Cant receive OTAs - Xiaomi Mi A2 / 6X Questions & Answers

The story goes like this: When the android 9 came out i used a hack to get it more quickly, the one which you trick the phone (with a vpn) that you are located in another country (Netherlands) .
Since then i can get otas only if i repeat the process and trick the phone i am in Netherlands. This is a pain since i am located in Greece. Can someone help me to undo this?

Unlock bootloader and reflash the official ROM with mi flash.
Even you don't want root your phone I still recommend unlocking bootloader just in case some ota goes bad
Sent from my Mi A2 using Tapatalk


[Q] t-mobile update

Hello community
I got this amazing phone today. Is unlocked and now I am using with three mobile. my question is as follow:
I know that the phone must have been routed as I can see the superuser logo. Does it means that if i run the t-mobile update it will be locked again?
I am wondering if the seller (who does not reply) just sent me an unlocked t-mobile note 4 and i would be able to run the update without problem.
any one could help me please?
If you update you should just loose root. You won't loose unlock.
Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk
re: rooted phone
charlie1voyvoy said:
Hello community
I got this amazing phone today. Is unlocked and now I am using with three mobile. my question is as follow:
I know that the phone must have been routed as I can see the superuser logo. Does it means that if i run the t-mobile update it will be locked again?
I am wondering if the seller (who does not reply) just sent me an unlocked t-mobile note 4 and i would be able to run the update without problem.
any one could help me please?
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If your or anyone's phone regardless of make and model
is rooted you will not be able to get the OTA update at all
unless you first un-root the phone and make sure that you
are using the official stock firmware.
The OTA updater will let you know if you are running an
un-official operating system. (like any custom roms).
However updating firmware with Odin or OTA won't re-lock the phone.
Good luck!

Need help, bought phone, it's on Global ROM but bootloader was relocked

So this is my second Mi Mix. I know my way around it a bit. Anyway I was trying to flash TWRP and it won't work. It appears the bootloader is locked. Apparently the original retailer who sold the phone flashed the global MIUI rom and then relocked the bootloader and reflashed the original recovery.
I have already requested to unlock through Xiaomi but I'm not sure if it will work being on this rom... once I get the text back from them that is.
I'm unable to flash the Chinese stock rom in MiFlash because the bootloader is locked. I've tried just about everything but it appears I'm stuck waiting on Xiaomi to send me the unlock text but my concern is that I won't be able to do it because I'm not on the stock rom.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
NeutronBomb said:
So this is my second Mi Mix. I know my way around it a bit. Anyway I was trying to flash TWRP and it won't work. It appears the bootloader is locked. Apparently the original retailer who sold the phone flashed the global MIUI rom and then relocked the bootloader and reflashed the original recovery.
I have already requested to unlock through Xiaomi but I'm not sure if it will work being on this rom... once I get the text back from them that is.
I'm unable to flash the Chinese stock rom in MiFlash because the bootloader is locked. I've tried just about everything but it appears I'm stuck waiting on Xiaomi to send me the unlock text but my concern is that I won't be able to do it because I'm not on the stock rom.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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You dont need to request for another unlock code. The unlock code is associated with your Mi Account, meaning you can unlock any Xiaomi device once you sign in with your Mi Account on the device. Once signed in, you just need to use the Unlocking app.
Considering this is your 2nd Mix, I'm assuming you had received an unlock code for the first one. If so, you're good to go. You just need to do as I mentioned above.
If you dont have an unlock code yet, once you've received it, the procedure is fairly simple. Just follow one of the guides here and you'll get to wherever you want,be it Official, EU or a custom ROM.
Hope this helps!
The first one I bought already had the bootloader u locked so I don't have a code. Once I receive a reply from Xiaomi with a code will I be able to unlock even though it's on the global ROM and not stock?
NeutronBomb said:
The first one I bought already had the bootloader u locked so I don't have a code. Once I receive a reply from Xiaomi with a code will I be able to unlock even though it's on the global ROM and not stock?
