[APP][NST/G] NST Weather Widget - Nook Touch Themes and Apps

2-25-23: Updated to version 1.6 Uninstall any previous version..
-cleaned up some obsolete code
-fixed potential infinite loop when update fails
-new issues related to processing incomplete weather data fixed
NST Weather Widget is a Tasker-generated app that runs in concert with Minimalistic Text to produce a true home screen widget displaying the current (forecast) weather in your locale as provided by OpenWeatherMap. The code for the weather is based on my NST Weather app with a few tweaks and without the status bar temperature/condition display. Because you build the widget yourself you can customize to suit yourself (within the parameters I have supplied).
0. Root
1. If you previously installed NSTWeather (the status bar app), remove it completely, including the NSTWeather folder on the sdcard.
2. This is a Tasker-generated app. If you already have one of my other Tasker-generated apps or have previously installed GApps, you don't need the two Google maps library files included in the zip and can delete them. If you do need them, copy the two files into the locations shown below:
Set permissions for both files to rw-r--r-- and reboot. Without these files resident, the app will not install.
3. Copy the folder "NSTWeather" and its contents from the zip below to the root of your sdcard. This contains all the condition icons for the forecast panel and is where the weather.xml file from OWM will be stored.
4. Go to https://openweathermap.org/ and find the current weather for your locale. When this is displayed you will also see the "geocoordinates" (i.e., the latitude and longitude). Copy these two values.
Edit: I have three devices and on one of them the coordinates given by OWM always result in a town about a 100 miles up the coast. This is the same data used successfully by the other two devices! What finally worked for me was to go here: https://www.maps.ie/coordinates.html and enter my full home address. The coordinates were quite a bit different but worked perfectly.
5. Go to https://openweathermap.org/api and sign up for a free API (right there in the opening paragraph, click on the words "sign up"). You will eventually receive an email with the API.
6. Install Minimalistic Text (attached below). Installation and setup are tricky on the NST. There seem to be permission issues which are not entirely resolvable. What I ended up doing was installing a copy on a KitKat device and copying out two of the xml preferences files from the /data/data/de.devmil.minimalitext/shared_prefs. But this is not consistent and finally I decided to put together a flashable CWM zip of a working installation. That's what's below. Copy this onto your CWM sdcard, boot up CWM and install the zip. Reboot and your Minimalistic Text is good to go. No CWM card? Head over to here and make a card from either of the two sdcard versions. I have also modded the version of Minimalistic Text in the zip file so that widgets you create are visible in the opening screen of the app (as opposed to a black screen...).
7. Copy the Font folder (and its contents) from the zip below to your sdcard. The customized TrueType font of weather condition icons resides in this folder and you can add additional custom fonts for Minimalistic Text to access in the same folder.
Installation and Use
You MUST have Minimalistic Text installed before installing NST Weather Widget.
Install the app from the zip below either by side-loading or ADB. The initial user interface of the app is a Settings page. Open NST Weather and enter your latitude and longitude, as well as your API. Be especially careful with the API and make sure to include any negative signs with the geocoordinates.
Next, make your selection of the units you want displayed. Finally, to make the app fully functional you need to check both of the boxes in the lower section (you can disable the app temporarily by unchecking these). When you've made all the selections, tap on the bottom box to start a manual data retrieval. The Settings page will close and you should see WiFi come on for a bit. It will then turn off. If a successful connection was made with OWM and if you entered your information correctly, you will eventually receive a notification that the process is complete (first time only). How long will it take? About 3 minutes. There's an awful lot of stuff to be done. That's one reason for having the data update done at 3:30 am when you are hopefully snoozing. OWM finally added a time zone adjustment to their xml data file but I decided to leave my own in place because various municipalities have their own approach to daylight/standard time changes so your time zone will match the local clock setting of your device.
If for some reason the device fails to contact OWM the first time it will try a second time. If the second time fails, you will get a notification telling you that download failed, assuming there is nothing wrong with the values you entered. Go back to the Settings page and carefully check your API. That's where the most likely error will occur. Of course you should check your geocoordinates, too, just to be sure.
Once an initial weather forecast has been successfully retrieved (and the data is processed), tapping the app icon will display the 5-day forecast panel rather than the Settings page. However, you can access the Settings page from the little cog-wheel icon on the forecast panel.
If you have made a successful connection with OWM before and one day there is a notification saying download failed, you can just ignore it and hope for better luck the next day unless you absolutely must have an updated forecast. In that case, you can use the manual retrieval option from the Settings page. There is no need to re-enter the latitude, longitude and API each time you open the Settings page once they have been entered correctly. Also, if you decide to change the locale, you only need to enter the new latitude and longitude, not the API.
