try is to fastboot flash stock rom. be sure not to lock bootloader! in this case you might end up with a hard brick.
I'm editing my answer because it crossed your response.
So I'm guessing that Wipe Data isn't the same as format data... As for the permissions, I don't see anything regarding this, can you give me more details?
So I did a format cache and then rebooted and went directly to TWRP but it remains on the splash screen so can't access the menu.
Next step, I'll try to format the userdata as suggested and flash eu rom
maybe reflashing twrp would also help
t0mas_ said:
maybe reflashing twrp would also help
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I'm able to access the TWRP menu. Right now I'm copying the ROM from I tried sideloading it but it couldn't read the file for some reason. Transfer just finish, I'll flash the rom via TWRP and get back to you after. Thanks for you help on this!!
Gunshin82 said:
I'm able to access the TWRP menu. Right now I'm copying the ROM from I tried sideloading it but it couldn't read the file for some reason. Transfer just finish, I'll flash the rom via TWRP and get back to you after. Thanks for you help on this!!
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no problem, im glad you got it working.
Ok so ROM installation is done and I've pulled the fstab.qcom from vendor/etc and it's back with the encryptable variable. Phone reboots in system without any problems, just need to reconfigure everything, good thing I backed up.
I'll still need to encrypt the phone. You've mentioned the steps that I did wrong. Could we go through the proper steps for this?
Sent from my MI 8 using Tapatalk
Gunshin82 said:
Ok so ROM installation is done and I've pulled the fstab.qcom from vendor/etc and it's back with the encryptable variable. Phone reboots in system without any problems, just need to reconfigure everything, good thing I backed up.
I'll still need to encrypt the phone. You've mentioned the steps that I did wrong. Could we go through the proper steps for this?
Sent from my MI 8 using Tapatalk
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dont restore the phone yet
edit file
put it in the zip i posted on prevoius page
go in recovery
format userdata->confirm with typing in yes
flash zip
i allways flashed magisk also, not sure if this is necesarry
if you just flash without formatting, you will probably break stuff again
I was trying to flash the Ozip to restore the stock rom using TWRP and after that boom
damaged boot/recovery that msg
i still can go inside twrp and the fastboot mode
what i did notice is that the file folder name changed to system_root and it was just system bevor
is there any fix for it i am using the CN Version
(how-to unbrick your realme device) fastboot needed fix inside.
I Went totally nuts last night when i bricked my phone so i did figure out my self how to unblock the phone.
First you need to BE ABLE TO ENTER FASTBOOT it won't work without it and you need working TWRP.
First you need to go to TWRP and go to mount and unmount everything and disable MTP.
Then go to Advanced and select Terminal
type in LS make sure there is 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root
make sure that the system folder is empty if empty type in rm -r system
and rename the system_root folder to system using mv system_root system
after that boot into Fastboot mode and Flash your Rom for your Device using the Fastboot Tool
Hope that works for you guys.
System wiped/corrupted. Flash the chinese fastboot rom to fix it via fastboot
The real mistake is when your device brick with locked bootloader, all the other cases are solvable.
HTCDevil said:
The real mistake is when your device brick with locked bootloader, all the other cases are solvable.
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Yep once you lock you doomed
Funny is my bootloader still unlock and my fingerprint works fine on the stock rom
Sent from my RMX1931 using Tapatalk
natedogg20050 said:
Yep once you lock you doomed
Funny is my bootloader still unlock and my fingerprint works fine on the stock rom
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That's interesting, i thought it works only if you relock bootloader and then update fw
HTCDevil said:
That's interesting, i thought it works only if you relock bootloader and then update fw
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Worked perfectly fine even on the old 0.8 firmware
Sent from my RMX1931 using Tapatalk
Can you make a small video please showing this steps? After that terminal thing I didn't understand anything
talalahmed said:
Can you make a small video please showing this steps? After that terminal thing I didn't understand anything
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I will is your device broken
Sent from my RMX1931 using Tapatalk
What to do when 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root are missing? cant access data in MTP when in TWRP from PC to send the rom file.
natedogg20050 said:
I Went totally nuts last night when i bricked my phone so i did figure out my self how to unblock the phone.
First you need to BE ABLE TO ENTER FASTBOOT it won't work without it and you need working TWRP.
First you need to go to TWRP and go to mount and unmount everything and disable MTP.
Then go to Advanced and select Terminal
type in LS make sure there is 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root
make sure that the system folder is empty if empty type in rm -r system
and rename the system_root folder to system using mv system_root system
after that boot into Fastboot mode and Flash your Rom for your Device using the Fastboot Tool
Hope that works for you guys.
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hack-os said:
What to do when 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root are missing? cant access data in MTP when in TWRP from PC to send the rom file.
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Can you enter twrp?