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Yes. once you have the code, you can unlock regardless of whatever ROM is installed on the device. FYI, my phone came with a Vendor ROM but locked bootloader just like yours. I don'"t think the Vendor relocked it. I'm assuming that Vendors receive signed Custom ROMs from Xiaomi which is then flashed by Vendors using stock recovery. If they have a signed ROM file, the bootloader doesnt have to be unlocked. It just installs like an update.
NeutronBomb said:
So this is my second Mi Mix. I know my way around it a bit. Anyway I was trying to flash TWRP and it won't work. It appears the bootloader is locked. Apparently the original retailer who sold the phone flashed the global MIUI rom and then relocked the bootloader and reflashed the original recovery.
I have already requested to unlock through Xiaomi but I'm not sure if it will work being on this rom... once I get the text back from them that is.
I'm unable to flash the Chinese stock rom in MiFlash because the bootloader is locked. I've tried just about everything but it appears I'm stuck waiting on Xiaomi to send me the unlock text but my concern is that I won't be able to do it because I'm not on the stock rom.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Didn't know you had to unlock bootloader for Chinese ROM with miflash, you sure it's not the way you unpacked the file.
Yeah I'm pretty sure it requires bootloader unlock. The first Mix I had was the 128gb version and I sold it last week. Before I sold it the guy wanted me to flash the chinese rom back and I did it using mi flash and it worked just fine. Used the exact same file this time and it won't work, it fails right off the bat. Also in the guide that's posted here for flashing the Chinese rom it says you need the bootloader unlocked.
I guess it's one of those things that people assume the bootloader is already unlocked if you're flashing the Chinese rom since you'd have to have unlocked it already to get off of that rom in the first place.
I'll just sit back and wait for my unlock code I guess. Hopefully they don't take the full 10 days to get back to me.
NeutronBomb said:
Yeah I'm pretty sure it requires bootloader unlock. The first Mix I had was the 128gb version and I sold it last week. Before I sold it the guy wanted me to flash the chinese rom back and I did it using mi flash and it worked just fine. Used the exact same file this time and it won't work, it fails right off the bat. Also in the guide that's posted here for flashing the Chinese rom it says you need the bootloader unlocked.
I guess it's one of those things that people assume the bootloader is already unlocked if you're flashing the Chinese rom since you'd have to have unlocked it already to get off of that rom in the first place.
I'll just sit back and wait for my unlock code I guess. Hopefully they don't take the full 10 days to get back to me.
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Unless you got vendor ROM.
satishp said:
I don'"t think the Vendor relocked it. I'm assuming that Vendors receive signed Custom ROMs from Xiaomi which is then flashed by Vendors using stock recovery. If they have a signed ROM file, the bootloader doesnt have to be unlocked. It just installs like an update.
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Vendor ROMS aren't signed or sanctioned by Xiaomi.
Given Xiaomi doesn't even produce a general Global ROM for some models of it's handsets (such as the Mix) because they only sell them in China, it would make little sense for them to then sign Vendor ROMs for such handsets given they're all but exclusively used by international sellers.

Help with stock rom P10 Bricked

Hi everybody, i was wondering if you know where i can download stock rom for my P10 cell phone. I tried to put this rom VTR-L09C605B151 to my phone and now it stuck in huawei logo. (this rom is for latin america ,im from Chile Movistar company)
the original version of the rom installed in my phone was the VTR-L09C521B101, if anybody knows where I can download the full firmware please help!!
the phone have only 2 weeks of life.
PD: I justo took it to Service, but they said that this problem is not covered by warranty.
any help would be higly appreciated.
How did you flash the firmware?
Flashed with adb. I have extracted the boot sytem and the other file and flashed boot first then the others. I can enter now in bootloader mode.
Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
Right now i don't have the exact names. Let me reach home and I will post.
Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
You can use firmware finder to download ur original firmware and use this tool to flash firmwares since u have unlocked bootloader
I will try that. In case the original rom was not found. How can I proceed?
Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
fmm1977 said:
I will try that. In case the original rom was not found. How can I proceed?
Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
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It's there but not full, maybe rebrand to other region.
thanks for the help. Right now I have sent the phone direct to huawei's service, so I will wait 2 days and see what happened. Stay tuned!
Maybe this will come in handy
Hello, I finally did not fix the phone, because they tell me from huawei that you can not put an official rom, that the only way to fix it is by placing an unofficial rom. I do not know if it will be true or not. The truth is that my phone has become a beautiful paperweight. :crying: Please, I need your help to revive my phone.Do i need to wait until official rom comes out full? And apply adb just as I did before? Extracting the files and uploading them to one ?. Any help is welcome. Thank you all!
I have another question, is there a way to put a full rom but another version with other method?
because before brick my phone I have flashed in this order:
from the VTR-L09C605B151 version.
I dont know what means C605B151, I dont know why it didnt worked, because this rom is for latin american.
or what if I install TWRP then update the rom?
I've just done mine with dc phoenix cost about £35 by the time I sussed it but all working now as I'm typing on it and mine was stuck on boot screen but able to get into fast boot
well, finally im trying to rebrand my phone to VTR-L29 eu version, but Im having problems with bootloader.
Right now my bootloader says relocked and FRP lock. tried with fastboot oem relock and unlock and nothing happens.
what can I do now?
Hi again, the thing is that my phone shows Phone relocked, but adb shows to me that bootloader is unlocked, if I try to unlock again says remote command not allowed.
Anybody knows why it shows like this?
Finally!!!! my phone was restored and is back!!!
I have used the funkyhuawei rebranding method (since it was impossible to unlock my phone) they have a method that you can rebrand with locked phone. Paid 46 dollars but it was worth!!

ReUnlocking converted A2 (6X)

I have a converted A2 (+ARB 4), with UNLOCKED bootloader.
I read somewhere if you relock the BL , you will not able to UNLOCK it again ever after! (is it true?)
and other thing: If it try the MIUI BL Unlocker Official Application to unlock my device (even when it is still unlocked) what could be happen? (I've just followed the steps till the warning msg: "Unlocking Bootloader will erase user Data" ). (I read somewhere else that for unlocking miui devices you need to submit the request and you need to wait for a long time to get the code, and I was going to get the code for a case of necessity in future.)
I need to know how far I can play with these stuffs on my devices and left a practical way to recover a Bricked phone. ( I consider even TEST POINT as a practical option [tried once and it is damn easy and fun ] )
Im sorry bro but the actual model and serial code of your phone is a A2.And that means you probably wont unlock it it will give a hardware error.But pls try it and report.Dont worry there will be a fix!!
Tech_jetoncesaj said:
Im sorry bro but the actual model and serial code of your phone is a A2.And that means you probably wont unlock it it will give a hardware error.But pls try it and report.Dont worry there will be a fix!!
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If it locked again my BL, what would be the solution? I didn't find any.
the mi unlock app requires a mi account with unlock permissions (account! not phone)
if you try to unlock an unlocked a2 you should either get unsuported - it's meant for miui devices - or already unlocked.
The app first checks the account and passes to further steps, then recognizes my phone, and warns me about wiping Data. ( At this step I declined and closed the app)
Your hypothesis seems correct, but if in any circumstances I would be left with relocked converted A2 , ist there any chance to reunlock it again?
that's why the test point method exists, for locked that you try to fastboot flash
I tried, and it just says: Device Unlocked, no need to reunlock again!
So now is it safe to lock my bootloader and try the app again?
if you lock the bootloader via fastboot commands it wont boot any more.
only way to safely lock is with miflash and you cannot miflash a wayne miui on a converted a2. it will see that it's the jasmine.
if you miflash the a2 fastboot rom it will relock ok - if the flashing works...might not cuz of the arb - but you wont be on miui any more.
what are you trying to do anyway?
i think what you dont understand is the unlock on miui and android one are the same end result but different steps. for miui you godda use the mi unlock, for and1 its just the dev options switch
laviniu_c said:
if you lock the bootloader via fastboot commands it wont boot any more.