The 5-day forecast panel is updated daily even if a download fails (data is just shifted to the left and the names of the days are changed). You access the panel by tapping on the app icon or--better--by assigning the app to your widget (see below). If you run through the data entirely without any WiFi contact OR if the device has been off for awhile and the data is no longer current when it is turned back on, you will receive a notification that there is no more forecast data. A tap on the widget will initiate a manual data update.
The Widget
This is the hard part for the user (as opposed to the hard part for me, which was the app!). The version of Minimalistic Text for the NST has some issues but once you get past them it seems to behave OK. Unfortunately, it appears to have been intended for black screens, so fonts are default white, and the opening screen which ought to display your widget configurations just shows black rectangles, regardless of how you've set up font colors and backgrounds. And...a few menu options are "invisible" due to the colors used.
Edit: I have replaced the copy of the apk in the zip with a modded version in which the display of the widgets in the opening screen of the app has been fixed.
Not to worry. You'll get past it.
The app shares four variables with Minimalistic Text every three hours as well as updating one of the variables at both sunrise and sunset (within the nearest quarter hour). The variables are:
LOCATION (where OWM says you are)
CURRTEMP (the current forecast temperature)
CURRCOND (the current forecast general condition--as icon)
TCURRCOND (the current forecast specific condition--as text)
You can use as many or as few of these as you like, as well as static text, in any arrangement, to construct your widget.
What follows is not an exhaustive exploration of Minimalistic Text. There are people better qualified for that. This is what worked for me. Your mileage may vary.
1. Find a spot on your home screen and long press there to add a widget (or do whatever you do for the launcher you are using to add a widget)
2. Choose a Minimalistic Text option. The sample widget shown below (just the weather one, not the day-date) is a horizontal 2x1, just to give you an idea.
3. Minimalistic Text now opens to a Settings page. Give your widget a Name (Weather?).
4. Uncheck the "Show background". Ignore Shadow settings (at least for now).
5. You can ignore the Orientation settings for now. If there is some effect you are trying to achieve it may pay to return to them, but maybe not.
6. Under Predefined layout, select the last option: Custom (BTW, don't get distracted by the temperature stuff. The weather services of this old app are defunct.). We'll come back to Custom layout in a moment, but first...
7. You won't be able to see anything you are doing unless we do something about the font colors which are white by default. So under Text Style you will see three different options. For each one, you will want to set a font size (I like 20--you can override this later), a font color (probably black?), maybe the case, and an actual font to use.
Here's what I did:
Normal: font family=default, (not bold, not italic), size=20, case=normal, color=black
(use the "Back" status bar button to return for the other fonts)
Accented: font family=default, (bold, not italic), size=20, case=normal, color=black
(for some reason a sample of your Accented text does not appear...but it does work)
Non-accented: font family=weathericons.ttf, (not bold, not italic), size=20, case=normal, color=black
Note: you will only see the weathericons.ttf as a font option if you have done all the stuff described earlier.
8. Scroll on past a lot of Settings stuff to get to Tap behavior. You want the third option, Start another activity. When you check this box you see a new section to tap that will open a page which will eventually populate with activities. Find NST Weather and select it. This will make the forecast panel open when you tap on the widget.
9. Scroll back to Custom layout. DO NOT hit the back arrow!!!!! This will exit the app and you will lose everything you've done! Tapping on the box will open the "workspace" where you actually assemble your widget. By default there are three things already present there and it looks like mush below that because of the weather icon font. So, long-press on any of the default items until a trash can appears below. Then drag the item into the trash. Repeat for the other two. Now you have a clear workspace. There are three buttons at the right. The top button is for adding elements, the next one down adds a line, and the lowest one deletes a line.
10. Tap the topmost of the three buttons and you will see a bunch of options appear at the bottom of the workspace. Again, don't get distracted by the Weather options. They don't work any longer. You can explore later but for now what we want is "Misc". There are only two options on that tab, Locale variable and Static text. The first of these will be one of the four things I listed earlier. The second is just plain text that does not change (including something as simple as a space!).
OK, I am now going to build the widget shown in the image attached below. This may not be something you'd actually like to make, but I hope by me describing the process you'll get a feel for it. You can always go along with me now and then delete the whole thing afterwards, no harm-no foul.
11. Long-press on Locale variable until everything else fades away and then drag it up under "Custom layout". In the display space below you'll see [LOCTV]. That's for Locale Tasker Variable (I guess). Now tap on the grey Locale variable box and you'll see a mostly black section for text input. The first blank is for the name of the variable, like LOCATION. The drop-down is for the type of font face you want to use. I would select Normal. The last part is for overriding the font size from what you set before. I left that blank, so it's at 20. It is theoretically possible to dismiss this black area with the tiny "-" in the upper right corner, but it's devilishly difficult. I discovered by accident while working on this that another tap on the grey "Locale variable" box will clear the bottom box and save your work. (you can dismiss the keyboard with the status bar "Back" button)
12. Now tap the second of the right hand buttons to add a line. Tap the top button to add a new element and drag up another Locale variable, positioning it below the first one. Tap on the grey box. In the workspace, enter CURRCOND for the first field. Choose Non-accented text (this was where we assigned the icon font). I wanted this a bit larger so I checked the little box and entered 32 for the font size. Tap on the grey box to close all this and dismiss the keyboard as before.