Sent from my RMX1931 using Tapatalk
natedogg20050 said:
I will is your device broken
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Thanks,I fixed it but not with your steps,it turns out using the Chinese twrp fixed everything for me
Solved.! (For me) CN
I unlocked the bootloader according to the guide [Guide] Guides for x2 Pro[Locking/unlocking bootloader, tweaks and more]. And flashed TWRP successfully. MY MAIN MISTAKE -> DIDN'T MAKE A BACKUP AT THIS POINT.
Then I flash canary debug magisk and open gapps micro (culprit for brick). Then tried to reboot but stuck in yellow Realme screen. Then went back to recovery tried "Facrory reset", "Format data", flash latest CN ozip, even fastboot flash and guide by natedogg20050 with no luck. But Lineage OS unofficial by karthick mostwanted worked with magisk 20.3. :good:
For one final time I tried to get back the stock(since Lineage is still in alpha ATM), after seeing this post by exadeci. Did a "format data" following fastboot flash with chinese images, SUCCESS...!!! :victory: And even updated with ozips from CN site worked.. Finger print works too.
Still in update process to latest .15 . Plan to install magisk.(hopefully canary debug).
Will update this after latest upgrade + magisk install.
don't worry we can
first reboot to recovery
then go to wipe
and wipe sytem,catche,davik catche and data
then download the stock os for realme software
download link(please select your mobile) in realme software website
and flash the recovery
wipe catche and data
and you are back to stock os
natedogg20050 said:
I Went totally nuts last night when i bricked my phone so i did figure out my self how to unblock the phone.
First you need to BE ABLE TO ENTER FASTBOOT it won't work without it and you need working TWRP.
First you need to go to TWRP and go to mount and unmount everything and disable MTP.
Then go to Advanced and select Terminal
type in LS make sure there is 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root
make sure that the system folder is empty if empty type in rm -r system
and rename the system_root folder to system using mv system_root system
after that boot into Fastboot mode and Flash your Rom for your Device using the Fastboot Tool
Hope that works for you guys.
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after do that my phone boot only in TWRP but i can't see anything.
if I connect the phone to the computer it is empty and if I want to transfer something on it gives me an error.
can you help me ?
SOLVED: i formatted by TWRP.
When I type LS in terminal it gives a long list. There is a "system" and a "system_root".
When I try to open "system" with cd system command, it says, no such file or directory. When I enter "cd system_root" it goes into this Folder. But using "ls" command within this Folder it just shows nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
Any idea?
P.S. Yes I can enter fastboot, and TWRP is working.
natedogg20050 said:
I Went totally nuts last night when i bricked my phone so i did figure out my self how to unblock the phone.
First you need to BE ABLE TO ENTER FASTBOOT it won't work without it and you need working TWRP.
First you need to go to TWRP and go to mount and unmount everything and disable MTP.
Then go to Advanced and select Terminal
type in LS make sure there is 2 Folders one called system and one called system_root
make sure that the system folder is empty if empty type in rm -r system
and rename the system_root folder to system using mv system_root system
after that boot into Fastboot mode and Flash your Rom for your Device using the Fastboot Tool
Hope that works for you guys.
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Sir Backe said:
When I type LS in terminal it gives a long list. There is a "system" and a "system_root".
When I try to open "system" with cd system command, it says, no such file or directory. When I enter "cd system_root" it goes into this Folder. But using "ls" command within this Folder it just shows nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
Any idea?
P.S. Yes I can enter fastboot, and TWRP is working.
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did you figure it out ?
natedogg20050 said:
did you figure it out ?
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Thanks for asking! Yes, I did, but in a different way. It was a long way, running from stuck in yellow realme boot logo to bootloops already on the white realme start logo. Finally I got back a running system, which I don't trust anymore now. My configuration is:
- unlocked bootloader
- Magisk canary debug 8ca5a048 (20405)
- Magis Manager 72f6770d (278)
- Andorid 10, C24
I was already at this point 2 days ago. Then Magisk Manager announced an update. Stupid as I am, I just klicked install, and arrived at the same point. Stuck in yellow boot logo, and the whole operation started from beginning. Now I am at the same point again as above, and Magisk Manager announces again an update for itself. But I don't trust it anymore, and I don't know what to do. Just leave it? Or making a nandroid backup first? But will it be sufficiant to backup boot partition, system image and data when the crash comes again? I don't know what to do.
HTCDevil said:
The real mistake is when your device brick with locked bootloader, all the other cases are solvable.
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My Phone cannot boot and cannot go to recovery mode. What should I do? Please help:crying:
allan1998PH said:
My Phone cannot boot and cannot go to recovery mode. What should I do? Please help:crying:
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If you have unlocked bootloader you could go in fastboot mode and flash twrp, then format data