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So if I run the command and re-lock it by Fastboot, how can I re-unlock it again?
laviniu_c said:
only way to safely lock is with miflash and you cannot miflash a wayne miui on a converted a2. it will see that it's the jasmine.
if you miflash the a2 fastboot rom it will relock ok - if the flashing works...might not cuz of the arb - but you wont be on miui any more.
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So do you mean there is no safety way to re-lock a converted A2 which runs MIUI ?
(and If I had a Banking app which needs a Locked BL to work, there will be no chance to run it at all?)
laviniu_c said:
what are you trying to do anyway?
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As I said I want to know all the aspects of practical ways to deal with my phone, right now I am totally happy with it, but actually the opportunity of dealing with all these technical stuffs convinced me to buy this phone.
laviniu_c said:
i think what you dont understand is the unlock on miui and android one are the same end result but different steps. for miui you godda use the mi unlock, for and1 its just the dev options switch
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I've heard that some ROMs may re-lock the phone, since then I would like to know if in any circumstances I would be stuck on that situation how can I re-unlock my phone.
any official miui rom that has the firmware folder in it might do it for example, so will bad ports....
try to use the magisk hide options to fix the banking app, add it to the list of apps for which it specifically hides root. add also the google services and make sure you pass the safetynet tests and your device shows as certified in the playstore settings. i think there were some modules to fix the bl check
laviniu_c said:
any official miui rom that has the firmware folder in it might do it for example, so will bad ports....
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So lets assume it has been happened, what would be the procedure to rescue my phone? since as you said if the BL locked again it will not boot to OS.
laviniu_c said:
try to use the magisk hide options to fix the banking app, add it to the list of apps for which it specifically hides root. add also the google services and make sure you pass the safetynet tests and your device shows as certified in the playstore settings. i think there were some modules to fix the bl check
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I would'nt like to root the phone, isn't there any other option?
if you lock the bootloader with any kind of non official rom for your phone (i.e. jasmine_sprout) which in your case is android one it wont boot. the end. only way out of that is the edl mode and miflash. that's the basic difference between locked and unlocked, it checks what os it loads and it makes sure the loaded os is the official rom for the phone. converting the a2 means it needs to be unlocked and you load a rom that's a ported miui10 from wayne to jasmine_sprout. if you flash the full rom, that has the locked bootloader from wayne which will fail to start since:
1 - the phone still isnt wayne
2- the rom isnt quite the official one (since it's renamed to work on jasmine)
3 - even if the phone was fully wayne, you dont really want the official mi 6x rom since that's china only. i.e. no google services
the only unknown in all this is the ARB, but edl should ignore that.
somehow i was under the impression you already have magisk (root/hide) up and running on the converted miui 10. yes, there are good miui 10 ports (for example that give you the miui experience on a2 except they will never have the full ota support that the official rom has.
my advice? stick to the stock a2 rom. locked and full stock. the moment you need to start experimenting is when the android one support stops OR if you really want root.
if you wanted miui and you're outside china, mi 6x is still NOT the way to go. cuz it doesnt have an official global rom anyway. i dont get why everyone is jumping through hoops to get unofficial roms installed with stock support available.
laviniu_c said:
if you lock the bootloader with any kind of non official rom for your phone (i.e. jasmine_sprout) which in your case is android one it wont boot. the end. only way out of that is the edl mode and miflash.
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So please consider these situations:
The phone is A2 converted to 6X &
The BL has been re-locked &
ARB 4 has been triggered
how can I use EDL mode to unlock it?
(I think miflash would not help because the LOCKED BL and the phone is actually A2)
(I think also Fastboot wont be able to unlock it since it is A2 Converted to 6X)
laviniu_c said:
yes, there are good miui 10 ports (for example that give you the miui experience on a2 except they will never have the full ota support that the official rom has.