13. Tap the top button to add a new element and drag a Static text box up to the second row. The only purpose of this box is to provide a space between the icon and the temperature! So tap on the grey box and the only thing you really need to do here is enter a space into the first field. Close things up as before.
14. Tap on the top button to add another element and drag another Locale variable box next to the Static text box. Tap on the grey box and enter CURRTEMP in the first field. The font would be Normal and I overrode the size to 32, as for the icon. Close things up as before.
15. Tap on the top button to add another element and drag another Static text box next to the Locale variable you just did. This is for the degrees symbol. Tap on the grey box and enter the degree symbol and either C or F in the first field. The font would be Normal and the size I made 32. Close things up as before.
16. Tap on the second button to add a final row. Now tap on the top button to add a new element and drag a final Locale variable box to sit below everything else. Tap on the grey box and enter TCURRCOND in the first field. I left the font at Normal and the size at default. Close up everything as before.
17. Use the status bar "Back" button to return to the Settings page. Scroll all the way to the end until you see Save/Restore. Tap "Save". Enter the name of the widget again (Weather) and hit "Save".
18. AND NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. Tap the "Menu" button on the status bar and you will see a menu appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap "OK". This is how you save your actual work, not just the settings. If you make changes, you always need to do this. This will exit the app and take you back to the home screen where--hopefully--you will see your widget!
19. If you wish to change/tweak the widget (as opposed to deleting it and starting over), tap on the MT icon and you will find yourself at the preferences entry page (all black...). You'll see your widget if you named and saved the preferences, but only as a black rectangle since your font color is most likely black and so is the page background (ugh...). Anyway, tap on the rectangle and you'll be back in the Settings area for that widget. Just remember, you need to save the preferences (near the end of the Settings menus--use the same name unless you are trying something out), and also you need to use the status bar "Menu" button to bring up the menu at the bottom of the page where you can tap on "OK" when you are done making changes.
Icons credit and information
I could not have done any of this without the weather icon font from Erik Flowers: https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/. I did locate one other font but it had far fewer choices of glyphs. In the end I only actually used 13 of the glyphs for the weather condition icons. OWM has 18 general conditions (actually just nine doubled for day and night). After looking at the many choices offered in the font and the more detailed descriptions of the conditions from OWM, I decided to use day-neutral icons for situations in which the sky would be largely obscured. That means that the inaptly named "broken clouds" (51-84% cover), "shower rain", "rain", "thunderstorm" and "snow" show neither sun nor moon (and in fact are identical for day and night). There just seemed something odd about looking at driving rain and the sun peeking over clouds. Even in Coastal California we occasionally have such conditions as a storm is on the wane, but there just isn't enough fine gradation in the OWM condition icons so I had to make judgment calls. The specific text conditions, on the other hand, cover 54 situations and give some nuance to the general forecast.
In order to make the glyphs accessible to MT, I needed to partially remap the font, "moving" the 13 glyphs to standard keyboard characters rather than the glyph section which there is no way to access with the NST. I used the free version of Type Light 3.2 (https://www.cr8software.net/typelight.html) to do this.
The icons in the forecast panel are just images I created with a graphics program on my PC, using the remapped font.
So...if you don't like the condition icons you can, of course, not include them in your widget. If you want to change the icons in the forecast panel, you can replace the images in the NSTWeather folder. Just keep the size the same and make a transparent png. But if you want to replace the condition icons used in the widget, you will have to find another font somewhere and treat it as I did. You could also remap the font supplied if you prefer other choices of glyphs. That's quite a project and best left to individual questions.

That's a lot of work.
Wednesday at 11 AM has overflowed into two lines. Maybe there are extra spaces in the text?
I'd rather have the hours go left to right (even if there is less detail) and the days top to bottom.

Renate NST said:
That's a lot of work.
Wednesday at 11 AM has overflowed into two lines. Maybe there are extra spaces in the text?
I'd rather have the hours go left to right (even if there is less detail) and the days top to bottom.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, indeed, a lot of work. Thanks for catching that layout issue on the panel. I was just fixing it as the email of your post came through. Layout is my least favorite part as Tasker on the NST is very cranky as you approach the screen size limit and it keeps shifting things every time you make a change. Then you need to go into the xml and find the coordinates and correct them...Then you transfer to another device on which App Factory will run and correct all the image paths...
Well, it's fixed

Amazing work. I hope you can get the error figured out. I'd love to add this to my office desktop nook.



Notification Manager - Screen settings ?

I have a problem that my phone pops up notifications - but they are blank.
