I've recently factory reset my Note 9 which was rooted and subsequently unrooted prior to purchase. Before I reset it, I could install S Health 4.x to bypass the root issue with the most recent version. This time, however, I cannot get version 4.x to install. I've tried via APK mirror and also via ADB, but it fails "App not installed". Other apps downloaded from APK mirror install fine.
Any ideas without rooting again, which I don't want to do?
Facing the same issue after updating to pie on s8.
It was working on oreo
dont know what all of you guys are doing wrong but I'm on pie and its working fine.(knox tripped)
im not hiding it with magisk. every custom rom available for pie that ive tried had it working. maybe the roms have something baked in to make it work but i have not herd of such.
plus v4 is ancient.
So... I had my N6 on 6.0 stock with root, made room in the system to install Xposed and had GB running great. Then I got greedy and installed 6.0.1, made room in system again and installed Xposed - on reboot I get constant NFC service errors and the phone is unusable. Go back to 6.0 and it works great. Tried installing a debloated stock 6.0.1 rom, w/ system-less root and get the same result after flashing Xposed.
Any insight? Tried searching with no results.
Seems like the issue was with the new root method. My solution was to remove the new root method using Update-unSU and then flash the Su2.52.zip. Xposed seems to be working fine now.
Seems like the issue was with the new root method. My solution was to remove the new root method using Update-unSU and then flash the Su2.52.zip. Xposed seems to be working fine now.
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I am using sytemless root on 6.0.1 with xposed and don't have these issues
OK... The problem is back.
I was on 6.0.1 stick firmware - rooted with SU2.52 - removed the foreign language keyboards to make enough room in system to install the xposed framework (sdk78_arm version) - rebooted and get NFC services errors and phone is frozen.
Loaded the 6.0.1 lite rom - used unSU - installed SU2.52 and xposed and same result/error.
Loaded the 6.0.1 lite rom - left the system less root - installed xposed and same thing again.
Anyone have thoughts? I swear I am not that much of a newb but I can't figure this out. Even tried downloading a fresh copy of xposed but same thing.
OK... The problem is back.
I was on 6.0.1 stick firmware - rooted with SU2.52 - removed the foreign language keyboards to make enough room in system to install the xposed framework (sdk78_arm version) - rebooted and get NFC services errors and phone is frozen.
Loaded the 6.0.1 lite rom - used unSU - installed SU2.52 and xposed and same result/error.
Loaded the 6.0.1 lite rom - left the system less root - installed xposed and same thing again.
Anyone have thoughts? I swear I am not that much of a newb but I can't figure this out. Even tried downloading a fresh copy of xposed but same thing.
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It is most likely not updated to work with those root methods yet. With the updates in security each android update is gonna need xposed to be updated. Even to the point that it may stop working all together. So I would get used to not having it to be honest. It is only a matter of time before it stops working all together.
Same issue happening to me, all roads pointing to systemless root. I'm sure Rovo will update. I'm using SuperSu v2.6.2r3 btw
Try to do factory reset throughout TWRP.
I had same problem yesterday. After I installed xposed framework, I could not use my phone due to NFC service error popup message. But now, everything seems okay after factory reset. - no more error message.
Okay so i did a clean install of the stock rom (Pie) with May update. Flashed all the files and was finally at the home screen. Got a notification for June security patch and i installed it immediately. Keep in mind till now no modifications were done to the phone including rooting, the rom is stock, clean and without any modifications. The only thing unlocked is my bootloader.
I observed when the update reaches around 80% it says update unsuccessful. No changes were made to the system. I tried downloading the update again, rebooting, formating/wiping data both via stock recovery as well as TWRP, factory reset. Even tried updating without SD-card just in case. Again flashed the full stock rom but to no avail, the update was not successful.
Any ideas why i can't apply june update and how am i supposed to solve this? Thanks
mhp1995 said:
Okay so i did a clean install of the stock rom (Pie) with May update. Flashed all the files and was finally at the home screen. Got a notification for June security patch and i installed it immediately. Keep in mind till now no modifications were done to the phone including rooting, the rom is stock, clean and without any modifications. The only thing unlocked is my bootloader.
I observed when the update reaches around 80% it says update unsuccessful. No changes were made to the system. I tried downloading the update again, rebooting, formating/wiping data both via stock recovery as well as TWRP, factory reset. Even tried updating without SD-card just in case. Again flashed the full stock rom but to no avail, the update was not successful.