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I'm afraid but I didt't get the point, now every week I receive Pie beta updates (besides there are stable versions too) which actually stable enough, almost Bug & Lag Free (it differs Rom to Rom, but believe me it is COOL ) , and by PitchBlack you can use direct update. (I prefer to install it by myself since I LOVE TWRP & its child PB). so what exactly we miss of original OTA service of XIAOMI?
laviniu_c said:
my advice? stick to the stock a2 rom. locked and full stock. the moment you need to start experimenting is when the android one support stops OR if you really want root..
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But I think it wouldn't be an option for who has triggered ARB4! isn't it? (I read when you got ARB4 you must forget AndroidOne! even TestPoint won't help)
laviniu_c said:
if you wanted miui and you're outside china, mi 6x is still NOT the way to go. cuz it doesnt have an official global rom anyway. i dont get why everyone is jumping through hoops to get unofficial roms installed with stock support available.
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Again I didn't get what do you mean, could you please explain it a bit more? (since my current MIUI 10.4 has almost everything) this should work with the testpoint/edl method and miflash. (unless arb does something to stop it)
there's a few problems with your approach.
1) not official. any time the guys maintaining the custom rom can decide to stop producing it.
2) all work into these custom roms is voluntary. are they sometime better? sure, never said they werent but again, xiaomi/google/android have far far more resources at their disposal and while the phone is under the official period it will be maintained.
3) did you bother to read the first lines in any custom rom? they take 0 responsibility for whatever happens to your phone. they do not intend to break it, but they dont have to support you if you're in trouble either. if you dont have a valid warranty, that's understandable, you don't lose anything. but guess what? there are official vendors for xiaomi all over the world, offering official warranty. that holds as long as you're on STOCK.
4) though most custom roms are well intended, there is nothing assuring you there's nothing inside there that you dont want installed. you move your trust from xiaomi/google/android (which you can hold accountable) to whoever made that rom (who just carpet say, it's your phone you're doing the flashing, anything happens you're on your own). in most cases those devs don't mean harm, but they could and there's nothing to stop them (and they would never put in the hours of work if there was accountability for their action - i perfectly understand them. it's sortof like, i can try to do this, but because my work is not paid for by the end user they do not have any hold over me. it's correct and yet at the same time it's very very dangerous.). ever seen a custom miui built by a shop? i have, it's packed full of junk, bugs and malware. another thing here is testing. the official rom goes through a bunch of tests/beta versions. not saying it's perfect but it's better then the "known bugs: you tell me". custom rom devs cannot do it any other way, they dont have the time to test or the team to test.
5) the official devs don't have this option, they have a job and do it. it's a completely different approach.
this is not a rant against custom rom devs, i understand them 100%, they're trying to help. what i'm saying is there's always 2 sides to each story. there's no right or wrong, there's just what's best for each user. some of us will want the safe and easy way of the stock roms. some will want custom roms. in the end everyone is doing what they choose with their phone.
laviniu_c said: this should work with the testpoint/edl method and miflash. (unless arb does something to stop it)
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I think it will not work, the Actual duty of ARB4 is to preventing you to use these things! as much as I know after ARB4 you have two options: MIUI 10 or custom ROMs such as Havoc or so, for AndroidONE we need to wait a version of AndroidONE which be compatible with ARB4! otherwise flashing STOCK AndroidONE will simply brick your phone! THE whole IDEA of this THREAT is this!
And BTW as much as I know XIAOMI.EU is cooperating now with the XIAOMI ! besides we do not keep a phone for a whole life time, 2-3 years of supports would be far enough. and they do offer it right now!
and I would like to lock the BL for further security reasons but it seems to be impossible so far otherwise someone suggests a practical way for it.
I guess you need to contact me.
sz.hatef said:
If it locked again my BL, what would be the solution? I didn't find any.
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Hey its not very good to talk here in xda.We can try some methods!
Chat with me in telegram.
Dont worry about brick,bcz im the only one who can unbrick,downgrade a xiaomi phone even if its arb4.
Feel free to contact me.