The phone is a Kaiser/TyTnII ( Used to be Vodafone 1615 )
I am pretty sure that this phone has been flashed with one of the XDA ROMs as i have just done a hard reset and i still have touchFlo and a bunch of other non standard looking utilities on the phone.
The about box for TouchFlo says version 1.0 ( Build 1818.3719 ) which i am pretty sure having read all about the touchflo project for the Kaiser on the XDA developers is a version created here.
So now that i have given some background, back to the problem... pretty much everything on the phone seems to work ok. But the really annoying bug is this notification pop up.
eg. Set a calendar appointment for a few minutes in the future, set a reminder.
.... few minutes passes ... notification pops up
whole screen dims and at the bottom i get the soft buttons of "dismiss" and "menu"
No actual message is displayed on the screen.
Now i flip to landscape mode, and i can see the top left hand corner of a pop up message - the rest dissapears off the screen.
So, what have i done so far to help myself ?
1) searched these forums for somebody having the same problem/question X
2) tried some registry tweaks for specifying what message should pop up X
3) renaming the notification manager.dll X
4) looking at all the notification *.png screen images in the /windows/
folder and confirming that they are correctly set for the QVGA screen size. X
5) tried downloading the notification manager.cab for the rhodium - elsewhere on the XDA site. - would not install
6) hard reset the phone.
I dont actually want the touchflo as i prefer the spb mobile shell. What options do i have ?
Do i need to just apply the correct registry tweaks and all will be well ?
Do i download a new notification manager from somewhere that will fix this?
Do i have to re-flash the phone ? ( least attractive option to me )
Can i somehow uninstall the notification manager and go back to a windows
default version ?
thanks, you_were_lucky
Notification Manager - pop up window size ?
So some developments since my post yesterday, I tried some registry tweaks to change the font sizes.
I notice that if i tap the title bar ( next to the wifi icon) i get the notification manager screen up - this has all the correctly sized and formatted .png images and functions correctly.
It is the pop up that appears due to a calendar reminder or a wireless network found etc. that is all wrong
When i go into landscape i can see the edge of this and even click on the wireless network found radio buttons etc.
So i figure that maybe the pop up window sizes are all wrong due to some mad font size someplace. I went into the registry and tried changing font sizes down from 800 to 12 and this did indeed change the size of most fonts kicking arround the place. Unfortunately it did not influence the size of the pop up box.
Any ideas people ?
thanks YWL

Workaround for backlight adjustment Hero Roms

I'm sure everyone here has the annoying problem of how to adjust backlight when using a Hero Rom.
So far I haven't found an app on the market or widget that works, so I'm always forced to keep a settings shortcut on my home screen and jump through the menus. Well i found something that won't fix the problem but might ease the pain.
Step 1:
Download an app called "Bar Control" from the market - this app will allow you to place shortcuts in your title/notification bar (the one you pull down from the top of the screen)
Step 2:
Open Bar Control and when it finishes loading all the apps installed scroll down to "Sound & Display"
Click on that, Choose an appropriate icon (I like the light bulb)
And you should see the icon appear on your top title/notification bar
Step 3:
Close the program and now you have a convenient shortcut - accessible across the system - that takes you directly to the brightness control settings (you just have to scroll down)
Hope it helps, and if anyone does have an app/widget to control brightness on a hero rom (using 1.5 here so I don't get that nice panel in the newer ones for wifi bluetooth etc.) please post it below.

[ROM] HTC Droid Incredible ADR6300 MIUI.us Presents MIUI Pure English [AOSP]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Presents the Official
MIUI Friday Updates ​
This is a community support ROM only!
The developers do not provide much support for this ROM on these forums
Support is mostly provided on forums.MIUI.us
New release comes every Friday.​
If you haven't heard about this ROM yet then check out the videos in the 2nd post to see it in action!
This is an excellent ROM if for no other reason than it introduces the first non-CyanogenMod/carrier/manufacturer framework overhaul of Android 2.3.7 and boy what an overhaul.​
Changes from base ROM
Removed: MIUI App Sharing | MIUI OTA Updater | MIUI Bootscreen | SIM Toolkit
Added: Custom Bootscreen | English Translations | Google Maps | Google Voice Search | MIUI.us Forum app
If you want ADW.Launcher or LauncherPro install them from Market.​Proceed To Download
Download it here
Change Log:
Weekly Changelog:
Click here for changelog done via StiffSpliff
MIUI for Beginners​
Source: http://en.miui.com/a-10.html
Already flashed MIUI ROM? OK, pick up your phone now, let’s start our happy journey of MIUI ROM.
The first step: selecting apps
Various apps will greatly enrich your cell phone, so firstly let’s select the apps to your taste. Use the Android Market and download what you would like. If you are using a backup app and restoring apps from a previous ROM, only restore the apps and not the data. Otherwise that will create a lot of force close issues.