Any ideas why i can't apply june update and how am i supposed to solve this? Thanks
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Clear data of all the ported apps(or the apps which are not installed from playstore) and then uninstall these apps and then try to install June update . Same thing works for me. It showing same error to me but after doing these things my phone updated successfully.
[email protected] said:
Clear data of all the ported apps(or the apps which are not installed from playstore) and then uninstall these apps and then try to install June update . Same thing works for me. It showing same error to me but after doing these things my phone updated successfully.
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I have no ported apps. As i said, its stock rom with no modifications. I didn't install any app from anywhere. The only apps i have in my phone are pre-installed apps which come with the stock rom such as Google Drive, Play Books.. I even tried clearing the data of the pre-installed apps but still no update. Also today i tried flashing the retail version of the stock rom with may security update. I think there is an issue as i flashed the retail version of the rom, the about section from the settings app still shows software channel as "Retin". Shouldn't it be showing retail version
mhp1995 said:
I have no ported apps. As i said, its stock rom with no modifications. I didn't install any app from anywhere. The only apps i have in my phone are pre-installed apps which come with the stock rom such as Google Drive, Play Books.. I even tried clearing the data of the pre-installed apps but still no update. Also today i tried flashing the retail version of the stock rom with may security update. I think there is an issue as i flashed the retail version of the rom, the about section from the settings app still shows software channel as "Retin". Shouldn't it be showing retail version
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Try flashing this stock rom
You have to flash the first pie update (November patch) and then you can do updates.
Hello guys,
I have an old Samsung Galaxy Alpha G850F with 5.0.2 version of Android.
I have been able to root it using Odin, then I installed TWRP by the official App giving SU permissions, and I installed the AAMirror APK too.
Buuuuut... Android Auto isn't installing couse of the old Android version (...I think).
So I tried downloading an older Android Auto APK, but it always responds "Application not installed".
So what should I do?
Should I install a custom ROM with 6+ Android? Is it possible?
Is there any way to install Android Auto correctly on the 5.0.2?
Or... can i use AA Mirror without using Android Auto?
I'm feeling lost right now, ty for help.
Buy new phone that supports, solved.
The last couple of months and completely out of no where my 4g data randomly stops working. The status bar icon shows that it's stuck on upload and won't download any data. The only way I've found to fix it outside of restarting the phone is to change the cell band type from auto to wcdma then back.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Second issue is with Magisk and I know this is for Samsung but I figure why not ask anyway. As of yesterday after a reboot I lost root. Magisk apps shows I need to install magisk and install the app even though I'm in the app. Also a bunch of my apps are acting like I've never uzed them before and they need to be setup again. I haven't installed any updates so I'm not sure what caused it.
I've tried completely uninstalling Magisk and reinstall and that didn't do anything. The install went through fine but after launching the app it still says no root.
Any ideas?
Hi, I think it has been updated and Magisk is useless due to new layers of security. I guess we'll wait until a new rom is made for the new update, including stock. I don't know if Magisk can release a new version and overcome this.
Reflashing the custom firmware then also Reflashing Magisk did get it working for me again.
I've since updated to the newest firmware, flashed OneOS and Magisk and it's been working fine until a little while ago when Magisk randomly shows as not installed again after a reboot.
I take it no one else has had this issue still?
Hi guys
Spent a total of 9 hours 10 mintues today non stop trying to get Xposed to work on my Galaxy S5.
Went through many, many flashable zip files for the official versions both early and recent and unofficial ones (wanam)
Covered every YouTube video on it I could find.
The wanam ones flashed successfully but made Android completely unusable (after boot up) from errors informing me that 'Play services have stopped working' The message would not go away which made the phone unusable.
The official flashable zip builds all put me into a boot loop.
Each time I was using the same xposed uninstaller to remove them after finding out they didn't work.
I don't know if I am missing something but I really don't know what to do now.
I did have this working on Stock ROM recently and then after a factory reset I have not for the life of me been able to find a working version.
Man, no Xposed is working on stock Samsung ROM after recent Google Play Services update (after version 20), and i think there is no turning back from this, if you are in stock Samsung you have to give up to Xposed.
Thanks for getting back. What is a confirmed ROM which works with xPosed on the S5? Will lineage be ok? Thanks.
I do not use or have an S5, but i have many other devices (all Samsung) and i can tell that so far there is no problem with Xposed in any other ROM (other tnan Sasmsung), and also no problem with EdXposed or Lsposed (and those 2 may also work in Samsung ROMs - to be tested).