Also join my group i will be there too.
Since i cant post links,search this on telegram <<its my group>><<iT HAS A BLACK PHONE WALLPAPER AND IT HAS 86 MEMBERS!
Mi A2 & Mi 6X
Tech_jetoncesaj said:
Hey its not very good to talk here in xda.We can try some methods!
Chat with me in telegram.
Dont worry about brick,bcz im the only one who can unbrick,downgrade a xiaomi phone even if its arb4.
Feel free to contact me.
Also join my group i will be there too.
Since i cant post links,search this on telegram <<its my group>><<iT HAS A BLACK PHONE WALLPAPER AND IT HAS 86 MEMBERS!
Mi A2 & Mi 6X
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Just as I said, I would like to know the possible ways, currently I haven't any problem, could you explain it a bit , how could it possible to reunlock my BL if it get locked on MIUI?
There is NO way to unlock an A2 device that has been converted to an 6X with ARB anti 4.
Your bootloaders are important in this case (xbl.elf and abl.elf). ARB and bootloader status is also managed here.
If you are using A2, with 6X system without ARB anti 4, that phone uses A2 bootloader. So if you lock your bootloader, it will brick to fastboot (The system has been destroyed / Press any key to shutdown). EDL will still accept any flashes without authentication. You may or may not be able to unlock it again through fastboot.
If you are using A2, with 6X system and firmware with ARB anti 4, that phone uses 6X bootloader. So if you lock your bootloader, it will brick to fastboot (The system has been destroyed / Press any key to shutdown). EDL will not accept any flashes without authentication*. You cannot unlock the phone through fastboot**.
*There is a workaround to this but you need to open your phone's back.
**Because MIUI devices need Mi Unlock to be unlocked, and Mi Unlock wants you to log in, and the system is not accessible, your phone will stay bricked.
You can still unbrick the phone with the above workaround, but you will be stuck with China MIUI and won't be able to unlock your phone's bootloader even if you logged in because your phone is not registered on Mi Unlock database (since Android One devices do not need/use Mi Unlock because of Google's enforcements).
Too long, didn't read?
Do not attempt to lock your phone. Even if you are on fully stock with your phone's own firmware. Locking is extremely risky due to the fact that even unlocking the bootloader corrupts the system integrity in some way.
Letzen said:
There is NO way to unlock an A2 device that has been converted to an 6X with ARB anti 4.
Your bootloaders are important in this case (xbl.elf and abl.elf). ARB and bootloader status is also managed here.
If you are using A2, with 6X system without ARB anti 4, that phone uses A2 bootloader. So if you lock your bootloader, it will brick to fastboot (The system has been destroyed / Press any key to shutdown). EDL will still accept any flashes without authentication. You may or may not be able to unlock it again through fastboot.
If you are using A2, with 6X system and firmware with ARB anti 4, that phone uses 6X bootloader. So if you lock your bootloader, it will brick to fastboot (The system has been destroyed / Press any key to shutdown). EDL will not accept any flashes without authentication*. You cannot unlock the phone through fastboot**.
*There is a workaround to this but you need to open your phone's back.
**Because MIUI devices need Mi Unlock to be unlocked, and Mi Unlock wants you to log in, and the system is not accessible, your phone will stay bricked.
You can still unbrick the phone with the above workaround, but you will be stuck with China MIUI and won't be able to unlock your phone's bootloader even if you logged in because your phone is not registered on Mi Unlock database (since Android One devices do not need/use Mi Unlock because of Google's enforcements).
Too long, didn't read?
Do not attempt to lock your phone. Even if you are on fully stock with your phone's own firmware. Locking is extremely risky due to the fact that even unlocking the bootloader corrupts the system integrity in some way.
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Thanks a lot, it explains everything and totally sounds right to me,
Just couple questions:
so in any circumstances it could be again usable just with a Chinese ROM, and so there will be no way to install Google Play on it, since there will be no custom recovery , no root accessibility , ... , It will be for ever with a Pure Chinese ROM (which practically would be unusable for us). Am I right?