Tip: How to copy files from the computer to the phone? First connect your phone to your computer via data cable, pull down the notification panel from the top of the phone, click “USB connected”, and then click "Turn on USB storage”.
After copying, do not forget to select the option of “Turn off USB storage”, otherwise "File Manager” in the phone will not be able to find the sd card, as it is being occupied by the computer.
Now I have a lot of apps, how to put them in order?
All apps successfully installed are listed on the desktop, however, they may not be in the order you want, how to put them in order?
Long press an app icon and then you may move it freely. When it is moved to the screen border, the screen will automatically switch to the next screen.
How to add a screen? Use two fingers to pinch on the desktop to enter screen thumbnail mode. Then you may add or delete screens.
How to delete an app? Long press the app icon you want to delete, drag it on top of the trash box and click OK to delete it.
The second step: let's make your phone different.
A phone without style is nothing remarkable, so let’s make your phone different!
Changing wallpaper: Click Menu button on the desktop, select “Change Wallpaper” to replace the wallpaper. In addition to the existing wallpaper in the phone, thousands of pieces of wallpaper are also available online.
Changing theme: Themes make great changes to your interface style. Click “Theme Manager” on the desktop to select the theme you like. Also, more online themes are available online.
Selecting ringtones and more: click “Settings” on the desktop to set call and notification ringtones. In “Personalization” under “Personal” tab, you may find more options.
The third step: it’s time for some advanced techniques!
Well, you are no longer a beginner now, so let’s learn some advanced techniques.
Adding widgets on the desktop: press the Menu button on the desktop, select "Edit Mode", and then click the icon on the upper right corner to access the interface of “Add Widgets”. Choose your favorite widget on the top, and then drag it to the screen below.
Using folders to manage desktop apps: in the interface of “Add Widgets”, drag [Folder] to the desktop. You may drag multiple apps into folders to classify them. After opening the folder, you may click the edit icon in the upper left corner to rename the folder.
Using toggles panel to improve efficiency: drag the notification panel down from the top, click "Toggles" to go to the toggles panel (It goes to the toggles panel in default of notice.) On the panel are listed the most commonly used toggles, you may click to quickly enable or disable a toggle. Long press on the icon will launch the settings for that icon.
Guest mode: enable the “Guest Mode” toggle in the panel, and your calls and text messages logs will be hidden, and all installed applications cannot be removed. You may have a try when you need to show your phone to guests or children.
Importing contacts or binding accounts: you may use some apps to import a batch of contacts, or bind Google account directly in "Settings"> "Personal"> "Accounts & Sync Settings" to sync contacts at any time.
How to print screens? Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the SD card.
How to copy files from the computer without using the data cable? In case of a Wi-Fi connection, enter “File Manager” on the desktop, select the tab of "Remote Administration" to start the service, and then you will get an address. Enter the given address on the computer, then you may copy files without using a data cable!
Core Features​
Two-layer shortcuts and program icons are integrated into one-layer desktop.
Long press on an icon to enter edit mode, open Widgets and drag it to the target screen.
Drag the app you want to uninstall to the top of the trash box to delete it.
Eight kinds of flipping screens effects are available with gorgeous animations.
T9 dialer
T9 dialer is applied for smart dialing. It supports searching by contact name and phone number, and the results are listed according to contact frequency.
The default setting is to forbid any third-party app to monitor users’ calls.
Currently, there are 230301 attribution logs. The attribution data will be updated continuously, codes of foreign countries are supported as well.
Compared with native Android system, 7 major optimizations on SMS are made:
Adding contacts in short messages;
Adding names in group sending messages and automatically adding the names to Contacts;
Easier taking of numbers, urls and email addresses from short messages;
Optimization on mobile newspaper reading;
Collection of important messages;
Recommended messages for holidays;
Quick reply and view window.
Quick location of contacts;
Faster to add new contacts;
Contacts group management supported;
Contacts' large images supported.
The third edition UI loading engine makes it faster and easier to change themes;
Partial theme customs are more flexible and comprehensive. Rich online wallpapers, ringtones, fonts and so on are available.
Faster loading speed enables you to take photos immediately.
More professional modes such as continuous shooting, timing and special effects supported.
Faster picture browsing speed than that of native Android system;
Brand new view mode supports to view the pictures by folder path.
Simultaneous enjoying and downloading massive online music. Music chart live playing and bulk downloads supported;
Automatic connection of lyrics and album covers. ID3 information editing supported;
Changing songs by swinging the phone and sleep mode supported.
After pulling Notifications and Toggles panel down, changing panels by sliding the screen supported.
MIUI apps
File Manager, Traffic Monitor, Backup, Notes, and Torch.
Tips & Tricks​
Long Press:Long press on the icon in Toggles will launch the settings for that icon.
Screen Shot:Press "Menu" key and "Volume Down" key at the same time to print a screen. The printed image is saved in the directory of MIUI in the sd card.
Hold HomePress Home key at the first screen, you may preview screen thumbnails and add or move screens.
Delete Message or Call Log : Slide from left to right to quickly delete a message or a call log.
Edit Mode : You may hold down an icon by one hand to enter Edit Mode, and then use the other hand to slide the screen to move the icon to the target screen.
Call Activated : Your phone will vibrate when a call gets through.
Activate Music from Lockscreen : Double tap the time zone to launch the Music Player when the screen is locked.
Quick SMS/Phone Launch : In the lockscreen, hold down the icon of Call or SMS, and you can enter the responding program.
Quick Launch Torch : Hold down Home key to quickly enable the torch when the screen is locked.
Quick Launch Contact Options : Click the contact image in Calls, SMS and Contacts, shortcut menus will pop up.
Long Press Search : Long press on Search button will launch search via voice recognition.
Recovery Reboot : Click menu in “System Update” to reboot and enter recovery.
% for Battery : The battery will display the percentage of left battery capacity by Settings>System>Battery>Notification Indicator Style>Percentage.
Running Apps List : Long press on the Home button can go to “Program Manager”. Click the “Clear up” button at the bottom left to clear the extra processes in memory. And the system will inform you of the released memory and current available memory.
Note: System processes will not be cleared so as to ensure the normal running of the system.
IP Calling : . How to set IP dialing?
MIUI ROM can add an IP prefix for the called number in a strange land. You may set it in Settings>Common>Calls.
You may also long press the contact item before dialing, and choose “Make IP calls” in the pop-up menu.
Reject Call : When you are not available to answer the phone, you may slide up the panel to reject the call and to send a message to the caller at the same time.
Custom Ringtones : . How to set custom ringtones?
Put media files into the Media/Audio/ringtones directory in the SD card, (If there is none of this directory, please create one manually) and then select in Sounds in Settings.
Note: there are three directories under Audio, corresponding to the following tones:
notifications--notification ringtones
ringtones--incoming call ringtones
alarms--alarming ringtones
Supported formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, Midi, etc.
Important SMS : As for those important messages you want to add to your favorites, you may long press the message in the pop-up menu and select "Favorites". You may switch to "Favorites" tab in the main SMS interface to view collected messages.
Quick Delete SMS : How to quickly delete items?
You may slide from left to right on the item and click on the red "Delete" button when it appears.
Tether : How can I share my network to the PC or other terminals?
Firmware of Android 2.2 and above support the sharing of mobile phones to other Internet terminal in the following method:
Go to "Settings" -> "System" -> "Share mobile network", you may choose to share the Internet connection by USB tethering or setting up portable Wi-Fi hotspot. [/QUOTE]
MIUI never looked so good
This rom has definately come a long way. I might have to give it a shot again.
Really good to see all the info. Still rocking MIUI as my daily, love it!
Never flashed miui because of the iPhone look, but may have to now. This looks great.
I'm totally in!!
I have using this for last couple of weeks or so. I am loving this ROM.
spence341 said:
Never flashed miui because of the iPhone look, but may have to now. This looks great.
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People who think this way are only missing out on a great ROM. It may look similar to iOS when you start, but it has its distinct style and ways of doing things. I particularly like the battery top bar, which is simply a green or red line across the top of the screen that shrinks or grows with the battery level.
Please do try it. There really is no harm in doing so as you can always nandroid back to your last backup, or flash to another ROM.
is the dark theme in the OP animation a default dark theme? or does it have to be downloaded through the theme manager?
is it safe to save apps with data, dont wanna loose my spot in some of my games lol or should i just wipe and redo everything. i normally save my wifi spots also and contacts with titanium should i or no
downloading right now. def gotta try this one out! i usually only run sense roms but this looks sick! haven't tried miui in months
For those that are turned off by the iphone look, just use launcherpro instead of the stock launcher. It's an awesome rom! Totally fun to play with, it's unlike any other rom out there right now
Sent from my HTC Incredible
TheWhiteBandito said:
For those that are turned off by the iphone look, just use launcherpro instead of the stock launcher
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This Exactly! I use ADW EX and love it. This rom has my favorite menu/notifaction interface out of all the roms.
The SMS quick reply pop-up alone is worth using this rom.
gnargnarshreder said:
is it safe to save apps with data, dont wanna loose my spot in some of my games lol or should i just wipe and redo everything. i normally save my wifi spots also and contacts with titanium should i or no
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In my experience, apps with data are safe and work fine going from Sense based roms to this one. It's the settings data that I'm unsure about as I prefer to set all that up manually.
ghostrida said:
is the dark theme in the OP animation a default dark theme? or does it have to be downloaded through the theme manager?
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The dark theme has to be downloaded, it's definitely the most popular.
As for the iPhone look - just get a new icon pack and use beautiful widgets and it will look much more Androidish.