Considering above situation, sending the device to a Xiaomi Center could help us to get back to any kind of global ROM (AndroidONE / MIUI) or not?
Right now I am totally happy with MIUI BETA roms, no need to switch to other projects, I need to know is there any chance to stuck with a locked BL while attempting the new Beta ROMs? I use PitchBlack to flash new ROMs every week. Or if I want to ask it in short: How to prevent to get a Locked BL?
Thanks a lot again.
sz.hatef said:
Thanks a lot, it explains everything and totally sounds right to me,
Just couple questions:
so in any circumstances it could be again usable just with a Chinese ROM, and so there will be no way to install Google Play on it, since there will be no custom recovery , no root accessibility , ... , It will be for ever with a Pure Chinese ROM (which practically would be unusable for us). Am I right?
Considering above situation, sending the device to a Xiaomi Center could help us to get back to any kind of global ROM (AndroidONE / MIUI) or not?
Right now I am totally happy with MIUI BETA roms, no need to switch to other projects, I need to know is there any chance to stuck with a locked BL while attempting the new Beta ROMs? I use PitchBlack to flash new ROMs every week. Or if I want to ask it in short: How to prevent to get a Locked BL?
Thanks a lot again.
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does flashing a beta ROM without deleting the firmware folder lock the bootloader ?
what's the benefit from not deleting the firmware folder?
i'm using a converted MI A2

Received new MI 9 with unlocked bootloader

Hi all.
Just got the transparent edition and it arrived with unlocked bootloader. Already done a ota from 10.2.15 to 10.2.17.
What concerns do I have with this? Obviously I cant relock bootloader and don't really want it locked anyway. Will it be tied to someone else's account because the bootloader was unlocked? What can I flash what can't I flash? Should I return it?
Just want to make sure before I brick a thousand dollar phone.
Clarkie_955i said:
Hi all.
Just got the transparent edition and it arrived with unlocked bootloader. Already done a ota from 10.2.15 to 10.2.17.
What concerns do I have with this? Obviously I cant relock bootloader and don't really want it locked anyway. Will it be tied to someone else's account because the bootloader was unlocked? What can I flash what can't I flash? Should I return it?
Just want to make sure before I brick a thousand dollar phone.
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When unlocked, a phone is usually linked to a Miui account.
- If you're in Europe, we got DRM Widevine L1. Unlocking + Flashing could give you WIdevine L3. Remember : Unless you're in Europe, Widevine IS L3 !!
If you're outside Europe, check the LTE/4G bands. They're usually the same, but like the DRM, you can't really "flash" 4G/LTE from a chinese phone to an african, russian phone for example...
When done, try wiping the phone and getting it locked to your phone number in Miui.
That's what i'm saying. Someone else has unlocked it and I just received it yesterday.. That is one of my concerns if I flash it with mi tool will it need someone else's password or mine even though it was set up with my mi account.
The device is tied to my mi account done that on setup . So that's what I'm asking because i never unlocked the bootloader though and someone else did what will happen if I reflash with mi tool. I think it would want my password but I'm just making sure before I do anything.
Clarkie_955i said:
Hi all.
Just got the transparent edition and it arrived with unlocked bootloader. Already done a ota from 10.2.15 to 10.2.17.
What concerns do I have with this? Obviously I cant relock bootloader and don't really want it locked anyway. Will it be tied to someone else's account because the bootloader was unlocked? What can I flash what can't I flash? Should I return it?
Just want to make sure before I brick a thousand dollar phone.
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Hi, Mi 9 Transparent is available for China market only (China version), you Cannot relock your bootloader if you're on Global rom, otherwise your phone will be bricked.
Sent from my MI 8 using Tapatalk
sator02 said:
Hi, Mi 9 Transparent is available for China market only (China version), you Cannot relock your bootloader if you're on Global rom, otherwise your phone will be bricked.
Sent from my MI 8 using Tapatalk
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Said that in my post. About relocking