This is just a screen cap of my home screen a couple weeks ago.
Oh, and to do a screen cap, you don't need an app. Just push vol down and menu softkey at the same time and it does it.
I'm getting a force close everytime I try to do anything related to Theme Settings
RamAir02 said:
I'm getting a force close everytime I try to do anything related to Theme Settings
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Known bug with this build. A new build should be up late tonight or tomorrow.

WP7 Novosti RSS Reader

I have read some book about Silverlight and learn some basic stuff and made my first application with visual studio, it is called WP7 Novosti because i write a blog about Windows Phone 7 in Bosna i Hercegovina. "Novosti" is "News" in our language. The app is in the stadium that it can call the rss from the blog, display summary of posts, and display entire posts if you tap on them. It has a "Category" page where are the categories i used on the blog, linked all to labels on the blog, to if you tap on a category it display you only blog posts of a specific label.i would like to have some tester of my app, because it is in the early stadium of development.
my blog site is: http://wp7novosti.blogspot.com
and in the attachment is the .xap of the latest version, so if you like, test it and give me some feedback or errors i hope it causes any errors!
The app is in Bosnian language so just try it, navigate thru sites and try it, and if you like give me feedback.
I have made some modifications to the reader now, The live tile is not a transparent one and your accent is behind the logo of "WP7 Novosti". The second visible modification is a refresh feed button on top of every page where feeds are loaded. If out of some reason the Feed don't load in 1 sec or 2. press the refresh button.
The third modification is on the category page, the tiles are better aligned than on the first. that's visible on the pictures.
The 4th. modification is the trimmer which trims the text is now a bit better and don't trim the title of the feed.
5th modification is some coding about when what is loaded. the code is some slimmer than before, a bit smoother. but still no big improvements to change the version, still version 1.2.
So if some tester tested the app please give me feedback, what should be made. and if somebody has some nice tutorials, or books or so about live tiles, how to made them active, background agents for the live tile. and so on, but in depth material, because i'am new to coding and need more info than other developers.
I had a couple of random crashes with the Categories page - tapping the tile would just exit the app. The other issue I have is the color of the selected news item - red text on blue background is always a bad idea. Unreadable.
Apart from that, I really like the app. And now I have one more blog to follow
Hvala and for the red color the accent color is used for selected items. i look today the code again, but the new version i out in a few days, and i have now a dreamspark account and wait for the verification as a student, then the app will be official on the marketplace. Thx for testing, i had this issue on the category page too, it will be fixed soon.
and version 1.3
new stuff:
- transition effects between pages
- tilt effect on feeds
- new live tile icon with transparent background for use with your own accent color
- the clock and the other icons are there again (on the system bar on the top)
- smaller refresh button on the "Sve novosti" page
- progress bar on every page that loads something (just for you to know if something is happening in the background)
- fixed bug with exiting on taping on one of the categories, still you can produce a similar "error" if you tap on a category than fast tap back button, that will exit the app. This is because transition of pages, the app thinks the transition is the start page and exits like from the first page.
- fixed some code in the background and added some code for the next version to come (with background agent that downloads feeds in background and so on...)
i hope you like it!
If you click on the news item in All news (version 1.3 of the app), it will be opened in the browser and when you click the Back button to return to the app, the news item will be selected (the color is much better now, thanks)- but if you decide to read it again, it's not clickable. You need to select some other news (to unselect it), and only then will respond to taps.
Keep up the good work!
i noticed that too the first day i wrote this app. and i dont know how to fix that. the only solution is to display the posts in the app without internet explorer. But in the app would the post be a "ripped down" version of the blog post, only text, and maybe pictures if i found out how to include them...
Maybe if you override OnNavigatedTo, catch when you return from IE and clear the selection in the news list. The last item wouldn't be highlighted, but it should be clickable.
I noticed something else - the news list doesn't resize itself in the landscape mode (stays the same width as in portrait mode), so almost half of the screen is left empty.
The Yawning Dragon said:
Maybe if you override OnNavigatedTo, catch when you return from IE and clear the selection in the news list. The last item wouldn't be highlighted, but it should be clickable.
I noticed something else - the news list doesn't resize itself in the landscape mode (stays the same width as in portrait mode), so almost half of the screen is left empty.
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Thanks for the answer, the landscape mode was only a test i don't know how i forgot this to remove before the build of the .xap but i will implement it in the next version. i yesterday get my AppHub account and submitted my app, so it will be an official app in the marketplace soon. after that i will post an update on some thing like the selected after the browser and landscape...
Thank you very much for testing!!!
I still wait for my App to show up in the marketplace it is still in the certification process, it is signed and encrypted but how long does certification process take? i have managed to make the app a bit faster and more responsive, and added some new stuff like from @The Yawning Dragon indicated, the already selected feeds will be selective in the next update, i also moved some code from the UI off to make it responsive but i'm a newbee and that not enough. i will learn how to make an background agent and how to store all feed in a database and then to call it when the app starts or when the listbox appears... there is so much to learn
WP7 Novosti app v.1.3 is now out in the Marketplace. it is now in a few marketplaces but in the next hours it will be in all of them. thru the marketplace app on our phones it is not there but on this link. i sent already an update for some bug fixes, and improvements (v.1.4) it is verified and encrypted, we wait for certification and testing and publishing would be in the next week or so.
or via zune on our phones ->
LogiBird said:
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thank you!
version 1.5 will be out soon, with a new Start screen Tile because the first one doesnt fit in the color sheme of my blog. added some metro background to the Tile, and prepared some code for future releases.
i like that
derpeter1982 said:
i like that
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Thank a lot! an update is live in the marketplace now. i changed the live tile, and some other stuff behind the scenes. and i've changed the marketplace artwork but it has not updated to the new, i dont know why...

[Q] CM11-20141022-UNOFFICIAL-w7-LG-D415 config

I just installed cm-11-20141022-UNOFFICIAL-w7-LG-D415 and would like to customize two things on my phone.
1. I would like to close the messenger so that when I unlock the screen, it isn't the first thing I see. I like to open my messages when I feel it's time to open them and not have to deal with them until I'm ready for them.
2. I would like to kill Yahoo Weather. I don't want it running every time I reboot my phone. If I want weather info, I can use my browser to get the info.
As a first time user of CM; I'm very impressed. With a little more TLC on my phone; I'm sure I'll be a very happy camper because of it.
Thanks to all of you who put more than a few tons of effort into this,
jim.jowski said:
I just installed cm-11-20141022-UNOFFICIAL-w7-LG-D415 and would like to customize two things on my phone.
1. I would like to close the messenger so that when I unlock the screen, it isn't the first thing I see. I like to open my messages when I feel it's time to open them and not have to deal with them until I'm ready for them.
2. I would like to kill Yahoo Weather. I don't want it running every time I reboot my phone. If I want weather info
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It may be that you're not swiping straight across the screen. There are 5 targets on your lock screen, and it just so happens that the messenger app target is just above the home screen target. I've attached a screen shot of my lock screen targets as an example. If you press and hold your unlock icon, the targets will display. Just swipe to the target you wish to open. How fast or slow you swipe doesn't matter as long as you stay in contact with the screen, you're golden!
You can disable the Yahoo weather info on your lock screen with the following steps:
- Open SETTINGS in app drawer
- select button to turn off
- Exit using the BACK ICON located on top left of screen. Don't use the back key or your change may not be saved. I have attached screen shots for reference.
Enjoy! The devs on this phone are extremely helpful!
jran0880 said:
It may be that you're not swiping straight across the screen. There are 5 targets on your lock screen, and it just so happens that the messenger app target is just above the home screen target. I've attached a screen shot of my lock screen targets as an example. If you press and hold your unlock icon, the targets will display. Just swipe to the target you wish to open. How fast or slow you swipe doesn't matter as long as you stay in contact with the screen, you're golden!
You can disable the Yahoo weather info on your lock screen with the following steps:
- Open SETTINGS in app drawer
- select button to turn off
- Exit using the BACK ICON located on top left of screen. Don't use the back key or your change may not be saved. I have attached screen shots for reference.
Enjoy! The devs on this phone are extremely helpful!
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I tried your steps for Yahoo weather and didn't see a CLOCKS SETTINGS in LOCK SCREEN. No problem because just disabling the clock app fixed the problem.
The "Hold and Swipe" is a nice feature. I wonder if it can be customized.
Is there an easy way to turn the speaker phone on?
jim.jowski said:
I tried your steps for Yahoo weather and didn't see a CLOCKS SETTINGS in LOCK SCREEN. No problem because just disabling the clock app fixed the problem.
The "Hold and Swipe" is a nice feature. I wonder if it can be customized.
Is there an easy way to turn the speaker phone on?
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jran0880's steps, #3 "CLOCK SETTINGS" should be "Clock widget". There you'll find 3 entries, "Clock and alarm", "Weather panel", and "Calendar events". Select either on of those to manage it's settings.
Also, jran0880 is correct. The messaging app does NOT automatically show when unlocking the lock screen.
The targets can be customized. In your lock sceen settings, there's the option to Slider Shortcuts. Choose that and swipe to the one you wish to change. Tap the icon to change it and select the app name to change the app. If the app you want is not listed, press "apps" at the top of that list to show all your apps.
The speaker phone is located on lower left of your in call screen. 2nd icon from the left.
I did a reset on the Lock Screen and that made things just "peachy keen".
As for the weather and lock screen, etc.; there's no Clock Widget when I open Settings, Lock Screen. If this helps, I installed the Pico-GApps. Not sure if that makes a difference.

